Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 15, 1912, p. 1

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j wht jscfiwl e psess volumk xxxvii no as rntf balattilpllo raid la adnan acton ontario tlluksday mottnino j7jbbrualty 15 1012 singiyk copies th in j cknjs b juton jfm jjrtss jybk tuushoat uofullhu wumu ruih huiuiiatcj uiu frramay airo out taseer rlusstbirtiam oasdallar pa yau trleuy l mhim ah sabanlpuoua d llm4mh tkf lima f wtotab ly bars bm p limn tm uis hut mtm ueal tm suybs tiaaalae dnrtu esaarta h nu pes asoapeeeu una roar lm lae aa pa ilea lor mb utbaa- qs s laiiruau oobtkast dlaptay r immsu iwly aals will be baasad ibtaasa satisfaction in watch repairing at moderate prices ftostnm jbtratorp mkwcajl iobghav u d cu hcgill 1 b nolwe5 l load mxm m i s o fall hawse bar ana 1 bc jeaapfas hospital um ckm llnai- rajyaiaua ta tb viori l b l fa it joau at hjvooowalu m d o m ufwa bay mas daeeaaaaotw ifcewekorlb j mukxnhob dbbauam ujhmailbd4iirw blook p j tm abb gsvvtawtkdltlaimi own oeeatt b woiiluii ii c i tfif hj- or d b j m bbiu dj b u b essje owmul or teaosrf 0iiiiw dbes iiardik ud a dkattbt ms slaas dsaustry la all u tmaahas ttt dhum aestslrel uub r ll bbmhktt dknt1bt t1 mto hardy jt co advsvtiuihl comtmctou amd maw coaaarovdkmt y fleet sis l e hj vtnaa sjlvsnu ttbami ioib hobab bookbihdbm lvrw avast bull- u mads m rabbllob uobhsba e a black x3fl licaatau auctiohx w uta omwua 4 heltee bd wiuate umlanmayna laaa ill d eaaasdivsf jambs mcdonatd icsmsbo auct10mbsb astr the old and reliable granite andvarblf pesters is what we aim at savage co o y h watch ihspoch3k9 quclph ontario 16 adklaum sriiart tjoronio canaimk waters bros quclph headouarters for o a c ami i sckool supplies nature study botanical btomoloqical drawino paintino 41 wyndham street phonasso quit usinottlat rubbfkstamp and cut some real letter heads good latter heads are good business we print mm rox you bbe jutoir gut rtfis paper makers jno hbaitltmh tar gimson plotanr rnunw kto begs to inform the ladies of acton and aanaunding vicin ity that he has been appointed agent for three of the largest wall paper houses in can ada x samples to choose from prices right alsrrthatiie is prepared to repaif all granite aluminum and enameled ware knives and scissors ground furni ture repaired 1 x r sko mux stsbbt atton bonds crry full li or housekeeping comforts lauiimlpy baiiat uhiiui oihr tr our pstcoa vi alwava tin hi waglv pronipl tullvny the bond hardware co umlud uma flian 07 ouklph the best in glasses at reasonable prices a d savage oucipu mkuttat ma posroi 1 k wcton liyery bos lin tba undvrnjgoatl respect i ully solicits th rmtrooajre ol l be pab 11c mnd tnlorine ibem lhl wlt aulobmml and tyliaot rl can suwaya be wcurad at his btablea a comfbrubla bus meqie all i rains bataraan idooidi and 6 lg p tn carafnl attention hn to ttverr order the want a of coot tnorcul travellara fully met john iniiiulh7uts rtofribton january sale cheap pianos and organs a 111 of fod inntrutnaiiu hint will bo old nt bargala priced this mentli i lnldown upright piano ebony camt full also plomhdtoaefltoee 1 challeas it sans london vng up- risht piano 7ocuve beautiful wal nut cm 10s4 4 6octavo piano case itll organ nma of ibeso inatrumenta uawl only few nwnihstiteione 4 socuva blgh and low top oraan splendid tone good volume t2s0 drop us a oara la send furllurr witlctt arm phymenta that ault your purse accepted jjolrp wlillo hie cobltlvr hiusm i her paxd hla pane a itrggiar diancheil by tbe driving llti mlrnd hli in fn tit the stnruiy amlgivii liltn ahim f tr hie hrulaed ft the beggar paktl on lliera cauie m a baindli i fagiiln btiwul iter back and sh wi nnl wllli the wrench and nsok tlmn ui bu dnir ranir it and fria in ilia in tho dark big ilf umv it milk in tl n wxllb g cup amvlrdlth arm rid a alarms tn ihw crlmaon out rmli of the tl t dy went tlnwi whl a tl wllli it ibr bope r the bleascd llltnl aim fmrsul algliml as tlia world hliu d gray why la it i- ml lh1 lur finit ie- dld yon forgot thai this i tldy r tlien aoflln iiunm a vole be heard tjft up your hrart fr i kept my thr klines i capte in youi friendly do4u tliree time my shadow waa on y ur was the iwggar with brulerd ft raa t be woman you gave to rat waa the child on the immw leas kdwln uaibam jhltd yemtltj firabinrj crasvk kelly auelp oats hay cobn there is none cheap er nor better than we arc offering to our cus tomers every day get our quotations winter footwear boots ottsriobs wtuv fall ilocko wllr wlihl bo4 ud sboc for mm woum mil il uam wuaprool sblm children in m tb9iamnft oarlockof1bmkooailawymplel incluuiaj robbrt wool uua rba tanhui hd bobur doou lt u supplyyaur wlntr footwftr h w wltiliams mill street v atotobf hk hnt day that sitae manning wrote off mrs blmpaone gro cery order aha waa not alow to note that for a lad of sixteen he did butlnesm in nm commonly up to date rash ion yon write a inkiij hand she aald in bar hearty eunrgetle way i i 81 as replied modestly and you aeeui to know bow to pell and where in us your capitals the hul boy in uiu store always spell ed my rice with an and i never knew him ts put a capital except once whan he wrote at the foot of my order for three l clock hure sitae laughed he wad lietter at al moat auyililng than talking and lire slnips4nm praise rather disconcerted him i reckon she continued all conscloua of ihe young clerks eribar- aaaiuent that you wrie smart at school h nik repllrd tillaa 1 ufa a iruur plug ure blmpson laid down her glaeaee for a moment then she said thought fully i dont understand juat bow that could tie hot net me when you bring oty groceries atop a moment and toll tne about lu otto week later on a certain fine afternoon silas chanced to be delltar- iog goods and just at six oclock i stood at mrs si ui peons door with basket of potato now aald the cheery bright lady i want to hear more about that a regular plug have you time to night hluar yea maam replied hllaa thu la my last place and i guess old dobbin does not mind if ho doe not get oats for a few momenta then silting down in mrs simp son kitchen be let bar draw from him hie story father waa a carpenter and while he lived we had three dollars a day coining in regularly of course i had my chance at school same as other buy 4 but i had lo work harder than moat of them eer did how sov asked ure simpson oh you know i tiever wu smart aajd hllaa in hla matter of fact faah on hut queried mrs simpson i have known lots of stupid lads who imver itad a notion what hard wars at school meant then khey must have staed at the bottom of the elaes silas remarked and h added i got m 1 could not etand it if 1 waa not ninatrflc pour or y slit in her kindly interested pso fashion silas heallated and then be said as though recalling tbe details of a fight it was last winter wheo work wai ao awfully ecsreev and when tberej eemed twrnty men for avery j ur wanladiertlsad on boy and f wool down whh juat twenty eaven other boyirlo apply of course j nevrr suppad wbii i saw tbe crowd that 1 would get the place for i knew there wrii plenty harper lads than i in line lint iiiohow when ur ward rad toy bkh aobool reoommrn dallon and when i had written and nsjumd a bit for him he just turned away ihe teat and i got the place mow niurh do you earn a week t replied wllh juat a touch nf pride 1 the last hoy only got six a week but i get elht how is i hat r urshmpson laugh ingly inrjulmi i ihlnk after all you unist be smart hllaa no maam the boy replied j i never in the world was smart like george pender thats the chap that went before om when we were little fellows at school together he coud get up a loaaon while i was thinking about it but be would not work and guess he never got into tbe blgh ihool ills father waa killed just a tuple of moo the before mine and ben jeorge bad to get a place every body complained that be could not wril- or cipher decently ur ward i i was worth ao extra two dollars a week and i was glad then that 1 bad workuj when i bad the chanoe eren if tit boys did call me a regular plug n in the course nf this bit of an im noons chat wllh si las uannng ira simpson discovered that hla ream was to transplant his mother id tbe younger child mo away out lo lhi golden weal h iim day i will take them all then he said with sturdy assurance and th nandthereura simpson regis tered a vuw that she would help to material x i bis brave boys dream a latter in ouuiln in a growing prairie tom in saskatchewan brought this answer that hoy nlinm you describe as a royal plodder ought to do well in the west and it ao happens that next year i will need just such a steady young fellow i would not think twice of blin if he had not a good eohool ground l g for no ignorant elark could step into my businaea here tall hit mother she can open a paying boarding house in this town and i will help the other a hi id ran on their feet thu was how it came to pass that the lid of sitae uannlnge fortune turned aiiuarely westward one year lalnr he and hla were en route for the broad prairie stretches of saskatoon wan and the tidy borne that waa speed ly opened there in that weslorn land soon felt tbe grip of a lad who had lieen wise enough to early learn tbe lessons of plod and sturdy persnvrr- a plodder he possibly waa in but i nees aa well as in school but whan on bis twenty first birthday the sign silas uannlng grocer appeared on uiw main street of that saskatchewan fawn many a man stoutly affirmed that them was a splendid example or what push and everlasting plod could accomplish a few hints for oiru9 the girl whose msnnere are pleasing knows the value of little things sbe is not satlafjed with omitting glaring rudenaea 1 aim la polite la trifee she answer an invitation the day it la received and doe not change lie mind later when something more at tractive turn up she never forget to write her vr preclationof a visit and alw to s brdew rubbertired buggy wllh bar mother soon after being en thi dootoirej hoitsb dan waa a well bred horse not by any insane a thoroughbred but he bad been well brought up u tbe saying goes lie had gone at an even gait for fifteen years wlihoutwtowtng any 1 1 venturous or daredevil disposition beyond a half hearted inclination to appear klttfi when the wee titer was cold and after he had been aland ing in tbe stable for several daya in the main he was just what a ttltln everyday family horse should be safe and dependable and ha gave promise or remaining that way until the rest of hie days had patsed hut the 110 expected did happen at tbe begin nlng of bis sixteenth year iau bad begun to show signs of an urseertalnty ottbuipftr ktna not to say dlegust with hie surroundings time after time when tbe old doctor who owned tilm went to put on tbe ancient patched harneea and hitch him to the dllapltated old buggy dan would lunge and rear so that the doc tor was constrained lo aay that certain devils must have entered into hint and he ran away twice one lime pulling up against a bank where he almost ended the ufe of the buggy if not that of the occupant however you know it is aald that after a vehicle hed a certain age or stage of rlcketloes it la almost impossible to destroy it utterly and thus it was with th doctor boggy many times had friends of the doc tor assured him that be needed a new harness and buggy but the doctor bad always insisted that they would last as long aa the horse and mayhap as long as hleseelf however there war those who thought tbe doctor bad his eyeaaoneofiheauto edrtlenieau which appeared in hu medical journal xlut dans disposition wu rapidly becoming worse it was almost 1m possible to bitch bltortin the buggy now without a man to hold him until tbe driver bad seated himself and se cured a firm grip on tbe unas and even then lie would start with lunge that threatened tn dtsouember the venerable outfit nona of the family now dared to drive blm and begged tbe doctor to get rid of him but he was loath to part with an old friend that had done him such faithful aei vlo said be who know the poor old horse may he suffering wllh a form of equine insanity and if ao it would lie cruel to turn blm over to a man who would not be kind to him still the look in bieeyeels more of angry dis gust than anything else rgoes well and out what all him soon ilut they did not and dan wu get ting dangerous wheo the doctor son cam bom on a visit tbe morning after be arrived be went with hi rather to the stable to help hi in hitch up when he saw the condition of things he aald father you should bot attempt lo drive ibis horse with such an outfit a that it i dangerous i know it is eon t- mean to get rid of dan right away i am getting too old to take such risks ilut you need another buggy and a new set p harness anyway said hi aoo john aald bis father what do you think of those lllank auto f they are advertised especially for doctor not worth scrapiron price replied john decidedly coat you more to keep than two horse the doctor aald 00 more and they drove to the city when they had completed their business and were ready to return tbey went to the feed stable where they had left dan and the doctor nr deted bliu bitched to his buggy when the hostler brought hi horse the doctor saw that dan had on strong new harneea nod wu bitched twkntv vbam aoo me of thureday 1 our lau irred hern ap ing at h ure simpson looked interested and wla want oil u you see father was always talking tn me about being lbs oldest in the family and you knowthere were six ofusand so oftan he said lf any thing should happen to toe silas you would need lo take my place and a lad who iaa not a good school ground ing is bamperrd almost anywhere in lira so be kspk on urging me and when 1 would say theres lot of lime yet bo would tell ma that never was an hour of school ufa made to waste look to your writing and your flgur ing and every part of your work be would say 1 you never can just tell bow soon you may need it so i kind of got into th way ol wovklng hard and the other fellows got in the way of eajltngu a regular plug thsy sah i stuck tp my book too close and that i didnt flare enough fur inorosm and baseball 1 but i did- oare and l buy all ssluvl played m straight lively game when 1 got at it however i guess it was well that i did hurry up with my work for my school chance wae aotin gon i had two year at high aehool and than father wu killed by falling from ft scaffold at ihe city hslliand of course i had to tryend- lake hla place k and how did jmu wt into ward d r tfovf sum r avvd itr urtalned by friends she does nut take attention a a matter of ooorae but expresses bar gratitude of tho smallest klndneea by an appreciative word sbe does not think that the tele phone or waiting until she meets her hostess is a polite eubatltute for letter of i banks she does not consider it good man ner to be pleasant with a special friend and indifferent to other ruero- bersof the family she is thoughtful of tbe feeling or old people and inferiors and full of sweet little attentions to the sick and feellt do not drop your friends beoaae you have married the dearest boy in tbe world no two people are eufft elant for uiernaalyeo end it la every neerwwlne e dwarfi t tjt self from the outside world t pair of boots the latter lasts many times a long if worn alternately wllh other and there i a chance that love may last indefinitely if not worn too threadbare at tbe beginning if you want to b liked make it ap invariable rule to answer invitations without delay you know yourself how tiresome it 1 not to know whether people are or are not ootnlng your beat friend will like yon all the better for taking the trouble to be courteous and thoughtful in this little matter puimtv on hand the thriftlnes of a london simp- keeper i illustrated in a story told of a dry goods dealer the merchant was or an excitable temper men t and on bearing his metstent say to a cus tomer no w have not bad any for a long tlnirv was unable to counten anos eueb an admission he died hla eye on theaasuunt and aald to the customer 1 we have plenty in reserve maam plenfy upstair- thaouilattmr looked dexed for a moment and the ehnp keener did not seem happy when huesaletant inform- ed him that the customer was peak ing of lb weather and tud nmxhtvd jw ttavwi bat ady muxo guess you have made a mistake and hitched my horse to the wrong boggy said the surprised doctor no he baant father john spoke up that u my present to you of course hi aiher was pleased but who can aay he did npt think f the utn with the least bit or regret p iii surprise and pleasure were aa nothing to lit transformation of dan after that be waa the moat pleased gentle creature yob can imagine and he drew the new buggy along at a lively clip with his head high and bis tall fn the lr so that people remarked that the old doctor had a mighty mart bores and buggy and who can aay that dan did not know hla worth and that he did not take tbe only way be knew to register his protest against being associated wth old ud dilapidated things t jpvoetoue dumb animal the first blockade of iqe and highways this winter monday morning mr john a gordon pointed assessor for v alar there were- bet wean fifty and sixty car liutds of hemlock itark nn ihe aid inga on saturday ol one of iteardnx ma teams dn w no leas than six cords and ft rty txiveii fm i it 1 load the other day khu baa evldtully learned the s sence of econqmy in municipal affairs a resolution was carried that an t ffer bnaroepled for healing and hgbllnk the hall at 15 rents pw session lie to and wood oil and two tamps james kirk wood i ho newly elected m p v ur 1 l wello was introduced to the legislature by hon oliver uowat and hon john dryden on peboiasy uui after the perjlng of ihis season parliament a checker match was played in lb town ball on wednesday evening be tween the crack players of acton and i j alehouse the players wore 1 acton john harvey jatnue uatlhei- levi lambert and jemea lllarkur llmahouse wro nickelllt wheeler wut urwlrt enj- harry lapollavln acton players won on a acorn of i a to h t game being draws general sympathy is exteneded lo ur patrick kelly id the doaib of hl- ii t tie six year old son stanislaus on friday and to ur warner nlcklln in the decease of his six wewke bride on saturday at noon j the special servlcee in the metho dist ohurch are being characterized by u rev henry irvine of kip- pin preached on sunday and each afternoon and evening so far this week the tea meeting at the urlok ohurch last week was a vary enjoyable affair itev w ii harvey h a of guelph and key hart and kllcb ing on tbe circuit gave addresses acton uetbodlst obolr gave an ex cellent programme of music misses abbott and benson of livertnn ran dered several duett very acceptably and misses clam moore and hertha leslie delighted the audience their recitations a concert was given in the town hall on tuesday evening provided by the haptlt ohurch which waa wall attended and thoroughly enj yed tbe principal feature was the dutus by tbe wbyte hrothurs spirited addresses ware given by itevw w o charlton and j w lue itev w vl norton presided a very enjoyable time waa a pent at the home or mr and mm peter gib bona ksquealng last week nn the occasion of the twenty fifth jthnlver- aery of their marriage over filly guest were present itev wm plrrllte or several years pastor of the georgetown methodist kplsonpal circuit wlilci at that limr included the prick ohurrh died at toronto on monday loved clergyman anil tlx year after ihe union waa president tit the toron to conference uahitiifit lintmavgliallau in kquettng on february 10th at tbe residence of the brides parent by itev itohl davey aaalated by itev tho gee aod itev d m huchanan mr n f lindsay of acton to jennie daughter of ur richard qrahant nikit luuuif aw in itockwood oil pebru ary 11th itobert lumahaw aged 70 years tuoftitu at stewartown on feb ruary 18th mrs william thompson aged 83 years nlckxin in acton on february llilb sarah hllaa duxbury wife or warner nlcklln aged so years kelly in acton on february 12th stanlslaue wjtford uelvllle youngest son of patrick kelly aged 0 year and ten month r timr mo limn vt tn ho lo ti ktu my deed or speak a in ipl i w id to noma lone hoar toie time ware i laul iba living seed in soil wlern 1 u ii ii ilu and do its mir l tint limn wi llaloi to l ed soul that -t-kk- llix i rr th a heavy oio llnia wt ii 4 w hih rushing inward th tnaldahrnm ihl hi k rtad iiui iu hit llr litis tiverlablii g hurry j fa welive and be more lovli if lei tier true at d klndt uoro thougliirul an i mi n nady to rorgive rombtlrrtawe7it7iniy nelhe bvmwt in men ite blind to all the worthies and ihe bail and reciltict our own weak faults and i linn just atrlve lo n ake lint wl in wi rid bright atld glad the law if we are to fiavh reaper for taw la ibis r ounlry uw must be lwil pnn those a nil mratla wurn lu rotumtm t- reerullasi itnritusi tt ihrlr jus tier nnd iblr linescbxrtre u llbfbea thera i a kind of consolation cold oomfort it i called that is much like a utter medicine a younfr lady went to one of bar friends another young lady in a condition of mingled borrow and anger that horrid uta jonee has been saying that i paint never mind what ursa jonea says my dear if sbe had your complexion ahed paint too out opf in h youth t thvrti t a stury toldtof roan of iventy who when be waa asked if hi father lived lo hejiu old man replied that iils ratjier was upulre pitting hi grktbtabd tbsjw bj another settjpfr of tjil old atoryrold enough to be new wlilch is told hf the new york tinwaee casing frpma boutherp senator who was expulnlng how beallhy hi part of the state is a tbounuloeer dlnetytwo years old and bhj wife of ninety were returning from be f mteral ft ther eldest child who baa died atuie age ofeevsntyone as they discussed their lose deep th f1ndino of a ktorsaushoks halluraare for the most part cartful to have a horau shoo nullrd lo itlu mlxxau mast or sgmewbeiit n the dark near midships for thu roteo tec t ion of tho vessel th chinese have thuir t nil built in tbo shami of a homo nhoo which custom la very nurious as ii may in fairly regarded imh braitnli f auperat tlon i tug prevalent among ouranlvna the principal gatnway at allahabad hi lltlakly studded with horan atines of every slxn and imiko then are bun dred of them nailed all over tho great gale douhtlasa the offering of many a wayfarer who has long finished lite earthly pltgrlmagi the sacred galea of komnatb in the fort at agra are similarly adorned 1 he practice re minds us of the old manorial rite at oakham in kittle ml ah lr i ngland where every peer of the realm is bound the first time hn enters the town to present a horse ah do to ho nailed on ihn mtrtal which is wi ii ttlgh cover ed with ilmai tribtitns it la said that in case any contumacious peer should refuse to pay ibis ax tho authorities hvu the right to stop his rxtrege and levy blackmail by unulinoing nnn nf the horses to avnrt so serious an annoyanoe tlm tribute shoo is gsn erally ready aotnn living of enormnua sian and inaorlbiiil with tho nalnnof the donor hair mimtsj worthy the attention of tne people who whrnb to orwawrve the hair have your own brush and oomb at home and at ealr ureeaerc nayer use a bruah or comb in public place they are usually covered with dandruff germ wash your hair bruah once a week with soap and warm water to whloh la added a dlalnfeetant shampoo the hair once a week with pure aoap and water use parisian sagr every day parisian haok is guaranteed by a ti ifruvrn to destroy dandruff germ and abolish dandruff or money back to stop hair from falling and scalp from itching or money back tn put life and beauty into dull faded hair or money back price 60 cents t thbj lantcr p the letter p la the mostlmporlant in the alphabet because it leads all othrelnperfectloru itlellkewlao first in psaoe prosperity and give to pleas ure 1u proper fortfl it is found in every enterprise and aspiration and without it valuable office anchor of hope would be but a common place hoe in importance it is decidedly the leading letter it be no place in bis tpry but is foremost in phllojophy and gives power to the pen while always first in provocation it likewise leads in pardon and possesses great power in persuasion it is rich in tbe efcotlons virtues patriqtlsni passion patlenoei pllyandpoettyacknowledgo it their very own no point or picture or port was ever made without it it leads all other in power permanency end preclousnra j purpose baa no meaning without it and pyramids are built on its baotillss weggiofnar fok instkad of dutter a good many years ago whan orange marmalade waa 11 rat introduced into kngland some ol the dealera advertised it aa an excellent sub- slllute for butter ao says a drill ah journal a lancashire wnrklngruana wife seeing such an advertisement in a shop window thought alto would glvo the novelty a trial she bought a two- pound jar the next morning she entered the shop in a state of high in dlgnallon you old vlllun 1 alto exclaimed to tho grocer what did you mean by aelllng me that stuff i pretty nearly poisoned my ohj man wllh it how were that p asked the la no- cent shopkeeper how were thai i dldn l you say it were a substitute for butter p yes i did well it is a grond aubatltulut j used some of it to fry a hit of hilt with an it made us all sick aa we could ho i tim was no obj rot a shrewd old farmer named uncle harvey wan approached by a bright hrecxy young man who wan aelllng in oiibators tho groan bug which talis the story says tho uatoamnn btivo uncle harvey the usual eloquent ar guments there wa nut aiiothur audi incubator to ho found thu prlctt wore remarkably low nnd so on uncle harvey did not respond the young man talked hlmsctr out and made nn impression 1 inally be aald you don t seotii to npprcclntn those incubators no aald unclo itarvpy ilut juat think of the tlnio they will save ono cold look und said what do you auppoiiti i carelqrftjituijtilniqr there never waa and hover will bo a universal panacea lit one remedy tor all till to which lleh i hlr what would relieve una 111 in tun would aggravate the other wn have how ever in qulnlnowlm whoti obtained in a sound umultil titrated state a remedy for many and grievous ills uy it gradual and judicious use tho frallsst system uro led into convales cence and strength by the influence which quinine exerts on nature own rcatorallves u relieve those to whom a chronic state of tnorhld deapondanoy and lack of interest in life i a disease and by tranqultlxlng the nerves dispose 19 uound and refreshing sleep impart vigor to the aotlon of tbe blood whloh being stimulated oouraee through thu veins strengthening u10 healthy animal functions of the system thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening the frame und giving life to tho digestive organs which naturally demand increased substance result improved appetlu north rop lyman ot toronto have glvei to lite publlo their superior quinine by tbe opinion of aolontlsts the wlno approaches nearest perrecllou of any on ink mvkt all u0ujliu int t

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