Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 28, 1911, p. 3

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snui glaus headquartkrsi ygai will be dallcbtad with oar uock of wwmfcm j y out aims rmv pfclaa htlnnraf mia our unntdml of toy dolla cburfren hottkaar auekaa doll cabai la lb large ia town give ft call uolrtt issubd harmao geo hynds aoton owtahio winter term drom january and liott yorohto onthrio ir bt twuuf am- writ mr wwlngif real estate lawy te le at laweti rt sf lalureit lanpe masher nf rarnea ier sale chea stwelllacs aa4 ateter rraperty l all parts f ih tww wv hare every facility far tradactlaj aar baalaeaa 1 yiewr eaaaftlete aallaf actltn j a willvctialbv uearkctawa social and personal unlrm your fim pmm um the addrema ubnl n yur kiikk ikkmh talla to wbalulyriraulrij i u paid 8m thai a read 1w 1013 which tlgnia that you lra bean prompt in renewing for ilie oum log year all faut piunw aubaorlp- llona arejkayable in advance ululnj c m oktllwjr btauotaa ur hiram bwankhanier who i boots or the holidays la now engaged aa loranxa ol the carpentering gangs wbo are building atatlons and water- tanks on the canadian northern on tario ilailway hl wen are at work on bulldlngeat the end of tha auol in thai gold mining region tteyond cochrane i pavuiavuaidianadainumtohuarcn a happy family trunlon waa held on obtiattnae day a iba hoiua 4 air 1 wmurray lot bo on 2 kue- ing tha murray klngabury and mann branchee of tha family a ad u th number of thirty i wo and an iepuiyitaaa andrew murray waa tha proud grandfather of eleven of ihoae preaant a vary joyouaday wu pent and nrllat llauar arrived in ilia afternoon to take a group picture of the family gathering sbc ton jree press thokhday okokmdkh sm 1011 biief local items happy new year to all nuaaro weather yet thla wlnlnr a bright now yrer may we all make it batter than i ha yaar jual kindly aupply the fuiuc lunti with tha naiwoa of your vlaltore in and from town the merchant report a bumper ohriatmaa trade notwithstanding tha mild weather ile iqu after thu wajrl iuumbi- ber whan you data your lull era and other document wall there wasnt much sleighing bat it could hardly be called a green christmas after all re j c wllaon b a will hold preparatory errvlo in knox church thla evening and oomm union eervlcee on sunday tha eraa aoma rather ventureeonie vvimit on thin loe on fairy lake on tuesday four young people went in tbe paat weak waa i be bualeat the poat ofsca hare ever experienced the anoant of ohriatmaa matter handled wm aaptadaeaotad tha bapuetsunday school enter- tijlaanaat lam friday evening waa very ewooeesfal and gave much pleaaura to aq who participated knox sonday sobool will provide a delightful entertainment for new years night the lewrle boys of hamilton and an excellent sc pcoajnmme will ha given of ooorer the old council will be w elec glv them an opportunity to flnlah their work and bring in hydroelectric power and light th induction of ttev j mllna to tha pastorate of the flrat preaby terian ohareb eremosa will take plaoe to- aaorrow bav j o wllaon b a kloderatnr will preelde mr allan smltba new cement doable dwelling on lake avenue la about osmpleted mr smith moved lalo tha east aide laat week thla new balfdbaija quite an improvement to laaetnat b j kerr auctioneer held a great aale for d rea hramoaa on the kib inat oowa aold aa high aa ejila00t aeer calf 0 montbe old 9c7popi oata mfc the prueeeda of the aale amounted to 94800 hava you renewed your futuc pmaas eabvcrlpuoa yetf uundreda bava done ao during the week and a ooantderable number of theae have atai tha paper for a year to fruada at a dlatabttaas a ohriatmaa or new years token meat oeaterj0o have dlpoeed of their dry goods millinery and clothing baaineaa to oerhlcjuto huat- wr toronto mr oerblg will c iba atore on wednaaday janu ary srd and will offer apeclal bargalna o car out uw preeeot atook ijaajlabaaii of ta p oaeeew at jibe bat regulartlbmtlob the tiallrelh3oart ohva- branch wenrj inaauedaafonowai l c rt gambia t c b- mr il m ucdooald baa beoy j laeky fla secyo o speight treaaa h soelght ghukllia s qunton s wb brown a s wh m orlppa x w b loaveoe a j wmra j mc arthur 8bh baideu j br- hall a dj molnloab p o bj plant phywdan b d ault if d on tueaday afternoon while akallnr on fairy lake herbert maaalea and jeaele maltha are witnt through tblo lee and for a few mtnutea were li vary precartuua poaltlon itolph kwaekhamer who waa not far ai ruahed up and jumped in tn the reaoua of mue matthew and two or th mg fallowa got uaaatea out to aolld lc it waa aleo naeaaaary to young bwackltamar out- beyond a ld aoare and a very lay bath there wurn no aerioua eonaequencea a quia waddu lt weak a very quiet wrddlngtook placehut saturday evening a wnderoerihe home of ea- warden of nation and mrs hwackbemer when their oojy daugh ter oertruda tclheleen waa married to mr r i smlthunwln or htrotford london kngland the rev j o wluon n a of knox church offici ated te bride waa unattended and looked loraly in ber bridal roboa of ivory agun dinene with pearl and cryatal emhr4dery and bridal vail and orange bloaeproa aftar tha oeremqny a raoeptlon waa held for tha immediate friend of the bride and groom caurtajtmaai day w the ohriatmaa of 1011 in acton will be remembered aa a very quiet one family gathering and reunlone were numerous and the merabera of theee evidently found greateet pleaaure in the home and borne aurroundinga skat log wa good both on fairy lake and ourporauon pood a few cutter were running but moat of the driving was on wheels and the road wars vary fair tha oddfellow concert in tbe town hall in tha evening afforded a pleasant opportunity for putting in the closing hours of the day the ohriatmaa spirit waa much in evi dence cahatinsa pnmllr heutloai a family reunlon waa held at tho residence or lira g campbell victor ia ave on ohriatmaa when twenty- eight gathered to spend the day mrs b j harper of toronto t a f an derson aud graodaagfater of olam lakv mich t u j anderson of cad illac mlcbf w 11 anderson and daughter of krwadln mich t g anderson of new york city t broth ere of mr campbell harry camp- belt and family of west toronto geo campbell and family or balllna- fad mrs oaulerand family mr ed qauible aid famllt mr and mrs t gamble mr holmberg and mr bogle- hart of acton golf mr jh n stlnsna who came back frotai the norlbweat about a year ago baroeved a government appoint mmt aad rvtumed to tha weet on rev ohrlstophar oookman dlsd at hla home at wsston on ohriatmaa day after a long illness the remains will be brought to acton on this morn ings train for interment in fair- cemetery beside the remains of his first wlfa bavm oookmnn en tered tha methodist ministry at dray ton in 105 nod for over forty ysara oontlnaad in the work superannuat ing three year ago in 1887 he was tatloned at acton and a yaar or ao later married sarah jane daughter of the late asa hall eq- ur oook man pemdeoeased him about thirty years ago several year after which he married hla present widow one son and three daughters snrvwr rsmsmnswrt at ohsiatasaa tlaea mr ohaa w mason who was for mahy yeari lb imdsr of aolon hsth- oduit sunday school orchestra and who recently removed to wlogham was in town for tbe obrutma holi days on stnday bal tended i he sunday school a usual and asauted the orabastra with their ohrutma inaate at tha close of tbe ssss maaon was prassoted on behalf of lb bhooltby messrs h p moors super- luteudsot and a b nleuin aaaafijate buperlauodeot with a euvarpuud folding muate stand with leather cake and an ebony and ivory leaders baton so it ably inscribed mr maaoo espreseed bhi appreciation in- suing terms wished the aohool eontlouad suooeea and all the members a merry ohrulmasand a happy new vrar i o p f ohrastonaal high tha young msbslmus clave of the mathadl church assembled at mr v ajetbfar butoba rasldanob the other vaalng and after sum eonvarsatlon mrroh harris waa oallad o lbs ebalr an addrass appreciative of the of mr a f johns their sjy wm prsaentsd mr john also two othsc vouuna oammot cdbbd the christmastide visitottsl mr jfobn h moora of tonutto uls ittu a mourv ol toronto- mlaa mlonla iunnlt w st ilalllna- ud ur jo tilbbons was here frum to ronto mr llaher wtllhuna wu lionw frtwn berlin mr kay watson was hone from rlralra mr cltaa llytla waa home from toronto mr a a u kenney la home from toronto alfred storey waa home from toronto mr kdward murray waa home from toronto mua myrtla matfhewals home from toronto margaret ii bennrtt from ct ark son mr j a mcmunchy from toronto university mr a kennedy was here from llracr bridge mr c ii moore of the uunda star waa horn mlsa oailrude johnstone is home from ojtawa mr warren ilrown from tha s p k toronltk mlsa myrtle b matthew is home from toronto mr j uiyd of toronto was here for christmas misses margaret and marlon llrown were in tornntb mr john foulrr of hamilton with riieuda here mr nalaon bauer of titronto hereon saturday dr a l uore of markham aa here on saturday mr j c leslie f calgary w in town on saturday mr 11 h nlcklln u houie from the 1 s toronto mr o w uuoo of wlngbam ber for christ at mr w k moore of llamilton 1 visiting frinnds here mr walter ioseee of crochrana was with friends here mr j as henderson is home from toronto university mr i memueehy spent christmas lth toronto friend mr will forbes of turooto was home for tbs holiday mr ralston brown of toronto was home for the holiday mr f a mclean spent christmas at huhorne in windsor mr and mrs george soper and family were at preetou mr park dills of johnstown n y i home for the holidays mr and mr wr menabb and children were at orveioore miss una kenney le home from creemore for tbs holidays mr and mrs r jmokschnla and babe era bare from detroit dr will bomervllle le her from halleybary for the holidays mrs jennie smith and mlsa bdlth were with friends in toronto oapt and mrs a s gamble of buffalo were at tbe old hottte hie leita sblelda spent christ ma at ber home in grand valley mia bessie husband la home from toronto for a eouple of weeks miss ntihe porter of toronto spent christmas with relative here anson thurston spent christ mas with bis sister in toronto mr wallace frankum of wlng bam was home fnr tbe holiday ubae kttte and myrtle dill of to ronto are home for tbe hnlldsya mr and mrs n b undsay and children were here from toronto mr and mr frank mcintosh ot toronto ware home for christmas hiss cormle or guelph waa the guest of mr and mr a t brown mr and mrs amos mason and master george of alton were here hiss tsna hoarthur or toronto spent christmas with aotoo friends miss grace jobaatooa was at bar homa in braoshrldga over christmas mr and mrs john miller of baitte visted friends hsrsovrr tbe holidays mr and mr a b mcintosh and babe of guelph were at tbe old boaw i mr t jams moore and miss laur of guslpb were at mr t t moores mr and mr john h warden of fargus were guests at the old borne mr and mrs k j moore and baby jocelyn or toronto wore at moore- croft mr and mrs nell mcdonald and children were with frlende out of tbwhr mr and mr o b kbhagv and babe of berlin were at tbe paternal bom hiss swllner of meedowval waa tbs guest or her sister mm wai mr wbltnsy of luddlngton mich is a guest of ber sister mrs d me- murchy m mr norman mcmorchy fred mclangblln a spending tha holidays at hi botue iteie mr and mr arthur hmilh were at falrvuw plan for tbe holiday mr joseph orlppa of west toronto spent ohriatmaa holidays with hla sister mrs o mclaughlin mr nerhstt atun of calgary u vuitlng hugrandfatbsr mr hugh mclaagbuowelllngton street mr h k mekarrihan of toronto and mrs chae jenaer of new york n y are guests of their mother mrs t h moor mr and mrs james a coleman o llamlota man arrived on tuesday evening to spend a few weeks with relative h meesr aodraw and michael o brian boos from north bay ilolh were successful in their model school ex aminations there cepc claude gray who basbnen jn military school kingston rr several months waa botti for christmas n left on tuasday for winnipeg- lr t gray was called suddenly to rochester minn yesterday owing to iba serious i linens of his brother he will likely be away four or five day mr and mrs nj hassles andwba mia aupray maaajaa mr and mra c t mclam and mr krio garvin vltllvd at the home of mr robert gsrvln over the holiday nuuhv arrook tlafor ordering trees write us for our catalogue and price or see our nearest agent we srn the itigeaf growers of tree in canon- full lln of apple peach r cherry and plum tree our trees arn noted fir one root ay at em and largest ii growth our nuraerloe i e patronised by tbe largest and moat priiaiv fruitgrowers nf canada writ for an agency brown broe co nr serymen jxd browna km nui welland co xlourio a man suioded in toronto hk was raiba bhim howivu on chrialmaa afternoon chief law- m received a telegram from chief graaseu toronto reqoeaung him to look up l ho rrrend of frederick j mclean who was round dead in bis room al lb prince george hotel to ronto that morning the dacaassd arrived inturooto on sunday evening and registered under the abore name giving a clan as hi place of residence af dlnner he told the clerk that he was uolng in retire and left- a call tor 7 j ueloek chrislmas jay the baulin lite loom was rung on several occasions but when the man did not answer a bell boy wentnp4o tha room forced tbe door and found lb ufalcas fornt or th man in i he bed nearby was found an emptj lomlle which apparently bad contsiisd laudanum and a two- ounce botile or caxbotlq add which bad not bveo touebed nothing which would assist in the identity of the man was round in tbe docket of the clothing he had a tt dollar a gold watch and chain a pfp and a rek other trinkela br win- nelt who waa called stated that death was apparently doe to an overdose laudanum a bottla found in the room bad label bearing tbe name of charles porter druggist acton there never was a druggist of the name of porter in acton a man of the name did however succeed mr harry frankum in dr gears drug store at krin us fall when mr frank- ura went to the college of pharmacy toronto it la bsluved thla la the utan who waa found dead if amanownaapoektknlfeltuilards for him to pas a grindstone say what you pleas about motol courage th man who has a hit of it i mighty uri popular good lb more communicated iba mots abundant grows- john milton great clearing sale wednesday january 3rd 1912 general dry goods readymade clothing boots shoes rubbers eto having bought the new general stock of castor co acton ont i will dispose of same at great reductions millinery all trimmed and tjntrimmed hats feathers etc at half regular prices ladies readytowear ladies suits mantles skirts ulsters coats furs etc 8634 off prices mens overcoats mens and boys suits etc wt off prices ext spe 1 s lbs redpatlu best grannuted sufir aid i lb of best 40c tea tor so cents black green or mixed ih uhtutow ooiusni priiuu qr iba oddrloa lodg m in all n- eu np to lb mriu qtalnwd o it the pragnunin waa nriad and of an anjovabt hanlr tba qoartauaa ianbr ihabnjal alata cfaaroiun ot toronto wav4xomdlncl7waurddmv ed and wwra- of a elaat of alotlona wall aolud f ar mob a nonolaroaoatli of her specials will follow terms strictly cash no credit we never learned the system of bookkeeping right house hahiltons ravoinx thorrino ncc our rnnurl i sale of mens shirts rep4ar h00 and u5 surfs t c 1 rcruur si jo and j200 sblrls at sii0 sale opens wednesday of this week and continues until neit saturday al i p m only liarlicr than nsaal greater than usul the annual rioiit hoiisk sale of mens shirts is now in full career this helpful event opened wednesday of this week and will continue until saturday at 6 p m the last business day of the year 4200 urge bodied weh finished neat patterned shirts special at 48c and li0 preparatiqds for this sale have been gothtf on for months the best shirt makers in canada were consulted as to how we could cram more quality style fullness and wearing power into mens shirts to sell at 68c and 1i- as a result of these preparations these numerous trips to the business places of the mettyho know how wc now announce the largest aad best vauieittlviag shirt sale ever held la hamilton ajlsizes from 14 to 18 and plenty in each size there are neat black and white stripe effects plain white pleated fronts fancy striped madras shirts blue and white stripes neat dots etc you may even select from a splendid new lot of soft cuff shirts at these prices newoess nnsdfuli use of materials carefully stitched seams and back yokes and excenttoiuly neat and styftsh patterns these are the keynotes of this sale r i fares refunded tea eoohlbasement thomas c watkins limited king and hughacbn sta g rung ana uugmuiigu hamilton ont- s bdirjtjibtjibiibtsbtjferjiibtjt annnnni b wishing aii customers h b a 1 i i happy s s and i i prosperous i newyear amd thanking all for the best years busi ness i bvbb had bank of hamilton g tuttnatar g saaaaaaafamvjcaard i actoa oat awanuhnnnnnn ananan atautawb capita raid up j 1 a7squrjoo i maaarraubdlv4lad rvojlia sjbojdoo taaai aaaita call st iba offioa of the dank oihibu tea and atctlf a paavbook thla la a alraplotnnajuloa yt li may ba tb6ru map towtida cotnpowooo yon cannot maarnanca to ava loo early in uiomki tba ptaca to itaep your tavlnf la in a cruutatad uank lalaraat paid oo drpoalls of tloo aad upwanl 0e0ugetown branch w m makay hanacar maad offlca hamilton isfie metropolitan bank head office toronto out mxfoooo mijmaflaa waca with frianda in bnubdhm hohrbtmaa ur nd mr a k nlokun and mr harold ware wtlb onalph frianda 00 chrutnoaa ur and lira bert haaon aad mb hurlal of ilatnlltow were hero for chrtattuaa mr aod hn wallaea malbaaon of 1 tyaaau of ma afa o aftr soroarvlua mra w baniaaatidohudraiiofto ranto vutted at tha hotna of mra o swackhaaaaafa mr and mra geo h bwby andyl baba of inaanoll vbdtrd frtaada u tb old homa j mr ihi mial arrlttw wuaoo of each wamber prpra hlfnaajf alogar or ability maawm vrmnv bamroafr altrertbohloaoa and dboald ltodao iwthaunapacura aoloa allottad oon untied aipuuae wwu iba dtwtu by maaartw batoroaa and ednoodaoq were i much eti joyad mb bertie fioiltb 1 oallad beraalf in heir nttmbevei old jbdee harbor bfrlorr mod the obooolaie bowlar sbe waa re- teatadly eneored mlaa laqrttta gray not only performed the part of e of artlau of the anmlns la her kalmltame mr nerit contrtbatad two plejiofuiin wai tjldaquy envlad by tba ounwr oo famuykkthat1iv in town um nmubtre f wht were loeth to leave please uemember the above date youira truly gerbi the hustler m 8 ackln ow toronto werea of bar j o wllaon6 a mr and mr joa ooumaa and mr bttberlol clarataod o are vwunc wanda bar sv ry mr wm dofrot drayton- waa the kuae of bu daohtariat kttos obnrah maotev mr ml mrfce b swaokbatncr of toronto were at tbe formetta htmae for lha holiday mr and mra a poaldwell ana ohrewapeittbaboudaya at iba old bomeatwrbarrle p mr and mra ljarry noble and mr flualm a iba talk tb attai lirar wltfa maoaa bera mr i buoowaao mlaa sopkla oolamaa hm jho btftibaqaim and muajotubuphroaonand mr vlmp oolaiuan profcohrlaunmowllliyriaiada abajti1 y the merchants of ca money ma7tbrs wul data 10 aanarpaaml lal tm these good tiabs dajtotawal ca halp yam lo bm a moa7oaimlladuilmlr9aaiadapaiibwel i fn boat aa urn u i w wa uabla to ba aoaat atadkaaty win aara mmtmf uah talara addad u roar oa dooar m atari aa tataramblarlbs aoooual aad oar adduloaalaaaacaaaaaildadalaayuata uurakxidadlnaadalaoldrau joint savings accounts ala tbe mbrchawts bank iba bawlibdomabjahbarof lw- taaa ara v boat acooaon tad laiaraal h lotal assets over ac1 on branch it loohj9 a naokara will eoon ba allotted to the place bey ehooid oocopy a retreat of aeoloatoo whera they wtu not annoy otbere with their aauwi and often affeaalre bablt toronto haa i driven them ont of the atreet care and now it le announced that no eseoltoa will be allowed at any time in tba new araoagardanat thla haa beendeetded upon by the dlrretore and tha deebnon aal ma eeattee whattha attaab systematic ayin arxompuabaa mora tbu u taaluad two dollara daponllad avary monlb will imoqbt with intanat in tao yaara to opao an account la our savinge daparltnaai aad make it a pulat lo lay aaua ao mtich evary btonlh one dollar la mtficto to mako a wait acton branch h e burling mailer uoa in tba arena their will be no darlatlon from thla role thla will be a boon to hookey pjkyete engaaed in aamee on tba artlaelal loe 1 olavar way al oatchlftjf hankaya in tropical ooantriea thcnujl have many unique waya of oatehltut iikayaon of thenir m qplijma bya timtt5ki7htmr thelttoftre walk about in abort boota tn alaht ot the nwnkeya then they take the boou off place aome oin in the bottoma and leave ibem on the ground wlth- drawlng themaelvea to a treat dla- taner preaantly the monkeya oonie dqwp tmtnthe taaa and try on the boota and wbraute hnntera ootne af ur them the boota atlek lo tha feet ot the monkeya and tfcey ate unable to climb thai the tmluuve little ebimeu are eaptnrcd n cnacwnent rlnfea the taatotn of itvlof entatemant rings tanks back to long before tha lohtiiuanerb with the aneientbgyp uana engagement rlnga were always of iron to indicate the mutual sacri fice ot liberty ol the eontracung pars ilea one of the vrty earliest adorn- taunts of betrothal tings was a load- one which symbolised the attractive lores which drew a maiden from her own ismlly circle into thai ol her has band it is believed that the purth anger has always been the brides rlngr anger fttwsarfcabla rth admits tltat he geti rry time bn happens lo bt or a boat in tough weatner i rwllkt is lrmarkame about itr tbst he admits ili rvihi mmlttbmawammsala1m i select itkov dressing gown singklng jacrvet and bath robe a b 5 daa knitted silk tckwkak cn 6 g aoou aalpiuot ot oenuinb woof swkatbr co attt opened today s be nelson qdilm out m wunnnmauaaamnrilialawbala our earnest thanks are extended for the liberal patronage accorded to u4 our profit in the holiday sales gives us grateful satis- action and we have reason to hope that the ad vantage of your purchases gives you the same feeling wimyoaacceptroursincore goodwishes far ah appy- ahd new year geo pringle duelph i

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