headquarters run wedding and birthday presents solid silver 1 ea and mo sjwk n wcncltt tmmwrlnwry liowie kafateaad fto kogen silverware iiu7 hpd falnitn china wedding- hloftb harhiaqhi lioicnbks ibsuko geo uynds acton ontario keal estate aflame to loan at lowcmt rale or latrct lamo anoibrr of forsm lor rule cheap dwnlllnck and ther property la aufrartmorthe town we have every facility for trabbactlajt oar bahlaewi to yonr cooxplete aatlmlaction- j a willouihb lforsclown i brief local items coronation day halute their majesties qod save the kintf end queen arrange to auaml dominion hey la ac ton owing iq the dry weather the strawberry aron will lm ery sh irt a utile crossing sweeping on the tnaln streets would h munh sp- reel eted good morning i it this the day you intend k rnnm your kkkk ipiuchh subscript ion prom present indicatluna aolgn will have an electrlo red to toronlo before many month partners say the hay and net nmp u llicsly tohsshprt owlnir lit ths dry wsbatjugfal wheat la jmkln well ipwavbd tht the township of nelson will have enough viitrs to bo snuued to deputy keeve wu vear tle aoldler boss arrived homi from cetun niagara with a splendid doaoof tan and n improved military bomrini r at the sittings or tho guitar ers- km at milton leel wnk it was futlnd there wot only two prisoners in thn oouoty jail ovrderuculbbon reports that thn cost ol fbod for prisoners in ualuin aollaatyoar averaged only h iper dayfor oaeb prisoner rth entrance examinations ixglu monday at 1 3d p in and continue pu wednesday afternoon about f puplla will write at acton ilo u no 47 will attend esplist uburoli naxt rnlng when llev f u llur u will preach the annual mr loon j major ellgglnbotham of milton has sold out and will remove to hie fralarm at nelson 11 o ho has baoa foe twenty year resident of m1uw tba wooden qagaufr on the be i try of um town ball which wu shattered by utbuliob on tb lut ult wm r plaoadtbjr e steel on lest baturday mtttoo champion tbo fourteenth annual convsn uon of the disciple churches for tba watuagtoq district will ba bald brin oa friday and baturday jut 1 and 21th prummor hnack tba couteoerclel travellers will ba at georgetown on july ljth and anton le mentioned by the for next year tba half dona men with the keg f bear will get into serious troubln if ttaaat ilaythorlubk learn of thlr uee paling with it on thalr pumping hooae aod preoalae in town laat hun day the kpwotth league aervlce will f ba bald on monday evening instead of tuesday nest week the gttlsenahlp oomoiltta have charge of the meeting and bare arranged for mr i llender- eon m p to deliver ao addreae vuf it d orahatn intend leav a few week for the wat hhe ber household furniture by bar realdanee wlllo r on saturday afternoon at two ottlock wm uffinbireel auction w wto bh r who haa been ah atnt from town for two yeara living in moorefteld haa uiade up hla mind that tbfvno place like georgetown afttir all hehae purohaaedlh solid brick eon main street north from mr bdward benham llerald mr karneet mocutoheon a native o oeprlnge was struck by a train ncarwoodstoeki and inalantly ktllrd on wednesday of but week lie had been gathering ferns along the right of ypay and did not eeeahe oncoming train be leaves a wife but no ohll dran a most disgraceful and aeandalous row oeeurrv 1 at a hnusa on chtfrch street about 0 a ni monday in which oathas and oureea llowed in an out rageout torrent neighbors wert awakoned and tboea who were astir wsra borrtord at the threats and pio- taolty en recklessly howled forth two rinks of acton bowlers skip ped by w j gould and jnaedi holmes partianle4 in iho tourna ment of tbe central lawnbowling association at heepelar on jtussday goulds rink won and lost lb two gamirr and llolmea rink lost their bret name allbadaflnu tlnje how- ever v while turning in at the gate mr ttand mr mann s funeral on monday afternoon mr henry oole s horse r shied and captiaed the uarrlugo with mrs oole underneath rhe was iwlly shaken upend aufforeil painful bruises but fortunate waa not karloualy in jnrad the shalu of tits buggy and some of tbe herqees wore broken thin hailt on top if parisian bag tbe hair grower that a t brawn guarantees will nut cause hair to grow where the hair is thinning out nothing uu this earth wllu n and we say to vwrylody you cm bare your inoaey back if par ulan sago unt tbe best hair grower tv4rt hilr beautllier and dandruff otita on the market today it atop itching scalp and falling and makes hair grow thick and pjftantly or money back ifo cents ft lws bottle parisian hsge tb hair eoft and brilliant and growth news f local import aaothav valuabu hmm killed on 1 liursday fteritooti while mr 1 irranne ibiardmoraa nnnaaddb horao out in the pail dock for an alt log uavecsissd a vlouiua kiok in ulc ulu ned from am of lta ottr it m hloh kllll hint instantly this int nlmal was a great favorite with mr ileardmorv who prised him highly boaud of eduwuitn vaoanoy willed at tho niimlnktlou of candidates to 11 the vacancy on the reboot hoard rauaw by the rvmoval of mr william thomas to norvnl mr william john stone was thn only nomination and is therefore elected to 1111 tba unexpired i of mr thomas lutepavsre generally will ito glad thor is no else this warm weethrr ipworth lesjtus oardaa party to fjherlook male quarts its of to- i la mndoohtetlly the finest ur- kanlaallon of its kind in canada ths lipworth league has indeed iwsn for tunate in securing their services for the harden party to be held in ths park on tunsday wnmlng july mui the rtetla will be assisted by ons of toronto moat popular alocutlonlate raw dr artullta rarewell lirmoiu v j cooer antllff i i who has been the much losfd iaator of the methotlistohurcb the past two years complete ilia paatorate here thla week and will preach hla ihiuvvhii sermons ixt hunuvy ha will also deliver his farewell tiiwaaage to ths hunday koltool t the midsummer rally day servlcs in the afternoon ir and mr antllff leavo for montreal early next week ths plremen damaastrauoa thn demonstration arranged by i be acton kirs llrigade for dominion day many features of interest there will b base hall matches both morn ng sud afternoon a football match lid a long series of foot races and thistle contacts ths band will hs in attendance a large number of visit ing flremsn and haltnn old hoys and their ladles are rxpectad to spend that day in town in attest oelssnen llbrahan at the meeting or ths pree library hoard on monday eveming seven ap- pllcatlons for the position of librarian rendered vacant by the resignation of mrs 11 i graham were presented the board- gave capsful consideration to each and finally decided thai miss kthal coleman possessed qualifications hloh rendered ber best fitted for ths performanre of all tile duties pertain ing to the office ssvooo to iplatht ramatrs bank cause over th rear thousand dollars in cash hss been received by the couimulee of ths helton county alareholdnre of the defunct partners llank from all parts if the world to aid them in fighting against the double liability asses too nu mr william laid law k o who is acting as solicitor for the shareholder and will pressnt their case to the courts says that tho amount raised would be sufficient for all purposes- its former intereeuna bvenlna with w a s a meeting nf the woman mission ary uoclaty was hsld in the method i t school itoom on friday evening when mrs a t urown who had jnt turned from the mlsalonary oonven uon at usrlln gave a very interesting epitome of thn addresses the ques tion and answers and the proceed ings generally many interesting features of mlsalonary work were em phaslsed miss alllo lalng sang shall 1 kmpty handed be with plsaalng effect itev dr antllrt p sided loe cream and cakn were sei ed by the ladles at the close ths miiuhkki ftosul county commbwlonrr wilson waa in town on friday and in oonversa lion with the phkk priuh salt that tba road frqm the mill dam to the first line crossroad would be com plated this summsr if mn and teams are available he has bad difficulty in all parts of the county in getting both nien and teams when oom pitted the road will be heavily coated with bioken stone and rolled down until thoroughly consolidated by the steam roller what was the worst motion of the good roads system in theoounty is itkelyto be converted into one of the beet before harvest ooronauon oaroen party a monster rartlei paty vlll le held ils evening cor tlon i thn park at ijuorgsb in uniltr tlm niih pines nr ht fhilges clikrh a uiorouglily j y ulnb i arthur llllgbt will j white and mil llbgcliuiiinnirprnvidijtho progrannim ot n nlent trsetirla frtmi aomn and h turn 1p donald be o h ihoornpuuon adlanalnh fr uu iondon kng yna urday says i hlr unpaid mann tells an interviewed lliat he esoola the o n it toronto moutmal hihi will lm com pleled uskl year in reont years h snys ihftre has been a surprlstng in crease of freight fount in the writ i road will le con plated to the coast in about two yeaia won ifydhnlsfoauto aealtlsnt onjitiooiii inundation i the aland lngoonimlll nil rowu mill brldgs ths county c unoll decided on tuoa day tn pay no damage to mr muad if toronto who asked for hh dam ages to his auto tipaeltlng on the rolngof april ihth atthucemeury bridge near oakvtllo any aotlon sotsil will bo defended champion oiumt uie btreete ibree or four wooka ago mill nlreel and part of main htrout wore given a sprinkling with road oil aid this has wed very eftsctive in laying the dust a portion of tho earns streets re il n a second application on tuesday hut as tbe supply of oil la ushanktedrhewnrk cannot b o in pleled unlll a nsw supply la obtained from toronto will tba docs be bruaalsd agtn7 with the approach or the liol wather and the conarquent dang r of rablta in cases whem mkhi urn bitten by dega it is vol y prilubl hat the provincial hoard of health will again rdiir that all dogs in tin pro vlnon must lie imixxle i duilog the summer month it i expected in some uuui ters that a similar order will lie issued shortly oopyrlahtafl nsdim tor femrtsi hare la an i jra which looks good irol lowing the example of missouri the ktate of iowa has dsolded to allow farm namusl to bu copyrighted thn man who first files a certain farm name with the county recorder will secure the excluslvn use of that name in his county kvery tarm should be named and this system will avoid much coufiulon liable to result from the duplication of nemos farmers advocate induction at knunom the induction of iuv crawford taile as pastor nf knox church kra tnoaa look place on 1 uesday afternoon itev j c wilson a of aoton presided and hv w c indd- ol luwkwood adilixwd it hi mlnuli r lhe congregation waa sdilusaod by itev w j wilson pastor of andrews church ctielph uv ii hay who rereutly muu tt ki church 1 lore from ottawa di llvt red ths semi uu ocunuy club flenae llafuaed tltd hoard of i loonsnoouimlsslniinrs met liere again on hal urday to consider the granting or a club lioensn to the country olub tlie granting of such a license was strongly opposed by a deputatlop representing the cltlxens ieague the clergy of the village and the w 0 t u and memorials wcrt read from the alxvn mr htaunton mr a h colemun uiid mr irank keartnaii spmiarml on itehalf or tho club the speakers were all given a patient hearing 1 hu hoard then re tired and aguln laid die mattiir over latuu hlnce the above was set up tn type wo liavn teamed by telephone from chalrinau ltlohardiioo of the hoard that lb commissioner have decided not to grant the license to the country club 7llurllngtnn gas social and personal major nobis or norval was in town tuesday mr llin iloln e or tnmhto was omn ovnr hunday mr ho lawrly of m009v visited acton rrleodf last weeb mis anna oram oftorfnlo visited acton rnnnda thla week mr wm korlhni or t ronln apeut hominy kl bis home bare mr karle hrown spent tbe week end with friends in her ii n mr iliomastushlughsni of toron 1 1 vl acton friends last week miss wtlda mccrelght or toronto waa with friends here over hunday mr and mrs william williams visited ft lends at krlu over hunday mr and mr arthur pelstaad of toronto hmoil hunday with friends in town mr wulllnglo 1 hmllh went u onelplt hnapltml n monday for treat- nit 11l mrs k vastet brook or hamilton visited at the home of air j as ander son last week mis van alatyns of georgetown madti ait nj tyable week ond visit with acton friends mr and mrs w 1 ilamllu are smmllg a weak at niagara huffelo and port kris mr and mr aux matthews or toronto were guests or mr william lit thu miss a nil- l hudson or george town spent a c nple of days this week with acton friends mr geo hynda bh it turned fium iteglua haak for a visit at u home of his father heeve ii j id- ijoul a o 1 haarduimla irfl on monday to join hla ie in their annual drill at lomh u ir hobt t lane of hruce mine was the guest or bis sister mrs n v moore for a brief visit laat wl messrs c c hpelght walur luuer and doncsn hhsrp went to hmyner but week on a fublng excursion mr and mrs it h htorey ami llille daughter ol toronto sant a u w djys during the week with friends her mrs geo campbvll was in to ronto laat weak attending tbe funeral of hsroouain mr thomas kerr hr mrs gulley and miss kast of toron to visited acton friend last week and attended the convention at kvsrton mr nell mcdonald was in guslpb on saturday visiting his mother who is in tbe hoapltal for treatment there misses gwennlu gumpbell and alice loer vlstrd the former s grandmother ab vlctoru villa oner the weekend mrs mario hamilton and family who came here from ireland some months ego are removing to guelph mlaa nellie hyers uf hracondale is spending a week at the home of her friend miss kvelyti m cook kelrvlew ave mr ami mrs a t hrown left monday to seiid u week or ten days with friends i lortmto and niagi palls mrs w h ghlaholm core hay and mr lliompson of london aisut a few days laat week with acton friends mr john button or kreslton mrs llogsrs of btrahatie visited their slater mrs william johnstone during the week mr and mrs ii hwackhamer and miss gertrude attended the wedding of k hrant hwackbsmnr tomlasplor htarlup in toronto on monday mr t k kerr jr and mlasee llaael and gladys uijjl y of 1 irooto visited their eolisln mrs geo camp i bell victoria villi over hunday 1 mr and mr a k matthews of desurer col arrival n uotftuy morning tn spsnd about ten days at ttie home of postmaster matthews and other friends here hoar juki wukdimos off ike smarveaaa ofothw happy itvsdaai susil qeeesna mwai kiiamkhfrrxktut i ii monday evening at tbe home or mr ij startup north street a pnsltxjf adding waajaoleraojiaed wbsit bis second daughter flora became the bride of fir k hrant hwack hamsr son or mr and mrs h hwack hamer of acton proreesor trotur ormcmasterunivetsuy pet formed the ceremony miss k gertrude hwack luwner sister of the groom played tbe wedding march the bride was dalnt lly attired in a french white embmid ery gown and wore lhegroemirlflb pearl pendant te bouse w p-i- tlly decorated with msrgueritee sod orange blnesnms after tbecsreniony a supper was served and mr and mrs hwackhamer left for a iwowseks trip up live lakes tbe bride travelling in an ullve gwrn suit with hat lo match o t their return ihsy will re side on hloor hireet toronto hlr ukmmkuv mcairniur on wednesday aftsrooon june uth a very pretty wadding took place at the home or mr and mrs gilbert- mcartbur ooningsby when thalr only daughter mary was married to thus w kennedy of ksqueslng llev w g charlton nf hlluburg orlclatlng the wedding march was plsysd by miss hossj mcarihur nrttirontn the bride who was given away by ber father was dre in a beautiful gown of white marquisette with lane ami astln trimmings and carried a shower bouqurt of white roses and illy of tba vallsy utile mite marguer ite button couen of the bride rpade a very pretty flower girl dressed in a dainty gown of white silk and carry ing a baskst of sweet peas and maiden hair farn the groom s present to tbe bride was a gold watch and chain and to the flower girl a garnet and pearl brooch after tbe ceremony tba guests numbering sixtysight ad journed to the dining room wbsre s aumptuous wsddlng breakfast was servrd among ths many beautiful ueesnt waa mental clock present ed by the unnlngsby womens inst i tute to tbe bride wbo had been seer tary ot tbe lnatltute for a number of years the happy couple lefi for 1 trip to michigan tba brfdss travel ling ult was or navy blue ssrge and while hat trimmsd with pink ro on thrlr return they will reside on the kennedy homestead and will bn boms to their friends about the middle of july mr and m a htewart ami master lltrold mr end mrs c w mason and miss kleanor and mr and mrs h hmltb spent a couple ol days last week with friends at absrfoyle miss kva 0 hnyder daughter or councillor l- p snyder has success fully passed her first years examina tions at toronto university in modern languages coming out with firstclass honors oakvllle new mr and mr 11 p moore wsnt to toronto on tuesday in attsod the annual canadian press association today the annual excursion isavea for psnetang parry hound lbs georgian hay and co ling wood a very enjoy able trip la anticipated hr lloyd smith son of iuv a k hmllh ii ij drayton who hss been attending victoria university in to ronto the past year secured two scholarships scoordlng lo the report published last week vis for philos ophy and hebrew for which his many friends are pleased to extend congrat- uta lions drayton advocate one resolution to do tbe right thing is worth a dosen resolutions not to do the wrong things real statute trsuissfersi boomlna ths past week baa seen considerable activity in the transfer of real estate among the changre have len the following w d anderson sold to jeremiah bell the whole of his prop erty on hower avenue including the new brick house the rough cast house stable and ths lots known as tha gravel pits also the pond and the lots on the porth side adjoining fair vlsw place mr anderson purchased from geo ii wheeler the express and freight business his brick house lot and stable at tbe corner of mill htrsat and park avenue mrs it d ura hsm sold tier residence and lot on willow htreet next to the town hall to f h hlce other sales are being negotiated dssvutot robert bc lamsnd 4rs d mann has sent the following to the frkk pliewm from berlin ger many 1 there passed wj a his win ter home in california on thwllth may one of tbe members of an old acton family in the person nf hobert b ismnnd ills health had been failing for several yeara and necessitated hla going to a milder climate for the win ter the summers be spent at ilrook hurst his oountry iidiiid serosa tho lakn from chicago which city had been his home for over ho years he was lbs eldet son or the late uoui clllor whiiem ismnnd and was born in acton in august 1818 he was a large hearted anil charitable man being active during his life in the assistance of those in need of help and provldli in bs laat testament fur the assistance and support ot- different institutions in chicago and other places in the united htafes there remains of tlio family two brothers and two sisters ii a of ht lmt mo t o o ol battle creek mlcb 1 mr mann who has been travelling in kurope for tho education of bar da lighter for the past three years and is now in germany and mrs sanderson of niagara ilia remains were taken to cjifoago and creniateown accordance with his re quest the ashes were laid in the teautiful sarcophagus beside the inln- a lure lake in oakwood cemetery which be had built some yean ago eep on the qrs the ohio kducsthmsl journal doyly remarks that the sign once so promlii out in the city parks keep off th grass is going out of style and is tn superseded by the moru humane one keep on the grass the monthly then remarks 1 what barbarians we were when we thought grass superior to children i hut we are recovering our sanity and are coming to know that grass and trees and hower nnd bird andsueamu andchlldrmilrj combine lo make the world m beautiful and mure hshltahlv more nvsr these ingredients of the wurlds beauty must be combhd in order tn have perfect hsi ninny and hence children and grass are oomplomsnts and the grass is more beautiful be cause tbe children are playing there ihe general sessions of thsleace tor hal ton were held at milton last week before his honor judge gorham county judge the grand jury with mayor hlg gliibotham as foreman brought in true bills sgslnsl george hllson charged with stealing some ginseng roots of about the value of 100 w longing to uoht wedge of huslug and also sgalnit george lalng for maintaining a nuisance in the town of milton in the ahspe of bees the trial or hllson resulted in ils acquittal without the jury leaving the box after hearing hllson evidence in which he denlud the chsrge en to to and the crown attorney stating thai he hail m evlleuce connecting the defenduul with the theft thn judge directed thn jury lo bring in a vrdlol uf not guilty mr losings case was ttavereed to the december sittings of the court hr does not know what resentment la who is too isay to resent u wroi g a woiioili sometimes korps up a semblance uf innocence long aftnr liht condition has passed merely because it harmonises with hei cast of cnunlui ante beware of ointments o c that contain mercury 1y dssikoy uis esrsni ibstlu ssa smallsad eoaplsuly dstsnf luetlio bsn sntsriu h uaroesh ut mucosa hues arualss mould aavsr bs ussd snserlyusna from rspoubl pbvsuls smsgsuir will do is un font to uis sea possibly dels from msni halt a usunh our blanc featured uf v j obssay vo toledo ooutslns ua tusreur and is laksu tslsmallr sous dlrsouy upon uis blood sua bueoue sarisess ol um sjsutr la tiuvlse all s osiarrb sirs us sura es tutsssuulsa ills iskau imarllt and msda is totsao obis hvf j 0lisnsyooumsmalaties takaislui cleaning prcssingj repairing g j wallace having found it necessary for his own line of business to engage an experienced presser and repairer is prepared to satisfactorily fill all orderi for cleaning pressing and repairing gentlemens suila coals pants ladies suits skirts nd dreaaea tho utmost care is exercised so that all work shall be satisfactorily executed and no damage be done to the finest fabric work c4ilj vor 4 duj trie m4rfc g j wallace you vkixt men frlmir actow ont t royal brand fari fencing sold direct to the- farmer xsae arnia fence co sarnia ontario royal brand pence mtdc by the sarnia ltncc co is the most talked of fence in the dominion why because it 11 the best fence on the canadian mar kct and we sell it direct to the farmer it the name price as wc sell to agent or dealer wc have one price and one policy for all agents make unwarranted statements about the quality of our fence in an endeavor to induce the farmer to purchase from him a fence on which he can makt a commuion agents say our wire is not no 9 livery bale of wire wt buy ih gauged tnd inspected by the canadian customs before wc see it and it must gauge no 9 or it will not bo permitted to enter canada claims of quality of galvanizing are also made and we unhesitatingly utatft that the wire used in our fence will stand from one to two more acid dips than any wire fur nished to the farmer in canada uie fence combine endeavored to get control of the prices of fence byoflcnng ub inducements to join their association but vc arc satisfied with a reasonable legitimate profit and arc offering the farrrtcr prices oh fence consistent with the bebt fence on the canadian raarkut today our direct to the farmer policy li endorsed byjr verr firmer organization in the dominion the demand for our fence this year has increased wilh leap and bounds and wo are now operating a plant which ha- the 1 trgest capacity of any plant in the doinin ion and it was entirely built up on our direct to the farmer policy the urnla pence co sm thn only lenut fence manufiu ims in uu oni iav morhlllan our lltltjil i prick for at l no tlhing takkn aljvan 1 aln ok our k will nottatisrihd lomt iv comlllr ll nck a we sell at actual cout tifmanudiltiun ttie rt fence klictlhof on uie ixjllora draw very heavy chain extra binfflo lto ultelclmr and mjjker kny fence shipped willi fence mdois nnly follit jmld ft 30 ii 1 ibt- l v 11 you t ounini ric dominion vhti sre not in the cmine llnci xv vou im you ar1 vouk monkv hack if you aki if a heavy linn ilarap top 1 lete and kuarante dto ktk the following style arry in mork an i can make truiiiit khliuciit 4 f any s nt all fmjtxi nut up in c400 hsu line wltex 4 in blgh the rod all no hard sloel wlin spacing 7 7 b y 9 trice mf twl freleht ptepsld hard hleel wilg 11 ice ler all no rel i relgkit prepaid b40 lias 1 line wires 4in hlrh rod all no hard steel wire sim 34 s1 i price mr itn fr prejlald 1 t4svo has 7 line wires 4r la hlrli the red all no o hard steel wire bpac lnr 5 a 7 n la it price per r ml frntsht preiiald uayu to 21o j kuyu tn 24c ll htuya lo the llll 29c stays lo 25c 848 hss b lino wiieh 48 in high la fcfsy lo uiu timi ull no o lisd steel wife siatcins- 4 5 780 iilcneriwl irelhl rgpul 1 7hi fcigk 30o 1 uoink 1 4 s s rod tlnut prepaid ivir 4 in high lialfl sticel wire 1 n jrice li t slays to 30c 3 4b samb aa o4 o with tar stays to 0 the rod rice per rod freight prepaid wlau loso 10 hue wires j in hljh la maya le ho rod nil ne yhard steel wire suacisff 1 ll ll 3 si t n b i rice per rwl frelfht proimill s5c we pay the freight to your nearest railway station the above prkm include freight mcpald lo any rallrmtd uuitloii wet nf tut on to in old ontario to pelntu ik yend toronto and south of north hay add ic or rsl end wo pay freight to mints ui new ouhu juelwc a id maritime provinces atld 6u per roil and we pay freight rumil taiili with your erder hy meiiey oider or draft to tho vde sarnia fence co sarnia ont y- fancy parasols the limshing touch to the pretty costume is the parasol man never invented a more bewitching accessory to womans charms the charm o the parasol is recognized the world over it is the constant companion of the japanese and chinese ladies tho famous summer resorts and cities of europe arc riots of color with parasolb on sunny days 1 he choicest selec tion of fashions accepted parasol btyks m iy he found in our stock tho newest shades and patterns and the latest shapes and a choice of handles to suit the most exacting not one of these parasols was in our stock last summer not one of them will bo in our stock until the end of this scasbn or wc miss our guehs bring us a sample of the material irom your dress we will tell you what tolor of parasol harmonizes with it prices admit of excellent valuesfrom 100 up to 500 w prinay 11 xprm freight and poujo ohurgoa on all good ngvdleaa or lie or vtlus band tu yonr ordor hy mail bunple ohmrrally uhmlttod mens clolhuif furnishings d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macdoneu streets guuph ont dress goods millinery mjnjjjjjjniaiiiiiat the metropolitan bankf absolute security capital paid up 1000000 reserve fund ji2s0000 undivided profits over 100000 total assets over 10000000 exceeding liabilities to the public by more than 2350000 did tod ever consider what y0d get prom a savings account ths labia below shows how depeilts of from one dollar 10 twenty made each month will eccunalals in from one to two years when interest is compounded half yearly srtfcfee per canlt 73 10 y- dwoil 5f 0y- v- v r w j l 74u imui ir7wi iktufii aniu5 uiuis 11 ai antra ast jhuoi iijuii rjwrtli d5i ho tul m 4in ift m6 fiiu m 1whg7 ittno wworh5itt j j iw 4060 11 an0s74jj 1ijj i 4ii77 00 1m itiuhusuljufl s 00 12 ibh u aasii 7s10 14ssh ahlul 80010 ai7ho a a jnijw 41073 i 4k187 600a 1 oio no 7 lisa mn ao 4cu u mil uu 45 750m tt 07 bs km ib sui m jfttat oil la ii 1u 747 ps aoaoy xuh1 ju0 4so wfr7hl ai k41 in u l ltt0t iiiotja 017 on tho mim m 1 ofctia 1 aaoja 1 antm 7ias oaoia 0 8 84 0704a 1 ooi ba llloalt a lootis trorai7 imtiu i ul4araani4 yi bei m 7ia4j ttmihtio 4 i ioa ia6a lasftm ii la ifsmxnnr ttiio mathwsf fi i ui no l ooa10 ntnsa 1701 l 13 160tl1ttll b4 40010 0k144 hll o7t4sls0otaib4ll 1 41088 lall 64 lklo50 1j 4 itswtkbo ton no 714 48 oooviri iotoo nioau 1 antap i7aif9aiobg03 14 ib ijaoii tmlvaosto 711a u inftioj it jb1403451tan to mto80 jtiojlirib iif ittcit ao maoankwaoiiaa70 1 4oiti i7ae io aja8ftl to 17 b07 artatso iliooo r7 sb tl0l07 1 041 70 j oho 45 1844 7 aid7 8fl aa7afto 17 1 aiottl 44bjm 078 00 018 uu i lllltao l40 oh 108301 1 0ai jl a 18 is sans l70srtfli oioe laaoou 140oko 177045 iooin6 laslto aooa70 lo ai atcolirwsftaert 1444 hi lotttto lsiooo al704o t47o7oot70bio open a savings account today t johnstone actqn actoli branch r e griggs manager