Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 25, 1911, p. 1

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fflfae jvjtfjcm srtt ft volvmb xxxvi no 47 wn sahacriplloa raid a adiaao acton ontakio tuobbday moknino may 28 1011 babacfipttoa hm i rr a sum hinule oopieh til risk oicnts tebe tjon 3fra firm freauattaa avicrt thuiwoat horn no aqtom oht taabbl sh pwb er rasu- atrleuj i uvwmtt all ub- eniu4jm luaooaunuad wbaa tat ties lor wbica tnse- have baaa paid hm z- atr4l tb data u which avar nib- mritrtlm u paid u daaufa on un a- tranalsat adrar- i par nonparsli line at per una lev admttumia wltneet amolno wjllw wlu b ieere4 oil rormd ug w- hsu ul fee dam la dwac 4iummmu wlu be cad mm b mlk u i ktor okugm kbo tuom4 ut o0ob- r be paid ror et nalf wnsutcu jf fcrtttnrp 1 k holmes u d lood xw m p s o eaw fcw 8efto i joe hoeariial ohlet mimi j w um vwotta aambbmta hst mbm mil art i etunilmitui yeaw iwiiit bum men haas aotoh tou w hacdovau m tt 3 w d jl j atehabb kfaatb ntwm own oeaaly aa 01t dr h a hardik r i s pbhtist i fnllatrr i ell m bmb tnaeooy charaaa moderate la arwan bleak mh oaedans wer- ik l b bbhnktt dbmt1bt trl amd hardy ft co j aptiitmm cotactom awd nkw coutifovdiim y fleet street loadon hc england- if f 018 hoham wkncbunwk tu amlfhoalui over wlluease man mr l uiluoam g pww liamwo aikjuombk avjxmssssi lie iir i a black llcsmued aocttomsb i ike on use of halloa m wel abhbtbbbt un ci w m hj- uauiuttlvtti a mm mi ihthnll h iismoiui itaull jwbs if vwrtlm uodohald t ltckmsid aucnohbsa wataclm wm repairing- now is i he tune to have jour watch clean ed and oiled think i how long ih it since your watch was qiimi thin ihnik how lonp would a sew ing machine or other niece of machinery last if h were oiled but once aycar your watch is safe in our hands savage co ofbual wteb iajtmloi t ommd tmuk uulwmy quclph oat your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts 1 he best at lowest prices harris co limited in ne prem harold wiles llu removed to hu naw pratnlse hm sioiral more la tbeso imrvpr and mora cfinvflkmtjmmbaaba will ba bmlor bki lo bnpply bu cnslomera vilib greater sails action choice confkotionbrv briad oak os and pa8thv nbtlaon8 pine chocolatba hrou wucb uill sfre haters bros quelpb headquarters fob oac sckool supplies cok nature study botanical etomolooical drawino paintino 41 wyndham street pkonsso w- gfcjmson valntor tvpmt hangar ptotnra fnunar kto- begs to inform the ladies ol acton and surrounding vicin- ity that he has been appointed agent for three of the largest wall paper houses in can ada 1500 samples to choose from prices right also that he is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissors gronnd furni ture repaired shop mill street acton mamm h imn ttldnd bailable ginltaiid marble dealers iiiixq sons some seasonable suggestions kefrlfrtori lcecrm li btp idjdsn kubbw hum uopa and iituuhm 1aiu mod tab iulch diuluu ijijolcl vmw chi mtund wnodmlila lcurl ut4u eeim 4mlwkm ml j uuw the bond hardware co 2 u52 accidents wffl happen bycuaawi wul bmmk loiimmlly hv emr own lita tlodlit plud utd cn duplicsto your brokwa iraa in low wltbottl b praacrtptloo lif yoa brln mom ol lb putum lo u urib yow brokra kuama or spec- a d savage phone 27 guelph alberta your last chance buy now j c leslie 1 caloaitv alwata education for profit tba aoocmifal rxpniooa ol hondred of bcifht yowht na mad woma ho km mm mcoralr bofdlof lovubto patiuom la tha itmt wotld o bojions nd finance becu in ihorongb coara of iralnlnc u iba uoslpess olleite olle immmmlti bhtmk ttnnar ll would ddbhl and ulonlb yon lo uara i ho mtwj of i ho rtw and ptomra id utro nnmbw td i be grmdattoa ol ihia uanona inalltailon llora and now tbsa ataada wide ppen lor yon oho havo yoh boaltb uaoemiimnl and ambition tba ammo door ol honorable k dool pmcraallnmta adit oopoctonlty doll now comodlract to tba coium olttco 1 j7 upper wyndham sirom or addraaa malcolm maccormaok b a prlnolpal istorirajl flour prices reduced on all grades lay in your stock for the summer large stocks of flour ueed and seeds in store here r noble proprietor n p moore manager springjfoptweatf wa have juat received uryo blpmaot of sprtu ind sonmar footwnar trom im vwy ulaat antarkan liati pootamar ikal will qaaly delight mm womro and cbltdiwa drop ittmy lima and loanaol tbu ccmbplato atock of blgctoaa spriac footwoar trtt wtlliams trcct acton the bxcblsior bakery rrst quality bread cakes weddloj cakes etc meat of wheat picanniny pancake flour maple syrup and honey holbrooks favorite punch sauce heinas pickles 57 var ieties oymters and fish best ijnea of confection- cry x siathamson main st acton quartkb to h111k ii ang down lb graay una lb mli day flrat i inl mmtt illuo imrolde iib u humiulna in a vary tlly wn b- i aald your armnd rlib 1 lonm olng n tli iiuo lr- sui lblly itundd im whrjller itonay atorad i and ha bginltlolfuuiblsbutnblad 1 hi way thon a llltlo idrd i aw upon i kiginv oani uki jiuivv rdft it una ai ki- ho ao addod to lb brlghtasu of tba day that i aald vour bunlttaa prltb ln tout oolojf to iba applraa bald lb htlla bird to me thit lo fd my nwuloa tbro and he twiltartwllurtwtllered on illpplink oar bu pvbbly wl in marry next mm a utile brooklet glad and f re i and bo othupered in a vary funny way bo i eatd your aecret pritbar ulllo ob 1 n bolox to the ea sld tba btrvaunut tld and fra iusk in rain i aooo will br and be gorawojalaairsud on bla way lbad wbw and bla frown beclouded all ibeaunny dy hut ianid your trouble prither ull lo a oh im kol t aenool aald b tbara to laarn toy a ii o luthmella and joafiraphy l and ba bfrbooboohoobobo4id on la way kluabeth icaar 1 ifime a lltlu fakhar on uty way in i met a wacplog laddie bad to situtx yrall5 kwolnfl john oanrtlntiton ufi tba prealdatitt ottlfta with bla aen tertc bubpnalon fmm oollrge for a period of three montha tha penalty aoewttkl to blm a very heavy one for what be named a trivial ee- padc a mere nlht of lulacblef lie had ventured to any aatnuob to the gt itf dlcolfled itoucman who faotd him ilka an accusing oonaclence froai bla aaat behind tba doak uit the aaawrr had not been reaae tiring oarriicto aald tha prwaldaot and hla keen ayea aeeuad to read the lada eoul liav you aver atudlad the dlahnnnrablaoeu of vountahly bt coining a aaamber of an organisation with whoao rulea and rfilatlona you ara aeciitalatad and ban deliberately ittlnn yooiaelf lo itraak or aubvert them t 1 1 la a form of mladolna which 1 eltlaan or wijlr pto by tba ogly ne of trraaon that it haa beeo ooutoilltad in the amaller world of ihe collara doe not change the character of the offeoaa college rulea like the lawa of nation are made for the rtoateat good of the grvataat number they tamf bot be perfeol but auob aa ihey are every atudrnt actually pledgee hlmaclf by bla entrance to re aped and obey them falling to do ao he la guilty of treachery and mean naaa johna faoe lluahed tboe are hard worda dr llraod aald he hard but aa the iruth la hard waa the quick anawer yet i do not mind telling you oarrlngum that thla late ailadetueanor of your trallter tha itooaaloa than the oanaa of your eu pension a alngle infraotlon ol thamlaar- however hneacuaablrr might have found justice tempered with mnroy out it la your general altitude toward duty which haa really decided the action of the faouliy from a lad of your natural glfla aifd auperlor advantage lulad i am not paying you cunipltmental more wi to be expected than indifference to standards of ubolarthlp and the evl dent dlapoaltlon to shirk your proper laaka ftr the purault ol unheallhy alternant and doubtful pleasure but i havent flunked dr urand uwitad oarrlngton by a skilful ayalem of ortnulng for teat nod examination you have managed to secure passing marks whom you etijl your aet afltal to despise ja more to he keapecled even in a failure to meet u rrqotrenienta thn you would imc if you were able to grtap honor without having deear the m ilieo lr titer u nothing more to be aald r nothing i have written your falhar ftly dear old frlendeo proud of hla eon t i am tnore eorry fof him than for you john turned almost rudely fur iuim inherited courtesy failed hlni i will bid you good nponlng alr le aal ov ba aoirilar ignoring the oldf r maaa ouutretttbed hand the door ploaed hahlnfl him pr irmnd alghfd haavlly hayo ony ant qi away angry be uty to hlquwtf tbut my hop u in abarp medicine tl bow lovable be t aven in hla wrongbeadadnvet i ilttle he kuowa what it ottt nw to treat blu ao sternly 1 meanwhile john waa crossing thu catoputt willi long atrldta a hnndeuiiift allow of elghlaen of athletic build a flu itralght oat- rlage ho looked indeed n ana of wboit any father might be proud at ihodooi oft the dormitory he was met by a group of walling friends how la it jafk f you look like a thundercloud 1 and well i may suapauded for thrr tuotilh and auob awlgglug in tb bargain mm i would never here taken fiiq yaunger man lbn tbo oovkrhmknt oprtokfas daattaovina loo gallons bkr mbji aetoa afur thai twul oa btay otta wbw u p hist boss sad barunda or docaldlon hotel area ruaed vubo smd oete doctor not if he were forty times a president 1 three month i wbevr ew luther rapid pace for a tf reable i malhqjle- uvn recalcltration accusation ravala- lloo ruaucallon and all in the orat year 1 jack voua going some i the tone held the fain teat poaalble suggestion of a sneer and john turned gril ym im going and if eotne other people hadnt cheated ihemanlvee out ef trouble i wnuldnt be going alone i he wenl paat them up the stair twoatepaat a tint enlrred his uvjrn quarter turned lb key in ihe lock and with a aorl f tlerc haate began to dismantle the attractive roota pennante badges ptkitographa ware plucked from the walls cloet and cheat of draw set wide open and with none of hi accustomed careful- nee he began to pack hla various be longing ther wn a knock at i hn door which he answered with an impatient movement a mnlformed messenger handed him a telegram do nut come home it read jo atonos to carrjngton am writing father john sank into a chair tpeechtaaa with aatnsmaft not go home- go at onoa to jarrlngton i did it mean lhafbe waa to be tfxlled from home aa well aa from college 7 was ever punishment ao out pf proportion titoffanae hi feeling of blltertica grew aah rellecled that two days at least must paaa before he could receive the promised letter of explanation the quiet old vtllb butotig tba new kngund hills to which he wu directed to go liore the name of hla tamlly the kiiclenl honifttead which had been inhabited by aucceaslve gen raflnne of carrtngton was still fallb fully cared jor hy a loyal old couple wlw acted rweetwely as gardener and housekeeper oflen in aitmmer orary autumn john bad heew ac customed lo entertain them some merry houseparty who fresh voice and gay uughlnr awoke ugaln the slumbering echoes of the gray walla such an oxperlrnce was altogether do- llghttul but to be sent hy hlmaeu in the depth of winter like a prisoner to solitary couduemenl what an intolor- able prospect i yet under the dls graceful circumstance he dared nut send a message of ramnnatrance there waa nothing to do- but obey tha air was aclntllunt with froat when two daya lator john stepped from the railway coach upon the plat form of ibe little oarrlngton station an ow fashioned sleigh attached to a soberlooking white horse waa waiting a longaide a n3 near ll stood the fam iliar figure of the old gardener wrap ped tit his ear iu ti greitl coat of antique material and out how dye do uncle jonas f said john aa he returned the hearly graap of a baud encaacd in a blu audwblte fringed yarn inllti n hard a nails mttr john 1 waa the gnawer with a lillle cackle of laughter the old man good for a doaan year yet and aunt mart ha v marthya fair to mlddun troubled a bit wlrti rbeuinatla but she aint one to give up no irwreo me and between us wo get oq floe alarlhy couldnt skercely walt to aee ye master john if it hadnt v been ao mighty cold shed v druv down with with me the lada eore heart felt somehow comforted 8omtodyi glad to see me lie thought tlten aloud be aaked any mall for nir uncle jonas f yes lad a letter from your father come ibe same day aa hlun to loe tellln that you was comlnv where your checks master john f nevermind the trunk to night i have all i need in my hag im in a hurry to le off jeat like ye master john i you always bftqavln well 1 mind bow when you was a utile shaver your ma used to hire ye with a dime to lt still a quarter of an hour jeat for piao- tloa sba used to say the old nao laughed indulgently soon they were slowly winding up fbe long driveway between rows of skeleton lm ui the rnd of which the old biluk ouioiiui mansion shone in ruddy contrast to the heavy drift of new fallen snow the cheery reflec tion of tha level sunset light llluuioat- d tba ainallpajicd windows wreaths of blue smoke curling up ward from the great chimneys be tokened the warmth eild weloome within suddenly the door opened and a sweet faced old lady feteered out wllli an xclamation of dallgbu john prang from tha alelgb and stooped to kla he wrinkled obock come right in out o the cold u aster johnny boy i i dunno when jonas and ive been ao pleased aa when we heard you was com in ijoi me git a good look el ye said she inspecting him over her gold rimmed sptrctacle youre jest a might thlo seems to me too much study i reckon thai tvaa the way with your father before y i nnvnr did hold wjlh workliv too late o night johns face flushed im afraid i havent hltrl myself studying aunl martha i aint so sure about thai mhslnr johnny tim jarriiigtona worn a ways antbilloos mebte you litl a proper judge anyhow well fwid ye up good yea said uncle jonaf if there anythln thatll put the extra flesh on your bono my boy it 11 be your aunt marthy cookln her hand alnl instil cnnnln aa the good book say i can smell the pudding now 1 said the boy it iny favorite thu play plummy one ian t it aunt uarthar hlght y are my dur i i ntade it o purpose but heres your letter aald she taking from the mantel an envelope on which he recognised hla father familiar band writing may i igo upstairs aunt martha i its my old room 1 suppose yes and a good are in 1l head your letter and by that time supperll be on the lad climbed lbs stair and open ed the door of the long low celled chamber the blaae on the hearth flickered warmly over tha walla where quaint figure of shepherds and shep herdesses disported thaaneelve with ihtir hocks on fields or impossible green and brought out vividly the red vein tig of the polished old mahogany fufulrfcire a hlueand white apread knitted hy patient angers long since still covered the fourposted bed and hraldod rugs wore spread upon the apolleea wood floor the striking por trait of m man in the prime of life dressed in a style of an earlier period looked rmin ll tarnished frame with a strange following game oddly almu- latlng life john had a strange feeling of having been trmnaferredto another nxlatence already his college life beamed yeara behind him with ner vous finger he unfolded hi rather e letter it was brier hi mother was not strong and the doctor had ordered her to winter abroad they would be sailing that day week ills father had pol thought it beat for her to he distressed by dr brand teller or to know that john wa not yet at school hence he waa desired to spend b three montha at gf rlitgnn where h would have ample opportunity for study and rellectlon the latter end ed t i am saying nothing of my own borrow and disappointment you know uia well enough to understand both you understand too my love my hopeefor you faults thank god may b repented of misstep re traced it lie with your own will to redeem yourself froiri this disgrace uncle jonas aald john that pven ing aa the two aat before tbo flro while tha old wire went to and fro in the kitchen you have been a great while at catrlngton have you not v i was bom on the place seventy ave yrr ago master john my father kept the stable for the old hqulre your great grandfather that waa do you rom ruber blm v dont 1 1 a one agger of a man he was aa you may aee front die picture that hangs in yourohaiuber straight and ull as a young pine tree i ive said a many time to marthy that yntl favor him lad a gentleman born he waa apeakln a poor stable boy as mr aa a king 1 in the days when every secondman waa fond of hla cups your great grandfather was an ah- stainar ill word was a good- aa bis bond and his band was open to the poor hq bated nobody nor nothln but tut aunts and ilea and be brought mp hla eon lo be like blm vmygrandralhavt yea master john he and i were lada together many a the time wi roamed these old fields and woods weve nutted and fished nod skated and coasted and rode together i mind as i was yesterday how i crawl- adaway aud cried great lout that i waal ihe day be went away to action and i mind too the old squint say in lo bltu john says he tho oldest son wa always named john ycineniber that every oarrlngton doe hla duty 1 four year afterwards he brought back honors and phsoa and medals but he brought too something elso worth more something that hed kept all that time hla boy heart slrong and sweet aad cloao a nd my rather t the lad volo was very low i reckon you ran imagine aome- lbln of what sort your father was aa a itoy master john high tempered by natnr but break in himself a youve keen a irslmr break a colt ive seen him when hla eye d flash ilka sheet lightning bul not a word mid he say till he could speak it low il tahn llu waa toll aa he could stick of fui and hplrit and harmless lwbltr hut though so fond of his llliig ho never wanted lo lake a low sort o pleaaurv imayln fair in play 1 1 mo and work in faithful in workllme afraid of noltndy eye because he had nothln to hide ibat waa your father mler john and not one of them ever disgrac ed the name undo jonas v disgraced what do you mean lad p a oarrlngton k it wa lert for me held the boy leaking fast and itltlarly for me the sou of ihe son of th sou of my great grandfather to do it i it wa left for me to alilrk my duty to fall to or thy companionship and forbid den sru in diligences and then when i could no longer hide my double dealing to forfeit tho reaped or ray teachers abd wring my fatbera heart l wlial du you mean lodr cried the old man aghast john rl on his knee upon the floor and laying hla head upon lite knee of ihe old serving man sobbed out hi miserable confession when he bad finished there waa a little atlllneu in the room whlh tbo old mans wrink led hand trembled on the dark curls atlength be spoke laddie laddie it a brave thing to climb without ull in but it may bk a braver to get up iiil go on again in plte n the hruw and achln the foot thats found out when the stum- blin alone lie uut goht lo strike eui the next limn over the ground hark to me lad 1 1 ui lookln lo see you write ihe oarrlngton name jeala leelle higher up tbau ever twai writ afore i the hoy sprang to hi feet and hla volo rang llko a trumpet god helping ipe 1 ii iry 1 to ah jlfpim blosbjom hweet medeat fragrant faded gain whose unled p lain inrnnae breathe in iilendshlp apumand holy wreath the rarest in llu i duilu i it twine thee now flower more sweet than ittr rf it vllry knew or italhad in luli ll mountains feet that towra oer oman urtod nf blue precious tho art for iter whntvn band hath picked lh nun thy arnt tree and sent ihe odnrwlnged in me though thou art fading now end t f u ab torn thy dual for her ivns hairy quean bball real in h riamuhlpa aacrwl urn urea brightest hr llko flowaim must fadn fortpne la flnklo and utijuhl in sunshine now to morrow shade and aooa alas all all la dtt ircy a oabati in t anadian maga alne noise because half a dun n emit bappers nndor n tyni ninlo iih field ting with their importunate chink wbtlo thouxalmu of real cattle repoaed in malb llttt tiliad ow or ho llrllltli out ch w tbo cod and an alltol iruy tu not imaging that tboi wlm male the aouo arv tho onlj inhab itant of lm im1 ttnt or course thj nr many lu num ber or lha nflrr all llu urw other titan ll lutle ktruld meagvr bitut ilouili loud and troablewoim inherlu of the hour bduiuihl uurln uri vor a l1v1no a it not lima wu took thought a little on ibis bualneea of work t i am noalllng against tha loll for the dally bread i am ready lo agree with all the fine thing that havf been and can be said nf it but i do denounce a ltd algmatleaa contemptible and unmanly that attltudii toward the work we are compelled to do which accept it as the b- all and end all of human inspiration this is not work it la drudgery and ati boch it la de grading abd enslaving as it i prac tised and understimxl to day in the thousand or centre or modern civil isation this dritdgory ij tba twbqnty ym3ars aoo tbn dry weather continue italn la badly needed 0eratlnn ban been commeooed for the removal or the drill shsd to the park k dynes ha the contract acton uever looked prettier than it does to day the trees on the street and t hn tidy appearance of tblngargen erallj lend an attractive appearance ihe heavy rntat on saturday night did considerable damage to early vege table and small fruit the houan of common debate un friday evening in tho it t of t meeting was completed tho bill in troduced by the member for bannock- burn for iotal prohibition was passed after third reading a match carelessly dropped during a hunt for egg in mr d kennedys stable on friday evening had the place soon in a blase the fire alarm rang and the bucket brigade soon quenched thu hamcm officer of the ban nock burn patron of industry the new fanners society are pre w f undaay vice- inw aldx kennedy j seoy john m warren i troaa j a- moffatt tinbleu mcdonald i sentloelp kennelyt minerva mlsa b 0 war ren i doinetur mis m a ifej gordon strong societies have also been organ ised at lrfirne dublin and leslie schools llev w 11 norton pastor of the baptist church ul georgetown and acton was nttlalned at georgetown on thursday last hev o o 8 wal lace ot toronto preached the charge to ihe pastor wa given by prof trotter and to the oongfega- llon hy uav j l gllmour b a or orangevllle mr d s mcdonald nf mapotowan- ing manltoulln waa the guest of his brother mr ii h mcdonald this week mr mcdonalds eldest son murray returned with him lo bpeml the summer t ltev byron ifng of innerklp visit- pd friends here ibis week thi oautioub tonoul hinging teacher now children give us llttld drops or water and put some spirit in it principal whlspehng oareful sir this i a temperance school hay put some ginger in it i humility is the softening shadow before the statue of excel lent tup- por one m moat pernlcloun inllururea abat can bih lot mankind there ijaoltng sacrvd in it nothing beautiful uqffilng worthy go through a modern de partment store and lell mo it the work done there hy the bu n young men and young women is either beaut iful or sacred kxamlne the factories tbe coal ralnee the railroad the office of merchants and newspaper am shopkeeper ami bhow me there the sanctity and tho beauty of labor oh yea all thfae creature are earn ing ttlbtr living home of them have ptrhapa round hu work fitted for them and havo made htventlona ind tmproventant in the unlerpriace with which they arn naaociatisl home have been progre in position and have tbemaelve become cutployim wbat of it sllp have thuy dono anything more than make a living t and if they have saved money if even they have become millionaires have they dope anything tuoro than work do limy do anything morn than work t do they do anything more than go on working if they do then for what for doing luoru work and more work t vor making more taoney and more money aotilhts la living i whonos op tub poor departure from the old way in tilings educational come in for bard rap first and loot but not often are they assailed a in thla letter which a glowering boy banded lo bis teacher the other day madltu you kepe tellug my son to jweelh wltbhbl dlorftulu ljhjpihmcl rich bovc and girls all luts dtarframa but how about when their father only makea a dollera a day and there 4 younger 1 11 you iu euougb to make everybody social lata first its one thing and then itaanoihfi aud now ita dler frame lis to much womans home oomutnlon too aft ror tub p arson a miniated a man of great vigor and vehemence while preaching one sunday bent forward and shouted out with great force the word ofhfa text tha righteous ahall stand but tbe wicked shall rail 1 just a the words uscoped from bis ii pa the pulpit hroko from ita faateo- ihgs and ho rdlel out and over on the floor before his congregation incklog himself up ha aald brethren i am not hurt and i joitl mind tbe fall but i do bste tha connection there never wau nod never will be a universal panacea luooo remedy for all ills to whlcu ileal i is heir what would relieve 111 in turn would aggravate the other we have how ever inqnlnlnu wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated stala a remedy for many and grievous tils by its gradual and judicious uaa the frailest systems w led into convales cence and strength by tba influence which quinine exert on nature own reatoratlvea it relieve tlioeo to whom a chronic stale of tnochld deepondenoy aud lack of interest in life uj dlseaae and by tranquulaing the nerve dlspoao to sdund and retreablng sleep imparts vigor to the action of tho blood which being stimulated oouraoa through the vedns arenglbanlng tbe healthy animal function of tbo ayslem hereby making activity a ntxeasary reault strengthening tho frame and giving life to the digestive orgarui which naturally detaand tncreaaed aubbtaitoe ifwult improved appttlte north tp lyman r toronto- havw b to tbe publlo tbelr superior quinine by the opinion of scientist tb wtna approach neareat pertaatlon 0eat ontbeiuarkou alldn- 3 v druglfl v 0

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