Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 30, 1911, p. 4

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m fib jut nit 3fm brass tiiukhday novbafilkk 110 1011 the ralrir wh i ml tired and wmrj winn l be mim u fllt and tbe day la dirarv hi juet gnnway to wimtd lba ilutr fellies tley to whn tbe llttla twownlre nm in tbe abada and in tba aun 111 watch litem every nloht and day and listen to each word i hay say ho i can wrtta a book and tall where all tha lltlla ralriee dwell what kind or hnum what kind of food whether their cllldren are bad or food la who in ltlatsnd dwall know tha little ralriee wall jean halt aged 10 cx a tlnrlph fo eople v may a no it elevates tha morals of tlia iwople and thus erealee a higher standard of cjtlaenehlp it btlmuuteedomeellaily and bullda up tha hotne tha bulwark of tha nation it makes m heelihlrr lia4r and nxtti peaceful people it utaairm wore ehurchee and schools mm chr lallans and niore universal and higher education it gives to society liouta owners ln- atead of renters fllla vacant bouaaa and increa tba prior or real estate it bullda up bank account a and all legtlluuue business a ltd inakea man independent inalrad nf dependent it minimises bad dabta and uiakee boa in see wore profitable and substan tial it reduces um burdens of taxation and mortgaged indeetedneaa it depopulates alombousee asylums jells city prisons workhouses auj pamltaaturlja ik lands to destroy tha infamous doctrine of two moral oodee on for tba mn and ooe for tba woman ona for lba elty and anothar for tb country and rural a ulaga to pa politics rednose tba ax- ps of government and pats into omoa snore ooenpetent capable lam- pnratev uarabuloc and god fearing itewppreaeee tba gambling dan and tba bawdy boo teare down tba rad flaw of anarchy tba emblem of tha aaiono and rnakeerlgbt might it give tba boy and tba girl a ohanoa curtails tba bualnaaa of divorce and criminal court redooee tba nun- bar of orphans and walfa give tba wtfa a glad heart aud driaa i wiuls amd i wll k mots the following mle a npleuoua ly posted in a aerlnln iralnlnii eliool for nilrin there lo ta a cnuatant re minder that aplrlt aervlre la m vital baud service la ilia ufa w hereunto tbay a called and since we too am oalud to service of nnr kind or an- other may not these tan i wllle 4muol ulnar way ahead to us aa wall 1 1 will not iiarmll myaelf to apaak while angrr and i will noltnake ft hitter rvlort lo antilltar paraon who aaaka to iita in aitgar i will naltbar goalp almmil tha fall ftiga otanolliar nnr will i permit any olliar wrwin to ppaak auob aaaii to m onaulp wlu dla inwn it cannot find a luianrr i will rpl waakomaand will da- far lo it on lha alrrat car in i ha da- pari man t ator and in llta hoi it a wbalbar it im dlaplajad by man or i will alwaya axpraa gralltuda for oy favor or aarvloa randarad to ii p if pravenlrd ironi doing it on tba pot than i will teak an ratly op portunity to glvn litloranoc lo it in lha tuoat graclfiua way within my i will not rail in aipraaa yrapathy wlb anotbrra aomiw or to glva bnrty ullaranca lo my appreciation of rimtd worka by anothar what bar lba parly w ftlandly in nta or not i will nut lalk aliout tnjr paraonat aluiianta or oilaforluna tbay ahall ba nna of tba aubjaela on whlah i am allanu i will look on lha bright tide of tha ctrcmnitanca of my dally llfa and i will aaak tocairy a cbaarful faoa attd peak bopafully to all whom i utaal i will mdl her aat nor driok what i know will dalract frnni aulliy to do my baat work 1 will apaak and act truthfully llv log with alnearlty toward ood and roan i will atrlva to be alwaya praparad for tba vary baat tbat can itappan to ma i will aaak lu ba iadj to atlaa tha hlghaat opportunity to do lba nob- laat work to rlaa lo lba loftlaat plaoa wban ood and my abllltla permit it aarnkaa man morally atrorur and faatlaaa eraataa a aplrit of ooopara tlon fllla tba braaau of tha paopla with milk of hnma klndnaaa and ibalrhaarta with tbadoelrlna of tha m of ood and tha brolbar- boodof amtt amehmn iannc- tba baautj of a claar skin tba oondiuon of the liver rcgulaua lba ooodttloa of tba blood a dlaordarfd uvaroauaea imporiueala tba blood and utaaa abow tbamaalvaa in blambbea on tba akin rvrmalaaa vagalahla pltb in act imj upon tha ii nr aat upon lha blood and char healtby akin will follow intahigmt oaa of tbbi aiandard aaadl ladlaa who will fully ap- prcolata ihla prima quality of thaaa ptlbv can oaa than with lba certainty that tba effect ajlll ba moat gratifying urg bionb that vow haaw kmnar tvewbto if your back la eonatantly aoblruj and if you raperiance dull ahootlng pain u your nrioa thick and cloudy or yonr paaaagaa frrfinant acanly and painful you kidneys and baddar ara out of order nrglact quickly brings on rheumatlaott dlabataa lumbago acta uoa ate 1 booths kid- nay pill ara guaranteed to relieve or your money tbay ara worlda great est epeelfia for kidney and bladder trouble all drugguts toa- a pills s the b t booth okt krle ont free trial on application sold and guaranteed in acton by a t brown the wy to get ahead of the devil la to more on he doesnt run very fast upward umilll nemmidhestm nri ojaunmairum narmtaaol mottiaboovic castoria torlnfluita mid children the kind tyi have always bought bears the signature of the only thing that will relieve neuralgia- the piercing of neuralgia use for over thirty years castoria no one need endure lha agony of corns with ifollowaya corn cure at band to remove ibem tba alnceie prayer niutl alwaya come from a heart thai feela depend enoeand need back was so lame ufe was a burden fob two veabs ura joseph throop upper point do bate n b writes- i cannot speak too well of doans kidney imu vot two years i was o tired 1kb was a harden and i iot up more tired than when 1 went to bed and my back was ao hune i could hardly smith ten up x took dif ferent kinds of mcdiane but none ol them did ns any good until a friend adviwd me to tryzkama kidney puis i did so and today i dont know what it b to be tired and my lame beck b ad gone i can recommend them to any table medidoe realising qb huuh- ncpt relief without any in after effects or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t jslburn co limited toronto ont if ordering direct specify doan a quhut h kadi mo well well ex ulil nget over his paper ibaie a queer head ing for uila article it aaya womane talk vkat a ao queer altout thalr de manded hla wife why there only half a column nf it a till for urelti wtrkeis tlia niai who works with hla bra it la more liable to derangement of tha dlgealne ayi tent than the man who works with hut bande because the one calls upon hi nervous energy wbjle the otbar ap plies only hla muscular strength ilraln fag lagets irregularities of lba atouiacband liver and lba beat remedy thai can be uaed la l vega table imle tbay ar pec tally com pounded for aueb caaaa and all those who use tliam can certify lo their ttpehor powers fasting from lha word is not the proper way to develop a hunger for it castoria for infant nad culdran iks ku yra dm ahran ungkt ibaara tha blgnatare hich often follows a bad cold or lagnbpearc frequently almost un bearable and few medicine afiord anjr relief to the luficrer i am h rural mail earner and have been a user of the or miles medic fncs for years dr files anilpain pills cant be beaten they are the only thing i hare fpund that will i my neuralgia and i have tned most everytlnng beside medicine from the doctor i am willing to tell anyone what llhc antipain pdlsdid fur me cliaklu illullterandt ilojfao wokiv1i ohio if you lika mr hildcrhrandt have tned most ceerytliing tn vain why not do as he did kh your aches and pains with dr miles antrpam piba let the kits bear the brunt ol the battle o matter how stubborn the con test they will conic out victorious dr miles aatrpaln pills stand on their record which is a long list of cures extending back a generation onioglau evar ball them ir unt buckas falls to baoaot yor dvg ut will nlura your tnanay iii lk 2 mrdicat co tnnmto can amdvs1 oportumrrv hootch pnodn ihlnk tbat kn gland la land of gollv and it la quite common ruling men to r up to iindon to seek thalr fortune well bandy said a companion a lad or ihla class a they stepped off lba train in indon dont you wlah you were at home wllh your not bar r nn replied the boy i promised her miimi i irfl that i would be taar- lese and hiineat i have her fortune lo make aa wall aa my own and i niuat have good courage wall laddlr what can h l a loud voice behind him enijuiml lean lie loyal lo anyone who will give ma aomething to d a lawyer passing heard the romark ii noted the- fearlewa look on htndy face and t honret ring in hla volca 1 all ma your story ba aaid it waa not a long atory handy e mother had itaen urt with little money and a child to bilng up hh bad done her lieal and now mnl him forth tn make hla way in lite wtihl iu f laaa aitd honest anil dont forget yonr iiiilbar aba said the lawyer took handy into hla ifllce where lie liecante nn r apart ac count an i he atudlad law and roea to i successful lawyar ha made bis i fiirlune and his niollirs tw bacauaa ba waa fear laaa and huneat and did not deeplae hard work junl chrlattan kndearor world oflen what appear lo lie lha moat trivial occurrences of life trove to lie the most momenloua many are dis posed lo treat a cold as a aright thing irvlng of llltla consideration and thla negleel of len results in most sari imm ailments entailing years of euuvr- lug drive out colda and couglts with bicklee antloonsuntptlve syrup lba recognised remedy for all affeetlnna of the throat and lungs kind words bread thalr kind also he who breaks his word smashes himself it la easier lo be miserable than in be happy and many follow tha handl er way headache seems to be habitual with many people roam ere seldom u ever free from it sultcnitf continually and wonder inc why tney can ret no relief headaches ens generally caused by some dcnuixcmcat of the stomach or bowels or both burdock blood dlttrrs removes acidity of the totnacb improves digestion tegu late tbe constipated bowch ant pro- mole a perfect circulation of pure lilood to alt portioniof tbe body thereby curing the headaches by ramovini the causa mrs u magulre kinmount oou wrilct i am writing you a few lines to tell you what your burdock blood illllrn has dona for me i used to he really troubled with headaches but after uiing two bottles of burdock blood hitters i wat completely cured thb was two years aso and i have had no return of bradnche slne durdock lljood hitlers it manufactured only by tito t udburn co limited toronto ool piles isfkaralag bciutm4mtw ri 1mm t sm f urn- clnlta lair trial i mdnn m lm anvbuk as a vermifuge tbera la notblqsc so polentas mother qrevee worm kx- terminator and it can ba given to tbe moat delicate child without fear of in jury to tha constitution 1houoht hal would 1ndib- btajto a arosnao ruebad aacltedly into tba ule nfflca at yonkera and told she oparator tbat her husband had cone to new york lo buy a bauner for tba sondayaohuol alaaa and aha bad ibegouva to tell him the inscription for um banner also how large tha banner should be tbao aba sent this elegraqt ad 1 to bar husmttd at tlui place tba banner was lu be pur dear charles rdnlo us a ehlutls born high feet long and two feet wide uaboabict at laat raporta the husband who didnt catch on waa still lacking auf aosnt cxtnrajgato raturn horn children ory for futchers c a th attdimbac wal a aral senator sainton of vlgtnla lellx a good story nn himself about tbe flrsl political speech ho aver wade he aaya i i jumped up and iwgan i gentle wen urrodolna telb uawhlch uehaca ha on r yelled the man with tba red shirt herodotus tells ue i rnannwd a gulp of a whole army tbat waa put in flight by the braying of an aes tba crowd applauded and i felt ana than tba mane eoloe rose- aboea lha din i yoaog feltar ha called you r aadn ba afraid of thla crowd ile rfsfet hi patfjuuabrrv awanueman who waa in lbs habit of etnttariof was atked why h did ma f my p p p peculiar ity kearybody h hhhaa iltelr p-n-i- nacullaritlsa replied lie gentlamaii bava no ptculhirltisb aajtt the uf tiulrar j idddobry ssatlr y le wlvhfmip rrr rtlght handf yaa wall tttbta our vpl pp prc fc ullarity most p ppp people n u use a spoon thltosninlu mioouht a train lo arraona wm boarded by a lobbara arbo want jhruugh tba pock- eta nf lba oe1ev paerngara ona of uean tuppviualtn lrjiraviunf salea- wmffroannaw yokwlo wban his im canie nsbadoul w0 twitawpidb took kl trom tba pile and ptabad it in wsaatpookat ynat do you mean by thai k ask- lha robber a he foyad with bra vsrrolewt sftfrrfrdly ontmih anawar t rjaenai hsaat yhil yiralytnjflrvlrrru rer paatirofswamrl dlamun triotly wfs1un0tlon- ilka dls according to government estimates 000 was made in western town property during the year 1909 did you pakticipathmn these hugh profit ur did you pigeon hole tbe pro positions submitted to you by yonr western friends for future conalderelion in short aro you the man who mado a profit or the unfortunaui one who had the chance but did not posies sufficient judgment to recognise the importunity or sufficient courage to close a deal 1 tbe man or woman entitled to sympathy is tha one who say five or ten this or that property at vioo woman entitled to sympathy is tha one who any years years ago i bad a chanca to buy this or that or ajoo and sow it t worth loooo tbe average personaneers at the person who makes such a statement and says i would bava bought and mads tbat money are you going to say five years from now that you bad a chance to bay a lot at loe alta at from i so to jtoo each or ara you going to ba the man who will havfrcmettoototnccolncajihas a result of having bought property in this town la this year of grace iqii poc ft cogslag comamarcial cantrg voe la located on lha main lino of the grand trunk pacific railway between rdmonton and saskatoon it is located in one of the finest farming districts lo western canada tbe surround- ing country is settled by a progress vo type ol farmers and conse quently will become tak market centra far northern alberta pob district i mil rich coammaas hi close to rivers and lakes aad huge forests ara easily accessible from this point these natural lea tnsnra for tbe resident of tba town first low cost of living and second great commercial activity two essen tials in the upbuilding of n towu thus creating valuable real estate f poe n a mamvfacterink centre thlhtewnaiteand contiguous territory has the iixiulieiuunb outlined by urge manufacturing concerns for tlia location of urgo rsctariaaor huge entarprlsea of any kind employlag largo numbers of people the rivers and lakes furnish water the coal fields and forests luraieh fuel and cheap bulldtug material the una farming lauds furnish farm prodncui enabling the residents to live at a ion cobt the town tn located on tbe main line ut a iranscoutlnsnutl railway sssaring tba necessary ttanspottatioa facllitu thebe tomuncuoeasliuons will furolnh cheap labor ouc of the moat tmportaut feauinji of a roanufai luring centre s receully ltlacod on the marital and already n cold and many ut these lots nave already poktownxltc over suo lots luwe been cold aad many changed hands at a ubtanllnl increatw in price moit of these lots were purchased by representative business men throughout canada who am nuw profiling by their foresight liable for building the townsito is high and dry and very purposes odpohanlly is uiieleaa unless you omuss the courage to act you might pnss ess great wisdom you might read a good deal or travel much and thus see all klmhtof opportunities to make money but unless you have the courage to act on your judgment and wiadom all of theae desirable qualities are entirety useless lota in iok are a good investment at present prices tbe towu i bound to grow sapid ly owing to lba easy terms llty tobuyandlr payment you have the ability to buy and if you do not buy now it u because you are lacking in courage and the chances are you will never be like the man you now admire most rich tours geous and wise t torrcaa title poli towutjtu is held by us under the lor mint hyaltiu of title under tliuikhletii the litlo u guauuilcwl by ilia tiovoni mout yiercforc abnolutely aafo pi j tirai 1tlteu ol lubi range from so to f uo ttacb und they uu be puruhased on terms ot one tenth cash balance in eighteen equal monthly payment or quarter cash balance in six twelve and elgbteeu mouths information we have uud an attractive circular giving full information pcitalning to the town and its prospects together with map thoutng i i fur tale if you wish to receive this attractive urxuur cut out tin 1 fill in the attached coupon and mall it to us today latmj town3itdb and investments winnipeg nomura en b bm canada jpvrep am sxplahatiom your nephew la a college graduate isnt ha r yea eouf eased hooaat farmer ilorahank but in justice to the col lege 111 own up that he had no sense beforehand first i when we undertake lo your prescriptions we give them our undivided attention end baat core tbe pel lent a welfare is our oral con slderatloo seoorul wa guarantee our drugs to beof full strength aa well aa pure and fresh third i our customers are supplied wllh just what lhayaak fori substitut ing la never allowed rajxnn ckliniy ouupotmu if you are a sufferer frum krlney disease liver complaint blood troubles rbeumatbeao neuralgia or prowtratlon we ecnodenlly mend the use of painea celery com pound this reliable and never dis appointing medicine la a true disease ban labor and system builder we supply be genuine pajnoe oelery compound at urown acton ont intention u a poor thing wll hunt attention tbe beat amen to a prayer la going ahead to carry it out caught heavy cold left throat sad longs very sore there is no betler cure for a roujh or cold than r wooda norway pma syrup it is rich us tbe lunhcelttur virtues of lha norway pine tree aad b a pleasant pafa sad effectual medicine that may be rxaafidenuajly relied upon as a specific fee- coughs colds bronchitis hoarse nee sore throat oainay and all throat and lunt troubles mr s afonsgbsa chsxlottetown pbb wntes i certify that ir woods norway pine smip is an excel lent medicine for coughs and colds last winter i contracted a heavy cold which left my lungs and throat very sere i had to give up work and stay in use bouse lor two weeks i used several cough mixtures but ot no rebef until a fnend advised me to use dr woods norway ptoe syrup three bottles enthelyeured dm and i can recommend it as the best medicine for coughs doot be imputed upon by taking any thing but dr wood a as there are many imitations of this sterling remedy on tbe market dr wood i is put up la a yellow wrapper three plie treeslhe trade mark price 35 ernta manufactured only by the t milhurn co limited toronto out the grand ttunk iailwav wagtbtknoafal veaal f witaa libb 1st qimson palo tar paper bangar plotnra framar etc why bhi warrazd a very amusing incident occurred at tbe entrance to a church one bun- day morning a lltlla girl waa glean a penny to drop into tha poorbox after de positing her penny in tha boa aba atood intently watching tha bos m questioned aa to what she waa waiting for for lha gum to coma out aba re plied children ory for fletchers o astor it has many quail ties the man who poeeeeeea a bottle of lr thomas kclectriq oh is armed agmlnat many tlia it will con a cough btwak a cold prevent eore throat t it will reduce lba walling rrom a sprain cure tha moat peraletent soree and will speedi beal cubs and contuslona it la a medtclne cheat in iteeir and can be got for a quaker of a dollar children ory for flftchers o asto r ia had weak aid dizzyspells could not sleep at night people all over i i night after night on a sleepless pillow and da not clou their eyes in the refreshing slumlier that comes to those whose heart and nerves are right tbe sleeplessness comes entirely from m dcrancement of either the heart or nerves or both but whatever the cause mdburvs heart aad nerve pius offer the meeting of sound refreshing slumber tbey da this by their invigorating effect on the heart and nerves aad will tone up the whole system jo a perfect con dition mrs a k marten pckdale n writes i waa troubled for a long time with my heart bad weak and dunvy spells could not sleep and would have to sit up the greater part of tbe night and it was impossible for me to be on my leftside atwlgotaboxofuilburua heart and nerve pilb and they did me so much good i got another and after taking it i could be on my left side and sleep as well as before i was taken sick they are the best medicine i ever beard of for heart or nerve trouble price so cents per bos or si 25 at all dealer- or mailed direct for cold weather tbugjier iroreehijo will rtcvei be found because the best ia ucd for storeys gloves and gauntleta and yet the skin because carefully fanned by the chrotne process ir rrn ic nblc insuring cajtaordinarv wear resistance waterproof and 4br fireproof tbe best working rjloves on ue vnawwawfl in art sold at ull ctorca insist irj storey a vw acton conscientioys plumbing fl heating is isiot pc wyth inzith us to lliu contrary we make it the most impctrtant factor so if you favor u with your paimfinrr you will enthusiastically endorse us begs to inform the ladscrbf acton and surrounding vfbin- ity that he has been appointed agent for three of the largest wall paper houses in can ada isoo ki m pies to choose from prices right afso that he is prepared to repair all granite aluminum andlertametcd ware knives and scissore ground furni ture repaired shop milt street acton paper makers jkosoktovf n out itook nkwh and oolorkd 1apkilh jko it bakukit this may interest you i w wui rellame aiaa ta aalloar ellaaoi paalaluaa la trait araaa aaaall trmua na rmnmmi a rwr dartas rh e4 etatar umuw oaulifraa aaalele urrlujrr paywaaklr 600 aoroa of nurserw stoek chaa waltroa trees aad aaraba tbat will mrroar mim a ba aablead batablubad ovavsjwus wrua lor ebola or tmrt llaae taraw baua alaeaear ielhah nursery co tla birun stun 6rtafla aii mumt worts cabpssr 0haun pvopasasor uesbuers and bulkier ol btaloes use loeams alonameais uaraera and head and alt kinds of artistic gektwr wort wm hemstreet acknt acton ytiur clioiipint will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris a co patents fred smith plumber quebec st oluflph- phone 337 j m i imteji v

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