Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 15, 1912, p. 2

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r u- m ihui iidwmd 1l- mcrw umwi on wmlnaailar llli ki roary i y itav ii lr 11 a j lti 1 m l maiy llitd llaluia mut-maa- vi utlmia oil tluia hay kill fi1 ury r 1uv 11 i iihhh hairy o lly oltorouto to 11 hnnp- wliaaur o4 lmalioua ucwwr ukinalvm1llvl 1 out i w htey rbtur lili liyhv arahibal iihu mlaa um aliuta abirf mr william uald loul allna uihh al ml v llnalan ur jmtr tt u autllllll tlt- w-li- w ii duuilu tiijuh1a vi llhlauy 1 hhj rdltorlal notes it in kiuuni t i hnpid lluit tbu tjoniicll will endiator in mourn llydroiuitti fot our town wo biuuiicliitt uii luiuiscn leu ojtivr towns ere txilnittlirtivllluiil by in it and n should ikl nt wtilnd i in llmra lwt us boom ir lown in dip way of wveiy facility ihal will help milton hufomwr it irt kha iittiu that all tbe members nf the fcluiilrlial council am in favor of the by lwe to 1m kiilntilt ted next monday in serum hydro klectrlc power they have tlm inter ests of the municipality at huart and elector generally may consistently follow their load in llitii liniwrlant matter let lib make tho vote iinanl nous if possible a llui ha been introduced in ll legislative am ni lily of nw yoik forbidding fty tolutfioo or liquor manufacturer to ofitr irunilumi ida product no dnubl kuril ore prove a strong temptation in tho direction of loading young poop to tc form tlm drink or tobacco habit unuu raulil with sslulfiry effect enaro similar leglslatl iv a ituroilt received from the jail adlsti high uonimuslnner to ills do- partoisnl of trade and cummerofl at ottawa it la stated that una million barrel of applu from novla clcotla hava been sent lo j runt britain ihu season a good tuauy people of on tarlo and lha western province will be astonished at ihn extant fruit induatry of tlm 1mvlurn down by lha ana it mam very happy thought of una hjnds to liafo tho sample o now hydro hleetrlo atrnet unijw in- htallod for a weok to glvu ciluonn an ld of tlm iniprovumunt in atrout lighting to lnt iftrotthl wlmn th hydroklactrlo ajateiu cmuua into operation in aoton tlm inpro tnant hi tho omtlor of hghltngtfc vary nanlftmt ilia ntat hiatal brack el willi tha tungalon uiupa uiid ground glaaagtobfla aro a ery plnaalng con- tnut to lha unalght awaylng lamp o dim and unaatufaotory now hang ing in tha middle of tho aired a vkiiv laiuik di irrxtiow litur vlawad ho dominion onwonminnl laat week under tha auspice of the uoodhoada aaaonlallon of ontario tha programme ought to be rcnllaml la tho construction of two thounttnd mllaa of pro htate highway and ave thuuaaod nillea of county roads in tha next ten yonrw tho ulghwaja illll intrpducid in th iiqum of oommona ifrovldtm for lvil- rml aid to the 1rovlncua for rond on- atructloo and the purpoao of tlio dapuuuloa la to urge the panaago of tula lilll during tlm present svasion a tknnkmak 1mkk anld in it last issue t it la intimated in waablng ion offlolal elrolae thai aa the reanlt of the brief conference betwuetv lrosl- deat toft and the duke or couuaiigbt tiovemorqeneral of canada nvgotla- tlon between the unllitd btatea and- canada looking to a treaty of rubl- prooty luay again bo ofmiieq lm- bape oar frlonda aaroaa tho border bare decided that llioy blundered in rejecting the trade agreement or thuy have come to aee that after all there ww no vcrlnue intention on our part to annex canada whether or nut thu canadian were willing tiik tvtkht organlilun tt plane a ban on the ealonn buuluesh l tlio leading baaeball league of the country or at least tho preelilonta of two of i ho atroogeat oluba of the national iigue aay thai audi action will be taken tte iwaeball niagnatee decluro tlmt the time baa oomo wirn lliuru tuuat be a ulaiiae lu lliu imll pluycra c tracts prohibiting tho in ft um viiguglng in tlid ealooii bublnuaa duilng i month when tbuy uro not ptl ball they roalue that thu ploy rtuat lie protecled a gal nut a llualiieaa that a only demoralising und that tb dayaof profcaalunal linbehull lira uui berod uulaoa lliey uul luoiit ihllirttie aaloon naahvllle advocate iiia of 1 citizcns iavor hydroelec a wall attended meeunsl t favpe- tyuwnin 1b la n to oomptahwi- alva htaununu nv iuckvb anu counoilldhh nly ftmiltig iii i iho property o i by the ltiiiii for he own hall o roll and re- fpenling ibuadop tlouol hydro mix tiic rounrclloii for art in i vii wlii attended and proved a vi ry litli ti mlug galbarluc john cjiiii ioii k wan chicled iliu rot an anil limrfornld the dullra oflheofll iwllh elilllty and aallfar llou hyuiu wa- tbn nlncl id i mil kkliaiualta addreaa h p lu chr forternl and i n i not i like iiniiiiii r almoat every de- latl upon whlrh knowllko waa duslr- ml 4u lifilkiiiu lo i hi- ar en ring of hydro i uillo ihwr i at i it iiiiuit bo blulwed artona 1 1 t him with uu fleclric plant in it liii iivm loudid condition and unlliol in t litpialu lo be ueeuafour growing knvn uu cull ll a munlrlrm al puutjiiid llud uurnulvcatjuiacd lo refuse tldlln ilkbllug prlvllrgna to rortof inn ultuftm who hami a right lo iboimlid invthllatluu to mtrme an hdciualti bupply of rurrvnt by any plan iidnimiiihuit of hydro klertrle onueotloii would cijal jnt muchaa hy the hydro i lectrlo ayblein and we would atlll iikvii lo alinvel coal and pay fur ihn hiwr and tear of eapenalve inarhlnety lu the propound pleti of aecuilng iljdrokirutiln pownr aclon a lands lrf a very forlutialb poalllon we hv no ptlvate franchlag lo purchi drainptou waa obliged to pay 91000 to i iiiiimmkiatn a private plant hut in face of llil- ihn town u delighted wllh ihelr hydroihklrkc outfit kvery municipality wum this now eystero bn ihmhi coiuldered has voted largely to noourit l ami lu every case where it i lu uwr1 on i revimnee have in- cnaaeil nntwlthslandlng the reduellon orralenlon tim council baa gone carelully over all details envnred in the hydro rleo- trlo proposition had consulted with the chief knglneer and members of the com ml sal on had aecured detailed eatl- niatea and apoclucatlona and had en deavored in every way lo inform themuelvvu of hie advantages to acton nf tlm nrujuot two luatteru jmpeclally interest ua our street lighting will lie vastly im proved and will contlnu if neceaaary all night we now bare 00 light of id nand in pownr our new system will have 130 light of uk candle pow er and if drained desirable we can doublu ihls number at a minimum ol conl we dn away wllh the present insdiihialn swinging light and have tho nuidnru lower light from neet bruckela or aluatrr of brackets and ullllxo the new inngsten lamp and nviit allude similar to thoee used in the larger town and cltle we have had sain plus ttf l hose new street light ing fixture erected at ilia mill and willow h treat and the de monstration i v idly shows the vast im provement to lie aecured itor general lighting we will have u transformer capacity to supply current for 2100 id c p lights our pi capacity willi a full load 1 7fi0 light we have 1400 light installed with the now transformer we can aafely in- atnll moo light and then we will have a conllnuuus service day and night ivwewmmy lie supplied for all email motors nf ll h p and under from the lighting ihn ut for larger motor a bmcim1 win is desirable tbo ad van lage or hydro kteclrlo power even to tbo ordinary lioiiactioh will be great it will iw imisslhlv to run our washing mo chines sewing machine electric irons make toast for breakfast and a multitude of other convenience may be ndoptml our revoitlie from our present sja tern last year wtis gi75q upon f ooo- servatlvu estimate we will bavnmore than double i hi revenue under tha new aystam and wll be able totednce gradually tlfo rate this will provide all expense meet sinking fund and inlereur and we will be planed on a par with other wideawake municipal lllo who have already put in the hydroklectrlo system w will surt the new system with what i practi cally a guaranteed subaohptlon list nf wl7 n lllosl encouraging start for any now business of this character mr hynua later in the evanlng in- awored all ipjeullone propounded by thoae present and concluding said that be and thu other member nf the council bad endeavored lo gain all possible information respecting th matter they were receiving no oom- mlsslon or aalnrlosi it had all bean a work of lov for the town if the propei lyownurs desired to show their appreciation they would turn out overy vote mid poll it in favor of the hydioklcctilc bylaw next elonday couucllliisuvll mcdonald cooper and hiiitlb ear it poka corroborallni and imidornliig the statement of iteeve hjiiuis kinh eituaawdjiiajjui fldenoeln ihe cnncluslunttliat hydro- mtrotrio iwnyyrtfuf n desirable for wllkntuk altvantadlfjt of hydro- jsietttrla power fdr aoton wro being discussed at the public niuollng t holiday evanlng a very imporlai foaturu wm overlooked for h cdnplu of year acton ha buffered sorloli lose because there ham been no cbn- plng mil in operation here farmer fwraftha wide area of which acton i the natural centre have been forced in go to outside point to have their grain chopped thle htm dlrecliy and in cidentally meant a lot of ibtnumids of dollar to aclon merchant mid- builnea inn mild seriously inuouvuiib orianl ttlelr ouatutner lha farmrr atfiuigauivllt nave already liven uiade that a oon hydro isicclrlc po i ln t not two chopping mill will ik- put into jiper on thl feature should in iteelf im agtwdrcaeon for mpihirllng lh by law up livindar oh- eiuttah grovar fcn finding it nicrr prtfluble 1 tlwlt lveddr tft to bcrluro- makori tha lt being a ttfo in ti pfictf of all al ac toil to allure and properly owner were hppualud to to vote tbei next mnudty and do all they oun to get nut h largo vole ii 1 muure ceorgo hnv and a 1 nlnkllu wurvnuo called uon tbey eiiah lutdoriied i be proposal tt uldrtilslcalrla mwvi and pointed fiat mlraiilagtiv to bo derived bntli tn the municipality and to cltlxens mr harris of kockwood waa pre sent uuil aald he hoped action would vhlu hi favor of ihe byuwa for it would notarially wnellt it nek wood puklttiiu and many were very anxloua tlien lo sucur the cvnnecllun during llii uvenlng ohalrniaii cam eron lnlerieimtd iiutnerous wlpful suggest i mis respecting hio tuovemmit a rusolutlnii moved by if l moure and trounilnd hy janiue iaokry that illsjjuwiktytillhiusmlog am jlniljf halt0n county temperance convention the field dy lo halli cuoly wt fjuuday will lie followed by icon- venllon of th county temperance al hence in lha town iui georgetown on monday there wll be a liualne iloo et two oclock in the afternoon and a public maaa meeting in the even ing the subject or law enforcement i ne of para mount importance and properly part o the lime ol th con- itlon will bej davoled to the sub ject delegate should attend prepar ed to contribute to lb discussion ileporta regarding the effort lo en force the act will be of interest whether thaattempt resulted in fail ure or w4rre crowned with auocees hurllngton georgetown milton oakvlllaand lb township of ksque- ug are again open for iocal option contests and this situation will be carefully oodaldfiiefk the provincial situation la one ol jpreme inlereal and thl will bf dls- ouseod by ilev ben ii spsnoe hec- retary of the ontario urancb of the dominion alliance kacb church young peoplae society or other orgnluuon in sympathy with the movement asked to smd two delegate to lb copventlon and one additional delegate for each fifty member after the hret full fifty mem ber of such organisation iit the temperance worker gener ally rally to thu convention o that it may be thoroughly representative thereby injuring wisdom la it plus and weight to it daclalon kuiy rhend of the cause will be cordially welcomed the time ha coma when tempereno workers should enter up on an organised effort to eouiplete the work of abolishing tha bar from ihe entire county of ilalton thi county itaxhartllv omo tim rswtaamuoaat and pa rbv the laurtvasw dr robertson itegtatrar preeented hi report for 1011 to the county council at it last meeting it howed 1000 instrument registered durlog tlie year fee therefor fbx1js0i patent laeued 1 fee 170 i deed regbtered 637 fsw 127s mortgage and as signment of do fi02 fee sk00 40t dlsehargee of mortgage tti fee38l- 16 1 wllu 42 faea ia8fis uaaee h ree ss8s abstract 400 reee 25775 1 eeercbee 1020 fee po300 mechanics liana n fee si b0 all other luatru- meat 183 feesi81s0 amount receiv ed for work not enumerated 44 75 1 fee earned and net received 31040 groe fee earned 4ttb9qfio i grou re ceived 93100 10 1 groe amount previ ous year 3037 jh amount paid deputy heglstrar for eervlcea 4ttlfi0 clerk 20ht pld fnr bond via i postage etc agot amount of urplu paid to county tresurarer under iand title act 416000 amount of aueh aurplu pre vious year 2159 amount of surplus of net income paid to co treaaurer slias0f amonntpcvivlouayesurmozoi net amount received by registrar 2403 sa number of mortgagee wlpere consid eration le nominal or amount not peekled si where consideration f 1000 or under 120 over 1000 and not exceeding a00u lifit over a00o andnot exceeding 000 117 1 aggrev amount of mortgagee 106028 01 ihi laot to ouodib1 doon dkvu ur editohi ttiehrukk pithbtt of january loth published in it poetry column the laat to cuddle doon author un known inufiilt me to aay that thl la the laat one tft three poem by alex ander anderson i the other two being cuddle doon am wauken up cuddle doon i think ha heretofore been the beet known of the three and by many person waa attributed to hum home two orthr month ago an inquiry wo made of on nf tha montreal paper i believe the wttne a to who wm the author of cuddle doon at that lime thai paper published no only coddle doon but also the other two lea known pootn which are really a con tinuation of cuddle doon giving the author name a alexander ao- dereon about the same tlm i pur chased at book stand in philadelphia little hook enutled fifty beat poama and among the number waa coddle doon again giving tbe author as alexander anderson you may remmbr sous yeers ago whan bill ny and james whlteotob riley were giving a series of readings over the oouotry thst rllsy in addi tion to reading soim of his own works also recited cuddle doon of cotttm not taking credit as being the author bo far a i have been aids to learn nobody appear tdwtw just who an- jusottjurllha wtoto anythi farther yours very truly qxa4jlj4j koch ts ntt fbrakry 7tli noia ldlm off 0div1absm wsslniniii ua ssorvto kmvtsava afmstft hereby undated o reavo llynds and the luemwr jiif llu for th interest hun iiavotflkanlp securing r- ulilo r respecting la hydm kjequlo ayflam nd lor lha very lrfold uud cmprohanajya v- puuhiloumis tt thl 0mtlngsii4 wii9robyplgouiivitqdpio oar power w support lb byuw od get out the vol at the alactlqn t4t moofhy waa c ikris4uonlmousltv 4hatriu tha daodroff is soutaad try ram u uwaptsd by every eansibla person dandruff la lb root of all hair evils salvia will kill his dandruff gsrnts and remove dandruff in ten day or money back k 3 hataard giiarknlsm it it frill grow hair slop lolling hip r hair and tusks th hair llilos and abondsot it pravants hailr from turning gray aud adds ufa and lustra salvia la a hair dressing that bos become lha fsvorlt with woman of taste and ouftura who jtnow thi social value of bssmlful hair irgp gsnaroua bottle oosu only fjoo at lead- ing druggists averyvrhere and in acioh by b j hatwrd the word salvia lath fur saga isonsvry inu orkwaionb oohmkiisl the many msnil of mr llrk hwckbamr of acton ware aorry to bear or hi death laal week flenarel eympalliy urxtendtd to mr hwack ir and mr hav ulo to his auter miv john murray nf llils place while w tvldeiit her r wack bamerwaa veiy highly oateented mw and mrs john walkar and miss agnes who have spent llie paal two month visiting friend in hock wood and i hi vicinity left on wednday for their bom in purtsge iapralrfr they were acooinpauled by mr jark motavlah wlui will wotk wllh mr walker mr al motavlsli- also ia- turned t tlm west fter iiiidlog sonie tlnskhxhlsbiiur mips mtnuiiiu is mnd royal treasure house vaulta banaath buckingham palscs am lltlarad vlth valoablai nenealh lliirldnirlisui islum aro two treaaure vaulf whom aro stored tlm troasuraa lliu kiuu ami jinn u i r which i rixiiii an ixi rniml irrh apart mniiu of any ol i ho rjal iml dancoa aninu nf which ant alrvaily al moat inconvehlfiitly iitiirrrimdmi ultli varioim valtlahle 0nainoutitlii ihil may of anllou wrkn of art at at ur chin anil gold and uier oruiiiuhnlj vlslllng cunlph of ill klmu he royal im utiln sro lire jfud are now uriiui vlth nleclrlii ll 1 aoli is utr 1 hy a doulilo dour oaeli door coiihiu of a slab or solid uol thiixi ln hvj thick the iloora nr st on alol mil- and open in the mntre when unlink ed tii n u ulltlkl nanlly and iiou usaly to tlin rliiht or lett the key ol the vault am hold hy the kiiib private aoemtary of ilia vaults aro stored lame funilturu soma of whhli immense vslin eh lor i ample ui is of a buffo nhl hhorauui slilehoid v the royal sruin inlaid in lie rxutrs which in mm of iho mul jutrdnit ex einple of inlay work extant tlo khlelxmni if l in tlio ojo uiarkot would flh certainly not 14s than loooo tlmre aro many luym slatimi a miiiiher of uionioii4 pifhirin uuil h ereat deal of huf broiiwi uork in tha vault but nono of thmui are of a- peclally lituh alnn tlioy am larifhy the wmlh of mhlnru artful- umuy of them onriuaua of hill mulloriti rtpn tatlou from ulioni tlm into klliir n aeutml o mtolvit niauiphii of lliolr work and limy would ln out of pluii mnuu the lino norkii of art lo imi uii ill tho varliiiih spartuionl nliout ihe royal riirihlimru ovin if tluno wnh room for llioiu the uiimllur l iho iwo tiuiuuni vaulu which hrf n flour vito of about twenty foul wjuare u mtivoral timcu hinallur tlliin im laryiir onu hut it conteiith arc indnllity mora nlu able hero arc dor oil lhou or pounds worth of old gold and mivir ornament of all aort ihorn um hundred of rhaiim ualulnoi irrolon que ihiurci huhiiu of hujiiiiiu iiihi htrdh of many kluil and modida o hhlps thin ueallli of udd ami ullvnr li arraiiuiul on ihelvnu oovniuil uhh purple velvot willi wiikii thr vault 1h lined mirny ol thrum mliiuldort uru preiuiulii to did ltd ii kliiif and quoen or to tlmir promuut majtihlinu from varinim fordiuii rojaltieu or from in dian prlurea ami from tliuo lo time anine of thnm am idniol in tlm royal apartinnnu lo iak tho ptaru of simi lar oriiauuiiitm which are then remov- od u the irunnurn vults tha i manure are all tnout carefully ctalotfinm and the oalslouuo u front time to time olincknd over by an oih- del in the secretarial tiflpartmnnt in the smaller vault in alao utorod the collection of tapaatrlai whlcji the queen a poo tally values and which her majnaty lias hroonht tornllior til or are oer iwn hundrwl of uieite tapes tries home of which era worth thou- hamla of pound one of the plecos waa purrhased by queen msjy in a isriif taterikim when her majesty and king george as prince and win- cwa of wales were visiting paris mimo jflih ago her majesty secured tho pfore fay ffion at which prlco tt ws a rare bargain tor it muhnoquenl- ly turned nut to bo s gonuluu example of fifteenth century woik end we worth certainly 15100 in the room at huokliijjhajtt ialacu known as tho llou hooui thnni was a hocret pshasif loading u the treasure vault but thin jiaimaye uag tolosod up in the roign of queen yh torts well well i jthi3lhomb dyc anyone lavelfil a biiise cold weather goods are receiving our special attention this week wc arc peeping all ihe lines in demand well slocked up wakm undkrwkak hosieity woollun ulanklils comloktlircomioktgivlnv oviiksholis siiicial values jlriu bliirliiimnilrs r- kbi vnptil thurill aclon nkv r 1 buiimil l ii a ptor hunuav pll tlllti udummi- lc i mlllaiuim uitoxii umniml tl ilalln f ui- ktlq- jrt uiixoui hot waier comfort why noi eojoy real by hkslng a hot water dottlu lor ihsse cold nlfhuir for hsiira1l i hhauiniluia backache cold host etc n i great help aod comlon wa have fhsm all style sod prices jusrsnleed i at brown i luttnalsr anrioiut b haml i victor oimmmpti acton ont moaaudotlbbbaartl overcoats wc have still a jood rango nf sizes in the best selling linesof mens and lloyh overcoats good warm overcoat- in tlio newest ucsjgns linclish and onadijn meltons and iancy tweed coating rc tlic favorites ailthc new feature including twoway collars and wide lapek the values wc arc showing in tlicsc goood arc unsurpassed anywhere 7 overcoats w also have about twenty overcoats odd lines slightly out of style hut comfortable sightly coats were up to 8oo to clear at each 11 tt cmihck hi tl i im lots oil batl fo iw til win olilluulhhllrvml dll i la lnu w will k11 slwlaa lalldlis a al low lrtk in ih lamia al imibudi u iikahuuonu a co n0t10k n ablualiaa hmbmatrmm mailwaf nmi l tl l vlnvw of llnuil al lla ii n aoummliias ui si ipaii a to eitand ha lbs hon dtu o oal all in aouta wlal al ov and oali la tbw aautil al wlt an tbwi lo anoint ato mar luntlllov lu ucaaa or wntwomb yaal w uaa ll la blilpsdf uealpti hutlso doulrtw laliaati llavavlv noiiiboro waal aud iftrulw b to easaod hvsiuhi om ul l htajul of m by laaatud altar lt wuh odubiv ol rwl fnuwiu umiiiataollliawonu of njoi hrn point ila auilild llainiltna lloa al iw pair cookadlla id lua laudiy ftl kmml a to lueraam ilia carnal ataak u iolki i laau ctf beoda dttauait atoal for taa mloala ixtdsaa iltlli iuhuh tiswjihi alios cianu spd ih arramnanvn iiimsm stid all duim alaalilaal uliia mttnary le ui rai an r ul lutad al tot lima lor lb- e booivlwlkit ol i bo coinf inr olbaf iiufpoaaa henderson co mill si i aclon onl another slice off the price 140 mtnv and young mens wintcroovcrcoat to be cleared at a fraction of their wot th not a single coat in the lot that would not be good style and good value at ihe regular nmt next season but the lines arc broken and for this reason we give you a chance to sjvc dollars on a smart uptodate coat in almost any slyle ou may prefer included in the lot arc about bixlyfive plain black and pn mulon coats made in chesterfield style with velvet collar tho balance of lui includes the popular tweed coalu made cither in convertible ulster or chest- tcrficld st le in a handsome range of patterns most of the higher priced coats are oth century brand of benchtailored garments think of the saving your choice of any ovuicojtl for any io on overcoat for any 13 oo overcoat or any 13 j overcoat for any is oo overcoat for coy any i6 jo ovanoal for any ib oo overcoal for ant 3000 overcoat for air- as jo overeuai for any 3 oo overcoat far iim ixaa 1x34 mens clothlnj d e macdonald bros cor wyodbam and macdondl stretls guelph ont drew goods a crsh prid por fowl raw furs junk mil 11 kind of iuknituku 7uv sxkb kctqn notice is day mor ssllln 9ror mctvlng slock awy posllusly veer last ckamce for good ksiual barialas is oo to 600 tloota and shoes tor 3ts 4o s 300 lfth a oo to 350 1401 isoto 175 ioototas 7o 0000 suits or moil far biaj 1500 to ia 00 coo t 1400 th 5 00 to flou a 161a other8uiultie 3 u05 ss ladles suits coats skirts half price so prints tyard wide all iwo 150 olnghnrai shirtings loc soa csshmare 8ere drewtooods 39o s109 corset for 1 ttto j5j o soc 38o soo ituderwuar ur uoo ladisi trimmed huts half price mens cuia5e 3de 4 ho tttc mens nraces way down id price uaus overalls prices meet your puno 1000 ties loo uach worth double some ciirpsmalhau pilca choice dairy butler per lb swc 5 lbsurduutedsukar ilbsoote owe or ao lbs sufr 6c 4 lbs lea for fill 3 package cora plakes r o a bhrdld wheat for wa 3 cornstanb fur m 5c 3 gloss i tso 3 celluloid fcuarcli for h 6 dars comfort sunlight soau or hfta 6 lb best rice for alia 6 potbaruyfor ttgo 3 uestyod blsoulls lor ttso 3 cans best corn for v xttc 3 plugs msjidonalds chewing 5o 1 ual uet vlqekar kbu 6 package pssrlino lor itsu 3 bottles lonxiil or fnullhi uxlrucl ttbc 3 pack sim gillettn lya for tto slbu uplltpeusror su 5 fresh broken uodu biscuits tic 4 urokeu tiweel blsuulut for xfta 3 boslqiukvr hiiajm far tta s cmus corn byrup fort itjia best red salmon 17a tin or 3 for 0a 3 lbs sago or tqidpc for hbo 6 boxos sllint matchos lor v llesl 4jo roasted coltoo for tlba ft lbs yelluw uuajur i lb 4c tea ftou 3 tlos hvsnorsud cieum or ttbo 3 jam for 1 80c 3 molsssesfor htc tiiidy all got togo out dvav gctbig hustler the merchants 1 op canada bank uery psnoa vaho receives and days out mooey iboold hawt e chequlm accoant payroeol by chetis b tbe saost prsdlcaji con- vcnleal sod sslstt met bod of baodlliil all fina transactions wbeaber ol a buabss or nersoosl charac tbe return of cneud- cbdiae era voocher for every sum paid oal ibey show what dfa barseoaents have haeq tnsd aod lo whom deposits are received by thl bank suhct 10 cheque withdrawal we pay tb same st lent loo lo snudl depositors a wedotoursodeassecoarslbaivbcoaaau interest si lowed on ell saving sccouots compounded bal yearly total assets 8198964 49 acon branch f a maclean manager mmmuummuummmmutimmmmmmmmuunmummmnummmmiummmmmmm i todry l lo down uliirtt all iies worth up to lij tetuy 1 ttoceats lnlnaatiodd mus blurls worth up tot 1 00 s toilsy w nu sites in both line up to 10 a big mans chance jnaotrui toduy r e nelson ns tailor wysdkw uratahar oublth mslblsmwalatatmaamiislswslbbrawslsw nstlkt rates i00 watedvs whir vmm wsm keep your wstcb clean sad ll u natural lor tl lo go ts for your bssri to best itlholubuupwuocasnd abllily repair and properly adjust wsjebee poulhly a trst u any psrsoo n cons4v v- gfc b fungblae thejwemr qifpn lov k hknnxksom adan llah llalldl a toronto hubail 31 n0tick to ckbdit0r8 in the matter of uu katate of aa-enl- bald mapbapaoa um ofuiatowa- hln of sxequesdwa i of llaltoa rirnwr 1 notiuh la banw slim baraaut t iolaa buiomafoauilo lt ab paraooa bxloselalaiaasalam um kalaa blslnl l all pwaoam bavl ot th aald alablbald s or abeut oxm ttfat day a oftobar mil ij qolnd w aaml by pol impai or dailraa- to a j uaakloaoa 5 iba lllae ol atoa la 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oaoaaaad oa av baft um lal day of marab islumlrabiutue ndwfan ajitaaa aad daa ba fell bartlaaiura of umit eulaas um ajalaiaaatot lbft saooota d uie bre of um aaeorfuaa u say bold by aad tartbar iska botlo laat alta aaeb laat laouooaa data um said neaun will bro ad to diatrlbata um hi of um daiaaaad koaal um kauttpa him w tavtoaj irt oaly to thm alaiaa el jbjb tbo aboil lba tn botma and lha tbe said s will b llabla lor um said assets or aay put to aay bsraoaov baaases of ebnaaclamf nam aball mo ba base imbiti by ibm a um lima of dlaohbauoo ss4 a j uackihsorf rwholmr tea um ssld aiaaato 1 a dated um miu day of fauaarf isis overland ovcrtanb h0l t motor cars and trucks iota module are uniurwkmd for value and efneiency above cut represent our five passenger thirty horse power car at bi3y19w delivered in toronto fully equipped call without tail and bee our leia model shawoverland stales c o 02 to s9 aclllrj su waal toronto ont buy florida land why because i ll l very brodiwitlva t- it 1 but bl iu euiuia abd ibairwlalan la junaiw a vour bulldlnn do not iwm otiiiuaitr ur norumtdvarui llulldluia 4 ymmm vaur tana inuilualuii 4 vou do bot ynk all muiuar to whiur your 5 ll srowa mops tbe iar iwml tlllil u ohops in tba vaar t yoer oropa ate raadr tataiiawuauuiail of utaeoqlloaat lalnlboaaad of winla r hpuadu tumkata u liasnlar sad planlltal kulall m ihia- wale aaauy omalaaj ii uoalthful etliuaw outaa rbauutatlalil tainuh uahy rt colon it qmm s msrtfi ew winter resorts ttound lilp louilai llckols now 011 lo all pilnclpsl wlnur keaorts incluillruj calirornia mexico fl0riua etc the jtlradlve fqiil lo western canada is via chicago steamship tickets on sale by jli lines pull informtilon from h s holmes agent

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