Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 15, 1911, p. 1

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wht victim jfrti tft volume xxxvi no 80 kwrr rumrllin raid in j acton ontario tlluhhoay mohning iunjs 15 1111 hinoljs con km thimbu obnth im roausnsd s bvuiit tiiultsoay ftioilnlnq allx btitkkt thi i baawwtalai ovj dollar or year slrlqlly tn uvni ajl nib- crtptlona dlaoonllnuwl whan tli tlm for which uir iu ban pola ho ax- trod tu cat to whlob avory iub- orlpuon i ifeld lo dnuld on ib od- lreoe ubl halo trkiulct dvr- mt lo nu ir niinpimll iii iitui for drill uu vt ha or advorueoaioni wlutuui spmloa dl- rhuou will b lnrtd ull forbid and ehiii aooardln tiuulinl od- varuoeato mint in paid in kdu aavorueemsnt will bo ohiiad ono eatto bodth u dhlrml iror ahao- oftonar uua ebova asaotlonod iho oora- poojuon must b paid tot at iauir aeeetti kulua omw iat btrt in- too c wbor kaeeera lb and x hardy oo will rooalv ror uo nevfo ariocrtuono and advertlaaiiiaoila and wfcor our roadare eon free ok owl so ur sapor when to una land il p moobr i rvoprlalor suminttb dirfxtorp rxwos cray m i c m mcgill mwmrf butm hkouul aaaoouno bvm mw glased sb ttiwl aston dot 1 k holmes m d load xu m l o x bom baa cfaloi haattal i itomn horgooo to ht jooaph a uomplui rtaiblalbii to ibolounu tba mandltb wabiortal ly ho roily hospital xuidoa hjmc jewellery u an mo so aotom oht j lei rrop ood bopt honf hospital dibbmss of womon and cjboorml hontwy lrlt fhoe korth a k j maojunnon blutnu bomcrrom owrri qajbhia mill blfmt id btovala ilfoaa k voorth dlvutoo ooort county or bel- rawlvlnud ulilag i hooey loloeaoto owwtam fwiyiim iilosk aotom uht vr j u dkli uofl ldb mil t hwht ooraor mill ood rrodoiwk ktraau fitmr omuxum o tooomto umiywwmt j tho ult ka ihua od if dom ifd d vttmolow dobuowy to oi oaoooponotorytiiaadajr ctausoi modrt osoo la arthur block nai ourdoo hr- d l l bhnnktt dentist mjscxmupoa im ad hardy co advkktib1na comtkactixm and nkwa corsrowdhmtc ja flom swmi umdon b c kiitund- a vuo o tbla pooor oou bo oho fro ol tobu wwbo blwoourooolrod naaho hoiahobaja bookb1hdkk otrwulub wmzsszi a7m1ioml ptaoaptlf i ii d w woooojrofttllybooad m abblaob uobabb n t hooks imibi vm mutmi uawui rtlwuow wo wi wogtoroa ioooi rtfortj ww fco qt f p rmilligan lluhibp alctiohkk tar um ooobum of uolton and pl wtaoauondod to mowpuy voim oak boojouy hodonoo onorgoa ami mjun oppmlut uhrnui out ampovm bos itt ooonolowa g a black llcinuu auctiohkhm bt tim ooanuoa of uolton and walluatou m mook ood itbplomoalo viirolturo ood 3 tti bolm mllaltoj houalootloo nar- mraiihi lalootloo nar- aoton or urn ph ooso npi abmstrhbt i iitoaawip adoviokuib itals aay bo oobrum of wolllmton mnh holloa imttfcthavmmi pmmmm offloo aoton or bo pronpuy am owboy o iooo ob v wmudtilhilownl mtoa ol in tbo oioatloyorobu lnioroat in iv llcwmo auctiomvm ta tbo ooontloa of wallloium hal ion ood oodoflud with m4ufooaou amd upon bviouoiftomlmoao r o tlpboo to t or oapnngo or uft ot itbbm 1wwi amia m wi imtxodloto atuou owl n la mioi la anion ondtiolouy jaue3 mcdonwd uckmibi auctiohhbr ror um oountua ol walllngtoo hal ton wotortoo wonioorlh oud um city of ooalph ia aoodatud oil una a ood roouoa borontaml in ajory ooao lllim datoa oto apply to llos vi nwltoblf hydoohmn hi oukipk roimbooo iff unolph bhtf bo oironi hh 111 wiyi io orrongod pbkm olo the old and reliable granite and marble dealers iv t tfi om monofaatoam aod dlroat importon v wi mil dlroot to onr eaatomon at whou i tprloaa iboo aovlh ooi i wo kt tbo boat a tvlol oor oiittotnara w p w boat opplunooaiodtb lea in tbo domloloo who out opor- sre5f ttbwsaiiur toorfl repairing now is tlic time to have your watch clean ed and otled think i how long is tt since your watch was oiled then think how long would a hew ing machine or other piece of machinery last if it wcro oiled but once a year your watcli is safe in our hands- savage ouclph co out your chopping will be done quickly and well on cither platen or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills llour oatmeal bran shorts the host at lowest prices harris co llmltod trie berlin steam branlta and marble works cabpbr braun propria tor homjaitor antl lluluura ol htaluaa maui looumomominwatr marker ami honl- iodoo and oil kltuu of artistic cemetery work wm hemstreet aglint acton waters bros ouclph headquarters for o a c ami school supplies nature study botanical etomolooical drawing paintino wyndham street phoim 330 bbgtlmson palatafc- papr hanger piotore rramr ktc begs to inform the ladies of acton and surrounding vicin- ity thajt ho has been appointed agent for three of the largest wall paper houses in can ada 1 500 samples to choose from prices right also that lib is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissors ground furni ture repaired snoi mill stheet acton spring footwear wo have juat recolvoc a large alilprnent of spring ami summer fooiwoar trom iho wy launl american footwear thai will equally delight men women and children daop in any lime and inspect hit complete nock of hl pla srlng footwear 1 w witj3liams mill street acton diamond llnamcttcd ware ow v aluminum ware we imufl mffhellilntf un if what u wanlnl all i ho uaiial orllcloa in niamoni hiah y alao ull lino of aluminum ml onco aluminum llwi altyaya aluminum buy il ht oontlo tbo bond hardware co roiall phono 07 nearsight iar- sight glasses anu glassls are a nulaanco which kkyitok 1iho caib ilu away wllh entirely llavotlielwn lenaoa fuand in on an imiifaclly ilia yon cannot loll wlmro nnn anda itid tlm riumr ixtalna khyitok 1 1nsi s ore unlvef aaliy roconimendotlj lion and con a d savage hhjht at 1hb thst opptcil phone 627 guixph fitclmut c oectionery haaji harold wilcs ill received at hla ice cream iarlora a full lloo of ancellonl coronation cunfrc tlonery neatly pul tip and very tooihuoine jul the kind you will tmjoy try a tampla to day harold wijes acton education for prdfit the aucceaaiul experience nf hnndreda of brig 111 younff men and woman who are now ecu rely ho id rip enviable poalttune in i ho croat world of bulnoaa and finance began t a thorough coureo of training at the erna qubl1h jfaaoajeaioaar tjjoy trjodbojei at cbolplt out ll would delight and astonlth you to loarn i ha atory of ibo rlae and proa roar of a largo number of the graduate of i hla lamooa inallluiloo hero and now there alanda wld open for you who have youth boaltb discernment and ambition the aame door of honorable uocoaa tonl procraellnala aolae opportanlly do ll now come ill roc t to tbo college offlce 137 upper wyodham blroet or addreea malcolm maocormaok ba principal nor1tal flour prices reduced on all grades lay i your stock for the summer large stockh of flour feed and seeds in store hero r noble proprietor n p moore manager the excelsior bakerv irst quality brcagv cakes wedding fakes eic meat of wheat pickaninny pancake flour maple syrup and honey holbrooks favorite punrh sauce k iloinzt pickles 57 var ieties oysters aiumish best lines- of confection ery i t staihamson main st acton jjorlqj i bix touay aiwl whtatord to mo joyouely 1 imil you dad thol you dont know what doy lhla ia i feigned to think thooh well i knew mhat ohe would oy alll nbtiiniird aiirprian when oho ix- nlolmed tlni krowhitf up n all todiy whol la it wlmii ibo yeara come on thol holde b inoti aittl uiokeo lite hnort to aofton towort a little oblld and uiakee the loare an nulrk to btalt f i had not noticed tl borr i did nut think until lofly her ployroome atrangely at lout now hor wler doll lee laid away tbo mnfinr marki wo lorfxl ore ktno from off the window alll v i lr i roth the hloeoomod apple tree the owlnir i made la otratikoly allll aihi wlutvnn koeorooound tho houeo tlohrokrn by hernhllduh rioo hha au today and rrowlntf up tto moro a htlfo ww to mo v vouro elx today oumn klee your dnd anil hug- blm ton you flttba and romp wllh him ul puy with him nor oak hlui why imn not blmaou jtat follow him wberoer ho hoot oud let him toko your lltt bond i dont aak him what he o thinking of you wouldnt know or undmatattd let a go tcifother dowrf tho lane a romping in your rhlld heart way vrm ciuiiutt ploy llkn this for loiiir youro growing up youin alx uy day hrtited tturt 3fnmhi jlrablng pt wah mt time for the oomlur or ji tbo kreeh air chlldroii tnnu the oltyv that nmtk pco in july and autfuat when the houd utve inenta acorrely rool oft in tha hour of darkneoe and tbo uper room of orowdml touaitnonthouara oro alllllnft and tiroatblroe the twenty four hour through llul the doctor from oity inui wrl tcottuttiro kind coiiniry rouplc wikim nhohty he had rial mod often and never in vain in behalf of a girl jwulrnl alowly iooovrrinif from a long lllneoo hhoorotlii tbe olnt where i ran no no lain tltn doctor wrote two ur tlireo woeke in tbo country would make her recovery a proa ural certain ty hern it aw ma ttry doulttrul tho farmer road the letter aloud that evening at tha auppar table ilia wife heard him in ailencr and he looked at i mi in onrprloo well mother havent yon anything to -yr- t kuboo ito henilollo that lh- one to aook aba anowetod tind llunrl utta the only daughter turned lowaid him a porlurled face i dont men how wrocdll- p4m- manima prtimlaed me todoy that i might invito uroulo hero for a month thorva only oner extra room you know and healde alio heel t a led a moment we couldnt have a ory good time papa with a atrohgo girl hero and ono that half alok leide i think we do our ahar when wo take eomn of tie freah air children in the autnmer the fethor hat allent a moment then 1 might a well write tho don tor tonight he aaid and txplaln how it la he wroto hla letter titling atthadeek and henrietta wrote hero alttlng omaaalrgged in the artnobali like a turk after abo went to bed that ntght liefound irrraoir chlnkrngalout the dontora letter tluoe werke in the country voahl make her recovery a practical certainly she turned her pillow to ihu itlher aide and lliimidml it oroouly that did lint oeoiu to make any difference 11m trotihleaotiie vuloo kept reimotlng lletiovery a practi cal rertahtty llete it enema very doubtful why it woe almoat like having a uhattcn u aavtt a life and hilling it pate linl in proved when ho loll aaleop at loot it woo to dream of a girl in the water alruggllng to rentth shore there waa a roll of rope on the batik but when llnnrlettaa father would hautt thrown it to tin exhaualod a whinner henrietta cltitob- od hie arm you unialnt uae that rope i alio crlrd hi her dream i want ft for a owlnf i when aha awoke thu face of the drowning girl wavered ihjploaaantly lie fore hor eyea and therv were wade of rnolature on her forabaad hbo ullpped out of imni and etoln dovrti into thu kitting room where two mated lottero lay on tho writing doak hen rietta toro them iwith to blla ami tlroppvd the fregmenta into the wnale- itaakeu and went wuk to hod to bleep noa girl ahonld atoep when ahe la elx- teen ho the girl from ihe oily oatno mho waa iunh ailenuclauml little craaturu wllh a wan face hi which the great eyeo eoemed alartllngly big and bril liant that tho donloio verdict that thro weeka in the country would m- biiro her recovery aeemed an amaalng piece of optliiium hut after a few hayrf her gain waa pronounced enough lo attract attention in a week alio liurlly hmketl tho oauiw gill at flrot apntrmllty ahe lacked tbo atrnnglli lo talk alut hnrofir now who wgan to toll lilt in ihlliga which henrietta found wonderfully lutereatlng i nant make nut aha aald ono day w bother yotl go lit aclltwd or woak bomrtwheir somrtlmiw i think una and koiuatlmoo the nlhnr which iiiir the other girl ami led i titfttolh 1 iiavo a place where i earn eevon dol- lareaweek but 1 want to do hotter and im going to nlgbtbohuol tiw i it ront make a pretty long day for you aah ilenrlettae molhor with a kindly glance at the ihtn faoo t1e girl laughed oh yoo ilia day la pretty long i i gel up at five in tbo morning mother aowa all day firt4a big oetahllohmnnt oo i try to rl uii bouoe rlaau wforo 1 go to my work and i cook thing oo tin- rblldron will have aoinnlhliigi to al when they enino limm from oohool at noon 1 get out ol half paal five at night ao hawtlmn to got auppor and waab up the dubea foro 1 go lo night orbool llul wt j tu umul work all ui4- timer extlaluoxl henrletla hyou obiit havn a nilniito jual to nirjoy yourlf the girl atnllnl a llttlr ll waa plain thal aba woo grateful for llnnrlettae aympolhy though ahe did not fel tho need if it oh i dont mind ahe aald you ooe ive got tour hrothere and a alator theyre a gihxldral younger hen i am for lhe on no lo wtwoen til ml i want lo get to w a teacher an i can help thorn tnorr f dont wall i ttietil tu have an hard a time a 1 ve had the thin llttln faio bad a uertaln watily in ito wlatful lenderneaa i with you could ao kucha the girl went on hhea the youngeat and bo protly llul oho laut atrong like lue itaohal couldnt do tho way ive done i want lo got ohead on munh aa i nan oud help hor henrietta waellatonlng and thinking her utile aaorloce had a v i lb lf of a homlna the atory of toll and aolf- donlal familiar eiiuugh to lhoae who know the llveo of tho oily poor aound- od hi hoc euro like the rhythm of annm apeodld ihmjiii it wub worth wlrfle to glvu up many thlngo in or dor that ouch a girl aa thu hlioultl w able to go on working and atudylug and helping uthnro oh im glad i henrietta mulultnrd impuulvcly hardly realis ing thal the wordb had janted her ll tho other girl turned why r ebo aakml mondiirlngly and heurliittaa omlle prhrml her for the auewar only btoauoe youre hero bald hmirlntla run qui vour miti 11 itoh do motto in tbo plloboro im alowly twlatoil hltnaelf into euoh a hartt knot aa a prof paal on nl contortion lit might envy and auddnnly raoelled hit with h jork that until the wll to- walsitnir bj a a cannon at lhe platu jim hrady owung to moot it with a vlrluua aweap of hla wt thoro waa a dull thud and jim dropped the wt and htartnd fun flrot woe while th wll roae in a gentle riirvo that nvu the lmmt inalh- omatlcal in the crowd of aotalore could not fall to a4 would land in tha idg pltcboie hands a aumthnrod rnuin wnnt up from the ina and aympathlzora while a blurioiia about from ihu ouu greolod what waa plainly a polrif in thulr favor kveti tbo wttor aaw and acknowledged it ami aoped in hla run to flrot what waa tha uae t jo metle couldnt help catching a why wll like that ho waa out all right i what waa the good of running f itiautitly a cry rang from tha coaohlng lino j jo on i kevpgolul htin ll out i olt to flrot you loafer 1 obediently urndy nu1okonod hla pace gbvan whlln inwardly protecting agaluat tho ordtir of otiurae it waa of no uae do mette had lb wll jpouldut uilaa it when lo tho utiex pooled tho almoat itnpoealhlq happen ed i the utile white aphora roll into the pltchero waiting porhapa ovar- confldent hand neatled tbure an loalant and then twlated luulf out and bounderaway acroobaalbrt graaa qulnkly ho aprang for ll aruld the oheero and joe to from the bleach er caught it up and hung it with all hla might to drat hut it waa um latoi when it reached mnoka imnda ltradye uul waa uafe un vim wg there y on- tton aald carroll tha coach trolling down to llrol wliaim j hell youp alwayo run it out taku all your nhanova oont atop when you got a golu no matter what you beu ni to w up agalnat you never can toll whulo golu lo impihmt aiiylmmlyb llkuly ta tiinbln the wll hi tlmou many a gamea wen hut wuauao fellnre didnt run out their lijto when they thought it waanl of any tiar uvlwaya run out your bit son never atop until you havo to now it booiuh to mn that that la prtdly good luwj not only for tha diamond but for that ntlmr the loom etromimia game thttt wn are all play- lug the gamo of4fe llradya oupor- eun la a coiiimnn unu wo lilt abort bomehow or wo strike out uy our folly or inability or unakllfulneaa or by clrciimstanoea which wo are- unable to control we find oiiraelvea liable to w dnfalod in tho piirpoe wn havn have act wfuro ub there la amall chanao of winning out of rcuchlng flrot httan or hnuw plate the other fellow haa got itlmud of ub and thu plana u hla iho prlito we art aeoklng will go to bdinelody utau j bo hatidl- nap y too groat we nru up agolnat a prtmtbltltti that la too bard for na thuht lo nu ukuitiuiryliiuli wu mighl juat aa well aoorpt the inevllabln and mitttn down lo fft tliatwe am waton thla urtt hlway and luoeaaarlly enw- artlloe or faht bnartodneaa it la often wlmt looku llko tho bardoit uom- ui tut bnitae the recognition or facu aa they aru if wo hail a fighting chance wed taktj ll i hut wn omit ecu that wn havn nvtm ihai oo wi ipilt then mime n oarroda buowl phlloonpby uuu it outt take all your olihiiona i you noviir know whalo going to hapxui i many a gniun ih iohl ttccnuno thu plnyero dnnt run t thnlr hlta i tberoo that young fnllow down hi honth carolina of wlnmt thu papara have told tie who atandano a remark- able llhiblralloii of what oaii w donu by running u uut he u a liogro and that la a bandloap ho la a doof and dumb and theres anotbrr and u double handicap hut ha wanted lo got an education ahd to locoma a lawyer white in hhow untoerolty ho waa a tnemwrif tha foot wll looiiv and in agamn wao oo onrloualy injurml la ryo hod to 1m removed a rtmt end dumtt with but ono oyoot what clionco had ho in tha grool gatno of life 1 lot when thooo alxut him tried to aymjiotblu wlui him wcauae or conditlona thai might eaally w bopmood to havn daotroyod boio and courage tho wave young tallow ropllri never mind ive one good fn yet and ill inikr it anyhow t and he la making it bo ono of the only throe deof and diimh uwyera in the united riatea think of thai ror a hendlup 1 lulf hi the ban da of the pitcher and orel won far away to go wck to lhe atory with which wo wgan one might ol- nioot lm ikordoned for not attempting to make the run ot ell under auob con- lltkmo uonyf n aro not mmklng it fur roeamia far looa cogent and oon- vlnclng nut lhla man will get there tin cant help it he la taking all hla obanrea ho la running out hla bit ho will bring hla run and tho gatno lo hla thorn are oome men who cant w waten wcauae they wont w ilo- fore a man ran w defoatod the con- aont of bio will uat w obtained ho who la willing to fall le already a fail ure ho la out wforo the umplree doclalon le declared hun tout your hit t take all your cbancea nevnr alop until you have to i lunula k thayer haa put the truth in rhymo thua run it out ihougli you think ll ikonl atood aa though tied to tho place run tt out- though ihe chanon lo agolnal you forbapo you can gel to your itaoo 1 bo crowd on tho tdoochoro le abouting lto game and take heed lo call lino it out for the oilier cwp may- will homuaaiy juggle the wll hun it out la a unity utuni motto whatever the gania that you play lnr ihoroa alwaya a chance for tha fighter who doeoat give up dlamny you will find that the man wboe buo- ceoaful the men who le landed by all uuna it out and ulto frwiuontly goto i hero whllo the olhai chap jugglofl the wll twenty yrahb aoo a brlot badiot iptfhn onr loo ot junol lob lflbl hny will w a abort crop bereolmiola thla yror mr jooeph lahyo fin wrn waa raloed on krldoy tito 0 t h boo ptklia an apparalua at tho otalloo here for drying bond for tbo en g i ilea a building will w erect ed for tho purihiee and s mclennan jr will w in rhargo wotwk ur lotor moloooe woo ruling a horoe fnim tho flnhl on hla rathora furni third line when tbo animal atnped auddxnly tltrowlng lhe rhlor agoloat a lutnwr pile break ing hla inn uro jph mcohtre lofl loot week on a trip to ireland mr h zimmerman jr left on mon day with hla mother and elelorw for lortago ijl iralrlo man mro oo wllluiaa loft yesterday for llltaburg pa to join hor huawnd trrt ramlly will roalde therw mr john wllllame left loot week on a holiday trip to georgian ihiy and returned at the end of the week with a happy bride congratulation are now pouring in mr wllllame u one of our moat progreeolve rltlaeno ho hae been engaged for oome montha in turning an old property into a bright attractive and commodlouo home and now that be haa a wife to graco the now burroundlnge it will no dolibt w one of joy and comfort llnitv in acton on juno ithh lo ur and mro adam cvk u eon hokk in a hon on juno litb to mr and mro john kennedy a daugh ter uojwat ml alwno loroonago acuui on june nth to itev and mro 1 ii oooko aim hon m at tho methimllat vareonage acion on june 15th to luv or and mra o a clifford a m maimitm at wlarion un june 10th by itav m vanalcklo mr john wllllama acton lo mlae llachel weaver oldoot daugblor of mr john weaver of hope hay uchamiifj jiihtuaiq gajro ul it tluaiot pair of phraoeo when he wrote thai the death of oarrlck ocllpood the gayoly of natlone and impoveriahed the public atock of humleeo ploaauro yet thuro le neell a third that aboil cover mlmhiuhlng a pooploo dally comfort to follow the johnaonlan atylo there are bo many little alnb of omloaton or comnlaalon that give utburo discomfort or petty anrioyance i wg to offer a llat that might wall w pnaud on that family bulletin board that should hang in ovary front hall way i when through with any liquid oork or nap the receptacle dlapoee of your own burnt ma tehee broken lined 1 40 or wnt pin a tut your book back into place on the shelve hang up lowela d tut ere polishing cloths and mope dont borrow eta rope or aak frlenda for email change itol i up your own dried umbrella havn pencils poua and paper of your own itameniwr that trifle use up o there time aa well aa your tim whole neighborhood haa an in terest in the neat nose of your homo and grounds it la likely that aomo one may w waiting for the telephone wire a wy seldom wblatlr well enough to niakw it a treal other llko tho brownest pancake good manner area puhllo wnefoo- lion thu salespeople are nol allowed to answer wck heading extract 1 often horeeome argument may often offend even when tt convinces wliun making n ou roineniwr you hum many thing now lo you have long been huiilllar to other tho rule of hygiene are not a part of tha holy ftorlpturao your beat friend doe not alway llkn your favorll book keep a dog if you must hut dont impose the animal on the whole neigh- imirbuud though your affliction niay w groat it la nol universal people dont llko tu say mind your own bualnooa hut they often think it nnloaa we are careful tudor jenka in christian kndaavor world olamiim bpinijrrour viars plying their knlvo on james don- oily at potlbvlllf pa recently and ox pooling to and and remove or mend a fractured voftowae aurgoons canto upon and extracted a piece of thick glass two incline in length and a hair tneh wide whero it wao deeply ombml- dod in tho tlesji caualng them lo give the wrong diagnou it devnlomml that donelly wan knocked through tho voatlbulo dmtr or a trolley ur in an accident about tour year ago a deep uunil waa inlllctm id tho wok ok hla nock into which tho broken gtaa waa imbedded the wound wao sowed up without know lodge or tho plnco of glak which 11 couroo of tlmu worked down in m point wtwoen the shoulder blade thbflamist mr newrlch who haa drued fur a planlsoi ho you am the mitalo tpacber tliat answered my advortloo- inuntf lianlat 1 vm utaaui mr nowrich 1 wall alt down hero and play aoouple of duet a ao that 1 can do wlutt you can do rlavb voo a bad sobmt if w romemwr uiooe fclo-7mi- huk lo by far iho moot widely used balm in canada i why haa it become oo popular ilecaum it heats noroo cureo akin disease and doo what la claimed for it why not let it heal your euro 9 homow that kaaihtikialtn gather different to the ordinary oint ment most or thooo conalat or animal fata zamlluk contain no trace of any animal fat or any mineral matter itlaawoiuloly lierwt itemeinwr that xmlluk ia at the same time healing soothing and antiseptic kllta mlaon insuntly and all hannrul grnna it 1 suitable alike for recent injurioo and dlooaaoa and for chronic anre ulcere etc tool how different and superior zam hpk really a all drugglate and atoroo at boo box ilea also zamiiuk boo p holiooeobunhum and prevent freckle hoot for wyhwth 25o uhlet anc1kmt mkwsparlri tliere are many people who aaoldti- oualy collect nowaiaper cuttlnge and poate them in a scrap book but it i doubtful whether ahyona 00 lay claim to tbo poooeosion of cutting from ft uornan newapaporof tha urn or the oaooaro indeed it i neither repra- beu alble nor aa ton tailing if but few people rememwr that there wore any human now oboe to wa have it un tho authority or buetonlue uiat juliu caoaar wafl hlmaelf at on tlm edjtor- inchler of the homan paper called acta dlurna cnhappily u10 rav age of time hav lft but few of thooo daily acta for they can per- haiw claim to w tha pioneer of jour nalism morcurhui domeatlcua in spite of it latin name waa not a llomon hewapapar it waa merely una of tho od lltno editor j 1001 it ruwfthd the fullovrlng advertlaoutent lost near htooka market a negro boy called kent aged ten hla hair out abort around the crown of hi head with oliver huge in hla ear ami a meant cloth edged with blue and cap of the oome belonging in mr juliu deed whoever shall bring tho utnn shall have a guinea reward in the commonwealth mercury for 10511 appear tho announcement t there lo newly published a fw high krom hell a good warning to inner old ami young by that poor servant of u10 lord john hunyan obituary notice formed an impor tant item in the old newosheota and in ihu th tyna mercury buggewtod the following scolaof charge for jo- sertlngtbem t if did name and age of tho defunct simply are inserted no charge if the defunct la to have a good character haven shilling if deeply regretted by numeeou luoon- solobu friends ten shillings lf tu w universally latnentml and naiar for- rttaii twelve ahllllnga and aupeno inotib resignation manly fortitude etcetera to furnish aeiiarato itetni awpbhhy auoirr oablb till a favorll old rnclpe for title tempting delicacy 1 fur the cake take ii table bpooiifnl of white augar 4 uhlospooufula of bolter a tooapoon- ruuorwkhigpowder omd una quart or hour make thla into a sort dough using a utile bweot milk hull nut and wko in two jllyck patib while thoyar wklng mash two quarla of horde ami sweeten thorn well when iho cake are doue bay will toko from is to ho j minute in a brisk oven split thoni butter each ahle and apreail the wrrlo lolween eoch layer dual whlto augar over and spread a bmniful or two or whipped cream liver all j place together oud cover the top with a tldckcoaung of sweeten- ad whipped cream arranging a few whole wrrle temptingly un top thla make a wautltui and delicious dlflh the niant way my unci tom soys catching blrdi la eaay when you know tho proper way to do it an i go 00s porhana ft on he knowo a splendid way ha soya at hardly ever falls doe creep up cloae an drop a tilt of salt upon their tails i tried it all the afternoon i know do how to do you boo a bird down on tho ground but dont lot it oeo you non croopup near it wlv the salt an wdemawtnleliii i didnt calcb a bird lo day but to morrow pcap i will womans home companion brotherhood i iioro o remt for tho nmn or aortal rutflthn who ftoo loot w fall if tho brotherhood of man 1 tact instead of fnncy ereryhody who linn fallon tu ibo riffht lo a holplug iwnj in thin way tt la kwiw lo acquire a moral worth utioqualod by those rorelvlntf iho plondil of tho rnultltouot acoulm n moral heroism u initialed by the warrior the reronltlon of ao rtal duty lo tho key lo ibo peace of the world the recognition of social duly will ultimately prine to tbr world waiver peace and iw end of all war booauw oor won lclbpiinta nuimdbhip tbo elephant manner of showing it appreciation of klndneaa la a moot effecting sight if wo may judge from oovaral instance which ar un record aay our dumb animal that theao hug wing poos excellent mem oriae and become fondly attached to kind at tendon to baa won often abo wo to win tho goodwill and lasting gratitude of one of thooo mighty gtanl whose disposition toward hi keeper had iteen any tit i ng but friendly lo tho claim of a japaneee veterinary bur geon whose atory i told by a mission ary in the indianapolis new i i wao called upon to treat tha ele phant and although i felt much afraid of the big wast aa i had hoard how wild ho waa i determined to attempt it firatof all i took rope and en deavored to fasten hi trunk to an iron wr hut my effort were unsuccessful for aa h moved about tha rope were cut at once aa lhla plan failed i knew it would be impossible totregt him by forcc but a happy thought cam to me i called in th elephant keeper stood him in front of the elephant and told him to pretend hla eye were or by oome gesture i then treated lilseyea and wndaged them and he went away thla i repeated threo lint while the elephant stood quietly watching after the third treatment i took off the bandage washed th keepers eye and told him to prouod bo era quite well of hla euro eye ha protended to w very grateful thanked me many time and went away then with a strong determination i wont up to tho elephant and putting a ladder agalnat hie big body i climb ed to hla back wltha pair of sharp scissor i tried tu cut off the pleca of torn eyelid hub as i began cutting the elophant screamed very loudly i had haver hoard such a note and i waa filled with fear 1 aprang to the floor and hacked away trembling la every nerve on looking up i m the scissor atlll dangling from the elephant eye lid i than climbed up again very carefully and summoning all my strength i out off the piece of oyelld thla time succeeding alau to treat him aa i dooired then i washed hla eye i wentoveryday foraomerunm to treat and wash hi eye and he soon became ao grateful and ao fond of mo twt ha would kneel down for me to treat him thu i succeeded by strategy where rorce bad failed i visit this elophant once in two weeka and ha la alway delighted to see me and look upon me u hla friend ti1bc shews ken i mate grant allen relate t that- he waa silting one day under the shade of the sphinx turning for oome potty point or detail to hu haedekev a aholk looked at him sadly and shook hie head murray good he aald in a solemn volaa of warning j ulaedekep no good what for you boo luedek- err no ho itaedeker la best an- swered mr allen why do vqji object to haodaksr theahelk cwv tal ida hands and looked down on him with the pitying aye of la lam baa dekerwdlook he repeated l mur ray very very good murray aay give tha sheik half a crown i baedek er say dive the abelk a shilling there taevsr wa and never will be ftnly p n ops for all ll t which hash is hole what would roll o ootllt in turq would aggravate u10 other we have how- over in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated atate a remedy for many and grlevou ills j bdualarhljudloloiw ustw rajlaat systems are led into convales cence and strength by the influence which quinine exert op nature own restorative it relieve tho to whom a chronic elate of morbid despondency auul lank of interest id lire is a dlaeaae and by tranqullislng tb nervta dlaposoa to sound and mrrtwhlng bleep imparl a vigor to the action of hie blood which winy stimulated eouraou through the vein arenglhenlng the healthy ardmaj function of lhe ayatem hereby making activity a neousary result atreugthnnlng tha franio and giving lire to tbo digestive organ which naturally dnmaml increased auwunoe ioeull improved appetite north- vop lyman of toronto havo given to tha public tbelr luperlor quloloe by the opinion of scientists tha wine approache nearest perfection ofjahy on lhe market all drugglit mi u i v

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