Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 23, 1911, p. 3

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j ontario elections dambor lllh 1911 vour vui a i inllu ma keiper dully nltclted i i- dr a w nixon conh uvallvi canihoaiii iv ttellm t i- lw oat ljbcualmn a vota for tno la a vote tor whit- ny and honost progressive and ixcbolaiit admin 1st ration headquarters wedding and birthday presents solid mur limtlll coffee spoons hlch cat uwlam howls u 1 tl47 iitra llvnfwaie 11117 hand liited china wadding klna mabriaou ucrniiu issued geo hynds aoton ontario real estate by t t lwwt rata r latere lr- hmber f rrvu lr sale cheap bwelllawt mad uhst rttery in all part rui laws we kav cry facility fr trmasmctlsur our bokihwui te yar rllltn salla rtla- j a w1llouchbv coorcctown sb rton j jrss tiiuiumay novkumkil 21 mil stllt local itcms winter- here evidently to slay ya tuefculghsare running nicely thatnusrof the merry nlelgh bu u with u apun the n- 1 1 h htatimi at uuelph will b oprned today j w ilsstcdo has lteen appointed upturning office for tha oomliitf rleo- tioa th ktuku lltkhh to urn end of the yr for 10 cents or to thto end of it i j rortioa mr w j ltlleraon has purcbssi1 um meat business ut air wro hcatt georgetown tieorgetjivm high school will hold their annual entertainment on lriday s aa let december tha wee uhrary now he 2 oh readers tiling who lake out book nrag about two par month ur w tlos has sold out th krln and jualph teg routo to ur d mcmillan ami moved litto uuelph hespelerhaanrkanlaed a company to build a v000 to aom bleating ami curling rink to lie ready year from now tbe mnw storm interfered ser iously wttlt the cutting and filling on tha new baardmore sidings dnrlng tliti wwk w a i iwrmieu clerk oftunhur- rosjata court of llalton haw mnn ad from hi sorinu lllnosa aurlcuntly to walk out daily th letlr from a oitlaen re laung to tbn ilollverlng ol tterauia aboud hvn won arcouikalilml by lh name off tbn wrllar the grand baxaar of ht doarpha cburoh will w bold in iho town hall roai ttiuraday no ui to satur day decant brr 2nd adapulatlon rvpraxintlng har bold or off ill defunct karmnr lunk will wait on lb member l lit gu ernniant at ottawa at noon today it t 0 waluc m a rector of si paul 0uurcb wpodatook formerly of tjiirgetowit ha immiii calladtost htnphetitf church tonm to tfaa tuinwrk of the lnxik aomiult t of tb pr llltmry will b to ronto today lo mtilect new oooba to mid to tbn lutlo voiuiudu now on um drjo oullwl lagr water down u hue of forty live candidate wh have wih1 the llnal oxautliialloo of the college off lbyatclaniaud sur- gooa off ontario mr ic k urlgga nanagr metro politan bank waa called to bin borne nlkarran lulnt tbrourh the llinriu of bletuotlibi ur ii il hurirng of milton u at pieaant in charge vimm hon 14 id i tad have al ready tnovad part of their plant from ilrtpintnn in th- i faarfvtb ypot to bava it all kd by the wod of next wk and to have it running dec lut champion laicknotr village council at lu laat uievtlng proncnted tba old lovrit hall to the now y m o a u le lliu headquarter of that orgivnl action for aa long aa tltu organleatlon dalr it waa ntunlnoant gin and aliowa in utaaaura the feaungx ofjluoknow and ijioknowa ununoll toward the young iuen ul tha village beiillnel prince ituiwrl ilrltub columbia t the paolflo cwut turndmm of ttiu jrand trunk iaclho itallway la going h paoe and for a young city the hul nea tbat la now done there la remark abla duringthv month of ctcptrmber uiaprwere 80 atoaiuera called al ilia port and hi departed howhthiav s we vmv mendnrf iollini xwant for any 4uowinb utateaobot ba wurwd by 1111 j oflbmay a o tollo o cmuw la alt bulmm traoaamloaa aaa flo tjpilally m oarry ouany obllaajtoaa niada vjatodmaihaw tow0 haifa 0lrb oara m lakaajamraally utiu 4liauy apou tha uooa and mmm artaoae 4 m parted hold by alt draaafa xk hall family imu i lor ooeailpailon ncws or local import loft batvla kindly ramambavvd al i iw matlok f tl wmimu doiiary ktnl ly of llm in hyb inii imirli lmu laal tvxk mr ul v u 1 wllt who hu bean the lraldiul for two nty five yaant waa v milnl with a complimentary addrnna afaoni imutlad with a braaa inmiw rack anil mi pi of ilrowulng w hi it lor and wordawurtli ikm hu won vllch roatuon mr cthirg wyllo litiijr aunnl ortbeluliioia t hui hal h alu n y who waaliaro tbla wtmk li connection willi th burial of the lata iareyo hncord waa a tblrgraph ojmr ator al the 1 t jt hlatlon hnro forty yeaiaako ha waa h popular young rllow in lliimm ilaya ant during 111 atay linn ridd with iovttnaater matlhw ur wyl liaa cnrtaluly niadn good lla nccuptaa a very re poualblu and lucrative oallloii spaelal kvaivkttatui oawloaid tln communion aarvlcaalu ti- mflhhllat church laal hunday worti lar4lv atlaiulfkl tlia mrmuna of luv c i bramr paalnr woie vry ftrvitntand appropriate a aarlea of tctal evaligallatla aarvlcoa waa coin tnanoad with the evening eervlce and will 1m continued adi evunlng for al inaat ibren weeka karuoat addreaaaa am itaing dllverd nlghlly by the paalorand a full ehulr mtdi ur n v uihire leader aalat in the pralae alolov aootaanb kiulal uawful ctwr 1lirough the death or ur jatuea 1 w una the eminent toronto iur km whu dlrl hunday afternoon al the residence off lr langatafy ulch mond hill not only toronto but alui lb iklmlnlon loeea a notable pracll ier and aclnntlat and a progreaalve public eplrlted citizen ilia death re null ml from a motor car accident which occurred on wednaaday tit urn ing while driving to vtalt a patlanl al cookalown ifn wam the eon of the late ur jamea itoaa alio a notable practitioner of toronto and a coualn in ura ttioa t moore acton n tha wm r and mr prd wlllutukon v l out in haakalchewan u augi returned laat week and epei daya with their friend lure ur wllliamaon waa engineer or a threah lug out fll in ibe vicinity or baakatoon lie aaya the cropa were very good in ibal section but the wet weather and rrol came before ilia t brother cjuld get the work well advanced kdlly forty per cent- of the crop remain lu alook in the flcma unthrbetl and nothing morn can be don with it be fore npriug tbn eprlng threahlng will make many of tha fariitfra late in et ting in their crom buddm dwlh of john mapbarvon on haturdey morning the frinnd imre roeivel the aad new of the slid dim dth or mr john uaphereon the day itefore al hla home at caraonvilln ulrh mr ucpheraiin wa in acton a few week ago attending the fuunral of hla hmthnr a rob ilia d and appear ed to he in excellent health ur mo hereon and a grown up family of four aon and two daughter atirvlve llnwaaaaon or tbn late lloltert mc 1herattn hr and wa well known iii acton iu removed to michigan thirty year ago and baa proapered lu hi home there and enjoyed the high nuleem of the community a ddhabla aeeldent about two oclock on saturday afternoon alexander mokenxu who waa operating a wringing machine al the heard mora aole leather tannery bad the m la fortun lo get ida ripht hand caught between ihe pondtiroua roller the band waa fearfully cruh ad and the arm half way to the elow dr holme waa called and gave the injurad member temporary d rearing and took the unfortunate fellow to the cenaral hoepllal uuelpli where am pu tat ton waa made about four inohe below the elbow much eympathy i felt here for ur uckenale in hi terrible loas ii came to acton from bcolland with hie bride about eight tuunlbaago and baa beau doing well heie being comfortably aettled in a brick cottage on young utreet a foi pme buoaaei it 7aa the great pleasure of ur and ur ii 1 moore to iend h day ur two during the week at tlm imme tif iter o w harker and mr uarknr at wtmtdalock mr darker la in hi third year m pa tor or collago avauua metbodlrt church in tbat city and hla contecratad efforta have borne fruit the church la enjoying an era nf proa perlty which i ma hi feat on all aide and he and mre marker live very fully in the affecuoo of the congregation the truatee hoard baa in cootempla unn tfaa erection of a tine new pareon age in the residential aecllnn mr barker haa in wood a took a he did in aoton taken a lively intereat in the moral welfare of the city and u highly esteemed for hie eftorte- they have both a very kindly tutarekt in acton whore they apent four year nf happy and uaeful aeroe and deelred to be remembered to their numemu friend here the aaeutocllai s fit orohw at a meeting of tbe omheilr laut week ur j a hllljwb elect ltd lwder to ill the vacancy oauaad by the re moval or ur c w uaaao to wing ham mr hill waa tha 0rt leader of the urcheatra audto uininqaiejiififor uiualo ancthu capahlllly ui hurrodnd hluikeir with capable muniana till excellent oigaiilaatloo grew in atrengtlt u it early daya after conducting it fur nearly ton year ur hill retired trotn the leadership mill howvver re taining a place aa a mualclaii mn maaoit aucoeeded blm ae leader and with tilplleereonal effort conllnued the auoceea achieved and from time lo time added new play ore kur year the orcbplra jhaa i tec it a moat lmlprul toalitrh or vol hunday hihool and the inemlmira have taken a ore moat plc fur regularity of attendance and miblalned intareat a an adult bible cum at tha meeting above referred ui ur o ii brown waa elected aaalat- anl leader maaara ilulwrt smith and aiihon thureti to ihe executive mr c a o uattliewm secretary- tieaaurer ami mr karl brown lib rarian i1eury plow and plow repair ay lie had from w j oonliin thn i barneaa maker aole agonl for thla dlatrlot social and p1ks0nal mr w ii drtimy of 1 irmli wu lu ii li liurwlay mr nil mr- i a m ibi o vultiug fill oil lo o to mhm iciraaulb counao lturod uouiv f olnvelaod oil iuk mr mb ha i ii of nowuiaik l 1 vuuingal tlie home of mr john llnmn mi wluly and ml lluudoitn of loioit j u wkod ut lh inn of mr w i lla ill i mr it ilt mtlln ron lliiiild ihu funeral mr john m iliiaon l caraioivlllt muli on 1 u lay mm 1 i m hiortl of luolpli wa lu lliwif on luidey mlttuuiig tbv run rl nf i h latu ler y c se ril mr at i mr ii 1 mihru p iil a day or two hl the clligk ave 1hioii agv wmmklock ii i juuala of lliv tiud mm in w jurkir tbi wk mr and mix abraham hum of sahioi or gun wmjitt a oupla of day during lb wk al the homo f mr john llrowu mre wm audmiwm ltl st went to ditktrvllh mitli luat wck lo at tend tlm ruuural or bur aktor mr itobt hoioorvlll mi lhoma itluoklxk dltor and publkbt of tin daily ivoviu hegllia hiuk ba im an tmiidllk a wek or livii with frituid lu naaaaga weya m itlaoklock went lo llio weal a a aohool u um unw iaer buainav ttraott d blm and be ba had good iii tbat profusion hn i a tilionga conaervalivnavur th county council bank aooounl lb raolullon fr the county con i nil panned in heptiimtkir dlrncliog i lint tbe goml road account of thn r iinty ahould t ir ondwrad from the m i polltui lunk lo the jlaukoflli lltou wa rvuludid on iuouley tim oplu ton r the uuj ilty wa l hat it would hi iwtlnr uod mora convnnloiit that all iionuy hiioiiiii 1m kepl in one wok champion o h rcamlnr hxt sprinx it i likely that active work will he gin mi bevvr pari of tho canadian northern programme lu weatern to tarlo aa oon a tbe froat la out of tb ground rarly next y ar i the opinion or hlr william mackenale aa nxpre- cd laat week hlr william alao aaid work would proltably cuinmeuct on the roooned radial extenrion lo uuelpli thn roil in of thl miw elec trio road la not definitely known aa yet but it will im a runllnuatlon f thn toronto auburban dlvlalon or tbn lo rm i and york lladlal which now terminate a ltttte way beyond wist no it la prit i y well imjueratond that till toad will ion tbruiigh aotou llydroelaetrto ro- pfermere during a vlalt to oxford county ihla wnak the editor had a drlvn of some twenty mlb utnoug tha aplnndld rami nf tlmt county lu aecllun where the iln o of th- hydro icinctric system tretnrntm there is quite a movement thxre on tint part or the rarmer to secum ronnerlloii for their farmh for lighting rcaldnure and barna and power for tbn mtosaary maahlunry almiil t ixrj barna and outbuilding the system has beou tested for thl purpose on mr prowse s farm alxuit four or tlvo miln uouth of ingcraoll and u h atlmlrabln uatufnotion tin hi mteui to im a boon in horn for many farmer uf the provluro in th mar future runvrolorui ilate william hoaaall llm funeral of the lato wllluni u itttsaull took plsrn monday a tti moon at two o clouk from lbi family real lenre reffl woo1 hirer tthaloaw wslhuo ulcli and was largily atluodml uev mr hurk of the lint lresbytur inn cburcli oninlatetl 1 he many flowir in the form nf wreath vpray and appropriate ilualgn tintlfled or thnnaleem lu which the deceased wa held reposed alio ut tlie caakal mrs itoxtdl and their daughter ulatessa survive hi brother am htephen or ltoulitau hask george kenliu hask natbanlal coataworth out and hi rials r are mr h ileal a irinc htreot chatbam ura j htm in one home for incurable lnidon mr llallantlne 211 queen aveime ijtindon mr otwrge peavoy j haun by bl imdon and mrs o itarnaby ul ullaahl imdon lev auiai psuya churoh ituv falhcr leeney who was for tan yuaratba aataamed rue i or of hi joanph a church bare haw iteen mak lug great liiipmvwmenta to kt augn lines churtih at duudns iii preul parish tlie dunda hur aaya the reipenlnx or ht auguuline church marked an epoch in the hi lory of thla pariah the oldest in tho hamilton diocese the interior of the church had been artistically deaoratsd and kept well along the design of tint arch iteatureuttbe beautiful edifice hi lordship illahop bowling in resnons to uev father eenya rueat vory kindly celebrated the pontlflolal sol sum high lilsse thla wa the first ponilflclal high inaaa calabraud lu thl pariah for some forty year hev 1 ather keeiiuy waa yestenbty the re clpleut of a congratulatory lollsr froiu his ordshlii bishop dowllng on tbe taste energy and judgmuut dlapuyed in the recent improvements to the church and thw letter waa accuuipu tiled by h hulialantlal cheque a daroa1n indeed 1 wo cent a a week la exactly what it nltt to guarantee you the gri nlthil i lmt y ii vr enjoytml lliat small i ol hi week or on dollar a yal will mm ui you tin gnatealaliio ml of newspaper reading to tw hail on this runlliiunl wii xtilir lolbs lully herald and w ekly fallal of montreal by loug idd ihe imihi r if illy and fan por print d lokaddlll paimira mutt biaulitui iireiilluin lo lor a inclu lad it la entitled hon e again mlu will world ill dollar alon no bom in iuu i- im it vi a rich or uvur ao poor rail afford to imi wkhout hi in tergal i well well i this la a home dyk jha anyone i dyed all ikete mnrtencmt k1m05 off oooda inmac same ova i used nckhfhk lfli4 bshtbssff vo tlnh srsutsatser tss i ha in nsaunribr nafiped woman the world over u kvwry woman knows that there 1 h tlili k i good for hair aud scalp lroulil1 u- 1arlalau hage if iarialau hage a used two or three time a week ll will keep tha scalp nice and clrsn and remove dandruff it make ihe hair lustrous and fluffy and keep thajrfirmm falling out we urge every wi man who lo ra hani and fascinating hair lo go a 1 il wu lo lay and gl a large m riillmttli hu guarauleej ii lo run dsmliulf falling bulr and itching scalp i r money liack mr r d warren to the electors i nil xi i n 1 luvn u led u i jhliiwii n ti liloik l uaiu ixi a ciiliji lutn fur elrulon to tlio oiiluilo 1 glulullile tool ion now tf lo loll in thut hehuu i reullxe uiut tliu oiiili ut ispresciiu llva lu luiliomciit i u ti iriblo miei ne llut culu f r ioum1 utli ou rvite mil mtnin utlf uultiltlc ihi only to uuy tlut if you i lloiiltl fiivoi- hid with your uup it i would in tulliru if rlrtu el ilnv tf myuelf with iiy und fiilllifiilncui to j loiiiolliig tliu welfare of tlm lr vitice nml county iii wlilth we uro all ut decpl ititecci lil wltlilwu v eofkctiwn nov 15th i mil youis truly r d warren ah ii3k ready ibliisl for inllitr and mother pringle santa clails with 1 vcrythln guelph in the jewellery this little crank in your kitchen saves 20 on coal it la a wonderful patent devlc- the oaford eoonoodaar and la licensed for uu only nn stoves and ranges tiiu mirvelloua rcsulator keeps the oven at a slven temperature no heat la watted nothing goei up the qua but bad odor team and amoke tlie flro i held for hours without at tent ion ready for immediate use and all thla labor time and mot aaved by simply turning ihe crank with the divided oven flue strip you have even baking because of llm perfect lutributlon of heat secured by this expert arrangement the iuvrlb crate is provided with itrong interlocking tcotli that re duce coals to ashes by a single turn in appear ance in details of finish ami design the cheacellor is an ornament as well as a necessity in any kitchen the range here rep re tented and other gur- ncy oxford of every sort for every purpose dis played on our floor sffcciaf demonstration how r f johnstone acton solo rgbnt ts6e great smoothtongued tiger will perform duly for one week from 1hiday novimhuk 17th at browns drug store acton v tiokr will actually eat without injury from 1 ladicn hand as well as a mans all kitchen and fruit stains liouscjiold office store and factory 001 1 as well as paint printers ink greabc and grime is to the handt what a massage m to the face be sure and call as everyone will be pre sented with a free sample tin or you can buy a large can for 10p follow directions clobely the tiger manufacturing get walkcrvule ontario cheerful i duly those things that are put into mvlnvhrfewsfiud ibfe right house hamilton s favorite shoftino rlace see the 25000 indian picture now on exhibltipn is y as i wednesday tr 1 jprcuil nailery trlctcd on the 1 uriutun vckj moor iiikrkiii houii pi iced on exhibition among othcri coopers celebrated 2000 inch in picture m lit story of tin lvil spirit on wcdnrd ly of tin 1 wtrk tin picture if chcdulcd to br changed in it place we thtll iltcc on exhibition tbe large dram ttic picture by the same painter entitled tin home guard i hib latter is also an indian pieture one winch men women and children will find to be as intensely interesting a- 1 play admission if free an experienced lecturer gives an interesting description of the large picture and ol tbe m my smaller painting f which portray indiin life and rurtoms and on saturday next we shall brlnf to a bnlliant close tbe christmas preparation sale jhis is tho greatest pre hoi id ay merchandise event ever held in the city a sale of nliw and seasonable merchandise to make room for the inrushing xmas stocks which must be placed on display immense savings on thingti you need for yountlf your home and your children will be possible christmas openlnr including opening of the toy department will probably be announced on saturday of this wcel it will also interest the men and women of acton to know tint i ui kkhit iiousi has opened a circulating library from which at a small fee members may draw the very latest fiction now bookb will be continually added we ire starting with about 500 r p farcs refunded tla room in bastmint thomas c watkins limited king and hilghaon sts hamilton onl dj 8 8 8 richest fabrics 6t trimmings for evening costumes dresses etc a beautiful array of bilks vollos marquisotus garnhuroa eta for you to ohooso vrom in gathering our present exhibit of lovely mlkj wo have not slighted a single material that is now stylish broad assortments of nmons marquisettes chiffons voiles silk sublimes etc arc contained in the mot beautiful pabtel evening shades as well as quieter more conservative colore ihe most recent novelties in dress trimmings are abo represented in our stock and comprehensive varieties of every popular new drcs embellishment is represented including the very new and handbome bequm girniturcs 111 silver and colors any material or trimming that you could will be found here every fabric or dress adornment tbat could bo of use in the making of evening gowns party costumes dresses etc will bo found in our stocks mens clothing d e macdonald bros cor wyndham add macdoneu streets guopii ont dress goods ottsh prid laor fowl raw furs junk 1 u mil 11 mod of luunltullu ut skkb rctsn wadamjuncsr wsr tfononro canaiw t3e excelsior bakery 1 jtirbt qtjauty bread gakbo wbddino cakbs christmas cakes bto fttc ovbtbrs and piah n c4li toiy t statham son qakers and oroccrs mata st actort saturday specials n1w knl il ld nick ril spcll ul id ukn s liktl olovlslflfc l 3 ir men f undtrwbarbpail vulua ilunly hwuatgr coa1 b with or without culutru nick bcarhs lu ool uia ull aylcj oi lo j c aps jut tho ud lor thla rotlioi au i tyle r e xtelisolsr alrhabt tauloc the merchants bank of canada money maniaks tn tllhblt good t1ub b all vrorbar are earning mure money tlitni ewar haters and all ihounhlful ttaople will dmlfw lu swe lart of their earnlnira lor fulum ua til v miulchanis uank ihrt ash tlielr savht department can lielp you ia save money because money rkutoiutetrsn their savings department 1 free from lr or anl alsk of loa it is not liable to be apant neftdlessly wilt aani money for you in interest added to your balance one jjollar will at art an interest bearing account r4 ymir additional aavlnj fa can ba added al ehy time irtrarest added from data ol deposit joint savings accounts slay be opsned at tiiu tihwc hants bank ibe money in svblcv ba vftlbdrsvra by liher ot two person tbe are very coavonlimil bold account and interest if paid on all baunces total assets over rjmmmk ac70iv branch f a aacleain manager the free pcess frrrom now until jan ur kris t hw em ftxr 100

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