Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 26, 1911, p. 1

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wht cton ttt ft volumk xxxvii mo 17 ry hlwilllu i acton onta1mo tjiuiihliay uuuninu ootohkk j i11 mwlacilplion piio lan nia hikgijb ooim1c8 tiiitkk cjgnis t juton jrct rrsis tovkicy tiiuiibday uuiininu 41 1 j- hthutet actoh onf ttuftiusx fiirrxiorp mkdllal t ihos gkav m d c m mcgill lbo p cluhvum jitub aaaootatiom unl 1 e holm us u i ioml xl m i o bto houm kntiwii to ht johiiii oa ital las otaul uduh ilivalauui to ota vmumla ueapmu hnltnutt wth maredllli u mortal mamrula lloapuaj looduu mm a lal4om ulll hlraat ill- 90 jeweller blma tbom mo to aoton ont j ohm u ihudowau u duu uu lmi asd hu umhf hoiiuu ihaaeaae ol wonto and laoaral bursary us pap toronto xjcoaj jt miflklnnon uuwnw bouarroaj6a orrunuui but in hlonli hlook j- monjjud cuafcvoortli division uonn oooaly of tlal tea oe vya no ar an vlreaod ufa aaaarane ksal aetata aajesi uoneytoloae eta onuafufimuii lilook aotom ont aeartax vie j m bbui dubiiuh uamriav aotom oases at uaaldsnae kwoac ulll mm viadai d dr k s hakd1u i i b ukntiht viral ouu dantlauv la all it rami h obl0 dottalaa hi umlln iukii ii d mxscxzjatfmo vs e nl j hardy co auvkarikinc comtactos and mxwa coaaxirowuahy y fleet street london e c england a fll of uila pap oan be man ira of oham by visitor to ifoncuid to wtxtm adtloe iw will b alvea u saolm ouunoib nun an bqokuihdbtl wyadlmunbt oaalph ontario oerwiuumbnio laeawni book of ail kinds had toorae m abbuqk licenses n r uoor imouo hlmm i frlvaleofllee ma wt reaalred leaned at imhwm la uw svsalag nw o a a black llcftmhbo avctfm vat dm oeanllea ol malt on and wellington live btose sad impumaou vuraltor and meal batt hla kollolud uulaluuon ar- hoxmaaalti uvmiruwoffiot tmupbthmw vbtk- ohmbxailei tjiqaxakd aootiomkbb iw um oanlln of rlllntod and naiaoa ala akckm m ioob ob um jnoal imrtmhla f j kjulh xv lamunui aiwriommmm mr u ooodum ol walunfllon uallon kud sw mmmm vjlth xlliuolloo and upon orliti by to ulmoaa p o talapfaona m wubom or oaptlnn or uil aa luu i omaa mm or wlita w j aortkwa uatswa uokw flpaclm muatlon to ua la aotamw vlatoliy raus ucdonajld l rorlbf owumi valuioa hkiiad waaaaloo wantwortb and laa vitf m uoalpb ajw oonoooud ou mamtaaia mnt nd i p4y to lh trt 81 qoblril ofboa thfrold and reliable granite and marble dealers i r-r- wm m maiibfmlbnn kod dlroailjmpartaw wot wbfjlaurmlmeuwdnaifbola aai uio khim our etutotnara 0 pot ml hta tbo mm ppumma aad m tarty aaaiaailaalm tb poaauflob who oan apaa 4mfie in pitmr wbaro mbon bo to hhin mn bmp tok of anwilolb tbo um imi kay tbiao doitan la amml mdoaaatiumtorilmlaih- t i obi hraar muu to miwi t p q afy etailllton sons xx e re u a wilr i hawa lrui tut five ur wiihuui anf kniiao f ir lajulra aiitojil wiiar 1 biuaa ilia cry la ull n eniliiuunllr iwror llm ottwir day wo did iuiliuvh lu lul clomily to k rul llhl halra and lolacco in ilia nova until lu ul llial wach in khhi oidor coal inir illi tui ml i o l in llin nml if llirli- wilw wij whliho wlon llioy tihmlpil clonnlntf savage co a t r waitoh inaipootonm guclpk ontario for example tail ll4rai dollara salary pllia n areiiatoua cummlniob looktf llko rood tomuneratlon for the arvicem of n toy in ilia toena who baa jaat complelotl bla uiunuj uf train lag nt ttio guelph bu8iness college cuelph out rattlla lla h ako uro an excellent leai of um an per lor traiaino for bualness miraulla given by thli famoiw inatlttition there la no better time to enter for a ioium than now this in the day ef urjpj opportunity come direct to the cohafte office ij7 upper wyntlliam street or addroaa malcolm maccormack b a prln wanted i a live renreaenlalive lor aoton and aumiundlng dlalrlct lo ball high rlaaa atock for the pontuiloc nur8krueb more fmli tree will t planted in llm lall of ion and spring of loia than ever before in i be hlalory uf ontario the orchard of ihe fillure mill lie the liett paying pari uf the farm weloaojt ouv mn boleamenahlp i roe culiuioand how big pro fit a in irull growink can be made 1ay woebljr permanent employ menl excluilvelorrllory write lor iianlculora stone wellington ionii ontario this may interest you 1 imitatoaa flowolii ihrntu hmm ato in loton od eouiiir daring rail and win to moaiba uauttrr aanlnalf a tarrltoty paymaahly 60o acres of nurmnry biook uuaa wellcrawo traea and abrtiba that mill auaryraareaatoaiara mailyaddaooddalwary wrantoad batabllabad ovwr 33 ya vftlim lor whole or part tint umi balaa mannar ielham nursery co waters bros uguefcft headquarters for o a c ani school supplies oe nature study botanical etoholooical drawino paintino 41 wyndham street stathams for ice cream a cunurous rukteful duucloub rlilkushing madh ok willi ingkbuilmtb frkshbst criiams 11est iflavokings a duuciit to thk wk1l rjounislllno to the invalid a joy to thk children bra0 cka and pastry rash avcry day full una of orooaiiaa and provaion frulta ac vatfatablt hardware i buy your fall hardware at the big store price right sloch hlgki dlivarv itttfltt the bond hardware co umllwl luull limn u uueliii pyes ixamined classes filled tt d shifhgb 0itiinlill mn1 0iil ln ullil 1 111 i 1 ollx pmohm a7 uuhlf- aragtiiatftrw hot d eacelleiifji ul nir lf dilnka including beef tea tomato bullion coffee cooooeto haa been el proven in paat aei we commence aervlng j harold wiles til ankakji vino lt ua what i you liavniikol any tlitn to vm t baiikful fur or y bvn l what yoii ra nl 1 thankful tor v oh ay btaiowy f 111 fnel atxillt a uimml llli i flrare up and bri ytitrhlf u ibe front dont krttarl and riit ami il be aorry atnitl pull out of the ruck if you re down on your im l and muuih for llin aklna lbat are blur ontmilor i he ahade your trouble have mad iiv hick lit la up to you 1 v know tbla u vain r tear- lliurkful or vwm anil borrow and tnrkoy that we eel to day im out ao rood to illoitow wr know that lalmr la a rroaa llul atill we have to brar it wo know that rqrluun break aome tlutea and vrq raoru l repair it lint any kcloral i y k imw way duo t i by hum thoy do and bully ona iimi ho let in u and lunar a nd tuk on every day aave n that one let tie patiao and thnu lord tor what be a dut way we ihourhl hn o to 1 t aquare blmaeh wb tne and you wnrao aland tor linn ttiaukaulvliik lay cwe i hvriitil if evorythhik u on thn bum w mud im lo btatne aome i what i mill blreel vv al stocking up we are adding alniom dally lu our uaual larfio alocb our atock now include nor val hour ihrea eradoa i tie klnda you come hack lo after try ina all other lorochop mined chop leachop oalcbnp i iran gluten meat bhotti and low grade llour- r nouljc ctoo ploji feed sto qnpravfrgg t0ionro camaw everton edem mills the best quality ol manitoba family and pastry for sale at lowest prices our own make chopping done and qalsjroilfcddijay feed for sale cash for wheat and oats henry hortop new footwear we have juet reewd a urge thlpambt of the moat uptodate footwear irora the very latent american hula footwear that wulen and chi drop in any lime and inspect ihu complete lock of high claaa winter footweaf t statham son bakers and orooehs main st acton mill street w wltiliams acton stltri jfamtlu firamng u 1 1jt you know nothing of what the oountry la llkr per- uteri thn yoiirit man heal ly helen dont you think ll nblldiah to bear only one ld of a caae and tlion rlrcldr i know nil 1 wuol lo know aald thn yniiuff lady pml lively yuu gave inn hie tmpreaulon that you fiitendd to ealabllh hit oflloe barn lu the nlty and now want to lakn mo to a lontdy farm 1 ahouhl din of liotnnalckhnsa imtuldna tnaklnic you tnlaerableo it la lxiat for um not to tiy thn ix perl incut u mothur la old and fneblr dear and it would out im fur long the few yoaia abo haa loft alio wanta lo a pood n bur old bntne and 1 iniiat lakn care of her you dont iiieaii what you juat until do yout arlbui hardy apoka ipiietly but tbiim wan intnnae feeling in bla few word a you litual oliooan inilwumii lit aald ilnlail waller hriuly if joti think your duty to your toother blfther than your love for mo then it la aa well 1 found ll out before it waa umi lata m with out a wor4 ilia young utan left thn bniiao and utok iho flrat train for hla lmyhod honir where bla aged niolher awaltad hlni the young lady mfuacil to ttckuowludfie the achetnbar bearlaa aha pluiirtd into a round of plnaatutta hnoauau ahu felt aura bur lover would come iwtck awllly but bhn could not tealian the material of which be wua made horn ut heart arlbur hauly limik up bla new work hut hla mother never aunmalod thtt dltapikiintmant ho en dured thelimmof iii oherlabrd pro- fuaaloii the giving lip of helen nnd the very quint life he waa forced to lead on amount of hit mother a health all told on lilin bill the dear falling eyea aaw nothing or hla mlaery thoaa flrat few tuotit ha then the long auunuer daya lhtjjiirilwuxkjuiiljhii ucaill giving ulr1iroilghllih life id impit troubled aplrlt tjm joy of doing hla duty and the calm hut huay life tea tor- eu bla kilae and made him juat what hla mother waa ure he alwaye had imiiii a true and contented gentle man all tlila time helen wnaatdualiigher- aelf in her own way and trying to imagine abe waa very fortunate not to tmtflhut np tn h drtuiryfvrin hnusor i might have been able to etaml it a year or two aha aald to hereelf mualngly one day i wonder if arthur will aome hank to be city when hla mother la gone r her trlande openly bongrululnled liar on bar good aeitae and told doleful atorlea of oountry wimion going uiaane from ion el i new and hard work whan they thought ehn might he fretting about her itwt lover they brought her hooka ibtaorlblng the condition of country letiple and were ready in iipmirt their alalotuuttte by point lug to 1 he crowda of young men and women who iumvo their farm home never tn wturtiijljiltiw lumitha helffn wa thmly con v i need that arthur had been very aelfuh in aaklng aiich av tremen- don aucrlflce of hrr and alie deter mined to forget him entirely i atp afraid you will be ao dlaap pointed dear aald itoee adam the blatant abe wu loomed helen to her aonirortableolty home the day befure thatikaglvlng uoiialn fanny baa determined lo have every oonnccllod of the camlly praaent at her family kl inner and we niuat take you with ua for aim would ifaten to nothing elae bhnhaajt in her mind that ahe will nut live through the winter and ahu wanta to have one more family gather lug in tho old home it would he all right hut abe ifvce in the oountry and i am afraid that will awaken unplea aant memorloe for you tat inn atay al lioine begged helen i wont nylod it n hit ilul urr adah wouht llaten to no auob lhlnga hor drareat girl friend nnd maid uf honor ehoiiht not le left lone even for a few houta ao helen had to aubmll it won t be long abn tohl heraelf aa alie toaaled her aliptara imifore the rrato in bar room that evening how drnaulful it niuat i mi to live where people eat wit b tbqlr knlvea and munlor iho kngllab ian- riiare k you muat promlaa ua mlaa hide a not to fall in love with any of our cou alna today aald mr adamd aa they alerted out in the crbp november air ooualn fanny baa a eon who la rjulte a fine young follow ao i think it my duty in warn ju 1 bear that li la paying a gr mt deal of attention to a oartalnimiraon ap dont worry laughed ilelvn while mra ajibim trod on herliuahand a foot and telrrrapberl l him in the node known to jonug married people tliere la no danger 1 would n t live in the noun 1 1 y for anything and it la hardly like i will fall in love at flrat eight laut the air drllgblful thia morn ingr aaketl un adama to iltauge the aubjmil hid you ivr are auy- lblug more ikiaiitlful than that long biratrh of hinadow with the aiinablue ouitr illa lmullfiil illao in aur prlar- and thn bullara hmk fairly rrapofltabl dont ihey f i don l e any alalia of povorly aahf mr adama you 11 probably te aatonlahed at the dltinet today mlaa llvleo no i wont aald that young lady jmmltlvaly i wae reading an arllnle in a magaalne thn oilier day dnacrlhlug faun lift and i know but what to x pt nl the writer told of the aall pork and heavy plea and mmu blaculla that fmiikta iibi know jiut how thr wonifo will look for they w r dna nrlbel pnrfwtly aa aalhtw llallnaarn a- lurwm with no thought above iho price of butter and gg it made inn ahul der to mail of their narrow itarreo uvea nnd i expect to have a day of realllmiikaglvhiglnmsrtuil my lot baa fallen hi n elviliaed plan you twlter keep ait eye on her juat the mills uoee aald mr adama thoughtfullj ive beard glrlu ulk wore and tlila may bo all a bin it 1 dont know hou o main kanny would like a city girl foi h daughter but ll laut lxat i run any rlaka linloaa john i txploded mr a adama what la the matter with you thla morning p i thought you promleed me to behave ih fore wn alerted i ahall lie on plua and nedlea all day if you ulk like lhiw i waa merely aaylng what might happen iwifore the day wa over aald mr adama in an injured to no you aald youraelf ihnre waa no tfll hern we am lulvrruplnd mra adama lu a relieved toiin lluire la ooualn lrauliy coming out to meal ua 1 am very glad tn a you dear aald a gimtle voice and helen found heraelf blaring at an old lady in a grey allk drcaaaud wblln apron with hrr white hair drawn amnotbly imck from her hrotv my boo will be home from one of the uelghhore preanntly 1 hey havo a blok child and hn had to go there early thla morning fnce lu the big farm boiiau helen continued toalam tho old oak atid mahogany furniture had probably been in nan for years but it waa more ul atautlal looking and elegant than the coplea of colonial tuthlala the young liuly aaw eterywhnre 1 14 city hotune she glance rlout for lilt coflltl plalra and wav flowera no the parlnt walla hut waa aalonlahed to find a few good plcturea inatead llj gliinka of the dining room ahe naught through the open door allowed h table eaijulaltnly apklnted with old fashioned ailver ohlna and glaaa while aavory odora dbl not euggnat aalt ork and heavy plea tho relallvna continued to arrive until the bullae waa comfortably filled and helen aat aa in a date the welldreaeed proeperoiia men and women greeted her kindly but aba could not reoonnlle her ideaa lo the arena befnrther all nt once thn voire ptr h mr n abe huiked up in aee arthur llanly atandlng before her my eon mlaa walter- aald the old lady proudly he name home only a few inlnutea ego how do you do mlaa walter aald the young man 00 11 r ten hal y aa if they were meeting for the flrat limn i am glad to welcome you to my toma helen aaltl mr adama coming up before the yuu tig lady could apeak dont you want to help me with the table deooratluiia p ooualn fanny would like a heap of fruit and flower fur sotiixhie arriitir tfiby wurynnr aaalatance lu the kitchen helen did nut know whether to feel pledged or otherwlae to ut hurried away to the dining room hut a aharp pain abot through her heareaaaltneaw arthur helping a very pretty girl with aome vegetable lu the kitchen koae atlanta waa aorry for tho unhappy girl and tried to ahlehl her all ahe could by keeping up a lively chatter nboilt the gueata but helen longed to go home at one did yuu ever aee anything like tha in thn city mlaa helen p aaked mr adanim ah he aurveyed hie long tablea ready for lite guttata jld you ever aee auob a layout anywhere before i never did aald helen troth fully actually i am jh aatotilaherl fur wurd 1 where did your coueln get alt thla food r dont a mranhl lite young tnati iveoeen hrn time and again and they elwayatuive juit tbla muab ir you can find two iquare inchea or un occupied apace on that table iii atop teasing all amy im going to help wait on the gueaie helen aald mr admiia and john will lake yoti lo dinner now john i expect you in lemember your prormae ahe wentonaeverely you know you aald ill be too busy eating tngpt into trouble aald mr adama oomollngly dont look at me like lbat knee yuu frighten me 1 rliv dr mcartilur uf 1hin iirulmt of iho gullt dilrlct wmtc school in aculou hero yclcnljy and the tlay in fore i only wleli i could aald bia wife analoualy helen ml anrrr the limb mouthful would ohoke her but aim waaatirprlaeil to find heraelf enjoying the tlirkoy chicken pie arid vegelahlem with which her plate waa heaped 1tirliapa the light of the pretty young glil whom arthur bail imoil hitlplng and who tow waa eealtd imalile a young man ipparnnlly hor lover had aomethlng to do with iter return uf appetite for arthur rucortrd hla mothfi to the lahhi and thru took up bla diille or aiirvlug thn giti at la thla your ural tliaukaglvlug in iho country mum walteiap nakinl one of the gtlnal yea auawered hie young girl rather faintly fearing whal might fol low i can gueae your fnelluga lhon bahfllie lady marrlly i waa brought up in the city myaelf and i uaed tn re gard the oountry aa a howling wilder lieaa 1 reinemhor the argiimenle oharloa uaed to put up to induce me to come to the farm he waa con- aumpllvn then and a mere aknlaton though you wouldn t think eo now and alio glanced at tho at only man at her a lib at laat he had the good kalian to get me an invitation to a couutiy borne and i waa converted nn iii it apot vou aeo i waant ao much lo blaino for i bad wen reading up about women lu the country going inwalie and all tltot unnaence actually 1 thought farmer lived on pickled pork and corn bread tho yrar round i ana you bad thn bamo idoair ahe wont on innocently aa llolana face grow anal let well never mind dear it nnvnr loo late to luam ihalh true oluntrvnd mr adama thoughtfully but it nomnllmes giita km lain for anmn other lblng what i tho mattoi uomi 7 don your toot acini again p homebow your look are nut lu accord with tbla joyful orcaalon lot 1110 help wtirvn tho laillu who waited on the table iwgged helen the luatant dinner wae ovur in apllu of all effort on the part of arthur and mm adama tho eon vu mat ion clung to i hn id on city pooplu havo of tho coun try and llwlan really buffered during the nierrynhat i want to bolp a i iii in to gut aouin oxtirclae ilntl right miaa helen aald mr adama huartlly if i were able id help too but i ii have lo leave that lank to attbur huh youtigur than i am anil more active i auppoaii thn city la a gay aa ever said arthur a lhey worked together dialling up food u the big deaerted kitchen yea thn uaual round of partlea and entertainment i lit full hlaat an swered helen i did not know i wa coming jo your home when wo alartrd thla morning mr and mr adam aid via ware in apeiiil um day at tliali cuubih aiid-i-dld- nutkimw i name unfll alio introduced you dim that mean you would not have coma if you had known p eeked ar thur gravely you know the anawor to that juee- tlon without my telling you aald helen in a low tone i want tn lwg your pardon4or all the unkind thing i aald elniut your home and to wtah yoinnuoh happlnoaauradama totol me you were to marry a iook here john interrupted ar thur aa that gentleman at rolled care- leaaly paat the kitchen door to excite hla wife what have von heei tell aliout jnaane country pork i take no more rlaka did y folk plan llr gaaei helen i thought it waa all avoidant- never au accident laughed mr adama m ami arthur have been working out the detail for elx tnonthe 1 aeaure you it waa premerlllaled on y word uf honor i liavant thought or dreamed or heard of anything elan for weeka ami week thu i the r- i oame near dlacloalng toe aacret ao many tlmae u day my mind la aaturatail with ll avto apeak from a myalarlima bundle lloaa pn- duced a while frrwk and nature the 1 afternoon nloaed a happy wadding look place in the old faahloned parlor all the rain ami lonnllnna of the pul ih apeni in feverlahly mailing from one gay eceue to an other slipped from helen like a garment ntl abn lojkel in harmony with the beanty andeacefiilnea of the dying autumn day a the ring waa allpid on her finger it will not lxt long thal you will a to atay lu the country dear whlapered mi henley aa ah klaayd the bride tenderly i riel tbla la my laatlhankaglvlng until i celebrate it 111 my heavenly home llut i want lo atay aald iuu11 tenderly f want tn begin my new life lu tbl heeullrnl a kit anil lhn i iii never want to leave it i have a great load oft my inind aid mr adam aa ha and bla wife id good bye in the twilight i mx- pact to get a little attention myaelf illiun all lids excltainanl i over ho have we all had our mind re llevod said hi wife the next llnie arthur and i want to get up aome plan i for 1 hankaglvlng we will he lareful not to lull you atxiut them dont he too hard on blm iloae laughed the happy bridegroom our premeditated thatikaglvlng waa a com plole aiiocea and we can afford tn rlook hi little falling ing helen p you know very well i am not paying attention to any young lady who aald you were p demanded mr adama in tuock indignation unleti remeiubar what you aaul on the way out thla morning ihl look danger but juat thru u firm hand waa laid ou hla arm and the door waa gently shut by mr adaniu half an hour litltir thu dour waa bunt open by the aaiun meddlbsomo gentleman jd he aaaumed au injured air aa he told of the biiiterlnga of the waiter lu the dining room ihey would have atarved without their do aert for the sake of pollteneaa be ex plained to arthur and helen but im going to aavetbelr uvea i promised at the altar to oherhlb and protect my wife and i in going to do it lood gracious i 1 be pudding lactone c i and the dog lia gobbled the plea that were bn thef window alll lonllug i only wlab yoil were aa enger to keep aoinu of your other proraue aald mra adama aavoroly helen wbun arthur and i gut up thla little plan to have you out here for thank giving ha promised ajeninly to be have for one day but you aee the trouhlo he aoauaed we all tried to ninko hlmf never hilad hue llv all eoitlcd nnd were going to he merrhid tbla very afternoon hleii bug no parent yon know nnd i wont lot bet go till lime t9ii may find uhnihir nrlkl boupbpollbd 15tihv in the entertainment peg- the womans home companion appear the following menu for en 8 supper contributed by mr b c meacham humptuoual huperbl hatlafylngl hiiifrrahtiaix hllmey nllcml handwlohe htyllahly bhaped helectedhoa frtlt homewhatbeaaoned kcaitoied hea vrult hnvory hage heaaoned hllcre hplendld salmon balaj hcrtimptuouahalad small hloek hard no hriuare baltlnea hununibx hbarply hplred blender hweet licklea hour stinging stimulative hium mkhil ii h hvl kkttlakkh hllvcr hplcel hponge hnow wv kktmk tu muiall hucculent baccarlne mllcna hweoleiirn holldlflttd htrawherry kyllabub hoft hmooth hnowy hllpperyhherhet ltlll hutera hpecial htrt ped hip huamlqg soulflllrrlug hllmulant 8antimeithouvaiilrafiullahy selected hill i kit mi3c mkvkn hixty hlxhweel hlalora seduloualy serving touneuatton tprlnelplaaa flrat 1 when we undertake to fill your preeerlnilona we flva them our undivided attention ami lieat care the patient welfare la our flrat outl aid era lion second 1 wo giuumnton our drug to be of full strength aa well aa pure and freeh third 1 our customer tn supplied with juat what theyaakfor j substitut ing i never allowed lalnii taxamt com pound if you are av sufferer from kidney dseasellver complaint blood trout dee rheumatism netirajgla or nervous prostration wo ornfldently reoom- mnnd the use of taine celery com pound tblamillahle and never dl- uppolnbjig medlnlnei laattma illama baulaber and ayatem builder we supply the genuine lajnea celery oompound at brown acton ont qauaac iron thanatb billy got the colic jane an aw ful mesa aha apllled the brlmmlng gravy boat upon bar sunday dress jimmy came from football with plas ter oil hlliead7 hew gave our ice cream to the cat of course abe went to bed father talked all through the meal of aphthous fever milk while olive peat red uncle jim for a rain qqwl liifdo of silk 1 tore my hn new trousers in a tight with butch motilynn and inite the cop juat told my pop hol ttarj to run me in when fatheraald well jdry what thanks will we give dear i ma aald uive lhankatliankbglving cornea only once a year tmel uanana im mloldimal heoont experiment indicate that the juice of the banana may lie eftl caclou in tho treatment of diphtheria and nthar mated le of the throat a ubstanoe resembling pepsin aud call ed bromelln lias been isolated from banana juice and haa been shown to posses the property of dissolving al buminous matter euoh as form the obatiiotlng membrane oliaracterutlo of diphtheria tuanrtarjivino for morning and tlie hopes of day ro hbure to work and hours lo play l for doursgei and contentment here j for truat t to strengthen joy ti cheer we praise thee lord i for evening and the duties don for strife of oooecienoe won 1 for hours to dream and hours to resti for all thy love made manifest we blow thee lord 1 for home and thotl who loie ua there j for friend and kindred everywhere for life and for the ufa to be 1 ktafqal fellowship wltli thee ir wetbankfliselordp frank dempster sherman tuanksaivino i offer uiank i nolumlngawonl my 1 litu k- i no blot of blame baa my eacuti lu 00 llie good stare of my iniroaropn liave reijjnwl no boie dnferrihl my hrart eooleut has aliied my flrealda ring remalua rf t round wherefore lom my glad llp lit ihu resound i uffer tliank i offer thank- 1 twelvemonth of plenty and of ne 1 va known no winder fat- pontrwuehaa blown tli rough iralup fl amies of ralma my liark have aterrnd no era drownnt wrerk havw in my mrl app ami no mh mirage have rpbki d my ken no vvalug pit an ton a rrylng ajibl have been i i offer thank l corporations the reason lij n llin r hie enactment of hclnlnllou nor iim aforcement hn ihmiii uincuufnl la ex termlnu hue the an iiilbil truat or ereo to uffikt v ul becaoseaaan rrfivllvn luilutrlil gency to wbild i bu uuirglih ot mankind ho coriuiraln form u- yotml any olhir form u hi moat ettectho yet illwovin i tlie mistake la lu i bo point ol view approximately eonthird of tlie wealth of iho count r 1 in rerpornln fortu it i im wealth of the milr oiin u to vlow uil domain olio unit has uchleml uoino miiiilurlt la that it i the 1 m my a country and ahouhl ih dfelmjed i tie other nnd uh i maintain the juat ami refl tut hie way i m view it aa o ru h field h new field that should im oimnrd to every rlllsen judse ilrnm up thakkaalviko thankaglvlng for uod m lhtundlu blue above ua brooding for tho him and perfumed pageant of the year for walere singing lyric clear and bird la royal re lit tlie for all the varied life we view about us bourgeoning i for thu clue to happiness beyond thn hem thanksgiving i for chance the kindly deed we do while dawn and duak thlr miiih pun i for hope and ita attendant rhmr for all thata noble and sincere for friends but cblelly lovn for vou thanksgiving clinton hcollaid oomk out all in the parlor all except knnllnir who la bustling at thn fount of those araby odors are gathered in a aludlonnly in different circle of cou ran to such thn eating part la nothing they can wait enjoying conversation llin rrmlu lacenctnt of the evening iwforu around the hearth are reaumed then but now hub i do you remember lout hku father uncle if oil doea ha hut ho hot nevertheless will dinner never lie ready 7 aunt and uncle and grandparent draw you to them to fondle and ban ter and query but bow may 0110 know how old one la nr where waa mosee when the light wetil out or u why a hen crosse the road wtieu ono haa roaolved into stomach and 11 on it and all one thought am hi thn ad joining room p will dinner never ho read v orandmother is telling you in hi 1 gentle voice of when she was a little girl and not so old a you and limy hd thanksgiving interesting should auch a recital be but ob dear wont dinner ever im ready p where are you going johnny do mands father sternly you wanta drink of water j tut u dr n k of wate hi the tither room no t you atay right in bore u youll bother mother wxwell but wont dinner ever ah i mother land upon the threshold muahrd warm end triumphant uhn bldw ocwie out all since then you have heard by tho dutch ovenaof the round up flro tlie coojls long yelp of chuck urjm shipboard you have sprung to thu gnl ley boy beckoning wak yuu havo dropped moat willingly into place at the logging camp long table or tired and spent by a day of strenuous huttl t i t t ed with relief aa tlie alleut waiter imuo in the soup and bread stick llut mother smiting oome out all can never be nerabadowed ifdwln l ha bin in ijpplncott there never was and never will lie a universal jpanacea in one remedy for all iii to which flesh la heir what would relieve umi lit lu turii would aggravate the uthnrs we have bow- ever in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated statu remedy for many and grievous ill by lu gradual and judicious usu tho fraltsst ayatem are led into convaletl oenoo and strength by the influence which quinine exerts on natures own restorative it relieves those to whom a chrohlo state of motbul despondency and lack of interest in ufa 1 a disease and by tranquil ilog the nerves disposes to sound and refreshing sleep imparts vigor to tho action ot the blood which being stimulated course through the yoltiw strengthening the hea hi y animal functions of the ayatem thereby dusking activity a necessary result strengthening the frame and hiving ufa to the digestive organ wtjlch naturally demand increased aid la 11 00 lesult improved appetite north ropae lyman of toronto have given to the pqblla their superior quinine by lhejoplolqa of eclenllate the whin approache nearest perfection of any on the market all druggist soil it

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