t r v santa glads hea oa will lwdeuejued wiib omt aloe ol wj jswsmm cut oiaaw vtmntommk hiim kin aue onnnnnmiof of mti cummah fttauha h mttmtt du cuou nsunis b the tsreeat in ion give us a cui iwin uormn ubuid geo hynjps wtuuo tarm from mry 2nd news of local import brown uri by mr bamuel week to take hu huumt who wuomd the middle of deoember to h home in wlnnlpea they ifi fe- tbe wwt on monday xwnmknbflhfprmubnrxdow number nil tb number ot volamn lhtad duelne tb yaw tru olfis of whleh3 were fiction and 3001 bdb- bctlon during uwmbm 572 vol real estate j i iwmt rmto t il tew wefcusve every laeiuty for lawmhwhrlwlmato jr j a wlixvmibbv thursday january j 1011 nil u btfef local items ito bap yaar now girls vary ley pmamu elnce bunday the schools reop yesterday betnrdsy nights uow atom gave vary fair alrlgblng oh country christmas ijoaja bare already bean coming in to heaewcone caw mlll fine moonlight trinur night now wmh vary pa sleighing thrown in mr j w bnra milton sang rtussiejm affect a chrletmea aolo at ilm methodist church at tha even 1 service uet sunday acton sen hockey imu want to brta on nw yuare day or a game a wu contested match resulted in n dfftw wltk a aeora of 4 lib manual meeting of lb halloa agefaultnrel society will be bald in tba town hall mutoo on wednesday tltvmoae oclock p m wnuata a smith won ont in iba u ami an in acton jus so smith did in tb coalaat fe board of edncalloo in ward ave bh oriffln thompson of kria wa ordained to tb prbatbood by iuab- cunk at bu mark ufaurca uutll- 6j but work htutnb appoiaiad to stoaay creak and bartonvlile ttvm baa bora busy week for oowasulor baa ho hustlrd for ajdoatmoofid place la tba men for mwfcda council on monday and got la aawailnm ii inn nf it i ltov- ax d iv of trinity church toronto aw iba preachir for tba eborcb annlver- aelnbs held on sunday h janu ary dr tovn la one of tba boat low- ad and most aoooaaatal pmatora in to ronto ha waa paator in aetna in tba anriv aaraatlaa ot last century and arol aevlralty ba accordad a vary eor- twscvmth of maubew tsjefyrrsht seneher of lurfhoond hill but month aaraslumsalmmlthttti nf flint irn tfgt to nrrlea of tba pov wmmot tba dowjnlon- mr taafy tbaavappotatamhatdatan frow jaaa sl it la vary nobahbi tbat mr maubawaimba ouaat portia la aaiikri ha hopaa tba fovarnamot wplflahrata bb ungtha trr of faltatoi aarffea by tbarractloa la aetm of a flao waw pa oflko and optow howxalotllar to tboan arrot- aw ka yf pwrgwi and blora tlrgrmfcy ftja itxmm pb wa t jbat par batr of tba now stlna oaoraa uaoa of nu atampa opanad hy poat aaaatar maubawa yaatarday alb o tba oaw atanp dig aomawwm frooi um m ooa baarloc tba band of tbauta kih4wtd tbomaplabmfontba awwflwbv bi wocb mora prominent tbaaoa tba old oof and tba worda owaoaav and two cwu ara balow tbobaadoa ibanawaumpaadln tba ntrotooothaoldaoaa tbaeoloradlaka aaad in prlatlna ara dacpar la oolor tbcaaora lb only two danomlnjolona gaorltadao rr otbara ara expaetad ofawuya owwarotaw maw vawadbw mfwftmmr8aaljobntoaofl57 wfbjm twaim toronto erbibmled tbajqtti aanlvcnary of fbalr marrtoi oa satanawy dmmabrr sbd mr j who m bora la tba annatr of oarlaton naar ottawa in fana mr jobnatoo wboaa bmu ap pi wu busmbatb obmn waa bora in horriartjatiwurboul dmf i tbak bjorooa and atordy umum f b d a aaiwb far iba aaubmnaa and davclop- aaaaa of tbta provlnoa all tbalr paraota bflptreoa from tba oonnty tyrona irabpd inpkmcora to ontario frar aavtjity mr mrm jobjiwlow war marrlad in o pbrtb oomaty oat daoambbr shd ww lrforo urn la erin and anton aboat taroatytwo yann ago tbiqr took ap- tblr pvrmanmt rart- vapnafotvirmalo tbra aona and a jabear ar llvlna not of a family of mtafawa1y onaila of hwpuo of tba ftmi of ita johaaton udi mr 4dr sarnoal 3 somtay waa axaduatloo day in tb matbodb bonday sobool ku stewart mnrlal morru vaaj rdwarda clara oottlog klwnaaaall hogb brown ray agnaw anl oaorg sopar war aneb p with dlplomaa and blblaa aneh having creditably paved ihalraraailnallona mill on lubu boetoty rauad 137 a laat yaar tba ofaoara tor ibis rr praldants xhot vlpraldvt osnowaa scntaryj b denonn traaanrar w r cteomnta kxtcn uv commlttmdr itobertaon jaa a franar rav j c wuimott m a j bv meonnnatl john masted and ra- atdrnt mlnlaterm h uaalr faator nawl wlb ba and hn m bra of norwood ra vmung at mr ronald hlnclaira and other friend bafor leaving for tbalr chrletnm boudaya their coogra- ation praaaotad lira cra with a beantirol mink muff end mr or wttb a pars of on hundred dollar in gold to ot blmwlf wllh a fttrtlnod before ordering tteea wrll we fur oar catalogne and p or our itmrttl agenl we ara the laigeafc g of treaa in ca fall tin of applr pracb prr cbarrj nod pldm trera onr treaa ar noted for an root eyetem and largeet limb growth oar nnreerlee nmpatren by tb largt and moat prograaalv filtejwera nf canada write for an aawncy brown bro co- nor- arrymen ijd ihrowna n welland co ontario vmmvndhlilmlaakk mr fred 8waoonborg nf beard when going down tba laotloa froaa tb park to fairy ltkaon aakallngaxcor- ton to slip and tall on baa left foot rractarlag tb ankle mr henry natl waa with blm helped him to dr uolmea aorgary wbar tba frao- tnr waa rcdnend if will be laid np foreevoral waaka knfvmmdv tba now taar waa oaberad la with a good dagtaa of old fubluuad winter wea aalhoant enow to max vary fair sleighing and bright crlep frosty tang in tb air tba day waa vary gan- arnlty o as a bouday and vtelt- ora to and from town were qota nam too tba new year entertainment of no thmday hehool in tb town hall was a biting dlmax to tb days ruvttlas m tanl of particular of tba akaiara involuntary plnaga into fabry lak and tbalr anbrqaan ree wa only partially related la last fans pros whan bolpb bwackbamar wot to tb raacna of mbw mattbawa and ilarbart mamie b waa maaaau pradpltaljed into tb lay daptbe through tb breaking of thn lea at tba adg of lb apsratura fortaoataly wnuaaaarm a young scot eh man who has ra in aetoaj for sooa uma aaw tb pred of tb three young- paopl and wllb eoorag and eaatlon ba rm brat mue maubaws and than yoong btaeai- as and bwaekbamar ha smarted lb dripping girl to mr brants rsilaanos and than hurried to bet- fatbar bom for dry clothing had wlulamaoa nearby on or aaora drown ing fatalities would probably bav oe- irred svei yanrw of pnlutral alarvlaa mr cbarles a o mattbawa who earn to tba fmaac paasa aavan years ago as an apprentice and who for eeveral years has bssn tb vary eom- pntent and sstaamwl foreman of tba afflra left thle rsk to teka a poaltlosi lb prlatlna department of tb dnltad typewriter ck toronto of which ofbos mr john b moorr an other fiuot paaaa graduate is tb buparralaodant mr mat- haw was a moat faluiral and eaue- faetory amploy an artlelle printer lib a flu fond of tb initiative h enjoyed tb antlra nonadanoa of fiudb putm management as wall a tba general public wltb whom b not only does orl as a printer but ba baa literary taste and ability toa command young dtlsea ba waa onlrrrsally as- taemed tba vkn pltawa wlabas him oailnabawilnnnavli to which bo baa gone wmr wiimssr a oi on toasday avanlng a vary happy lanotlon waa bald at tba bom of on iisffljt bsm knox bttosc wbrobm y dangfater mbw busa- batb and mr john a lestt ot cal- 0ary son of townablp traaaorer jom- u of fequsslaftv war onlted in tba bonds ot holy wadloek promptly a tba town ball was ringing tb boor of els ombak tba brida aotarad tb draw- no bar thais arm and took bwpaaoabealdatba groom andor tba deeomlon of myru and wbta r tbaovraaaony was petr by bav j c wuoo b a tbabrldswaaat tlrad 1 a awlotr aostnssa of white dsaaaeatta wfefc trimmings of crys tal and paarl bar travaili gown of code ban diagonal wltb bat t male ttavwrideobrrleda boaqnsa lawgnv and lilka of tba val- layv tba dining room ileootauoos oatvutlans after ooogratola- uona tba wan repast waa pavtak- a of and tb yoong ooapl taft by tba jaa ov train on a booayasooa boor to new york and possibly to ber- baoda thay will return to acton and about tba third waak ut jaaoary wlp procssd to their now bom in calgary tba annual cnurtalomat of knox sunday school was a great inoctse lb bring crowded lo tb doors and tb programm full of merit through out tb proceeding oowma at alight uclottk iharp bxc wu son b a tb ohalrnwa mad a brlat nmfmi nttwbchlhtr hri who asada aucb a bit at tba thauke- glvlag mtertalnneat war omurd upon they eartalnly uphs tb xf4wmulon ibay won oa tbalr fornmr naj as scotch singers and r aoeored after aaoh anasbar wintar th laurue solo ba ola was wtotptloually wall rsndvred tb chairman presented dlplomaa for saying tba shorter eatechism to nlama vara harvey jean and margaret wft- aon they having anrwarod ai 6t tb on hundred and seven questions i doll drillhy lb hwrtlp wm pradlngly wd dona and gov avldenea of atoch work on tba pari of iba ebu- draa and tboseln ebarga tb oandla drill by iba young ladles waa wry pretty all tba hall llgbta bring tamed oat nod only tba llgfat from their caadu iqumlnatlog tba ban tb but item oa thoprograawo waa tablaoaouibdibpsathofmlad- babv od waa vary pretty indeed tb aoduooa bowavnv jffm w fjl- oed unui tbey bad beard lb iawtw mntavaovtbayw ly eallad upon for iba ejoajog b yf tb canadian almanac which forma the elxtvnfth of lb scrlee u unusual ly valuable and le indupenaau to rvary offln and library in tb dona i o loo many of thn list given ar not found shwwliere and in no other vol ume can so much information about canada b foond la en small a space the canadian almanac has been pub lished continuously rinca ihth by tb copp clark co umlted toronto ite lists of names of poet oracea of canada and names of dominion and provincial cabinets membeee and eth tb price 0 inc contain uh i t or lajuvuo to cavutn lax mc isaac of hamilton met with painful though fortaoataly not eeriooe injuries in n cavein at tb sand pit on qohm street yastarday bll at work at i beardamr aldlngs about bfiy lm of lb bank caved in and atiuck mr mslsaae and on of his me knotting tb former galnt lb bub of a weg gon and burylnn the latter uwlur tha mass mr stclsaaa s a sever- ly sprained hip and bad hi cheat bruis ed by tb impact tb other man wae promptly dug out and wa not much hurt dr holm alteodad tba injuries and say- mr mclaaan will be able to be about in a few day ol rwaeeal uf hev c csossus tba funeral of the late rev conkeian was bskl at wastoo on wednesday ava of last weak and was conducted by flvn brother minis ters who bad bean colleague of da ted tb ramains war brought to acton thursday morning and interred falrvww cemetery in the hall family plot tba ea slo at the grave conducted by rev c d draper acton rv i w snider mora re presenting- the hamilton conference nes jamee moore wm llemstreet joseph lasby tbnp kliiou peter mcnabb and ii p moor wrte tb pell hearer at the regular meeting of walker lodge no h o iloa k a m bald wednesday dee 37ih the follow are elected for the en- w m john wood jt p hoo j wallace hwa o t beardmore j wdr r b unlme chap w mcooper p m trams joba ksnney jr p m seryvb u mcdonald p m a d w ii flood jd kj haeaard d a a john laweon v m l o alrx hackle br std f a maclesn jr btdt h cook tyler john kenney br inetauing master wor bro a j tba annual meeting of tb metho dist sunday school waa held on wed nesday evening of last week bav chaa d draper pastor presiding tb reports for tba year were en couraging and gave evide of pro tba average attendance for tba year waa 101 lb offering for the school purpose slfis and for missio u49s this latter was bugmonted on sunday by tb annual christmas oosriag for mission which amounted the officers and i as chare of rejected with a few owing to removals wltb tb annual meeting the snparin- tondont hr u p moore completed ins twenty flftb yaar in continuous earvio inthat offloa thla epoch which messrs a b nmklle x p and 1 9 oobsnaa aaaooula superloteo- dau war p refer to at lb ion on sunday a tba superiaton- dsoasauver anniversary waa ma by tha pcee of a orach appre ciated addrm on bebairor the school to mr moor uuj ooadddannnna rrlisperous i newarrrr i asb thankimq au for tub best years bus1- s ness i ever d had 8 klbrown r atriwsst j rwerwasaaasaiai tarmmj 7 i acton oat here is a good till for lyeeuae to discuss this winter uow much i enough r tb only thins wrong with money is that iher unt enough of it tb go around if oar atutak as leach ui nothing i t were hardly worth while to ma ira uasnousl mr william newton aou a on pair of bur rv on new years day to b i uwduy of orilua ror a fancy price ur mawdsley aad bla two sons john and brie were visiting friends bare and took a fancy to tha pair a are to be shipped nest week oongralulatloeibto councillor james newton ftfe right house immrltoha favosite sborrimo flace our bnnuhl 9njv ocean slfattaeppaiagts booked now aotow clearing sale geoenl dry goods teidjmide cloltex boou skou rmbbcre ktmaaj fan ladles soils skirts etc ext spe slbsbipiuurfagfas1audsrvaadllborbcsi 40c tea for 50 ceats hack rreca or abed terms strictly cash no credit we never learned the system of bookkeeping oerbig hustler saleccaaor to costor v co miixstbeet acton ont the merchants bank of canada money matters depart nu before sad all iboeamm psaple wol dsmli in save a pan of ibebr loc nur ess the hbbchahts hank ibroegb their mriag batp yon to mv ntoaey heraeea mossy deposited in then sarin department bv bee fm fir r sav tua of hn km ibble lo bs spent i l rnu i tl mvlags can be added at any lima d cram date ol d total assets over joint savings accounts rciiamts pammtaufa may be opened at tub merchants bank tbe money la which may be withdrew by either of two pereani tbeas ara very cosveslest bones- 9ka acton branch manager cutters sleighing sleighing having come i have a full supply of cutters sleighs blankets bobas fur coats harness bella and all other needs in this line prices right and goods satisfactory in every respect four stores second hand cheap for cash or reason able terms b f caldwell our earnest thanks are extended for the liberal patronage accorded to ua our profit in the holiday sales gives us grateful satis- action and we have reason to hope that the ad- vanta o y r gtvles you the sarrte feeling will yon accept oar sincere good wishes lot a hawv tallprosbrous uevir year qeod peingte quetph jv 1 january white sales g now la saccessfki prorjm al the slore of oreater values 8 all sheetings and mu0w cottons hemmed free this month jfjue right housu can kivo you money considerable j money right now on almost every line of white goods that yon need or gctreadyforsummcrscwing or for im mediate wear or for use on beds or dimngtables ooct ayear prices now pmral oa beaaufai new perfect table damasks perfect table cloths perfect napkins imperfect table cloths imperfect napkins towels and towellings bleached plain and twill sheetings unbleached plain and twill sheetings bed spreads womens and misses drawers cambric and nainsook corset covers plain and lace trimmed gowns white cambric underskirts princess slips beautiful bridal sets white persian lawns india linens white nainsook white book muslin white swiss muslins white mercerised kepps white bleached cottons white mercerised waistings embd flooncings allovers corset covers and loom ends and sample scrips of kdgings insertions headings gallons etc eaurkabk white tatered aad faacjy trlaaed wabl values i fares refunded dainty tea room basement thomas c watkins limited 1 jjj kins and hughson sts hamilton ont 1 bfsbtsbdibdbbijabi winter goods must go sweeping price cuts rule throughout the store i his annual clearing period coonled with the fact that it u a fixed rule of this store that each seasons stock must be sold within that season brings about the very lowest prices on winter goods that we have ever offered to tbe people of this vicinity absolute clearance is what we aim to accomplish by this price catting event a real bonafide slashing of prices that is so farreachiog in its scope and decisiveness that those in search of seasonable goods below value will be attracted to the sale by sheer force of the genuine values offered weve taken the frills off the announcement of this event the values offered are so important and unusual that the plain unvarnished statement of actual acts will carry our message of the sale with far more force than any combination ot words we could devise jim fimdfcrth very qualities you have become acquainted with on your former visits to the store r prices considerably lower than at any former sal p ihis is the whole essence and substance of this very important announcement sale began wednesday morning january 3rd mc ctolrttfl d e macdonald bros u corwyadkaa am ducooeel streets cuelpb ont of budding a silo better build it of concrete tub construction of a 8h0 affords an excellent example of what tbe farmer can do with concrete and of the superiority of concrete over all other material for various atructurel work about ut farm the usual wooden sua besides using evtiarve n t tvom atlsfactory in ut orst place it does dot endure and more important eou belna far from weatherproof its content become vmt a produclnsr an uaaji i ttary condition xthlo bohtor concrete bu lh other hana is practically everfastlne it la proof sselnst heat cold and moleturo and it baa th merit rlf comparauve thla economy featnr la further sx- plalnsd la our free boofe- if u fees r- n grt which tsiu how to uawjit ar5t mlaand un concrete for the msklna r wufa covkhsata jjoa ma i thsr bull dines on the twnwi rana cauaducetnentcouw sko ffsrpsx f lyjavtsh sju nf ooy niiuwuiiuau al jnd autw lotns lotis t unkroruu out ibakolm u wwoliarsaaljr ryhcoti wn circulate thatxood old v at honsf dont 5nd it amiraor to ttic mall