5bt cton jtree fms thursday jrfnllahv 3b ibis a mmqumr faw nuur bxdleas wtowroan 114 pmmd bb had pmm blu tn bte wi bnt nisbt lb good ha merit en bateoul he ut ttbbom wm tn ih inn of hwf and these i hmrd him any j wlwjeer ibeelseswae nf hukeep f41ukh tails homoua so jour airablp wave a ubs1 cki in tn bird i ihooarbl you eosteiderad it paact r tha ship wa pesfeel re plied tbe insautor stiffly the air waa at fault wifa dbpujlir her new fconel thb u the very latest fashion john huabend jgblnti wub ii were but i know it umv therell be en otw out hxt ummtb llet jdi r h- mlnoia wtll you r llr i xn a iowa councillor nevar wirt l- honee ill take ny jdmy eed mamma i wbb i bad h little slater huuna why doyoa wuh thatdter john y0n- im llred of teasing lbs eau ob i baa suy mo should wish lo marry en octrees i ahrleked lb proud pelriebu soother now sue dont lalta on o banaoufxbt the ondutlful mr she iml reelly en eeti eh only it owmid bvkm tub tihk ad irishmen cr a d to canada on canadian pacific at earner look ilia canadian iaciflc irwin for mnorr atnat cl p r eating housea stopped i c i it hotel- was shown c i il landa end finally got lu vanouortr tnweb laapreeaaj with lte a that institution hwntlna hotel regulered and asked lbe cwk haw soon breakfast would ba ready brrmkfaai u oser replied ibtt dark tba irish looked at bu waleb it isnt lima for it to ba ntr he tlmafoaoflavdjcaatlou ie4lelloa la ujafnn allasesit and taw are f re free ik u b a moat dlesreaalua cosnpulat sod often the ijtdn suansilna it b ssoet oevere tba baat raju r-fm-w- vcmbki piiu taka moodiou dlrwrtlona tbay netlty um imcular action ot tba ummtch od nrtora balihy action for tnauaf yaara tbay bv bsaa twfedaid tw tor dyapapau and lotticfajjpn and aro highly catvaaoad for lbbyqautlaa pwvapa ittu baa notaumptatlooa bmaaa ha know wbara to look for them boom m akpul m wtwa jafajnjbila5 balfthay aay lia tbai to whla yowr nam k a wow with a rfmlal omratat profara to rida in bar own luojvaiiiriwufetbwaamt into taunlly ar tbara b do awlovw stock on tba pol- icyon fcao aaytblnk to my to pjinb ay it to hla faoa tor avary tlnm a bojui la hart h u batiartbaman who tmlmtm a laofh map bablnd um bora ara oonipeuwd to hyo acoofdio to tbalr oonvleuona x woman may nofc ba able to reform tba man aba marrtoa bntcbo b muob- ajbly ant to ufarm bnv why did yon laava that awll boarding hmaaar daeaoaa tha iwciimm wu at tbe axpanaa of tba food aopplt m what do yoq mwui i foaklndaorrorka and two kind of etm a widow b o oanntry vutejc bbtaly ud to tha altar a fourth brio whan vbitlng tba churchyard hmtwnfl and wife paoaad bafora avary abontatombmoo uclopjrty of itmcnhmo tba brida talr4k a txvny ar to tbte part of the country and ba- u abartatshtad aakw hint lo raad tb buerlptlon in aolacan tonaa ba raadi flgu to tba maokmry of beloved wuaoraofcn iahu jana balowed trifanf ji t all mary belqtotl wit of john- fa ltfatf aha-nplly- wbtikfnb wordaliiyillat noeantly abkad tha lady and bar hor ror can ba imagtnad wban ha read da ya atao romdy children ory for fletchers oastori a a mwll boy waa at ft tabic wbara us miner un dot near to uko cra of him and aladynest to him tolun- ttamk for yoo ah aald it 1 oan ont ba way yon want it aba added with anna degree of doubjy thank yoo i be boy reipnnded aeoepuac her eourteey i ball like lthewayyoo cot it eei if you do not oat it the way i ilka it l headache seems to be habitaal with many people j b cr tni iio u 1 cahumajbr and woadolaa ir by ob y it ia aald tba curk yi iihic avatch lant right w tun rttr jlnlngmuji on canadian ivelsc tlaw 4joid aracluual wild tbe irulintan in mi awd nie cimdl an iaeloo own m linn- ur jdatt a um 7 yaara in cblldbood aport and play t 7yareln bcbuol from day in day 7yanrat trad or ci4lrce life xi 7 yaara to qnd a ptaca and wlfa 2h 7 yaare of plaaauraa folllab given 7 yaara lo i itardly ibueu u 7 yrar eome wild gooaa cbai iu 7 yara for wealth an awful rat so 7 yawta of boaldldg for your belr l0 t yean lu wmknna pant end c 70 and llten you dla and n you know not wher a politician not lone alnce attended a banquet riven by pbyeldana in nection wllb mrdloal contention tble banouet waa a jolly aff u auy loaata were drank ooapropoa- ed i be health of the ijadlea another of the preadent and eo on tbrougb a 1mm lut finally wben the unm had been blled and emptied a nnmber of ttnwv the toaatniaaler glanced at ihe polltle ian our genial friend aald be baa not been beard from mr blank will now propone a toaat wharoodon tba polltlotan aroea t amiled at the doctor enabled aronnd blni i propoer aald be the health oftbe mck udjujiiufhltais uhbuk has imfjtn nri mil wllaon lift wtckaom avj toronto eaya aboat tomr yearn ago a eore apot appeared oa tbe right aid of my face thla apot inctwued u aba ttatll it bacauo aboat half aa lack la diameter aad very palatal i wont to a doctor bnt t ointment ee gave m did nt s ey gr eatect tha eore con tinned to dfav eaargo freely and was moat pmlafol i bad it cmatertsed tried ponluoea and all kinds of aalvee bnt it was no good and 1 coauaned to akar from it for fonr yearal a sample of bambnk was one day given to me and i need it ajtaongh tbe quantity waa eo small it seemed to do an soma good po i parcluumd f snpnlyv sck box did mo mora and mora good and to my delight before t bad been using xsmbuk three weeks i saw that it was going to heal tba sore in leas than a month it was heeled i know a lady in tba east of ihe dtr whoso husband sunered for years with open sore on bis lag oa my recomme zatnbak was tried in that case tbe other day whan t saw her eh told me that it had healed the sore completely my daughter who lives la lctb- brtdge attn baa also used zsitbbak with tha sano satisfactory result i think it la beyond all doubt the finest healing balm known aoeh is the opinion of sll parsons who have really tried zantbuk it b a burnt cure ecsema piles abscesses ulcers scalp sores ring worm vents burns ajealds braises and all skin injuries and disease fine box all druggists and stores or post free from satnbuk co toronto for price in case of skin disease use also zsmbnk soap see bblst rlxjmatcsl v vcmmklffcstxmu fh 1 minify hi not k abc on dwawasva ll 11 1 iii va xperfrd iecfrwdy rorftasflfa- tiow soot sfcmarh tllrhdca worsts jctnvtisipas j5r-attsh- tataa arsl loss or s rsawa aijn e mstoria forlntknta and children the kind you have always bought bears the signature of in dse for over thirty years astoria srsar its coming whats coming t why seedtime then the harvest but the harvest depends very largely on uie quality of the seeds you now our cetamgue for 111 la bigger and better than ever tells you all about over 1j00 kinds or field roots feln- vefrev abbsj and flower seeds small fruits flowering shrubs danls implement etc ir m jkk nl eebdjna it to n wilh rwr maw aa kat osua ajjra air caulcua itl ba aaal km aaal a pnml allk it km ii lomw address devrcb hunter seed co united dept 14 london ont u a man may know much and yrt be nothing dr parker playing tbe races and pbylng the fool are usually synonymous nearly every married tuo thinks be proposed lo bis wifebut did her what a tuanibaa donnt count ao swab aa what ovdtwlih l- and occasionally a man u meirled for hb first wifes money ix- back was so lame ufe was a burden f or two year1 mrs joseph throop upper polut de bute n b writes i cannot speak too well of ooene kidney 1mb for two years i was aa tired ufa em a burden and i st up more tired than when i went to bci and my back waa ao bune i cauld hardly atraixbten up i look dif ferent kinds of medicine bat none ol thotu did ma any good until a friend ldvliej ma ta try doana kidney puis i did end today i dont know whal it b to be tired and my bune back u sj gone i can recommend them to sny ucraon suflmng with bune back and thai terrible tired fedini tiaoaa kidney pills are a purely vege table medicine realizing quvk pernuv nent relief vdlhout nny ill after effects doane kidney pills ore 60 cent per box or 3 boxes for 91 35 at all dealers or mailed lrect on receipt of prke by tba t lbura co limited toronio ont if ordrli direct apclfy deans heady uade uedloltir yon ti il no physician for ordinary iii wtmrt you have at hand a bottle nf dr thomas kolectrla oil for coughv cold sore throat hronchlal truuldnai it la invaluable for burns vcalda brulaea aprains t la unaurpaaand while for cut a sorea ulcere and the like it uaa uaqueat needa no teetiiimlal othur than lt uav that will satufy anyitne aa tn its rnvctl there u no vital power in a religion you can pigeonhole i it to un day of the week a safe and aure medicine for a child liuhbdwllhwnrmslsmotlicrfjravna worm kx terminator vou always can tneaaura a uian by tblnga that provoke him to merrl toent a sure oorrecllva of flatulency when the undigested food ilea in the atouiach it throwa off gases causing dalna and oppression ifi tha atomaohlo reglcd the belching or eructation of these gssea b offensive and the only way to prevent them la l roetnr the stomach to proper sot ion favrmelees vegetable piiu will do this simple directions go with each packet and a course of them taken systematically b certain to effect a cure a el itch at 0 may savu two at 10 children ory for fletchers c astor i a pln pill ihmvt- to l thii ci ih bl r bcttob4 ol bx r a dr miles nllpaln pills otbjerfviso backache ty gel the boat or you nothing liliirlt the hitman yklrm more than pain whether h its in tbe form of headache hark ache nrurslgia stomachache r the pain peculiar to women lit khlca anil pain iliu are a iiandarh remedy for pain aud are praised by a great army of men and womni who have used them for years a friend nraa down wld i rhpp and aaarlr erued with awful ba uaela i cae her one atmuain imi ami lal lahcr um her to like th her rtaht wt anil aha says the r ba aillul llm aaal arlllxmll iii to al all druqgm n doaaa 3 oanta miuas mruical co toraniocae onrns on your hand will do ni for the good of llie world than oro on your linad tha re la no medicine mi tha market that can compare with ulnklea a consumptive hvrup in expeljlng from iheayalem the irrttaung germs that colds engender in the air paaaagaa la suicide to neglect yourself try the cheap experiment of ridding yourself nf it by using illckbe syrup which b a simple remedy easily taken end once used it will alwaya be prised as iign medicine h i shea an upllftad eye tn koep a olean lioart wills on ihe hand is a dlflgura- ninut that tmuldaa many ladlaia hill lowav ciurn cure wilt remove the ulvml ha wlllioul pain r good points al lo llieiunstof yo said the comahia caught heavy cold left throat and longs very sore there is no better cure for a cough or cold than lr woods norway pioa syrup it b rich in ute lunghealing virtues of the norway pine tree and b a pleasant safe aad effectual auedirlns lhat jnny bo confidentially relied upon as a epedfio for cottghs colds bronchitis hoarse ness sons throat quinsy and all throat snd lung troubles mr s monsghan cfaarlottctown pbli writes i ccrtuy that pr woods norway pine syrup b an excel lent medicine for coughs snd colds lsst winter 1 contracted a heavy cold which left m lungi snd throat very sore had to give up work snd stay in v for two weeks i used several cough mlitures but got no relief until a friend sdvlicd me to use dr woods norway pine synip three bottles entirely cured me and i can recommend it the best medicna for coughs dont be imposed upon by taking any thing but dr woods as there are many imitations nl this sterling remedy on the market dr wtkods is put up in n jcllnvr wrapper three pine trees the trade moik iinco la rriiu manufactured only by lhc t milhuru co umlletl toronto out j deramnsenvof ttwstomacb or dowch or both burdoabb bitters nssjy p of tlit aataasaokj issjpnrfes dbwptlnm fagw f l iiim i in bank of hamilton ho ttil yon what your 1 j bhtcrs tas done for sfei mwti- isjstts pus jdagpudb s i jainn mm uusas na afss jttanwd t wav greatl troubled with haadmbis but sjur r bitttm a ttawpaatlaujr oamd thav i 40th annual statement i svt use amasml moausul aval pi ike head of ilea of ih beak at uasallte ikifc ioa aa haalttedtetbo fauaiehshai board of director9 for loii hon wm gibson president j turnbulu yicepreaident and gcncml manage cabirge ccdalton col the hon j hendrie cvo j gea rutherford a wood i ja bit jtm1cs m ma alwalall mlxxnrn tatfc lasas paaa zi tit matw baammettoalucsrnwferrf ismsss mwmi jjau aad buvm colo lg awtnw uassajaaoavwacueiltnous u i01ww uw1tmw dcdoatl arlth tba itomlelon oonmnwnt as sacurlty for neta uniulation im0gssc nvtssofandctwguasunulbsrumka iillta uauac dimfroni ouatr baaw u caaada sad tbe uaitsd hutas uoaunlonand provincial oovsnudtet bscuriuss mbmtu canadian mjolclpat bacurtths aed rtrltua or foratan wcotontai paello gscuntlss 60xr tftjuf caosdlsn 3lllxnw hauwjyuail omw woods usbanttwrn aad stocb utitcn limubbtcallarsnortcallan iwmjatrwbaaurttua mctjstjs notts iwacouatad aajadvarkt iiiirsnt notes dia ui loss nanldedfertf bank lnimlat mihi i i oaks purnltura oafs slo real batatafottak than psak prsailasa uorusas ac otbw assfttaiahlaeuawsoaaksrbsalai bsadsi imxtuml profit anp tosfl accqdnt tsa ttflsa east crsaut at kssaaaat tsaa aagsaal wtl hovseibta iaae thssfofltb log thctrmr ended 30 h november 1011 offer tleiluotlnd ohnntew of finfchii yrfrrttrlirw fv hjl and doubtful debf are s- 944350840 l v j j j 1aifaeartsrdmssnisuiam ii qmwmitalmlmi tr a byn balaam nl prolh and loa carriaa tonraia- 7 r mp s10030000 il h l mw hon wm aibson pnlmtnt turnbull vloapnahtut flt oanaral managaa rl m mmm bftthovimq the specie ridding a gauntry ef a cart a in kind el animal difficult wlmn man sols mimiui ridding him self of eiitiro specie f animals by ysuniallo pcrsecutldii ho usually find is a difficult iob hot a die 1 prion mi and ihu animal at mm tn ma lis the importance of prohmglng it life tha case of titu wolf in rurtm la a lilslnrin one a prion haa len arl on the eralurna head fur vrntunn atvl yet there la only a email portion of ihn ronthintlrom wlnrli lh animal has bnnn xlcrmlnalcd th nellie lands u frist or wolves owinn to th chararlvr of ihn rounlry 111 whole land furnlidil not a single rocky den suiuhlu ftr a wolla lair iiotthr is tin r a fori l for ihn animal a shuller it it irue lh wolf lias b- n vstrru mahul fnini or- at britain and ire- lan1 thm tull has hern rrarhrd imwnvor iv indirmt moans ralher than hy a dlrct atlark the clearing off of the fort i tall tho wlf no place in wlilrh to itid from pursuit tlie islands wern iim far from thn ri tit in fill fur thoir thiniiil ranks lo la re- cruitfl from um mainland in bnaln slid fraiirn ihn wolf has at mi time brrn unkuowii although s prir has biu sit on its hfad lor hundred l tar the aiiimat has dvrjopd rail ning hi proporl n an tint pumult has i r i ik t1 crow it has iremed lo isl an or ilaidr til tlmotln r hand ajwrlrt reerivr vrry lilt i lp id ihrlr rxmllnu anro from th w hun ant effort ol man to that nl lu prmf this we are i old that ihrr i an anriniit set of parliament atlll in frr in knglan1 and wale- prohlhlting i ho taking ot eggs of r rial ilru of whlrh al sihrica havn ngnl in lr d hi tliorr eountrii tlie liullrrt teajs in whlrh such reatills an hringlit atxut ara ho- il in lh delruriuil of thn quail in inw zealand tl birds oner wen immenni no oiia wlatinl to destroy them but thn land was burned over for other piirimtci at seasons when the eggs ami young of ihe quail were expos lo tleslrurllou and a few years brought tho species to an and milk and chease frem baana we were lauglit st school or on the taim that the thrse paceasary steps in thn proilurtlim of butter ant cheese were first the row second tha cows milk and third the manufacture of hulbr and cheese and other dairy riroducts from the cows milk today he modest cow b being eliminated ajtd a utile any been la taking tha rnwa place ullk is obtained from tha heana hy crushing them from the lian milk eheese snd butter are being maib sbo condrnsrd milk milk flour ami a form of casein which is said to contain essential elements of food before tha soy beans are crushed they am snaked in cold wster uaflfrallon results in the production if a thick milky liquid whch can be fllt red and drunk irrali or used or makltig butur and chsn just as in on case of cows milk vegslsble 1w lintter and rhir ari becoming noiular in many parts of china india nd japan whn llui cultivation of biuu hltig encouraged i um castor i a tor louuta giut ckutaa tuusf yestunattmbsgu after suffering jears cured by lydia a pink- hams vcgclableompouad fox tjreek n il i have always had pains in the loins and s weak neas there and oftett after my meab m y food would distress mo and cause sore ness lydis k i ink hams vege ta bio compounclbss done me m vj h good i am strong ler digestion b bet ter and i can walk with ambition i have encouraged many mothers of ramlllau to take it ste it b the best rem edy in the world you can puldlsb this in the papers wra william uouitqitk fox creek nb nsda tho above la only one of um thou sands of grateful biters which are constantly lielng received hy llie ilnkham lfedlclns company or lyiui mass which pro re beyond a douht tliai i yd la k liikhantre vegeuhb conv pound made from roots and herbs actually does cure these obstinate dis eases of women sfter all qther means have failed and that every such suf faring woman owes it to herself to at least give ydu k ilnkhama vrgnla- lile compound a trial before submit ting to an operation or giving up hope of recovery mrs ihnkhaua of lynn ma invltrtn all sick vvoenesi to writ hr for awtyloo she hsus guitlrul thonasuidg to besuth and her u tvleo la free hao weak anif oizz ysptlls could not sleep st night people all over tab land tou night after night on a acpless pillow ami lo not close their eyes in the refreshing slumber that comes to those whose heart and nerves are right tbe akeplessness comes entirety from a derangement of either the heart or nerves or both but w s tbe cause uuburas heart and nerve plus offer the mooing of n viking ilimilirr they do thb by their bvigorating effect on tbe heart and nerves and win tone t the wbob system to a perfect con- tion urs- a k- usrtcu rockdale nl writes l wag troubled for a long time with my bear bad weak and dixxy apeui could not sleep aad would have to ait up the greater part of tbe night and it was imposatblo for me to he on my leftside atasstlgetabeacsmilbtira heart and nerve jitta and they did ma ao much good i tot another and after tsltiwg it i coumlbottjary le side snd elaafsjswcfns uslues twaa taken sicv tucx are the best mrrhrin i ever beard of tor heart or nerve trouble price 60 cents per box or 3 boxes for 81 25 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by tbe t uilburn co limited toronto oot up t ditk the giand truni iiailway i pagangaoii twaimal tna tallnrtae la use lii lnuaa aaji at aetoa l eouraaaax aw sake sailtagar ha cfsaui kall b m zzt me 10 saaa hr it iswa sb ka t an ajw ka ismsak ma b sss saa ka v sm m ho ansvas s6tj excelsior bakery 1 flbflt quality bread oak us wbddino cakes christmas cakes arc btc ovstbbsand fish call today t statham son bakers and crocus main sl acton tb btuii st gfttfi ml musi wmts designers aad builders ol blataae use 1veums uoaaaseaia alsikers aad head atonss sad all kinds of aitstic gcaettrf wat wrn hemstreet acbnt aptoh grxtters iieigiiiiigl sleighing having come i have a fall supply of cutters sleighs blankets robes far coats harness bells and all other needs in this line prices light and goods satisfactory in every respect b f caldwell acton successors to q jr blrck warmest kind for cold weather tougtver kotbchjclc will never be found because the best is used or storeys gloves and gauntleta and yet the slcln because carefully tanned by the chrome pfoccss is made pliable insuring ratrnortlinarv wear resistance waterproof und the best working gloves on tbe bold at a stores insist on storeye fire- proof market your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills floor oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co mmltad everton mm eden mills conscientious plurnbwfjr- heating x3 isot rwyth in itu us to the contiary make it the mostirnportgnt factor so if you favor us with yonr patronage yon will enihqtiiasticahy endorse us fre d smith plumber qaobwist g1iblph i phono isf the best quality ol manitoba family and pastry flour i sale at lowest prices our own make chopping dona and oats rolled daily feed for sale cash for wheat oats jcbrbosslaloa bsarion a marion ate3 whi il alllw rflo pml isdiik