Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 26, 1911, p. 4

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tliukhoav dotqiwu 3m lull tommy j9 thantuaivino lni lliankful for a lot ir tilings 1 to eled to o allv andthsokful 1 ihr years ol4 instead of only flvr i in thankfur iw y lops nl toy and lor ray kilty rt and thankful for tlie u outdoor wbtn we can shout and play i m thankful for the uilnas that grrrw tbma apples oh how good the corn wbw we play hide and aa in a hula wood i m lhankcul for this pumpkin round juat like a golden lall the jackolotrn it will make won t frighten ue el all 1 re thankful frthkl- for pes all in a row and thankful urapurua nwl liiein wtwt hbe kiww i liked them w 1 m thankful fur title turkey too ho brown li i oke sod nine i 1 should he very thankful uow for only on miiri alloe thanstttoivlno jovsj carloads of pumpkin yellow as gold oolooe in silvery athnjrs shlolng red apples clueter of r rapes nuts and a host of good things chickens and turkeys 1st utile pjc- thsaere what thankajllng bring work u forgotuin and playtime he- kroniufllo and college and hell i fathers and brothers snd uncles fd aunts nteoea and nephews and all speed away bom- aa they bear efsr the vole of thanksgiving call now u the um to drop all your cart oaat eeery trouble away think of your blessing numur your fct twl be afraid lo ba gy none are too old and none sre ton tooachrsu tbnkgilng iy 0 now i itched i what long nerve racking days of constant torture what sleepless nights of terrible egooy itch itch itch constant itch until it seernsd that i must tear off my ery skin beo instant reller toy akin cooled ootbed end bealedt the ery bret drops of i d d mopped that awtul itch instantly yes the ery moment odd touched my akin the torture d d d has been known for years mm the only ebeolola reliable kmwiw cat just a mild aoothlng pleasant waab wade of oil or wlotergreen thymol and other ingevdlenls but the instant rauaf i 1 u gives lo all kinds of akin trouble i like mlracto and when umd with 1 d h soap keeps the akin to perfect coed uon ifyouhaveany undo skin trouble keaama psoriasis salt rheum no nasties- whatt is investigate the woo derful d d i prescription write for a free trial bottle to the d i d- labormtorlea dpt a t 40 oolboroe st toronto it will be eoot at once and you will get relief from your trouble immediately you apply it the henpecked club a madlaal bwarleak helmaa a nbyakrlan waa knocked down and ourtd while on bu way to nee pa tlcnt ills pockets were rilled and one of the articles stolen was a cun- tcal ibermometsr with which he bad earlier in the erasing taken the tem- peratnre of a patient ii reflmsv bered the temperature reglatered sod h that he bad not shaken down the mercury before putting the thermom eter id his pocket he communicated these facts to the police borne time afterward a thermometer registering the identical temperature waa djacor- end in a pawnshop and the police were enabled thereby to track the doc tors assatlauts and to arrest them mahr totaiitm tumiy when hark twain was editor of a nevada newspaper somebody sent him turkey with no card attached the editor ate the bird nast day he re ceived a letter asking t can you tell as what the turkey died of p theres a bet oo about it headaches were caused by a s diso stoma mr james rfelaagmln bracebrtdga onl writes in order to let you know what moburas luiijm pills have dose for ms i am writing you about a year ago i was troubled a afreet deal with a vary aour diaorderetl stossaek and had terrible besdaehm thai wmnmtfaxaaibldmtmnmldajia wnik- m in teuing a friend who had used your pols before how i felt whs told to try them whleh i did and to my peat s after uatng one vial i was vsnair reueved sad when use was unfahsd i waa totally eund and i a wi et r the headaches and i leal vastly indebted fin to the friend and sseondh to haburas lauxjrer pllla lor the great rehef i derived from their frice 5c per vial or s viau for tl 00 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt olprkbythet wlburu co limited toronto out san dtcgn c lhg the united ststee that has a munlci pal flower farm started with the aim of proeidlos floral and horticultural exhibits for the panama california lu tarnations kxpoeuton in 1015 the city officials who are promouufj lbs farm found they could sftw hundreds of thooes of dollars by utilising the 1700 acre tract in balbo parka to grow sowers and it is expected many snillione of plants will bs ready in twor ywars the farm already has 1000000 gsran lums as many red rotes while roses hod twenty acres of california golden popples it has 100000 palm trees fbo park ooostqantly 1ms become he most beautiful lo colors and flowers o tlw country and thousands of tours lets haw made it a point t6 visit san dingo jost tones lbs flowe fsrm qumt metheda of a quhr tuotaty la lanoiwhln enalaaa of all the queer clubs that exist ta iba world j u will ami some ft the queernat in inraahlrc rnsland one of tbeae u railed lb henpecked elub- as the lllle indlrales its mnnbera in all malea and you ran rome nrroes e rlob in elmoet errry inraahlre lows of any auto the meellncii are bald aa a role la aomo ifer mrlor and tb dtoruestona re ahout kormbrm noi often non- membrre who bae the reputation of ttelne ikonimrked lwn evidence baa been broueht to nhow tliat a partlcuur man baa allowed blmaelf to come ua der hta wlfct hiitut iney lax blm with it in the plare of rowlo tthe preat dent dellvnn a urtwre oe ike dancer of a i uaband lermltlins his wire to usurp bis hluon ax maaler end whew tl libera uaio liulnnwd bu remarks the person to wliom the apeecbes are nddrenhhl u warned that if he roa tluune to atand like itnnperklnj be will bo nude the auhjert of s demonatra tlon tito autiounrement that s benpeclt ed lull lrraautatratlon u lo tske ptsre u rwflvml in dm dutrtrt with mixed rthlliich tua nten npnlsud it snd the il xtbe iw alllnjc similar displays that in tnml in iwihm a utile auxloua on tlie er en i off appointed the umiultent i the rlub meet at i ul lie ihhw where tly arm tbenv- eelrea with all kliwls of boueabold utntuu tlwti hd hy ronrertlns play tow tin whlhtlo liend they start out sod tnarrb aluotf tba crowded t rents of llto ilulrkc one man rarrlfw a lroom another a awdh a third a sluwel or a real entitle or a fender or s poker mrs tone blarklead itroabre waijitabs tiurkets every thing deed in the home in fartis rarrted aboulder hlsh as they marrh along lo the mualc lnrront sod the duronlant rlanelng of their bascsce they ultic anstrnee of sonxs in wbirh the name of the victim oc curs often the mbwlon of the veraes which have been utmielally composed for tbe oreaaloa try a lerel poet far to hold so lite benpeckod one to ridicule tbe rea son f r the demonatrators bearlag the household eoods being of course to remind him thai having fallen under petticoat coternment jfte will uulckly immmm tbe slavey when they reach the couaaw where their victim resides they form a circle in front of tbe door snd slag sod clang tbetr fenders and coal scu mere loudly then ever tbe man inside is invoked fay the president during a halt in the pro gram lo be a man and join his brethren sometime if be looks upon tbe affair as mere of a joke than any thing else be does their bidding and they reform and march to headrjuar- ters with him st tbelr bead usually however his wife appears ins with a bucket of soapy water which she promptly throws over tbe demon strators or she quickly causes a clear ance with a hose pips to the onlooker it la just an exhibi tion for laughter and nothing mere hut behind the sc there is general ly a lot of trouble and hear a good number of these ntenpeckeot demonstrations have sequels ta police courts bometlmes it is in enraged victim belnr charged with assaulting a demonstrator but more often then not the sequel shows a wife appealing to tbe mscutrste for a separation or der london til 1uis bum ft st mm bo v the biro pleat and most effective remedy for sick kidneys is booth kidney pill it there is weakness nongesllon innammatlon or sore nee booths kmoay pills quickly relieve it they gent ly stimulate atreugthe and lone sick kidneys drive away backache rheu matt pains and dbv- xlnees clear np and regul ate the urine and restore a perfect 0-1- tering of the b beat of ahthu re lief is permanent all druggiats sell and guarantee booth a kidney pills soo box money back if they fall to relieve writ to the it t booth co lad port krie onu for a free trial booths pills castor i a c tteo ksnd tea hove always bought mod which ha i fbr enrer 30 yoors baa bonto tlio sirnxuir r and tuui hnon itumio iiimlrir hts per sonal anparlslon nlnco lbtlufhary allow im oio todocou o yo4l in this all cobxntarffclta imltxoions cuid lhwtrthstmml art bat kxprlnants thet trlfl with and oudnii rr tlo itesdth of im mbmi oilldren kxperl imm nnjnxt 1 xpfjiintcxa what is castoria oast oris is a bjurnalram anbstltuto fbr cantor oil tary grorlc ikropa andk soothing ftjrap it ljt ilmhant it coektajos mtltlter op i ant t morphlno lior otlior knmotlo nahntstnori its auzw in itxt runrontyi it irtnjrt worms amst sdlays pivvivishrmws it euros alurvliu i i wind ceue it mllarab toethlng troubled cttrot coiihtimtioii sum vlataitotky- it aurslnallnxcm tlio looi rvulau4 tbn htoenmrh and ilonnrnla glvlnr hnalthy utstl kmturul aleop tito childrens lsicea f9 3 mother 1 ricniu genuine castoria sears the signature of always the kind you hare always bought in use for over 30 years hsujp thsj othkb rsltow no one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it lo anyone iiickens was so nervous could not stay in the house alone mrs arthur uoore freeport nh writes- i would reeonunend ullburn a heart and nerve fills to anyone who is weak run down and their n all unstrung i was troubled wth ner vousness of tbe very worst kind and when i started in to take your pills i was so bed i eould not stay in the houee alone nor eould i sleep nlghta funce taking the pula 1 am entirely ouied and can recom thorn to anyone who is nervous and run down to any of t buffering m say way from any derangement of lbs heart or nerves we ean reeoenmeod our atql- busth8 rkart ahd kbkvb poxs with the greatest co they have leea tnsd and proved or ins last twenty yean to be exactly what we claim for them price bo oenta per box or 3 boxes for s12s st all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of pnee by the t alubura oo limited tomato ont the man who awa keepiiu ten per ought to have a wxl 1 v hand tbe last french woman who lost napoleon i face lo face died recently at troyes franco seed 102 ube was afme llilloe a widow whoae parent were on the domestic at aft of the pel see of posits i nebleau she was t when nopoleon abottly before taking leave of his guards apoke lo her lit the palace perk slot klllloa i eta i tied a vivid recolleclion of ibis meeting until the day of her death hd on that aeoount she was sumelhlng of a local celebrity very many persons din annually from cholera and kindred auiihner com plaints who might have been mvedupnipflrktuedicehad been used if attacked do ocl delay in getting a hotueofdr 3 v trllogg dysentery oorduu the medldne tht never falls toeb seta cure those who have used it say it acts promptly and thoroughly subdues the pain and disease these lllla cure ithailliialulu t i the many who auffur from rheums tlam a trial of iarmeleeu vegetal ta imla la reco in in ended the lisve pronounced action upon the liver sod kidney snd by regulating the action of iheen organa act aa an alternative in preventing the adiiilalure of uric acid and blood that cauaes thla painful ulsordar tliey tuuat be taken accord ing to direction and used alnsdlly attd ibsy will aiieedlly ahow evidence of their imnefljclal effects i had been given up to die by three or our bet doctors i could not hand it to be on my ret and i waa to awe i led in the abdomen i coull hardly breathe llul i hank m lit mries heart hemeiy and nervine i am able to be about the streets aowalkinfr ad vrrtnemrnt of the curative qual met of your remedlei although i am 70 years old john r cociikan icwittqwn 111 ltctier than any statement we could make regarding tbe value of dr mile hwart roncdy are tbry words of mr cochran he speak 1 from experience the hijjictr lihle tourre of know cdc if you hsvc arty of the signs of a weak heart such as pain in the led shoulder uf arm fainting and hungry spells slum nris of breath smothering spell fluttering or palpitation of the heart you need or miles heart remedy which ifit over twenty years hjs been re cognized as the beu preps rstiimi of tit kin i to be had gold under a ouarante aaauflnq ihe return of the phoe of the hot botll l it sella to benefit at all dnuqqista milbo msdical co yeronto can atteoding lo hi wn b ilneas la tbe pleaaure of s itkmleat tnao ijiv will hod lla wy even if it has to y it ittelr tbe oil 1 f the people many oil a have rome arid g me but lr tliomaa rcleclrlo otlconunuea lo mlnlaln iu oeltlon and inereaae lla aphere of usefulness aaeh year its hterllng ualll have lirought it to the front and kept it uiarv and it can 1m truly railed tbe oil of the people thousande have benefited by it and would use other prrmretl in children ory for fletchers c asto r ia our oonaclence frratieotly hurla lie without doing ua any good wartaare unslghuy idemluiea and corns are painful growths llolloway m com cure will remove then some people who pay aa they go find the going both rough and blow mother grivoa v0rt11 rx terminal or will drive worm a from tbe ayatem without injury to tbe child became iu action while fully rftectlve la mild a little debutante u a dangerous thing it la always lo day which is both a privilege and piles lfc analag tlbaf aari- uria budumklmaf l w pwmal wm atmtes qmil bak crnuk fair trial if inlenllnna damned or saved th reultw w il i lw pit lureiiir it la beat lu abk no ipieallona of ueatlonablo prooeedlng impurities of the blood anvbuk cheer ui it you have nothing you ean t lose jl man isnllu lutunjf beuasjxil hair imt he la if hie wife has children ory for fletchers o asto ria 2500 will- sbcurb your homesite 2500 warren park subdivision acton ur phi urun hot no to7 kenors ont ntw- 1 hree yeara ao while working in hamilton ont i waa taken aack kiui no one knew what ailed xne kvery iml of food i ate 1 vomited up and consfttiimnoy 1 leesme very weak uy lantllonl told ine thal after that he thought at one time 1 was hooked for the cemetery walking down at met one day i happened to aee ilunlock luood bitter in a drumat a window ao went in and got a hot tie lief ore i had taken half of it i broke out all round my loins in sown showed it to my land lord and aaked him what he thought of it lie told me it looked as if 1 had a heavy attack of chicken pox lloth be and hie wife tried all they knew how to persuade ma to atop taking the li 11 it but it waa no uae i had gotten ao tied i thought it th 1 not matter much whether i went under or not so i got s seroiul bottle and judge to my aurpruxi lo se the sores iimiii to dual pnar and hy tl time i had taken three ttottie 1 im n it sue fw the heat man in hamilton im ul yeara of age and em al le to do a day a work wilb the next man thanki to ii ii it the trouble that some of those people who are juat aa good as they can ho can t be very good castoria for infanta en ohudysifi ft kbd yn hin ahrrn bmkm trial is inexpenelve to those who buffer from dyapeiaa indlgeaui rheumatlani or any ailment arising from derangement o tb dlgeatlvi ayatem a trial of isrmelees vege table inlla la recommended should the auffercr be acquainted with them the trial will he inexpansive and the result will be another customer for thla excellent medicine so effective iaoheirexuo t tuaw a certainly lis traced to their use where other pllla have proved ineffective how we do bate to be obliged to tsku our ow advice 1 when the loafer take a vacstlon be does know what to uq with lu has used dr fowlers eowr h 4 7 ti ft i x 7 v vftrmliir v t r y si v t v 1l jt j 1 si af7 7 ofuka trewse r t v j jm tl stiteet vosoaaro tctrrmtito4 1 r s ohlldren ory for rutchers astoria tha alovo map shows the relatively advantageous location of the choicest and only available building property in acton get a home of your own the can wjy here it lb 12500 down and sw00 per moalh without inlerett until paid for take possession of the lot and start building your home an improved centrally situated property ready to bnild on located in the choicest section e build a home where a family may live in fresh air staid bcautilul surroundings and with ample room for a garden this is the best boy in acton and lots will double in price in a few years liberal discount for cash all information and maps at office of r j mcnabb mill st acton extract of wild strawberry for tb lmt fifteen vanrti urn dunoan uollae 61 gib 8 l north ilrmndon uau writes it la much pleasure for me to aay that i have used or fowler a r x tract of wild tur wherry n my tumufl svery bummer for the last- nfte yeara fhavej sttchudrefiahdhave used it on every 000 of them i use it myaslf and so does my hualwnd last summer my baby seven mouths old was taken very sick with summer complaint and we thought be would die we got a bottle of dr rowlere kx tract x ild strawberry and started rivirur it to him in email dcexsi and in three days be got quite weil ao we kept on with the medicine for about a week or more snd be became as well as ever my kiua girl two yean old was taken vwy bad with the same trouble and 1 used two dum of the same medicine and aho waa onmpletely cum i uyaeir and my husliand think there la no other medicine so good for all bowel eoin4alnbt if anyone wishes to know what an excellent remedy ur fowlers katraet of wild strawberry la 1 am willing to tell them what it has done for me ask for dr fowlbsvs amd hfsist oh obttilfo what you ask tor issnufaetursd otily by the t uilbuhs 0a limited toronto out batten per qrewlna i iu linixmuil i f r en pla one to say bit u l lnl rntlm f i growing pig til feed 1 1 cnmrlly of one dlf fer frtini am titer hnve lieen reeling f j ft ere all hm lime looking nod nnilrlnailng suioe way lo i roil tiro belter results writes an ohio intlionnll i alslorlman some times tvo tblnl we are feeding more crnln tlinn nemmnrr then oca in we hlnk vre are not feeilhii enouch as 1 rule 111 rn 1 lea ant underfed than verfet1 we 1ml a geod roll on for duteloolng iotnlni u flvo pounds of o i ii inert i ten hiurnj of wlieet brsn or mldtllinc tirieen p n f ceromoaj nnd inn totin i of suit tell mixed in ii imirrel miiii nilllt and warm water feetum all lluy will eat up rlean rnornlnff ami nig lit if you have bpes rablmce or ruola teeil llm at uoon after tbey imre eaten i heir evenloc aloft fcnll them 0110 if ui f rortt to each kiiiii i f llio w flu lit of ptcx j round wl ml imrlry tr oat can bo aulialltuteil f ir a tortlon of the trsn nod in li iiiiirh if 1 lrl feedlna the calf no farmer ran arfinl to atari hu mlf off in any otlior way but well the ralf abnuhl 1 n a a ifflrlnnt iluaqtliy of wbolo mlll until lla ration ran lie made iwrtly nkltnmlll nr ibot k- eklrarollk wltlmiit tlnitff t atunt inic tbo ralf has no uuo f r more than three fourth 1 f a call n of wbole milk per day for tl e perlxl of a week at the end of a wiwl ihui the aulaatl tutlon of aklmmllk alvly inrnaalnc tbe quantity of akin ml iii ntul lurrvoa ing tbe total quantity of inlll fl until three weeks old and at tlio end of this lime if pslns hare lioeii tnkmi in tnarh ing tbe calf to eel be will then be able te go on to a allromllk ration entirely with tbe addition of s fend nlcm snd morning of indian corn or itnftlr corn whole or ground ami with what rouajb- ge he will eat will tl rive and con tinue tbriny t1m ralf u worth too much at this time to allfftit it in any way that awful backache cured by lydla li pinkhams vegetable compound unrtotia sp knnturky i auf tawllh ferns in dlsonlria my health wsa vrrj bad and i had s continual barkarl n hlrh waa siritj 1 awful i could 1 t ul on mr fret long enough lo ro k a meal s virtus la without my bark dearly klllliir mo oaiul i would hnfu aurli dragging wn aatlona 1 oolild hardly iiear it writ side n u ui hot atand tight clothing and waa irrrgulai i has completely run down on sd- vimi i took i tills k linkhsm a 4 table compound and uver 1111a and am enjoying good health it la now more than two years and i have not had an ache or pain aloce i do all my own work washing and everything and never have the backache any m re i think your medicine la grand ami i g raise it to all my neighbors if yi u link my testimony will help othna you may publish it mrs om u00haiu morton lap kentucky llarkarhi is a symptom of organic weakness or derangement if you have backache don i neglect il to ret permanent rellelf vou must reach die root of tlie trouble nothing we know of will do this so surely as itydla h linkhsm 4 compound write to mrs ilnkham mt ynn mnsm for spnetsil advice your letter will hei wlteolutmly mniffii axi4 tb sulvlor fre pbinglitb is now rctdy lor your watch and clock rcpajri prompt- ncks and good work is what wc strive to give nickel alarms put in thor tiu good order same a new for 5 cents geo d prinqlie tlic jlivlilll it guiilru ont the merchants bank of canada monhy ma1tbrs tn tlllcl good riuis all worker aie earolng more money it an etmr lutfore and all lliouahlful tieople will daalre to save a part of their earning i future uae 1 tl mlkchanto hank through their as v logs ilepartmenlj can holp you to have money hocause uoney depoalleil in thclr avlnjjt depmrlment u flee toe fire or any riak of lot il is not ibhle lo he spent rwnxlloaajy will earn moony for you in intareat added in your balance one dollar will start an interest bearing account and your additional aavin can be ailtled at any lime interest ad led from dale ol depot 1 1 joint savings accounts uay 1m opened at the u kucha nts hank the money in whkh may be withdrawn hy either of two persona these sre very convenient house hold accounts snd interest is pal 1 on all balances total assets over 7s ac10n branch f a maclean manager w warm and strong if you want a pair of gloves or mitts in horsehide calf or buckskin sheep or muleskin be certain to specify storeys in no other way will you ret equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt ay the woo knit wrist and lined kind uhown below warranted genuine horeehide waterproof and fiieproofr- juat the thing for warnithandcomf6rt sokl at all btores every mitt is tagged storeys insist on storeys w h storey a son limited acton ontario consciontious plumbing heating is not k utvth inelth us lolw contrary wc mqko it the most important factor so if you favor lis with your patromo you will enthusiastically endorse us tiic grand trijnk iailwa1 pashknuifll tiiatml us kcton lil v jiilv x bus iiisie tl e un lrrtj relief tloil mlirlla lie pair n j ll gl- llc and lot ii a ilxm it well t scqulpl uul blyllalu itlse un lp tw betum el tu ktal ua a c ml lulle i us mniii all train ui luutrnn and fiy p m ami il aiieniloa rivn in vvry in ur tlim waols if com mocl j 1 1 rvelua lull mt john inilliytjwvs paper makers asokaktownobr llmk npwh and corjoiiri iafktth inoltmakllkll the bulii steam 6mita nl huhiwats cabpitn dbaun primretea iesjgirs and llullders ol btalues uana- ucuma kioaumenla uarkera and head atones anil all klnda of artistic cfisflttty wort 1 wm hemstreet aunt acton your chopping will be done quickly and well on mther plates or stpnes if taken to the rockwood chopping mills hour oatmeal bran shorts 1 he best at lowest prices harris co limited w- gfclmson painter paper hangar plotara vramer kto- bcrno inform the ladles ot acton and surrounding vicin ity that ho has been appointed agent for three of the largest wal paper houses in can ada 1500 samples to choosq from prices right also that he is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissors ground furni ture repaired shoi- mill stkeut acton vaamisau vaaaar patents rttsb5jrt fred smith plumber quebec st giielph phone 337 patents iprdmptly secured aclwmonkcnl ad wvwiiiuupml test lmaqsbubsmleresbs sbssisis pstartal lact fulty waaalatli lapatcn wot 1 aa bread ar taelnveuuoat iniralaeed rsteala rkeretelv orcr mo nvsnuapcra sssssttr rslest arsrsaaafl- marion ck jarkn pbtosit rperteid selmter ca- t aj- a

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