Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1911, p. 2

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w ii rilda luw job uu wlla r c banoll she rtoit3frcfi ffrtss t11uiuiay junic htb 1011 bqitohial horn a iioaui of inatiu roliirn jit- ufued hum rrait ircrvaoo in rml grallon frum uui itrltlali laiecoklbl if to tho tlruinlnna tim niirnbot of emigrant in april wa 1130 on dthh ir fr 4000 coruuirwi witli k ycr go ojlhooo aiikkl wtnl lo tho dominion jo001 lo oonolo himn 15000 wnl tho unuwl htoteo vwducuon r miiiiobl 1 000 romlmirfd wllrm yoovk of llio nmlkriiu lo oonauu i7go0 wr knjtl 7h00 heouuli im1 100 irili a hi li- now landing lforw llm 11 lira of wloconoln iropoom lo lit- crauuo tba dry inn altoul lloololo unlvorolty from rvhiua of ono limit rnlla to m raulluo of ln tnllr title bill lo wholly in rducauonal nieanurtt inlande lo malt oxutlng loglalallon ohini eclw and provldo healthy nvimnmtnt fof young moplo n tho univarslty tim na ttiuoond liiuciu now in attendance ant away from horn influence during llit forntative pcrfod pf thalr uvea thu bill oeoka to remove the oaloono which are a eonatant oourcr of danger jtatkht rvporte regarding the nun- dltton of the wwuini crote continue umi anennreging the rainfall ep- peara to have leen aatlefactory in jroool ell parte of the country and llm tfrowth haa keen particularly rapid m well aa of good quality in the weal early dryaeee of tbe voil gave reason for oomo fear but may rain dispelled all eucib feare the cool weather ex perienced in eonae parts of the weal gave the plant an opportunity to take atrong root the benefit of which will be in evidence should the later summer prove at ell dry a feature of the western crops is the largo increase in the amount of flax that haa tmen tifkhh am rumors of various kinds regarding the possibility of an early lection the regular parliamentary term would not end until a year from next november hut the reciprocity proposal has threatened somewhat to change the natural order of things home want an early election while others prefer to wait until after an other session in hal ion things are qulal- it was stated soma lime sgtt that mr henderson intended to retire but it u now known that he intends to again be a candidate he has not yet spoken on the reciprocity t ues t ion the subject is a rather delicate one as it relates to ualton and perhaps the leas said the better in the meantime the libe have not yet announced their candidate georgetown herald m to 27 for church union altar a lanjruiy uabate aft hamilton coniaranoe on monday and tumday tiik mihisykna bttationkd llm annual booaloii of iloinllto jonfsrroce held at ll during the wook completed its business and sd jolirimd on tursday evening the tnstter of keenest tilerral ilur- lrivtliasmion was the delude on lha proposed itoala of olmrcli union tim discussion vontlnuml uonday after noouann tosiay until ii mi hi when tlie volo was laksn ir w h ohftla treasursr of lbs htiimranmit- tinii fund was thealrungnstopnonsnt of union in ronrludlng a vnry fircn- fuiainmtcbbesald knlsr into otmrrb union under the provent pnkmrd basis and you violate a ucml prtmntse you break fallb with tlmlrod ray time of life i personally can fnel aniious ovrr the working nut of this imiis ii is for lie pniaprnl claimants and ilia widows and pllana of our dear brxlhreu who dlml in frill confident ibat lha prrlims trout is ft in cliar of fjonfsrence would imi safnly anil sacredly guarded that i frel ili roncorn lin aalil u was nearly ixhiii i mi for llm ipii jon was floslly put uisvolo hnv a i to rry tarry amendinsnt advocatli fedsral union ss a prvllide to ineviu abla organic union was sultmitted to a mu tiding vote and was lost by 17 to 143 the original resolution dsclarlng church union desirable and its m posed imuu ptactlaabla gained a an stantial insjority 140 votes l in its favor and 27 against it owl to the lain session of the htallonlng committee last night a large number of the memlwrs wpre alias nt and the numlwr of votes recorded was there fore small considering the large nnm herahip of the hamilton conference at the closing session following the hearing of thr memorial committee report and without any dlanuaalon on the aubjeot the oonfarrnefi sumk as one man in protest against the ne tern era decree ruspectlng insrrlsge and all joined heartily in singing the national ant bo in the following changes in stations nl the ministers were made aclnn charles i draper georgetown kamunl m koadhouse uiiuu- h lloock oakvlllettininas huntop cuelph paisley memoriala w avlson itev or antlirr acton and itev or clark uaosgs4wnr- rati red from active work itev wm hmyth mil ton goes to urldgeburg itev j w magwood of oskvllle goes to icicllrj avenue toronto itev o h tayl formerly of itockwood goes to irin the next session of the conlarsnoe will he held at woodstock on june hrd 1012 amorni the many interesting contri butions la physical cultures june number are itowlng a i foauhiiu tid ing sport and an article by upton sinclair on returning to nature which breathes ihe very spirit of life outdoors of no lass interest perhaps are the instructive discussions in this issue on the ullfc diet and how it uullda health and strength and the food value or nuts members of the fair eex will find much that is worth while in article entitled things every woman should know and helpful beauty hints for wo man in this iss a acora of other wall written and profusely illustrated articles on outdoor life and health- building round out this remarkably interesting number of a publication that la always readable and thought compelling the w o t tj are arranging for a monster garden party to bo held on tba beautiful grounds or mr hobt limebear next tuesday evening ju ton bras band will be tba principal attraction and will furnish a repertoire of popular band music this will be inlereperccd with vocal instrumental and literary number by the best vocal artists a feature of the evening will be a maypole drill by the scholars of osptinge school there will also be interesting addresses by local ministers nd others tea will be served from six to eight oclock and there will be the usual booth for toe cream and and nther refreshments on i he grounds l mrs ilobt tjmnheer is president and mrs james molachlan aecralary or the society onswaons oohnsyta the late f r osvin mokersie whose death was noted last week was born in pslstvy scotland and csiue out lo this country with his parents end family tbey flrst tattled on a farm one half mile beyond hleemi brewery which la now the mcdougall farm whan it was all bush after living there for some years he nsme to kramosa where he settled on a farm for himself jle lived there until seven yr ago wbenlle look slolt and quit farming he was a staunch member of the baptist church acton for many years and utterly was one of the deacons ha was ttl years and 0 months of age ills wife predecea d hlu fourteen years ago three daughter and two sonsiurvlve bar mr burrell of acton baptst tinurcb conducted the funeral service which was held from his daughters residence la n to oaliorn cemetery oapt gambia was home from fort beta over sunday he lert on mon day accompanied by cut borgt oripps andjtaa perkins and ismurt for camp at niagara lira it damper wtmt tp hamilton on monday to see htr eon mr jas damper rbo operated on last vfask and the knee bone scraped tba injury resulted from a fall some yaarsago mr and mw obas taylor of acton visited friends her it sunday drath or ibaao melsaao mr isaac mc isaac or maryborough who uuderwent an operation for putatlon lasi thursday evening passed away on sunday afternon 28th may for a few days prospects were- favor able for his recovery but the trouble had spread from i lie foot to the whul system besides the attending phy sician dr mcphedran of toronto and dr graves of fergus were called into consultation deceased was born in invernesshlre scotland in 1b10 came to canada in 1601 his occupation in the old land was that of a shepherd on arriving here he spent the first four years in bsqneslng helton county whlli there he married wss mary mann daughter of the late- john mann and cousin of sir donald mann in the ljwfi tbey moved to maryborough where he died it was nearly all bub then but his incessant work soon made changes and improvement fol lowed improvement until his farm be came one of the heat equipped and cultivated farnte in the township a beautiful and comfortable home i politics be was a conservative and in religion a presbyterian he w member of calvin oburch uoth forho vears ndauyhlr for consider able of that time in ills private life as well as in public ha always enjoyed the highest ostiniatonjf all be came in contact with i ml us trio us honest and honorable his fuusral on tues day afternoon to derryadd cemetery was one of the largest seen in the township itev j it wilson b a of bolhtay his late pastor officiated the family consisted of two sons john on the homestead and isaac on the 12lh concession three daugh ters mrs isaac walton of mary borough mlas annie or winnipeg and miss ada at home it was just three weeks ago that mr mfllsasa first complained of a sow foot and the ntxt day mwllcal treat ment was secured so that ho time was lint t isulng it attended to hhohiy after a ntw was teoured and in a few days a second one hut despite it al llmdlssssn gradually developed hi becsme reconciled to his fate as the end drew near and was comtclous up to llm very last very sincere sym pathy is felt for the bereaved family by all in the community drayton advocate an important feature that will lie inaugurated during the coming season will its a new train service lo the fjaheol bays district a standard grand trunk passenger train will leave toronto with through coaches parlor cars and dining cars at 1015 oclock n the looming except bimdsy for huntavllle reaching the latter point at about three pclook in the afternoon oonnratlng with the steam ers for joints in the lake of bays district and affording passengers the opportunity of reaching thalr destina tion lit time for dinner the sunday evening boat service from the wawa hotel britannia point idea pottage deorhurat and other important calling porti0jl lake or bays to muntbvllfewil be run on seme schedule as for season 1010 durfng the months of july and august bddwbloh will be a boon to weekenders desiring to return to the city for business on mondays hie schools roll of honor chanatna won by punlla or the hljrti and puniio bqhoiia dunind xii morern oir may tlw following u list f thi wiiirrt ful pupils of llm high and pnbllr schools who won plaree on lhi honor roll at the may examinations illulf ht iichii iki u1tmkvt thk miniivu ffcuoor mknioiulauu class i a ollilrn a mardouald class ii k mullln a kennsy m turnbutl m olirlsn class iiid kouur class ivk colp b mullln n williams ii hunl highest in hlatoryva mscdonald in algebra- ft mull it and m turn bull in chemistry a obrien in lstlua ohrloi in fhyilns a o itlm in fraoqhk oolr jtlmoik thm class ivm matthews ii brown it nrlsou 1 mottat b cook hlghoatlo lllstorylt nelson in algobrab brown and o molfat in frcnchfl drown lo 1jliim matthews tnk iiukii si ikmh mkslolt full cisjis i m macilouald class itd nolaun ci iiin kenney b lr m brown i marlhersonr class iv p watson h mann highest in algnhra m macdonald i in rjitln m kfsodonsld hi ii i lory ii maun in arlthuistlcm manloi aid in krouohm mamlonald jdnioh4 iiim class i 1 andnrsou class iik icvatis k white ulbbeus e hmwn k uu- class iii b clsrk j ollrln j chapman class iv dsllarvey m msrphsr son h warren hlghsstln alg-bra- brown in iatln k white i in history k bvans lo arillimetlaj clbl in french i anderson no on roll w ii stkuaitt prlnnliial mihm ii 1uw4a homiiiuiu assistant pmimo h itooi dkiautukny sit iv nellie anderson ml i bea trice graham uih lelue tioolt 6111 jessie thompson cio haxel agnew 431 pauline haltx 410 toul duo jr iv mac smith i3i olara brown 402 wllma johnstone 400 1 artie anderson so albjjrt brown 1 i cordon mcleod u7 total g0u no on roll 20 mihm- m j ukhuktt tsachur hiiiiichnrismor harold mowat 5sh i kllaoawphell g42 tieorge ahraliani 4uii lloyd cooper 400 vera harvey 40s total 7c j n1 iii boy brown 4kit harold heed 481 1 phyllis clarke 40 mar guerite stewart jtot mary shields 188 1 wilfrid mcdonald 1 toul 000 no on roll 4 j mihh p ni kuk tnachnr hit ii clara workman 4at hose starckman 4111 1 mary lehman ill amelia bath j4 bertha- barr utj annie martin 00h total 460 ju iiollve mowat imoi alhena oaffo 1141 lloyd kenney t22 ctmrgs soper 2 gladys huffman 2811 florence brewer 280 totamfiu no on roll 47 mihu llfja a im iiuiok teacli hn i imlth nutley ij7ll kthel starckman 273 lucy udwards 28 charlie anderson 220 agnes bobble 217 hugh williams 210 toul 1100 jh imay bvans 221 cohlleboskl 214 i bay agnew 211 i dult wilson 2ki able haltx 100 kennelli hei derson i0u total 235 no on roll 41 mum biiiiv ciahk tsacher sli pnl m kb nellie caffo annie goldstein haxel mcdonald charlie mann jessie mowat klmnr bonder on j ii pitlukk hattle brewer willi nutley lsna oostsllo ceorge taylor freddie warren ttole ai no on roll 70 i mihh m it hoi ukh teacher ss tnaavnrr wilt asrsly dsstroy ths miv osstroy ths 1 dirranfs uts wh haob artialsssbaiild bs r tor orlpuon trooi rspulnbls pbfslaisas as ifaa da thsy will do is us laid u lbs sped oo ssa passlblj dsrls irom tbsm hall a kunti oars tnsaafsotita by v j ohaiiar a oo isuwnstly ssung dlnour upon ujtloojn3 eanoooa surrasss ol lha ajaum in itaflaa tall s oatartb otuw b sturs you sat ihasanaloa ii is laksn istsrnallv sad mads la toljo c bv f j flttbnsy m oo taaunionlals trsa hold hy droaalats prlo tsa pml boltla take flail s family rilla lor oonaupauon a nbjrvv runaway on saturday afternoon as mr kr- nest barraclough of the glen woollen mills was holding his liorse at the georgetown station the bridle broke and the animal ran away the course laknowan straight down ths track rand over the railway iran bridge at the credit the hursv with imggy attached ran safely over the bridge which had no railing and is about quarter of a mile long and 170 feet high and contlniiwd on his way until it aaroa in contact with a wire fence at norval station and wusosptured the horse wss uninjured but the huggy was pretty badly used up conservator kimsshounie the month of may saw tba biggest mills buslnssa in the msnuiaatiii of lime ever recorded here from maaagerjvjowdy down every one con nected with the business has been humping lite demand seems to have u let up for our brand of lltne a couple of kngllsh rhododendrens iq full bloom on the lawn or mr wm gowdy manager of the toronto lima company have attracted a good deal of attention this week a lawn spclsl with unusually attract ive features will belteld on the lawn of mr wm gnwdy on thursday evening 18th inst the programme will include violin guitar banjo and vocal nunihers by prof and miss uattlo kolly anil miss mjllor uuelpli and instrumental numbers hy ho- larsna orchestra ouelph arrngn- mentsjhsve lsen rusds in have tf 0vf p lu and the iqldnlght trains atop here that evening for the accom modation of the large number who will desire to attend from aetotj the proceeds of the function will be devoted to the funds of the presby terian church csquesing court of revision 400 fkkt orquktn btt rod fukoo ash titling of lancing towi hip curt of itflvbuun all thr imlr atrsrn preserrt i the various appeals were decided aai follows bflanlmoro a f- hlr to iwi 000 hrownrltlg w w confirm od barnes harry allowed j puruu bar kwart allowed halloo brirk co cbangsil to ssfrou kennedy ltourt addm frlfio mojibbon j o ibsngud lo 2nd con morgan john changed 4o harry francis mmrv jamau rlangml to lot 11 held 1 iinl- hangml to w j thnm- aoo olxiroe william allowed huydr jamr u fionflrmad stone man frank added si25 wkgln- j- changml lo john boyd wilson 1 a rmlumd gloo wmmling john not eutillml ul i h alowl i n tels- grapb c addl iuii tnlephous jo addad frn iii aaanaamrml roll for 1011 was llini ronllraitkl ibu coumll linn lutil li tinat d lrnjuti a follow hi ttaaumr was ordi rod in pay these arrounls l br j u nixon u filr proleaalonal urvca lo john cam eron at trra c tlm brick works or p stuart sii for atlendunrn on john cameron rrom april flli till april ihlli for irjiirhl log kl joaephs hoapllul attendant and inadmiis for john cuiirroii j m moore ulm as mr i out i ant for printing bell ttilophonn co 10 rental for aw months ilobt wedge 91 i or at tending to miss smith with broken limb also the sum or gt2 to airs john heltlsy for the malntsnaurn of mrs murray payment in full to 1st may 1011 almi tj for rent or cniinril cbambsrlo june 1st 1011 a by law was itaatod rouvxylurf the umnshlps ixirtiou of 150 feot of quri street at acton to lliloori a co for fo00 lulhrl f bald wss i- 1 1 hi- sum slikhiror tbreo lamlia ami nun aheap killed by dogs council adjourned to meet on mon day 10th jonti al 10 oclork news op local import oronth at chalmsrs ohurah toronto bov h a marpheraon has heei pastor of chslmcirs church for eight years and during that time 1200 per sons have uultsml with the congrega- tlon ttin iiinnilmtrshlp is now ism- theannlvursary of tho uin tors indue thin was cslnbrsted last night hy a social presldud over by mr j tliompson chalrmaji or ths board of managers cioim by- law la kcnloeoad in ouelph the mercury says a groove strnot resident will imi up bufnr llm magis trate on monday on a chargn of throw ing a newspaper on wyndham street theohlof states that there have been a number or runaways starlad lately caused by horses becoming frightened at pieces of paper blown about hy the wind and that ha intends to strictly enforce tho by law regarding the throwing of waste paper on the clly streets tho chlof hss instructed his mnnukeeva sharp lookout for per sons neglecting to olamrvi this by law acton has a similar bylaw which some persona fall to oh they may llnd constable harvey bringing the ni up abort one of thru flnn days whlakyai work at milton the milton champion says there was a row on main street on saturday evening and ohlrf constable chap man arrested and jailed the partici pants thos hllson jr audi matt hllson mtli of nassagaweya they wpru brought before police maglatrate dice on monday morning according to tho evidence tom hllson was drunk and was tlm agg manor assaulting matt a smaller man who hit hack to the best of his ahlllly tom was con victed put on the indian list and fined 1 aud costs the indian list part or the penally was all right hut i0 and costs for a oaao or drunkenness and committing an assault on the street would lint have item too inurh and would have carried a warning with it chance undee hew condition may ltjtewjiuniboroahjllhe liquor traffic dissolve partnership cl big the only remaining liar in the municipality situated in the village of carlisle the proprietor promptly fenced out all couiurs the brewery wagon removed all equipment ingltadry village the to 101 people bestirred themselvea secured an option on the promises including the furnishings fuel etc the price being ja00 a subscription hit wss started anil a meeting of the subscri bers called for saturday night at the hotel at the meeting the com mittee reported the full amount stib- scrltmml the organisation of a joint stock company wss proceeded with lo tie known as the oai lisle temperance house association and tlm premises urtjiow under llif companys super vision berormer no hospital for mr lawlefi he took gin pills if you ever hear anyone say that hlieunintlun cant be cunsl ask tlieui if they have ever tried gin 1iixs or ask them lo write us lor proof that tiln jpillh hav cured bundredr and hundreds of cases of feheiunatisiii sciatica lumbago ialu in the hack slid other troubles caused by weiik kidneys or ladder rhieamxthmi can be rured u hetug cured evcrjlswhyrln pills bete is tlie best kind of rmnf ucuitw n s i have iweu trouhlnl with klteil- tnntlsm so bad that i could not work a doctor tended me ami told me to go to the hospital but all to no good until a friend told me lo try ow pills i did so and after taking a few boxes i am perfectly well d j i take oin pills 011 our positive guars ntee that they will cure you or money refunded yc a box6 for 3 so order from lis if your dealer cannot supply litem sample box free if yott write us national drug sud chemical co depl a toronto so th prlglnal aia pills iruideiy national drugand chemical co of canada umi ted toronto- old only jnthu box pxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the metropolitan bank absolpte security capital paid up 11000000 reserve fund jl250000 undivided profits over 100000 total assets over 10000000 cxcccdinr liabilities to the pumie by more than s2j5oo00 did you ever consider what you get from a savings account the labia imiow aho in from oiid iq a inimi dipoalla of from ohi itolur i en vesra wlirii inlorcal l comtio twenty mails each monlli will arcumulla miol hakyoarlj- i 1 lo iaf cent kloollil 1 y iv iv- syiua 1ym gy tl 71 iynii j 7hkh uwi i hcutr- hya i0k 40 byurs i t2hui i i nitp jl llilu tl 7 t7i m 01 a 21 m 411 u r 411 uu itt 1211 f 157 ho lho 15 210 u5 217 ho 271 ho 2 i taw 7t at 11 1 id 151 a iui m 2 n 2h045 125 10 ni kh 110 71 1 i 4h77 ul oj imi hi aifiw 2t41ie1 ill 5 ii rft ik 4cttb 41bh7 ma m i r hi 117 1l77 ihhwi 2h 12 uciho mi 50 iti7 r 51250 iiidhtl ibkj w 1 ii tl 10 itk 51 22ll iafxi in jtkh57 47 lu i ur 1151 m 74lh kill 52 0 hti vi it12u 2hlu t7 20 tl 5521 j im 45 10dci uurjol 0711 a 1 h u 07 or lutor 1iw76 222hr hii hi cru r 4uo zh 5ihi2 5h2 m ell tl 710 20 71 uf hii 45 mnnri 1115 kl lihijb h 125011 0 10 ul ul 217 u r77 rio t2 17 111 7h0 1h till 05 iiwiu i2h1k2 1 ttw 21 10 11 lilt u 2t21cj 414 70 mil kt 7124 1 huh 10 i02h 45 iiulim lheiki l5k2i it 12 1 iii xi jsf7w 4u40 nix 10 tr20 iii tci 1121 ul 1 stihi i4h7ki 11170 15 12 11 inttm ul hi 4l0 10 wt114 kii 117 025mi 1 21545 1410 oh ltllj kt i mono ii 11 17172 iuo11 tiiim 711 w 1kmi71 lkli uo i rirtfr 1510 20 itcho 1050 ret 14 15 1hz02 ini ta tavu 715 52 071 50 llhllttt l4u4o itt27r2 ih5u m 200h 07 15 hi luftll jutllu met 20 nuua 1 rut 20 1211270 1405 io i7k12t 10rtlh7 2ew01 1u 17 2117 n tji m 110 in wrnm 1101 07 iiui70 1510 45 ik41 77 210 hh 2i7hh0 17 ih ilt 211 ttlst5 ib 21176 i7to 2rtu 4tkiri 7hk m 751 m 11 h ci tjouoti 1020 70 ii 15 ho 1 affu 1205 45 1420 el i4u0 5r lrmwf 10h2uv lturia i h70 00 1 1151112 200ifll 2170 40 22il b0 2 155 wl 2170u 2ihhi ih 2 kjl7t iii 27ua70 21 oiioick itljiiidino lots 1 roh balt tpo tortlm whii will nnrintikaloarwl darall- 1 ins liniuaa it o vlmiavballdlss loss iiuaudmosvh a oo 1kamjln1j iu1hink88 jx pwhl in o 11 kiwi ol tt oiiim ipnln kapllf hu mi kilullr liilnl liimrlllll u a miiihut f lauiv open a savings account today acton branch r e griggs manager rxkobooooooo keepcool goods wc arc specializing this week in hot wliathek lines all fully assorted and many very spaciil values summed tjnderwear summer hosiery slimmer headtsrear for men for women for children summer groceries now lemons per dote 0c i jelly powders all flavors it for sjfic jelly powders all flavors 6 for 28c best canned corn per can 18c best canned peas 8 for ssfic best canned tomatoes i 8 for jjkc fr s per lb 8c everything in groceries at right prices henderson co mill st acton out 3xxxxxcxxxkkxxr3o0o0o0oco00o0ooo0ofa conscientious plumbing hleating is mot tt jucyth mith us to tiie contrary we make it the most important factor so if you favor us with your patronje you will enthusiastically andorse ui c onfectionery harold wiles llui lull received 1 hllca cream iiilnr lull una of excellent coronation confec tlonoivi neralyjpuluu mlvry toothiome just the kind you will enjoy 1 ry a aamnle today harold witet acton mill slrr fred smith plumber quebec st ghelpii phone 337 1 men marryfor better halves vvomen for better quarters men will make their better half more happy by in- stallini a melottb separator and will alto nave enough money from tho extra craam secured by the mclotfc to pay lor amatitli roofing for the houie and barii in three years even if you have only five cowi mr smltli nelle tiled three tlluerent segiaratoih tlmn hie now mui011 u ami on day trial villi all cow lie had lo a more money than in tlm aarne lccklli ill time by llio uld mollltkl llllslilqlo than naid for 11 tioo hi mil0 tl 1l in one year cnsh frii3 for p0wl h fu jink 1 auomii all kind of luitnitukl 7t skxb rcibn we give you a ircc trial without an order the mclottc will pay for itbclf twentyfive times before itis worn out then why not buy now do not be fooled by the juststs- good kind dain great dane oneman dain hay loaders unequalled in america 1911 improved success manure spreader for two or three horses wahlung machines wringing machines sow ing machines ilay fork rope barn door hangers and track leslie brothers and leslie perm say the wilkinson adjustable roller is unequalled any make of implement you want at lowest possible price q a black acton ont mali is twa- wotk llakur nad tba htmm wuklv i by daillnjjr my imf with uqnu vtwf holatctt l csvoioeloth inater with it lat ix tba nana war aaj rtnlora tho 1 khmuiy of arojtwnh aa you no aloob ftota llvo catllct piano to tho roaat ctwbdtlur ihn ttuuha ataln ntiola tuij acnklua anul beforo it ilka ibaglc 4 w muts itk 12 u lwun 9c rokjulbbt r f johnstone utia bbfrlistmcnts jfano him balk ill v fttulttorilal iiraoni vi lhakatkln day wocjombn ok thu would 1mik uiihihii ot clsa ili w o o w an hartif nusuj u mr kt tr lxjn iiihhd ol aariu eluck nntlnnilaii llwiiim to rfothtl lo vll mmlwy to fiimotvtm v kknmkor c c hal ton creun and butler co milttin ontaiiio r a roll thompson aalon who lutflol wn7hhuuh ihu hjtim rirzcmlal pamt4ttul4l vlar mudasruc is tullf baliaf f john 1kvimo valfjaiile pllopkitty pon sale by tender iiiat lg11 hum blsn mad 1 mttulad on tha hsii iuihii mill tvnd main hithu fill at artoa oat no ntwuiitad ti woodlttvll ualtaa u a aun od d wall inc tha lot hoa 0 tt nl ajbost 3 fa h uui hutm m i faat thu lroall wldaoaaul t3mii u laac bnoalad lo um ho do of jm noliok to ckkditojffi in uia matur otf lha axot c00jm it oj u townaotlv of qu i taa una county of hautoo notiuh la iwrabv li panwit to ha iuiuadtatuatmiiluaulo uv7iub 1m iihhm ii ol fy lull m raqulrwt cut or ii aim um mloataouui do of j aim iblt to aaatd b pom prapotd dallra to a j maoblanob ot um villa of am00 la um uoxau of halaaa j uo will aw ml lurodwuii flaa- aaob ual 0 will tooaoafl to dlatribato un tllll ol too ooltl ttoaoooad unooa uh partioa ooutlao liiaawla borla lo- uid ihilytuuh alolaw of btoh ttvn aboil tkoo tun oouoo aad utajj to aoid nnnaliii will hot ba lubla f put tbanof to aay olaitn oolloa mtoll tuam at tba kin of utah dlatribouon a j w jaokiknon 1 hotlatiocfoff ku lwtad tlio twautj oetooad daf of oloy ib11 buffalo niagara falls toronto daily uotptsnndia vrom toronlo 7 yj t to lira to 1 00 i m j 15 p n anlvo totoato prince p melrose the prize winning buck thorobrcd ukluohe la urge block ihorolirotl tul uver of htacoll km luck ilrwl to ma ib ul rootl alio t pnxluco baaiao horoea worth up to r la o rrtul acjuritv country al prooeni melrthto will mhimi til hla own aiabla moot ol llio aooaon ol lit 00 tiilnaum 00j tl oo at llmo of aorvlco atxl io 00 on fobnury tat hjl j klvo uiual conjlliooa ptovalllng in all oiikt mpect o a black ower aclon ontario buggies the barber buggies are stylish buggies call and sec what wo can do for ypur lcforc buying else- where pricey are right single harness we arc very tmy in this line jut now call in and leave your order and have them made to suit you w j gordon hftrncaa and trauk man acton ont grand trunk s the popular tourist route to muskoka ikls ijkic ok iiays i ikuaiami aiconouin 1akk mafnulawan hi villi 1imwcn lllvkh ckokgian iiav ukk coucii1c11ing kawahtiia lakhs etc itoijnd tltll v homeseekors exourfiloris to thk wust at low rates f n chlefp ulermlnro moa lull informollon frotn on gmml trunk arwii or tuldmna a b doff ihitrlct llutomtjer agent toronlo onl

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