Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1911, p. 2

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lavaaala 4 mmmikv dmktahm at il a bo nl soaa mala hl ihni at madu ssirl nowcutiaf tjjf j b a uw ua tounknli ttuhucai tbe km of i brautw liiaiaa asia hiiiwui suui sain ttf he j u wiksoe n a- ooia hu blibtrliur krtii- srs xdl a iluui mb thuuwuf mlmt nss tie adnlwn at to ilimkm hospital hsmiisa tv mnmsw suata j thuusijay novkafllklt w 1011 ditorial notm llhamirohbs secured llydrokled trio powtr there is no good reason why milton should not apply for it and gel ii to hvrl of our menu faaturara hav eald that they want it- mora will nn doubt be blad lo ul ii and it would be a great attraction to other to oome l uluon and help to mklljie town tb great rimnufaeltir fngoenlr that with it other grt advantage it should tir and will li if it cltlmna bestir ttiaoiwlv th hoard of trade should lake this ineu ur tinder consideration and bring it before the council obamplon a cm v of th allh annual report of tb department f moral nod 80 ul reform or lit methodist uhuroh pre pared by rv t albert unorv- i i general haeretary he rold at thla ofbo it la a wary couiprahen jv document and allow in vary sue clock form i ha principles problems and program ni of uia daparttnent tha dominant purpose of thla department u shown lo w lua applying uf lha teaching uf j sens u every moral rvla hon and activity among lb clllsene of our country dr moor and hu a socials have aoooropluhed vary salt tary results from i hair activities uf tha tf tllatlte wllx hu general approala lion throughout tha dominion of tha action of dr bprouls tha speaker of lb uouaa of corn won in hla oourag too determination in lha matter of hla conviction in regard to total ab atidvne win and intoxicating liquor of all klnda will b nbt from all din oar qr eoctal function held in tha bpaakar chamber uon dr sproul baa glvan order to thla effect thu establishing mw pcordnt in oontmction with lb speakership at ottawa mr sproul baa alao been a ufa long advocate of tb oauaa of tmn paranca and tha xeluslon of all liquors from lha nnmaroua aoolal funo- uona which partaln to iba offloa of speaker u in una with the airong and daflnlta atand aba baa taken in lb ukn who pwiru to baoppoaad to bulrgttalaofaoolsamjthktlc i nroeaa afcry to oaa rvaooh la taachlng tha in fank c in aocb aahoola in the united state bngllah la the only ian gnag allowed lo ba naad the pnbllo aahoola tb rapubllo la mora brltuh than ontario in thla and the hoata or fotwjgn papua do not lo but gain by it tby uam eogllah qulekly and ere aoon able to bold tbir own with the american puplla while the vlcllma of the oatarlo bilingual aohoou are uft handicapped for ufa by ignorance no other language but bngllab should ba allowed to be uaad in teaching in the public dr separate aahoola or this brit tab provlnoe bvary candidate in lh coming lectona should b aaked to exprcea himself clearly on thla point hilton champion durmt lha fact that more or vaa advara reporu hav come from tha regaidlng the crop yield lha opinion of aotne authoritlm wall cal cubuad to judge la not an peaalmtatla a might behnaglned it la lnlrat log to know that lb northwest grain iealn association still counts upon mortlmuil7a luports up to a wk ago indicated that about to per cent or ihtt wnt in unltoba baa been uinwbedebout 60 pjr oenu in baskatchewan and about 35 to jo per cent in alberta titer baa already been inapected at win it i peg thla fall nearly co006owj buabcla of nlieal and it la ea 1 1 mated that there u about a00000a buabela lit store in tbq country elevators and a few mtlllonaarealeolotranalt owing to tb tact that wheat price have been high throughout the eeaaon and an likely to continue so it u bstlmated fartoarf wlu profit largely even on tbalr low grade wheat mamaaawarr ur david carnoohan tir an old and aatadmed ridnt of thle town ship died on sunday the funeral was bald on tuesday and waa largely attended three son and two daugh ters david of acton j robert and stephen naaaagaweya and un wo arthurnaaaigweja unk miller brio sqrvlva on tuesday aftarnoon of last week harry watson a teamster waa work log at tb o p b crossing at oaup- bsllvliu a llttl east or lb elation tha flyar which reaches milton at 16 waa known to b approaohlng and wataonwas about in drive bl team acroaa tha track tbe horsea were blaebsd to m stoneboat on wbloli there waa a larga railway tie tit section tnn advised wataoo to walt until tha train had paasad but ha thought he had time enough and want ahead watson did not get the end of tb if clear tb angtn struck it and threw it against him it struck one of his arm and bit aids three rib wore broken and there arc internal injuries bl condition la critical but it is hoped tha h will recover r said tbe astonished landlady to a travalltr who bad sent bl cup forward for h ventli time tjou moj br ond w ata4mni i am bs replied or l m basdraokeqniuab wmtrrlnfihallttk mr warrensacton meeting canvlnolna- addrai by hon mm- llala klnat in wnlen p whimybi courwa l vary uponarlr d mb r d xvarrbn and mk at m oiavbgr ausm alpkak ttist waa one of tha most 1okioi convincing and reaaonabu political jilimni i ifr llstenad to recoarkad a wu known filthten whose political pradllletlnn sra aomnwbal in doubt to ha local trailers aflvr be had beard hon w i yon maakansut king at tb nectlnr in llr warrens lntrsu in the tnwo ball last wednaaday lug i thaclllaen who haatd mr king in his vrry affeotue ipwcli in sptuibar iii wtialr of mr walter iilnd nmllb wrra anxious to har him again ami as a result tha hall was wdad when ba a roe to apeak h a accorded an ovation and lit p plauaa continued for several minute ur king was filtarlng from a very ivsr cold itlt in ijulat clearcut and rorclbls tvrma ha arraigned wllh 111 ing vrecl the hllcy or nrglsct and inability which h claimed haa char acterised the administration of sir m whitney ha showed very ooncluklvsly at tbe onuet ilia i hi was no iiuastlin of public policy baror the people of ontario requiring tb dissolution of parliament more than a year bofore its larm had expired the utter lack of courage on tha par hlrjauies whitney lo come out rlrly and wirrly altd alate wbern he stands on tl i t llldiial sohixil iieallon pub- llo 1 wi ethhlp compensation in work ingiitmii no i ilia land t pr poaah was hsld up in airong oontraat in the definite lucidly defined and progtes- stvo tktllry or mi- n w lauwell tl- naw ij intra i laailnr who at a crucial dviiik in the history ur the l bad given hla lime and ability in her imliair the imrxtrutit itli of compen sation lo injnied woikmen or their rinllles is one of pre u liar interest to thr htmdrvda uf work ingram in thla town they listened with lulxns in terest to mr king whrti he referred lo compensations provided under ilrll ish acta and the bills enacted in tbe provinces or nova bcotla manitoba and alberta slnoe hlr jam whlla ney want into pctwer ontario which formerly lad lha provlnoe in progres sive ivgulallon had enacted no law in this direction and hlr jama whit ney declined to d no lam wltat he was prepared to do in the matter as he de clined also in other important issue sir james policy of biding behind other cabinet ministers inapeotors and apeclsl commissioners did not com mend ulm to the rank and die or tbe electoiat the liberal party mr king declared baa definitely pledged itself to put into foroo law lo provide compensation where worklngmen are killed or injured and to avoid uugav- llon where claims are made concluding bis masterly address mr king said sir james whitney is not entitled to your oonbdnoe when be refuses to give you bis looking at the matter of policy looking at tbe character and ability of the liberal leader looking at ilia wall known worth and experience of mr wai the candidate before you you wl am sure decide at the coming election to caat your votn to atrengthsn th opposition and curtail ihe one man power of nif jamoa whitneys govern msnt in thla progressive province or ontario mr it 1 warren the liberal can did ate made a capital speech in manly businesslike fashion be re viewed thu questions or tb day and showed a very coinmendlble grasp of the various issues that are being dis cussed during tho present campaign lie spoke strongly on the matter of the educational policy of th govern msnt showing the great injustice worked both nn the school boards and the young ponplo qualifying for teach era by tha closing of tbe county modal schools the new land tax proposals of mr kmvrirejatrorra whlob had been in warmly endorsed by numer ous conservative newspaper it warmly kuppnrled ii contended that lit svrry puhllo school lu the pro vince the icngluu language should be thoroughly taught lu all pupils mr warren expressed pride in the posl uon lis occupied a standard bearer of tbe liberal parly in hallo n in the couiestajid promised to glve1ihrb4l support 16 a strong and progressive policy on all matter that affect the welfare ol the paoplw of ontario dur ing ida address mr warren roadaveiy cordial letter r mr d d chhslia wishing him suoeea and assuring him he would do anything in bl power lo secur hla election mr k ii oiavr harrbter of bur lington n a carefully worded speech commended strongly mr n w bow- ell tbe new leader and hlflalform and assured siteelector that after a cloa acquaintance of mr warren and studying bis character and business ability he eould recommend him tin quallbedly to the elector of hla native county he spoke warmly of tb un british act of sir james whllnay in passing the threefifths rrqnlremenljn local option ejections which retard ad so seriously the progress of ontario injavuslilng ihobarrooiiisjfn afumtr to sir james whitneys claim that h hd smashed lbs school bok ring he aid mill by little b had smashed not the school book ring but tbe cslteht school system which was in effective opeiallon when he oauaa into powatt mr a j mackinnon uf lh county eiecutlv occupied the chair and in very fitting term introduced the sneakers tea u the result of care and experience in blendinrf must bo the combination of fine flavor smooth strength and richness because all these elements ere so generously included in red rose tea it well merits the term tfood tea iredrose r r win 1 itouiho acabr oot ma of in m fw hourw there is notfalug made that will so qulekly rldmh scalp of distressing llohlnw as pa iii fi i an saqb the hair dresser and bautlflr a t btpwn guarantee parisian bags to cure dandruff top uohlng scalp and falling hair or monay back aud sells it for only k0 cent a large botuv itpuu vikajlty into ths hair and give it a radiant lustre it la tbe favorite hatr dressing of re- flneduunan bachumll soqulckly reat f reshfk tb scalp and nofgeln stloky tir gtrcty7ietlugnuul tn nee orbhook uniisnvaooiitv on thursday evening novemlter loui greenock literary hoclely ntel for rorgaelsatlon tlie a lection of nfllcere resulted as follows i president jobo u allsn vicspresldenuk a maun ami r weal srcretarymusm uc 11 assistant hrcreury mu m s near treasurer m re j k pea re 11 oiganletmustena ttionioii assistant organise uua j m allan and mr ivaren honltorcbas allan uuard alex thompson door keepers- ii lambert and c thompson kzecutiv oommltte j k peareii k a mann and mlas mcdwnald a hearty vote of thanks was tender ed to lb retiring prldnt mr j lselta for lh efnolent roannar in which h performed i be dulls of hi offlo during lb past season fur mububbbiv avtook beore ordering tree writ our catalogue and prices or see our nearest agent we are lh largest grower of tree in canada vu line of apple pea pear cherry and plum trare our tree are noted for on root system and largest limb growth our n are patronised by tbe largest and moat progreeaiv rrolt growers of canada- write for an agency brown bros co nur serymen ltd brown nurseries wetland co ontario to uokum dr win principal of a boys acnnul just before hawent oi bis hull days had occasion to cane a pupil and it 1 supposed did the work thorough y the lad took his revenge in a way that tb doctor himself could not hel laughing ai dr win front door bore a plate on which waa th 00 word win tha boy wrot an addition tn thla in big letter so that when th doctor cam bow tbe inscription ran wine and other llcker another brief scssion council mat on monday eenln all the mem iters were present hvi hynds lh tha chair tbe oommltte on finance present ed their wlh report and thn following accounts were paaard ik krie coal i u i i hi khturry labor n lorhee gravel i h w mulllit broken lm masrs lleartliihir a oo biim1 for pnrniusluti to ertrt rlrclrk lighting hle on mivrrml uev movvd by a lk1 wiondrtl ly w cooper that rrganlu g him m msl uf ueesr beard more jl tt for mtuu slon lu place electric lifiht n certain streets leaimi g from their tan arte to their iu irnces tn church lret and their wai houses on j itelph street the council would prufrtr that ill poles in be used for alxivn puihin lie planed t n lltelr own pr hrly leai ing up to chora it nu 1 jtislpli hlroeli permission lielntf hereby k cioss noli tpets as la lntthry wnd wliere t ultist it placrl 1 11 oh in street in ordr i make u nncolloit permission la 1 rl y given tin oiindl lion llmt any suoh poles will ba ra moved u xm ir4iist of ihe council carried ttin council then adj turned a pmoritabisj ihvtarmkmr an in vest till- nt that gitnrautnosgihkl returtia la a yeat a sultscilptloli lo lliti rmlly herald ami weekly hlar tf montreal tlta lnilly llsrahl and weekly hlr f r a whole year and thn beautiful picture home again all for one dolur is tha vary best dull 41 4 worth that can it had the plqtiira home again u certainly a iteallty huch value haa nevtr iff tie us 11 of fored in canada llu i 1 i i id and weekly flur la a most woudaiful wtmhlrmtlnil it tvl to ull classeo all ages and brings plvasiira ami pro fit lo evaty hnino it reaches good for complexion if you are suffering from pi 111 pise blotches or any bklu dfsase d tnt ivt it rprvad or it will quickly become much more actions th safsat remedy fur all skin troub usisd d d pieaorfplmhi lit well known tcesttni cure it will clean up th complexion ovr night you can try d d d lr ftllon by simply writing lb u d d tbor- atories dept a t oulboro st toronto for a free trial botlie it will show you that any akin trouble can be cured by d d d preeorlptlon hla va1m etatoaarr tb first parents wr lvlag th garden togalhsr when kv suddvaly stepped behind adam age befor beauty shs remarked wllh mor truth than modesty hub mnttarad adam willi boastfulneea that was surprising that order bad been followed when the serpent wss interviewed i bet wouldnt b walking out now i howbtuuiv t 1 onmnbtaco telas we tseestwtasse asssewa 4 uower for lae issa u sac bsluvs him prttlv bonarsble la all bailn imis uthws sod on saeulusaattassnvaalsbr abllsuwm insds by btsbrsa wunwa kimmam a if as vim wbelsssle draftsis tdlwln o bsltsosulrrb oars is issen uturaslly scutis dlraeuy apoa ibssraleaa 1 jsmtfvj nil ftw prtos yi brain workers who gathttla exercise feel bcller all round for an oocasloual doso of nadruco laxatives xhuf tone yp tha iw move tho bovcib gently but freaty clunso the qnlam ud dear th4 bii a nev ptevant and rellablo laxatlvo prepared by a reuinlo firm and vorthy ol the na druco trade mark asca box if your druggist baa not yet stocked them send 3so and ve will mall them national drug chemical company of canada limited montreal 21 cxxxxjqtpchxkxrj winter overcoats hor the men and boys i ins 1b a very live huhject juut now wo arc showing i vtry urge range in llilt ioodi the stvlls arc lorru l but not extreme tilt prices arc the most reasonable possible- every line a select it- now 5 dressing gown smoking jacket g and bath robe s igdomaubwknlttkdsilk mkckw1ar batll jaj s another fctilrmioiit of knu1nk wool bwhai kit fi th optil to lay i b s ile nelson 1 ah jbjsh retdy sjeilrmk for sesstatip santa father nd j claus mother pringle with everything guelph in the jewellery 1 1 line 1 vklf vlsury plow and plow renal rs juay be bad from w j qordnn the karneea maker aossn fnr this dlslrte stvsmx fir mens and boys underwear i i no incl heavy natural woolii li is tic ribbed scotch icnit wool mecccd i or comfort durability and value wo particularly recommend the penangle and hcwson lines which wo are showinp j he wty these hnei arc moving out shown th it the buying public appreciates their worth we arc heavily stocked in all line of cold wla1hku goods at valuiis un- urpas cd inywhcrc henderson co mill st acton ont tixxxxxxooooooxxxxxoo fitia ubfrtixntunts waniki a ho uk u nnnl kdotrli sadlsn fllr im uhr 1 ntvu i ttsilt ilr i luitauu tuullmtou setoo t o lost a wki i i alik abutay aiuhj rj nataifuimi aerer iroai u nnuilm biphht to as oon t h paid to iwrni rlu h otu c110ick building uwh foft 8alg ih psrtlwi ebo will bwlsrtsfc to mt 4nll lo two is will mil asoiss bulidln lu l low pctass oa sssy luiai ui patautit iimarmonm m co counteif 0j1kuk jkkh rgmir vmim 1 saw u ftwpstd w all all dn l lo joanuit jlss loas ol uy alia tw aamnrlpttoa watratelis fbiulslwd u u jaamuif o kind uot t shmi out of town lo tir in w oka i uubluiiloai iiihi aatae yner valuablk pkoikkty for sale satin hi utibion tits neese u gunuhl soov la apood ood obiiu wllh aaom wslw thisi niaaa knoura used usla rluwa a iwor ave oumstl kxh ihhlsnf treat wall pair insies sad oal hwc iurdsa4son s4fssuoa lo w j otul u1m owuw wiaiik si iinoidiy rguiiil n to mtveouit u n in aiiauki ol fcv sofft readytowear garments for women misses and children in complete assortments comprising every new style fabric and model r more aitj too how sallsfaoloilly all jour win ii you sts ibsily i tiurcluko yoy new wlnlur a tarel c0m dsslre sad bectu can ba hlll tram tha vul absorltiinnti we oiler yi u w hva assemhlwl truly itimonui variolic o cftala iiulls eltertwuin sn i awnlntf drenes waist sfclila uudsfwear ele no popular stylo u lacking and our aisoilmsiiia are llioroughly comprehensive w tllracl yt ur especial stunuon in hh uct that wo it not handlo a b numlter of each style but vr do display sn enormous dumber of illdarant stylos 1 hla assures an eiclutlvenos lo every rustomsf our prices are tnodsrale art 1 each rxlca prowl jos axcelont value bias corsetsfor full figures sloul woman tnais than any other will be sutnrltoj at lha aaaa and com lor t ol lbs osv uua afodeli which are form reducing stul alisiui retaining loan anient nevsr before accomplished at tnoderal cost youihlul lines are mad possible wllh matronly flgiuoi snl i lis more lllaa cor mis are toted and clialleojred hy urge women ihe surer w are of their trade a little cafo in selottlng ilia rlflht motlel will lnuro ctmlorl aud satisfaction ttsyon i anything yoa have ever known visit our corset dspartmsni lur further information mens clolhlnf d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macdoncll streets guclph ont dress goods auction sale ok 8ijtpxtjh stock tba undarbinad ties isoawsd lasunotincw nmh john hurllnuham la sou i bta lain uu um kilo utd hiwmm asm lute within bj a toll of uihhm oeraen oa fiua bih uuumbbr tobooaloas umtollawls huhuatm 1 nam eupthaaa lo bo la tosj l klnaauxt liov 1 aumvumula woahla botw uatteavti tgwa a ihoroeanbtael unrttsss ws i sow issts old das res or isasary i w jyaaaauld 4ua ira slant i g- j an old see ie bsifsrs lluhiwallbaad yoaksulrssow das to tkr- rwlmof uaosattarl 9 korkehuw bteodso uuwa of plan batwaau llandg to himkr- 10 well baad uoeoli bun bail 1 1ooj rouutuva qi htohaau taripair airaua i over urn uatevat is mobuts stwdli o ilsa apprevsd lojnl notes trive pa eluchstf and soma nod drjcjfcb 1 estssr sad pair or bttstw tikmb ait auew of uu dollars aad tuadw crsh fmd por hwl raw furs junk i also isll all kinds of fuhnltuhii jwc shxb hcton napaaaaatmuna december undnnnaptinnnn musical gems uadrjnuaauanaa which will naaandaaaapnti delight victor owners wko ars yo with to nlktr wllllumn vmi autyne w all fall fiowlwlu meyer hluv mi a 1 rialhaooiji cdoa t ah wklls i mnitley rhiktwl iltrkit ausforlovla vo unrru litatvj quastm quautitj lr ill holumefmm milwaukee maiuit v hi xkiiakih cbrlagmabaeklollsaa llorllu suvlr t sckaalisr dmi yovr uatksr kaow yov rs ostt votlolbotirl iok i wai our fnvorlto odlor mr wutwtii coitiploles nn tittuitllvo lombinnttoit by giving un a una record of qiiu of liiu favorite hkm o co all ys fallkfsl alittle i idollswlth clilniat j- vhrlslaiart ilytntl tfuruhmlur cufiac hoy to tka worli clirlhtmnn llyii rnniiv ciiuiac iwutti uontlol l lmsit ltmih 1 wo fuuin tn nnil balovwl hyiiiussniilli ummi in ilia clirltlmnti ju 1 timo noblu yulo title anthnum nra ulvati a noble fundi t ion by ilia cliolt tho into of thlmott in tho adctito kldollri heln cuouully olloctkc hi milotllonu luetitlonotl uia but u low of tha iiutliy lu ukcti from the docombor list cal v and 1iuar thew atbrown acton the merchants bank ii op canada money matters ih tjiestt c0ot tiubs ail workers are samlng raore uonsy iban avr bsfor sad all tbojwhttolpeojile will dslr to save a part of ibslr amine or future usirufc ubrchamts bank thrahfh thu savlnga ilspsrlmant can help you lo sav mosey bseaus money depialtd in tbalr savings dapmrtrosnl is frss from ar or sny risk of tea it la not liable to b pvn oeadtsasly will ssrn money for you tn interest added to your balance on dollar will start an interest bearing account sod your additional savings osn bs added at any tlua nlbrm sddsd from mats ol dsposli joint savlnjrs accounts may b uitausd k tuu merchants uank lh money la which may be withdrawn by either ol two parr l bold accounu and intsrut la paid c total assets over erana these are vary cor van lent houae- isll balances acion branch f 4 maqlean manager a the free press ssxsarri l00 saskatchewan farmbafgains own a jarm that will pay for luolf with on crop dont pay bant dtt acres improved good bulldlngit hear iiiwii wltb stock and implaoienu vary small cash payment balance half crop payments 1410 acieii all under tmllivatlon near town eood buildings small cash pay ment balance half crop payments write fur full particuunt addressing brown fc philips car of tree press actea oat ocean stanublp passages booked atbok aotoh vii lines rsyralir lalorcaalloa ouesrtullj j hstmahalf ooasral atsot no a woasa oaslaat w aosajuoat vaot b slsior bakepy 1 naar quality brhad oakks w0doino oakks ohr1stmas cakks ktc bto makl syrup and honbv m8inxi pioklkm b7 yarlatlaa oystkr8 and rmbh oonrbotionbry daat llnae qalia tod y t statham son tastiest acyrbtr the bell piano that cannot bo surpassed lor dity or design and finish of a llano i tone durability this is lb season vo are thinking uf purchasing a liano start your child young and give bar the advantage of plajlngona oell ilano with iba new repealing action and clear hull lone llanos sold i silly by you i intro ibu can be msl chas w kelly mi ivaec haaavsaaa slrr ouclph ontario winter footwear boots ix shoes we luva a full ilock of winter weluhl ito awl lblldren in all i he tlwt shape slap s splendid ho of men waterpoql shoos rubbers our aluck of these goods is very comtiwl including kabbsrs wool uned rnbbeni overshoes and itubher doots lett u supply your wrntar footwsmtr hda w witlliams mill street acton grand trunk vws winter tours california mexico florida etc at low kates tfaa qvmnd trudlt ltalwv i th popular rouu tub attractive roijtiv 10 winnipeg ani wbstbrn can ada lb via chicago fullimrtloqlbmfron h sr holmes i agert

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