l ontario elections dktmbr lltk 1911 your vol and induanca ar itaspat ully solicited or dr a w nixon consmrvativit candidate iw htmm caausly la ta oattarte laslalalan a vota ibrmtlii vote for whit- nay amd honest progressiva and xfllotexit administration headquarters vok wcddlnr and birthday presents solid sliver tn and cahc skoh rich cat cls berry lloww oug in ami 1s47 ttecere 5llvrwei u7 head iwdutj china werhflee kim uvumaos uoinbu lasukd geo hynds atom ontario baooma independent attend cuiott tohonto trees reajl estate safer t ismm at lewesi raie f iaterem lwvaamlmvffaraai far aaje cheap dwellings aa atfcer prarty 1b ajl parts af the tviu we have every laelllij rr iraaaactlajr ear baulaes t year caaaptoie muafactua j a willovghby erctawa 9ht jutoix jfm rcss tutjithday novkmiwit 1u11 bmef local items 43hritma eoue on apace btaotlon day monday 1kb de- wenber quatpb winter fair opens 12th lv ifqjrjior a month crowded wllh flhlttttmi baslnesa aotwuiee monday waro weather and bright eunablne epolled tl e slelnlilag sir james whitney addressed a seatlne in quelph opera house last avnataa t meeting of lit ksquealng dp otfuncii will be held on- f 1 uih dmmur 1 fire brigade llftli annual hand eupper in iha town lull on f 8ih december rev j a wluon u a moder- of quelph preebytery preeuled ka meeting at guelpb on monday if joseph o uoore of naaaaga lya haa purchased th general atore lire fteorg hpenca at bdn ur j e searrow will iiroaoh on y morning alternately until r notice at slloeni and urenson methodist obtirah 1 johu danny baa purchased b atr d a i1enderon the farm ha ntly purchased front moeara o st lladonald lot jo oon j kiqucslng jopla travailing out of town these f morning by the uti train would u a utile of the morning sr i extended to the atrawl lighting ro drunk from acton were ar- saturday night and worn kept fca oells over ulght and allowed to home sunday morning ouelpb nam pleas- ir t header n m f now oc laaoai in the front row of tbn imant bench in tho house of look twlt hon mr hoggatt next to billy ueolean he patatul honin in rosedale itoour h 0 feholtleld the uto candidal for bouth ingtoowaa damaged to lha z of j10000 by dm on saturday t r w wllllama reoelved aavaral st out of prima algoam mooae reek fro hla aon carlo at st trie they ware much enjoywd uoewl i ware prlvluged lamplr theoi owing to tbo provincial eleotlona aoaalng on in daoeoibar the novent varaudlsaeeetbaepariuera lnitllule laailliap have beau called off and lha iketuute ca will not begin lrwltno bylaw rt the nulaanoa eaneaa by unaeapa and uanacea- awgljataa made by tr pauing utfqarttbe town etpaolalty kr re- 1 gmida the blowing of wbullee and riaglac of nllfcjwslmpiaadjartjpreek xhareoll jm suqdajra thle yoav xbtawdl not happih again in 100 yeete and it baa been euggeated that all rellgluurt deoomtnationa oala brate the ftbrd sunday whlali falu on deoatnber slat aa a nnlrnl day of tbaakagwlng 5mtae parl ujmuton wrtlaa from bourau baak i wo havaiaft the gajkadveettlrd in uwo our pew btfvrbnm not be oomplete without vmi paaw with lw paw of the dm uonta sngloead bod l 00 for a yaao aabrlpttokt j t jwrole no to trahinien ooaatataot l with the atatatee eayei vopatt of a oar or engine may be iftdwad to occupy any part of a high way lot longar period than fire tnln ttla and a highway wuat not be ob f4wt twllohlng operallona for mm tiban five wlnutae at a urne t brittah columbia im ai6a oiuut tarmlnui of the qfaai trunk iaolfto rail way u going 1 mnyi and for a youug olty tbe bual news of local import mydroklaatrta bnatiaaaa mr mr wiiham 4 i hltaw muu l anglnr of lha ildr klaclrio 1 v r 0 nttulaal n vaa 1 i tuwrr ytnly 1 kklng over the town with a i i lurlhar infirmatlon reaptlng llm proposed inatallallon ir- aotbn junior moakarjr oluu on monday avonlng lha aolon junl r ii kkny club u organued and th t u wlng olllcers were elaclvd ii wrary praallantk j llnl 1 raaldenl a j lehman uitnagarja clark cu plain and ruo trvar j- u clark ofc margaraia aulldw bhmii the hmur lield in st lln reo lory imat frway and salmday rran inga waaqtilt a financial anccam it km under lha auaplcae of ht margar- ot a ootid the lady me ruber f which hava ft r aevrral year ba engaged in making good far haaaar aalea the relpla were upwarda of 100 tha mathodlak kvanfeuartla tameaa ihe apeclal aarvlcae in the metbodlat ohureh araatlll in nrogreea and are at tended wllh a growing interval the add route f llev mr draper tha pe tor are t tlet aarneet ezpoalllona f acrlpture with themaa intended to in duoe chrtatlaoa to mora active avrvlc whlle alnnera era tenderly ekhorled to accept chriat and imltal the lire he ii wad the eervlcea will be oonllnuad until the end of next week mr blmk mow ulal la toronto mr 1 a jmack end family hae aetlled in their naw borne on marl im rt streel toronto meaara krneat an i huward who are altandlng the unlvaralty are now able to live at tlielr home mr hlaok who waa ap- pointed auparlnlendentof the ilaptlat sunday school her upon the rwwov al of mr chapman andwhoeaeervlcea were much appreciated haa been auc- oceded by llav mr darrall the paa- tor women inautula tlilnibu twa the regular monthly meeting of the 7omn a inatltul will be held friday riernnnn at 1 o clock in tha council ghmiibfr tha meeting will be in the form of a tblnraje ta the ladlee will pleaae bring three cupa and platea and alao three apoona and either cake or aandwlchee aa light refreahmenta will beaerved a flvecenfc oollectlon will be taken for the blower commit tee al udlea and their friende are bordlally invited to attend and bring their aewlng nd pend a aoclal after- daatti of atlaa maria waany mlaa marie keany youngaat alater 1 the itev kailter peany paator of st auguatlne a churoh died monday evening at st joaaph ahoapltal ham ilton after an lllneea of a few week the news of mlaa keeoya death will be learned with much regret by her many friende in dundee to whom ahe waa much endearad alnce oonilng to town the funeral look place wd- neaday morning at 0 o clock to st auguallne church and thence to st auguellnae cenietary dundee star ml freeny had many friende inaelon who rrgret hei deoeaar metropolitan crwaeaa naaaffare mr it k qrlgga manager of ihe meiropolllan bank who waa called home a couple of weeks ago through hla tuntbare aerlou lllneea decided to aak f ir an extended leave of ebeenoe and haa realgned the nianagerahlp nf the bank bare he le auoceeded by mr ii h horllog who took eharge about uie middle of the tnonlb he come highly recommended and haa had a large general experience in tha banklog bualneea he i rapidly mak log frlenda with the cuetomer of the bik and the puhllo generally bc joaapb baiaar itnv father trayoorand hie helper have all arrangemtnta completed for the grand opening and concert in eon necllon with st joevph baaaair at s 15 thu evening aa announced laat work the talent i eepeelally aitrao- tlvr ouelph ladlee orcbeetra will be preaetit tomorrow it i p n the fair open ftav father pavke lecture on bermuda will he glvett in the evening marble orehectra will be preaent on satardaj the fair will open at t p m and the dlstrihu tlou of haaaar and apeclal prise wll uke place tn the even ng mr k jule braall organlat of one of the lead leg oburohee of toronto and planlat and concert entertalnertwlll give a good programme mfpviaa paurty ak bapuae paurwaaag rat v h burrell b a paator or aotoaaptut ohureh and mre bur- lell were moet groaebly eurprbed on monday night whan about alxty mem here of the ohuro both young and old took their homa by atorm the member from town and country gathered at the church and proceeded in a body laden down with all klnda of good thing to their paator e real dene a oiuelcal programme which wae enjoyed by all waa given hy the young people of the church lunch waa served at 10 p m alter which mr burrrlt in a few word apoke hla and mr burrell appreciation of their many klndneaee the party broke up about rnldtn leaving tha paator and hi wlfr two of the moat iurprla- d and happy people in acton daatoeci attmtnat ohwrtja oakm for aeveral weebe there baa been aj volume of very careful reading on the queatlon of church union among the young people of koox otftirch in view lfa debate on tueeday cyenlog al the meetlug of thp young people guild that a keen interest 1 felt on thle important qneellon was manifested hy the large attendance at this meet ing the affirmative aide was debated by mlaa margaret russell aa mr john oole while miss mlnol holmee and mr william near debated the negative aspect of the subject bach speakar occupied fifteen mlnulfev ml b h humphries and messrs j bv kennedy and w j l uampehlra were he judges after a very intelll gent and spirited dabate and careful summing up of the point respectively ndvanoed the judges decided that those on the nvgstlve side bad won and ohureh unlqn was consequently de feated mm jukftt a now dona there is remark aba ddrlegihe pauath of september flgyrfy f irl be jablcdrttd damast oauaaxl tar woroilai cure at lx laat irieelh g i i ll e k u li i c i3tl gaoo waa voted i i m i i glirrlw lantu klllrj i y d gv i j n rod 111 10 ci ft r a tl rap hi d up h almllarly kllli and wrlr hvl 6u fr killing a d g t nnd worrying hoapltal for mil ton a achen a r ir a h pi la i t r milton la under oonatderal ion a aululile i ulld ing la available furnlahed l the ownirr a tarn a art aatufect ry and lite fluaocli g cii bu art a l ged li can be imni on tli rin tier tltn need f r a b tapllal here haa liea i ruallisd i r ynara chanipl i konlmuaaa kahur thla vaar n imlnalluue are- generally i f hi tha laalmt nday in drceinhei hut i hi yaat- thwy will be bald on friday dec 22 id tht muulclpaf aolpr vide that when tha laat m n uy falla on ohr- inaa day w mlnalh n alia ii be hel i n the rrlday prevloua the elecllom wilt ba lteld a ua tal on the hrat uon day in january which la new year a will praauoa in sukatwn mr c b ii tlllurake itatrlatar wh left her for ihan rlhwrst some time ago haa i wated in haakatoon haak where la ha gone into partnerahlp with two other legal ganllatunn the arm name being maclean ii hinrakajc noxon saskatoon le to lha home f another tun i ltt r who left milton aoma yaare ago lo aeek hla fortunes in tl n great northwest namely mr george k met raney m i lb former died at atuart htbraaaa mr joaaph viynn arrived homn rroiu sluah neb it frllay after attending tha funeral or hla a in i or kate ihe wife of mr henry brock man mr ilrookman had bwn iii f a couple of wenk wllh pie urea y wl tub waa followed ly hemhorrage n lha lunga which cumi daath wllhl i en hour rlwi mn llrockman wa married sra year ag t laat auguat and their horn at stuart waa a very beautiful and happy nl e deoeaaed was a daughter of thr isle michael flynn aoit n ubawrtpuona to whhy oblaetai it look good lo ue i aee sir donald mann who a comparatively few ye re ago was a young fellow running about the at real here hand nut hla generous subacrlpllona to worthy object aa he le doing txstooq went from his ex chequer to mcoi tlnueralty laat erk and 5000 a few months ago to the y m 0 a toronto thle la juat an earnest of what will come to hla native town at bomb favorable time in the coming daya fur some worthy and appropriate memorial perpetuating the honorable namu the doughty knight beer r la mad kvery line of printed matter in a uewapaper eoets it publisher something if it la to benefit some individual or inatllu hon that individual or inatltutlon should pay aoniethlng u r it one could not go into a grocery atore an 1 askthe proprietor to hand out a pound of auger for nothlngjtyen though the grocer be a personal friend and even though tha gift be not a forge one it the beneficiary of adverllxlng dora ot pay for it ihe proprietor muat shoulder the coat leopledo n t ee nlnu lder- tand that a newapaper pays tl x pen aee hy ranting apace occupied aa a landlord doe tor the house he rent t tenant oommendlble honeaty the fhkh piibhh haa had much pleasure from time lo time in referring to the fact that i tat srtlolna ami a t i money watchea etc have letm promptly brought to thla ofllco hy the finder and restored to their own through thle medium on monday at noon the editor met a iillle girl fn ui lleardutore oreacant crying i itterly over the loaa of a two dollar 1 hi whun on tha way tn the store to do an r rand for her toother within an hour charlie uoldham the eeven year old pn of mr uarry goldhaiu bower avenue brought the i mt money to the qbek pbjcsa office and it was promptly indenttfled and restored to the little maiden who lost it the hoheety of the little lad brought joy to the loser and adplratlonfnr thi under at this ofuor such evldn oe of honesty aay much for the ring ing up nf the rialng ganralt n and mean much in their future aliaraclrr and success portananm interaatlna ratlea while furbishing up hla atore houae the other day oounolllpr a t brown druggist cante aoross a belt of thrfce wills bats and half a dosen wickets belonging to the old acton cricket club ol thlrtyor forty years ago they were originally in the care of mr j k mo garvin now of mexico cty mexico who wa proprietor of iho drug atore in thoa early day when he rcinov ed to berlin a quarter of a century ago the outfit of the old cricket club wae left in the building among the old time players who used these bale were poetmaater matthews reeve uynds j c hill w 1l keoney j t the late fred h storey t t moore z a hall secord brother john hutoh tnon austin tubby a k nlcklln j p ii p moore j p dr lowry c w uliurev dr farmer rev dr cook rev dr moore r n thurtell j k mooarvin and many nthera in those daya orlaket took the lead over baseball the more modern game tnaaa interesting leuos are on view in the fhkk pnssa ahow window social and personal mr main i u miui a waa in ma fn ln i rlln i t i llaarrrk mlaa iciu till 1 riwi waahomafrotn xt r it 1 ring lha week mr t i an in an 1 uour iohbl viil d uiloh uelbl krldy mlaa wlnnlo m rt ti or olrnvll liana is in lay wllh act u rata tlvna mlaaluatkarat m nrll t heaplot apent ii week and wllh frlenda in town mr n i ii wrl of aali gr e waa a g lasla m imn it tat thuraday mr tliou aa ko iivlme la apt tiding act iple if weuk virttli friend lo georgetown mr j ene t i uvurgalown wa the gueat ihu weak of lw auler mia ada s morvlllr mia beth anderw who haa bean in orangvl1le lha paat u llllnery imiud relumed i i mr a t whit arrived laat week li mi peri n tend ii work at the new luardroore aiding mr and mra rgi oburn t inrekakill n y were gueaia al v home or mr w william oil week mr william kdmulon aid family have left their farm at wilcox haak and am now comf dally mltlrd in a it aw i n a at h ulvau ml clara a moor who haa f r tlvw jtiura been aervli g tha puhllo with tit u alunllon at tha isiat offlcej of hamilton luft haul week for o mlaa itoae ritchie wh i uu ml ing her brother i m chlgen f i m tue time left laat weak f r halibut ton tu visit her frle da tl uie mr d r holme mlaa a hull ran mlaa dougherty an 1 ur k hall ofttronto were guaat al tu horn of mr h s holmee tide weak mr rrle uarvlo who ha been i the red croaa drug store mlll for eaveml months haa g n to take a poaltlnn in a drug atore in toronto mr a w ilohl poaluvaaler f walterlon for many year publuhei of ihe ivleacope tt tl at town tiled very auddenly on wednesday i f hut week mr o h smith and mlaa ruby clark were at tlrtnui on tuesday evening attending tha reception hy tha duke and ducheaa of connaught at the olty 1111 mr and mr a c macnabb of milton announce the engagement of their daughter minnie 8 tu dr j m macfarlane f winnipeg tim wedding will take place on december alxth mr h i moor j i ww a mem ber of the delegation representing the math xlut church in canada received hy ilia lb yal hlghnew the duke or connaught t the 1arllameut hut id inga toronto on tuesday daddvsoihl- ant jo i no of the hundred who hava written to th j lobe for a copy of dddy a glrlr thle i probably without a single exception lbs moet popular picture ever published in canada a feu year ago the christ ma globe published a llli lied itu miter of litem the demand wals m great that every co y wa ordered tie for it was put uu the market a sample ci py of thla picture which la from a photograph of a child wllh the aweeuat and moat expressive face that oan lie imagined tuny be tren at ihla offloe to aee it la to want it thla beautiful picture will he given flee with each dew aubacrlptlon ur renewal sent in tor ihe v aekly globe and canada farmer before december slat 1111 remember the edition of this picture a limited and the first come the flrat anrved the weekly globe and canada par tner ha been enlarged the at ft of writer increased and many new fea turv have been added those ha- provementa are in keeping wllh the progressive management that made the dally globe one of the flrat half dosen newapaper on the con tin enl ihe weekly globe and canadian fanner wllh lie llhialrated ntagaxlne aectlon baa alway bald a foremost place among the metropolitan weekllaa in canada it will now be elaseed with the beat on the continent when the illustrated magsslne section with its forty or lily picture of current evenu every week b taken into ac count it la certainly a lot of reading to he given for only one dollar per year take an ftennyi ennd for term froulju free tho w howi an tt son co l i kldgeville out auction aalbrbxucttbil tut kmiiav n i krti hmu wllh out reaerv tf hnraar jt head of cattle i i abaep h h tff ioultry and impumenla tha property 1 1 tltoa mckenal lot hi con 5 ktquaelng taruus ii moolha jah m kunxik auctioneer the weather of november has certainly been true lo the tradition t f the tnooth this year mr william carter fr many year a grain and hour dealer in ouelph died suddenly from apoplexy in hie store last saturday evet ing ha was a brother of dr carter wlm practiced in aotnnji generation ago and who also died very suddenly oar clifsens will he pleased taarn that mr win barber who euld bis fnu recently at llmshousr la a gain coming to town to reside he al ways was a good cltlsen and we wel come ttlm and hie estimable family back again georgetown herald auctioneer r i kerr mimosa conducted four very successful sales past week one for geo ftoiasll vfhleb totalled about g4 000 lbs other being for ex reave dearing brln mr oarlule brln township and one or svw mnrebox fri q i wntitm nfnassgaweje vfulcb j chsntteal co of canada lson bampersala j ittiarl twit flrrwnte w 6e right house j hamilton ra vomit siofpino place great display of trbu that wlllorow when imiji i frt ll and oriiainola ireeeseeltil lhl ou imy of a arm wbom treet have tie right tori of root a and have been handled correctly in the nuraei lea our tree wlltsjrow i an appreciation tlie following note baa been received from the writer which we have plea sure in making public t kllltoit fltknv pluleh daali bul i am pleeeed to be able to report that my boy who paaaed through th hsnda or principal stew art of acton school from tb lower school to junior matriculation re member their experience with him among the moil profitable year in preparatl m tor theunlveralty wish ing him d the acton school cool inu ed uccca i org to remain your reepectfully g abutuk toronto november 28 1011 doctors gould not help him but gin pills did uontn1 tooomult pccultol i hl inm ultcrinjltrribly wllh woo i lb buddcr tlbdneldltoopallut mid 111 ton m toff ur to wnow ndtoohudtocitub imtmwdboma bd mh tcoomnkodttl by fiktid to trroln wilt ylr tlimtl ui ln i took two bora aild wt lck to ih ipocwut ii nld lb loo w1 unjiw could not ranowi it ithpoilb k or two hour nd pair 5t dn in ih wld d did mo k much good i will recomo3d thraltliratornjjrlir joo boshijortdloilc tpta tnoocy wk l tby hit to glv constipation is tho root of many forms of airlnntf jtd of sji endless amount of human misery dr morse indian root pills thoroughly tested by over fifty years of use have been proved a safe and certain cure for constipa and all kindr d troubles try them 25c a box dolls wonderful toys m i l il now ready for your inspection wl have taken almost all tho fcpacc formerly devot u millin cry on the second floor and hive diiipltycd thuro the nrat cdt stock of dolls boys toyn dollv i urmturc jolu laundry seti tc over shown in the city it would take an entire page of this piper to toll you ill th new and novel toys in our new loyland sufficient for us to stile at this that we have dolls entirely dressed and with movabhi c full jointed real eyelashes and 12 inches tall it 5c ur llicyvc real dollies in every respect bisque he ids tnd ill and they hive faces which look prettier and mure intelligent than the ubuil exprct sionless doll t great slock of christmas bllvcrwafe this stock includes tho celebrated ommunity lines of i orks knive largo pieces etc dress skirls now made lo order at 175 the usuil price la oo 1 ittcd and made by our own people i ivc different dc signs from which to choose china furs linens furniture ribbons silks etc in a rich profusion for christmas gift buyers most of the women of acton know our standard of mcrchan disc it is the highest come then to ihe store with the standard for your gifts the recipients will apprccntc them twice as much if they know you have sent them the best i r fares refunded dainty tca room in basement thomas c watkins limited king and hugtiaon sts hamilton ont ontario elections you arc mvitcd to vote for rbwarren as your hui kkskntativk in the ontario legislature a strong and progressive policy in the welfare of the people ol ontario ill matters that affect god skve the kino 6e metropolitan bank head office toronto out csultal paid up b rubd uamuvtfud proflte on sudoojooo baslsowooo systematic savins accomplishes mora tbsn is realised two ilolhura deposited every knonlb will amount llh inlareat in ten year to a open aa account in oar havings department sod task it s pel i to lay aside a ranch every monin one dollar la sufficient lo malt a eiati acton branch el b burling manager lhjilll ujs- nallonsl look herb mr feedeh crhat11st offer evur uate to stock feeders db hbss stock food on 8 months trial from ihe msnafaclorars wrlllsn saarsdlee and the untiring prabe ll la recsivlnc from cwr cns omers vm srs doubly sere that it is arlibool single option th best stock food or took ver protltkad sad st a prloe that you can srord to bad it regularly how bare li oar proposition we will supply you wllh i dr hess stock food to lead yoor sjxhnala twice a day or three moeths w will supply you with 7 lbs or one loo then u at the end of tha three tnonlb you am not sbsotutsty sure that it baa paid you to lead dr ukss stock food that la if your animal led lor tnret ha v not bean more thrifty your oibar stock in helper stale of health mere lo us the eropty sad w will refeod every oae yon have paid u hkih are tilk prices i stock food 7 lbs js5c rhuhry food ij lbs 30c louse ktter 1 lb 10c dip and disinfectant quart 50c there is not a fanoer or f bl cotnnaiiltv ibsl can sberd to taua ihu ubsrsl proposition mark you you arii to be the judge and jury dont let this christmas go by without getting a victor or berliner gratn- ophone or victrola take your choice a grnmojihone for 15 up a victrola for ioo to 300 why not come ill today mid hear these instruments no oblikitioii to buy if yon wuut to buy well urruugc terms to suit a t brown agent miu street actononk bank of hamilton r f johnstone hrrdlatflrb i mill st aqtfpn t capital paw up 8760000 srea s undivided proota bb50jooo totat aaaeta 404woaoo htlfty in an age ol extravagance tha org surely ahead while their loaa dent neighbors socumuul debt msnya thrifty manor woown can polal 10 the first decided alenjo ilia ss having hsan taken the day a bank account wtr opened a savings account in the lluikof lumll ton will prove a sura lncntvo to rd thrill geokttmwnibltanuhj w h mokay hauacsr 3 cutters 81eighing sleighing having come i liavo a full bupply of cutters sleighs blankets bobes fur coats harness bella and all other needs in this line prices right and goost satisfactory in every respect b f caldwell acton sajtafewastrrt too bfc