Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 18, 1911, p. 4

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rz a r doobnauah ih japan mora than eighteen hundred news paper and inafraalnne ara prints li 1 iiuhhiay may lhili 1011 boaounk ouihu a whir of wing iar otnverad meed- owa theftlhtn of a li antes nod omwn and low on tha swaying maple a bobolink aeltlaa down a ohlm aa if from belle of ellwer orer tha oloer eoll doth float kra yet lha rjpturie song buist uulpxin ffotu tha faalhrnsd throat a whir ut wlogs a gleam or yellow faint hearted miles and into tha throng or closer haada gently nodding drop aoftly the blld and song as wordsworth saw in dreamy wak oaffodtla noildlng in umh or gold for ma tha hills and meadows will jlubt a la or two if marriage are made in heaven why arc not dlworoeer aaked tha at torney well because lb lake a law yar to get a ill wo roe and there are none up lhi chllj- hy a father what la llr child it must lw pratiy lough on a cantlpadn when hu fret got asleep why are thaae egga eo small f i link day were look from der neat too soon atretty i have bean taking soma moving picture r lite on jour farm ild you ketch the hired man in niollon k i think so h ah science kin do anything tlieae da ys if you dare klaa me again 1 will call pap i i thought you aald your father was in callfornlaf lie la children ory for unchers p t a to tkaoh tui iund tha reverend udles of the lrovld euceooramunlty t montreal having learned that there is a ayalem in vogue in laroy france whereby instruc tions eao be imparted to blind a wall as deaf mutes slater ignatn of loy i ajo a talented member of their teach ing staff bu been sent abroad to ae quire the new ayatem japan kvrtytnwri of more than ten ally more the trading toklo dally culmea circulation or 140 000 ooplee while osaka has tw4 dalllee which claim a circulation ola quarter of a million journalism lo japan la nearly three hundred yaara old bul the publication or newapapers there aa a dlstloot en terprise la rvtoent uotll aftar tba middle pf lha nineteenth century such newa sheele aa were published ware eomewhat of the nature bf bulletins roughly printed on wooden block a and sailed by anyone who saw fit to have lhm the preaa of japan is as free aa that of any other civilised country no re atralnt placed on the discussion of public affairs aa lotjg ae there la t li p eiw nea e- to pultllo order once a long time ago when ber- geantr detecllvea j antra verney of toronto was just mounted constable verney lie was given a horse that always turned in at a wt end hotel so that the rlew emitd gej a drink jim aweara he never taught hlui anyway when the occasion arose fur chief fjraaelt to ride at the head of a parade to the eahlbttlon the una of inarch led peat the hotel and the chief waa riding jim a lutrae the una ap proached the hotnl and the chief waa eltllng on hla mount willi dignity and distinction whea suddenly the aulmal not overly discriminating in hla view of the toelbl difference in taatea bolted into tjie driving shed and atnod patiently walling for hla rider to re fresh blmseir iv is understood that jim and the cblr talked tba matter over arterward ruohoobarh at vunirai phonographic innate supplanted the singers at tha funeral at lexington kentucky of mr dyron moclaltaod widow of a widely known turf man and one of the wealthiest women in tha south when near death mrs mcclelland heard phonographic repro duction of sacred music by a quar tette of noted singers and aba request ed that the machine be ueed at her funeral it is miserable to be dyspeptic dyspepsia la one of the most prevalent troubles or civilised life and thousands coffer untold agony after every meal nearly everything that enters a weak dyepepua stomach acts as an irritant hence be great difficulty of effecting a cure the long train of distressing symptoms which render life a burden to the victim of dyspepsia may be promptly relieved by the um of burdock blood bitters mi john bherrau foruer menu write i waa troubled with dyspepsia for years a friend of mine told mo about burdock blood bitters so i got a bottle to try and before i was half finished 1 eould eat anything without suffering and when i bad used two bottles il was sound and well now i feel just fins indeed i cant say too much in favor of your medietas burdock blood bitters is manufac tured only by the t uilbumoo limit sdvtoron4e onfcr truthfulness is at tha foundation of all personal eaoellenee smile wishing die in thin alrt will must comp itself in action brooke thar is a world of difference t- tweeo willing a deed and simply being willing to do no ooa is too young to stand against that which ho knows to be wrong pascal a good word is an easy obllgstlon but not to apeak hi only requires our alienee which cost ua nothing cur tis york d svtoepluveeand mean- wretc thav kolonly aaa-fauiinrr- borjjuroe and scalds dr thomas boleotrlo oil will uke the are out of a burn or scald mure rapidly titan any other preparation it should be at band in every kitchen so that it may bo available at any time there is no preparation required just apply the oil to the burn or eoald and the pain will abate and in a sliort time cease altogether jhofrrlivsib bmjovhbmt since the commencement of the old ajm pension seheine 1bssi1 recipients have died i lady cant you find work p tramp- 1 yeasum t but everyone wants a reference from my last em player lady and cant you get one p tramp nm mum yer see b been dead s8xsars lmeuno thsl umaattsl a quaint oeretnony by that still ob taining lu saute parts of normandy th benediction des beellaux the oxen ttieataas and tba draught horse ara assembled in front of a church thar may also bs a bullock or two and perhaps soma oowa the proces sion of peasants tiled in their very bast issues from lit church to the sound of a ahant thai i droned by ilia prfast tba venerable cure prinktee a few drops of water on tba haada of tbvbsasts and whru allllhe jjnlmsje hate received tba benwdlotlon the nxt fsfttur of um oeretittitiy la ta puoe at ibft pedestal of theroe facing tha obareb bundles tied in coare linen tbaea bundles contain bread and salt bkb am to b given to bosk beasts not aou to attewttqe oeromohy auni buanaj tltmt vom hava mjdnay if your back is constantly aching and if you experience dull shooting pains if your urine u thick and cloudy or your passage frequent scanty and painful your kidneys and bladder are oat of order neglect quick ly bring oo rheo rnttlim diabetes lum bago sciatica etc booths kidney pills are guaranteed to relieve or your money back they ara the world a greatest speclbo for kidney and bladder trouble all drug gists goc box or postpaid from tha proprietors tha r t booth co limited fort rrle onl bvee trial on application sold and guaranteed lo acton by a t browi booths hidiu i puis flbou knoweel anything good of a man tell it unto other if anything iii tell it privately and prudently to himself burkttu in the treatment of summer eon plalnta the moat effective remedy that can he need ladr j d kungjr dy sentery cordial it is a standard pre paration and many people employ it in prafeieno to other preparation it la a highly oonoentrtd medicine and its sedative and curative qualities are beyond question it bss bean a popular medicine for many year and thousands can attast its superior qual itle in overcoming dysentery and kindred complaint bvery mah that remsllns idle or get his living without work is adding to lha misery of tba world karl blind children ory for fletchers o a3to r i a uealth lathe greatest gilt content ed nees the best riches dbamman- aha away with depreealon and melaa obnly the two evils are tha so- oonipanlmentof adjsordered stitmaob ness to all whom uwy visit the surest and speediest way to combat thein is with parmelees vegetable pills wlileh will restore the healthful action of ilia stomach and brlog relief they have proved their usefulness in thousands of ease and will continue to give roller to the suffering who ara wise enough to use lhui tha man who cannot go to church without sleeping has a remarkable power of keeping lit ryee open at a political meeting a bad cold developed into bronchitis negleouj broiwiulu la very often the dlreo cause of consumption and bo the flrst symptom appearing ijr woods norway pine syrup should be used and the bronchi lis cured the symptoms are tightness across the chest sharp pains ami a difficulty in breathing a secretion of thick phlegm at first white and later or a greenish or yellowish color coming from the broo- chtal lubes when coughing especially tha first thing in the morning ifra dan j ucgortnack clcvclajxl n8 writes mfy little boy- two year om caught a bad cold which developed into bronchitis he was so choked up ha could hardly breathe reading about your wonderful medicine dr wood norway pine s i up i deckled to try a bottle and with such good result i got another which completely cured him without having a doctor i cannot aay too much in it praise 1 would nof b without t jn the bouse aa i consider it a sura euro for cold and bronchitis tha pries of dr woods norway pine syrup a 25o ll is put up in a yeoow wrapper three pine tieerb the trade mark be sore and accept no substitute for dr wood aunufaoturail otjy by the tmohura co lbjufed toronto oou stoma forlnftmta and children the kind you have always bought bears tho signature in use for over thirty years castoria ttkb what pill why n dr miles antipain pill of course good or all kinds of pain uicd to relievo neuralgia headache nervousness rheu pla bciatica kidney pamt lumbago locomotor ataxia ilackache stomachache period ical paint of women and for pain in any part of the body i bve ul ir miu medicines for or layeais and tad them e sec lie u i keep dr mtu anil tain pills ta tha kimuaalltlm im and wtmild not thlak of taklnk a jouinay thout litem ao bsltrr hnw short a dlmance i am b lnc 1 caaoolpralae them cnotwh uisa lou u cmukiuii l ftjillkhsulvaacook n h at alt dnioouts- doaaa as milks mrdical co toronto can warmest kind for cold weather tougher koraehidc will nevci be found because the best is used for storeyii gloves and gauntlets and ye the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process m made pliable insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and bglbsi the best working gloves on the market sold at all stores insist on storey the bapplnesa of our ltt ilrpemlu litllrh lets oil tlifl aflllial vatlio f llln woik do than n the spirit in whirl wedllirln i to have tle child mil sound and healthy is the first caro of l toolbar they cannot he healthy if iroul rl with worms ima motlior j raves worm hi term lit a tor whoevsr slncerwly niideavor to do allthenood he can will probably do mucl iiinra than be imagines or will nvtr know llowiltor castoria lor ineaiits and children lbs kind yon han alwan biejkt bear the buinatiro of halb nut known liinn tilimtolfor his inlsforlunii wn vlrtur was so bad with heart and nerves could not sleep at night uany men anil woman taut nhht after olrht upon a slasftlttaa beil borne con stttutlonsl llsturbanreu worry or diaoue baa so delmliubej and mtated tho heart and nervous aystem that they cannot enjoy the refreshing sleep which come to those whose heart and oarres are right mr john dray um lake onl writes last summer i was so bad with my heart and nerve tfeai 1 oouldn t stoop at night there waa each a pain an i heavy feeling in my chest that i caul 1 not stoop and at at tiroes i would iteoome ill say and have lo grasp aome- lhlngto keep from falling i tried differ e it things but never got anything to do me any good until tried unburn a heart anil nerve ldls and i ean now recommend them lo all troubled a i unburns heart x nerve imu are 60 eanta per box or throe boxes for 11 at dealara or mailed direct by the t 0o u thbl a1ta about wai1 tm- says captain v hamlllo u an rtlnla in mclean a magnslnr 1k of lhi aril ouni4m i an aril hi lur iwo facta to fight will dn p i la eitllro ordinary hiihlurau and ulia whole jffnrgy to nglilliiil its ordinary hta inut stand still i ir waten it can be made to sufti r monik italy i t yl xlalm war is so aa poiislve so sellout that nallous dare wage it no lonffar hup a innmnnt hupmn your nation wins f the in 11 la ry exprnsr of laiinany i the trancoueriiiaii war waa j70 000 000 lit she olitaltifd an litluitinlty a lilllhn dollar kml iwo rich rolorra it has imiii calculated that actually lilada a pro tit of l til h0u000x0 ivrr and alkivo her military aipenaea thus tli itf tha two rfihntrhi sjapd all i r fare n side uertnauymonnlary gxin 10 000 oou territorial b alsaco and lor franco udne la ry i 2mtt0 000 tenltorlal i as alaaca and lor- ralne i omit all refarrncra t t i eri of human tiff and i o lo the iiallunal rkultotl anl tho atgolh of aplrlt aiff rid on ihaolhnr 1 mny ndd thai jrniany at drat demanded nn ludnmnlty of tu500 000 000 luatuad or 1 001 ww 000 and thai had illstoark fully roallud the wrallb of 1- ranee and liar power f rociitermllou il i probable lhat i would hav 1utiil on hl original d mand ills purpose was lo crua france to olliurato bir hut thnro la mort uodcra jer- many dati a lit r material proajierlty from that war and from lha political changes wlilah it caused a hlmpla and cheap medicine a simple choap and rffuctlvn inrdlrlna la somsthlng to lie darod there la no mod ic i no so orfarllvo a r gulator of the dlgaallve aywtein as lvrinalfie a vtnutahle pills ihoy are simple thry are choap they can 1m got any where and tbalr imnodclal action will prove their recommendation thny are the tnedlcina for tho poor man and thosa who wish to uscapa doctiti a bills will do wtll in hwlug them a irui operation chance wascuredbylydiaelpink- harasvegetablecompound uulaay ont 1 ll u it is no more than right for mu lo lhniik mrs link ham for what her kind ail vice and iydla k llnkliara a vewsuhlo com pouikihandomi f ir mo when i wr u to lie r so run tlmu ago i was a ory sick woman aoi feringfrom femali trouhlea i had inflftjnmntlftn f the female organs and ooa id not stand or walk any dlalanro at last was confined lo my bed and the doctor aajil 1 would havn to go through an operation but this i rnf uaod to do a friend advlaml i ydin k- linkliam a vegetablo compound and now aftaruslngthreobolllcsof it 1 feel ukeaiiawn oman imosthiurtlly mcommaiul tliln medlclno to all omou who suffer with female troubles i liavo also taken j ytlla k iliikliama i ivor 1411b and think they are line mm ujlnk fmhtky i indsay ontario we cannot understand why women will tako cliaiict a with an operation or draff out a sickly half heartad oxlut- onre missing threefoiirtha of tlin joy of living wllliout drat trying lydla k llnkliatn a vegetable ompomid for thirty years it has bneu tho standard remedy for female hla ami has cumd tliousanda of women who have boon troubled with sunh ailments aduplanammitn innalnmaunii ulcer atlon fibroid tumors irrrgiilarltlefl pnriodln paliin liockarhe liullgestion and nervoiift prostration tlir grand trunk bailwa tt i i not lu siob a matter as life build an opinion on custom or what you guns to i mi true 1 h king llullotvny m corn curo laves um corn oul by the roolu liy it and prove it ileal hapnluoaa s cheap eiiough yul how dttarly wi pay tor it with counter full hllon hu uilbum limited toronto i foundaiubn prtnelpleat flrat t whan wu undurtake to your preacrlpllona weglva thorn our umlivldod attention and mat earn tlio pallniit a wtdfarolu our flrut con uldoratlon heoond t w riuuaiilne our drugs to imof full strength a well au pure and fresh third s our customers aro aupdlnd wllb just what thoyaak for sulwlllut ing in never allowed painbb gktknltcoupound if you are a aufferrr from kl iney disease liver complaint blood tronhla rheumatbun nouralgla or proctrallon wo confidently mend uie use of 1ajno a oelory oom pound thla reliable and uovor dis appointing modlclno la a true dlseaae hanbihcr and ayslom bulldor we supply the gonulna falnos olery compound a t llrown acton ont lsefulursa nod service is the rent which we must pay for our room ir tho worl 1 canon wright annotation is the wisdom of fi li and folly tor many a comparatively wise man moous ohildreii ory for fletchers o astor i a the porenn who corrupt tbo pure faith or goodness of another may c ndt aucbmn injury as the wholn world could not compensate tucker constipation cured bv the use of milburn8 laxaliven pills v constipallon is one of lite most fra- nuent and at the aamo lime one of the moat senous of the minor allmcnta to whioh mankind is subject and should nver be allowed to continue a free motion of tba bowels dally should be the rule with uvry one who ssplres to perieat health urs ltad lis ii 300ulberma i toad uontreal tu wntea having leen troubled for year with coastlpatloa and trying everything i knew of a friend advised me to use mllhura a laxa liver imls i used four ami a half vials and i am eomplelely cured i can gladly recommend them lo all who suffer from eonsti nation ullbura s lasuver pills are 25 cants per vial oro viau for 91 00 at all dealer or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t ullbura cow limited toronto grasp opportunity and put it in your pocket is the favorite motto of slrthotnaadewar who early in life long berora he baeame connected with the commodity which bear ida name started in business at borne a a ralalllar a penny for each tall pro duced aa evidence of hla skill wmm i he rata of payment allowed and blr thouoe has since confreaed that jin earned a good deal of pocketmpney at oatl king however but also ae a k and enlnuslasllo sportsman baa sir thomas won admiration owe ho came near winning he derby with furfarshlre in the year the race waa won by djlatnond jubilee on the ceairav blr thomaa heard air anxious ruman who bad half a sovereign tremulously inquire of bis neigh bor wheres forfarshire 1 and the withering reply waa a county lu tlie north of hootland h hm an bt lind boat cm tells ue of a young man who apologised for being lata to a dlaner- party were eo glad you got here she said in liltn dut where is your brother y lie baif comndaaluuihl um to umdr hla regret you see we are busy at the office just now that it is liu possible for both of us to get away at once so w tossed up to see which should hava tha pleasure of ooodng bar tonight allow original i and so you won r no he replied absently ost bhi saw hattuiw watthew armdd was sitting in m study one inoriilng when liu liullur showed in an amerloan lady aud a amall boy the lady aald glad to make your acquaint a tier uraxnolu i have often beard of youj no dont loulde to speak ilrl i know how vhlualda your tlinv w i then turning to lb boy the aald this u hint jenny the leading ciltle and port somewhat fleshier th hi we had betn led to expect i how diothby os5t int mr newly wed iho mollis iimvo eaten every slikgle thliialo lliu clusej ida v mr newly wed i don t aa hovv they could get hi i e kept the dnor litcked all iheaumnier thi spmllinobhh aidavws had a ptllnthee m lb church parlor last night and i wu in tb contest sllaa uaos did ye come outf iuosy got stung us how you you may win a prize by doing so suppose lour frlnnd tlh fvllion on the ni concession pulled ii at your front nate un the way hack from market and aakud iibuut that silo or t urn foundation you built you would he bind to tall him wouldnt yout add it wuuldn t take you long either would it and tut h mailer of fnct you d find us much pleasure ieltlns him as ha would la tlitonlns lu t that rlctitt rlrst jou woilld take him orr tvjvlow tho silo or tarn founda tion then you would start to describe it ll dlmnnstons the kind of bkktobsto used the roporllons of cement used numlsr or men employed number or hour worklni tlmo required- method of mlxina kbid of forms used mstho t of relnforclna if mi and nnalty what tha job cost oo that by the time you nn tshsd nolrhttov wilson would have a pre ttyvaccu rain idni of how to go nhm t tiullding tho particular p loco or wovk which you described now coutdn t you do tho imn dor us with this illffnronca that you stand a sood chance of getting wu paid for your tlmo in prise d of our contektopen to the farwera nr canada wa offer 100 09 to the farmer id each province who wttl furnish us with tho boat tid most complete description of how any particular piece of concrete work shown by photograph sent in was dons the sis of the work described makes no difference tho only im portent thing to remsmber is that the work roiust be dona la ltll and canada cement used in writing your description don t be too particular at out gram mar or spelling or punctuation ieve that to literary folk tell it to ua as you would tell it to your nojahbor what wo want ar the facts plainly and clearly told bounds simple doesnt ut and it i simp and surely it is wall worth your whje whan you think of the reward in view kow alt right down take your pen or pencil fill out the at tached coupon or a pent enrd if um hsndlsrand write tor tho circular which fully deiicrtlios tho conditions of this tho first con test or tho kind over libld in caiiufls bvery dealer who bundle canada cement will also he given a supply of then tlroulnra on 1 you can set one from the dealer in vour lown ir that ami more convenient than writing for it contest will close on november 16th 1911 all photos and de scription must ta saut in ly that date to be eligible for one or these tr1fi auavds xtlll be made as soon as poutbla thereafter tha decisions will 1 mndo by a disinterested committee the fol- lowlnraentlepien having n msented to eot for us aa tha jury or award pror peter tilllesple lecturer in theory of construction university o toronto pr if w 11 day profesjor or physics c quelph ahd ivan s maodonsld kdltoi of construction having decided to compete for one of tha pet ins your first step should b it ci all tho information you can on tha subject of concrete construction on the farm fortunately most or the pointers that anyone can possibly need are contained in our wonderfully complete book entitled what tha farmer can po with concrete a largo number t canadian m farmer have alraady aeni for and obuhied copies of a 3 this freo book havo you got your copy yelt if not you d better vend for one today whether you art a eontestant for one of oflr jarbws or not you really ought lo have this book in your library i f partlcaura for it conulns vaat amount of information f ud book that are inraluable to tha wlbmt- canada cement company umited montreal pasabnuun tnaina tl full wi u u ll iii l l ml h o k as pas to t ll pai ttctom li yer jl bus liki tm5 uairpsi respacllnuy solicits lha pan iniro ol lbs pub lic snd inf rmi llxm thai wu a corn rial le 1 ua meals all trains between oo a m and 610 p m careful alieniloo lven to every order tha wants tf com monljltravehera ully met john 3llili7t7urs pnorniston lbs berlin steam 6ranttt ui martda works cabpkr obaun delnliers anil hull lais ol btataaa uan- uum monument markers and head sicnat and all kinds of artistic cemetery work wm hemstreet ac i nt acton paper makers tlnohoxtow s out uook nlwh and ooiki 1aibith jnolmlaitueu evertom eden mills the best quality of manitoba iamily and pastry flour ior salcit lowest prices our own make choppingoonoand oats rolled daily i ecd ior bale cash for wheat and oats henry hortop vvcodekgravinc photoengsfavin or mw 1 1 rmil i wsmseipiwlilllmwl punrsfttaukutahwwzasn org j l jones en oc- patents patents liwililjjutsahmiti ers hatp and fiw band m a reagti saami venllon orlmprovsmeai aatl frmomr dnionaitowbats jvair llmltitmtlon uesiss jmawon4 1 s k

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