Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 23, 1911, p. 2

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wudwi1 navmu plroall aavd al mwil al ma iuuum iwlfclld itblfil n as hat4r u notwlm twnr t if par tortuatlr nt aaum saad m uihuimth- uouvmiuw mlah w rwt lllaixmiabar joaa lumiirini m o it of hisl ttlie rton frrc press thukhday novtuhku 21 lull pttoftlal motm uk ill us f it ilmgl u ik l will pnl tne following resolution in lt jnmmini tut in tb plnum i r till 1imm- wbtiiw a rut i tlptxn hjalbtn mlata r is hsisaltar mjttlliiltihl any rural action i gsnaila a telspbixi sbnuld be bucci l nfflc in sucb section by tlta poet office department tin 1kmikk for lb akuulion ol tba urroum u rowing tn nearly all ction of lb nortn amihian om unent kor th first urn in blafory very town between liocbester and oserwsro in tb itocntt wstertown at oeensburg division nrth new york owutl railway be voted for no license and after lb present liquor oectlflcsta xplr tb long dry brlt will actually axial greatly u tba um- fit of this extensive section f new york stale mr- itwdairrkk member of um lions of common for lincoln has p u to tba mi hage ant asnwhln tba validity vary marrlac aoleoaalsed in canada by a parson duly autboruad ui per form such ceremonies no mailer wbnt bla relljrlon or tba religion of tba contracting parti mr lancaster aid tbat a doubt bad baan cast upon tba validity of certain marrtegee by tba daemon of owh id on of tba province boob doubt should not h fait b allowed to exist in canada eftwruk klnirrtimk in lb blatory of canada um dominion parliament was opened by royalty special eclat marked u formal opening of tb flrat melon of tba twelfth parliament mine to tb drcumetsno that for tb brat tlm tb vlcsrgl tbrou the b chamber u occupied by a prino of the blood wbo read tb sp from uv thron brat la kng ibtb and then in faultless preach much to the delight of tb kreochcanadlan mwihs of tb lions in open ins hi address he said it la with much auefaeuon that i meet for the flrat tl me tbe parliament of canada and avail myself of yoar advice and aw in in of the important chars which ha o nlruatrd to as by 1iu majemty the king i can w ou that i esteem it a privilege to be called upon in administer tba affair of ihl prosperous and growing wo- tulolon and to an elate myself with you la tb important dutie which you arn about to approach lialfurd m graet pleasure to congralulatai you upon the continued and increasing prosperity of tb country our trad both with brulab and with fnrelgi countries 1 rapidly expanding and there la every prospe that it volu in the proaent year will be largely eac of that attained at any lime in the peat death of kkcy g secoid wam kioii1v ettirhvd hire ivrry i s- i m vf iim ut ur htlli aurubta hanrd who hm1 bara four year agl lt may dld very aimldanly in hla he 315 iltl- ban ilnlmlng buffalo n v about nckiok haturday rvnlng mr hrtnl wn lawyer and bad bn at hladrkalldy km waa in anallvt aptrtta iwyvrh in adjoining tifftc bail apttlian t liltit a faw nlnua it hu llli ith vu jua to baart fsllura ii waa about- l tb ifttc and i h nhinliad f w hi tioat b rl to tb fumtr with a groan aiwl immadut ly axplrwl lr lnar aatit tb itody u lb morgue toawau arrival of bla ralatlva hu brotbvr jubn of urll lla waa notuud and pntoadil at noox to lluffal and la company with mr lrg wylla iangr agent of lb lillnou central 1 tall way wbo mm abo a reaklent of aetow 1 earlle day brought tb remain to acton on monday evening tba other brother trad of kanaa city wo wa uouoad and arrived in acton yeaterday mornlbg tba funeral waa announced fur tuaadaj afternoon at thr oolock and at that hour tb burial aarvka m conduct by arcbdaacoo david eon of uualpb owlpg in lb non arrival of mr fred lotnnnt waa d- frrd until yeaterday afternoon daoaaaed wa horn at kairld in mlddlaaex county bftyali yar ago ha can tn acton wttb hi mother and brother orar fifty year ago and pent bla boyhood day bare twenty bv yeara ago b went to bt catharlnaa and tan yaara utr attld tn lluffalo ilrra h oouipleted bla law cour and baa alnc practiced in that city ii anjoyad vary high nuffaloand waaeapacully wrll thought of by tb judge and lawyer of th clly mr bmiord nar married inrcy hacord wa alway vary loyal tn th friend of bu early day li acton had grvet love for tble town and waa alway interested in it wu fare and progrea a fiamd copy of th magda chart a gift of mi baoonl to hi boyhood cbool hang tn acton acbool today hehi cnucnt quallu ii wa of tb anglican church h ha own ed property bar for year and waa in town a weak prior to hi death to oon tract for certain change in th hecocd illock tn ult proepectlv tenant auction wku no tuukadav no xtrd aaleofatocv and implrmewt th property of len w waiaon lot 90 fifth um naaaga wnya r j knw auctioneer tuuiuuuy nov sothbale with out reeerv of s bore 34 bead of cattle 19 aheap 8 bog poultry and implement the property of too mekemde lot 10 con s baqaealng term 11 month jam mkknxik auctioneer before ordering knm- wrltn u fur onr oatalogue and price or our n agattc we are the letgeet grower nf utm in canada ituli lln of apple p pear cberry and plnm trera our tree are noted for floe woo jaiaw and urgt limb growth our nuraerlc are patronised by the urgent and meet progieaslve fruit grower of canada writ for an anenoy brown broa co nur- aryomn ltd brown nureet walland oo ontario baxxjhavat ml maud young cante itoni front toronln on monday nov 13tti for ai extended vlalt with her ilr her tbj recent cold weather made our oltlnen look for mure fuel mia ilewtna of uuuntaberg t a- auung her brother in the atom hrrr during the lllnmi of lira ilewlna which w hope will not hut long mr w m kay or kbert who ha been vulung br father mr jama bennl ha returned home ml vern wiggin of cheltnn ham wa vtaltlng in our village on tudy several of tb farmer took their hog to georgetown ihl but week w have had jutt tlttlwlntit mr will col u hired at mr bew ina tn drive th ug td offer hla farui for 1 mia maltlnnd trained liurae who ha been welting on mr it win be paat week returned to her home u guelph saturday 11 mr jo bwluduburat u building atabl on his mprty her bevaral of our propl purpoa kt tending the auction sal of uv mr laiwtlee floods nn tb xhb inat at hi 1st reahunor brlu mr will swindubuni ha beo qiiltnpnorly foreonin tlm but 1 im proving mr ira uol i- auffrrlng with or band ltxpantd thai uev j it oil- ohrlat of toronto vui preach in the prebylrln churchbrrv on th next twosahbatba bhmtloa oiaher nre vary uuut lu ourdutrlot jrnnawaw tam broke the btllloee of out iufl wadueeday morning ttay blogd to mranger rrom up lb omotry aod war dgught before mmh dubjff wh dob j tfjal orriolal cm1ui oiwktloa of twnu and vulng tn ttak eetlon tb fallowing llt nf the population of adjacent town and vllugr will uake lntrung comparlaon in acton e caa it hi only fair to state that tb flgur given do not includ the population of beard more cre nt which although nt tally and cen graphically a pert of acton ts altua td in kqueng to w nab 1 p th pop- ulatlon of thl section of lit town 1 suto ni acton burlington 1ku georgetown 171 milton 1657 oakvllle zatt britt 511 brampton 3lls htretlll 643 kergne 153 klora hot markhem mo aooh orangavlll asto shelbume grand valley burlington oakvllle nd acton have had the greatest growth of hal- tons towns during lb past decade oh bow i itched what long nervereeking day of constant torture what night of terrible agony itch ttch itch eonatant itch until it eermed that i must tear off my very skin then instant rllf my akin cooled soothed and healed tb very bret drops nf d d d stopped that awful itch instantly ye the very moment li t d touched my skin the torture vou hmvq pro bably been in- tendlnjf to try rod rose tea for some lime but from force of habit have just kept on using another tea bveskthe hbu and buy red rose next time hon w l mackenzic king man an ant and p aildrw in u town hail last evening mr il b waitltkn also bpoke aa wn go to rw ilia li wii iim u tbniiwl wltb so aliduttiu lu tb bullae sod f nllrn rn sh ii t inl i hear mr it l warren l ulrl rsndltlale for llalu n in tb inivuirul legislature siul ll ll w i- man kanslsking who u klr g ii- ubair mr kingcrtaliml vory f 1 l 1 a prvsalona item wlili bu wi 1 ail ltimw at ilin moling rur wsllr uatunl brolll i httmlhr ol lb njhn ventanlfnatrd lln ir auk inly t i bin agu g redrose lj teaubssbsr d d d has been known for yeare a the only absolutely reliable kama cure just a mild soothing plenaent wash mad nf oil of wlnlrgrn tbytnol and other ingredients but th instant relief 1 u t gives tn all akin trouble seems like h inlraol and when uaed with i d b boep keep be skin in perfect condition lfynubavvany kind of akin trouble kcssms pwtrlasls halt bhsunt no matter wt it is investlgatn lb wondertul 1 i 1 ireacriptlon writ for a free trial battle to th b d dxaborahuimnept a t 0 colborne bt toronto it will be sent at onoe and you will gat relief from your trouble immediately you ppl t xjimbhoubb mu linda has returned front m two weeks visit in gualpb mr arthur ivena wbo ha bern in toronto for some time snord m family down last week they will re side on victoria avenu mr angus mcdonald has uurchad mr fred 0 johnston term m th ad41nw and has ufiunihoi wbare he will be missed by hi many friend who j ln lu w hit owwwwo c the farmer haw taken advantage ofkh hne t4rlghliig of tba past few fhh revival earvlce wbkb hav been bald in lit mullmdlst church bar for tit past two week war brwght bo a close oh sunday evening th alt hturn ure spundld avaugelial and much good ha resulted front their work mr j i scarrow f aoloe basalan taken n active part in tb meeting and will preach la lb church her next sunday morning mr chaa taylor faa disposed of fal blackamltti busln in aetna and ha and mrs taylor are staying at mr gen graoamakrkrebut mis kail gray of everton visited aur w lamv last week mu mart laula of guelph ha returned after spending a week nt mr ja qamblee mrs m crbwaon pnt last week with her daughter mfbaro it acton l tt joskphvj church bauaa latarasuaa runouon mx weak itev father traynor i plessetl to announce that alf arrangement have been completed la connection with ihe grand ilauar and drawing of pris to be held in the town hall on n bar 30th becember 1st and smj fur some weak active prvpat at loi have been in pngrss nt tb tart both pastor and patlablunsrs an owing to lb splsndtd sncoursgenirnt in evldaoc from the buslnrsa tnan of th town and its ctlisena in general coupled with pclsl cooperation ol many outof town frienda ihe project at present is assured of suensss both boclally and financially th grand opening will take place thursday 90th inst at hi3 p m fur which evening a bigbclaa concert its been nrrsnged the executive 1ms engaged mr harvey uuyd concert enlnrtalner of toronto miss a k wilson soprano and ule u m gray of acton accompanist while the marku orchestra or uuelph will also be in attendance during the entire evening th fair will open on hrlday at a p u and continue until 10 p m at k1 an interesting toe lure will be delivered by itev father 1arker of klora former chaplain of th british navy the auhject being bermuda tb cabd of th uly and lb ltoer h it will interest hu joseph parishioner and the cltlsen in general in know that lb former esteemed pastor if ht joseph church the uv talbsra o loan j j keeoey and arnold a well a many other leading father of ontario have signified their lutenlhm of attending the usssar and will he present nn ihl evening tit markte orchestra will also be in attsndanc oa saturday afternoon the fair will open llpnt and remain open until after lb drawing of prisa in ih evening for this occasion thr lodi orchestra nf uuslpb will b in attendaucr and lb drawing the pries for hasr uck will hrgln atblntnth presenc of all attend lug and supervised by a responsible committee of gentlemen tb sdmlaalon for th grand open log and concert will b adults 25c children lgc while on all other occa sion th admission will lie frre it will be of interest to know lhat the booth will afford all an excellent opportunities nf acquiring at a aur- priaingly low prio nearly everything nf practical ukst in a borne while tbe art gallerytwill bring borne to you th principal attraction of many of th gmt ruropean and amwloen tnusaum a flah imhd will also be in evidence and will eerv as a re minder of banta cuu beside there will be a well pro v id sd rvfreahtnent counter conducted by lb young ladle and a fully equipped candy booth in which an excellent anrtmant of candy will be available at actual cost which i bring provided by mr w w beardmnra in appreciation nf th wholehearted anoouregmant offrrvd by lb whnh community in this enterprise lb ex soutlw is leaving nothing undone in order to accommodate ihslr fair to the convenience of all and present dlaatlon predict that bt joseph baxaar will be lbs event of the aeawi i work hard for my living mdnebi6m pus m cokdom st strurrow w v will you ktndjylntbnn m ir en u r in mil arc oll in new york city t 1 learned about tbem hut summer my daughter vrrat o hjagitou oni and pnt th nmomf there 8b got some of jour gin fills anil ent oicnj omand i tried them and found tbetn to be the best mcdldwrthat i ever used for kidney and iuaddcr trouble oh i they did tuo so much good nd i ant so much belter x hone you can fix it so 1 cm get gin mluln maw york cliarlua colum3 bold eerrnrhrr lu canaiht at joe a box 6 for fjjo ssmiila free u yon write nationsl drag sua chemical co of canada ijmtteil bcpt i a toronto if yon nerd n gcntlo lxillreor winie- ihlfag to stir m the liver ska national xy uvcr vku ajc box 106 trie that will undw whm ik fxlt ml -u- i ee a to it tbsl y u i uy i f di whoas in kv tl llglil mil roots soil livn i n bsnd r rrlly in the nursnrln r tl will u there is a luaw take at affimtuy i wit j ui tuiiith outfit rrer th s w ii wlituii a son i lil it ulgn villi- ooi a vacua d a abststaht al lb wlqtrr fair at lln 1 ti b given lnfirinstb n slong all huts if live atock prodiir ion and rn i null ivs tlon that la valuslj to any farmer who desire to kenji up todste th weekly bun of ic luih will ronuln a carefully prepamd and aalty tin lal- stood aiiinnisry nf th rlilnf u hits brought out st the next fair if you rw nngsghtl in any i nnrli f farming wltb a vlnw to nut king monty you will find tim woakly hun a tn wl valuable asslatant oo not mlwi the lasusof laulkr idtli wxxaaxoxaotto winter overcoats i or the men and roys i lu i i very live uhject just now wc ir howmj i very i tritt r uir- in these ioods the styles ir uirrcrt lut not ruircmr the prices art the mosl rcu on lblc possible in every line mens and boys underwear line tnd ilrivy natural wools uastir uibbcd scotch knit wool mcclcci ior lomfort hirilnltty tnd viluc we pjrticul lrly rccoinnicnd tlc penangle and hewson lanes winch w m howmfj j he w ly thcsc uiil arc movittfj out tihowt th it tho huyni puhlit apprcci ttt their worth cured ofjonstipatqh mr armlrwvr pimjae kr irmhart root pllla mr cnrr au of halifax n s ml 11 taf many ymis i luvt tmi ti with chrome cottehmtmhi tl mmt nevr ciitpm tmcu- hnmlnl ami i have been a vlrllni to mm many llnrc that ronslination i rlngv in iu tmln medicine aflrr nmu lite i have itkm m onlrr to find rrlirf 1 nl onti unri all kf toc in the same im clrxa conilttioo it tmtd that twllnn wouhl raprl fium me the one ailiurat that catwed an much trouble yt at ht i mul about ibem inrilsn knot illls that waa bll n luky day for me n lntmcu4l tottli tit nt- ilctcrmlncd to for i x meats msiln that rive tbcui a fslr i rial tbey have raguuled my stomach and hewshu i am cutsd of conatlpallan nd i claim thay have no aoual as a madl das ior ntf half century lf uoica indian root 1 tlla liavc lccn rtuinxcon sllpstlnn awl rlognl inartita kstncyx wltli all iheauwnla vihkh tsult fiom them theyclttmu hhi wltolc syatcm rify the blood iold everywhere beoonta independent attend euiott toronyo ontrrio kludaots of uu ywr u in twtlwri atb irom to 100 a owaui waiu lor llu uau bo ugphldf ilutiuetloa is kll uit- wc trc hcivity locked in til line of cold wlarhlu goods at valui s un urpi ed anywhere henderson 6t co mill si acton oni xcoooooooooooxxochoooooooockooooo ocean steamship passages booked which is your choice sloppy leaky wooden troughs or clean durable concrete t wooden drinking roughs arc alxmt as liable us the weather nry arc kliott lived and require tr pkcink every frw years hot to mention continual patching to keep thrm in rrpnir thr best of wood cannot withstand for lontf contant dampness am soaking its trndrncy to rapid decay soon shows itself m iciks ind stagnant km1i of water around trough contrast with this uc durability cleanliness and wellordered appearance of concrete the dampness which destroys lumber only intensifies the strength and hardness of concrete you can impair a wooden trough with comparitively little use but it takes a powerful explosive to put a concrete water tank out of business which is your choice expenseproducing wood or money saving concrete wed be glad lo send a copy of our book wual tfte fatmcf can do wtth concrete free if youll ask for it it tells the many uses of concrete m plain simple language tells how to make kama llsaa nssu btebw clatama hhchlng pntati talr dalrlm hum dlotka btalla dipping tanks ho btsps foundations poultry house tanks fanes nta root catlar troughs ravelin loora lloa walha outtara haltar walta wall curbs canada cement co ilall tti ho nllaal llaah lun uewranl wiica look here 3vlr fe ikkatkst okihit iivi it uaul to btock ipeduhs dr bbss stock food on 3 months trial 1 rem the manufacturer to rill an guarantee and tlm unfiling toralso ll u recsivlng from our cuktomars wa sn doubly sure that it u without a alngla eacspllnn the best stock foo or ionic ovor tiroduced and st a twice that you can aflord to cod ragnlarly now hers is our nronosliloi we will supply you wllli auilicuuil dr hlibb btock iood to feed yoar nlmau twice lay for threa months w will aupply you wltb f lbs or on ton llisn ll t lh end ol tho tbrnt months you am not ahtjoluloly aura thai it its pal 1 you lo faed bit 1 1 his stock looo if ifyour snlmau led lor ixubl luvettot immhi more tbiuty your other stack in bailor aulo ol health trlurn to us lh empty psckare and we will refund avofy cent you have jvikl us hi kh auk till i uxuu stock food 7 lbs 65c poultry pood 1 lbs 30c louse killer i lb 30c- u dip and disinfectant quart 50c there la not farmer or leeder in this community that can allord to mlka this hbersl proposition maltk ou ou altl lo 111 till julll v and juky r f johnstone hkrdwhrb mill st aoton b4nik of mm1itm oabltal paid up s7nqj0od beaerve at undlwload wont bsbojooo total aastet ojdoqfloo it u not ouy m llwt hsblta of a llloilms no amall majier to faruke sk travscsnen and leard to save vou will nevorlaarn tinsa you liavo the incentive ol s bsvba a6um oo not procrsuinaiercsll st ihe lunlc of hamilton sod open an wcoounl okohojlown 1uiancu jflat jfegy hamilton dont let this christmas gd by without getting a victor or berliner gram- ophonc or victrola take your choice i giumoplioue for tic tip a varolii for tloo to j 300 why not conic m touay and hear these in trunicnt noohliation tobnv ifyou wiut to lnij uell arrange tcriuii tjo kuil a t brown agent ml street acton oot onlario electloj cutters sleighing sleigbint baving come i have a full supply of cutters sleighs blankets robes fur coats harness bells prucs rirhl and oods and all other needs in tins line batisfactory in ovury rrspect ou ir invited to vot foe d warren as you it kl 1 it kmlntatitr in 1111 omvkio lboisutuiii a troiif tnd progressive policy 111 ill ma iters thai affect tin i ifirr of the pco pic ol out trio gqo savt the king i ilrta bbcrttscmcnu cutlfclt jfok sale u t1cij u av k bu1aibh htkk v koru blul cltla h m niisi o snrili jk la- k t imh bmwwl nai lull mirvoad avbu ta civ a8tjiay final notice imsasl to str n uu wsaaasawf woa ana itikbiaa usart tltar will ibiiib bla awl in luiakuun ia ui c auiac srilayel itkuu u u4u l 1mb ciioick uu1lulng lots foh sale coontkr oiikuk books fmi rua tsjus la mniw widiu 11 in 1 jl tor okuui 1 jwk lloaas a aha ar eaaarlbtle kstlr qaaautr oar hind valualtlk pk0per1y cor sals xltk im4lai o tor aal ala ootofonv abussaanjmmmi nnsm hnm uaoa hi sod wsat uowor assu in lis ta ik u 1omswrt ea wnw md lo uwl ixir rnjit sad e uard utsfl oousr wtuan j ll it asts7 w j oiufmari fhnar unrksbhvbo atjotion saue iabm stock akd xlf- ttw wlanlshd boa baa lull 11 ui be thos mokmutoaoltlmaauaubuanl wtkbosc nm m lotlo hjlt itil thursday nov soft ujsae ssloak abstv u tolloala j r im ui la leal to tutaaks uims sssltrlnw rasnoldbvoaaevajr 1 bay an rss hnlbhim 1 bu an rs3 a tsjwo j 1u hnissaav trash omlj i tortled anw zz rasa st bras eajvos lutsjual a jsjm rfttll all d u bo la oslf i bin irrt h jratlsa ff0r busk at rrrroubsss rcsiosrnsr twi latetaweter ssosois old aueas m uivtkeaoasst 1 fskl aadldssss s mbsmlssmm m 1 been obsxl u an aosk jovsa ffliffra aatawaiaiacnm fcaf ws uwluwrssr mm alssfa bars i aurt aj i av auaoas awl s i-tjlnt- 1 n tmtutttalttswauft uutsntsauaa t of timmx stiiosbl la as aaaaaas aaeaia k rsmkhloai apuomd lobi sot- alrspetsaat twr aasaaa 6d tor out jaum ucktunsus ootuu mm liaur cuidtao noirhini shmps the royal line sonsof old ensiapd excursion moh raufax h m s buyal eowald h m- s royal george werlnslsy daannhsu tsui unwirpsuail atoommoiullon lor all t for su ukumsilunsimily i ajtentsnrh uhkctl w r tsmslu is duw slrecl ew tbronto tjol b f caldwell successor to o x bluck acton grandtrunk winter tour to california mexico florida etc al low rati s tuk avlkacrlvi uovt1 to wimmum ani vk urn an aba is yi chicaco lull luittcular mi i h s holmos agent 0

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