Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 23, 1911, p. 4

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abe 2mon 3f tytzz hiulthday novkuukit 21 iu11 itnollttm as h i wfoti hit- lhiilifi a iwaaoit h- taiitfbti the ptvnch i rnniii he piu hhaulr hiilt 11 hlr hi hoi- i anil tlii aoreeehm hewfullyaoreiiih the longwinded apaaanr itu spoke the poor office artwer iin soke i the runner h r in l th dunnar he iln i ami tli ahrteker hjajmrrlbly ahrok- tha flyer on wiorb of love mew i the ttusar tin nredll h iww tha doer he did th bald i anil the liar fisherman lw dull dovh luuu- jrrnld was a dull ly hi morrow willi ltftallt ii emit oltulnutar whh iliill wlivti a lwy hxl hlefalhrrhoptd if lod took away myirhunhllilren he hoped it would m uitan napoleoha taanhrr thought ilm tly iluil ami eld it would iitlib a ulnitrt to kl anything into iy lmiil waller kooit dry hwlfl oohlainlth juatlerton ami llhuou aa iwiya wre notable dullard loittirul urania schoolmaster and nttlghlmra often made lilm a lauuhlnb uk k by uiiiie practical joke whlnh ia vm loo dull to underaland th writer thla unnaan wrot th- fighter a rival tin fl the hwfiiinior he awam til skimmer he akn and the bllr was huuury and d1uqence im littlb till no it la th- hill thlnga that make our ii vh tli small i rials the auiell ensletua th amall sln ii amall aula ofeelflah nnuuiit make up the aum ltl human misery tli amall pleaanrea the amall art tf klndnea llmt constitute true hap- plne th ooiphlned form true character u you are faithful in tli email duties aod reeponalbllllle of 111 you will bae larger on gln you you may not lik ui do lbm tliy ny ppr ux lnlbinc l your ririblflon you lontf to do wmtbln rmml and thsyty lh wlu pp trom your frland and lit world you a m imon to lrn inayb many ona bator you nr abl to do lb tiling your uibltlim ions to do kp your mplratlon firmly fld in ymnmtlnd nvr let b of u un iiik1 tn tant tbfot i bat you bv that ambl tloo and umblng to d kreat nd nobl thing la an unfailing l thai you will b fitted to do tboaa tblnrje wbn tb right lluwt com what yon will be you will h kaap up your couraro kp ollnn ing to your ldl keep on doing tb llttla thing that conn to you th great thing th good thing that your vry soul crava cnmlng to you you niay not know vhan it la nar you and on th othar hand you may rl it pnjmdm bdfore it onnim that davpanda on youraalf do not expect you will gt it juat by wlahing for it li will not oocna to you that way you wulha to work for it nothing worth having la eer won in thl world without working for it in aonis way you muec ud whatever you get and you alwaya get wbataver you earn that u one of the uwi of llf that are axed and unchangeable no matter what you get either good or bad you have earned it ooneoloua- ly or uaoonaeiooaly ir you want ell good in your life word for it learn to do the little thing that you bod la your way and do them the very best that you can do them hopftl cheerfully learn to be alwaya punctual there la nothing that will help you in thle tfrodr greater life that i coming to you more then ihle little thing that often make nr mere a great thing punctuality it will win conftdenoe for you it will make you eelf reliant it will win you reapeat people will trust you inatlnotlvely aud it will bring out that felth in youreeir end your ability to do that will mke their tru well placed qaluvata thoroughnaea whatever your hand find to do do it with your might if it la even tbe amalleat taak or klndnaeaahaxcoion inyour way if it look like tb meaneat drudgery to you juat look at it and ay u your eelf that looka mean and inalgulm cant hut it la not for whatever la worth doing at all u worth doing well there 1 a leaaon l it fr me and it u what i need juat now to fit tne fur my ideal o i will juat da it tb beet i can and better than anyone alae war did it before if you go at it in tbt aplrlt thai whlot looked like drudgery to you will aonu bomi a pleaem you will ftnuh it with the grealeat eattafaotlon and find youraalf in ayiu patby and harmony with nil lb world t we are plant not of earth but of heaven ah plant jtprlng from the liny ed the great oak rm the liny aoorn bverythlng in nature uphnga from the tlnleat atom it fh theae aniall ihlng combln d a on that make th beautiful earth bo it i in hvw tn niall details make the grand whole f true npblllty hot inpuoatid in hlr uoltert andarooe recnotly piilillbl ixiok tr reinlnlwn lltlwl lb ullitrr hide of my fll 11 lir tin re id muirf t a jdg ubii wh li yliig to get the vary worda if a rfkirtd noiivraltim from a nrioii scantily liulppd 111 humor wltur mi1 the judi did the luonor say i aloln tbr horaar no my liirtl lb wlliieta rvpllml in a doprwohtory ion yoir lrd ablp uaiim wa never mntlinl a corrector or inilnionary troubu a mony tfatlinoiiulaniiuld ns inwrt md allowing lb rat efficacy of lr ihiiuia kolaxitrla oil in omlng 11 iitilnraof mui rwaplrauiry prmmmm but ihv immt ulluxmul la nniieriim i th nil la rnconjmniidiml to all aiiftr fnioi tb dlnortlnm with certainty that they will find rllw nindlclne clihul in itwdf and c gnt for a quarter of a dnllr dhioht ltttlic bhilv of ru the muni old fa4hliuird way ling rid r unwalrnmtt vullore braakfaal imfom thr gual came ulre ijtlcr mini gvnlua furnlahed a national button that iad llerei yuur hat wbata your hurry f a little buffalo gill who u th third ummbiir r a three- lece family doe it even ibnttar the olhtir day win the unwelaontm gucat waa at the table kmlly aald i i hateeverylmitly in tbb house ekcrpt iwpa mamma and my alf castoria tba kind ypa ltavo alwity boaht and which hna ttweo in nw fbr over so yara him borne tho alifnntaro of and hna ixwn rruwlo under lit jr- jfy-yp- bonal hupot islon btnro i li iulunry seuca44 howliontnlimolooniii thu all gounterfella imltailoim niil mu titwmml urt hut experiment tiiat trlllo wltli nhl muluiitir tho linului of inthunta and children xssiicrionco nulu4l lxporluiont what is castoria oemtorin in a barmlohm aulmrtjtuto for ooator oil iaro- irorln irops ad hothliic hyrupa it hi llruutaiit it cwmtnlii uoltlier opium i orphlno dor otlinr kuritlo bubatoiioo itil aco j nranton vi dm troyx wonu and allay jvnrulinc 1 ruroa lirrli a an 1 wind oollc it rollnvos tocthlo trouhlom iimn oiihtimitlou and flatulency it naitlu llnto thn 1immi i rixulutrim tlio htonuusli and uownlh u ff lioulthy iumi nnturul mu thn ohlldrua 1anaooa- molhorn lrl ml genuine castoria always i bears the slgnaturo of the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years children ory for fletchers c asto rl a and a man vlf a cheerful lr homepmopl am ao a mall that even a three for five cigar la too big for them the man who can talk without aay- ing anything la thn una who ahlnee in aoclety vleaaur coma through toll and not by eelr indulgence and indolence when one gate to love work hi life le a happy one kuakln ten thnuaand of th greataat fault in our neighbor are uf lea oonae- queno to ua than on of the amalleat in ouraewe whately nbrvoub oohdrriom reault rvom acldney trouble slok kidney make you reel alck in a number of way and it i now known that a tiervoua condition often rult from kidney trouble when th kid- nay are alck the whole oervnua eye tatn becninee irritated caualng bead ache diy apella ftu of blue neur algic attack weak ayeelgbt r bau mitlo pain and dull tired day a and a conatant in ell nation to worry over irlfle booth kw ney pill trengthen weak kidney our liackachv rulate the urine and restore to normal oondltlona they are guaranteed all dealer ee tsoa a box or postpaid from the 11 t booth on ltd kntt brie ont- if you id like to teet them free writ for a trial box hold and guar an teed acton by a t brown sooths liidncii pais suffered with mene trouble foi two yeais was impossibtk fob uiu to mr chaa w woo 14 turiance tict montrral onr wiltfa ior tiro veara i fcuflerrr with nerve tmubb- ami it wa iniouthle for mn to ulrrn it did not maltrf what time i went t bed in tho mocntna i waa even woran than the night before 1 consulted doctor and ht v ma a tonic to take a half hour before ruin to lel it waa all lihl lor a ilm luit the old trouble turned with greater uxva than before one of the lya wlio worka with nt save mc half a box of milb irn a kteait and nerve iila i took them and i tot auch aatlafactlon that i sot unolher bo and before i finlihed u i could enjoy ileep from 10 p m until ham end wow tbe price of mllbuma heart and nerve isila ut cenla er box or j lkiiea for si 25 they are for u t all dealera or will l mailed rtireel on receipt olprie by the t mllhuf a co limited toronto onl iplnuin u i lif lwt a girl uaually thtnkhervole haw- monlae with the piano end the obencea are that the piano need tuti lag away with bepreeelon pd uelau choly theee two vlla are the acoom panlmentof a dlmirdered auimacb and torpid liver and mean wretahednmi to all whom they vialt tlie aureat and epeedleet way to nmnbat them la with parmele vguhh iilla which will reauire the healthful action of the stomach and bring rellaf they have proved their uaefulne in tlintimnd of caee and will continue to give re lief to thn buffering who are wlae enough to uae them hut moat people who do the right thing at the right mm earn a lot uf money they never gqt castoria for ipiuta and children vu km yon han alwnibatht bear the signature of what in your ulna to which y n ki allentlflllp your own a hlmpu ami jhap modloln- lliipln clu i hiid if olive iiutllnlna la eometbiiig to im duiril thorn la no tedicmnbn iflnotuti u r tilntor of the dlgnallvn ayatem aa irinl a vfh- table illl- limy r iluplr tin y aru aheap tbiy rttll lm got aiiywlmr and their lminutllml a lion will prove lilt ir rvcoui niendatlon ihy are the hirdl cine of tbe umt man anil thomi win with to eanapf do lor bill will dr wall in giving i be 111 a trial why la it alwaya vry warm at clrcuar iterauaw my ilni- tli luial la in tenia ohildreu ory for fletchers o asxo r ia otfiilutf la ahnply the itowcr of orkn lalngldoaa iniagea algna without em ploying thn alow progreaa of apjiarnt jy conaecullve thoughl john ij karg i suffered years with my back backache remit mj ronl weak kulnrys a hail cold or other ciuw utually renders the mficrcf unfit forwoik and often rulta in per muncnt inability i kiiftrrrd or yrart with my liatk or kidney trouble and have tried a number of rcmcdira from diflcrem iliyiicianb more than a year ago unr of our local druggists uujuced me to try dr miles antipain pills and alter uung them tome three months i found a decided improve ment in my kidneys and i am glad to lay that 1 hope toon to ike hilly restored to health j i al t kn i judge city court guigow ky at long as pain it prrurilt in any part of the hotly rest impossible and the system lidoming weakened ii chud to any form of disease to which the sufferer may be inclined dr miles antipain puls by steady i ril tlir irritated nerve centers make refreshing sleep pos sible thereby enabling the body to rrcovcr tost ctrriith as n remedy for pain of any drsenptton lit miles ami iuui pdls arc unsur passed told by all druutjlta unitar quar- mm urlnrj tha rat urn or i ha drift of tha wrt bok ir no itanant rahilta milsio me3icau co yarcnlo can iiadntkveh a ubluhion lud ilmwl nv ilihialnna ibr- jo air he waa very bard up ii t anything at all just fob run a r llliuit wu onat fuund bunting or thft lli r or l in local hii- with a lol in hi- hl n of ilia ahml blm what lb illlot ball ion lo him and b ald i aunt blm a lounr blgnihl llnn and b prliitetl ll b il aildiid uinllmi- lior i lara w rou tho young mian rli me hut 1 in xtllg o forgat ill i pri in you laat night but really 1 forget wuelhnr y aalil ye night m i held tul i bad ir wlllsb wi glad to hear from y for jmt who i lhealv rtlr who hd rr ivihi a fi pulf inlrred the pi billng hleii will miiui wild ilu wrlttiu all ovnr ida f 1 in hillu jinl liiant woi hi imlii bul tlt u nleit thbi vn goiifi and pitnll in your mtri wik almul nay 1uhi vlal la a nlr thing f wl ll eaulffr ilail ilaild m ll idllor rad if yiu want to havi lit w llrownalmmila facts about motherhood not mn ui n ll- 11 11 lid bid sorefouh yews xamiiuk hah lllcamco iti burdock blood bitters curbs all skin diseases any otio troubled with any llchhi htunhiic irrllatiiig skin disease run place full irlinnce on it unlock 1od hitter lo eflect a cure no matter what other rcmediea have fiilhd h alwaya bullila up thr health ami stteiirtb on hie fixnidutioii of pure rich blood and in couaequrnce the curea it makes are of u permaiiciit and hutitig uuhnrd coulind white head oncwrllca i liuvoliecu bothered with salt rhnini on my hand for two year anil it iltlim m if j id not know what to do i trie three doctors and even went to montreal to the hoapltal without getting any icllef i wiih advlswi to try ltlinlixk lllonl hitter ml kt three tmltka ami b ton i bad the mroiid uted 1 loiiiid a big thuiile now to lay i curetl lltirditck lllood ullterx is manufactured only by til t mllburn co umltcd tamnto out mr wilson 110 wiekaon ave toronto eaya about tour year axo a aoro spot apdoarml on tho rtjcht alilo of my tarn thl bitot liirrnaaed in also until it bacamn almhit halt an urh in diameter and rr palnrul i wnnt to a doctor but tho ointment hu i nvo mo did not havo any ood nrrmt tho nor ronllnuwl to dl- ehnrki frnnly inl w patfu i had it raiitrul trlud poultice and all klnda of aalveii but it waa no blind and eonuwnod lo auner bl i it fo tour yearal a aitnipl f 7mxo iluk was una day wen to mn anil 1 uad it althouch tho quantity wuh bo small it nee mod to do mo aoiuo nwl wn i purchaaed a ftirthnr bupiily kaoh box did inn moro and taorw wood atil to niy dnllgbt liefore i bad beon uuliiir ni k throo woeka i uw that it h kolna to heal the aoro in loua than a month it wa healndl 1 i know a lady in the east of tho city whoko hiinbaml suffered for year with n upon aoro on his lor on ty roromthondatlon sam iluk wau trlitd in that eaae the other day whon i saw hnr aho told me that it hail hnaled tho aoro completely my daiwhter who live in itth- brhlue alta hart also uaod zamlluk with thn aamo aatufaclory result i think it la imyond all doubt the fjnt heallnk halm known butii u thn opinion of all person who have roally tried 2am buk it hi a biiro euro for cwm pile ttbaceaaoh ulrnr eealp aorea rlnc- worm veut burnu acalda brutae and ll akin injuria and disease koc bax all drugklat nd store or pobt free trom 7am iluk co toronto for pried in of dlkoaaa ua also zm uk uo0 ubleu lit mornltim and hu lulotf amiitm roofroiilid him tlth wrnui in hr tje and a telriain in in r band aayliir llrr la uuwa that ha tn walllntt for you wi auhu- liui hn blink rd looked wl lrkj thn bat rack flt thru 11- p kla nmruiurlnu i ml my itl in town v abutvpllih with aeat b lk irony hut you bni the eon tint with you wkddinti ammlvrrbarlttl 1lril eotton kncotid ahr third ilhr llfliiwooiloil kevenlh woollaii 1 mill tin twelfth linen 1 iftmintb cryatal twnluth china twenty fifth allver tlilrtlath pearl bortleth ruby fiftieth rnldeu hevenly hflb diamond thl orand trunk railwa hienoesrtwaiha1 l i lb- um- t w tiie ctnirlniioe tf uothnrbood ti trying one to moat women and distinctly art epoch in their lj r- olio woman in a nun drad u pn iwtrd i pa undent tayla how tt lmx opurlvcure fnrbni if ofrourw mni ly ovury vnmuti no v ailnya baa m ml i nil mtriatmont ut tin tlmo or childbirth but many approtiil nxikulmien will an orjraiilam unfltuil for tho trial i klrtuikth and win n uu ajraln la ov r her mbuim baa rer lvid a ahork jr m whkh ll i lunl tn mruvir rllov luff right uiw thl coin a the in ivoiia hlraiuof rarintt for the ehlhl m d dlallnnt nhaiiire in tho mother imilb theminotlilnhiiorcliiniliijlhti aliappyaiwl litiltby mother ir rljl drci end lmlm iiw birth uwh r hidil oomlluonm inod lie no lard ujiii allli orlwauty rim mn xplfllnahle tlli la tliat vlh all tl ovhlenroof abftlt iinrvn and broken lieallh rtiiiltlii front su hiipraparid condition n i will iwrslat 111 klk blindly to tlw trial it luii though ilm mlierhiki ratlin iiihiii thiim imawarf tin y bnvn ample umn in whlth to pnn but they for lb moat part trust to rhaitcn ami nsy ilm lieitalcy iii many homoh unco rblklloaa tin ro are now children irtcauoo of thn fmt llial fydla k plnkhatn vfgeubli fomitound nutkea womon normal healthy ami atronffj any woman who would llko aptmial advloo in rbrd t liustter it corllnlly invmasi fo writ to mrs imnkfmm t lann maaa urr leittor will bo held in trlot oonflilenc ir a t- gimson painter paper hunger iuittirw frurnor kto br in inform tf ladle o ac ion uwi i urioumlinp vicin ity tliit li li i lx t u ixjil d a f in- 1 of ibc larcut will 1 ih r hou s in in urla i unl to chno r from lvicyi uilit auo ili it iil is u p r il lo rcpnr all gr unit aluminum and unwh ltd wirr knivc id si is orb ground furni ture hep urcd snoi mni simppt acton u1iic1iv a cornaondent uf tho phlladulphla ledger recall an epitaph which may 1mi seen in an old moravian ciimelary in mloueeaur uounty n j it la thl lumnuibar friend a you paae by aa vou are now ao onm wa i a 1 am now tbua you tuuat w ho lie preparad to follow m tliom ha 1hiii writtun underneath in iminoil preaumably by aoiue wa 1 o follow you im not content till i hull out which way you we mo other way f lady pardon me bul ro tbae pgrafrmh laldr fi nicer abaolutrly madiitu tlie farmer 1 purchased i hem from wont allow hi hen to lay tho hi auy other way i tremble at each breath of air and yet can heavleet burdao bearr waters a man unt necmearlly wpiare e cause be la cornered ono unconrloualy jrowi into the llknnesa of his ravorlle aiieclflcatlon and llnally becomes the expreaaion of ida ruling thought- henry wood llio eaeo with which corn and wart can be reniovnd by unllowaya oorn cure i lie atronffoat recommen datlon if seldom fall in o rsln ml i il n or r ulrnr clilll in daw 2500 3nu ll secubbjdoub homesite in warren park subdivision acton thvib hbbd liv out ajdimm till wlnlr iy eill th taletmen im gain to ull my oonlltnt atly wbl thy nl and what do bf nl r m tint wkeo w umtottl lo hu oprm0tlptummwlr uin our asdiyldm utadtloo uid lt o xb prtlt wlf la our flrf t oon dwrtktlod boad i w buanuilo our dnitf to boluurtmligyiwllmlluro km h onroomtommti mippllod with jmtwtat hoyk for i mitaotut- ink to never audwod iwfr omtoy ooayouhd iftoau nffom- m uy i 4 ilirt1-t- ntturtuou or nervou jsduutowoj ndrsrfouerjr oora- rso thl reltabfo r om 4u- iabbrllml j6i sty okwd f1t wow 4fso f il- j r g v 1 l v u a r f tl si i t t j u r if v t la v it ja 37ttft7 fffofo3ia trrrtmioi it never get up time the itlcaoy or ulckwa antl oon aitmpuve byrup in curing cougha and oolda and arreetlng inllammallon of thn lunua can lie ealahllehed by bun divda of teatimonlala from all sorts ndmiiidillona of tnnn it la a aland rd remedy in theae atlmant and all airutlonu or the throat nd lunu it la hlhy recommauduil by medicine vfiidora liecauaa they know and ap- preolalo lu value a a curative try it l looka a if it would lie eaay for other people to lie good children ory for fletchers c asto r i a if the liver is uh btih it op bv tub tlsk of uilburnslaxaliver pills they sumutati tbe siukisii ileun tbe coatel tonkuc swwteu tho breath clean oway all waste and poison oua tiiutlcf fioui the system and prevrnt as well us cure all sickness arising from a iluordered condition of the stomach hvrr and imiwcls mrs matthew snlhvuti pule wldft nbwrite i hadlieru troulded with hver complaint for a long time i tried most everything i could think of but none of them smed to xla me any good but when 1 at last tried milbum a lasa liver pill i soon liegan to get well again thatiu to the t milbum co 1 would not be without them if they cost twice as much milhumti la uver mils are 23 cents per via or a vials for si 00 for sale at ell dralcra t mailed direct on receipt of price by the t milbum co limited toronto ont paper makers axohtixrown ont itook nkws and ooujhkd papkbs inc it halutliu this may interest you i want a rallal la taotoalloaral kaoe apaalallla in dull um small trull mad pomtiiaa cliiwrln ah rub m atn in 4elaa aihl boudir dating fall and wlaler laoauw uutai lioa idiu lardtory l pay whiij 000 acre of huraory stock cihk wallstown iim sod abrabe llial will aatialr onr euatuinan bt dlh uaruitaarf itatalllaliail ovarbs yeara willa lor wliala or vait ume unas kim uaoaar lelha nubsery c0r tououro ontario tha steam firaultb and marble works cabpbh dnaun leslgiiersanlililulraolblataea 1 iwumi monumonla markers and head atones siid all hlnda of artistic cemetery work wm hemstreet acknl acton kor years mother oravoa worm lctf terminator bau ranked aa the moat eftucllvo preuirallou manufactured itiidltalwaya ntaliiulna ua reputation lliiire u im iirealer phllanthrtiplst in the country than die working man who shares bla loaf of bread wlth hie iteltlhhor will crook 1 r t at brown afcton on tho abovo map shows tho relatively udvutitttgcousllocatioii of tho choicest and only available building property in acton get a homo of your own the eaby way mure it is 1 2300 down and yoooper month without interest until paid lor take possession of the lot and start building your homo an improved centrally hrtuatod property ready to build on located in the choice section build a home where a family may live in fresh air amid boautilul surroundinks and with ample room for a garden this is the best buy in acton mid lots will double in price in a few years liberal discount for cash s all inlormaliacajid maps at ofhed of r j7m af ill st acton sevleke cold devglopcd into pneumonia doctoraro wewould not live next to consumption there arc more deaths from pojsuqwula than from pay other lunc trouble there u only one way to prowat pneumonia and that is to cujm uw cold jul aa soon as it appears dr wood- korvay ilna byrup will dt this qukkjy and effectively j mr iluih mcleod ustcthaay bask write myllttlnltoytnokavcry severe cold and it developed into pneumonia the doctor said he would not live i cot soma of your lr wood s norway vint byrup and be iks to improve rlht away ho is now u stroiif healthy child und shows no rtltjuti of it coining batk do not lie talked into ttuylnr any nth norway tliio syrup but insist on cettinf ihe oriaiiial dr vwod it b hit up in a yellow wrapper three pine tree the trailoniotk price jo whu j manufocturmnilyhytliat mllburn co llmluj in jiui out your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills llour oatmeal bran shorts 1 ho best at lowest prices conpcisntious plumbing heating is not k jircyth inuth us lo the- contrary wo make it tho most important factor so il you favor us with your pawn ii you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber quebec st goelh photbssrscl patents promptly 5ecuredi will tor our inlrirmhia bdbki ra ttaln ami llow vot r banrl ua ntaigla akacti ur ate kntion ulimiiiaiil and our opinion wbetbar hlssweu cqutteyt fully ctpilnnad la hoolisi sna waaali totii ihliiqmhiiaaaalauaskb ly rtupalch wmk nthkaiy ae auoadsrlhalnxnllbn llalmtrtraaj uisubct mocul it ivvpacunatla bwtcia dial lhui uai t rtonraeal tu intiaanu unit iwm i marion mark patent eaaert uitrf sair verfc ijied wumm

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