Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 8, 1911, p. 3

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v wall papkiis window hil a 1ew ajs1 curtain volics see our rsowvell ris r- hc snd im pvf hill win i w tlle ii colon 1ktrs sprina fullers iatr of trimming curtain hi1d fitluros uiisin plns everything in above linn at uesl glijo hynj3s harr1aoh licktnakh issued real kstatk hbcy t iwua ml lw3it raun of latere larm naaaber f f straws tar ale caeap ttwellliupi mad uwr atroperty in all aaruariaci tawa we have every larllliy far traasactlajc aar buxlhra la year eaajplete wuterartlea jt a willoechdv crarcrfawn thursday junb hth lull brief local ittms crop never looked blur in jun than at wwenl what about a warning uu or hill htrret vnaalng board of hdurallnu monthly imnl ina next monday evening whltauntldewaa fittingly nlwervrd id moat of the churches last hunday next meeting of h joun cil will ba bald on moncuy lllih inst tha naw iran railing haa not ixton i the main htreal bridge yt the ollad etroet are all rlghl tba oil subdue i bo dust vry effect ivaly cluelpb la oiling lh street on a frontage tax basis of llva rent ar foot frontage the waalbar last monday u much uaa torrid than that or th two preceding mr jeraralah ill has th found tooa 111 for liia hew brick house on lake atnun- coronation hay thuredsy juno sod ba been officially proclalniod a public holiday vlaltora to tha o t it station are not paying compliments for lb wall kapi lawns then brampton will spend jnio in paina tha roadway on tha business portions of main and quean streets with aapbajt blocks slrabd hydrand ulsa ftfrfiret are visiting at hrr mothers borne in barrio while mr ityder la in uin west on a bualncee trip a temperone organization haa bean formed in ilurlington with a view to praealng for toeal option in janu arj 1013 tba goelph mercury says norfolk street kpworth league will hold their uml pfonlc in aoton on thursday jal jan acton atreeta ale how to im oiled a few weaka ago tbey were putting hear oa them what a changeable people 41ora id homegrown strawberries have r found thair way to local tea stable thla luscious fruit j a couple of weeks earlier than usual mr adam cook had the flag hying at oboka peek on cobble hill the highest point within the corporation unite od the king birthday aoton lodge of woodmen will parade to falrvlew cemetery on hun day afternoon at ai oclock to decor ate the g of de brethren mr n f lindsay la making faoalve improvement lo hla farm aaldanria when completed it will be practically a new and commodious brick bouse preparations are being made to hospitably entertain the hundred of visitor who are expected in acton on r dominion day at the firemen de- mmwcratlon 1 tha fire ilrlgade la invlung the volunteer cotnpanlea of the dlatricl and all helton old iloya and their ladtae to apend dominion day at their daommatratlon here the fire brlgxde la utakjng pre deration for a largo gathering at thair i day deuionatreliod fclrc i helton old boya are being rlted from a wide area xba widened portion of mill street qow being naoa with a geaerooa coating of broken atone i the county ateera roller will be here d compute the work of consolidation la a few day tha king birthday wa obaerved bate by the hoisting or flag a holiday ijbr the atafla of the banka and poet v end general good wlahea that i hie majesty may have many happy ntameof thu day qr thurlay evunlng laaf the preabyury of oualph induoted llev dooglaa hay b a formerly of mount ridges into the pastoral charge of knox ohuroh klora rev jf o wlleon b a moderator presided at tba inddotlon mr oharlle ucbradar mat wllli a very painful accident while at work in the inch bouse at the solo taathsr tan- aery on saturday a portion of one ratbe maehlnaa dropping a few feet hi right hand was oeugbt lne chain mat a book attached tore the rash in the back of the band making a vary ugly wound aotaa methojut hunday hchwd thaabeenengagcd to supply the programme at a garden party lo beheld at terra gotta next monday vvanlng they will be aaslsted by a ljfdjea quartette consisting of mlaaea i htatle bmltb bmmabort and mlaaee livute and haael mason mis nellie wnuaota aleoullonlt and mr iioon aa wordan soloist f ncws if local import h- rarniere xnatwta kwnn radon tim blklmnltt annual nxnunlon of alton frmnr- lislltule to tho 4i irlo agrlnillursl uollrgr oul i will u itmd on hatird 10th jo itslara will gwo full artlciiur lie qnr hhum km overanlat it was with much rrgret that tlin issten of icnux tliurch accepted tlte rmignatlon of miss iaiirtt oray as organist at llatilr mnatlng on monday nlng thsjyimi will im glad to bear in th uiil raw daya from any one who would like to ihui the lea or urcfwor to mta gray i aowa tea tusters were a trilla more rsreful indrasslng loails of loose hy and straw imr straal would oftan look tidy on tudy a loxl f straw was teamed down mill ntreet 4u1 rrooi tha j v 1l crossing to main hlrwl n uiwlghtly trail of itrmw wi ntnwa along lha alrael a vubx manm pfsfifiiunt u howard black who weitl to haullku uanalnthe spring to take with th algoma central itailway as uranghtsion has been pnxnitted anil trankfrrn to the sttel ks and put in charge of una of tha large wauir aiotors there 11m rhange glvaa an advance or 1100 par annum hi salary r w ipvbsm ilaka to tannery unn luwrtlinitre jk c have had a gang of carpntra at work the ast in constructing a new noma mnvty ttialr water supply dlrvrl ram thn iuhi t kalry tjtktt to the tanneries when completed this iiathod or couvaysnee will nmum mra watrr tttr tanning purptwra un coutaniinalnd by anr soil drainage or kent washings itetween tha source or soplyand tha point whre it la ulll isad in the tanneriaa laapsator vaeeaki wo in town county license inspector korrali was in town the othrr day to have a look over things hare he aays ha is prepared to take any steps ncnnry see that luteal option is thoroughly forord tli inspector asys thnre la ample n week at the disposal of the meedoiiald hon ho hlaumd trunk patrviom to the northwut the grand trunk am fn receipt of ribe following latter in cutfuectloii with f j nnrlac sleeping carfoperaled freui to votlto to winnipeg and kdmonton via chicago april htth i mo returning from uit western feel it my duty to write to yotl ajr that the acoornmodallon we smom beyond our expecta- flooeaod mv0ry member of our party rae more then pteaaed with the pnrtasyebown by your officials both ifohlcigo and wlanlprg bgd t 4 nfletoy i aulhorith to cover ail reasonable pendltnre for enrorcemsnt all the llnea that have been collected here nsrs of court sittings over sotmx itave hesn placed in a special fdntl forenloi cement of the law in acton oetu mlaaare gsup v comiieny halum rifles left on monday morning for the annual twelve days instruction at niagara on the fake under command of oapl c h the nun commissioned offl cera of the company are col bergt crippa hsrgu major harwood sergt ilry and corporal alger tli company was not aa strong as usual but it la udsrstood that officers all the country have found it dim to recruit mm owing to the stosdy work and higher wagnw pre- valhqft oulna uu htreeta over a thousand gallons f road oil was sprinkled on mill and main htreet and the street intersections on friday and haturday the oil is proving a most affective allayer of the dual hula the residents of other streets would enjoy the boon of a sprinkling toll in their districts messrs w w ami a o t luardmor bm mraare w 11 storey ft hon ijmltd have had the streets adjacent to their prop erties oiled in addition to those oiled by th corporation the oil not only sett lea the dust affectively hut it destroys the flies npravsawnts to meeehenta beak quite rxtenalve improvements are contemplated at uie merchant bank building and premises and operations have been commenced this weak the entraiica will be transferred to th corner and a large window let into the manager s office will replace the pre sent entrance the bank fittings will be reversed the managers office tell ers cage and accountants depart ma nt being located against thn inner wall end the corridor for the public o the willow htreet side or the imlldlnr tlie changes will effect decided liu pro v anient to the batiks premises arrow steeape t u tannery oo haitinlay corp tom alger and tio atinuroywerenumseaunldmak ing repairs near arevolvlnghhaf tin the works uf the actontannlng company wlten tha pocket of yimug alger 4 jacket was caught by the head of a bolt on the shaft coupling ha wa being rapidly drawu to tha shaft wbei his fellow employee caught him and bald on wlille the revolving shaft tore off all his clothing but hla boots and stockings the extra strain scaffold caused it to collapse and the pair were thrown to the floor by the fall mr tlnteroy was rendered conscious but soon recovered young algsre side waa considerably bruised and lacerated lmt he waa able to pro- tnceeipniager on monday is thought by those who accident that it was 1 prompt action of tlnteroy that algers lire waa saved tae mosul to msamsawiys the road builders are at work grad ing the roadway from the mill dam to dublin cross road the stone crusher is at work on mr william uulllne farm and macadamising or thu road will commence at the acton end end proceed southward it la devoutly to be hoped that there will be no disco n tl nuance of the work until tha road la coated wth stood and sufficiently rolled and consolidated throughout the coal will be considerable but there isentple atojie in the vicinity and it will be cheaper to complete this much- travelled section or the good roads system before removing tha crusher and other road making machinery no part of the designated roads of tha county system la in worse condition than this for forty years it haa been neglected beyond the expenditure of a couple of hundred dollars or so and then without any adequate or per manent improvement reeve llynds assures tha khkk 1ukha that he and reeve thompson of ksqubslng are doing all in their powsr to have he road completed this year and he thinks it will be accomplished the macad amising will commence at park avenue on mill blreel a naw bridge wiimm required to be erected nver the xlronm at the mill at the cost of about ttkaxou a new luidge will also be built wherombe pond crosses the road at the aouthoaat comer of mr robert campbell a fartn oood oops in uie weat a irtler from mr m l mo kaxbtirn who is lina ulliitf in uiu northwest njut tls in 11 i mrtii sua kalehdwao and allxfl lutrria aro v ry i11 nod ui r ink f m biimiier rop hn whm it fur nt iim lunff llkluuvto knuruln ufantworth halloo county cooorll will p tain th uiambara of 11 1 wsntworth county twiourll at lh im i halton house of ilefuge itratopton to fay wentworth ul last undsrlaklog thw ersolion of a houko or llufuyn fur ihu county as required ly slattir and is now looking for xiotnrs a sorry blow on a neroa 1im1 lu taking iloivn thu lnt aflnr lh perroruianre by fcettv ui1ihtrls last kruuy nvrulng oil of ihn ihgrom was aocidenully strurk on i tio lo ad will a malll by a f how workumn and reoilrml iiuroiwiiiiiiia ftr a f w tilln ulna tin n wrr 1111 kriliiuii rcmiilts the doctor says hi- in ad was too lri to ik hroko aihrrjvtunun to knuurni uullillna in fariu tli i 1 rgiis i j upr1l hits resolvrd that as soon as suy pi 1 sun slgnlfl s his wllllngih hm to t nti r lutii an agnn ment with th council to rct llvo or mure houses uf the value of at irsul 1001 ranh thw juutu ii will tuhmlt a liy law to tin rstspayi rs giving ll ownw a 1xmi asanaainniit 00 thn hillld ing ad t l milton otllnar trte mali the court lumo t4uai hrown him t having teei th auihrvllou of the hliorlff thn town council followed thu kmm amplr and the oiling f main html wu iwkim 1111 liimluy mi the 1 on 1 of mart in st reel th 1 11 h ii nii i- strongly for a whli hull i ktiihid wo thedustaod thegruis and iwmu 1 ho watering wn a tuilw champion th aston krootball club at a meeting lo thn dominion hotol on mooday night last a loothall luh was organised a aurceaaful siiason is ntlrlatd and the on uiuia imim for pohllo siipmirt tint ft llowlng o hirers vrerv elected lreshlellt a o 1 lteardtjmr virr 1realdnol 1 seotloi olle1 u it thy dp- ling 1 captaint willi t tain o v holmes com nuttley h howson a nqal th mloajtraj show lmat weak kelleys forty colorhl mlimlnds m rived in uiwn by special cars last t rl day mom log and started on hit fun with a rainbow irada with brass band at noon a large watnriiroor tent was pitched in thn wrk sod in the evening it was well flllitd with a well pleased sudlttuni ihn perform auce included ingro ringing 1 h g lng joke- light or hand jug gllug contortion ul ictillnv 1 01 1 y one of the itest iiilnutnl tioujms which has ever struok town bnslnsae kjoomlna in the weat mr wm juhnstono returiutd usl week he gives very tuluiring re ports uf the prospects in the wnst ipsgtva splendid promise sull iro party values are very buoyant mr johnstone cites an instance of phnti ilnal increase of prlro of insldu prop erty in haakatoou iast year when ho selected a lot for whloh oomt was asked a couple of weukw ago this lot sold for j5u0o and was resold lefore ha started fnr homo for l0000 mr johnstone regrets ho did nut invest in it last ynur 1 death of mrs hev o m uurrall mrs burrell wife uf utv 0 ic burrell pastor of barton htrnet lla- tut church hamilton died last 1 ri day afternoon hhe had i mien 111 aevaral weeks- aiuumtmlal service waa bald on hunday looming and lite remains warn forwarded to toronto on monday morning and the funeral took place that afternoon at 2x from the residence of her sister mrs allen boden us bolton avenue rev f o burrell ii a pastor or the lisp ust church hare attended the funeral of hla brothers wife on mondsv hut mot allow oambllnat agricultural societies must this year beware that they yield not lo thn temptation to pontile gaiuhli rs to operate at their annual fairu 1or some years there has iwou a pmvlhlnn in the aot respecting agricultural soclntlca to the effect that socutlits permitting gambling at their fairs shall not receive any grant from thu pro y lone mr j iockl wiuou sup erlnlendent of agricultural knjiullo anhouncea that this year this suction of ihn act will bo rigidly unforced and that a ortiaadfl against gambling will be inaugurated by the department death erou sunatrokaln kqulna ceo henry boothmatt an kngllsh man 16 years of age died from thu effects of a sunstroke on sunday vu ing of last week at glenwilllsm du ceaaetl had just arrlvtxl in thu qlati frutnjngand ou saturday before aad itneased the lied taken a walk up to the quarries dy by the on afternoon where hu had se cured a job and wm to have itartod work on monday while returning about it oclock he waa overcome ibe heat and dropped unconscious by tli rtmdslde ha was carried into mr win mcuregors and later moved to mr davidsons whore lit died about 0 oclock without regaining consciousness the funeral took placn on monday to fllanwllllaius cemetery the service being conducted hy rev mr dahard of norval death of dr pentlahd in cat torn i a mr uarah utile has aunt thu ritiett 1ukhh copies of hod land n csl pliw giving partlcntara of the death 6ftr- david peutland liar brother lit law on the iblh may dr inmtund form erly resided in paterlktru atul mnrrlud miss johnson who spent her girlhood days ih acton ho was on of thu prominent dentists of ontario and was president of tha dental association of ontario before there was a dental college in toronto hv wh rewleotml to the office a second hum lint dacllu d iho red lands paper mtyil kor the flrsf sixty years or his llfu hu lived lit canada from there hu wunt to arlaona for several yoara and thmi brought hla ranilly to california his profession waa a doctor ef danllstrj hut he retired from thn prsi ilea whuu jn cniiiu to california for fifty year ha had been a mnintiernf thu mnsonld fraternity and waa always huuvo in church work he la survived by his wife two sons in kl oro msxlco and wn sons in irescott arlx and two daughters living hare social and personal mi mid lills isviltiob mstids ton over hiiuriuy ml i ahruliiu was home frt itrrfn a wmk ugo mr 1 rank mi lulosh was houi fr i ir 1 hunday ml lyla morton was holo fr ginlph ovr huiidav mr mtlvlu hop s home frt krestun ownr lunday mun dufty nf loronto visited hr shttir hrrn last wt ilk mr i ii kwarkhtne of toronto wum hum uviir hunday mi arch mctavuii jr was home from 1 1 ronto tluywi k mss irun utiydrr i- vmtbk kxjt- wrnl f r a o opl of wevk mr i- mcmillan of t mnto waa with finmd lu r on hundy mr- a l ofllramptoo visit ed acton ruml this w u mr ann mrs john kllrhlng vllted friend at it rlln ihlu wrsk mr wu johnhtonn arrlve1 home froiihaikalu mask last week mr will lnrhea ofloronto ws at his father s home horj on hunday ml myrth matthi ws ws hum frmi loronto over the kings birth day mi ail moon or thu hlr dun lis- vtsllndthn parent t fmrmn t irhr ml fjltlhi a mi un r tumiilo xvonk ml 1 to pin of ily ihl ml li k r til wm with fr il 1 arn v 1 htun y nil hiimuy mr 3 iimi willi nt uml ml- 1 llll 11 vlll1 frl il ll 11 rlli u lull thn wk mr 11 mr w ir luiiiy lid ul dmiy wr 1 1 n ito with irlni 1 ovr hu nuy of hulk kiu idpr miss in lie andy pout isst iihl with li msrgaret wilds mrs hil and mrs amlchll ireli vllted arui ing hi holidays kilththtlt cray or jor iloj gift ml of hi r sou at moorrcroft during the w vk miss w i mi in luyson uf llraiupton was wllh filundm in town stivwrat days during the w k mlsxes 1 til and my rlln dllla of loronto were liotiln for x couple of dsys during the week mrs lylu irlndell or brampton lalted at bar mulhers hime here nv ral days this wtwk musclsdys aldsr011 if llramntim fas the giiwl of friends if ru for a day or two during thu wnk mrs ceorgti hiqier isft on 1 inisday for detroit mluh to tpvnd a month with her duiightor thuru mr win whltn loft last wel for hsskiitoou hrtnk to liiilld savers hoitsss for mr a i nlcklin mr o i lliomm4ii of vaucouvr ii c is upending a few weeks with hla viator mrs 1 iioiums htat haul mrs jotting and mrs meohlng or loronto spent stivers days last week at thu liiimu or mr o ii hrown mlas husslu hualutnd who spent the spring millinery ucuson in uxhrldgn returned hojne last wsek for holidays miss jrau wilson who has been with friends lu boston for thn past four months rvtnrind bonis on hsiur- dny dr will homervlllu if halleyhury who hail tmiii attomllug thu dental coiivunllon in toroulo was horn 1 for a brief visit last week mr and mrs ah x itsmuhaw mr ciiuhnlm and mls tusslo of wnsl toionto wuru vrlth friends here over huturtuy and hunday miss m mucowau of forgus who hits lieun in thu inlllluery deparlineot of henderson ac co for thu past atasot nittirued home lust week mrs hoy watishrough of crewsons tlornnrs spent several daya isst week at her father s home hhn lias oouald orahly liuprovud lu health mr john m wnrrun toronto is iilmnst entirely rtnovi ml from hla rtctiul opi rmtliin for apmindlollix he won 111 tntto isst friday and hatur day mr hunduiland i ylor arrived home ust wo k rrom llrltluh columbia and will suttlu down ugalu in acton on tiirlo hu sayti is good onough for hliu messrs 1 a black and w j ghsp- uiati ntld mrs jmiuus it wurrvn miss m nnr and mlas maggie worden wt m dt h gntca to the 1 hi pit at associa tion mrutliig at giulph tills week km dr antlilf and mr h moore altunded lnudoii confervtii hirst ford 011 monday thu lormer re- pruaeiitlng wusluyau iheologlcul ool lege montreal mid the latter albert collegillelluvlll mr 1 d campbell of wlnulwg a fnruiur obtueiiied resident uf this vlcln- ify made aclon friend aa ilyiigvislt un luemlay mr catnphell w routu for ottawa to attain the meet ing of thu gt jiertil aswumhly mlas mnigiiith mann mrs joint maun mr alex munu mr holm isuso mr and mrs iotnr molt mint ituliuooti arthurs mrs lliumas watkhia of acton and miss msggli mclsmiici of new uambutk attended the funeral of the lata isaac mcli at drayton last week cored ofjonstipatoh- mr anclrewe prmlaas dr mora indian root wile mr icorre andrews of halifax n s wrltea 1or mnnyyenra 1 littvclii tmubled with chronic coiulllcttkm tills ail ment never come slnsle handed and i have been n vk tlin to tlie iiiiiny llnessca lmt couitlnatum hring lu its train medicine after utedllue 1 have taken in order lo hid relief but one and all left inn in the same 1 10 juries condition it eeinrtl that nothing would expel from me the ouo otliuent that caused so much trouble yet ut last m read about these india it hoot tdla that was indeed a lucky day for me for i was an impressed with the state- nientn mudo tfint 1 j determined to give tlirui n fair trial they have rsfulaud my stomach ana baweli tarn cured of corutlpauoef aaa claim they have no aqual aa a medi cine m j l over hnlf a century dr morses irulkm root ill in have been curing ccev tllimillnu and rlorfed inactive kidneys with ull the nlliuetiu which result from i them they clrnnso the whole syitcm and purity the blood sold everywhere ataockbax 2 kodak vouh r altai hnppose you are sv ttilswouktiiatryoirwlll lisvo wt no time to think about any v thing but seeding but later 1 when everything ibcounnanc v ing to grow and the old homestead looses twautlful would it not be itlcw to aku sum pictures of it and your favorite enlnuus home day you may go wast how nlro it would be to have plctuns of lb old place with y 11 and how pleasant for those who have lo remald behind to receive some photograph which you have taken on tha way out 1 thn bikiva la hint enough for anyone irlugle sells kodaks at w2 up lo i n 1 hi show jou all how to take ph tuns and dnvslop your flm krtw ito 111 no bgali oct iltd ot in- vew hourw liemlsu ihlug inadn thsl will so quickly ri i th sclp of dutrlng itchiness iarihian hack the hair dresser and tmaullllsr a 1 hrown guarantee ijrlilun hajre to rum dandruff stop itrhing- scalp and falling hair or mom y buck and sells it for only ut r nt a large 1mu1s it hits vlullty into lb- hair and give u a radiant lustre tls a favoril hair lrelug of r flnetl women itecaus it so quickly re pahs tlwsoalp ami not iwlng sticky r greasy is delightful lo ubi 1911 i wallpaper thk nkwim dl mn rilh iatisl coi orincs rmpara irom ke m roll up also samples ciulh loronto uiil 11 h iiitiful line of 1 ug li k lnk a a t brown acton ont hhhhhmnnanannqnnh nory1l flour prices reduced on all jjradth lay in your itollt for tlicmimmcr largo stocks of flour vitd and seed in store here r noble proprietor n f moore manager wbe right house hamilton a ravorite shopping place merchants week in hamilton stasis monday june 12th you are welcome lo make your headquarters at the store of many conveniences- the right house tptwuiung tin week of juuc utth to 17th tin kkiit llouuis jui7 will be thr sroiic of some remarkably interesting eventa in honor of merchants w ek i hi7 wc k has been planned by the hamilton ilo ird ts 1 rtfle to help the mm md women o acton tnd other pi u cs to t ike advulta of thr hundreds of special offers tnd coiivenicnet that will be arr111 d as i lamiltonh le tduiij r t ul t ibhshment lui kiidi 1 iiouui of course will be in the forefront of the valut giving the special displayi and demonstrations that wr are trrtngtng will be the first thing to see on arriving in town yojr railroad i arl will ul rltundld on a iiblrai basis hlrl come and spend tin entire day rotming alout this big beautiful store make full use of the kest room which occupies the entire balcony of the telephones thy ea room and the many other conveniences to ie found here the semiannual carplt lvlnt in rrogrlss all month at the right house li 65 vkmlnucr and willon cariwta i aninlnklar anil wilton carpels 3 in amuinsler and wilton csrpels hc lo i mi ingtuh tspmury cdrpets c 10 jy inollsli ispvatry carpets ir oandli f 1 n lliusaelscarpeta ir 33 i jj ami 1 n lnjtluh ilruasals carpel i 10 r imi and r jj lngllab ilniaael carpeta 05c- aa liooluh ingrain carpet jc 7jc kdxiibii injcraln carpet oc thomas c watkins limited king and hugnson sts haftfllton ont it takes a clever modiste to make dresses of fashion beauty and grace none but an expert could fashion garments of such character and distinction beauty and grace of line appcarti in every one of them it rcquircu skill and long experience to create from simple cotton textures garments of such pronounced charm some are plain enough for morning wear othcra sufficiently iaborato for dress occasions but all display new and attractive features materials represent quality as well as beauty duplicating these gowns cither reidy made or by purchasing the materials and having them made up would prove a well nigh impossible task at the prices we quote v if you arc looking for dainty useful wash frocks and dont mind saving on their cost you arc bound to be interested m this display ol smart new models that we have priced so moderately childrens and misses dresses at 64c 7fic and and up to 1260 ladies house dresses from l5t up to l75- ladies fine mull lawn or cotton voile dresses priced from up to l wo propajr all axproaa freight and postage charge on all gooda reardlesa of aiaa or valuo bend na your order by mail samples cheerfully anbmittad mens clothing furnishings d e macdonald bros corwynlham and jhacdontfl strccjs cutlpii ont dress goods millinery j store news jut a law word klmul tha way uarcliandlse la marked and led in this stdre livery article is marked in plain figure ami all customer can sex for themselves tlie wife of the article they are huylnv ihnr is no iufigllhif with fluro or prlvsle marks tli prioo 1 plainly written and i have no shoos d lhiok hvery line of msrcbsndlss i sdvsrllso is exactly vrhtt my advertise ment slates snd what my aaleimen represent tocualomers it la a pleasure at all limes to ahow goods you arevievm worried to bay you are at liberty lo look over my slock and compare vsluos prices atul slyus with o th or stores values irom the msny yoars evimilence i have bulla dealing with lucdubucjl uu lhorouhly convldcad that tlta- only ballslsciory wsy to conduct a auccaaahil butluu i 10 culllvste tba confidence uf the purcbsalng public by doing strictly what i sdvertlae and marking all merchandise in plain figures and tisve only oni iliick to ai i- i sm showing ihe finssl lin of merchandise in huh slllllts unukhwualt box uults kkaohu ulovks straw hats 1u 11 and iiit hats ianaua hats and nienvwssr of all kinds that i have had the pwaurs of placing heforatba public my stock of wo01 luns 1 antincs and suitings is one of the fineil in ttia trate my prices are reasonable and workmanship style and fit guaranteed llelng a practical cutter and taller i look carefully stw every detail of the trade and you are assured of tier feet atlshullon at all limes if you have not been a duatomer in the put 1 cordially invite you lo vlsli my store snd become a customer i have many customer who have patronised m for nearly a quart r of a century in this city ami are ill appreciative valued patrons ol this slots r e nelson merchant tailor mens furnisher wyndham street iuelph ontario when vve net your wireless call for help we wilt come to the rescue wttri dood old printers ink m m i coob advbrtisinc has saved many business mtn from hnancial shipwreck the acton free press can itou keep cool txte know that you can it you have one ol our qual ity line ol hammocks which wo are handling for this season wc have better values than ever and our range of cojors all harmonize let us show you our line and quote prices sec at our special h f johnstone mm stkikt httrdinittrlb acton ont many benejltat com to ih depositor in ut bavlrujps oepsurtatent the merchants bank 01 cknhdh 711i1k steadily mere ising balanco iivcu a feeling of contcut- j- munt and batiblaction with the present and assurance that the luturc is safe the knowledge that the mcrciants bank of canada is strong and secure with the experience of almost half a icntury and is carefully managed gives cer tainty that all money intrusted to its care will be safely guarded and can bo had when required depositors in this bank receive every courtesy your account is invited total assets jw vwf 9vv9v f a maclean manager acton branch

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