Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 10, 1911, p. 3

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vim wedding and birthday preterits ttmht i ilvarwits ihi i land llll wnllln kinoa marhiaok uornatn iusuu iko iiynjjs tail teem oplns august 38lh ifckaljkstate oiwn lonulii lowral nt f laucrcau viarfrc nnmbfr of raiwi r ule chti towciillnsm and other property in nil parta oftur town wehavocvrry lacllltyror tnutttcuiucourbtimliirm to coaidletn uatuf nrtlon j a willoifculba norsrlown thuithday alhjuttr jotli 1011 brim i0cai itlms hoard if hduatlnn nxl monday evening fall hooding in lnlng ttiiirwlly mi gagwl in georgetown a rain of taxation lld yaar liil mill tha municipal nmn ii lu callrd to mat thla evening hy iim ban hrlnglug 81fl a on uuelph tnarkvt lltn pt wm k luava llynda at undid inodlntf of tha onunty con not i at milton on tumdvy r olvla holiday wan vury gnm rally ohaarved vlalloya lmlh to and from own wen mi moron the fiikk 1iiuwm la 0110 dollar a yrar alwaya la advano havn you ranawad thla montli r marobantat havo tho plocoa of waata papar plokod up oppoaltu yout atoraa avary day tim cfjt will hiir prlaa ym tlia milton liy law authorising ttx pandlturauf20 0x for thu oxtonalnn of the watarworkaayatrm wm carried by 18 to 4 mr o h molnloah haa imtpii an gagod aa heart nf tint ahlpug di iarl nitrnt of ilia j ii amtatrong on carriage tnauufaotun r lutdph a aupply not wing nhlaluahlt thn aarwlca in tho jflorgntown itapllat church taathunriay tnornlng wan ron diwmd hy mr it ii warroii herald a cow halonglng to mr jaa lalu vhlih au tntlmmd along tho road at the top or spring lwk hill foil ovnr tho hank on tunwlay nlghl and hroku it nook herat at th laat mnotlnr of milton jo nn oil ilmvi karl wm apjwilnted act lug mayor until an nloollon la lifhl t all lhn vacantly cauaod hy thu vnnlgna turn of mr hlgglnhothain on aconunt of m niiioh ahnrt weight hutttr in log inatki imi in plain hull or wrappi aniiin of thn loronlo wholeaalara havn lauod tmliciia that they will not anct pl hntl r huroaftnr unltrsb put up lit priutud wrapivtra giving uinie and addrcuw of tnakar ignio t knjoy- inirr iin invt fnaatal jlaltnmlrtl luiprpaivn and in ipfol tlir innritlng aormon at jjjullkktjtplaliiu verr thuruughly thn algnlncanrn of tlm aarratnont of tho iortl m hii whllo dlacnuran in lhn nvmtlng act forth vnry louldly urn prion pin of diaolidnahlr a largo mititln r kartitok of thn aanratiinnt at tlt low clvlo holiday on monday 1h wulom at lta ilyndaainl th council i fixing ad ton a cma hull day no tho uma daui aa tho cltlna and larger towua wm well rkanlplmad on monday ttin nhnap rauirf on tho rail wy radlltattkl travrl ami many citi keiia went to outaldn polo la quthi a uumlr of vlaltnra wcrn in town llc hln parti hi jfouh a monday school lc nlc uivlng boating 1m lug fmllwll and aortal vlaltlng wm all imtimltml in ilia day prograinuio 1 he woollier waa piaaaant and th gn i rul tabkauou from hualneaa njoyxi mauiodlat hunday bohooj ptonlo lh annual plo nln nf thla anhuol will ih hnld on i rlday lftth lit lmkarallona ar itolng nialo for an njoyatila afternoon war ron thn now pronrty to im handed ovarto tho rorpuraiion by mr j m warran for wrk purpoaaa la to ha tb ran ilrxvniia it haa a ahady grovf apten did tmna for awlnga and mr arch mrlmtenon baa vary kindly granted i hi uo of hla field adjoining for a foolliwll itiatrh and a aerlaa of athlollo routaau 1 bn achnlara tnaohurw cera fathara and inotlinra big ilhvra and alatara tnetnbara of the idle ltnll and homo dnpartiiiont and frienda will aambln on tho churnb lawn immediately after dinner and pmoevd in tarude with ftaga and imnnnra i loaded by acton oltlautta hand at 1 for lhn park err joaicrit a s s a dailchtful puunaand m abla ararnoon st joaepbx hnntlay hohool plo itlo arranged for olvla holiday waw a dt- cldad aucceaa t ohlldmii accoin ianlad by their parent a met at thn church whera itelghborlug farmura awaited tlntni with wagona to ronvny them to the home of mra joorgo mill holland at dublin tbo gvounda rw iaalniia and in nmcellent cotidlllon having all lhn faalmttaa required for an i dual ph ulc ground tbu fact couplwl with thn apnclal boapltallly of lhn boatuaa and twr family and thn kind atu nllou if tha pariah ladha in gauaral bted to niako a moat enjoyable aflarnonu a ful program of athletic nvnnta wmcatyfed utf principal nf wlikh raraabmohall uamu and tug of war tom v country tim lull gaum raw won by tba town hy tho acorn of 94 wbll tho country won thn lug of gnlauudlng foaturu of the imii i aw unaaaulad trlpln i tba accuratn judgment of a in deciding difficult playa lie nt handling of thu lixll ihm than hla llmlnullvo undoubtntlly it amp blur gur wnoaa with which tint oilir a conluatml waa it hoiirco of urn to 1 apoctatorw kthe game m kplimdld lunchuou nrad by tha ladwa whnb waa bly vnjoyad by nil kwclully jangar element tort mualcal progrhiuum fullnw aa the avunlug dnvnloptml thn eiurmd to tin it himiom tt olvlo holiday outing m a und esprflualug blncurn to utw j j 1 ray nor lb riaat for hlu uphmdld unit hod it falaatloii bttary plowh uud plow ropalra uaywtnulfroiu xv jflordou thn hataatv maker nh agent for thla dutrtflk t i fc neck i tea four in hand a all find pa tic ma itlual dnalgna money returned if un y 15c naoh tbrut for vi ui ii iliuiv no kl tv hoy cannot uic ou1i1bo tt tha toupoiia llnlnu m ilia wbn liiu iwim la mdaniaa tloa ouod iluanui 1 1ui dim ilia in loaxl itmlavaa i iut rkrwl to lla normal i will urn dmuh orir of tan ala pauaad far c3urb balan lollaiaad ooadiuoa oi i oo ltunlrwl ddllani for any m raoaau liv ealantb that ua fltahacabutb our hand to r j dntawiy a oo tvioj o i ma 1 jtr wjlao ooaaupallon news or local import aauin fir drlaaxta at drampton anion 1 jrn uilgailr ariohimtniid hy a tunoulmita hand wtuit lo itrw up inn y l idny u partlrlpaln lit ih i ig kikiiwii dniuouatwallou llior tha kanionltooutaion nupuala a piiui wiwldlng waa hilmniiuril hy luv jatoea walkar no wdnauy hit noon auguatjiwi at lhn tiomn of lhn rid a alatnr 40 jaorga htr t wh mlaa kllaa iloilgaon tmhalim tin hridflf mr john t liaauin latn ol ali ii thn hrldn waa thn r hphmt of many iwaullful pmannu mr uud mm laaton left for u abort trip ttaat oi dp marrmy lav mr tnpra pint communion i t huuday ltnv t 1 raxr held un flratoiiim imw iaaloral nloi lc undnr hl rifm wkkkai aronrino mvkntb uw ktowllna- aind fooumall hold taa anajiiaiaamld wnmiai i acton kootlml olub v hi tod utiolpb laal saltmlay and warn reprnaentod by thn following loam i uoalj nlcolla t lucka1 wuluitiann j wthmla lllc tlhllaon if llolmva it wealhnrhiad korwardu n oarddii j jtmnluga c holmoa j william aitn if hlgby anion bad a ftirwuhguelpll hoot- and wern aurprlaml lo find when limy got thnrw that the ucoth had put lhn pick of oualph on lhn llnld wm llamaon won tha low and tho hall waa im t in motion by tha hniu contra at 7 0 cliwk hnforti a good crowd of apocta tora alxiut half of whom wont thv laltora uiipportara thu gumn alart ml with anion being placed in tlnilr own goal and it waa all thny could do to knop tha city man at bay during tbo tint tori inlnuteaafer llial they bad mora of tba play and at itnea iullo dangnroua ther leing ino or two runa on each wing during thla half flunlph had noarly all tho play but failed to panetrate the aotdn on on wiifii thn acton men wcrvall boat tha ball at ruck tbo up right with tnrrllln forqo and bounced back into play 1 hla waa a vary lucky ecapa fur tha vlaitora half utile arrived with no aoorr lhn act ond halfwaa opened wilh viry hrlak footlwll and acton waa at on c nit the aggrnaalvr iloth tea in a worn playing tlialr hatdeat and beat fnojall and it lmtkwl aa if thu ii rat to aroro would win tliu ganio llothgoal konpara bad plenty of hard work to do and nlcolla who waa in great form aavad aome difficult abotu anion waa having uioetnf the play in thla half and aflur aomo good coinhlu atlou lu which all the forward a took purl johnnie wllllauiaon put in a atrong aliot aod the goal keeper at inmptiug to aava kicked onto file full hack and tho ball bounced back through the poata amidst groat ap plauaa after thla event there waa only live minute to play and ouelph traliia4 their utmoat to equalize but tha aolnii defenaa managed ui kaap tlieiixiut after many exciting amtouut nra and a verylivan game nnded in a win for lint vlaitora score acton 1 uuelph till i ln how inu a rilnndly game with two rlnka from leorgotowu waa play ml on acton green on civic holiday lite acoroa favorml the buiua play era hh followa t vtn jov uoiiudi u aklp 2 d m herniation 14 aklp 11 25- ii majority for acton m mra w j flouhl a j manktn on a 3 lehman and w minalib rt proven led acton in ilia iwln city howling tournmtnt at herllu and wh tar loo thla wtiek lliay had a number of flna gamea 4 ornnook word ha 1miii rooalvwd from tho uualyat at toronto that tba dog which iukmid tbmugb bare laat monday waa mud and all dog plga and aheap at- ladknd by it are under quarantine a few rrani here took in tha recap- tlou balutou friday l mr jollffa untkwood on ibo return from oh in of hla ami llrv it o jolllffe ii a mia a d llhdgda or an brook u 0 1 lu the promt molhor of u linby kirl a gobbler imlooglng to mr uao ihiio haa hatbhad trn una abldkena hhi frequoiit howora during tho pint week hava done a grant deal to wnrda fraalienlng lb pitaturea jkouubtown w m mckay alp 1 0 xawronon aklp ka wilqglida iu i lilld s0cia1 andpirs0na1 mi j v lllll w to i ml nday mu ni1i hhwl tl holiday mu 11 iiolllhhm w in j ovrmimdii mr 1 maltlmwa llmlph town laal wtx k mr will tuna it- inroit wh iomi on monday mi wm 1 lank iur ihoiunfi uuotktc laat wi mlaalhrtlnmlhlifhtund iullva at markham thla wanfe mr morrlahrtxn laibuuiiaa trip lo now yoik laul wiejt ml- myrt ior siting fi i uu lo hhilhuriu fot a wrek mra w it f ollbraarl tin lu lid t with tlrorg tovn fru nd mlaa harhol kvcord ofln iph vlalt ed anton frli ml htt tfe air and mr k twastiu r wnrn luira iver tho boloa mlta aguoalovrll opronto vllt pd ai ton frhiuda thla wel ml lulu hiiwr u tnrlph wax with frlmida lit rn nwr batoliilay afaatnra mrlvlli and lfav willi vllud rrlnnda in jlnlphm wnk mlaamaudn ibompaob i loroi waa bomii for a f t w dayi lj win k mr loin morrl ut l mul- vlaltnd rrlonda in im lpl1 wo k mr 1 und ninou 0 u iph i aimoidlug holldaya with eu mandi mha nnlll wllhuium avndllig i lonplnufwenka with frljaik in dun dalk i mr and mra iluliurd fllvtb k 1 loronto viiltdd fi i m1m i thi week x xir john h moyn tft ti lu amndlng a fnw dayu ml 1ii fhi lioim mra ju mallhowa im wim1i or ao with frindu ll ulltou lioach master fdwln luml i bhiudlhg a fu millou mra jnna kcott left laalfffr ay to j wiki a fow weeka with jfjlit in itlnlph mra ihomaa uppiu ami wuhkiu apnnt lhn holiday with ft ill jllnlph ur and mra jaw wild ran apent lhn w ok end will lu juelph mra john llarrlaou of ajlu it umndlug a mnulh wilh h w nolhwr mr and mra loo iuwarl i hoy vlaltnd frienda at 1 xi tba holiday mr and mra 0 0 hondo family arn holidaying in the llaya dlatrlcl mra h howdon uik ml ounlph werngucata of mra j ray thla wek mr if ii jamphnll miltn thn holldaya at mr win i ougha tikn avo mlaa i ult held ia ape nouptp of weoka with fritmdi burg and ltulwootl mr and mr- 0 w mkaoi i laanor vlailed frienda ut muad und loronto thla weok mr and mra i h dlrlhyvaiii of bt marya am guoatu at tho of mr llouvt wauon mr and mra w h uowan childron of mlmoaa wro guouti wmk of mr j h ituld mr and mm john 1 imihroo 1 o ron to aiiant acvoral daya durli wok at thu fuh ioudu mlna margarvtlolfnr of mllloi imiiii a guout of hor frloud mu i william tbo puat mra ohaa jenuor of now v y la anendlug a moutbu holida her mothara hoiuu hen mra a lux uamalmw jeaalr of wuat loronto holiday with frhmla hom lr and mrv 1 m mcmilui datrolt mich vlnlted at thn imnibl mr t htatham thla week mr ami mra i lvitnnla of 1 urn much appreciated vutlura old hoiim during lhn weak mlaa man moorn h ft ynatm luorning for fort william lit vial mend mra it k llattrum mra w 0 merkley of arid lloacb haak vlalliml bur brothur arthur orahllaw thla wook mi- dalay flratbrook or lor la ajmiiidltig a fow wnaka wilh hi mra kllla at thu fah fonda mr n 1 hulllvait or lhn samlnary montreal la tbngueat of friend uev fallior 1 ray nor alloa sadla front of loronlo a a fiw daya laat wuik vjilt lug hj father and other frli nda lioro mliajohnalon and mlaa morrow loronto wurn guoata at m lltt wllllatna over tha holiday mra moffat ami mua jeaaio itobtrd of lualph were riieata of mra job amoroti anvoral daya uat weok mr l ray llrown la the ropraaouul tva of the 1 o 0 f to tha oran ihlge hold at niagara tliia weak mr john 1 moorr or the fiikj fitkdh vlaitnd with friamlu at lhan villo and at nlara fall laat wiiek mlaalilllna moiirtt of tha maaae harriauo ofllma loronlo la vptmdli acouplo wuokb holldaya at bir lioun mr and mra wm iluwua of hai illtml htnt two or lht daya wltlj mr and mm luorgn lay lor mai b trout mia harry htrauaaur of 8afortli and mr and mra geo hlrauaaor u lremoitt wu guuau at mr i hutlmna thla woak mlaa dalay oauiphsll and mr an mr w htluaoii ami iwbn or loronto apent aovural dayi at mra flea jam p ball vlataru villa i mra f kaatwood und children or toronto aru apaudlng aoouplo wcoka vlaltlng all tha liomea uf frlandu in acton add llalllnarad mlaatlraca jolinaton haa uun boll daylng at her huiuu in ilrai obi lilgw mlaa ilaxol maaou waa tin re vlhlling with her the paal week mr gordon heard more uniting tha northern lake in the faat jaunoh which ha rncjuitly tlnuhutl building mi alox mackla aioiit a wuvk ot ao with blni returning hmnu on fuoa day i mr mid mn win mando and lllll an who havu iwi n vlaltlng mi mill mm frtd muiide iako avo idao hu ld hiiinn u kiln and frh iiiim lp flunlph inrtun imday lo vlalt fiind in torthito nrior which limy will l nvt fur ihtlr lionm in lncoulbf altai j j mr ii kwacklminnr of toronto wiiii houiit for week enav vlalt ml- j w waunandmlnaiaean i i nd i tin i or juulph warn guaala iilmia j in hinllhu i fllvin holl day liny for winnipeg thla moillh wlii liny will uiakn unlr ho mr and mia arlhui 1 mnrr ut i i alln- arilvd hom- on imauy ami will imud a inoilb wilh cut io frlumu ml xlhm la a din i r and mi haiili al hiimtrinu ndnut f tlm ih ddhurri htaliounry o mr win parrol ami maator harry htalham t ohlcac yll vax ain guaata r acton menda tntt puat roupln of weaka malr malfnrt and ml amln jolll i aod their coiila owlnnln aiupbll or toronto am holidaying at thoir uncle a 1 v camplkll map crnvw fannvhalllnarail mr it j jurmy and maalor i yf or oalumry arrival hnm on frhuy u afurtnighta v to ontario ft h nda thny wul t fnrgua on halunuy to vlalt mr uurney a wrnu what the fabmer pan do vvith concrete a lal q1 cl mini a flr ahivatlu of kan i a nw ii in of kiavnl and mnw mliwl wili walnr in pin rilly i 1 lain an c m a llh mlu lk1 k lo nl up rii jn i wilh llmn lla umr uw lt won inra in n jnj rovcnmnl o lil farm 1 lin imiul in p irt jut jrl llio i i u to jni your uineol of audi a talliy dial thai y ill will havfl i o uh- r itbu wfl fw n inn i m uda geinont iwcauui we know it liaa ihnmiallly wn havn mil i over 530 iwrieu ao far tlla yejr and wn will im i itiau i lo jil v yi ii r nneda alui a sroali oar un loaded auguat bth r- f johnstone mill st acton the merchants bank op canada jn monly matters i hum cood tim 1 all vr ulorn mi 1 all llioi nlilfil pnonla will tlnalm lo vavn a nun of their naming for filnro uu i lip mrltciian i s hank ilirouuliiholrmvlnita iloimrlnieul cjii help you to uvo liionny ihcium mmiay lepailled in their lavlijju doptrti iin la free fro 1 tirn or any tick of nu 11 la not liable i im apa ticxxtlnuly wilt njin iiionny for yau hi inlorvai u i ird lo uoiir 1 auiicit oio illar will atari an inlareal i war bccji ml an i ymir ailtllil nal uviiirm ran iw aildnl at anj lime inlonuii uil led from iljlo ol ilemalt joint savings account may he opeiiod al tllli mkuciianti hank lhn i im will iruwu hy nltlter of two traoiia lluna nrn verj hold accouuta and inloremt u paid on all lialancoa y in which may i nvonleiil houao total assets over 7s acton branu1 f a mac lean manager sweet milk wanted daily debvcrt d to the union stition loronto writ for particulars prices dairy toronto ont why use shingles when a jvllax xxx ji ko much blii ter costs less money and can be put on oviir sliniflen by any one who 0 can ubc h immcr and nails j little at a tune until completed melotte gbeam sepabatob oil ih as good as the melottc cr am separator itself gc a blagk liawioj w good tools mean good work and good crops 1 ho ihliorenro botu ean a hard dny o heavy inilk- h roa kin luhor nml n knr tiny of efliclent toil is mostly duo tn tha toofa used use samson brand farm topis i hoy nro ttroiilly inado correctly built und lait a lifetime the twmnnd for sumson hrnnd jools in ntentlily jrowin which ahowa hatter than anything- oko the sutisfhcllon of tho usors try tha tools youll it no iv then what real efficiency h ak your dealer to ahow you junk what samaon brand mcana h s rowum scr8 i co umiteb samaon kcndy roof- ing lu cheaper than ahinglcm ii cxxocoxoxxxxoooo0cx ii summer sale v anuii it l ininjj up itiontli with t alrculy lnrr lupmriitr of b ill ihh1 ire imvirif iiul wc tr inxiou lo li ivt all iuiumir fjuud moved out tins montli you will iiul hen bright new goods t attraotivo prices inl ilu rr ire iu my snaps i l li i in brokon lines uul cjiearlng lots special clearing prices on white waists muslins dross goods ginghams etc boys and mens straw hats underwear mens suits fanoy vests specia beliable shoes at lowe st prices wc h iv till i few sh ipe md 1 ritnmcd ii it in the millinery depart ment wo will cloar thorn at half prlco henderson co mill st acton ont pxxxxxxxxxwkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoc3ckoc8 men order your fall suit now rrpjit now would ho i good time to order your fill suit if you prefer it in ide to medure i here is eert tinly nothing to be gained hy waiting and eh met s arc if you leave it till the toason opens up you may have to wait longer than you ctre to then agitn wc are never bo busy at this time of year arid can promise jou every attention you will find our stock of woollcnq complete both in fmey suitingw and crge so that a visit now would be to your advantage lveii though you may not need your suit or a month or more we would like to h ive your order now so that we can deliver in due time and incidentally keep our tailoring tafl busy through august uuually the quietest month in the year i hink it ovt r md come in tomorrow wo propay all oxproaa freight and pontage ahargeii on nil goodo regardless of kiuo or valun bond ua ypur ordbr by mini samples ohoorfully aubralttod mens clothing d e macdonald bros cor wyndfiam and macdonell streets gullp1i ont dress iomls fall pairb amu oom1no tha vail tr eaauhin ouanai with toronto in about thr weaka rjatnrnkhlhltinnhwhloh rindtia or lh ill kit puitnt in thla hmitlon will prnhthly atlunl almirroyln oftl iltuiupum hlpl it j iiiirliuulou out ft oainphullvllhi out id jookavilla krln oflt u if kurguw htipt jh jl alt hopt iiji loorgotown iraiiil vullny qi t ft oot 17 is oualnh hamilton kept 11 17 milton he pi jh j thin 1iaih on tup ir im ma n hagp tho hair grower that a i ih own guarmitociu will not oatuu huh to iiiiw whoro lhn huh lu lhluiilng out nothing on thla i irth will and wo any to uviiryhnily you ciin havn youi iiinnoy hack if iutlliui htign ibtib the hoat hair kiown halt unar hah hehiitlflm and dandruir aiiru on thn uuirkut lo day it top uchliirf autilp anil falllliguulr anil nmkei hulr urow thick and uhun daiitly nr umnuy hauk m oituu fnr it large hollhi 1miuiuu huk iiiukuatho hair oft anil hrlllliuit und promotoa giowth canadian northern railway 50000 harvesters wanted excursions eastern canada sio nil w futt l w i iunauon toll lit tla aionnlihilat aod lia uana wvuv rtauoo uralila kam wlimliiaa wwit to masll kmaatoon walmau h i itlvar anil ii unnadlau iki lu n nllliat lm to all uuiar ll lit a mi lha caoa liati norttimrq juiiway on ll mi joutnay tldaata at alilfh oniiltloiial nifm lay worb will tie ballad to of lull at auullua imlul aa aliiiau uu uolt uohac s datbs of had aug i j north if turniitn satnu lltia inoludliin all i rajioliaa aud uia oatiadiau ninth am uiuilu itailway aug i tt i alula in muum ouuilfi aug jjloinu waaloftoroutilu ouutlo aug jdah ulutn lat of tinuilo in oiilailuau iqualw ft in domnm ror harvowtora along tltaa oanadlan norlharn llnaa lu vory heavy and tha wagaa aood imiouiant tn imoii udadlaw norlliun polntajiwlll batiamry lo lraal t jaiallau t aolil uallway t wlunta fur lull liil inatl ii ai ly lo ol tha cat a 1ui nollin uailway t adu 1 ulnu lullway lantral ouuirltf hay of uuluta aud lliueavllla waalpoii aud north vvaalaril hallway wrlu tur ii uiaaaakara lulda alumina tlooo iraa loumtw aval tin ih millar i u vailtllalltn aaat oati i taaa ait oaa nor uy toroalo out it a tiauitlly lhn limn who opnna hlu iiiniilli whhut who ih ink in tiintit ui undid vtbbsters new international dictionary a the merriam webster thd oajy sew unrbrldgetl dio- tlonary in rainy yearn opntnina the pith and nauenoo of an authoritative library oovora ovory flold or knowl- odgo an xinoyalopedja in single book the only dlotlonary with the new divided pugo 400000 words a700 page ooooniubtratlons goat noarly half a million dollara lot us toll you about thla tnott rommrluiblo blnglo volume wrlta for aampla pacta fuu pa tiaulara ac- pbinglb is now ready lor your watch and clock repair pr6mpt- nchii and good work is what wc itrivo to give nickel alarm put in thor ough good order iamc aij new for 56 centi geo d prijstgle till jliwklltilt guumii on i when you want to clear your house of flies see that you get wilsons fly pads imitations arc always unsatisfactory v slktsl rwrnttwatif

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