tiiullhday dkttunkil 7 1011 thb ranihaiii nnidfos hftik h mmtg til ftleeplna poinh fi my of prh ah luievumk ii tf hlllfv w4u ewry whsr on ihw nmf hiki i n ih port h mi rr endah iimi blankets ctered ihlok wlih snow imhk plnefcrd wtiil l4ur plhra ld id m lb- roof of the kitchen ell i alolhsr underneath n dui where the snow flake ml ilrolher ukn hi hlrphitf lib town among- th lree j huifrlihk wlndw tm rimn trale thehre ill deride i innlbesjln honmonon rot to wlth the houae so im leeplng in woman hoiue omipantni but k couli an uneducated scotchman made fortune one day be end en artiualnl mm went talking whan the latter aau lo old duncan hey ihincan you don i knoyt enough to go n when it rains why youosn t even spell bird bu rdj uld duncan i uh you you doni know any thing why if you had lo spell to make a living youd have been dead yui ago ill bet you a hundred you cant spell bird lll tak ye quickly replied dun can altar th money was put up iun can spelled b1 id that aint the way you spelled it the first time a bettln then thb maim attraction of a a hritcli lniuni i illy vtilitiinnl m hiliu i u had nullr ly re tly of hlcupilvlty nnkard ll y w all il ll- vlll-k- m up until he o i him second i he sat in hi ill lltruly t urrm inftlv vlre froii hln r n1 wnl llm minis vhikrc nirrfy making llttlom i1 bl ml down kll hy aide and the douiliil ind the wo-11- of the prodi gal h n thjwlmr serines in hang oo tli- word in nudged ip close mod nhiarr bending forward linlll hi fr wa uiiiiimi in i hi- mlitulrr fas 11 mii it ihroilfth gain utld wl u ihf dominie had ilolhed ilia chapter woil started to clove the uoixi ii k t mqhrd y thi ruhi wig u of penuwoev tin- tnlntalrf read it twll hie poor iiiiii he ld when be wen jon what w u held you miciumwm it thalesaonof ihehcrlp- lure or waa it the worder nay nay ssld the tippler 11 your grand breath i hut to craclc la he a good pitcher r well ha ought to be be can hold a quart if barber waahed your head and did a bun job would it he a kara poo if you ate a roe would it hncouie a roeeuet how a feeling to- mratnut dayr beeood nut like a flrepuor plret nutrhow u lhatr second nut great grain if the mandolin fret wtl oyater etew t if a catbird ht on a dogwood tree would jt be ecered away by the urk r a yoomo uvavetutvbr ueut robert boyd or the ameri can volunteer ufeaavlng society atauoned at south beach statea is- end though only eighteen years old has made a remarkable record as a life eavar be baa rescued brteen pereow from drowning since june 1st uat ha is atttlgti school gradual and works bard during the winter soring and fall months devoting his somcner vac ation to lifesaving tbo record of his work has been forwarded to the car negie hero fund and it la regarded as probable that he will receive a tasd at whin do you know mraggsytiu never know whs can do till you try waggs thats wrong you never know what you can do till you sue ceed ursgge wwll perhaps thats bet- ur waggv and then you re wrong you never know what you can do when you succeed you only know what you have been able to do matvhal conskquenct are you dining anywhere on wed nsaday bpongelvlgh r no old man im nol io you then you 11 be awfully hungry on thursday wont you r katudb stops wsw uae kidney olve nut io you feel that you klmply cant go any farther that you ntuat have rest for that lame and aching hack relief fran that constant deedtired feeling freedom from those stabbing dart ing pains it la natures warning that the kidneys are giving out and that you need the help of bootbs kid ney pills the guaranteed kidney rem edy in every machine there la one part that works the hardest and rives out aral the kidneys work night and day and naturally a life of unusual activity douhlsa i he dulea of the kidneys and in time the strain tell the kidney glvs out and nat ure cries slop booth e kidney i1la- areaoldhy all dnalsr coc postpaid from the it- t boolh go- ltd port krle ont there u no pill just as good head for a free box the feat will prove the truth of our btateesent sold end guaranteed in acton by a t brown xh kind yea iioto always bought ukd which ban been ta nw for otor years lias horno tlio algnntrira of and iwh lxwn nwdoflrnlnr iittt per gonal bnpon lslon blnco ita infancy allow no otoilftroltoyortln thu all ooanterfaltk imltatloith niul jnun ijyowl or but kxperlmenth tlnxt trlflo vltu nixl omlui cr tbo health or ianutts and children fsperieiico nffninit txperlmenu what is castoria castoria 1m a narmloas uhatltuto for cawto- oil parn goxle irop md buothln bjruimi it li imeoaaut it contaimt uelthor opium morplilno or other nnrrntlo nbatance ita ogvi 1h i i nitnutoo it otroyn womm nod nllaym peterlshnot it euros iturrua an 1 wind oollc it relieve toot r trotiblom euro omkuputlnn and platalney it awunillatc- uo inmmi rotralutew tho btomach ojtd ilowols fixing- hcauhy ami wtuml uloou the ohlulrena isukooca tio mothorb khcnd oeiuing castoria boats tho signature ox always the kind you tee always bought in use for over 30 years dr mules nervine completely cured our little boy of fits a fannly can mfler no greater i affliction than to have 4 child tub- 1 jeet to fits or epilop4y many a father or mother would rive their all to restore such a child to health last heartily gutl to tell rooo ottf uule bny who wu coapktclr cared of h cosmacsccd hfcv lag them mx 10 year o eo mnd hail then tor four yvt- i tried lht doctora uid om apecuuit but mil l tben id ha could mit lie cured wt or mllca hcatoratl nervine andpr mile ncm tnd j4vcr pilla bade s complete dire lie la now i ate hemrtr br haa bn ihras yean he ha llhe ln iwll i ibsl slve ih hlln nedianea pralae wberavor 1 p vi a at illiarty to uh thla ttum uiw tl and anyooa wnllnfl lo mo i will pudly auawcr 11 they cncloao itatnp llouii windfall lad dr muev nervine is juit what it ii rcprcicntcil to he a medicine compounded especially for nervous diifasci tuch as fiti pasityi st vilut tlanxc convul nonsand epilcpxy these disease frequently lead to mianity or cause weak mmd dr miles nervine has proven moit effective in rcllev inn these dreaded maladies bold by all drvooli- it the tint botu falls to bsnslit your money is returned milks medical co vrooto can- jin oiimlinw ihti llniia 1 thla u what whs herl i b- tttattnvihoejipi0k hnvrrxt foiilhg b oiinr mam 1pphltnl lo a iclcptmnn tlfrn and rsrtl tip hi awrillirnlt l itrr rvauloncr la thai ju yua tiorge d nr oi llm rrply am yuu alone f wlarllg i willi i win tlinm i uui tin if i weto hare do you knm what i would do with you darling no jimirgr i do nut and lhni la til mod well id pull wear- hi wnml her month and then id put a lumpt f ud lo ll k thai didnt an sworl d give bar ft aound llila-shlng- and then urion ulnleil now they uuvur naak aa they paaa by andtbnman u waa talking- to his larrler simihc n bulky mafe vaya halanynm who wuuld advlao a man lo put lil arm around llm nerk of an blreperiiburtii and vvliumir word of love in ita ear ought 1l u th ha a real lamp mt hatuballv ura i 1 sin 4huoilhalyou en i be great sight- in new olty whals the llrt thing thald natuially fctrllte a vulto stats r ur ivikln o o them tpeedln automohltea tlis parson miops that youre s good girl what are your favorlle hymns y the usldsn tom awl harry please your worship ii id hi 1 1 the lsay man considers all toll slavery the word always looks brighter from a smile ton cant butter it when you have to swallow pride whew yoa trip op rail forward and gat farther along people who take too much liberty mb it all sooner or later women are vain but man are much more so and with far lees reason many m wan la in greet feat that ha will get all that is coming to biro many a champion who baa conquer ed himself la unaung in this world children cry for fletchers o astoria suffered terrible pains of indigestion m hbrmrrs latjllivkji rnxs cuabd boer mr wbl h mscrweti mount tryon ii 1 writes for more than a year i suocred with all the terrible pains of indifertloe and ray life waa one of the greatest inker y it did not seem to make nny dl terence wbclhcr i ate or not the palm were always there accompanied w a severe bloating and belching of wind i did not even get relief at night and atkoettnwi hardly rot a hit of sleep in my misery k tried many remedies aald to cure indircbtlon but they did me not one particle of rood and i fully expected i would always be afflicted in this way at this time my brother oamfl home on a vfclt and used ma to try muburna ijaaa uver rills and rot me a few vials uy the time i had taken one vial i began to improve sod could est with some rdtsh 1 waa really cheered and con tinued taking the pills until all traces of the irouue had disappeared and i could once mors eat all kinds of food without the slightest inconvenience i am o fully convinced of their virtue a a family medicine i have oo hesitation in rccom mending them price 21 cents pef vial nr 0 vislafor i 00 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of rirlcc hy the t mubura co limited toronto oat children ory for fletcutas o astoria tlioumiids of motliurs call tualify lo ho virtue of mother jraxc worm vxlerinluatnr became they know from c x ei lenco bow uteful ll l ltdouaiii iiilru brilliancy to nal rellwcllon it an t very 1 tog wforo llm gooil fell iw la a vmir fellow nil vouaaauod prlnelpteai pint when w undertako your prescrlpl lonav we give thorn our uudivldod atlimllon and lwt caru tlie pntlonts welfarn ta our frnl co i alderatlon beoond 1 wn guamtituo our drug lo ixi of full slrarujth as well as pure and fronh third our ouutouinrs am supplied with jivatwhatlhnyauk for suutltut ing is uevnr allowod ijlihkh vaxkuy xiu pound if you aro a suffonr from kl luuy disease liver complaint boodtroubl rheumatism nmirahruv or nervous prowtratlon wo ccnfldonlly reoom mend the use of ialnoe oolery com pound this reliable and never dis appointing medicine la a true disease lianlaher and system builder we aupply tlie genuine paine oilory oompound at brown acton ont internally or inlernally it is oood when applied exlrrnally by briok rubldiig ur thomas kcltictrlc open th pora and jwnotlnloa the ie as few i in i men u do touching the asat of the tnm li la and immediately affording relief administered intcr- lly lb will till ibo irritation in the throat which indues coughing and will cure affection of the bronchial tultea end rnaplratory organs try it and ihi convinced hlb wait amd mkito 1 h lliil young- belroaa baa prhn ised lo marry you k yes in thren yesra ian i that a good while lo wait r it may its t hut ahe a worth her wolght tn gold had palpitation of ihe heart wellness ud ckouag spells whtil the heart begins to bent irregu buly iialpltale and throb licats fast tor a time then to alow as to seem almost to atop it causes great snslety and alarm when the heart does this many people are kept in a slate of mot hid fear of death and lierornc weak worn and miserable to nil kuch aultricra millmros heart and nerve iuri will give prompt and permanent re iter mrs john j downey new glasgow nts voltes jit n few linen to is you know what your muhurn n heart nnd nrrvo lill liuve done or me i kmd troubled with weaknevi smj palpi tation of the heart would have fccvcte clinking aprlls and could scarcely he down at nil i tried many remedies but got noun to aiuwcr my case like your thils 1 cjn recommend them highly to all having heart or nerve troubles rrioo fto cents per lios or 1 box for si 25 1or ante nt all flcalcrs or will 1m mailed direct on receipt of r rice by tho 1 mllburo co limited toronto ont bad blood causes boils and pimples get pure blood ami keep it pure by removing every truce of impure morbid matter from the oyatein burdock ltlood flitters baa been on the market about thirty five year and 1 one of tbe very let medicines procurable for the cure of boil and pimples pimples cubp miss j u wallace black harbor n ii write about five years beo my face was entirely covered wild pimples i tried crerythmr peopte told me about but found no relief at usl i tlaughtof ll d ii and decided to try a bottle after anuhing two bottle i we entirely cured and would advlia any lady who waut a beautiful complex ion to use d 11 ii boas cured mrs hlhwortb maync springfield pki write my face and neck wre covered with boils ami i tried all kinds of remedies but they did me no good i went to many doctors but they could not cure me i then tried burdock blood hitter and i must say it 1 a won derful remedy for the cure of boil burdock blood hitler la manufactured only by the t milburn co limited toronto out- tlir r trunk railway atcn trains iista in as a w gimson painter paper hanger ploluro traxnnr kto bcw to inform the utiles ol acton and surrounding vicin ity tliat he his been appointed agent for three of thejarreat will paper housed in can ada 1500 samples to choose from lnccb right also that he is prepared to repair all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissors ground kurnt turo repaired shop miil street acton wsrls are disfigurements that din- appear when treated with llollowaya corn jure haay inherit weak lungs aod aw m diss as usnally assails tbe weakest point t pereoos are continually tanoa to sttaeks of oold and pulrnon mtf dlatatbanoaa the speedy use ot bleklaa anuooaeupaptlve syrup will baloajkpnvanuveaim a proteeuoo tessaluaenlnar the orfrans so that they are not eo liable to daransjretnent rrom drnosssrw or abrupt atmospheric etvsngea blcklee syrup is cheap and bad twa ap taro arlahmaa were dlcgins a sewer ooavrae a bbj tall strong man about a res 4 locbee in belght and the other waa a little pony man about 4 feet fl ino the foreman came along lo m bow the sort waa pr and noticed that one of them was doing mors work than the other 80 he calls down to the big fellow and says look beer how is it that utile mickey dngan who is only hall asj big as you is doing iwlo as much work as your glanetog down at- mickey pat re- ptlssit atnot wbyhooldrt tierainv be nearer to ll r mot omal vrtniout thi otiibr we must not anticipate aueosss without difficulties but on the other band we must not look for difficulties without suoess the flrsjt mistake is ghat ot overeoofidenoe and second bttd bsore awrlau is the ratal blunders mf pessimism kspeot obstacles in the nature of iba case but look over and beyond tbaen to ultimata success it oood qqauttiw aspiring vocalist professor do yon think 1 will ever be able to do aqytblog with my voice perelringteaoher well it might ooomid bandy in ease of ore or ship a lumow wolt e tba yoting king of belgium la ard ently devoted to eeltquflo achleve- foewt ha baa just completed a radio- tesegraph sysum fltted tip by himself at hi owe uipafise at tha royal palace fort ha porposo of coodaetng ejiperl- melila he bsw bevlssd a means for foeaymng uf ifcet dlalsooa between jwlainiellli allthatlsnsosseary toasantla wlreleea uaaaaga way front preessll io flarts nid note tfte eaact tllnwa latoasiilashm find receipt of aowgfgiwjasaioa a p ihellgertallin wava an practically in eswfiint- lb aiftwtam la l0m ejsuodufe lq uutude the ghsttlelvtldalonmutno- fqr jtw 10 utsworm imwatauuptof opggjo nfloa in aft f according to government estimates 100000000 was made in western town property during the year 1909 1md you participate in these hugh prorta or did you 1 pigeon hole the propositions submitted to you by your western friends for future consideration 1 in abort are vou the man who made a profit or the unfortunate 000 who bad the ehance but did not possess sufficient judgment to recognise the opportunity or sumdeut courage to close a deal 1 the man or woman entitled te sympathy la the one who says plvo or ten year years ago i bad a chance to hay this or that property at ioo or ssco and aow it igworth 10000 the average person sneer at the person who make such a statement and say i would have bought and made that money are you seldg to bay live yearn from now uet yon had a chance to buy a lot at pee alta at from koto 100 each or are you going to be the man who will have from siooo to 910000 in cash aa a result of having bought properly lo thla town in this year of grace 101 1 f poe cosejmrcialceftfra loh la located 00 the mam line of the orand trunk pacific kallway between edmonton and saskatoon it i located in ono of tbe meat farming districts in western canada the surround ing country la settled by a progressive type ot farmers snd couse juenlly will become the market centra far northern alberta ob district passtesaesfrlch coal mines ta liouo to tlvcrs and lakei sad large forests are easily accessible from this point tbetta natural resources insure for the residents of the town first low coat of living nnd aecoud great commercial activity two esaen liala in th6 upbuilding of a town thus ursatlng valuable real i poe am m mtarctrtas centre tbu townalte and oontiguoua territory has the requirements outlined by large manufacturing cooosroa for tho louallon of latge factories or largo enterprise or any kind employing large number of people the rivers and lakes furnish water tbe coal fields and forests furnish fuel and cheap building material tbe floe farmirl lands farnua fann products enabling the resident to live at n low coat tho town ia located 011 the main line of a truiimnn uncut ul railway assuring the necessary transportation fncilitliit tiicwj icombined conditions will furnish cheap labor 0110 of the most important feature of a manufacturing csntrn pok townslte waa recently placed on tho market 0 been hold and many of those inla have already il ulreaily over boo lota have been sold and many of these inla have nlrea changed hands at a substantial inorcaae in price moot of the lots wore purchased by representative business man throughout canada who are now profiting by ttioir foresight tho towauto is high puriws ml dry and very suitable for hulldlng opportunity is uwleeu unlews you possess the courage vou might pout ewj great wisdom you might read a good ileal or travel much and lima we all alnds of opportunities to muka money but unions you have thn cnurnno to net on your judgment anil wudom all of theme dcklrablu niutwt aro entirely useless lntirtniob are u gooil investment nt prcieth prices 1 be town is twuud to grow rapidly owlutf lo the eav erms or iiaymeiit you have tho ability to buy and if you do not buy now it is becauho you dro lacking in courage nnd the thuiln are you will never he like ths man vou now ndmlm most rich coura geous und wise torre na title joic lowuuittt la huld by us under the lurtnim wyntim of title under tltlu nyttein un title la guaranteed by the govern went therefore absolutely safe price and terma uml limy can be tenth ciuh balance in ellileeil vual quarer cash balance in six twelve and prices ol lota rinvue from gso to vloo each 0y0 purchased monthly payments auihtocn months i information wo have ishiiod mi attractlvo circular giving fsill information pertaining to bhowing lots luuiuii to day for sale if you wish to receive this iitttactive cut out iiud fill in the attached coupon and mall ltlo us lqvk9ick whllohiiilthieu was obliging hla guoata with tl love that mskea the w01m gu round master smith seised the opportunity to retire for a few tulnuto behind the screen with hi ulbetu half smoked cigar tlie applause subsiding maattir tjiulth waa obarrved to be looking far from well good gr j claim johnnie i what the matter r crltd mrs huilth in alarm i lieliova youve brun sniok ing johnula bhimtk his bead taint lhat bodtclarwl untruthfully i ills true what father has been slngl about i 1 re reckon 1 ni in loves it t the lover who braves tho storm a rain buaii 1 it doesn t require an aa to cut an no iiialntance children ory for fletchers c a s tor i a a cum for hheumallam a painful and persutent form of rheumatism is caused by impurities in the blood the result of defective action or tho uvcr and kidneys tlie blood becomes tainted hy the introduction or uric acid which causes much pain in the tlasues and in the joint parmalees vegetable pill are known t have wf feellve many remarkable cures and their use la strongly recommended a trial of tbsia will convince anyone of their value jirn on the bob is tnoru acceptable than corn on the foot there i no impropriety lo ualng a aprlng wagon in the fall a pill that prove ita value those of weak itlomach will find strength in par melees vegetable pilla becal they servo to maintain the healthful action of the stomach and tho i ivor irregularities in which are most dis tressing dyipepttc are well ac iiualntvd with them and value them at tbelrpropcrworth tipsy have afford d relief when other pranaratl failed and have effected cures in e menls oflong atsndlug wheio oil medicine were found unavailing thaihino itor vvomkn lafonuiloa coupon osatuassa iwluts view ta bav ins pfoeerty la fob all ue seed fall loforaauee with map sad shmvh aae etule yours truly iwatekxandxp lands townsitcs and investments winnipeg norlwg canada ii 1 i 1 have lloi thlok all women ought to ltn grand tralnlnir for em makes em do one good thing at any rate she whats that dearr he- practice keeping their mouths ahut castoria iftr infanta and children mkmynhmatwmbagtt ccvsi had very bad cough and tickling sensa tion in throat dr woods norway pino syrup cured it miss c darnel win ilowsman itlvcr wan writes last fall i had n very had cough and a tickling sensation in my throat ltsnso bad i could not sleep st night bo i went to a drukrist and told hint i wanted something for my cold and be sdviscd me to try dr wood a norway pine syrup which i did and after taking one bottle 1 was completely cured let mo recomi imd dr wood ki 1 wty pine syrup to niioc who aufters from a cough or throat irritation dr woods norway pmc brup is without a doubt one of the greatest cough and cold remrhci on the market to tay and so great has been its success there are numerous preparatloui put up to imitate it do not lie lmtoed upon by taking one of theu substitutes but insist on being given dr woodv when you ask for it price 2d cents a bottle put up in a yellow wrapper three pine trees the trade mark manufactured only by the t muburn co limited toronto out paper makers oxomoxto wit ont hook nkwh and colokkd papklui jno nlaltluflit ihis hay interest you 1 w want a lallaliu man tehllauraraji boom btmalalllaa in nil i traaa amall tralta md lxtta ilowartim abruba roans al id aatoe add oouutr darles fall ana inter montha untflt irae ajteliulva ivrillorr pay weahlf 600 aorea of nursery stook ulna wall towd traaa and aniaba ttaat artll aaliatr your eaalonian uwandtoeddelliary baraalaad batalillatibd dt 91 jasra wrllo or xhola or part time unit i balaa uascr ietham nursery co toiiohio ontario the berlin steam granite aid marble works c a span braun deslttners and uuildors ol blatue maui iceums monumenl uarkera and head atone and all kinds of artistic cemetery work wm hemstreet agknt actom b noble ready for xt u0ui1 4 r wheat cekklis luiun na blloktb corn i whole chacked in meals oats lkushed 1 1h meals hay and salt aad 11 dmlrabl 1mm slufli n sbbsh consc19ntious plumbing 7 heating is mot 7k jvsvth inilth us i to tho contiary wc make it the most important actor so il you favor us with your pntrohnrc you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith plumber quebec s guelph phono 337 j j if taissilai twos rhlp bm hsw yea seer and a a rssali skatth or sasesl yanooa or improve men i and wsv frse oar opinion ssis hrtr keatsbu r1ns spellc n auccvmfully proatcult conduct ally squlnnea aav and waihlhrioe i thliqollflsi ty dispatch work and qalckly a ktmosdsi lialnveniloa ur mlabad sv 1 nmnnaptralulilndi i ii loo waaadhnalncai marion tl patent vaperts und sail nrwyorkufentv atlaslkbdjrjwi jr-o-