Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 8, 1912, p. 4

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sbe lcton fxtt ress thursday fkhhiialty k 1dix a mmorv8v8tbii f nc el kl 1 llaly oil a o muj u- i u ftgt tlw pralae tl l falla i 1 the nwamnt y 11 ha woo ll korgel tbw ummlmr lltl y tai iuiora y i irt it forget i iik eeh m vhrnrr y hi it iteeueaubar every l t you wbe and paae in on wll nnl ii u by other rn willi ery proa tbeb t pleasure root lac made and kp it in the utter raibmnarr tbuae wbalnd you aid and bo a grateful debtor a ruhd oirl liad6theszk1no hue la tha ulnd jrnny wren of lb alums ibla llp of a gul nineteen years old who pmcllcally support i bar toother and a kills bxrtber and eisler by making d ii- eh lh bhe u only ave ymr old wun lb hub 1 1 want oat and fch bad to layluwa bar doll never l w their i tved fucni aain bat bar fingers btin at once lyrnlnf esijuuile aklll ll doe not matter that the lip floor apartment in whicb tbu little mind girl 11 u abut in and darkened by tba high buildings whlcb lower above it on vary aid surrounded by dolla of varying also and itimw of eofj color- ad worsted baby blue and pink and scarlet and white aba work in lb dark croc be ting diminutive back and dree and caps and bulla for doll and even tbe doll themselves for lb new york store tbe kill slater la alwaya at bar aide after school bui to belp in lb selection of eolor an tba invalid mother wind worsted for tbe blind weaver whew aba u not boxy wtlb the housework tbe sit i ban more ode tor bar doll a clothe than aba cask bu and at aoeb good price that she la able to contribute mom matnrully to tbe rapport of tba family this year aha baa decided to enlarge bar onafo to g down tbv long tjvttwaaont stair and aa f ar aa a m by seluesnent where aba wlu teach ehudren who have ibeir sight tbe ahlll of band which aba algbtleee baa duv overed tiood housekeeping battlcr be a has bebit- 1 d rather be n could w h i cannot be an are for a could be u a may be with m chance of touching par i d rather be n una been tban n might kave been by far l for n mlgbtbe is a hasnt been bn a iba l onca an arv aha nn ajmtu laend ana a he was all of lb so i d rather be n hm been tban n hun i if you pleas a happy home bis thing are requisite lo crte a happy tluwe lntrgrlty moat be tbe arcblteot and lldionva tbeupbnulerer it nnu be warmed by affection nd lighted up wilb cbrerfulneea and indaatry mou be tbe vwntilalor renewing tbe nunnapbere nod bringing in frcab aajubrily day by day wbll over all as a protecting glory and nanopy nothing will aufflee aaeept of god to be happy at bom la lb ult r n of ambition tba end to vrhleh wry entarprue and labor tend and of which very dealie prompt tba promentlon it la indeed at borne that every man naoat be known by uraee who would make a juat eatlmate either of bl virtua or mldty for atnll and embroidery are alike occas ional and the mind is often dreeeed for abow in palntad booor and flcut- children dry for futchers o a 3 tor i a qmawtrkcxatkd parbapa few tnprloom of life are harder to bear than whan an pp to nother oat of the fullness of onee heart u received with an utter lack of yaopathy saeh a sltoatioo le por trayed by the biographer of be s o a duhoeest gardroar had rtoaived botlpb of dbjoharge and after an un uweaeful auempi to vindicate bu charaetar by planaibu putltudre paid mournfully to the vicar ab air you will tnlaa me twfora 1 be gone half an hour i aban t mind that atuwered llr ualan cheerfully if i don t ntlas any thing aw- t wzz ix we want you to know that tbe girl with the auburn hair u on every bottle and carton of iaiubjan ftaok wn want you lo know ibu fur your owb protection for thrro are many imitations nod it u an aay utslier to get the epttrlooe artlela y can get tbagaoulne iaitlnl an haob at a t browhs for only ftu nambti hntthk haw wnt dsaalra pabi8ian haulf u gdly gnaren- leed foa dadrufr faluag hslr ajd ecalp iteh it la a aanat oelfgitlfnl w4 agora- tlngbalr deealnf thai fmila tfa and leatrelnto the hair aa4 ana u u grow ir the hair root be not dead ite the lonle you wlu alwayn if yo use jnor aahlv aramoj0 patrick u g big polleaajmm whur good huntorand promptness im m gaociea have endeared bin t jw people lo tba auburbait ward orar wbleb he b guarduo angel one day be oouoed thai a trat worker waa leaving an unatghuy plla of dirt and grarel at tin aide of lhe v u cora now you caa wae thaa heap tbm rf aald patrick aternly i well tveelo puee to put u a mm workman yoqcantwyeltlharerparelatsd patrick i whmu 1 do with it then r asked th working man ujlanlyr do with ltlod m adboryltr road to hg ban i tl n u ma x mom o impani nlrilul radvlw wnnmnihi talk ktkiliittita ail liul i iwh- u nl 1u i i k t1 il- or ivcii b mi iiiilna yi u imvn an vaprclal ll f if 3 ii rnur ill lhl g ihui hirl u i i 1 itei i i aa ur 11 ihblll tly limllrd t h ll r w iii itiu yiu if u ui kali t r rkpririifa f ber ll il l i inr liately c- llwllh t ni y r swail k la of tbtt wfi itlvi f coovcrjilliin 1 bave hera in rlirlf wltv ike talk otwialatad aob tnm taking liar turn in tlln g b w kbr lb i glit r fell about ci inn i ur ml j tt ucb aa lb dlulullty t f wll iuii or llaul- liy lo colda ndvrr i mu r hmlohoeaii of ibe porll ui i f llto talk yimi are unrp- ing an i if y u am talkli g m re tban rtjimre- im blue that ilia guallly imicihh tlia quanllly t discriminate a way between talk r your uii plaaum and talk for your frlendi lvout runblanlly tell the atn aneclot imeat i bey havn brcoooe changed with aiime ex tranhtih chain uiimalble lo trana fltl lvibn he itrrml n vliit it k itlnco imporlai t iwrtum anion paitlculur wnon waa tliere and very datall fit baa taken on a md nce vulblo i nly lo lite narralor kbtttvai proof iv4 r m kllrla eried at in r- ion wy- oiumihw u pleaaanlly dnllinl by a t hrlgn rorrvvpondeut llr arj naut s i i rfnw ibr baltmr of naples u kigiiied roky uli apiiarenlly xiul two mlle offhi tr an elder ly man approaclted ni on drrk and aald politely rk yon know whether hu u air eauvlua ur liul t 1 replied with njual politeness i don t know what it 1- but i know it u not eeuvlue but wbl be with an air of trtuuipb if vou don t know what tt u how dp you know it i not veauel ur b4ute i replied planing him with nay gllllerlna aye because ves urine la lolaml and ibis is outland be- cium ibu rock la ihree miles round an 1 liuviua u aliout thirty miles round because vesuvius u inland and this not and becaute esnviae is a volcano and tbu la mil tbe rldwiy man anlffed kn with drew they keep the whole system in the plnk of condition their lingular curative pro perties dlscovorcdby an indian tribe introducedtocivilualion dcaify o century go com pounded jnce 1057 in the conutock laboratories al brockvlue ontario thr morses indian root pills have a remarkable record or cooslstentry coring co tloablliousnessand dtngoauon puruflng the blood bantshldg headaches and clearing the 3a skin 25c a box eyeryvhare unless worms be expelled from tbe system nn child nan be healthy mother tiravea worm katermlnator u the beat medicine extant in destroy ing worms btpoaflatto rudavhrrrkppimo last winter during a social func tion in washngtooeaye if r kaooard oounsaller of the british wmbaaey i over a remark on the pari of a young clubman there the tact of which indicates that tbe yoath la question should immediately adopt diplomacy as hu llfework he bad been asked by a widow to guess her age he hes itated you must bare aome idea about lltebesald with what waa intended fdjan arch glance i have several ideas the young man admitted with a smile tbo only trouble la that 1 hesitate whether to ntakc you ten years younger on aeuoum of your looks or ten years old r on accountof your brains uppln- 0011 a tub quibtt days do we ever stop to think we wonder how bloat am the ijulte days the day when nothing hsppruaf tbsie is no ulnae 1 1 give anxiety nu busloees burdens or other i rouble to disturb wl wn lie eunlrary thee u fulcnueclousneaa that alii well in lb buoa and before u the ronilse of bt ssk ja we ji n of im condl dcvtand bcsrxoain3 mjobx orawueorpktetfjorrfidcfax not nahcotic vrasjconenbsjmnsk- ncssmllossoruxn istoria grlniknu and children kind you kave always bought bears the signature of in use for over thirty years castoria wb want yoo yea we went you aa a customer auk ua to send yon our lis catalogue lf brim full of all that is good in fjowere vegetables fuld roots grains manta bmall fruit implements bee supplies poultry supplies etc vawakk uhnmlm b w k- umj in al ll- fanwr oaieaaw lut rml mur all 11 will cut foil la aa mmmu ml ih aae a iwotcwl tap write w uar tka ear ra v nadlna darch iiunter seed co umltcd dept 14 london csjwda n the liver pills act so naturally and easily- such a statement coming from the cathicr ol a bank thows what confidence responsible people have in these pills mr a i wilson alter trying them wrote i lui a uiua tr hllet ner biui ii w i ills nixl alao your anil id i illln nn mrl with k mmi rr ua tl o ilr lule nrt an naturally and an dili i anroaly know that i i bin takn u plh frequrany in intf iroulilod vrlth baitanba i tnko a anil lln 1111 and xt unnwhllala raluf in avry casa jt i iviimti hparta jll ur wllaon warn t r a numbav of y n al lr nt lh ftnrt allona itnnk of bparta dr maes nerve and liver pfll sic tliffcrcnt from others many kin t ol liver pills are impossible altrr one trial on account of theu harshness dt miles nerve and i ivcr imis do not act by sheer force but in an easy natural way with out griping- or undue irritation they xrjc not habit orming ir lh nrt bollu falla to b yeur druqo wilt ralurn the prtoa aaal hie mi1b3 mbdical co tmmw can bb your bovb chum any uualneas man would lie horrified at the buggfestton that ha would ruin hla loy by nrgleot ill at itu absorption in uualnees would result intbeuiulolng or his own eon but it u the easiest thing in the world to forfeit a boy a confidence it will take only a snub bing a little kuldlog a utile unkind criticism a utile nagging and unreason ebleneee to abut off forever any intlm acy between you and your hoy to learn obeying la the fundamental art of g you often tan lead with the silken cord of love when all theeableanf logta would fall if you suffer from colds get a bottle of blcklee antl consumplve syrup and test its qualities it will be found that no pralea bestowed upon it u too high it does au that u claimed fur it and does ll thoroughly bo not take any substitute for blekle a hyrup because it u tbe beat having stood the teat of years all tbe i eat dealera eefllt by content can soothe where er fortune placed can rear a garde the daeert waste ii k white lion of life that briog more pleasure than ibu that should fill the heart more full of gratitude the poor dyspeptic sftfffcra urrtom agony after every meat vfcajly lttvythuig that enters a weak dyspeptic stomach acbes an irritant hsne the dusteulty o a cure uurdnck miuoit flitters will relieve all the rilrtrwawig syuiihoom of dyspeaja bad tn a short ttma effect a cure mrs v c orusj llntln onl wrutsi r i hv beta troubled wttb my stomarh for tbeua fcven years and irlm all kinds of abedwkm for it 1ml smttw of thiip ever ctirad nai for m soon m i would quit using any of mu tht aanm old trumwb would oobh latekt xstit fall i mid vised to try burdock tltod bltury wblcn i did and used four bottle and now ferl bo atrpng i my house worst rdecly and can eat almost anything with out u sffectltu nut la any way our boy is also using it be always conplahid of pala la hie stomach and 4u frrtr ilka rbeuinftlattn cuirl at of lawlsadtosuy bonw from school he i baaat quite used twd bottles vet and w 5 vtomrfakortd only by thr haeg cc ijlaotqronio qpu ohildreu ory for fletchers o astor urrgp too ran how did you like my laat drama f asked a writer of a newspaper critic too reajiatic i iboogbt waa tbe reply too realistic i what do yu mean r demanded the author wall said the en tie ht struck mo that aren he word spoken by the burglar in the second ecene were stolen r wastroubleo with heart disease and hervousiess 8evbsal boctors couxd do hek ho oood tid2ee boxes or hilburlfs iirabt and kkrvk poxs couplstbxy cured her uiss tary ilieau edison sask writes i was trouliled with heart decease and nervousness for ovrr two wan and was so had at times i had to sit up at night being unshle to breathe and every utile nnue would make mo shake and shiver i tried several doc rjgrav hut tinywirc nnihwtodnineany good a nelf hhor then advised me to try a box of alilbums heart and nerve puis as soon as i began to take them i began to feel much better and by the time i had used the third box i was com pletely cured i would advise anybody sunedag from heart disease and nervous ocas to try ibese pills they will save quite a bill m doctor s fees ufibaras heart and nerve pills cure all heart and nerve troutdes hy their restorative influence on every organ anil thane of tba body price so cents per bor or 3 tares for 125 at au dealera or mailed duett on n by the t into out e about 100 000 jews in palestine at present tbe fairest flowers of joy spring from tbe noil of aacrlflcea softcorne are difficult tn eradicate but liolloway a corn cure will draw tbetn out palnlesely i uhdhet voloa lutr ftktwwi lufawk trmttwf fwblnn mel ufo mmmmmmn wsaeits av otsras try1nothiwbomo man an unusual verdlot was rendered by the jury in a case tried in california town twenty itf yeere ago the queatlnn wa aa tq the ownereblp of several bred of cattle which the da fendant area paused of having atoltn front the plaintiff aatheeasf nrodredrd and dlflereea wltneeve gave their evidence it be- esin apparent to aljjiatbiiere that the tlrrendaitt wwalfn innocent man wlieit it mm lima fur the jury tn retire tn consider the verdict they did ao hat returned to i he court roocu in few ninaiente thb foreman looked the judge straight fn the eye and ald with a drawl and m twang that betraytd hla new kflgtand origin i jedge we find the puntirf guilty tha book b not trying tbe plaintiff but tba defendant mu hla honor hastily arhttherjuttarmufteavtalo ed th lorfnan wb at length indtsoad to ekprese i he jurys oplqljlojlha defendant wf girtly7 boeflhftr ftwfllhtfbrtwyi iderlng4be wrong eao your honor l ao incident of the cuban campaign raoorded in the boston globe by a young uaasachusetts volunteer seems to be sufficiently humorous to demand another em lie one night after n march it happened that a few of the boy pitched their tents la close proximity to tbe tent of an officer of another company the boye were talking quite loud as taps bad not been sounded hush up out there 1 shouted the ofnoer angrily who are you f asked one of the boy 1 ii show you who 1 ant if i cc out there v waa the answer the talking continued and soon out oaaqe the offloer ills anger waa great and be threatened to report the men to their oolonnl winding up with 1 u you know enough to obey an officer yee replied re of thu hoy aid we should have obeyed you if you had had shoulderstrap on your voice movat vuwa bont encourage mid vulte of a tatt ling and talebearing woman who known- aitthv- low bsd rhngwthat peae among your neighbor but imth log good wasted time and money kfote they fouko bin p1ls oalatrtaoirr jly httsbaon roc jfi pula for backache and kidney disease thai kta ja hu bac i was dreadful and l kidneys failed to do thai work properly aa bo became yon we brnod ft necessary to bctbtreiuunt and tudortunauir wasted time and asoneyon remednir that were ittua or do good after taking one dose of oik phits ha found litem to ba exactly what he needed and after uklng two outea of in piu3 waa compmely enred we heartily re commend gin rim8 at avery opportunity lo our friends and re latives 4lasjamkbd mluord write us mentioning this paptrand wbwtllaethlyouaaaiimlehoxfrm then if yon cannot eft tbe regular site boxes sjoend money piootirtly refunded if glrtpllxs do notglve mufacuou kstkmsl drug clitwkal co ol caadijwrtddpt a toronto 67 vouiutauod prtnatpl i flrat i whan we undertake lo fill y mr prescription we give tbetn our undillral all en i ion and beat care inn pnl lent welfare u our oral cot iuarallon hect it i we guarantee our druga to twnr f ill wtrongth as well mm pure and firl ttiliili oiu iumloinere are supplied with juslwhattlmiyaakfor substitut ing ia ndver allowed rauvbtn orlert oomfoumo if you are a aufferer from khoey anaau lvr foiuidalnt blood troubhw rheum l bun nouralgla ur nervous prowl ration we oonbdently reoom mend the use of painea celery com pomnd this reliable and never dis appointing medicine u a true disease banlshnr and system builder we supply the genuine palaiia celery compound a t brown acton ont mb wasi ttlrirrv iulli waa a thrifty ho t an i hk f f hla rtre a i anib latut ver u dot e day lui ui had such imnliar i i fk lrnl fln ga i lial w l oonanltwd phyaiciaii yuu e uvrrdone the mailer of esrrcl u mn nald lin d eor aftvr ha ub i m i ilnltlrtl ilia pumib o lutial give yoiiibulf a day ulnt n or hi d llidii ami avoid pourrt ii w often d you play g ii y frvrry day txcept the habtiatb id hamlah rlatng nu must lie niurn taiiikeratr si it aau the phystclgn t 1r a wrk in itood wnathrr la enough for yim tjtkid day aald hanilali uioriug towaids the dour you ve not pall ne for in y a ivli aald the doctor wh knew hla man nae firlm nae takking l aald llamuli as ha machod tlia door and mada hla nacape in dkrimko sin lathe trenagrvaaf nofthelaw says hl john but a ikwum medical student thua defined it in a prayer- maallng and tha pasti r krpt hla face straight 81n may lie donnd aa the mota- mnrphoaia of t mnafortnatlnn and may be diagnosed a to it pathology aa devitalization vrhy day cdtoptjetm plnuh svmry day and lis done with it for manner and wise living it u advice lo rwinember you have done what you could some blunder some absurdltiee no doubt crept in forget them aa soon as you can to- laenawday you shall begin and serenely and with toohtgb a spir it to be cumbered with your old sense this dsy for all that i good and fair it u too dear with all its hope and invitations to waste a snent on the rotten yesterdays a htaudard medicine parmeleea vegetable pills compounded of entire ly vegetable subsubee knowp to have a revivifying and salutary effect upon the digestive organs have through ra of nee attained ao eminent a itlon that they rank as a standard medloine the ailing should rem em bar this simple in their composition they can be aaalmluted by tba weakest stomach and are certain to have a healthy and agreeable effect on the alugguh digestive organs alako only your best thoughts into actions the critic u the lt to discover bu own crookedness an oil that m prised everywhere br thomas kclectrio oil waa put upon the market without any flourish over thlrt y years ago it waa put up to meet the wanta of a small aeollon but as aoon aa its merits became known it had a whole continent for a held and it is now known and prised throughout thla hemisphere there la nothing eual to it children ory for fletchers castoria he who wait for thanksgiving bay to be thankful will not be thankful when it comes a review of life reveals that the things we moat regretted at the time are tbe ones to which we owe moat now small but patent pamwowa vege table pills are small but they are effective n action their una qualitlee as a corrector of stomach trouble are known to thousands and they are in constant demaned everywhere by those who know what a sane and simple remedy they are they n no introduction to those acquainted with them but to those who do not know them they are presented aa the best preparation nn the market for disorders of tbe stomach st takx otubr thimo some persons foolishly imagine that clothee make the man pine feather do oot make a fine bird except ei time a jail bird the insane love for fine aod fashionable clothing has been tha beginning of a downward life of many a boy or girl bronchitis was so chqkeilujjj she could hardly breathi bronchitis is an acute inflammation of hfhe mucus memhmne lining the sir tubes of the lungs and should never be ne glected for if u is very of tea the dictate becomes chronic and then tt u only a short step to consumption on the first si n of bronchitis br woods norway t 10 ftyrup should be taken7and thus i revent it becoming chronic mr john d mscbonald college orantjns writesijmy uttlo gul ssvfitt years old caught bed cold which developed into bronchitis she was so choked up she could hardly breathe- reading about your wonderful medicine br wood s norway pine syrup i decided to try b bottle and with such lod re sults that i tot another which com letcly cored ner i cannot say too much in its praise and would not be without ll tu tl e bouse m tit woods norway pine vup ii put up itt a yellow wrapper thrte j ins ifeta the trade mark price lift cent manufactured only hy the tt mlluuid co united toronto out doctor advised operation cured by lydia e pink- hamsvcgetablccomnound aiilfton ont i had been a great sufferer for live years one doctor told me ltwes oletire of tha uterus r rold the gramd trunk railway end anntlmr told tt ilei i tt waa a lib rold tumor no one knows wliat i auf fered i would alwaya be woran at certain periods and never waa j regular and the bearing down pains were terrl i ir 1 was very iii in bed and the dor lor tokl me i would have to have an operation ami uutt i might die during the opeatlon 1 wrote to my sister about it and aha advised me to take lydia h llnkhama vegetable compound through personal expe rience i have found it the beat medi- rlnn in tlia world for female troubles for it has cured me and 1 did not liave to have the deration after all the ompound also helped ml while pass ing through t hangn of ijf alra i ktttta itlalu t anlfton ontario i ydla k link ham a vegetable cnnv kund made from roots and herlax s prayed to be the uost eueveesful remedy for curing the worst forms of female ills lneludlna displace men ta inflammatlnn fibroid tnmora irregu larities periodic pains backache liear ingdoan feeling flatulency indigea- tlon and nervous pros tratlon it costs lut a trlflo lo try it and the result lias beriiworth ml i lions tojujerirur women o s idtftan m ft sbs p ho v n btsraa x3je excelsior bakery 1 and a wise bachelor always hlcke for the 111 timber when ho hear a girl say that she intends to im an old castoria for infants and cmuxtat munymhmalimbbsjm bears the eignatoreof csm a weak aching back gaustd har mid mlsy m w r ilodgr fielding sssk wiltrs a few lines highly recon lia doan s kidney puis for this last yur i have been troubled very much with nasty sick headaches and a weak aching iwck which caused me much mirry for i could oot irork and had no ambition for anything my kidneys were very badly out of order and kept me r u i ileeping at nights i tried many kn b ofpilu end medirfneattu seemed nltsoit in vslu i began to give up m niwir of ever bemg well and strong oxain when a kind neighbor advised me to try dunn kidney puis which i did and am thankful for the rcnef i obtained from them tor now i am never troubled with a sore back or side headaches i will always say dean s kidney pub f w muie and cn highly re them to any suffrret 1 ptmt 0 cents per box or 3 boxes for ii 25 at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt of price by tbe t udbura co liai tej toronto ont when ordering direct specify dean ovr letter heads are pirbt quality drbau cakes whdoiko gakbb chribtmab cakes etc ktc oysters and fibii call today t statham son bakers and crocer5 main st acton th brtta stmb grujti aid harhi works cabpbtn bhalim pcmhtr designers snd baudars ol btatoe usui hsaess monument usrkais and ifasd and all kinds of artistic ceimettry work wm hemstreet agi nt acton come in and place your order work is right price is right the free press glove well md good nttink that we know how to make gloves that v ill pass ith liotiors the most crili r cnl cxntultiatlon ns regards quality of tillus liltibllit ami strciitli vieatncss of stitch itt mid nil round lcrfectton ou ctm prove yourself h nsttuj ux storcs at our dealers llut tlic will outwear your most sanguine exectntious is our finu belief iusltouslorxaaioujdnrxa h storey son i imilrxi actoo onteuria your chopping will be done quickly and well on cither plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills i lour oatmeal bran short 1 he best at lowest prices harris c evebt0h eden mills the best quality ol manitoba family and pastry flour for sale at lowest prices our own make con sc lontrbxs plumbing heating is not w wyth inmth us 1 1 o the contrary wo rjiake it the most important factor so if ou favor us with your patronage ou will enthusiastically endorse us u fred smith plumber quebec st guelpif phone 337 chopping done and oats rolled daily feed for bale cash lor wheat and oats henry hortop patents t patents sffiti zip j sseessshuty cvjad by jastv3 marion riarion nijlimm

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