Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 9, 1911, p. 4

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9be xtoa jfm resc tholrimay novkunkr u 1011 jova or ouudlktimk ilaonddlatli whan uiy luthy illmnl for ilrnani ud clime m thlllluk til tl m comm and h- of in hold blni on my kiiamkiid rook liy aa the pnrpllnrt aim alikw lower in the gloaming wrulnni aky ami l nuulo to nearer a ill firelight eoftly glow and acroaf the dusky luirialii ohoelly lllnkarlna ahadnw- throwa ami twit dimpled htina ahotll hi aw dupad tiff liter for a kla ah waa wer richer nwliliwi lucml hihiui nn nck lligjhlar hoon it drooping drooping 1 in cover up i wo eyae uf brown anil til lotialxl head mi gotdmi on my hrm aluka lnwr down ah iii wwtiiku of tlm plaaaurv uaklnk til- otm goldai rhyma with ft dimpled mh to fundi- whin it coniawto cuddlatlui i heats thk pouokmkm dltkcad hut ln king mi it rnlgh ttin man i v t i jy risk hia ufa hr lha c unlry hi rv i- mlurtralrd hy the conduct of ua cnslahh a who leading c lore in thn unondtdiuh burglary and thn hull ry hlml tug in w don lr uruimior li will probably narprlim many raadrts lo lnarn that txiul one in vvrry bis london tpoltce- min la lnjuril during tit- yer tithr by arc we nt or through asuault whan farrinu ghl be until without far of or oration that llm aui rage coiutahln wlio petrols th iual rtul r ijiimioii ha hmr iloliff m 1o lim than aol dur u a lnlllil 11 thar at un aavnry atriat- in uiihrhapal htep- itry and udjnonl dutrlru wlu re u would bo uuunle lor a pnllrrman tu appear a lorn nvrn ill tha daytime coiiatablea k llarally patrol thai criminal ln alnd nation in pair almost equally d a ugi iuu hi uie mail in h on ih lii art a 1hat n landa from lha hurk ol thn iu rough to thn tower llrill bordered on one nuln ly tontoy htrrt oixl hy iing uno un un tir thi illhiirl in oluilr h un nl nunilxr of what am known ai warnlniumi bu in al thn grtiat citn u 1 1 mm ara rerinln trial civon ivor llm warhouii m unj theiio ar ilcirliil and ltnnt a churoliyards in the ntghtunn thn iwlicrmnn un duly havn to walk down tho paaaagai thai miparau tlm worn- houtea and try noli door aiul prob ably they will uov tiuct a human ixi inc unleiu il bn k burglar tkic in bearings from midnight u dulmuk tunal ualn that i uutrlct whioh compriimi mhwayn and archtm am almoal aa nnrvr trying tu in table warn im into beau tin y ara ullon tint an tnoi inurdura rob berla wltil viiilotic and klnillar orlnwa oim n ihr wrt lumtfl lnau la naid t bo in ijihhu in tha linart of out city uirro arn nuiiiirtm arnhed and tin pohro aullitirlu havo found it mdviahta to bavo uiem lody watrhod imhii by liiht mid by day ttio arrbam ar huto y luwldim ciharoctirm and mom ihnu mil dead man baa immj found pmrn dur ing rlcvnt yunrn tim liaunu ot un imtauy blinder of hirniingluimtuu tyu of cbaracuir known ui lomlon thn hooligan arc ftlnoii aa bad tlio worat dl- trlath jn whltwhapcl lmig4 of puaky blindtira iufaat li iorltnd ami thn naighborhuihl ol law ley tmot ami wm in tldii ibi unwary ronthla who upilii dim ol tlwt mtnriwra of a cang milon ha i wall itupportod by kinii oomruduii in 4ho twinkling uf un ayo huavy burklod belt will ha twinging hi uio air and one or two oruokad akulu om gannr ally tlm reault of aflrayn with thi midland lyio uf hooligan in th ardwick diilrlct of manchuit tar whore tho aluma ar thirknal thu polleo on night duty walk about with their uvea in thrir hamltt anl uia him might im anid of ccrtajb tor tiotia of ftalford which want a lot of besting or goitoml lawlnih and antipathy to the votdnty of lha pohoa tharo itata boon coiikmnrabln outcry lately againat ciruln district of uvnr- pool in which fnrajguora inoatly chinaman have vltlid down to carry on certain nalarioua prartlinvi thn knlio have to una oonaiovrablc war uti in tackling audi alifna who lnv no coin punol ion altout tulng a ikniftt when oorntrod perhspa uu worat wad in uvar- pool howavar ara on tlin long road xtendrnjr from bootle dock on the norm t uie lliirouunoum uook on the aouth running into ihla roml are numerous atnail streeta ocouplod by dok laborers fnrrigham mid ijuyu tionable ehararbira among t whom robbery with violenre la by no nioani unoomnmln tlie polioo utrol uiia dlairiot in atrong nomben but many hao met with hi trralmrnt uara variouaatreota in lha unlghborhood ol tho bailor homo anil mary bo no too ara noted for thn lawlcaa ohnractera who frequent tlmni in olangow rouml about the irean are certain pu whlrh tho imillca do not conaidar particularly dealrabla keluiar are aonm of the alroata in urn neighborhood of the oowoaddtma ex actly what poltoaintn urni ploaaant localltlcii aml it la no unuiual thing for two or tlirat ikjl icenieti pil the brnta ilgitbar in thoao diatrlou of olaagow tho pollca hovn aome rough nil it wan only a abort noountra ronalabln f 7 arrant n gi nb n hiurbana tima ago thai oiio roiiauble trying to arraat n gamhlar h tryii uhlle wna thall bad rondo r- deadly mine gases tslf attun upon th flm n th bfatv lp ttia hntvlf lump u hnnvy nirtnl lnl larn alinixnl iljf ttkii n rlnuliir lliilte t hauvy pint lli- la ilia nnlj utlt ollaf tbon tlltlt kili- unit mu nt mmmj rtirrbhl inlo i iwmiui uilii- tl iniiipn nir 111 ih fn- they nn tnlin luli tin mlii timl in mlllll li urr uiirtlj lixlil llml im nrrllt tit or icnornlil inlfiirlill iii i oxpom ilia ihin rlaliio lo ui l i u of tho nillin mil ii h ii ii ii mlildi ctka ii ii hi u i rich i ihnti i hut of an nllniij oiitdla am tvv ulru lnum imim lining uiiuuly limlil lha lmviiy loi ind it la ihroimh tin olia 111 ltnl drmm ilia nir wlili h uupiort ii i iut in m n of i1i11l i- nrlxii dlotld mn nhlly lxdttl if not h llu lor hy ilia arllxi of ilia dnma whlih cruna llm niii it lli llimk dump ihu in tiny piiiiituj i nnully lhiuuho ulilla diiliip iii lib lily rxplimuti tin to lib h i miml ftmrad hiia on lha ithir im ml u iitill illcf mut nlttict in llm promikn of lljla rrin iht tlnlna of tho xiif ly lump tlnlwl and tin lh una rliw alroncar ttio tlniiiatmhiiih to ipirit from tlia wli it and an nlntwl linlulhlo llna con forma twooallt ii r lha mlnbr ran tlim to tiunm into lli- whltn inmp bf villi ptiau i lu inli a lino tu which there am ulna iwirta of air in oiin part naa lli nxplohho inuhirc and tba lamp talll hlnnll rr lha m pluult oolijuloii hy a kuddon crack llni lnaldo llir iiih nnd tl axtln nuuhlim of tlio hum u ora it an npan lamp tho atploalon itfiiltad by lha flam wimld hmirp 111 roil l hot t tti an lira wnrlinca nirn lli dnath ami da t roe hon lafor ii but hy lha con alrurtlnn if ttia anfuly inlup the ax ploalon coiinnni ltulr to llmlll art wlltiln lha cm no ciimk nnd un lom tha lump la luovnd anddanly and tlmi nnnin la ilrncc through tba gamut at tha inatdiit mint ii 10 plwl oc rura wllhhi tli rioh it ui1 hot vic land beyond tlia ennaa atlantic illcklaa anil ooniumptlvr yrup i krteahle to th taatn and la a carlalu rallaffor reflation thn throat that cauaaahaokliig onlliha if accord ing to dlraotiona it will break tba moat peralatent aold and real or tha air paaabbtrf to thnlr normal liaaltby con dition thora la no neetl to rtflom- nand it ui thom ramlllaf with it hut to thoa who aeek a aura remedy and are in doubt what tu una tha advice la try dickie a why burs ha had did you ever play lu lluiuletr inquired a theatrical mult kr- a want hrqiiullliiii to lu cooimtiy kvarr asculmr tba uaw cooler why iwe played in avery bamlul in qraat llrllaln our chamacrrajit wrtb our biography a written in our charaolar writ ian with a tnluutenaaa and exaatueaa whlob no hutorlan can approach not only our acta but our thought a are recorded in what are tha hlatory of our uvea up to data u cotupraaaed and axpraaaed in our char acter at lha prawant minute match on y knocked about unit ho m ri d unoonhhcmi in dundoo na ot hn troati off lhe oreonmarkal uao1 to havi an un enviable nobirlnty awl tlia hrburlnr burn fih alrait nnd ovtmh unl to appaar fraqui tttly in police court m qm of ha nmit noloriouji wo sn dninkariu in lloiinl iuiim who waa convicted hunilroda of lima waa year t tp inund in tjie overgato whn ah- wrta not be- log looked after hy the priloii nutliorl ua ohildrenory for rietchers castoria db14hqubnt subsohibhra the editor of a waatern akcbang- cat la hie behind hand nborller kathleen mavournaen aulacrllera liecauae it may be tot yeam and it may be forever liefer hr will gal any nmnry from th hacre1 heart havlew j thi mohaii tha perauunoy wllh whlob chil dren a in a fable aniite other moral than the owe which i- intended lltaj thry hall eee a oflan dutraainv rh rinrkf philadelphia iniuuctoruf uie young i had rellrd to one utile boy tb hory or lha wolf and the lamb and had followed it up with the remark t and now you w tommy that the lamb would tint have been eaten bv the wolf ir tie had been good and jnelblv yea i understand eald tommy if tlm lamb had been good and aen- ible afrathould bava had him to eat i m a bad back im a waralna that tha kldnaa ara lok a bad hack turna every twenty four hour into one dull round of pain and misery you are lama in the morning nagged all day by a dull throbbing liackacha cant reat in the evening or eleap wall at night it hurt to bend over elralgbtan up gat up from a chair or life even a light weight any auddnn twlal turn or awk ward movqmentmndaatearlngtwinge of pain through the weak spot ilootha kidney ill la reach tho weak apot the kidney a and quickly reetore kidney health and comfort they are guaranteed all dealer and drug- glata 60a or poetpaul from th it t ilooih co lid fort krle onu hand for free which wij be gladly aant on application hold and guaranteed in acton by a t llrown thonths liijncii pills castor i a 2r the klod vca ifavo always bought and whlrh lins bono um fbr over m voam lnut loro tlio i igmtturo of and line lron iniulo umlrr lilw jwir- ftoanl iikir ihioii hlixo ithlnnuny allow im ono ol il n you in thi ati oojmtorfolu imltauoiim and iuiumjxmi uro hut kxperrnonta that trllla xvltu uiul ontlu i i tlio houllu or knautta uid cblldron ljup rictiau nyulimt kxpvirliuont what is castoria caatorin u a harmwa aulu tltulo for ciuttor oh ianv rorlfl and boo thing tjrupu ii im ploiumnl it contultim iiolthor opium bi pliluo nor otlwr hnr oto ubatmiion it ago i lt ft 1 run loo it l w oj wonna and altuyrt lovrlalincia i curtol luiirrjut iiml wind uuc it rollovo toothlu trouhlori oir k uonmtlputloii and iplttuilotioy it aaliiillutia tlio 1mh1 rtunlutom thn htouuuih and liorrola gulnr hkly mid nntiirul aloop tho chluironh lawucott loaluthurtl 1rloml cenuine castoria always boom tho signature of the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years suffered terrible pains of indigestion milijdrh3 xjutalrvkk tuxs coked her mn wm ii macijwci mount tryon 1 ii i writra lor mora than a year i uiflerrd with all llc icrrlhlo paina of imligmtuwi and my bfovrn one of tha ircateat itiiwry it did not term to nuke any dirnrnre whether i bin or not tha pa in a were always tbarr arrompanlnl by a aevrre bloating anil ixlrhlng of wind i did not evrn set relief at night end oinellmc hardly got a bit of alecp in my mlaery 1 tril many remedlea said to euro irwligrttlon hut thry did me not one partkle of good and i fully tgpctled i would wlwaya lie aflllttnl in ihla way at thi lima my brother unm home on a vldt and urged ma to try muhttrne taia i ivrr imi and got mr a few viala lly the lime i had taken one vial i itcgan to improvf and omild cat with lomn rrllth i was greatly chewd and con llnum taking the pi i la until all truer of the trouble had dtupprarrd and i roll id once more eat all kinds of fnoll withntit the alightcst inrotivcnlrntv i nm ao fully convinced of their virtue aa a family medicine i have no bealtutloil in reborn mending thrtii itiw 2s cent per vtul w ii vlah or si w at all dealer or mulled direct on receipt of price by the t mhbuni co limited toronto out ijonjt worry over thn futura to daya problem la always aiifflolmt oouutlnea bavo liean tliacurtm work- ail by hollo way a oorn oura it baa a power of ita own not found in other praparatlona tha re ar paopla who ara rarlalu tliat one good tnrn dnaervaa tbra worma in children if they am not attended to aauae oonvulalona mild often death mother gravw worm hxtermlnator will pro t twit the chlldron f ram tlioee dlatmaalng afltlollone his llhaboh you haa placeil all thn lurga itrr- rlea on tojit yea replied tho mffabbi iloalar that aavaa you tlm trouble of hunting through tha box for them languor la that vlrul ut frnllug ibut attanku you whan you i ihl ymi haa tha prim ot m vaiatlon trip lu your pockul lullaf for hufterlng icvaiywiuia ha whoa ufa la nlada iiiim rabla by tba auttirlng which coma from ludl gaalion ami haa not triad ivrttuhou vigatabla lllta iihiu not know bow malty thla formldablo t- an i- ir with iha pllta will raliava whim uthara fall thny ara lp riill tf limgmiid punnl atuily mid ar con ndnntly put forward aa ix uurt i orr clor of dunrdarw of tba dlgmlk organa from which m uiany bult i hoi muor na ukiiudvaralty in hro i uud ntbarw luka it ul oni full p but wo ara ull dun lo gut it children ory for fletchers o asto r a wi ll lu tianltr to think yu than to ant wlunly wn all know wu wia mluarubln aln- iltra but wo hutu to bavu othnr xiopln make tha adinluinu for lia a w01derful discovery an omlnont arlontlat the other day cavo hla opinion that tha moat won derful dlarovory of meant yoara waa thn dlarovory of zam link juat thlnkl aa aoon u a alugla thin uyr or vmu lluk la nppluil to a wound or a uorti auri injury la lnaiiretl axaliiat blood poison i not olio neclea of mlcrobn hoa iwwin xound that am duk do not kllll limn again afl taan an zam lluk ih up pi i ml to a mm or a cut or to akin dlnonno it ulxiph u amartlng i hut la why child rod uro aurh frlonda of 7um lluk lliay ram nothing for tho atlonco of tlm thing all they know la that vamltuk auipo ihelr pain motlmru ahould havor fornot hii a mil ii ah anon an kam lluk la ap- jillnd to a wound or lo a illaoaaad part thri colli bnnontb thn aklnu aur- furo nra no nliiniilillad that hnw hiiilt v i i nm in iiulckly fornnxl thu rormlng of frsh lunlthy tlaatin from brhiw ih am lluk a koi rot or huallng tho tlanun llimi foriimd la worknd up to tho imrftuo nnd lltorally caau off tho illumiaiid tluuim almvi it thla la a v 7juo lluk riirm nrn tmirmaucnt only thn otlmr duy mr marah or 101 hfli 1 ill r ave mnntroal railed upon tho 7am link company and told thiiiii that for over twenty flva yoara hn hud bnau a uiurtyr to ecaoina ills tin ml ii worn tit oim tlmn ho rovorod with uoran that ho hud to a loop in iclovdi tour yonra uro 7am lluk waa tntrndiimd to lihn nnd in a few mon tlm it riirml him today over throo yoaro aftar hla euro of a dluaaae ho hud for twtinty flvo iarit ho ih still rurod and liau hud no tram of any raturn of thn nrwml all driikrlatii gnll zonilluk at cor hox or wn will hi i id fruo trial tiox if yon nond til in ndvortlnnmnnt etui a in atamp to pay rot urn poutago ad- drutu 7uui lluk co toronto castoria vor lunta uid ohllrtren ibb kind yon han alnn bought saara th signature of bad blood causes boils and pimples oct pilre blood and keep it pure by removing every truce of impure inoibld mutter ioiii the bvklcnl uurdnck lllood llltteri h u ircii ou ilia itmrlct about third live yruntf nnd u ono ol ihr vctv lw t medicines procurutile or the cure uf tmiltj mid pimplen pimpffs cuhhd miu j m wulticr lllatkh llurlmr nil writrs- aimiui five yraru uro my face ww nitircly envrrrd wild pimple 1 timl ivirything pcviplo old ino nlwmt hut found nn rcllrf at uht i tliouulitof 11 11 ii und dcildcd tu try a hollld atur im liliiu two hotllra i wus rutlirty curi d und wonjd udylva uuy ifti i y who wnnti a imuiiikui complex loutoinall ii it jioils cuukd mm klhworlh majiir iprlngfirld imu writes my fuco uml neck wcic covered with ikolld uud i tilrd all kind o icmrdim but thry old mn no kmid i went lo many doctora hut thry routd not cure inr i thru tried iturilock llliwid lllttrri uml i uuut aay it in a wou- dcrlul re uailv or hie uira of itolu lluidock lllorxl llittcru u uinuuhiclltml only by the 1 mllburu co limited toronto out 2500 iltfll sbcurb your homesite in 2500 warren park subdivision acton t bowf f i- t if ik v 7 f 4 awnuc v t ii 9 at 3i f a t f jtt li 4i fty wosso rmse stftet 9voti orrrwiwv 1 1 1 f v k jl r 4 ml jf 2 1 tlio ibovo map shows the rdatitcly advinttfcous location of tho choicest and only available building property in acton get u home of your own the easy way here it is 52500 down and si000 per month without interest until paid i or take possession of tho lot and start building your home an improve tl contrally situated property ready to build on located in tho choicest bcotion build a home where a family may hvo in fresh air amid beautiful nurrouiuliiib and with mnplu room for a garden tins is the best buy in acton and lots will double m price in a fow years liberal discount for cash all information and maps at office of j mcnabb mill st 4cton take what pill why a dr males antipain phi of routtc gool or all kind at pain uitd to relieve neuralgia llrln be ncrvoutncta klicu- iiiutitin sciatilu rcdinry paint luinbajio locomotor ataxia uackaclir stoniatliuchc period ical iauia ol women and tot pam in any part of the body i h i miu allcliai lor ovrr 13yraaiidlnl ihrm rurnlunl i urp r mllr anti lln 1111a in lha os ad would ivt think mky willi ut thni bo it ilhlkiwe i am l xatf laameraawli 4 bin u cuiiadiilc 6iiigli n ii at all druoo doaai ab micks medical cotonibloctn 1 taking i mnimil 1 lali oonnlntf ibn con man la our idtu a marry job it will prevent ulcerated throat at tha fir i ayiuplnine of aorti lliroat which pmahiia ulcurllou and inlum- illation lake a spoonful of lr thouiaa olcathc oil add a little itiiffar to it to makn it palatable it will allay the irritation and prev the ulceration and uwelllnir that are ao painful thoaa who were periodi cally aubjact to riulnay havn thua made ihannudvoa luimune lo attack you cant keep a ood tuati dnwo lnma uun if ha alaye down he lant children ory for fletchers c asto r i a llm man who paralala la duu to mcura uulaaa he dloa of old uf a iurdy vakotabin im1i the ohlif itikrvdliinla of- ivrmoloua vrfratabb fill- ra mundraka ami ilaudnliou uimtallvn and nirtallva but erfcctly burmlaaahi tbiilranllon ihey o and purify and have a moat healthy affect upon tho ancrellnna of tbudlgi tlve organs llm dyapaptlo and all who buffer from liver ami kldnny all- monu will find in thoae pllla tba moat a too it vo iiudlalmi lu concantratad form that ban yut imiou offurud to tin upftarliik 1 im fallow who u uutuflml with him aalf aaldoiu hilda anyoila to dlpult bla tltla th era probably luiootlu avoryhoily but it never tteema bravu unoiigb to crop out of aouia folk a had ery bad cough and tickling sensa tion in throat dr woods norway pino syrup cured it mk c daiilelwiii uowarnau river man write iiat fall i had a very bad cough and a ikldllng cnaatlon in my uiroot it wni ro bad i could not ulccp at night bo i went to a druggist and told him i wanted something for my cold uud haadvbrd inn to try dr wood norway vint syrup wlilch i did and alter taking one bottle j waa completely cured it ma recommend idr wood a norway ime fsyrup to nnymie who sultem from a cough or throat irritation tor wooda wnrwoy pine syrup la without u doubt ona of tlio grruicit cough and ctdd remedies in the mstikct to day ttud bo greiit hna hicu its miiicm thire are iiuincioiia pirpurutloiu put up to imitate it do mil ito luinrtiiipoii by taking one of iiicmj rubutlttitei but insist on bejua given vr wikuis when you ask for it jrlcc mi rents a tmittlej put up in a yellow wrapper three pine tree tho trade maik iiiunumrtorrd only by the t mllburu co uuilied tom n to oau developing drafters brd slalllai it fiptln kill t ltdlug i urow i lilxr iillli urilo irufl imioh lor m m rli a w mlllou lilly in i oiiuiry droll mull lt ullual dllt r iro lo iwl liatitikii urowttig llto rium kind it lid luoimrila la mo vm aioull llm i ii la fully for llh and di m old odi rlpl i il u iimillllira of lilt hi al lion to irrt umlr nalural waukiota and dformlll in ll i mliny i im nun who kuowa how lu oiri for mid food hla firm u i o hint thy will lt- in cx ttli nod vlloioua lomllflou nm tflwi i lnvt u few inniilr- dollura in h hrh1 mr lid toita fr win u in a tmallloil la tinirinl hi or nm ll draft ivniiu null ynr ma no ndilllloniil intome tlit u fnm u muih malur und mora ho in aourte hutu limuy olbe hiuuihta of uliull thlhj afli r a iiul i ii brad nmra ihut ttio fit a fimu nil haradl lury dl- mnto i in in with wlnlllon uf ni of thn lnlliik ilrnft br iu and una thut la nt only u gl individual hut li iriln lyhi und r proaonlnlho uf ida hrhl llio alulllou ahould not wvluh lo iikixil mm imiunda moio than tliu mar with thlrh l la to lw mat a in nil lima of aloik hroilipg we ttud ihut not uro nhlioia u union of widoly dlrfuraiit tyitcu ami ihnt it will uewally ttwdwvw bwltaa rwtulta to inat tha mania with alnlllma mimawlier mur thnlr wiljdt und low muling ttiern lu form uml fuarul clinrnctorullca- whllu ao farmer are lm- tor aiiproclala tha impohniico of using aouud ptitu hrad atulllona the uol imitortnme of iialug wimd marwa la not jot cuicrnlly utidoratmml whan e tiinra by ri naou of unaouudneae no luncxr la tit for anything elae ah often la aat naldo for hrrmtlutr punoae and ao loug na thla ahaurd und rulnoua ll- y imralatu ilia l unity will be paid in the prutnlcura of unaound horaea an our fanua tlm unrcaux urhlt trd lu i ho hraedlng of clydw4lnlu lior i hi catiuda aorvcji aa n cnl axuuiplo of mhnt ran lw sej ompmuhnlmiy turvulincy und eipert milkllim llm brotltah alamaui of iho ruimlniiii a mitnlnilon hua lwn partial lo iho ojdhhilo hrail nnd conyt niuiil ultli ita ikht ipihlltiva und utlllu iiunr iinnorld imlmdalo atal- uoua of tin imhi cljurtirtr hnro itcan inn oly employed lu lha brooding op era t ions of hat i on n try ulucn tho joor 11mj iroitkully apauklug no alien cruhhoa hn i wo n maio nnd lha aver- bl farumr bun ixwu copwhlo of ae- lattluu hultnhlo muroa nnd of udogoata- ly uoiclopluu thnlr progeny ttie re- milt in unit caundn hua but ono type f iruft noma nnd it lu n good one fclionitl i n hlpli di cnto of nicallonce all of lha liivw tluiructorlntlca of tlie purv brol cljtloudula th hoi hoi li i- iioiimiti mhould l locnlrd on mhii drnlmil lnut uud nuy tyiui of mrmuuiiit hoiiiii nlmuld ho ultunthl an an to ho ui tout i nil nt tut pnaalhlw to pimturi mn tnl uln ir tihndc thu luiid alumhl m uhipliijr uttl have tin uiirfnri lollotva or low tdmom to collect wulnt lid liaunv fllthy wallowo women mayavoid operations hy uklni lydu ii plakhamft vegetable compound s tlm foljwllg bit i i iff orvllla hub will if- i w ii- it u tut woroar 0 aohirlt v v- dangers of a sorrl railo un it may i arohul hy lkl f li v llnkliama vagatait n mj hh wanfuurwaakaln ih lmmp41af anil rani brmun aufiarlnaf w uian bef if or ilarn la lift own alali iw law mirh j buffered nt two yra aato raly with a t- itirtlai uif1rt 1 t a hf time uj phjalrlan trtic i thou t rmwh rnkf and at uat aant m vi ani arur fr an operation i waa tliarafour wnkniiwl came home auffirii g worse than lf f uf mother ad roe to try iyill fe hnkham vaaii offmpoi ami i did today i am wrllandstrong ami do all my own hoiuw my health to lydla k ink i vrffatablo ommiuiul and advise frlniuu who ara amirted with arty female complaint to try it- mr ouvil i k ikk a ic it no law law michigan if you ara hi do not drag along u an operation tlwmary hut u itll lake iydu f llnkliame vevatuble jomimimul r or thirty yaarau baa bean tlia stan dard mmady for womena ilia ami hai positively raatom the laalth of thou iinda uf women wbydrintyotitrylt- had palpitation of the hesft weaknus and choking spells when the brart im- to ljt inn laily palpitate and tluoli wu fa i bu tt llmr then ao slow as to treat uiiimhi to stop it iiuws gtcjt anxiety arul nlar wlwn the lirart dors till many pcoplr uie kept lu u stair ol imxtud fear of ikath to nil mirh kulfcfcia mdhtirn a head and nrrve ill will give prompt uml prruuiirnt rrbct mrs jnlin j iowney new cbi ms writes jut tt ita lines to i you know whit your mdlima kejr and ner 1ilu hive dona bar me waa tmuhlrd with weaknrm and iali fntuul of tin- brail woukl havr kvh choking tprlls uml rouhl tcarcrly li down at ull i trinl many remrdiri but got none to umwrr my ruw hle iour 1tlu i can imommruil them highly to oil imviug heart or nerve irouhlc ivice of crutf jwr i ml or 1 holes for 1 is vor lul ut ull dralrra or will lie inaitrd dirrct on rrccuil of micc by thn r xlilbur i o limited toronto oul peinglb k now ready for your watch and clock repairs prompt ncsu and good work is what wc strive to yivc nickel alarmi put in thor oujii rood order same a- new for cents geo d pringle tins jkwfi tfcu guelih ont warmest kind for cold weather tougner liorschide will never he found because the heat lit used or storeys gloves nnd gauntlets and yet the ukin because cnrrfullv tmined by the chrome proccsa la made pliable insuring extraordinary wear rcaiblanbe wjiterproof and the beat working gloves on the sold at uj itorea insiut on storeya fireproof market consc10ntious pluttibing heating is mot 7t 3tyth irtith us to tho contrary wc make it thu uipht important factor so i you favor us with your jiatronav you will enthustuhtically endorse u fiepsmith piuiuber quebec st giilrii phone 337 ml i ram trijnk railwat iaahkllouh thainaj kcton livery t bus lino r viil ii t 1 i- 1 t ft i f 11 i i m lu 1 ll 41 well khulpp and mtyllah nlaw i a t- it i tia a f uj u i ut hi 11 lmlw 1 a n fclj y m ft mtxln b i vry ffr it wunt c m mfriitriu mt john irnlikjuts papjkr makers oxoxax to wsi rnr iwk mw4 xx owlth iaifiu jxo imtalufkk tbe berlin steam gnuitb ui martilb works cabpbr diiaun ll iiuiidcrsolhiatum uj- lijom monuments miruis ao1 haul fetonca and all kinds of artistic cemelfiry wort wm hemstreet acist actoj your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or htoncs if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best ht lowest prices harris a co limited 1st gimson painter paper hangar ploturo sramer xto qers to inform the ladic of acton and surrounding vicin ity that he has been appointed agent for three of the largest wall paper houses in can ada 1500 bamplch to choose from prices kight ako that he is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scibsors ground furni ture repaired siioi mill siki kt acion manila damft coaarntoirra jus uiaiuatkamiaaarlimgrvl iruiuuidnd j rwamm pajmldbalkv aast watts wu hoot sckniific patent i promptly 5ecurepi 1 j il j lie lor our intrruiif bauki ra lialp an 1 tlaw ye are ttrlaaiu- ndiuinaik sfcalca or aasa nt yu fa niton otlnionuniiil dwwi jaour nphd aalo wtwllwr uuprobav ktcauule lfrlcappleataluil n urnaully i ul w rutty pill 1 i 1 t l ut ithiniunnl lll1ttuaua luiniihi iulau rttmi ralinl l rnui tt 11 uali uatlan a afla ovtlaa ikl ii utj lurpgas epirlahjr 1 rinl htnu nf uaanlae- ui ara uml knglnrci marion marion patant lxporta mid ge loiter j 41 j v 1 1

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