Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1912, p. 1

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wht jvitfjocit sttt tt l volumk xxxvii no l very tawnmlm rat la olflh aotok oktaiuo thvbbday mohniftg febtttjalvti 22 1012 ealsecnptioa rvka tn er bungle coriks tjuiuh cents sje acton jfree jktss uvkuy thuuiday musuusa tnn v kcnmiptim- omdolwx pw miml u mhmk all wlmrtguom sa u ehes um mm im wbtab umv un pais kh ailnit tea eata ta wale eeajaapsjoa is pale la ass h tea ai lnihli i aa i aaata m ilae for m nlw mm laiirhsa ohiimi rtlraif weals hibn as liifcn liniin uwa m ts asata mm m seats pes laoa wa li jla wliaowl aw vrtll b i ull tom4 end ir ai will ba e oaee ik afeetb u aasbw itor eaaa fuw tnea mw aaaauasaa usa easra mil am kimulmmnvurnw allaaesaala nllhi nalll sets sb riwt hikh oeaoa u a u4 j lbnl oa wlu w igm ym niium jbtmtorp moucll los gray u d c as ucgill it h holmes u d ltd p so uw bargee ta 1 -yll- a 1 hi- jituh h ta filem iui una on omt u atlodohalv at d- o m iw rnulrv- ateaeey horn rniia rl d- mlhtbb aa laaattirr i7ay dr e a hardih ld s dawt ftssl etaas deauauv hali obmdnlmlumuln uukltt b l i bhhhktt dbutibt e amd j hardy co inuiiaxi onselo newscomssro-b- vaua veh rnbamolb huhah aaattoajhuio wj oves w mr sajtovawastvae esmsivsas m jlbbiaob u0hh8b8 r moosua reebs rriatoto keeh ga black llokuu aucttomla aw la oeasttaa of halloa sea weulaaa hmhbtbbbt k pawimmw flftiasajsaal 4attii5ra i- amm i bait jambs hcdomau lmwiib aoctlomutx omjfe jelsnas a0 tha old uid holuble granite mnd marble dealers hamilton sofls ssk tm nim u avium satisfaction in watch repairing at moderate prices i is what we aim at savage co a r watartttsfeciom guclph ontario einpravihgs kamijudistvbr waters bros quelph headquartciu tor o a c school supplies mature 3tudt botanical etomoumical orawino painting 41 wyndham street plukvasso let us be your solicitor our printin will help your trade every kind at coromcrctal law and social printing la up to dat 3lyle ccam in vrf tf jojaforjt call u r qfftc cbe juton jr rtks opapere makers otoxomtownojlt dook news and jnolt j1a1u1bu 1st gimsqn palnuv fapar haagwr plotniv minov xta begs to inform tho ladies oi acton and sorroanding vicin ity that he has beeta appointed agent for three of the largest wall paper houses in can ada 1500 samples to choose rom prices bight also that he is prepared to repair all granite alnminnni and enameled ware knives and scissors ground farni tare repaired saw mrrx stbbet actoh bonds cmnr fall hum of housekeeping comforts oaf paicas aia alwaya lu wt iva pnfp wiry the bond hardware co the best la glasses at reasonable prices a d savage tiuciph jrioarr at mm rstofftcb- hcton livery bvjs lin tbm uornlcbail respkllauy aoudla tba palmoaca ol tha pb- uc mod ulorma ibnn thai wou lapitt d amytasai mew alwmjrp b iocutd at hi a comtwtablsj lim bmau all tralaa l iojmi m and iq p av calfa aliamlkl la to vwronw tba raum of com- wrelil tiihum ally mat john hlillin7as the bell piano will last you our ufc time touya puao la 10 tba eoenpom yialp of ary hoana mai jo might jnal u mii ham tha baat lor tba b11 can ba ptmbuod to tba him prion ta cbaxfed lor tamny loielo a vul to oar won will prova ravejatlon in piano aloea both huh baoond hand chas w kelly oats hay copn there is none cheap er nor better than wo are offering to our cus tomers every day get our quotations r noble n r moore hanaaai wittier footwear boots b shoes whm ten nock of wibim wlcbl boots ud show lor mm wobw ojid cuidraa in kq lb m dipm abo k ptoodld sao of moos wolatproof sbom rubbcr3 oar slock of tbtot goods is orjr complcto wool hood iii omjo ovsisbots sao nsbbor boois ll u supply tour wfntsn- rot nojri t w wtliiiams mul street acton oirn tmk call louir aald a oob u post tu 1m ougblan alualwa rbviua oim tiht whan tbo woald we alaep- tn ip lb hoart of th wt uay oil uw can 1 mvir ba antwireil lot ktia 1 mjr i- or tlin vaa vahthi i am now waawlrig ih himrta of rnn will wyj- tnir aatui ilia wjitoa lo nalalaafnari a um uood in lb hmth kail at4 ntatn vmoh1 on at bu luddlog lllta tiiwtpa al a btiitlr rail iw ca i mmur b- anawervd my un at lla kmnltlt atanda iurr it at rurvvtr my kium bliatl 1m krmiwn in ilka lands unr mui tba olon lo a nollieir wilb bmcblurvnal bar kit amlnar bow aala and bappy ibolr lira at btrt aid altoum l i 1 i unnol cctvm- aba ajiawtrcd i pttky you lat inoatay- bowcan i imv my darling lo wander ftxr away 1 s t tttr word was apolten but lb a ull bla pn tlia ulasmuii nam wu baard no inora upnil lb lip of tnn and lb amuron round tin nv1r iboumb tky nalud wllh uln uib tbr nlo wbtcb bpok all moat wy it w tb olo- rr iatl i nlnnacttk ii tv vtiih lloek kit wu smd ymllp fitabinj v5t y lb way mr lurtloajton raauuked i tortoi lo mmllon lbl yoa will b lo poalpoa yuar vacation for m wtsak or two air cjordnn i k ddd lo bt away kaiyawu durlnft lu oat two wtnka at lijaatt i mui aorry if it will chum ou any liinvtuom gordon mplltjd but my a rraogr w ta ato already tit ada- hut 1 hil b away durinff tba naat two wka mr gordon i o- not let you jo until my rrttirn ilordmiri roaniwr wu raaprctrul buthlaworda flrmt i rrtrtwt lhal i dlanulsintf mr lurring- ton but ll la loo late in cbaugv my r- rangmianta tbro waa no nilaundantandlna noaatbl utf harrlngloo aaw b bad a problem on bla band tb elark l iba ufdob warn all ago with ouhoalty and awaited lbw ouloocn with an imgmlwn thai abowad um iarfty of a ravolt acaloat lbo bd of lb omo oblige mm by ootnlnft inlo my prl wal ofhor ur barrinton rvmarkod oordon followed and waited in kllene until hu anoployrr waa oompcllrd to peak ur gordon aam br wo might aa wall uiidarmland um mwilw 1 loam- rd only yotlarday lliat tb ivmim go uonday to naaluckat i bad tboaght until than tbaltbey would brat mako a trip lo tb mountain and eon acquantly i masttit to poatpon my vacation your vacatloo mut of eoura b govrrnod by mlne and i cbooa lo ubn ui tjarllar data 1 make myeetf rjlvarl lullt ur ilnhnglon gordon pld and ir you will paruilt um i will b rqually frank 1 bv alroady abgagfm my room at nan luck at and i rvpacl to nudtti my atny lbr during ibt lornw lit i roally prrfor not lo mak nay ebang tbcra waa n pauaa na lb iwo man faced ab otbar without a word tbaa ur lurrlngloa apoba i i i you mrtalnly ax andrely fnuik i will lbcxoc go rurtber will tbrrafor go furiber i abould b vary glad to overlook i bla drump- lion if it worn poihlo i bv no eompuint to mak of your work my ofllco and abould ba glad to rtla you in my employ under ordinary lr- aumttane hut of oourw you mint cbooa between your intar ta and utlne i bav baard aoutolblng of a boy lab rotnauoo botwoao or rather on your part lowaid mlaa lome and it can do no batsn to tell you that you had boiler think bo mora of it i bvi poken lo ir lorna myaelf in rvgald to hla daughter and oome ur gor don i have- alwaya llkad you your future la ccataln if you behave your- aals and are loo alirawd to throw your chance away on acoutit of a fancied entlment oinrdon mail no ry so aftrr resvminabl interval bla employer went mi in another tone w have all badourboylah ancle tnwnafaeto ttf yuu f preclaloa of n clianulng girl but you can e bow tt u you tiavoyoarpo lion la niake mln la made i have decided lo marry and my choice doe hot happen in pleaae you i am aorry of oourve i but equally of couree i can not walt to eelect a wife no one elae care for ulee lome la a eenalbte youog woman and llara gordon broki ur uarrirjgton you itave been good enough to advise me now let meadvlaayon dont prepare your- elf a dlaepptilntment dont imagii jjou can win a woman heart a you eyould wiit a law caae you are a good boatneee man and an able attorney and a wlaa counsel but do you think you have gained all that without eora loae f if 9 didnt care fur mlas lome any more than you oar for heri i would go back to my deek ihla minute and leave her to any man capable of winning her but what do yon uilak you and yodr omoa welgb with me compared lo the tlnleat lirowii curl that reele agalnat her neck f ioellcal truly mr lurrliigtuii re marked amtltng lio you read noveu f ur llarrlng- tn aakno f ull 5 u tbarv la yet a iad of ar- cady a land for ibe young and ro- otantlc a land where the hearts of young women era lo be woo ee they ave brro waa alnoe tba world brgan by yooth by cuvotion and by lore ware bow you and aueb aa ftx lake your t trtune i here if you can tin uabel i some you aball bav bar btt i hall marry bar if i can what have yon lo offer a youojr gil of good fortune and posl i ion in tha world r notblnu wil young mana lovf iltvil anil im and klaaaa f kaatilly and that la enough for any canadian girl who u worthy of bakuaea it la uee lo say more ur llarringtoo iet ua part friend till w lurat a rivala i auppoee i may oonelder inyaelf out tf your ttu ploymrnt itencaforth t n ur harrington replied f would prwrer to retain you much i aa you add lo the gaiety of nation yon are becoming a rare specimen ilesldeav how can i teu whether you ar a fool or a genius the two have so much tn common lluimy vacation r well go lo i be shore logelber and ben i bare opened your eye a little to the nature of the young women of the present day you will descend from lb back of ptfutw and find yonr feet i solid ground ilut it la understood that i shall do y heat to win ml isomer certainly your defeat will be part of your education a for uabel ilorne she liked and admired both jem llarringtoo had lbe eslf conftdeoce of ble ye re and orr- lie treated her with kindly muradeahlp that waa eootblog and grateful and aha waa alwmys at bar tee with blm lvld gordon attracted her because of hie manly features and bla evident all ctlon for bar t bnt be waa undent- ablj young and lee agreeable in his i- k he did not defer to bee and yet lk peeled more of winaideration than v hi right bo waa often provoked by bla lack of tact but allll more pro kd uthle were criticised aa tb day went by david lost heart ur liarriogton sunny seren ity and undleluroed patience wore up on blm after ten day i atd decided lhal bla cause waa lost lie had made no peogreae in hie suit and began to sulk he waa too plucky to retrial but showed pulnly that be bad no bop and was willing to leave tba field to hie rival up to ihle time be bad taken part in all their outing but now made evcuaee and remained at home oaejnornlng ur llarrlnglon came lo invlle hlru logo sailing and found hi m reading a novel in a shady cor- i dont care lo go im not feeling juat in lrtio for it gordon answered trying to smile lo you quit the heldr kd har rington jokingly nut but i have wlthdmwn lo re form my baltallons said gordon i will ask you lo wake my excuse ur harrington if you do not tnlnd aa you like but i shall take full advantage of your absence waa the reply- paint heart you know gordon watched him aa be left and then eoliloqulked i wonder if i am what be think me t i dont wonder he prefere hlui he la always the eaiue pleasant oourtenu frieod while i am eternally pestering lbe poor girl with attentions aha oenyot bad agreeable and yet he because 1 love her and want her i ha can bt cool because nu oh heart moth tarn perately beat time its tbo perver- elty of thing that a mans warmth of aftectlon should handicap him well be concluded if mabel la what be thinks ber why let her go bang 1 the veranda commanded a vlsrw of the ocean and be watched the sailboat out of sight and then busied himself in a book after dinner heavy rdonde were over the sky and the wind was rising fast ha was a better sailor than barrington and ha feared there might be trouble for tb sailing party and gordon became alarmed lie made his way to the shore and doublet ing a sailboat started to find the parly the waves were rising fast and there were dashes of sold rain drop that blinded him he pulled his cap tight down and drove for ward pitched and wrenched by be waves bat running like a grey- hound at last lifted on the top of a wave be caught eight through the drift of the boat ba was seeking her i waa down the boat waa half full of water end she waa broadside to too wave after an eiol una uiwdnx ing wblcb uabel helped in n brave manner davld tnansged to get the party in bla boat and etsrtcd for finmi davids cap lied blown way hja arm were bare and be was drenched and the rain beat upon his hair his aye commended the boat and he seem ed to pay no bred lo his paseongnrs plying tha tiller to answer every shift of the wind and uabel lorn watched hint as imp watched the boat exulting in hie bravery his strength and skill and knowing that at last she bad found a tba three men took supper alone that night and after ur lome bad gone up tq inquire after his wife and daughter mr harrington went out upon the veranda to take a look at tha sky davhl followed hint bimng hie pipe the storm bud pained david aald mr llarrlngton rjrhen you see miss lome you way lell iter that i have taken you into partnership and you might see whether aba wont do thsatue i and ml lome did li ul rpi h big rha about hlui dout think up mean things in your mind which you intend to say if you get the chance when inan brags about himself itls slgnrutier padue bwt brag what will blnstal you a lao wbeo the years hava slipped by and memory runs back ova tba path you have trod you will be glad thai you fspad tn speak to mwrf frieorl you l and left ibem with a wartswr fvung in ibelr hearts because yod did you will be gud that you were happy when doing tber small svvry day things of life that you served the lest you could in ufea lowly you will be glad that men have said i along your way i know thai i can trust him he is ae true as atsel you will be glad that there have ten son rainy day in your ufa if there were no stores lbe foundations would dry up the sky would be fllled with poisonous vspore and life would you will be glad that votf stopped long enough every day to read care fully and with a prayer in your heart km part of god a wares a gs lo ihose a love you will be glad that you abut your ear light against the evil things men 1 about one another and tried tha best yon could to stay tb words wing ed with poison yoa will be glad lhal you brought you will be glad that you have met with a hearty hand hake all the hard things which have com to you naves dodging out of tbeoi but turning ibem ail to the beat possible account the lvesby terian qlobloualy rl9i rv bu that mans object i to country with a sword if o aid lord brooghan apeaklng of the duke of wetiington but he would do it with a ptckaje 4 the dukes sen a nf duly to bis country not unfrcmnently made blm deal with george iv in a blunt straightforward way ana even lo evade obedience to the kings orders intrrasung anecdote told to gosslpof the century exhibit the duke disobeying tba king that be might a re the nation the command of a regiment having alien vacant nttng george said wellington then tb prima minister j arthur there it a regiment vacant gaaetle lord to the vacancy it is impossible please yonr majesty ibere are generals who have n much eervlor more advanced in life whose turn should be first served never mind that arthur gasatt lord replied the king tb duke bowed went straight from windsor to london and gasetted mr ronald roiwnason whose service titled him to the vacancy the king had the discretion to wink at welling- loos disobedience whose condnc illustrated the meaning of the latli poet horaces epuqdld r which may be translated gloriously false or false in a good kchaw what hat watcrko this is a ul told by the haluinora news for tha benefit of uie over see loos ssdcwnian or saleswoman who think they know better than ibelr cualotnera what their customers want to buy a man walked into a balterdasher shop and bowed politely to the clerk i should like lo look at some black gloves alltcbed with white be amid hlack gloves stitched with white ere not fashionable now replied the clerk i beg your pardon said tba polite customer you evidently rolrander- stoodm i said i abould ilk lo look at soma black gloves stitched with white they ar no longer fashionable reiterated the clerk with impatient upsrloity i find i must apologise agejii said the other i came in here thinking it wasa haberdashery i find it is a bqreau of information f rii sorry to have troubled you with so unimpor tant a matter for i really didnt care to know whether tba gloves i wanted were stylish or not lwrbaps i can buy a pair of soma sort at lbe place across tba street and ha went out uamino ohbarxvnriklb it may be merely human to fail- from a bicycle but it certainly approaches tba divine to rua egalm with a compliment on his lips this la the story from the new york tribune of a western senator who easily acoompluoed both feats although the eenaior rides a wheel he is not yet an oipert recently be was wheeling in washington through man and two women whom be knew quite propsrly tb senator raised one hand from hie wheel to lift this hat and the next minute he had tumbled into a bad of ftoware you did that very gracefully senator wis tba oomumbt of the trio of hlcyolers i always dismount in the preaeooe of lsdleslnstautlrtid the senator a rolicbaf ah the golden psnny tells an amusing lory soma may think it improbable concerning tba examination of a young man whodaslred to be appoint- ed a member of the hampshire county england polio- ha put in en appearenoe ooe tnorn- ing booaipantat by hi mother and waa taken in band for exsnunatlon by tbo inspector this progressed satis factorily until the inspector obeer- kdi of course youre aware youll have lot of bight work to dof you are not afraid of being out late i sup bntorettit caodlduato could reply bis mother electrified tha amased official with tba statement i v tnafll be ajiyight sir bla grand toother rplng wllh hltu the niettootthajotgjcs until ua amts twamtv vatjtlt tgga are down to afleon centu ur l 0enderoa u p s moving into bis bae new residence ontlowr avenur its construction reflect great credit on the designer and build er u john camertin r jamrs conirplng sun of i its late john cummlngs was for years an stsemed resident of the cointnunily he went with his brother alexander to iekole but his health ailing went to arkansas hu trip wav ol no avail and conaumption having lakap a llrui bold on bis lystam he desid to get back to the bout in canada arriving at georgetown when lie died at tba home of bu auler mrs wilson on wednesday in the uunlclpal council the otloc torstltoll was returned with only w wl ocollected uessrs harvey and becord moved that no action be taken lbe request of the kcbool hoard for permission lo enclose the piece of land lbe street allowance adjacent to the hool grounds as the same is private property and beyond the control r this body ur c raulkner waa spokesman for a deputation who asked have a thnainft range on the west side of the park granled on motion of messrs iearon and hecoid on con dition that council may recall permls- on if neceesary in the hcbool hoard mr john cam eron prnssoted plans forafourrooined school and trustees harding sod wallace moved that lenders addressed lo george llynda chairman iw adver- tised for in the globe uall empire uuelph uereury andacton funtf tba audllore report of school fin ances by uessrs a k nlcklln and u uattbews shows total receipts s3l2s0w of which 1000 is munlclal tsvstlon and espendlture ihn saina lees balance on band 7w ml teach ers sslarim ar- sllnv ur john cummlngs was in town last week he is about to reniov to iajwerston the hlseee lane of krin spent day or so last week with their slater ure n p uoor rev dr and ure wllloughby of toronto were guests at tha home of an hall ki last week ur williams and mis williams of dundalk have been visiting the past week or so at ur john williams tons utte in acton on the llhh fsbru ary the wife of dr j f uren of t wine daughters maluuil auish ruivtknnrooic at the aldenee of the brides uncle george slranger on february 17th by usv j w robinson wm j aklns to rmlly daughter of getrge kaster- brook all of lbe township of nesssga- weya liiatli fohti at omsgb on friday feb 18th john ford in the wth year of his age imvistl in nasssgoweys on 13th february robert irving aged years 2 month oummlkiih al georgetown on llth february james gumming formerly of acton aged 00- years mit xn tha ivaoa in one of ur obauncey u depew stories ba tells of meeting a man as funny aa himself one day said mr depew i met a soldier who had boon wounded in tba face he was a union man and i asked htm in which battle he bad been injured in the last i tattle or hull run air he replied out bow could you get hit in the race at dull tlunt i asked well air said the man half apologetically after i had run a mile or two i got careless and looked back olonioua maih any woman who neglects her hair cannot expect to have as lovely hair as the woman who doesnt wash the hair onoe a week use parisian hack dailykeep your hair brush clean and in a few daye you will glva to your hair a beautiful lustre that you will be proud of parihian sage is a most rellabh hair tonic i so reliable that a t urowu guarantees it to eradicate- dandruff stop falling hair and itching scalp or money hacki it should be used as a dressing by every memosroflhfainllynsbca keeps the scalp clean prevents hair from turning rtay and baldness l k a oens ha no use tor ordinary preparations after once giving daugblful pauihian sagkalrial an kngllsh journal tells a good story at tba expense of lord derby whether he draw frqm it a moral no one can say but it may suggest to the impartial reader that if one feudal y- atrlcuon la to continue there is no very evident reason why another abould nbt be revived the earl waa on day walking n his estate wbeo tieniet a collier wlnf waa also strolling there hut without permission do you know that you are walking on my land k inquired tha noblsniaa thy undr was the reply walt ive got no bind myself and im like to walk on somebodys wheer did tha get it fro oh explained his loidshlp i got it from my ancestors an whecr did they got it fro they got it from their ancestor an wheer did their ancestors get ur they fought for it weel aald the collier squaring tip thvw rtfi fititfwiovsr kxtihaulshcd the boy stood on the burning deck whence all but be had fled when tommy glblw stood up lo apeak be had ll in bis bead hut when he saw a school room full of thooe he knew brom his week knees ami parching tongue wiinli had all hed too the boy stood on ihs burning drek a second lime he tried hoi he fotgotabotit ilia boy or if be lived or died he only knew the homing drck wss 4 nloe and eool uealde ibe rostrum where lie stood that awtnl day in school the imy atood nti the burning drrk hn frit tb llamas and smoke ills tongue was thick bu mouth wss dry he rnlt that he would cbokr and from the far hack seats he heaid 1 a whisper run about come hark tom and take yonr scat theyve put the flie out i for hay hut can tiautiom liu who riciln sod runs taay lru to he lit another day he alio is in iml 1 1 slain novrr rlo to lchl benin other cliihumllh til main cham cst a lancashire commercial traveller while on one of his journeys through hooltsad was one morning chatting upon local matters with a grocer in a small town a sudden idea evidently came to the grocer and he said to the knight of the road dae ye tak oay itereatln gowfl well yea replied the traveller i myself play a llltle wrel maybe ye whine mln if ye gied us a hsno wl our local tourna- menl fund it the trafellnr having an eye to further order thought hia an ovpor- lunliy not to be missed and asked if five shillings would be acceptable im muckle oblrged tse ye said the grocer its rasl kind o ye anj he forthwith proceeded lo give an acknowledgement for the subscrip tion now that i have an interest in this tournament of yours perhaps you will let me know in due course when it is to he played off r aald the traveller oh reply it waa played off last hetterdajr indeed said the kngllahman and who won it t msn ssld bandy ta lell you the truth i won it myself what it biaht a witness giving his testimony as to the dntalla of a fight was obliged to give frequent explanations of language which the judge and the lawyers were unable to comprehend wnll yonr honor he said glibly in response to an inquiry ae to tha occupation of one dennis uolloy while the fight was in progress dlnnls he was juat sloshln round i what do you mean by sloshln round f demanded the judge i well your honor aald the witness after a pause tor reflection you see ham floggarty and his second cousin james lantgan they clinched and lialred off bis that ug your honor f i understand what you mean aald the judge impatiently go on- well now proceeded the witness pat doolan and motke hanlon they did that ssme and so did the lllnoeesy twins but dlnnls dye molnd was in an around ihe crowd and whlnl verba caught a mans look on him bo up and out wld his two fuls and cleared the way and nn he wlnt i thais what we call sloshln round your honor its just knookln down loose men as ye come to em bktcldbdly hot a young wife caroc to her mother one day with ore in her eyes and in dignation in her voloe harry told roe a little while ago she said that there was no use call ing my hair auburn ho aald it waa several stations beyond auburn on the road to reading 1 i wouldnt mind that clara aald her mother- it waa merely ana of his plearantres no it wasnt i exclaimed lbe young wife with a saving gleam of butaor it waa onaof his uapleasantileal hertle ive been having a lovely game with this post ofllo set you gave me auntie ive taken a real letter tu every house in the road auntie how nloet and whore did yougetrelt ibe letters r dartbwoh i found a big bundle tied lip with pink ribbon la your iloak there never was sod never will be a universal panacea in one remedy for njllllsto which flesh is belr what would relieve one iii in turn- would aggravate the other we have how- aver in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous lib uy its gradual and judicious use tbo frailest systems are led into convales cence and strength by the influence whtoh quinine exerts on natures own restoratives it relieves those to whom a chronic state of morbid daspondetdy and lack of interest in ufa la a disease ami by tranqulllslng thasrves dupoeea to sound and refreshing sleep imparts vigor to the notion of tbwv blood which being stimulated course through tho veins strengthening tha healthy animal functions of tho system thereby making activity a necessary rfsult strengthening the frame aitd giving ufo to tha digestive organo which naturally demand increased substance vieeutt improved appetite north ropes lyman of toronto bava giver to the public their superior quinine by the opinion of acloq lists the wine approaches nearestperfiwllon of atn lhivwlrtrt axfttmmmytftu m

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