Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 22, 1911, p. 4

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laughing ha sh emd reeae ha ereepe and be klaeeyeet and hands aa wa pm7 pn lha beach in mmmtr a cox ttund la the kind om as ha kiveth hla ireaauree to you and ma tfa oda u hla bearer and with baa- thai ui and areaeee and wondarful thlnge aa wa walk on tha beach lo lumntr a tnaohaw uua la tha daap old aaa r swaak atoriaa ha tallath to you and m of htm who boldath lha ana in ills hand and otona whose word of cjulab doo- mand mad tha rapine of angry wevea to oaaaa whan thay beard ills gentle wbunar fawr aa we dream na lha beach in summer j alary lombard drodbeaul how ill a church i dontcntii x if rou do oonm ooroa ut ar tf wo war or km dry tan bnror too oold dont thing of coming 4 dont imagine tha iron u are for you ieopla might think you con- catted 7 dont alng 8 dont auand weekday esrvlcee b dont encourage tha ulnuur 1 bat tall hla uult- to where ir hie senium help you dont tat biro know it it might make him vain 10 if yon aaa a stranger in iba andienoa dont offer to shake banda or aak hlea tooome again people might think you bold ii never try to bring anyone to church with you ul dont believe in missions is dont giv much to banavolanoa 14 let the pastor do all lha work u saa thai hla salary la always 10 if be doaa not visit aa often aa yon thtakbe ahonld treat him very ooouyt bn baa noljblng particular to do and could doom oftener 17- dont take your church paper 1 try to ran the church 1ft if you e anyone willing to lain bold and wflllng to carry on any of tha church work be aura to and faalt and accoae them of being bold iwawnmv 30 nanapoaktonyonaofohrta yonr arialetar ahoald do all thai kind xl dont go to sunday school it mm dont be particular how yjode bona look inaua or out but keep your own noma looking nloa sov uyowthlok everything le work- bag luuwmmnlooaly try to 1 p aome- thlnf to ogaoder strife aoalalttm rules tha impaaaiooad orator at tha ummpa ooavaotton panaad and wiped hla paraplrlng brow br ot bet a he eald thls u bard work than thay appalled him arorrina a warm day auoh aa often late in the aaaaon in the ehade- raet the sun wa oppressive larlon carried a package of a wclghtnd alia that seemed partteu- imit trknma hh in hastaantl walkkt f hiw uneom fort able i m l the thought thetsun u aa hoi aa in nldaurotuer it seems aa if i never get home bha looked bejcind her to the end of the long block where two slreeti croeaed a great tree leaned inviting y over the pavement at the corner when i get there ill atop and reet thought tha girl i teaching the corner and stopping in tha open apace under the tree she found lhat a pleeaenl brvfce wee playing jual there iiw it refreshed her i thare eeein to he a breath of air cooilng around the corner ahe said inwardly and perhaps ill catch another tittle puff of ll at the and thle btack it le nut far to the next corner and abe trudged oo it le never far to the next corner and who knuwt what bit of refreah- roflnt may bewaitlng in all hlve paths there are stcppl ng plan a s for tired wayfarer ttiere la never an interminable stretch without a break hahbath day a uulet nights plaaaant latarruptlona in the monotony of liv ing friendly visit or at leaat friendly salutations little opitorlunltlee email aurprlere uierclee new every morn ig make pauses along the way do not think of the whole journey never mind the heat and burden it le not far to the neat owner vaot an6 vamcy some aay that whipping a boy inakee him atupld others that it tuakee blm smart in corea women have no nemee van when they bear eon they are only deemed worthy of being called the mother of heaaan hhe mother of anna etc leaden of men are ealilom follower f faahloo in olden tlmea a favorite dlah wee thin allcea of young deera home fried i butter no pereone two eare are anywhere ar alike the nonaythateecapee lha texcot leolur might well be called untold wealth the beet leloglaea le made from the awlmmlng bladder of ibeeturgeoo we all bad ihn girt or eccond eight there would not be many caeee of love at drat eight mo arptrmv if you have no appetite for meal cant work cant mat and are annoyed with too frequent urinal ion and a burning acaldlng pain in making i mauf aoalmatt duhi- imo vary tntaraatlng to the yontb with hla way t make are the reptlea re- oalvadby tha united stale- oommb- aiooarof labor who eant aaran uwmpaaa elroalar lattara to aa many toam employing men in largo nambera t if total abetinenoe waa nooee- wplo with all hot thirty flrtna of the ot rapliee- and ilea thooaaadthraa hundred and elxty- thrcafirnw dacurad that thay would vat aoqdoy m drinking man if thay knawlv and would dlacharge hlo thayfoand it oat giving- aa tbelr laaaon th aatauabluty u of v workata tba ramalnlag brow 1 than a third of tha otbore aatd that jtbayjddjftot fnabc oa i ota i a hot that thay igara to tha drinking man tha itaa i poaitlbaa tmjumimo odb oiru f woman aaama to ftd niartyr of j ham no dooat ihjfccbieofher tojdteriobtf ncedbmw ajd avoidable a oontlnuoaaly ailing wontai 1 bad oompaoy both to haraair ltomabotttlmr soch a woman inoiba tha kind of a mother or lhatehewoold be if aha had ber an many of our girla aa r grow to nyuurlty are afflicted jtj oauelng ua to enquire wlha vlgla ot thla auffarlnit tbrtharemrdyr parant abonld oonalder it lbbllgatlna to aae that the fwoabjanlantto aoter upon the of married ufa no ralea ehame r aaaaitlraoaea anoald deter them rfnaa adwaatlom their troatad chaxgea ib th vttal- aahjaota of eex and wlthajthpod itlaaedlaa upon mod- am j dviwaauoo to parmlt young wooma to galo their knowledge of raal lifer from qoeatlonable aourcna pqaaonlpg utalr mtnde and aoula for all prom pbyalcal culture for booths pills flattery le dangeroua to eensltlve aaye exsenator depew i am al e b lu th -ntatter- bacanaa one evening 1 told a lady that aba waa ae eweet aa honey and the neatdey abe bad hive ite dafault la payment of your ills to tha almighty jat call it a right tllnr for your i uiraald be n wrong thing in bar ntoount your mtofortunee uptll i hare eatocnaratad your blaaalnga vpm eat tha raloa of your lire in by attploylng oaafully only ona- fof yoartlma otpgt hihnimt brobta in tha rpaofcforhaaran r your nalghborrf knua ami than rat all ot it it your loallanable under any and all lhat all other would gtulktat do a part of jdolon by oonunuad- f your oorlgh vfevyour haavrly inao- liltu patah lit ball that tha day aur frooi c iiralhoo4our k auan who la tmvelmog diriotlonblhrloua laltw- if at nlgbt you retire hoping for alcep that done not come or la troubled and fitful you have kidney trouble and you need booth kid- nay ttlla tha guaranteed remedy for all kidney and bladder trouble a few doeec of doolhe kidney fllla will weke up the alogguh kid nay a and rvgobuathe urine continued treat ment will euro and heal tha weakened kidneys and realore the appetite in the natural way sold everywhere boc bo orpoetpeld from the r t booth oo ltd port firl ont free trial aent on application sold and goaranteedln acton hy a t brown vbhy clvtlvlbii be eeeme to be very clever yea indeed he can oven do tha probume that hla children have to- work out at achool dahohoub y johnny urandpa do hn heaven r grandpa no johnny johnny well do mlnuteta grandpa why or oourae why do you aak johnny well euppoeea lion eate a mlnuterf factndla tmoiunirt lha kind tea hare always boogtat nnd which has been in oae par oror so yeara has borne tho algruttaro of and luu boon ttiadolimler hli per nodju srtpervtolon since itit infancy allow no otto tx dccol vn yon lnchla all oonnterfelta imltailoia jutoajjml but kxtxtrtraemta tlint trifle with nnl oudntipr the health of nfajita nod children exttcrlcnoo ncalitnt elxperijueot what is castoria oastoria hi a hnxtalera bntjatttnte fbr cantor oil par korlo iropannd suothlng- hynipft it is imrsaaant it rjontilna north or- oplutn atrplilno noroihor xnrootld aubatanoo its age la lta cuonuitno it dmtroy wornuf and nlloya fotorlahnoaa it turcji ilarrlua and wind colio it roliovej toouklag- troublom ciirm gonxtlpntlon wad rlatalnriy it amalnilhttnn tlio jfowl rrtgiibtti tho stomach and itowohi cvfar healthy and natural alooo children 1 juothora x cehutne cast6ria boots tho signature of always the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years bank of hamilton ctepltal rteld up 8700000 ea awe at undivided pvoflta ajumjooo total abmib 4oj000jci0o uany a forlaoe can be traced back liibo day lu owner deposited the firt dollar lo a savlaga accoom- tba one dollar affords an incenllve lo depoait more and aa interest la awlcxl to principal the amall nun grow more and more rapidly unill it finally become a com po tenon one dollar will urt an tocouct with the qtnk of i la mil loo gkohgetown bjianoh w m hkw luuw jj li u had severe pains in back felt as if it mast break ut alfred k davia oorrte oot write for eooie yoani 1 aullftred from evert palna in my itaek and could hardly work at all and when i stooped down to plflk up anything felt ae tf ray back muat break i wm adviaed to try doana kidney iilu and altar takua two boxes waa entirely cured and i feel that i cannot apeak too highly in their favor tbla waa nearly four yean ago and i attll remain cured for luekaehe lame reek weak dank there la no remedy equal to doana kidney pilla for taking out the utchea twitehee and twiagea limbering up tha etltf hack and giving perfect comfort doana kidney pula are so cent per box or 3 boxes for 1125 at all dwlera or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t alllbum co umited toronto opt in ordating direct apaoiry doana whan an old bachelor inarrlee hla women aegualntanoea all wonder that ha didnt do it aooner and hie men friend wonder how be happened to gctoangbt esss a horrid h came oat all over aay haha aa and read until it bad totally covered it waa irtnauegead palnfal at aoafaaad powder end amlvairbat ae got eabcurr he tefaaed hb fcoo got qatte a redacca to a very waa edvhed to tn zababoktaadduaa it u weodernil bow it mcned t cool and ea the ctuhta baratngvpalalid uuw i zamiha bom the ycry oaaunenenacnt a to go right to l theplnipfeaandaoreiiandtba wlew md kn witbm a 6 bbye akin wai beakd cowpldcly lie baa now not a tram of rub or eraptlon orecanaa or horning not oawto bat cured ofihe tor- in- ihu iroaua be baa inprovadta ohildren ory for fletchluts c kven if yoq are in a rut keep moving if you do you may get out wortna cause fretful neae and rob the infant of bleep the great nourlah er mother gratea worm kxtarmln ator will clear the etomsoh and jnteet inea and realore heattbfulnaaa i fruitful children ory for fletchers castoria a man la anmelhlng of a philosoph er who peya the hill ofdaniagea incur red by hla email on aa nheerrully aa he paya hla poker limaea when a man marrloa tn rot a houaa- keeper ha la sometlniua aurprlaed and aghast to find that he is reckoned in aa a part of the house furnishings ino surgical operation le neceeeary in removing corns if llollowaya ooru cure be used uany a good lie is invited by the in nnoence of theaudltor iledoea not know what reeeoltilent la who is too lasy to resent a wrong a woman etiiiirllnie keeps up eeniblatica of innoceiioo lung after that condition baa panned merely hrcause it harmonltces with her cast of counten ance ohlhlren and chickens ar causes of uajghorhood feuda no wan should be judged by hla clothes but it la always safe tn judge a woman by the way aba doee her hair the reason tha email hoy would rather shovel off the neighbors elde- walk than the home sidewalk a be cause plying the shovel on the neigh bors may uncover a quarter drat i when w undertake to ml your preaorlptions we give them our undivided attention and beat care the patient welfare is our first coit aidarauon seoond wi kuarantoa our druga to be of full strength aa well as pure and rraah third i our ouatomern are supplied with junb what they aak for i auhatltut log la never allowed jukis axlnatt compound if you area sufferer from kidney dlaoaee liver oomplaint blood trouhlee rheumatism neuralgia or nervous proatratlon we ocnfldently recorn- mend the turn of pejnea celery oom- pound this reliable and never dla appolhting medicine la a true dlaeaae banlaher and system builder we supply the genuine lainna oclery ckunpoundt at brown aoton ont there never and nover will be a universal nahuoea n one remedy for all ilia to which flesh la heir what would relievo one iii in turn would aggravate the others we bavr how ever in quinine wine when obtained in a hound unadulterated slate a remedy for many and grievous ilia by its gradual and judicious use the ninet aystems are led into convales cence and strength hy the influence which quinine exeruou natures own restorative h rellevea those lo whom a ohrimlo sui of morbid deapondenoy and unk of interest in ufa isa disease and by tranqulllaing tha nerves disposes to sound and refreshing sleep imparts vigor to tha action of the blood which belom uoiulated ooursea through the vefna rangthenhig the healthy animal functions of lha system htby tnaklng activity iicoeasary mult tiangtanlng the frame and giving ufa to iha dlgaauva morgana which turally deoiand incraaaad iubstanoe iaault improved appetite north top a lymatti of toronto have given to tha gtihllo their fcuperlorqulnln by thaoplnlon of aclenusta the wine approachaa nearatt perfection of any oo the taarkau aidrogglssll it practically the man who never pays his debts has none he cannot defend the truth who is afraid of any truth it takes adversity to hotv whnther wa have any real prosperity wak1mo him up a traveller who put up for the night at the leading hotel in a small town bad bellr retiring loft explicit in- blructloil to be called for an esily train jia taaerymuoli in earnest about the inaiterfcnd threatened lha hoy with all manners of punishment if that duty wa neglected karly in the mnrnlngthe gusat was disturbed hy a lively latao umin the door i well he demanded slseplly ive got aa important mesaagejor you replied the boy tito guest waa up in an instant opened tha door and received from th boy a larga envelope me tore open the envelope hastily and inside found a allp ot taper on which waa written in large letters why dont you gat upr 1 1 ego l up a iloon for rjie lihiious tlia liver is a vary sensitive organ and easly ie rangtd when this ocours there is unduo eecratlon of bila and lhe acrid lhuld lows into the stomach and sours it ijlaa niwtdlstreaaiiiah- mrnt and many are prone to it in this ooodillon a man finds the bast re medy in iarmehtee vegetable ill is which ate warranted to speedily cor rect the disorder there is no better medicine in lhe entire list of pill prep srellnns why italys bky kb blub as llaly is nearer the equator than we are the euna rays strike it more directly and therefore more brightly tills meane that thrre la a greater quantity of blue rays as of all kinds of rays coming through the italian air and the reason why the air la bluer la because the particles of it have more blue rays l catch and reflect to our eyes all s kinjdiseases can be directly traced to bad blood therefore to gat rid of these skin dis eases it la aliholutely necessary that tha mood should be thoroughly cleansed of the accumulated poisons and for this purpose there ia nothing to equal bur dock ulood hitters this remedy has been on tho market lor over thirtyfive years and when you use il you are nbt experimenting with some new and untried remedy ifiss bulla rebel uaitund forks nil writes i have been bothered with halt itheum on my hands for three years and it itched ao i didnt know what to do i tried everything hut nothing aeemed to be any good i heard of ilurdook luood lu tiers and bought two bottles of it and dow i am perfectly cured and have no halt itheum on my lutnde any more i cannot apeak too highly of uurdock blood luttere uanuaaturdd only by the t ullhum co 1 j ml ted toronto ont oil for toothache there la no pain so acute and distressing aa toothache when you have ao unwelcome a visit or apply dr thomas kclectrio oil according to directions and you will find immediate relief it touches the nerve with soothing effect and the pain departs at once that it will ease toothache is another fine quality of this oil showing the many usee it has he who has nothing to do always doee worse than nothing flatting sore at the world is a ready way of faming yourself in the race kodak your farm g4 huppoee yotl are so busy r tills woek that you will have no time to think about any thing hut seeding but later whan o very thing is commenc ing to grow and the old homestead looks beautiful would it hot benloe tntake some pi6turesof it and your favorite animals borne day you may go west how nice it would be to have pictures of the old plana with you and how pleasant for those whu have to remain behind to receive- some photographs which you have taken on the way out i the above is hint enough f w anyone 1ringle sell kodaks at 2 3 4 up tn u and will show you all how to take pictures and develop your film free it takes more than a few words to wash the world tlte oynlo is one who has found stolen fruits not so sxvect one resolution to do the right thing is worth a dozen resolutions not to do the wrong things 1 children dry for fletchers g a st or i a to praise a good aotltin u to partici pate iri its repetition the mail who talks to please himself eoorrbaa an audience well pleased with itself precipitation is the mill of tha yimic hrlhllnn the ruin ut the old louis algon womust krrp ourselves up to our bosttorwe hall itecome incapable of doing nor heat kteahor itoou among lhose who might in he bar red from society is the man who re marks after you liave told your best story that nnt thn way i hoard regarded as ivne of the most potent oornpnunds evr introduced with hloh tb oombat all summer cqm plalnu and inflatumatlon of uie bowels dr j d kallogga dyesnury olal baa won for itself repuutlon that nn other onrdlal for lhe purpose can aspire to for young or old- suf ferlngfrom mecomplalnu it la the beat rnedlcm that can be procured il v 7 a -v- caught a cold which ended in a severe attack of pneumonia too much stress cannot bo laid on the fact that when a parson catches cold it must be attended to immediately or serious result are liable to follow bronchitis pneumonia and consump tion are all caused by neglecting to cure the simple cod mm x w bowman pattullo ont writes three years ago 1 caught a cold which ended in a severe attack nf pneumonia bine that- time at l beginning of each winter i seem to catch cold very eaatly i have wen so hoarse 1 r unable to apaak loud enoughto bo heard across tho room laalwrnler however a friend advised mo to try dr woods norway pine syrup saying it had hlpl her x bought a bottle and beforo it waa half ul i was completely cured 1 also flntutiral medicine for the chlklren whenthey havecolds bewaae of the many imitations of dr woods morwapinesyrup askjw vpr wqora insist on getlhtgwhat youak for it u jrtttiip in a yellow wrapper three pine trwavthe trada rnarkr tha price w cents isaaulmtaradfcw the aooountbd for it waa at the police court a wit ness for lhe defence had been ex amined when the proummtng solici tor stood ujt to crush him hollcltorwby did you hide hulll- van in your honva dtj that saturday nlgbt wllnea- did not see hulllvan at all on til i night hollcltor knowingly wu1 you awear your wife did not hide sullivan on that night witness hoallatlrigtyt yees hollcltor more knowingly will your wire swear that sho did nol hide hidllvan lu your house on that night r witness mre hesitatingly well i dont think ao hullcltujpiimt knowingly- ah i and perils pa yuu can tell lljo court how ll is you can swear your wife did not hide him while she cannot swesr tho same llilng hpeak up now and tell the truth witness mh well yiai sco im not a inarrlrd man oo not phtoo bptihistio th not overdo the matter of being oitlmlstln it is nil very well to hope lhat things will turn out all right but do nil settle down on that comfort able conclusion unless you have done your est to turn them do not fancy that aome kindly power is going to onuiitaract the eltnola of your short slrhledriesa or idleness without help on your part there are people who call them selves oplltiiutla who seem to think theuianlves the choann favorites of the goddraa of nhanctl thay boast that their luck will bring them out on top every time this foolish super stition would nut lie so serious a mat ter if ll dlil not lead these people to trust to something beside hard work and cateful foresight an always ltaady 1111 to those of rruular habit medicine is of little con cern hut the great majority of men are nnt of regular habit the worry and cares of business prevent it and out of the irregularity of life coines dyspepsia indigestion liver and kid ney troubles as a protuat the run down synttiui demands a corrective and there is none better than parme- leee vegetable pula they are simple in thclrcompoaltlon and can be taken by tho most delicately constituted not oiaobbdibht jack said mr drown to his only son andhelr ive got l good mind to send you to itnd without any ua i jack why dud r dad i hoar that you disobeyed your grandmolhcr who told you not to slide down thu ban later and you continued to do so jack urandma didnt tell ma not to dad i she only came lo me and il i wouldnt slldo down those ban isters my lad toad well r jack well dad i shouldnt think she would an old lady like her should yoti dud p castoria for iunta and chudrftn the kind you han alwan bobjm boars the blgnatoreaf more pinhbam cures added to lhe long list due to this fsumos remedy glanford stntion ont i have taken cgutable co m pound for vear and never yeund any medicine to compare with it i had ulcere and fall- ing of the uterus and doctors did me no good 1 anffsred dreadfully until i began taking your medicine it has also helpwl other tue grand trunll railway whwrf i have rncanunanflml it mrs hknry ciaktf gunford hution onurio ajsotwr cmw heimy bank nrb i ran highly rerommeml ilia k i ink ham a vege table compound to any suffering woman i have taken it for female weakness fcnd painful menstruation and it curml m aliut davaaa barbouk t llecauso your case is a difficult on doctors having lon you ne good do not continuo to suffer without giving iydia e pinkhams vegetable com pound a trial it surely has cured many rsjwe of female ilia such aa in flammation ulceration displacements fibroid tumors irregularities periodic pains backache that bearingdown reeling indigestion diaxinesa and nervous prostration it coats but a triflo to try it and the treault la worth millions tumany suffering women 11 yaw wauht anaactal strwlc rll nor ii ta mrau riausaaaan lyaua hsutau ii la ffr e4 alwaya halpfsuu ur inouqu uarry is literary rather than mathe matical in his tastes ills teacher waa trying to initiate him into the myste ries of dlvulon during the struggle she eald in despair dont you even know how many tlmae three goes into twelve r aw that easy eald tha eight- yearold in disgust three tlmea and three aver womans home com panion heart trouble caws mxzlmms wniomss through one cause or another a large majority of tb people are troubled more or lens with eome form of heart trouble wherever there are sickly peopw with weak hearts llilbuma heart and nerve pills will be found to be the most coecuve medicine on the market mrs p leslie craig 1u erie ave brantford ont writesr it h with the krealnit nf pieaaure i write yoti stating veil bi t and n greatly 1 caused dbuuness weakness and the benefit i have received by usuuc auffered greatly unburn heart and nerve uy from heart trouble which ng spell i used a great deal of dra medicine but received no benefit a friend advised ma to buy a box of your pills which i dlil and before i had finished one box i felt so much better x o- inued their use by taking two boxes 1 highly recommend these pufai to any one suffering from heart and nerve trouble uilhurns heart ami nerve piua kre 60 cents par box or 3 for si35 at all dealers or mailed direct by the t anil- bum co limited toronto oot well blade good fitting- that we know how to make gloves that will pass with honors the most crili- cal examination as regqnb quolity of sktns pliability and strength neatness of stitch- mg and all- round perfection you can prove yourself by asking for storeys at your dealers that they will outwear your most sanguine expectations is our firm belief insist on storey h at all stores w h storey son limited acton ontario cjvahjzt omldmest glover cl- jul i i t ll uu ivkbsv take a dip in prosperity let us print your programs menus v shipping tags labels and ill other kinds of commercial or law prlntlntf giijw a on vrdar and you buiii jfi uj another the acton free press- conscientiou plumliiig ideating i not ti 7ucvth jnith lus to the cqnftary wewake it the most important factor so ilyou favor us with your patronnre you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumbs gusbecst guelph phone 337 t runmm trains avr abini oout no lluass fa i lwpa no 10 kth c do it 1m sjsi i mo 1 tllass f km a jj-av- taisss k ttllbwss mlawaum lae j use buffalo nlafirafalii toronto rsmtml paily feaaeiptaandaor lrom toronto 7 30 a m 11 a- a ck m 515 p m arrive toronto i 1010 a m 1 15 i tn 4 43 p- i kyi p m hcton livkry bus llrj the niklrrblcned- respsctloll solldls be peiroaasj pnb- 11c and infoftns bena thai wall kqujpcted awl etyuab wutm can always be secured at els a comluitabte bis taeeit all i rain batsmen o slut 6l p- tnj cakttffaiieai1aejahm every onler the wants wc3 mercu travellara fully east john iili77it3l ee paper a makers okoxomto wtr our jno nhakukh evertom edeh m1u i he hest ualityot manttl family and pastry flour for sale at lowest prices our own make chopping done and oats rolled daily feed for sale cash for wheat an oats 1 henry horti dhotoernorav ghalf tones jljiwcseno rlmprewwral irdwi jplalotiastdvrbvtnvrjt and waaklnacoa atqaull ly dupsuh work aad qalckly am sbrojdildiivttloa ubsli stsais erecarrlthtmith slsrlea v tsa tsasive spsrtsl mcs wlluatelsr pvvr mm aswspspsrs dwrlbsud tbrswf umroastaloa ssslaaly ttaunl uulasss at huai tsasra aaa k ir marion a marion ratancuer4a uittl awllehasai

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