tv m i- hm- kbu md0nald3bxco0ismitn social and personal mr il k garvin of t vtutn wu mr gha hynd uf afar auto wu iui hlumim oa talufaxul tc jfcfca x cmmi chui 3i rijmirraai omltd mfl re mm memlhi juaauy t yjilml ihufar unliumxminh unluhtlt iw imw il iw tww un 0j ilaja xvvmarfca at r d b aamtt w hitm hx ot attn sltte uton yre ress tiiuiihday january j 1012 oitomial morn puiii id oi iviom la rowing more and mors ikilmt tb drinking bar municipality after municipality put- ling them mil of bu l u ea tnroii to world au nil local option repeal pro- poeal mrt defeated without lb aid ol tb throartha restriction in abort lb unfairness and iniquity of that limitation have one bu clearly proven the globe donald there wu con aid era hie inutmt tak en la the election for uunlelfml ooun clllor hers on fjew year day a large number of citlxeae pv proof f that tbey were eajianed with tba loaned of ui i but councillor hroww who la on of our boeleatrof bwlowi man wu very indifferent about being reelected after giving two yeers ear- vie and louk no time to can lb electorate or get out tba vote tba otbar four candidate mad vlgotous canvaea and naturally airbrown waa dafaviad ll defeat us now tut- vry mrrunmm liiaauiuob aa aitn under tba drcumatanoaa he polled within eight vote of tba number eecured by mr smith lb candida u above him tba vote waa aa folia ojck hvkdlututliovkanu dollar is a co aatl by montr oiyleiaje of th radootlon of the amount of money which baa hu received by liquor dealers of that city mad district since tba aarly closing law baa effective may lat town lla1j wkmiirrti twfai ui doxai- m 101 1 bku hi 100 181 oaom ol k 140 smmi 00 hi 144 brown 73 01 135 wban iba result waa announead councillor ucuanald thank ad tba eleo- tora for placing him at tba band of iba poll at but election urn waa at tba bottom ucapprweialad umtreou- tub fkatust that ooeaalooad par ticular jubilation in tba local option campaign waa tba fact hat in all tb ht taan munfelpalitlee whara a vote waa taken for tba rnl of tba am tba by law waa aiiatalncd by aubal tlalmajorillaa lulland umpire wrrooct a elngl dl even ling muni cipality tba hydroklactrle power whams awapt every part of tba pro vince whara tt waa ooarad for vota at tba polb on monday tba miimw which tba ptopnaala wara andoraad u a txibota to tba pavjact rural m wall m urban dlatrieu apoka for the hyd- rcbbwttia ucbta ooa of tba moat fa- orahjn votaa balna in tba vllbura of thornbury whara tbw otn atood ui furandsanvian fatarboro abm ptl- d np tba urga flavraa of 1440 for and 1m againar twaotynjna municipal- itlaa votad for tba by law and ail rld it by good major tlaa on wad ii day avanln of taat waak a nambar of tba maaabara of tba eon frawauon of tba hul ooocracauonai ohurcb aaaimblad at tba hotna of nra alas rtuaul to apand iba avanlos with tba paator rar w u alaodon- aid durioc tba avanlna tba rollowlnc addraaa waa raad by wm lily mo- kurehy psar u modowajj wa yonr ooncragauon jbava mat iboabrht to abow la a tannlbla way oaur aincara appraelatlon of your nam- aat and baarwalt work antong na you bavo faahaaaly taught t ha word of ood aodaavorina to bmd our mlnda from worbtly asalra to tblnsa arar- btatloa altboucb but m abort urn with ua you bava prox a friaod da paajdabla upon at all tlmaa your lafta in our bonaaa ara full of plaaaoraand badaflt for ua mo on w mora wajeoow than yon four atrimapaiaunahty baa an alavatlus in to m tbam falthfuuy sawrral important mattara wara bafora tba oouaell of 1012 ila would do what ha tbooajht baat for tba paopu in ail of tbam oounculor dau almply wubad and would try to rapraaant tbam faith fully in all mattara eomlna bafora tba oouncil of 101z oounculor coopar axpramad almilar- ly baarty tbanka and pro fallb- fulaarvler mr smith tbankad tba alactora for pudnc him in tba omtndl of 1912 ua waa a ww man and fait ha had had a hard flgbl to win a aaav whaa tba old oouncu wara ail in tba run- nlna ha would avar try to work in tba bumuxutox xbulowp aaw bottaat municipal ibjht lo lu buaory bs wardau mas smith waa oppoand for tba raaraahlp by tbomaa alkin- aon ur smith eruahlaaiy dafaatad him with a majority of 181 tba graat- aat majority four t etrar avar won in any bjbt for tba baavaahlp baava smith pollad ss9 votaa to hla oppon- aafa itt thla 1a aa aloquant in dex of tba popularity of mr smith in hla bourn town tba by law ror tba naw 933000 pub- llo school bulidiac waa earrud by 184 milton in a thraaoroard debt for tba mayorallty dr ii a mecou waa alactad dafamuna jamaa blain and r l ilematraat tba oounell waa rlactad by aoolamatlon and b p bar dafaatad dr j daot rorraava ouucviujc a 8 foratar raav c b oroaa j t uaddan waltar whit takax w r paatbaratoo w ix orrcory w il oaraou oooacjuora mayor lllllmrr waa alactad by aoda- ala contact wa faal that you bava a k futura bafora you and will aooompjuh much in too lorda ainayard your falthfulueaa u araat awaar abrinklna an duty and alwaya wivbmj to nndattaka waiwkyou vlfcachibbai duty and worlx lor utla ohriatnsaa ad puraa ah a allafat aodaataa to4aaiof ourlovaaodaataam ror yon oorroodwiahaa wul alwaya ba with i wharavar tba dutlaa of ufa may albb ufaa work b t aa nnbrokan coo- laad you and wba ibw ufaa work i oar naay w maw aj f la tba hanaanly bonaa snad on bahalf of tba ohoreblu oonarasauon somaruaacu mas b oum rlttb 1911 i tba cooclaaton of iba rnadlna ofj bkamrroxmayoralty t w dua au dafaalcd d p jtuatla fay a major ity o41 j a beck waa alactad raave a ii milnar dapnty iteaaa the thanburn for watar oommla- alonar otmnclllora jamaa martla dr sharp w x uaatty wn warr john fuuttand r b aahjay tba by law to naucfaaaa tba branap toa blaetrlo lhjnt rmnehbje wu riad by a majority of 14a guaxru tba aoulph council for ibis wlu cooalat of mayor thorpa by acclamation and tba following alder man joa lawaon j katly j r car- tar b h bryuoa 8 rucold cal vert h mabonay j iaeguai p howard h oceomor h o molaau rauifoaa raava obaa mcnabb cotinelllinraoharlaa banham baxter nekton adam wood and john baa fiequkaiioraavajobu bincfaam accli depraavatboaooaaeel councillor wm cleave jamaa new ton jamaa brown hbw mm turton uitad rautlvaa at dunawlll mlea amy walker of toronto waa with frlanda bare ur ham of toronto apent sunday with mr ft canton mr a t brown vlud auelpb on saturday mr j p saoord of orillla a day or ao butt weak mia klla mcpbaraou of toronto vlaltad acton frlanda mr klford vjo of oualpb waa here durlns iba woek mr jennie akin uf celt wu home for tba holiday mr a p scott vlalted bar alatera bare durlna tba week mra geo mcbelltepent tbaboudaya with frlenda la undeay vlalted went toronto mbm ada campbell of toronto apent a few day lu town mlea mamie maealee waa home from ilereward for tba houdnya mra t b aklna of bariin w- town a day or two laet week mf cheater plank returned red deer alia on monday mlae nora keuney vlalted bar aaeter in oraauiore over tba holiday mr j a mcdougau waa home from new ontario durlna tba weak mm mary mrtbnreou vulad toron to meade over iba holiday mr and mra adam bauer of berlin war la town for tba bohdaya mr jamaa llvmahaw of detroit cant repeal local option jkfre collier and cblldn frlenda at hua sadie prout of toronto f naw year with aston manda mlaa muriel small of kilbride apent a weak or ao with acton frlanda ml nildenbrand vlaltad bar brother at gmaloa durlna tba holiday mr root bynda of glenwtwaam vlalted at reeve hynde bat week ur and air h bauer and children of heatlnga vuted acton frlenda mr a j manklnnon was at iba old home la caledon fpv a holiday rlaft mra john x nelao apent new year with mra oookanau at weaton mr and mra b machine of toronto were tba koeeu at my h o brown mr m plynn who want to wlnnl- pawlaatran u now la vancouver o mra wood of toronto vlaltad cousin mra g union and other frlenda era tba mlsaaa dal of toronto were gomui of mrs jennie smith over new are rev and mra p o bnrreu spending the week with friend in to ronto hun margaret payne of hamilton tba pose of her friend mlea grace mr waltar rose helleybury spent tb boudaya with mr wm lande- mre h j hall andmballallof rr- lo were aueats at mr p mcnabve mr and mr p j kelly of strat ford were auaau at sunderland villa gladya sealth handed mr mcdonald the p named mr mwdfmah thanked bie donors la vsryaratefnl tarma for their obrlat- maa aitta ba amid ibat whit it is only a fswinontlut eince be lef bie iwsaoln ore snook scotland b bad found aaaay warm baarts la canada and especially la tba eotlfprkstloo of ohuremn h would ba hla aim alwaya to folfll lo the beat of bb ability the du ot p aod h they would alwaya and him faithful aixnurad tba naw year entertainment lu the hall bars oo priday evenlna last waa a great i in every respect although tba roadawera not very good tew capacity of tba hall waa pretfy wall taxed the progratoioe wai long and varied and iba different aoton did ibemtelree great credit the mdlea aid boc of llr cbnrch had oralfmoha1 cobmb provided an excellmt rrpaat whtcb was ovldaolly moefa appracbuad the paator of tb church bar mr ourrie dbpebargsd in an able manner tba onirooe dutlea of chairman to tba antlafsctlon of alt a jury pleasing fratura of tba evening waa tba pr christmas and new year have mm and gone with tb uaoaj number of family reunlona and wa have again eetued down lo the cnalonwry roouoe tba young people are enjoyng the xcel le akai lag on tba pood these una nigbte mwnijbnnait antarulnfd ft number of her frlenda on naw year after partaking of a bountiful supper tba g spent tba evening in game and moale mr h damper baa purchased the fm aaaehm and dwelling from mra w bennett and will take poeaeesloo immediately mr onuing will move to aston mr and lira jos cotoman of cleve land who ara visiting to acton apent a day wllb friend her oapt and mra g s gambia return ed to buffalo on tuesday after spend lug lha holiday- with friends bare mus bertha little of toronto apent iba new year bolklay at mr jaa gambby mrs a a seoord and mies bertb smith were with guelph friends over tb holiday mr will houston of wilcox sk arrived in town this week to vhdt acton frlenda mr and mr w a coleman and mlaa laura of heepeler spent naw years in town mr and mrs ii p mooieft g at a family gal baring in toron to on nawjfears mra dr holme spent a few days during the week at tba borne of har fatbar la london mba mary sharps of ingareoll visit ed bar mother mrs jamaa sharp during tbe holiday mr rlehard anthony of loddlcg- ton uuhu was tb gheet of hm sister to mjbtw rtjtoku oajiav bvuwi the rreolt of the voting on local option by taws throughout the pro vince on monday was vary acetifying to all who ara working foe the aboil tlon of tba bar room in this fair pro vince by4aw wart- carried in iliwl pi area and would have bn carried in nineteen mora if it had not been for the thrreflflba requirement tt municipalities carried it cannlngtoo lock now klnloaa kkirld luenhelm rwcy onllu lug and luythoeld rvlea island ubarlol tevlllr howard uarwlcb point kdward itvaler om walpole iloaafmukl sod koto local option waa uualnd in uf teen places including three towns tba victory in owensound being particu larly gratifying in no place waa tbe bylaw repealed nor wa the three bribe rroulremeht necessary o it anywhere on tbe whole there a msjoritiee for prohibition in w placm and against prohibition in only iff this result 1 all tba more gratifying when it la remembered that ihroogb- out ontario 440 munldpalltiea out of 641 or more than s3 per cent are now without bare it must ba expected that in these later stages of tb t taat the pr will bs s alower than it waa at flrat when tba problblllouuta cboss tbe held that looked moat rouislug in owen sound not only waa the jattempt to repeal local option defeat ed fay a good majority but a municip al council waa elected with t wo- 1 bird of its member favorable to ijbe n a striking feature uf the return i lb permanence of local option not a single case was tba three- qh be majority required lo tn the la but thai requltvuteut dtifld the measure in about thirty per cent of the p voted upon in kingston a by law to reduce licensee from 23 to 15 was carried by 129 majority in stratford a similar bylew to i educe from jj lo 10 was carried by udo majority- aelroug campaign was carried out in favor of local option at llstnwel 39 voted for it and 219 agautat while winning tm a auabjbt vote tba threealbe clause proved too heavy a handicap and tbe by law waa defeat ed by twenty votes tb local optfcm supporters ran a ticket for mayor nd councillor and succeeded in return laajdvnootof alxof their candidates tba mayor w cumtr bring reelect ed by a majority of seventeen votes mr john wstson lha local brewer weaderraled 1 thb optimism op thb consumptive mr jmm urewenn of toronto and mies aimle orewaon of millon spent obrutntas at ihelr home here utslon to tba otganbt ofthe sabbath margaret kentner of j school mbw margaret vary handsome new hymn amght token of appraeiatloa of be wasdervlos tb bnaneta raeulta add k goodly sum to tbe treasury of tba society ran oftheeletbodut conj eagatlon here have brguu to praclbm for rijalr entertatoment which it la ax- meted eriu be held dfl january mth bafat cree b a and mrs ore ol norwood oat vlalled at bbpetat- aml bomcbrejfor a few days laat wsak n ur and mrs john kirk and family off toronto spent the holidays with friend to our village tbe city eeama to wijttuim miimatwmmft hr bolk tdaya mlh frbmda in tbatjoeed city jtfcaoalwmabuaycilolb towbabdjmrily owlnif to thai dmny daoduuua atritlng jnir bonows and iwuw owing to t 4njbnootmoowpejluea in tha lend sf centrartaa old wim i en not young are lha dole of chlniae auflfly kldrrly man fly kite and ntey ball while the children look qulrtly on tjte very higbrri amblllnn l a chinsnuin la tojtc a banwom coiod nd a cohy funeral ven vrav long akiria and orry fanr women wear abort jack aod carry cane when n chlfiatnil iucca afl qoalo cevr h nir anckrs ha own hand if very glad lt mk a friend a chinaman very often tubs ahouldcr wllh him if a chinaman desires a vbltor to nln frith hm ho dor not ak him i do o j hut if he houkl mtt want htm ho ay as wont yon may and dlmfi xha vuttor jhin knows that ha la not wantod b rspsf ol vluman halrt id north japan it aft enurlnou tem ple ths limbers of which wen baulrd hroai ihpmoiintnlnrandnwlmaplaot wlu rope made irowtw halrotlht nwn of ihe province prom these mr cherts w jobnetona of oai- gary alts- hag beso spending a few weak lath old bom mrscbss nlebans mr prad and mum kathleen and mr w moore of toronto ware guests of acton friends lias boyd orawford and mbw nauw prank visited mv w il orawford at oat heart over iba new yeerhottdays mr and mrs james mcdonald and mumbi of wast toronto war tba goaafaor messra o 4k a mcdonald blawefc mhwea uertrud and maud baker of stevansvlue were gossta of their j aistar mra dreperv at tb mstbodbt i parsonage i mr a a neatnltb of braosbridge n rout for own sound business colwge sprnl new year at tb bom of mr j pobacr hum bessie doogus auteoded tbe funatval of bar friend tb ut mbw mary heiiiday at tba sixteen tra are h ao dueaaa whlh afaan fatal m tta wunai u yet viewed with so mack eptlileai by the pa laasmslres it i wu that it a ao for au know to what extent eoea owu tilling whether canry or ike oppoalte laneaaoa bath ssaatal and pvrfajiowltinaa i waa certafauy laypa aawd with this thaegkt n ikail a newnpapw reporter m cater- viewmg a patlaat of the maakoka irea hospital for faanwmahaa ska waa a pretty gui of at brawn heir and dark gtay eyes who had com all tb way tram bavatnviiwaa she said she leu pretty sick when she firm arrfead at tbe beapuac aad ler two days tba win had to pa on auy lead her k have baea bi bad all the thweabaabid l have bsea well eared for while i bava been her i am sues-x-em- gbiag to get wall aad feel heller new tk aafors x took alok xrerybody aaesai kapny and bright sad telb ma wbw i l aplaaasaretolikeit everuuugbidobje please e end aaaka m aappy on j well vhh that ao bright a pa b restored to tualtk woooooooooooowxxxxxxxxxxxxwopooootxi hendersontit co acton i o our numerous customers wc extend the sliasqns greetings and our best wish for a floppy and prosperous nev year to a our january sale commences tuesday jan 2nd we have many broken lines and odd lots to clear belorc stocktaking and the prices will be made to do the work a big table fall of kemnanis of all kinds of staple dry goods will be ready further particulars will be published later t henderson cjc co mill st actott onl lxxooooooooocyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxooai m the merchants bank of chnkijk ilito 2mmtt illnbjxwt om ctihl sar nold rlae us hnupa mtt ruuibowmkf i- uavloa ukail h utowm ci10i0k iujildik0 jot8 for 8 alb rpfo m11h ah vltl w urn t smo- img fc m wik ull littialar me wf iiaaanawmin a oo to tiik klkctowr of csqub9ino yl counter cukck fiooks l sronmhmlmfarf vat mt mursruaa v svmooan take jfotice nrrttaexlaaiau el a vxaaaa aff x a win nr is tf ifc a uabwajieih usaili i n2sbf n0ucb j eba that aa aeuauiea proceedings at the fortyeighth annual meeting of shareholders the ftyeth annual me of ike shareholder be merchants sank of canada i december soth i at the head eaneeiof the baak tbe uatemcnt of tba rcsalt of the buaiaesi the net profit of tbe year after payment charges rebate on dncountx mtersl on ilepoalbi and makhur fad proviaioa for bad and danbtfal dehta bava ame ti7gs t3 tbe belaace b ferward frees yath novrai ber laic wa oovo7 of tbe sank for tbe year coding yoth november toil abawed thl has been disposed of as fellows 1 dividend no 4 st the tain of a perceblper annua dividend no as at iba rata ef percent per annum ihridoad ns os at tba rale of lo per cent per aaanm dividend na 7 at tbe rat of 1 per cent per annas jsoi transfiarred to raserve fund written off baak pnmlsoa a cootribailon t omcers penoa fund balance earned forward uakmgatoul ul 7m7sil thb general statebtent the statement of liabilities and asset at 90th november toil wsslbco read a follow liabilities hsa jbne a awjmi isswata cwsh prid for fowl t hj junk i aim n au kfceaa of furniture w setjcs rcton golden opportunity m dmrvtimiafauiwu laptuthau- a eeeatteaetia cuara business college ouffjcstl ont st wrayaay lai erw aa aaa a taaeaeah seauiaei ea ua a uua lamp iaatln3laj aw ulalaaiwtiala ct the ant fieserteabtf aae an ul aasllw yeata aeastey n mta nuccoriajrlaivi- to tbo public cold and silver cola o hand s 9140007 of notcain citcmatien t 6 3srs3000 dom i a lout notes on hand 630100 deposits afcau asev73 notes and cheques of other banks 4aostsavo depeaitx subject to notice ac- b doe by ether banks hi c ms3j cmed inuhcst to date in basks and agents in tbe savayll3 deposits by other banks la jcavsitsv 3569764 j04 sbahi balance doe t ageatx la great britain 3iooboos tbe uattod state to 97 unculmed a to ihe stockholder capital paid up reaervepund ralaace of profits earned forward 6111104 15000000 s17050 i704jootjjt call and abort leans bond and stacks la canada s3l54t4531 call and short loan on beads sad stack elsewhere than in canada 9oai6is7 covenimeat mnaicipal railway aad other bondasnd debeatares aa74aar ul 9 slw3h7lal current loans and dtsoonnbi less reeam ef interest reserved 47iioesy loan to other baak as 1605474 ioaaa and discouabt overdue lees fnuy pro vided for r isait deposit with dominion qaverameat for sscnr- ity of note circuution mortgages sad other securities urn p ol the baak teeas real relate 3s75 bank premhe and furaunre i973507 other asset 44vt73j i9tofilm it montagu allan frealdant mr aod mrs dtiek worth of toronto nd muw uorrln brewer of boston mass apent ohrletmae and new years with mr whooxo j mmre0ao0nohmwolaclnattloi z a hell httt d freaaes wbleh v brought farth by jnohm 1 4tnoitkbmss mmmw hmfti of toroab wmt hv tbntmujr tmidlnv ih raiwnk ol u ur uj un a h dmncum- wmlrdlnindiltofimmilmirr hmtrrmkhmaaoiiiilslnm lu vrr- iuy timj mm ul tuiiifkmtt dt ur bnmiuriuandiuof ik flmul npm it now mmiui p of ntrol vmtohimbnuicb of fommrij ot u w of ih umd ofbm ffm vummmiot yookwoqp a bmubm- of hiwowi ikra bo obanfd fcwid tetolr dm arm- n itkilmlwuu hu farm lo tbob cos for 97n tho aum uo j torn la a oob oo wkh ap4au balulncitfau u lb footta faraa lo eliaaabaiblalaell4a bakkbor kcwdi d h baato ooija w kmolmmrnolvnsadoaau aad oak bcaanatohic itaa why not get a victor vicfrola have a happy new year a re of the new jaiiiiatyremds on safe today cat awl bear iwctw hatry ldr seolck cetw1ia 70060 taapiesis bvery laddie lovea a laasla 7006s resajja la nve olsaiu lander is 7006 a waa weaeh sanwi landrr is v1 r w iander is auu olvck slymoa sraahoat almaolnck soprano is xde metropolitan bank hcmtf office togymate oat la oar hsvtsga depart nsmm aad make u a pout to lay nanih one dollar la nlbdmr to make a start acton branch el h burling manager look here i a paid car lor tmck hack goara cuun tmnora dropnr awaud bd bb or rabin cdl aad m waal k ca do for yoa i ubatlb ptamiw oalelacfon saitnoav xwt wii ku lua a hakaan sf obiwa sm bxctifison8 alwaaa all alaaaaa aiojaaaa ikn lo jmhotjlrpabb aajtwi oatabaolualaau aot d aawkaa misi- lists atbfowiiatai rcton j v select it notat i dressing gown smoking jacret 3 and bath robe g kkrmrmuc nckwkak ct c j al of oehontb wool 8wbatkr re7nei4son immimwimpknmmmmwmimt0imvatmtmi wtimm rr f jfltrifjfl fffi fabb and one third canaaaaaaat okan mu cooctanlat amj aain jaaaaay m 191 dnlta jkwara badi faaaaiy yd tgi ndlmanaiiiaalnaa 1 s houoas jacent montreal witnks waljaaai aa j choice fo ueaa ass i 5 5rsi