Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 26, 1911, p. 2

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hjuud tlkltnivbiiom at ui aaldatw of the ewe pnu mllion oo tuwtiy 1tu oalsborbyhav i h llonolr niltmutlu oo of th 1st jinw llvoar anion iolu d of j htevanaon allium i mtiu tlirvoal a i kim for j on friday ofilnbarsmli wav ir onrltam a ifloiif fewmmlr o anion ajad sb fiwi william jlydar esd a vaavsriils months umtluirth iloapita tonmlo do hoi slj hndostobot ma ail or iiouki i frn or irlnalpal ivhtmluuf 1jum ullg inhlaahrh aaax ik if bajl 00 vlam eila tl uav i u fw be alton yrti jjrtsfi thuiih1ay ootoimh j1i 1u11 thank8qiv1no nnf moiuuy kuli oolnhir has beau proclaimed 1l day iarallrjdilaof ihu lir dominion whatever may im said of other countries oaned certainly has evtiry raunn to tw thankful in everything that civilised man nwu canada rich and it i tin ex a to say that thern la no country on the face of the earth mi reneroiialy endowed andean full of promise nur should other iwjeflu u forgotten wo have at hand all the means that contribute to the auccees- ful pursuit or liainim our educa tional facilities are unsurpassed 1 mr business machinery is wall suited for the purpose uf enlarging our trails ami increasing lb sum total of public wealth our religion liberties are assured l and with tii llritlah flag fly ing onr lie w have the highest degree of clvla freedom that la attainable aad a eons of security that la nut mis placed aa a imople therefore canadian have much to im thankful for hut we must not overlook that the gift to us bring with thorn certain duties it la well than that 1m whirl and an grossmentof inislness ahnuhl im slop ped at leaat irnun in the year that wa may consider how highly favored wa are aa a peopts glee due thank to almighty god for hli generous goodness and seek to bring joy and comfort to all in need ditohial motaua tiiuteaoiikiui of tiib ooiintv in uielr oonvantlnn bar laat week while appreciating and accepting in part lord strath con a ache me for phyalca training want oppomxl to those feat- urti contemplating military drill and rifle preellce while phyalcal training i alwaya desirable there aeema no good reason for inciting the military spirit in the school puplla of our coua at tum convention of the uherala of south wellington on saturday mr j innla malntoah of the uuelph mer cury waa the unanlnioua oholca for the coming provincial nl rot ion mr mcfnttmih la a atrong mnn baa had valnahht parlumenlary esparlflnoa aa private amiretary to one of tha mlil- tera and haa emoalleiit proapect of uooeaa at the iaat conservative unqvrntlon mr samuel 0 barter of the comer vator tlin former member wahoaen there la a atrong pro ha blllty that halton uberau will alao nominate newspaper man uion hih amti m in kngland bar tirey the late governor fleueral gave out thta public meaasgei it a impossible to be too angulne as to tbe futunldotdlopment of canada it is a splendid country and la going ahead as fast as anyone could deal re tito mora it increases in strength tbe growler will be the aoosaslon of strength to the umpire 1 am glad to be back in england after seven event ful years they have been seven happy years in a land of sunahlne and although i am glad to be hack i con feaaj i was sorry to leave the dominion aato the canadian climate i can only say 1 thoroughly enjoyed it whether in summer or winter and am not aurv that before tbe present winter is over i shall not wlal to be in canada again hanwiuxu u the effort of the leaders of the government party to find a safe riding to open for lion mr white ml nf glnyiw m to ronto stera ottawa correspondent eye i nalton wa the first seat picked oo but tbe conservatives in a little uncertain about that one the appoint ment of mr white to the cabinet hav ing stirred up such a hornets nest in toronto and there having been so much talk of the conservatives there opposing blm at tbe byeeloctlon that tbe powers bere are afraid to run blm la any seat so close to toronto aa hal too is david ilendareon conserva tive memberelect for ualton has been here for several days and theio la doubt but that be would be willing hydroelectric for acton hon adam beesl olvaa valuable in- rprmkuoo re ooat to thle municipality uicklv to ubs 98koo pbjr ii a vniy jproaeiilollv ktik ell 14 ii mhiutim in thf town hall on mondivf evening to har hh ilydnt icleotrln hiwi r joeallon dliuiiibsril up hon alui ilwtk chairman of the ontario 1nwur oouitulanluu be i den lb- acioo nltlmiia innlndlng uoeve ilyndaand all thr councillor leorgn town waa retiiaentsl by lteve grant and all the iiiembeiw of the ooiinoll mlttill ly lteai a kll and three of i hi i town councillor s uud itock wood by half a dosan of us pruinliifiit rillaetia alii bllier it wan a meeting of cltlaona of iuiinlnlimlltlma dalrlitg l tvhich if howing the fvaalblllly of inalaltlog hydro rlectria ciinnmtluof they may act umm to pntoufm tlu dnalrotl nlaarm puwttr in opening thi meeting heave hynda reminded the audience that anton haa outgrown her preaent plant to such an eitent that every day eltl an ii are asking for light and it la im possible to serve any of them the demand has become so fannral that one of the councillors told him when ever he aaw a woman approaching him he trlod to dodge around a corner as be wa sure ah would he wanting light only two achrmea are open for consideration first that of enlarg ing the present plant meaning new machinery throughout ami which does not seem advisable and second j hydro- klectrla power the council and cltlxana are completely in lle dark aato the term and condition upon which we may secure this power and the abject or the meeting tonight is to get first- hand information from such an authority as the hon adam heck mr heck reviewed the hi lory of the hydro- klectrlo schema since its inception in berlin in lutxi and told o its bucceeaful working during the past year in those municipal i ties where it has been installed hut the cost of the niagara hydro- iqtectrla power for acton is what most concern us uuelph is one of the three cheapest power stations in ontario and uuelph is our supply center anton is indeed fortunate in that it will only be neces sary to build a single pole line to acton from uuelph we are also more for tunate than many other places in that the corporation already owns tbe power plant and dose not need to take over that of any private company then again we are fortunate in that by building a single pole line from uuelph to brampton which will soon be a supply station passing through georgetown a loop may at any lime be formed which would he particularly advantageous in caso of accident as iowor could be obtained from either station mr iteck has a fond heart for hock- wood having spent a year in the old academy there under mr mcmillan which he felt had done him much good he was glad to know that lloekwood was represented in the audience and would very much like to see both that place and georgetown jojn with acton in securing niagara power mr liar- iter of georgetown had told blm recently that their arm would take aoo h p a soon as a line could be run into georgetown if iso h p is contracted for between the three named places the prices perh p for 24 hour service would be itock wood bo h p ao00 acton b p 11200 georgetown doo h p 4000 ir acton takes 400 h p the price will be ilockwood co u pv8h00 acton n 400 h p 20 60 georgetown 200 h p iklfio if acton alone takes power the prices will he ski p 42 400 h p m 100 b p ax the co operation of municipalities helps one another the above prices are considered very favorable to acton and are lower than many other municipalities are now paying these prices include cost or power plus administration and power lost by transmission which was shown did not actually occur because of reeelllng 4 interest on investment sinking fund maintain ence and depreciation for which e00 good j tea is the result of care and experience in blendlnrf must bo iho combination ol flng flavor smooth strength and richness because all these elements are so generously included in red rose ten it well merits the term good too i redrose your grocer will rneommend it inangvtorellh wire 1 seal in lbs senate tbe reward unless the con aervetlye leader are assured that there will be no trouble with the die- graatled toronto politicians however they are not llkaljr to rlak their new mantn mrllendersontt seat ft a town with avtubtia tjutt tbov4llgeofbladsdell n y haa made some novel reetrlctpina with thq mew york telephone company relat ive to that corporation giving service to the residents and stringing wire through the slreete it is said that tlia arrangeuient is h model for other village to copy the agreement which baa been filed with the county clerk sdvcjuea that the village oouoell- lor shall tnspeot nil the telephone polee to me thai they are tall and shapely tbey can condemn any polasj that srsniot straight and of good apptssnthbe llaeh pole must he mint ed green and a shade of green approv ed by them they shall he placed directly at the curb and on the lot hue and ndl scattered back and forth to suit the view of the men who dig the emeavalktrili to hold them the upper portion oflhe polee will beartyie wires of tb village tor us own electric llgbt polloe fir and tetegraph y- mkmj powa and plow repar it 0had from w j gordon tbe i baker sola gent toe ibis per tl p is included thie dcjlieolatli money goes into a fund to provide for the installation of new equipment aa science produces it to replace that in use aa it leeomes olmolete the prices quoted ere more favor able than those of five years ago when acton was quoted a price of s3hc0 per b p on a 0qq h p contract at that time it would have been nccmty to bring power from bonds now however we can get power at sib 00 per h p on a 300 h p contract hy way of gilelph beard more go are a shrewd bus n arm th s t e take power if it will pay them to d so and if they should it will increase the amount used and therefore mater ially reduce the cost of tbe whole to acton the speaker satd if the ottlsene or acton decided in favor of hydro klec trio it would not lake many months to build a line from the prison farm at uuelph to aclon where the pressing need could then be relieved in reply to e question from tin heeve mr heck stated that the now er house building tbe poles and wires in use now could still he utilised but that the metres and imiisfurmra would nsfrd to be rewound any new supplies would le furnished by the eiiimpauy on thu ame cheap basis aa to the large cltlrs the company also ime an luspectiii in etery four or flee tatlons who asslats and gives advice to the local electriclaiia in a few wiida reeve grant of georgetown expressed pleasure at having gained information from the eetlng as georgetown waa not in so pressing a situation as acton he did not feel he could voice the sentiment nf i lie people of hla town iteeve karl or milton jd he did nut think the time wa ran distant whan uydroklectrlo would supercede l local power plants but aa milton waa antaewhat off tbe proposed line be would not commit himself ae to miltons felrng- m t ha matter at pre sent i mr t itendvrsonj mt la heartily in aympatby with thu proapect of hydrti klentrln power for acton al though he had never given i lie qua tlou much study he was salladnd that a 21 hour service would mean a myriad of advantages for us which we have not now in a later inlnrvlawj mr u k in formed the fukk ilikxh report fi lit it he had neglected to state that a ttiiml clpallty only pays for power ua d and were in no wise held reeponalhhi for the amount contracted for the rate however is based on contract amount and the prloe per h p would advance as we fall short of that amount asked as to the comparative coat of a new plant and the hydro klectrlo plant mr heck said he would not commltblmself until his engineers had covered the ground thoroughly hut he believed first coat was not all which should bo looked at if anton inorraae or renews their own plant they are only solving the lighting problem and could not supply powor acton needs manufacturer manufacturers deed power and therefore acton noeda hydro- klectrla to meet that need steam produced power costs from gco to lloo per h p to generate and it is therefore impossible for acton to supply local power to manufhctorlest aa the cost is prohibitive purified his blood dr morses indian root phi hemlexf m wha sorem when the wwrra of the ikmiv lwnvru kidneys and skin ducts pit clojrgcd up the blood quickly lkcomm i mourn ami frequently sores break out over tlin nly the way to heal them as mr kklioni wuson who uvea nwir london out found u to purify the blood he writes por some time i lind tecn in a low dvprceatd condition my appetite left me end i soon be gait to auuvr nun itxll gestioa quite a number ol small sort- and lilotclien formed nil over my akin 1 tried medicine for the blood and used many kinds ol ointment but without satisfactory result what wag wanted was a thorouvh draining of the blond and i looked alout in vain for some mcdl doe that would nccomiiluli this at last dr morses indian uoot 1h1u were lrought to my notice and they are one of the moet wonderful medicines i hare ever known my blood waa purl- fled la vsrv short time sores heaua up aay leelmsuea vanuhdthey nlerays have a place in ntv home nnd ore looked upon ea the family remedy dr morses indian uoot illla cleanse the system thoroughly sold by all dealers at 2sc a imx 0 twinty vasna aao mr joseph ierkhw new ifltinr on llower avtnun la fompulwl ml lima milt d basromuumid thv mellon of a new dwouliik mi t atffl avenue mr john arthur hae porehamkl th i utcherlug bualnea- of w 11 uut- ledgn mr uutlrd will coulliiue hla wheaal bimiopaf tlin proprlnlot of the mpl ii honto haa an unuaully hrod amlle on ids rountenaure thean daya link son an belt ami oiu la happj r adam iikou la linverlng from thu ttcl of injuilua looxlvutl fxn a ai v ftl ai time ag the htiinnll mt n hhiii ii ting ilu drtdrd li itl iho rh lot rendrfrrd vrkil by iho itiuova of lbe drill ahad from klgln kir it f r ale a nrat hill it leahlonre utecled uxm it would ad 1 to th attrtlvr neaaof itowtr av no the lltth two y nrol1 ai ii or hv and mr- kdg wa in exi llnnl lxalth when lurked in hla little imxi on imuy evening but about ifn o clock wan laokiil with iiiiinhraiinoua i r up and dexplln all poaaiha remrdliu paaatxl away altonl two a m dio fminral waa held to lul on monday iho lecture on tl uljtrt iui iholhlnga yon i orrow on friday night laal in the mnthmllxt churoen hy the aator hev joa iige was wnll attnndel and abounded in inur nut elhuenri racy paaaageh and pro tltahle dumiablou of the anh 1 1 jv vote of thanka was prtiaontcid by mr w h htnrey and hev j xv ltae or uren was chairman and the church choir and monday hcimmii orchestra contributed to the pro gtfctnme onhundayunv j w hat laator preached n special sermon in k church on tho work or women set ling forth the plalua of he w v m h in a moat convincing m r mnear j o nelson ami n 1 mourn accompanied hev mr kdgii on hli sad iiiibbioii to lvuiny on monday mrs abram matthews who has tieen living in toronto fur sumn tli hits rnturnfd to acton and wilt rilde ih one of imr houaus on 1 icderlrk ht rent iloitv in alton on october jtfih t mr and mrs u c clark a aou hdlik in iciqiinaing on october asih to mr ami mr- jaim hyde a rokniti 1 qunalng on oololwr 20th to mr end mr arthur htnwart a son ilkiatohoahy on ontour jflrd kirk nldnat son of luomas monro aged jt year i itll in kvqneaing on octolmr 22nd george mcnelly aged jit yoara k months likit at ilanilltou on ootolmr jhlh narah winrr gramlmother ol iuv ii ii cooke aged 00 years iiki at the mtithndut laraonagf acukii on octoltur ith hlohaid oouglaa youngest sou of hev josaph lcdgv aged i year 10 moiilha and 1 daye t1iim iiain oh top if 1arlalan uagf the hair grow or that a t brown guarenteta will not callus hair to grow where the hair ia thinning out nothing on this earth will and we aay to nvtrybody you can havit your money liuck if 1arialan hage ian t the beat hair growni hair never hair healillher and dandi cure on the market to day it vtopa itining acalp and falling hair and makes hair grow thick and abundantly or money bank go cent for a large bottle it talari bags make the hair soft and brilliant and promotes growth export advice lu known hy ita prlre tli seasons needs ttanetlkub vndkrwirak is pure wool uud uiiahrluk- 2 able hoe the different iiualittes and prices ef theue goods i am m allowing h wool coats and toquksnow la the lime for wear 5 ing a wool coat bee my amortment at colors and priced h olovps perrlna lined and mill nod loves new lino thin q fall h 3 rip great valne scall hatfa now llitoh soft felt hats ut fo and nt m i just te hand r e nelson msrahsnt iwlloe mans rurntelief mhhh 6 s j farm tools that earn money when ou buy inrru iooin stamped with siiinsou llrutid au can i j nlwoltitely sure that you nro betting blif vuluo fur our money ilon- ejilly loiimlruclod or tho iwit mate- rlut wtlontlflciilly dusineu no us to do thq moit work with thu lensit tt exertion samaon bran3 pnrm toola give batlafaction go to your dealer uud aslc to see 3amxon llrottd i urm toot try them in your work you will find them nil you expect of high- grade tool ask your jdealer h 8 iiowlahii sqh co hiiiird tokomto smm brsirty rooaue pxotecta v ojllu1ittj it covers a mm l fflxxxxxxxxxxx xxxoo the new fall goods i very l trhnr nt of tlu stor 1 1 now overflowing witli tlo si makls i1lsi valulb incl mos1 1oiular fir jj j f f m 1 1 t winter kjii mx foons i this week e htct i very nitcrc tttio n v triiviu in laihks misskschilduens jackets ladies ohildrkns coat sweaters comforters bamlnf wool eiderdown filling good values woolen blancets l irijc luminals from two nf the ili mills jii wlirjiiti i lts inn ru llltlr valued ire not uri it 1 1 mywliere furs furs muffs anil neck pieces vtry rch iblu jjootls ully uiratitccd made hy the be t ttnlclr i he style tin l ioh ire very taking and llrcady tlic demand ia brisk wt invite inspection of the very ittractivo lines we ire showing and 1 compirion of valuea henderson co mill st acton ont wxxxk6booccktt i jca1 till rnmllm tia it the i rlxt run trst wo ern 01 11 dliotlnjf tor thn fnriii era of ranada tf0 ott hi prists will bo award ed to each iruvlnne these prism will bn divided into tmr uroupa coitalatliik of i i1izk a 1100 00 i 1- wn ih ir in lurins toil ik ut tumlnr arru f oahad 0mnl i utf ll si0001i im bvi t ii linui in 1 rnlnr- whn v ianaiia until f r lha snauil in aibrr ol mrr uj7v ir j hum ft la im l uhl hnv llttl kftkmt i ylili or for t 1 rlies urintf what vor upnn tho juaritlty as li matter of fact lour sure tut in this eon teat mill iuieinl to u urout octant on your curaful resiunif at nur igo 1 what the ttarmer can do with com rote in this hoolt sent free rtuniist to nny furmnr fall inatructlone are im ul loiripb lliavlay lbs ll vapa jltl id ba ixn in iii m who aul mlu lha ll vlpttani hi dan kvcry larmor in cumulii la ellkfhln thnrefnro ilo unt tie dutnrred from enter inar by any foalliiir that i to the f nonorute and plans r every ulnj of firm imll jinn and farm tlllty von ii mn the need of tbta hook liothor y n nro icolna to try for u prise r not if jnu huvn not not your 11 nt writ 11 for it to iiluit imi i i nt on tu nttuolmj ruu ii r a iinaliiira will do the nn1 and canada cement company limited mohtslal well well jthis home dyc anyone all 1hw murrenarrkiiaxi of good ilklksamcdlla i used dyola rmauraub vimsga- buslnkbfl bold alucemnt now tlim ami iiumcdl ale kayuieiit esfioctui llila applies to ituall and large alike anil allow uie at the same htntjto thank you all fur lltwral patrunkv ilurlnn my lhreo yoar in anton a llfacic ttsnt i mental juries jimm nloiilo in rrlmltinl cnneit nt llif rrla imr told nn iiiiilieiice alinosl entirely compotiril of ituiltrm ttint hefur nny jury a womnii with home youth senio look nml n protty voice lia fifty chatlcte uutuf iilhuudxed ot helua arnultlixl wlmrcfia u man would have only ouo if him t now how tu shed tear n tlin rlilit moniiiiit site deed not mnrrj n ordlit of uot uullty u a ilimil curttihity iorl ittor a rooties qsllsry uu lunw ura villi ullder am ity wtrtrult nailery that alio started iiihi jenrr i will that lront irlmlnnl diitoctlre oftlm who irunrdoil iho imlllim pre miu win ii rrohllo vnii fllltliir iiitirtiod ttu i hli mi do arnft hoy tnhl mo that ha iwnimlkou bom n of tho portrait uud tlmy hud nil dono lime ivhnteer hint iiieniih uhnolimul rtntii lualer we ef wealth limn k lieti t urliiff hnppl nonaf no rlnce o iiiiiomuhi tnouoy liiy imsojilo limit nnnl mi in ion in the crorory and 1 emit in t im rnmfort out of limllnj n u tiiiuk lint hmir nro too sliurt- ittauuru i oxl llonurnhle huluxln uhvnh mini the an im hu1 nltli i iijiouinut jmd duly nml priuuvh ih tiltuci tlirr hn poslbo without ii suuiucl biullu built to cast a upbtsmb twfl- bell pano an 1nhthdmknttiiat anot uk hulll ahri kll vih usuvllwt il xj aijlbailvnub 1 fe rmijii- chaswkelly illarnrjkrfmm the euvy of her neighbors is tbe wumau whuao bltcliou tliloea with ehaatlioaae roomy rseje- whose see beams with ins astlaraotloa silorded by e perfeat cookies equipment for every vramsn wants e flood atove w hatter she does bar own ata lbe eneala that and fettle a pride in guanhlf j oxford ustlba tbe oelh- oaford stoves eod kaewe feature ol easy aed eealrel cook in i or not aba era prepared on it having the heat satlabes that pride bors envy ouraey- raoea carry ery ooaveouuioe ia with soet new points el ercelloece that ere eielualv pint oj all la tho lever that holds no deodar ol tbe are b eel between uteala the oxford hoooosilasr will held the beat el a lew ebb till you want ll i thee una the handle end your stove la hit la 4 jlfy detldea tbia aavinjf nf time sad worry it savea in fuel to ibf actual extent ol ooe loa in tiib dividdd plur strip i iho envy ol all wonee who bake it auwea be heat equally along aides baok eod front ef tbe ovea let us demonalrate these and olhae ajroag sdvsntsjes ef the o oxford line we heve stovea or every purpoae a very fuel edu vrioty of prleea r f johnstone acton solb kctinr iirto ilbslisniuala wantk1 a iiou1 f rlnnllt rlr manree- katiiaa maid waniku ii ub i1jt s i ilu k it u i hkh orvii k lost tuuy vlu tmt i mill u u uuitii ahoa 00 itkwaki riilli 1 iuj will t lj tar uwb1c i liu i i tl ih wl ava btuhwi tarn imiiiu in tl ullkjdi4 tounnfa klj ii i uouul o if rwinlul tluau llod 108t a t wijltlll- iuiiim h tuaat out waraai lli u luo wilf uumdhi a twm tell lw nitj lerf itilr o lot 1 imuuiibd iwliu in uuif nww 10 if lmthhuum lata ciioick imjiijiuhttoto foii ualb po tiia abo mill andwuka to mna anil a lu i iiwa w will all eaula baatouus- iota l lu lo ta uif uim d pkiahx 81 if lucauomoaua ii co countkr cuk0k hooks ramlk rua i aaa u hnd to bil ajj oun 1 tor vauum itmeu lum at j j m rinluoa kallawua imutalwl to uw juamuiy ur kltwj llaha i atmd h of tovn id utatu wa tu glv vuu lmli uiiafulluai ntg baktti koa hilar lu ba duiihi ii 1 uooum fua rasai aatou jfino itesidsntil property pur bale adoon tito juaaiaraj haktt ul iim utwa tat bks ho atalb ol tblojr 1iiu llsbt ft hard hd mm alubip4nbmt vor v1 ob pnaiah ui luithlu huitii hlain atiavt leka valuajtlk lji0rjfibty for sals hla aud u4xaam ajlileeattad hama o balnh waal laar aa oawdaila kth oburee tba lutuaa la ltthuay iraaaa palolad awl la maaa nrair laaida uo hi uood omilmj allta aaaaa hoar llaxl and aa liniimiliig a a j 01141 ajarf oh iahu rmt halk adusia la ih tovoahlu of btu nuu ln oil 100araa lot if maa 11 aosana an 10 so lo ii two in two from lb mluc aa raia ia9 aevaa madat mtloa 10 aaraa boab sad paaioxa lud aeenloctabla puatarad bom v noan sajuu- aad sutarw baak din kkxh atabtlas wlui staed ta0 aaaee bd- lloa good inn ban iobkm iu anajd ota wall waaaavd tan ajood waoe aad aswiac electrolene 1 lfctkom np u the firwart crade of unn ou ever twoduced and la o far saper lor lo onllnsry canadian and american oils that once it ts uaed ythi will i he old klod we have cnalomere who have never ued any uiber lo five years and wo can reaer yoi lo i hem t doe mot bmoke the olaeeee laata just aa loner ae cheep oil and i odorless in bum trie tbewkele reeeay dlijrled wmb nritish aaaerican oil co et e gt iabwlenb th- worlds beat laap oil our dowser inamp which we reccmly in 4 sited will de liver ihis oil direct into yoar can without tdoppine or abort meaaue sod will fill 3 sal in 1 minute let us till up ybtr can of a itul thanksgiving day single fare between all stations in canada a nlaeara kalta nd nnffalo ifty ijaron and detroit at ich oood qetna osttahss 17 sl to return uaau neeasuss j- 1 port huntcrsretuto tickets simlcfirc dauy unul naeeeaiaaja utta jo points in teraaxaml point uatuwa tulonilakutninir aad klpawe ous cliialve eltowrtinpolnuio oebec new brqiuwlck rfdva scotia anfalase oelobev lih to noeeeaber utk to mhakoka lakes pecetaag uafcoor lake fie id uadawesk to parry booed ar to cehoconk lloduy to hau- bm tun pulnu from bevera to north bay iixltyiive and pertain fwilou reacbed hy northern navlirutlon co v all ttckeu valid tor return uat 11 thurs day lec tjth except to polnta remebed by monmer linen tuesday nov 14th pull partlculatav and tickeu from 17 s tfolmcs w rtmsri- raatvvafjramopa wsfjfe

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