Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 2, 1911, p. 4

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thurhday novkuuur2t ot1 th davi work lun woik from morn till ml if mill they do hut aiiiutna wotk lit nnvrr done quit true iormlmn n leek tb llnlilyd until things fiuoil awalllnr a oeliniik all year loom whether it t a toiim tho lea or ltse the lirwad t wsk the iwul or ly lhe tiroom or duat tha room or 11imr lo eoruh or knlvae to rub or tble t orblv or ill lit mii to sow or iumikrw or ii hleaoli or iwsonm iohoii or butter rburii or jaokal mm orindlhu- or data or lirass or clot hoe lo inmiil or children lend or tout indll o stories writ tul i limit atop for really if name lb or uk would old vermont year hook ild day it tub limit them wu escltament in ilia old inn i tha croearooda the ancient pro- pcuuwbrillntfup ilka an angry porcupine ilt lo atopl br thundered m b brought bu 1st down on the inv- spe tiered rular bh a wcv to stop or 111 close up tha hotel 1 wbui the trouble naked the ooftea drummer trouble enough i oould iund thoee aleapwalktog motorists ciawl log under tha bed and hammering m tha eprloge causa they thought ihey ware under an auloioohlla but 111 b blovred if i am bl to pot u wtb draanilnavlalora climbing up on the calling and knocking all tha piaster ing down just oaiwa they imagine they are tinkering with ihelr flying machine no elree its go top many a eelf ulttad brave unabla u prove 1c horn would be orator make a nnlso and lot it go at that a roan may be sura hes right yet lack tha narva to go ahead out made by barbers are not t la- factory for illustrating pnrpoeea aa a rule a woman ceases to lw manvaffinlty if a baa to support her it paye to be honest but it u not alwaya posalhla to name the one who gate the pay tha fallow who wont iend hie money for a vacation la saving it for tha undertaker it take more than a coat of arm to prevent neighbor from getting a glimpse of tha family skeleton natural iiibtonv i ilout auppiwa remarked omkk haliowsy rliiiiltfifiillr that i it over havn ll i rn lo ral my wm l wllul wnlt wimig r wu waked llni it wa thu wy w tv ro invited out wml til- kill exhibit ill- womi laid iiiummra 1 snd vr blm and wiiuih rod in u tnw whlapor youre lltll plf i tli kid ol krlnued do yi ii limrr i iiimhi von m a llttl ig i io you bv ar nouh lo know what u llllle pig isp yet pups kiiawnrxl hit rililhl trying to look innocent j w11 i boo wbut i- tv a liltf t- u liftu linl luiy 1 kir h llnforo ll tin n- or man who liavn tmiii unllotnl wllb hiiii liavu dilvru tlihtu awv with dl- 1im- irlwtlln oil wblrb u llk iimglc all imlurly troublod uliould i- no ilm in 1plyiik th plvudld rtilinly m tlmrr ih iioiiiiiik llllultto tw bad u u nliixip hot iim kwii id in no way rxpifcd by it unt1micly intkrnuptioh lrof mcjhln wm ilply alworlmid 1 tlintirfnrt l tangln out of a knotty point in inula phy ale lyaandrr kkld hla wife looking up from the pier alio had ixxin r fad ing what doe it ooat to livtr 01 name changed r u iiovar coat you gnjthlng tu havu yuira changed alvlr- hrltubly an aworod lb profaaaor i imui all the axpenuia ihe worm lurtiml at laid that wax no tnnfl than you ahoiild have done aba anappvd roiialdrrlng that i changed my name from van- darpoole to mcuooala how to livb lono with heallhy kidney uiib ha a a good chance to live long but weak kidney amiot old age wllb great dla- oomrorta the back imcouim bant and lame rheumatlain ii chronic y fl at gbt falla and too frrxjuent or involuntary paaeagee at t he booths hi loci i pills plret i vthen ww undertaka to nil your preaoriptlona w give them our undivldd attention and beet care tha patient welfare la our drat con iderauon second 1 we guarantee our dntga to beof full atrength aa well aa pure and fraeh third 1 our cuatoxnar are auppluml with juat whatthayaakfori aubatltitt log i nover allowod rxswm ctuat oompound if you are a aufferrr from kidney dlaaaaa liver complain t blood troublea rheumatlaui neuralgia or nervoua prohtratlon wo ocnfidenlly reooin- mend tha uaa of inunaa oelary oom- puund thla reliable and nevnr 1u appointing mudlelne le a true dlweaia- lauiuhnr and ayali tmlldnr v hitpply lhe fhinilnn ialneu tlrj oowpouitd at brown anton out when a tutnv wife telta another woman that there are no aacrala be tween hareelf and her htiabaiid li goea out on the back porch and wluke at tha cat children ory for fletchers o a gat into tba habit of leaving off your bad hablta going broke la the favorlta pmatluii of people on their vacation til pa a thorough pill to clear tin ktnmacb and bowela of impurltlaa and irrltanta la neoneaary whtrn theli action la irregular tha pill lhat will do thla work thoroughly are iartoe- leee vagaiable pllla whloh are mild in oton but mighty lii reaiiltii they purge palnleaaly and effectively and work a permanent cure they can lie ueed by tha moat delicately conatltuted aa thera ara tin painful effecta prootd log their gentle operation a man lant to btm if he baa ted hair but ha la if hla wife hwa tha man who alwaya keepa hla teui par ought to have a good aupply hand people who ara jaevei good aa they can b cant be very good had a weak aching back and a nasty sick headache mia w 41 hodge fielding saalt writaa a few linea highly reoommend- bg dene kidney 11 ifi for thla imi year 1 hava been troubled ary much with naaty aick haadaohej and a weak aohiu back which eauaed me much muvry for i could not work and had ax ambition for anything my kidnayt wan vary badly out of order and kept ma from aloaplng at nlghta i triad many kind of ntua and nwdhtmf but it mmodfjmott in vtln i bagaa to give p ih doapair of ever 4aaag wall and strong again whan a kind i aaagsbor adviaod me to try doene joaney fllta vhioh i did and am thankful for tba railef i obtained from vawn ir now x am novar troubled with a aw back or alok headachee i will always aay doaov kidney pula for mine and nan blghly raeomraand them to aarr sufianr prlaa 50o par box or 3 box fof l 28 at dsals or mailed direct on receipt of prlo by tba t miihum oo umlteq toronto tont 7 whsa ordarlng direct specify m doan tin caui loan i embarraaament by day laep by night iloolha kidney lllla bhng new alrengtli to old liacka and tulck relief to weakened kldny they lianlali icacheand rhaumalla plt regulat the bladdder and urine llootha kidney ii i la re for alok kidney in old or young and am guar anteed by the proprietor the 1l t llooth oo ltd fort krie one bold everywhere 60c bits free trial aent mhiiieat hold and auarenti anion ly a t llruwti castor i a vox innta and children ti kind yon han jumn bmjm hears tha blgnatoreof willlluhiial amnklabteprcnaraliooibras- slmlullne aemodandllcijula ultesimbddoijucxrebcf promofcstlitiesuoialiuru- lmsanlhestoalalnsnclllkr kmtin morphine nor miociol not namoothu xpofccl rev4y tor consopft tton sour slomctidurrlidea on mdloasorslekp- ti ifciilil ncw york cxact copropvaavkb gastoria for infanta and children the kind you have always bought boars tho signature of in use for over thirty years gastoria a lleaaant lurgatlvn ianunleea vegetable lllla r wo comoundkl aa oomirate on both atomach and bowel ao that they act along the whole all manlaryandexoratory paaaagn tliey arenitvdaaatla in their work but mild y purgative and hie pleaaum of taking them la nnly ualled by tho gratifying eftert they produce com pounded only of vegetable aubatanrm the curative uall lira of which were fully taated they afford relief without chance of injury we all like to ih k to oorlvia but dont alwaya know li tkakery chancii you ran got pro vldod ournn knt ii bonnolly hani ami mill rornv holh ylim to llollowaya irn our wblrb in tmtlrf ly aafn to ur and certain and hnlu factory in ltn action tha beat way lo induce mopln to respect your advice la to keep it to yourself children dry for fletchers c asto eg a llad habile coat money but lhra are limn who aeeio to lhlnk thlo wokh the price do not let a cold kettle on your lung lleaort to lllaklen anti con aitniptlvai hyrup at tlm llrat intimation of irritation in the throat and prevent disease from lodging in ihu pulnionary organs neglected cold are tha cauae of untold suffering throughout tht country sll of which could have lieen prevented by the application of thla simple but powerful medicine tim lirlce 2t cent a brings it within reach of all constipation is 1 lie cause of more sick ness than anything else if you wuh to bo well you must keep tho bowels open if you dont constipation la sure to iollow milburns laxaliver pills act on the bownla and nxnolfl their roe anil mgular action thu nunng ootijv- tton and all ilnnuni arinng from it air harry itovny klianick ont wntoti- having lieen troubled for yara with otmiatiiuttion ami trying mnny rtaimxim without sutsccms i dnnlly purchaiml ullhum ias uver 1ilu aiul lonnil litem imtat imnalielaj tlmy am mteed apltvilil illl and i cab hnariily rncoinujtiud tliniii lnxt itc pre ml or a vials for si 00 at all dealer or mailed direct on receipt tu get tike best or backache cat a boy of dr miles antipain pills olborwlao tsachaclia uay get lhe boat of you notlunu ill luili i ik- iiniiui hm ll lvii ii lir in llr irill of hrjtlirl hiuarlir i i i o trli ir it hit- alll prculur to viinrit dr milm a nil lju ar itjiiilitil rrmrily or pain nil lin tra 1 1- il by a urral iruij oi lliciu or yearn a flrl w inwit will i ci ml n l l 1 l r at ll 1 11 111ml lri at fix s lt liwr 1 1 lrl- lir rliftt awv fill nl l i licvrrli will utllr n u mi mbkn ii wkuli aiki1 ui i at all ilrtiouuli 3 dntaa 31 crnu milbo mbu1cal co tonmlu oil lmipll wllomin nmy lit llvn willi ki jiwt la and should ihi tn lunirtxl wnmupuiittriigtli and undr kiiluti tbu vitality of nhlldmii hlnnli in tin in by uhiiik mothr irnviw worm mt terminator to drive out tb paraaluia sores n apply- zambufc to nil woonds and boms and you wulfcesurcrlicd how quickly it slops the smarting and brings ease t covers tho ound vjth n layer of pro tective balm kills all poison farms already in tha wotmd and up mm tba bottom imfa tfaxoal and lo a wondatlully shuft tlaa vtmbuk according to government estimates 100000000 was made in western town property during the year 1909 1yd you larllctlatk iii these litura profitm or did you j plgmin holoithe propoiiltlons stibmltteil lo you by your wostern friends or future consideration t in hbort ntn you the man wlio made a profit or the n n fort u nut o mm who had tlm chance but did not pomscss sufncleat juilgmciil to rccoiilo tlie opportunity or sufnclept coarage to close a deal tliolenan or woman entitled to sympathy is the one who sayst five or ten yours years ago i bud a chaaca utaluv thukpr thut pnijwiriy at siuo or 500 anil now it is worth lo uoa tho avotngo porno 11 uuhhi ut the ikenuiu who mukoh sucli a statement aud nays m would have bought and made that munoy are you going to way five years from now lhat you hnd u chance to buy u int at 1oe alts ut fioni e5ou 100 each or are you going to he the man wio will imva trom looo tosiocoo in cash as a rvsult of having bought prouehy in tills town im this yesr nf grace in 1 poe n comin commercial centre rok is located on the main line of tho jrand trunk iucldc uullway hctwoan kdmonton and saskatoon it is located in ono of the ftuest farmlug districts in western canada- the surround ing country is settled by a progrefmlve type ot farmers and ronso- quonlly will become the market enntm for northern alitor poic iilhthctjosaasttearlch coal mluaa is close to rivers and lakes uad large foresta are easily accessible fro 111 this pnlnt thuut natural resatirces insure for the residents of thu town find low cotit of llviug and seoond grout commercial activity two sson ttaunthavftminfrotwtawnthiiacreating valuable r- eststc poe as ft manufacturing centre i lil tovrnsite and contiguous territory has the rvpulremuntu outlined by urge manufacturing concerns for tho locution of hugn factories or large enterprise of any kind employing large numbers of imoplo the rivers and lakes furnish water the coal fields and furemts furuish fuel and cheap building material the finu farming lunitu furnish furm productit cnubllrig tho rcnldciits lo mvo ut 11 low u4 the town is located on the main line of a transuimtinentul lulluuy umltirlng tho necessary trhnntqrtulion inclllliui tliesv limibliiotl conditions will furnish ihoai lulxir one of ijm most lniioiimiil feiitureii of u manhfucluiing tantro over 9tm lots huvc ln d ulrcudy iyof those lotu havo ulmady chaugeil humli at a mibbtantial itissaaiifl in price mixt of tlmuj loth worn piirchukcd by leiirrkcntativc iiuhiikhji men throughout cjuuidn who artittow profiting by tholr forctljht tho towiuito in high and dry unil ory hultnbln for huilillue purpoiam opportunity in iimioij iiulcui ymi immjujwi tho 1 ouragu tn net oil might poli tm ijriuil wiuuim you might read u good dual or truvnl much and thimmnn n kinds nf opportunities tn makri mnnny but unless you huvo the couraua to act on your judgment tinil wit ilani all of thuui dlslrahlo piulliasurmi tudholy iueli14 lots in 1ok uro tov11 is imiind to ten iiuymuiit you have tli is bn niihe you are lui king in ill komi iiiviitmetit ut prevctit prlcos i ho ruiildly owiiik to urn ruky terms i lilllty to tiuj rind if you do not bnv now ll irutrn mild llnii imiu nr von now admire mih rich oiira torre ns tllle 1ok towimllo is mi by tin under tho lonriiiiww 111 of tiluj undnr this ny sir i tho litlu in guaruiitcod bj tho govurn mout ihnleforn lmilutoly 1 ufn is and terms ll1toioo uk tnllihh liulm iorcuui bthmct ii uml ihuy mil im lo in trillion uimul 1 111 il i twclvn ami pricek of lols rungo i pnrchuuml on t nun of 0111 monthly luynidiits or ipi elkblrcn inontlis information we have luiiod an ultruutivc circular giving fiul iufoi million pertaining lo the town uml is prostocu titotlmr with tnup khowlng lti for uula if you wish to icolo thlb nttiuctivu limilur uul oil 111 i ill in tliu ultucjiod 1 oiiton und mull it to im today information coupon uatutsan lwllh s vtaw u i my las mottr la pobl akv ttma sathlmalnll lufonniuan wllb ibai and tla iui uul obi la vouralrulr mama p 0 j walch land co x lands town3ites and investments winnipeg nohhern croton bnk bld canada the berkshire hog one of lhe hol popular si tba lam typ of uwina itirkabltu hoi utiw iiimhi i1im1 lima are cxmi uliij iiulinuu uid uro drat rloui hkxii r- uuy 11 hutb jtu lota nwliii nilvr it urn oiuulu judd i nrtnirr tint ym urn lh lunttioni chmi mlllom and nilse liilai- mi lit lorn f plit liny urn ullir buatler lima soma tilhrr hnilm mid can im fat ttikal ntinol nt miy tic- i bore la ol unrn a iloiimud fur mum on ihn ount- rru hinrurl and llij tuxim to mo lo im otut if tin immi ukoii iiolk i also prrr tli itirllilm hrixxl ixonimt tiny urm i 1 morn lionllhy aiiolb r hoi jnhir tins hi rlow lui lo mi j f tin iimlin ut the nt fin i liy untr furiowlne t1 ihn sow nolblii i hi 11 hhi11 wnlnr lor snvnnd dui 1 tvi in r uimrluuly nud tlm hill pit mill mi out her ohi4llnt ot 111 ijiu11 11i wll 1 111 if i ulvyi- 1 f it i ill no 1 11 ii del lloiun iii kh tl llunll if ululn u on1 ll i ii hi- ldt t tu ilulifl 111 i lliu iru tni i trl ullliiul u ii ut i ho l ill- ltllll4lll in i 1uh u ll4rlllhlfm mw in fuir uli iw voiillll n uildr nud prmitit tin chliiii wo do not ftwd oirn nr toimninl to nous niirliinc lltlni it linn 11 tmidoiicy li dry up tho 111iil und j he tlui iilju the arouni i ho in tjt of ull food lu im iors tor mlll a fltr llio plus tmi two rn 1 old fixsl tho now milk nud whml mlddtlncs or cround oiilu nr ground luirlny luallug n thin slop nil she will mt 1111 rlonit tu kit a da i ot thorn iw llo tlm sow until two mouths or luu milu old for tho ixnit part of their nourluhuu ut roimii through lir wikiii ibo pilh nro lhr- or foijr iiolm old fit a plum out of ma i 1 1 of tlio now wlmro tlmj run huvo nrcviw tn a low rat trough and froil milk ah soou ax thny rat it inxtrly add tho following ration llio wiuuiu of oilmen ton pound wheat iiuudllncit hftnou ptiuuds rornmoel tiilxinl add mlll mid ttlvo thoin all thny mill ejt up rloaii within twenty tnlnufet o food tint pica throo tlmos it day whllo i hoy am nut kiln und uo llnuui u diiy nftrr tin y are wouiwhi aflor u month dnip to throe timt dull 1or fiitloulnt iioh tmrmso tho corn nftur they welch li immmls jiut for brvodlnc pivv 10s omit tbe eoru if joii hnjit milk ml tho food for tho am- pi pi with hot water and food ll warm nnd uumi gh khw ltr dad hmlthemlo jou know miy out who hoi u borwi lo 11 in lhoo i 1 11 1 poet old llro ii hnn hinlthem hyt hiidwcii jiniui rold blm odd j outer day kindon 1uitrh not homemade lloreiklhi i ouii ml lo w itnthi in imndflrfwo m ou miirrlisll wit neuako i una knoclcd don 11 liy cab laiit week clirnr up if you havo uduiliir ymi can t loso children ory for fletchers castoria daughter was cured by lydla e plnkhamrf vcjrctable compelled lullliiwire mil f lid you hem with uio ph lur of my ll f iron y r ohl 1 v idnughur alii who whs restor d to in iii by 1 ydiu k 1ilikhluus virita- hi- i omlmund him wus pulo will djrk rir i s ui dor her sleyoh wiukand irrl ulli i wo dim mil ilimlors tr uuxl hi r nud lullod it trifii hit knows hut ulin iv wortw nil tho lydiarllmnk n vilpcithlu iipiihiuiwl was no iiiiiiiiiiiuhxl ft ild after taking tbroo lit- tlh aim has r uulnod her heulth thanks to your iiuslli lim 1 iaii rocouunend it for all feiiiulu trnublns mrs i a oiikkam 1h1 ilutuiul klroot haiti more mil lf und mils of siirh tnltnrs from moth rs ttkpreshluff tlinlr grntltiuln for what i yd tu u rlnkhatna viroulln com- ihmiml himnrunpllshod for them bnvo lon r nil veil by th lydla l ilukliaiu mmllrlim coiiiaiiy iyiui mass voting olrls llrmml thla alvion- jlrlh whuurti troubleil wllb painful or irregular pnrlixls lackaclie hoiwl urhn druuuluudowii muikallous fulnu lug spells or liidlgf stlon ahouul tako immiilialo uetlou nnd ihi mstorod to hultli by lydla v llnkhamb vpip- tiihln comioiiiiil 1 ihhiaaiids havo ikoii restonxl to hi ullh by its use wrlto to mrn sltikliutii lyun miiuh furuilvlnr- frri summer complaint la ont of thai most troublasomo troablea or th hot summer dajrs tho old and tho yoong tho stronsr svnd u weusjc euro ol nflaotod ajika dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry is the moat eftectlvo remedy known for tho cure of diabbuou lysfittery colic cttaatls chofkra muruub ch0l- hra ihvantuaf and alt bumaflir cohplalftts this sterling remedy has ln on lhe luarkot lor over fu years ami iisji yt foiled to do a hut we claim for t lie sum and ask for llr vowters and inslit oil being glvou what you auk fur mrs c i mill loulnn man wnies j nut a ii im to let you know thut i liuvo a littla gill five yount old and liming the hot wnstherof lout summer ulio vnu rh bail with the hummer complaint 111 scl i thought vo were ptlng to lose tier we tnml nvnryllilng we could think cf but without uuooittbj ono tluy tii ip of oui uniglibnih siilwl whnt unii tlm trout le willi thohttlo kill nud wo tnm liim lit adviuml uiilo try or lowlnrsl vtmrl nf wild rlruuliero ubidi vo tlnl 1 nmently itellevn it wiui ihn only llnntt thut snvoil my littln gltlr life i dont think llmro 1 anything bolter lor f-um- mer complaint tlinn lr lowlern xtrnnt ftrwilihrwlmrr itiro llr uaim facturml etily b i he 1 uillmm lo umlleil i orotiu out jj the seasons isteeds g s sian1 illij s uno rvi alt lu puro wool and uuslirluk m able see lhe dikcrtiit niulului and pricon of llisii jjomis i am s h coais and loquks now in tlm time for weur- jj hit u wool cont hen my ai luirtuiont of coloru nud prices glovls rorriuit ilnd and iiiillned gloves now hues thlu h fall btorey 11 utitua ruble lovou ill uuck und otliel lliias never j rlli rent vat no s tall iiais now hhoi ift felt liatu at 1 so und nt m m ju i to bund 1 r e nelson pliable yet tough you milit lcin your nninlntancc witlt storvyi iimmi ly iuvctnik lu a pair of tlc iionhulc m1il1 theyre excellent cxniuplcrof liow tounh nud rjunhlc mitt 1 may be tuiule ly our cl 1 rome procc w with the atldul hjjthfnction of litowiiii tlicy will not bocomo stiff v licit lorchcil or muuu1 ijout forjict o buy rtorcyt uutl tlioj 11 rem- tiller you hy wcuritig loutcht nt 111 htorcs w h storay son limited acton ont conci8ntious plumbing 5 heating is isiot k jucyth iltiltm os 1 o tlir contrary wo intlco it the most important fatutv so i jou favor us with your pureiivv you will ontlnisiatiticallv cndortic us fred smith plumber quohccst clhvu phono 337 thl grand trunk railwa1 pabuehuacr trains kcton livery bus liw6 rha unilrrmlcncl ijcllully lalls dl a c iiifiiullo bun 1 train ut 111 1 a m ami c ig i m atelii alianikn alucn lu nviy oiilr i ho wanlk of com inaitul i ll- lolly mat john illinks paper makers ohokokto wat out itook nkwh anii corjohkd iaikiih jno ltak0sr the berlin steam 6ranlh and marblb works cabpbii bhaun propagator ijmiiiuks and hullders ot hlslues uaus ledums alunuineols markers and lleail hlorws ami ull kind of artistic gematbiy work wm hemstreet agnt acton your chopping will be lone quickly and well on cither plates or stones if taken to the rookwood chopping mills lour oatmeal bran shorts 1 he best at lowest prices harris 4 co 1st gimson pointer faper hamfir 1loturo pramor eta begs to inform the ladies ol acton and surrounding vicin ity that lib has been appointed aent for three of the largest wall paper houses in can ada 1500 samples to choose frpm prices right ai10 that he is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and knaujelcd ware knives and scissors ground furni ture repaired stior mill sihickttacton eo yaimttr scicniiiic flraerkait pafents iphdmptly 5ecuredi nils khlya llfh mrctttaaai 4 a raat sfeawa or aaaeal or voar ta- nllnn urlmievmanl and w will tall yea trae uiir nphtloe aa 1 1 whether tl la prooabt aualaua hk4d aeeacetlaee bavaetua den umiifaly hcmtmt by a lci tiitly unliiiril ima a klantres ahliipioii ihliiiuallara utt tm a4toaaaill rumuhfit lkunl tnorat i nctnodtaimculi oer luo nwnrwtnii um iktiilnkmi ipaolahyvalcii i inrarbauitltnaliirala- marion faarion patent caperta xu sellahara li w5kwh5lss5 ihumpti marlea mk i wtlot m lilntt eaeraan tu tilkiibula througlmb wa t usaauw i j ji f

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