s mr ud airs v ljiuv a ilub iiobsstsowai kul u moubudu f i it iihut jbmsu to ik eiwltlra w itaimiuxi of laus u t ubi eaa nton on ooo luhpofcu wuh on uwwltj jbb ty ui ot tawa ii d falbar bul oasl k lm uf stiaa iriwiu wllhibw ufknblt l tiand jam im by b lhow w lauw u ut 1 latins ba h 1 llaiih ssm lwiatu a rulilmn ol ifaalwl v taialm ber k4- ii o wxinwuf tit jum br b w l vnxtoilut i la tiea if aab- terota o milfm tmnraw m tttutwtai iau mlwl unn j- lsnlitrofjiiiill ututmm lliudag tasiumlf ol aeusi- umulvyuhilmial lb bbaaeof iii orm pumhtnlilfu bribe h w llrw pa rt4r jesaswl addh k vlaanlac aid 4u4i11k ft hi and un k a flau m won u oitmwui the doit ku t watnaa kts utaw ilr o- dsa to uaael esabt j v alqmt uau i sbrdaeo l i a mmbbajl- ii asulbla di i t kufalda hiukuv jnna liui jt june ml lub mool hoovuol at um htaaiom moui m tbmiui joua sib javi jaaapule luhb moltlu 1 1 i4d knoslb hmrmai ihiwut alauwhtbl ttharrl rsr- a rlamtltaa da ttmeasj u l3th kluibfui beloved wl of kmt j v tlaiub sjc xtan jttt jlrrss thui18dav jurik loth 1011 orroniat notis line 1kov inciai trkahiiiiv con unuai lo reap rlcli harvest from suomsiloo duties the returns of seay- ached flb3li20 eompend with only yaafihibft for the oorrespoodlnn month of last year htuce the befrla in of the fiscal year recelpta from soooeesltm duties have htmin nearly double th total for the same month oflmttmt word ha been received t ottewi thai iii royal llibnees the iuo of opooaught canada a next jovernor- gnnerej will ujl for quebec on the rmprna of llhtaln on october otb arriving in quebao probably on octo ber utth thu ia aomo three weaka later than had been originally planned the government will make a fitting recaption for ilia itoyal illghaeaa od hta arrival in canada qokknh itnivkbhrrv kington la to be aeperat from the wabyterian ohurch of canada after a dlacueai wbloh laated all day tbe i generel asetmbly in aeaalon at ottawi approved of the recommendation of the board of trustee to that effect the vote atood 182 to 70 but later it wae made unanlmoua and almoat with out exception there waa general aatla- factlon tliat the vexed question ibat haa dragged t devfoua oouree over a decade in th church court haa been eettled tub prulotultoorganlaea ilooat club for acton a fmvored by cltlaena who are anxloua for aoton a progreea cltlaena generally expreea themaelvee favorable uaually to propoallioua for eeourlng dealrable new bula bere but utile la done becauae of the lack 0 apeeino organlaatlon to further the n1 neeeaaary for aocom puahlog the enda deal red a booat club oompoeed of active bualnea men and leading eltiaena can take up kuattara of keen intereat to aoton future and carry them forward to a a laaue at tub annua lonvkvtioh of the ooogregatiooal union at kingston on monday a- atrong reeolutlon declared that while it waa prepared to rapport tbe local option campaign to the utmost of ite power and waa thankful for what had already bean achieved along the lines it was not aatlafled with local option nothing lees than total prohibition throughout canada would eatiafy thoee who were oppos ing the eoutlnuanoe of thla iniquitous traillo lo th souls aodtbodlee of men to make canada tbe sober progreea ive clean moral country she should be added the report we must re move the cause of intemperance we must atop the aale and manufacture of intoxicating drink abeolutely thw qohomation nauct wm june so sute banquet at hocking ham palace june 31 dinner given by the duke of oonnaught at flu james palace june 23 coronation day june 23 tbe koyal procession through london june 21 naval review at jplthead june 20teturn of the king and queen to uonoon gala performance at the opera june 27 garden party at uucklng bam palace gala performance at ills majesty e theatre june 28 departure of royal guests visit of the king and queen 10 royal agricultural show at norwich june 20 itoyal progress to the city service at hi paula and luncheon at the guildhall ite turn of the proces sion through north london june 90knge coronation fete to a hundred thousand children at thi crystal palace mb w train albrviob to mki an iuiporian featurethat will be inaugurated duringhs coming eeasoti will be a new train service to the m of bays district a standard grand trunk paavengev train will leave toronto with through coach parlor care and dining cars at 1010 o clock n thenurntng except humlsy for lluntavllle reaching the latter point at about i brae oclock in tbe aftriiod connecting with the stsanav era for points fu tha lake of baya district and afford i ir iasengera the opportunity of reaehli g their destlna- tion in uatm fndlnmar tha snnday evenli g boat ervloe from th wawa huui britannia point id portage deerhurat and other important calling porta on lake of bays to hunuville will be ran on mme achedn ae for aeaeon loo during th fnagjbs or july and usust aod wbloh will be a boon to ek wuf daalrfng to return to tbe city for boaloem on monday two tcachers have resigned thr regnlar monthly meeting of the board waa held on mi nday evening member present i m llndron chairman j no a mowat lr k d aulu the it mmltteeon klnance preeenl- ntl lliolralath rvpnrt and rwroinmtnd ed payuirnt of accounts as follow ilk j tmsl m lwrdwer tc htu j h th la nan paid i r rapalrs 1 ou john walker repairing flag jk i iald f r rttr and pulhy j12 15 tit raport waa adtttd a letter fr m ur wm th wlilrli lia undarrd lu raslgnall tnwulxr of lit board 1 wing ut h rini vl from arto t waa rvad mvh1 ly k i aull micoodrd by j william that th reslknafton of mr w thomas iteacospud carried tle resignation of uisea laly nlcklln ami kna pearson aa teacliar wore presented mim it ik huuiphria aaalatanl of the catntlnuatlon mcikh i mji that her salary imi increamxl to 700 gwramnini mtvwllydr k i a ii eecondad by j william that the resignations or uie dauy nfeklln and mua kna learon teacher be and are tteraby accepted and tbe board desire lo pre their appreciation of tbejr vice the past year carried moved by j a mowat sroooded by j williams that mi h ii ilumnhries be reengaged aa assistant in the continuation departmant and that her salary be 9700 per annum carried moved by j a mowat seconded by ir k d a nit that the following teacher be rngged tori the ensuing year at the salaries named mia minnie bennett j5s0 00 mia ultnl llolmee fioo oo mies uuby clark 50 00 carried moved by john william a by br k b ami that the secretary be and is hereby instructed to adver tise or teacher to fill the vacanda caused by the realgnatiooa of misses nlcklln and pearson applicants to be professional secondclaaa and initial salary sioo carried to repair to acbool property necessary to be effected during tbe coming summer holidays ware con aidered part of the older building will require ahlngling ceinant walka are dealrable on each side of the school and minor repair require attention the board adjourned to meet on monday 26th inat dscohatioh day ahd vawimom tne wepdawe ot the weeui onesi s ad le ffwhvajrjpeajly on hunday afternoon at four n clock the member of acton lodge of wood men paraded from their lodge room to pairview cemetery and decorated tbe grave of their deceased brethren in the evening they attended the annual sermon by be v o uurrell b a in the baptist churcb the elxth commandment formed tbe basis of the sermon altar t lightly upon murder in general such ai war and capital punishment ite mr burr spoke upon the deeper and lees perceptible waya in which the commandment was broken dividing hie auhjeet into part pint in the great race for wealth aa it exists today the pace is bolter and faster than it hae ever been before causing hundred to fall exhausted by the wayside and enter their grave much sooner than they would under a milder and more quiet ayetem second in the alum districts the foster home of sin and crime the mother ot much tuberculosis and ty phoid where uvea ere dally saeriooed and character degraded third with unfaithful parent who neglect their children and fall to give them the start in lire that they need leaving them aa it were to the care of ehanos and sympathy this also being the causa of much ill health un happy days and shortened life ftmrtb hy tbe uncontrolled amu- tlona paaslnns and desire of human ity by wbloh even tb most loved one are being slowly destroyed now since tbrv i no time with god these which are the cutting off of life are murder just as much aa if we were to pull the trigger or a revolver and bring about what men call instantaneoue th fifth each man is reeponalble for his own life and to fall to cultivate the blgheat tastes to corn short of reaching tbe greatest possible attain ment ie to out oft life in that sphere and la therefore suicide aald murder the greatest of all attainments is that which take hold upon christ whom to know is life and of whom the apostle isald he that hath the hun bath life to fall here is lodsfd suicide and is above all other thing the breaking of the commandment that bids ua do no murder in saying these things the speaker believed be waa voicing the sentiments of tbe order rep and trusted that these would become concrete realities in their liv aa well as opini kino obobobi to vierr oanada report tnavt hist majeetr vul r to india fay way ol th pot it la reported that a vlalt will be made to lila wunjrybya majesty klng george says a special dispatch from ottawa tha king will visit canada en route far india where he will be crowned aa ktnperor file majesty will visit mil important cities in tbe d xnlnlon during his journey across tha country and will sail for india from vancouver should tills report prove to be true tlie event it forccaeta will roake king george a reign epochal establishing as it would the precedent of the sovereign of the rroplre visiting the outlying portions of the british dot minions after his accession king george wll tour canada be fore the end of the year for be is to prrive in bombay on december 2ntl find ojake ble state entry into delhi on december 7th he is to be crowned on december 12th plana have been made to enable one hundred thousand person to are th ceremony tbe king ie to rearh calcutta on deot mber 30th yes this tea is nice xrny but i pay five whole cents a pound less no honey you only think you do just order some red rose and notice how much further it goes 1 redrose mcvkv hold in uuuc 99 ftesknation of mbs graham ofrrh ilunmry haaetx a meeting of tbe pre library board was tteld on monday evening at tbe call of tbe chairman member present bar j c wilson b a chairman ii p moor sec retary iteeve ilynds john cameron andllevlor antliff the secretary read the resignation of mrs r dl graham librarian who intend shortly to reeaov to w t moved by ii i moore secoi dj by john cameron that this board ace pi with regret the resignation of mr it d graham aa librarian for nearly five year sbe baa faithfully perform ed tbe duties of tbe position to tbe entire eatlsfactlon of the board her careful attention and scrutiny of all tha books of tbe library haa preserved tbem from uaeh damage ad loss whq her courteous attention to the requests for hooka by the patrons haa rendered our library popular and help ful to the com man ity in considera tion of her faithful service this board hereby directs that the treasurer pay mrs graham 1 additional salary far the year ending when her resignation take effect june 30th 1011 carried moved by j c antlirf eecondad by iteeve ilynds that th secretary he atd is hereby instructed to advertise for a librarian to all the vacanoy ca by the resignation of mrs graham and that the salary be atated aa 97s00 per annum carried accounts of vxoo for cataloguing nd-tt8tfnr- stationary were passed tha board adjourned to meet on monday evening 1 0th lost at 7j0 o clock street improvement bills nt bun eefcdm oohoob lsotion on junk jssui council int on monday evening all pnaeot th committee on plnanm preeent ed their twlflli report and mended payment of accounts lows can geo klec co upiea 13 70 acton tanning tboa alger labor 0 ipplles k u m streets i2 00 hthurlow o camsban 31 kl acton km ice i wow ailv j 40 it inby taamlngi no fiu geo klllott 1h lu w ttiouipsoo it homrrvlllr j mcgregnr prd wrighu j crmwrord l r j wlntnn karl ksllli d mcdcugall 11 25 d htorey 1 irs th w mullen 1 n- the most profound joy has more of gravity than gaiety in it- montague the farmer and all the rest of us are extremely thankful for the show an of tha week much good will accrue to the crop jl ths report vm ad pled tim council was n tibwl by th board if school trustee ll vacancy on the board relived by tl f rvalgnatumof w thuma m vetl i y k m ucikmald i lly w kj r that lite clerk i- hereby authnru d to hold a n twin allon for iublic hchikil trustee to fill the vacancy on the public hchool board csused by lite realgnallon of w thomsa and that ih nomination be bld on jun2rkh and the election onjulyhrd 1011 carried mr john m werren addreaesd ths council stating that he was engeged in making a new uhdrvlal n of lota and streets in acton that he intended giving the town free use of warren park that mill street would b open ed through to the third line request ing the support f the c uncll in having wellington street continued through to his newlyeurveyed addl lion and enquiring if lh- mh was willing to accept ihe new survey and endorse it for registration to council assured mr warren they wen prepared to do anything reasonable for th advancement of the inlereet of ihe municipality and would give hie proposals due consideration when the maps of the new survey wrra presented the erection of the new stone and cement bridge on mill street waa dis cussed it was decided to proceed with the erection of the bridge at once council adjourned at ten n clock it orowh hair but not arte tmvm hair root i deed a t brown will tell you that be sella a great many bottle of parisun sage bscauas it gives satisfaction u- in run stop falling and splitting hair and itching scalp or money back parisian sage will make hair grow irthe ijalr root la not dead it put life and lustre into dull and faded hair and is the mos delightful hair dress ing in th wurkl only oo cents a targe bottle parisian sage is the beet hair grow er and beautlfter dandruff cure and scalp cleaner known try it on money back plan elans frmtfltat rhbia in the dsas to she bstvtua depr4mn the merchants bank oi ckisttdtt 711 i ltcadily increasing bal imf ivcs a fcehrij of content ment and satisfaction with the present and assurance that the luturc is safe 1 he knowledge that the meichants bank of canada strung and secure svitli the experience of almost half a century and is carefully managed gs ccr tainty that all money intrusted to its care will oc safely guarded and can be had when required depositors in lhi bank receive every courtesy your account is invited manager total assk1s f a mac lean acton bkancfl cleaning pressing repairing g j wallace having found it necessary for ins own iiiic of business to engage an experienced pressor and repairer 11 prepared to satisfaciortly fill all orders for cleaning pressing and repairing gentlemens sails com pmu ladies sulla skih and drewci i lie utmost cafe is exercised so that all work hall be satisfactorily executed and no damage be done to the finest fabric ware callsj far aaj deliver ericas meeerste g j wallace voui valet ueaa firiskr acton ont buggies the barber bvuies are styhsjk bugcics ilrto bbtrtismirnls ciloick hiiiijuno iavth call and see what we can do for you before buying cliq where prices are right single harness we arc very bt v in thirf itncjust now call in and leave your order and have them made to suit you w j gordon hintfu m1 trwmk mn acton ont chsh prtid or fowl uagmf fur junk i also mil ll uads of furniture f skxb rctos prince of melrose the prize whufog buck th0t0bbh muljtobk u a lars btack iborobred sad over yy of ua colls re black ured to mares of good sire be produces hears boras worth up to va per pair there la a great search v pf hei horses la lb coaalry at pnmat alebnee will stand el his own stable most of thes si lnno to lasers leal imb at tints of service aad tiojoo oo february 1st toia ib ttseal conditio pnvaulaf in owmcr g a black actoa ontario 9ocoooooorxlxxooooooclooooooool lkeefgo0igbgeb brain workers who gel tluie exercise feel better all round lor an occasional dosn of nadruc0 laxatives they tone up the fiver move the bovab gently but freely cleanse the system and dear ihe brain a nev pleasant and reliable laxative prepared by reliable firm and vorthy of ihe na druco trade mark 25c a box if your druggist has not yet stocked uem send 25c and we win mall them national drug a chemical company or canada limited montreal 21 store news hsndkm bh a law words aboot lb way uerchandlea la nuuked awl ud in tbi store hrf article fa marked la plain rjffarea and all otstoomrs csn ass tor themselves the price of lbs srlkis they are bayias tbere is no iavwunt with nsnree or prlvai omtka tbe pfice is plainly wrhtea aad i have no suoono pkiok every uae of m t sdverrtas ts exsclly what my advertisement stela aad what say sa represent tocastonters ii is a pleasure u all tlaws loshow sooda yob are never worried to bey yon are at liberty lo look over my stock and compare values prices and styles with other stores vsine from the many years expefience i bam bad la dealt with lb public i m thoroughly convinced that tbe only satisfactory wsy lb conduct a snecessfal business is lo culilvsj lb conrmjeec ol lbs pnrchaslag public by dolnaj strictly what i adeert aad nurslne all merchaodls in plain firares and bav only sne 1 rich to atx i am sbowla the nnestlloe of merchsitdisa ties siuhts undkbwhak iiox nkits 11ha0hs olovks straw hats fur and pklt hatb i anama yiats and bms b wear of all kinds that 1 have bad the plauere ol 8 piscina belraw the pnbuc my mock of woo i hns lantlncb and suitings is one of tbe ftoe1 in i be trade my prices sre reasonable and warlunabahlp uyle and til u practical caller and tailor 1 look carefully after in uyle and til usranleed italna a look carefally after every detail of ths red of parted s at all limes if you invite yon lo vuli many customers who bav trade sad yon are aaenrad or parlect s at have not been a cna lo the past 1 cordially invite yon lo vbui cz- my store and become a cnslomer 1 have inany customers who bav q patronised to for nearly a qoarur of a century lo ibis city and are rj lg will appreclallve valued ps irons ol this store gj r e nelson i fg mercbul talof wyotuain street ol mens foraislkf cadpb qaurio we arc pecializinj this week in hoi wi1at1ier lines all fully assorted and many very special values summer underwear summer hosiery summer headwear lor men for womln for children summer groceries new lcmpns per doz c jelly powders all flavor 8 for 2fc jelly powders all flavors 6 for ffific best canned corn per can lc best canned peas 2 for 2sc best canned tomatoes 2 for 25c iruit sugar per ib 8c everything in groceries at tltit prices po b hu foii balr bo will umtols u inlldls lots lilukouolill a oo tbauinii itllklnksh 1 llac uetmifml wreltl u uwu i uia nl ri t ir naii jmt i f to oo all hlsda at 1wil to uw konsuit ii ilasut lilukajuan wantki for ac ton frhk ilioi1arv 1 fstl ralsry enno unuu dula if tma ilp mootak card 0ktj1ankh iuksiiui ts upm to ik imtira f aasae a u ii iniu iiilln uii4 idde of uotulo hw uh4 rtnnilwmla iwj bujcmtuhlauu by irr ilmtm llallt hy uta a o a ii tf tar laetr auik tnoalail cook i a to umi su1 e s4 svoeruy as a ii aj ton cream and hatter co milton ontario es f j imijl u ear atii sal sr uhit pm lem iv lsl muafv nmr rlrsss iouti ibvtho stsr uuvwoat notiok iu0ttkiit0tt8 in tata itourr as use s- ceolr late ot istei towsahlp at ste in tat cocusky es hahasa wvtse alalaia jgilail uh tsetses oooe wbo oled as a asase r uay uui tn mhh ae sv sefses ib atsataaeu of j ass rffl ts sawj irj fml sr as a j haahaasm jvj tt i n if haw r tesavpi ja shau so be seen b n at ota ua of eaa a j maexnmojf hstisuer fcw auseatass canadian pacfi homeseekers excursions iw l men utitiii jmuii jpti ti ua t a vr i n low roundtrip rates touristslecpinqcabs henderson co mill st acton ont ixxxxxioocoooxxxxxx0000000000x00 bxxxwcnxooocnxxjoooooxj the m bank absolute security cipilal paid up sl000000 reserve fund 1250000 uodirlded profits over 100000 total assets over 10000000 exceedlar babblles to the public by more lho 2350000 i th enesl unaw fly lr froei lao to 150 x at a linwarxl tba sulureuik wwcts ufidcr laworaua cmmlltiqns tbe descendant of a single pair will bubum i la tlues saoa thwatimre sll boeaskscpcis abould oaeoence truths wilsons fly pads emtry h the ss aad ihea osf eafa lares proprailonort aunewrsron did you ever consider what you get frok a savings account the tshlebelow shows bow deposits ot liwn one leollar o twenty made each ttvonth will accnmalsia la frooo one lo ten years when interest u compounded half ysatlv at three 1w cent dsso lf i vhn ft vaua yaara w i ti2 a yrro t 31 ui m 7i w a ia77s tgjo iuaoa iatii ia7 wiihoi jmjjpiajo 16jq5 101 an 2ja7ajwa5 l na l m m aso ua ilut j o amw tffl77 laaai fenio a jii w voum una 7818 i4h 2attq aotkifl thjl 4lfl0 coo do 7 bsukv itaio a ie a jm 5aa4a jnsia 07 ta 10a oa aomo iqs hiaia n hjhtwt 10075 sohi 3a03 608 sftoo 710 tu hu ttj i btngsi7oo woo fiiaja ei7 m 7hoih iti in 11 131 u a7aaa 4i47tiboi i w 7ia h iumisj ia flam awm 110 liiio 777 aii ui oa 1 tai uu id iub ki juaio om4 ku 07 1 aajjleti 1 aiajs i i7a7r 7itte oou7tt6tia i apftiq 16 losa7l ms6fl60 7os5 ititfa i wtha l oaj 18 tftftu atsxi ooaa e i1ki20 1 aipi7ot166uo ao73l iat qiauo ansa i lol u7 1 3l7ttoo3o a i othou oiasfi loiw fiantki innaoa 10rw i2h i3a7 inp rs aaaj gh kh 41073 4jaoh 400h7 mun b ttialw tpsio 7s3m saioi 750151 b p7 h0u7 00 83 1llbuw u7bcso i ii lonciai iaas 1 oa sllai 17 ib xq aaltq i7 i aao oi l sfip tsa t plfbt i oaii pj i 1 4iaohl ah h518io00 i siojaa i tkl jfoaooa 1 ua7 7a 1 mbbb amap7 twlsi 1 0ba aaaaoi tb 77 8a5a7aeo luaa3a trtiu asiasi 5 altt00 40eto 75i0o l7u5a7irtuov6 1 57rmj ihtcoo aduihb a3aaw aosa7a 417a 10 947u00 47uh70 opon a savings account today acton branch r e griffs manager cxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxs grand trunk 1vx tbe popular tobristiiotjte -to- uuskoka lakks lakk of iiayb thuacaul aijgonquin i ark uagnhtaxvam hivih fkuncii river ci orciaw hay ukt couciiicihmg kawatttha lakks htc hollmotkii homeseokers excursions to iiih wbbt at uow rates vis sarnu or chicago uisralnr and fall lalormalloa irani any grand trunk avanl or sdjrei a r viah imslrlct 1 tucogw avenl tofoolo out 3 tul ivtkst co ohings j faiwr iram be a at m ii i ii n atsfr samples ti jj ud ii turoulo and n iwaulkiil lino of kna ii hub laiera 1 atbrowl acton oat i muannnnnnpi