Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 22, 1912, p. 3

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spectacles and eye glasses vft fit and kill aik oar charges are 3 stationery onnt i looks 1 im lib a cali mannlaqu ucinits isbuku geo hynds touohto ohtkiflo v beet slaee oaneae for rlfa lraee mmm tt kate two 0w ell fw jla- reajl estate ey t immm t lawest rale af ihtereu large aiaber farasm lar sale efceag dwellibgs and aher rreaertr la all aartaertarj uwh we aat evcrr tac4utr rr trouctlw ear bsulaesh yaar cmmblete atifactum j a 1lliiciv cccrscuwr t1iu1ujday pkiwiaiiy 22 1u1j brief local items ymltnkr was ash wednesday the lenten unon opened today acton certain y weals hydro- kic trie power hm early hprlng robin u being rpokfdror mr joeepb ulbboiisjias purchased lb berberlog businne ot w iirrall main street kgft are down lo jix iml itiiluit haa game up io ui the n im weather tliu wnak great ly reduced lite big know bunk gaelph dog ax muxsled again owlqfl to another rabbles scare there tbe orangecoena ball in tba town batl last friday evening wi islrly well attended e bllsaerd wm just v reminder ibat winter haa not yet lit go itajrrin entirely r dr tnvelio toronto will preach at tba methodist rnnwtmry aarvloaa on sunday jrd march tha woodmen lodge of acton preparing for an at liom to ba bald boat tba lolddla of next month baptist anniversary service next hnoday sermon morning and even ltgby ba prof parmer of alaalsster ultlvanliy lfr w gltoeon who fell on the ley pavement near tba chku phkhm offlea one day inst weak and suffered a eavara strain la able to ba about again plana are under way for iba add i uoo ol a 100 aera farm land valued at ntarly 110000 to the acreage of lite ontario agricultural college at onalpb a letter from lira root hit red tends flat aaya the weather tbara ha bean very severe and that tba orange crop enffered aerlnuly from frost and lack of rain hilton council held an adjourned meeting oq tuesday evening it l hetastreet appointed assessor w a chapman waa reengaged aa twef ooo willi the collection of taxea added to hla duiieaaudhlaaaury increased to sco a month champion itfeo lake advantage of the remark ably low ooaway eecond class colonial rate to nalaoo vancouver t victoria b o t seattle taoonia wash port land ore etc lo effect march lat lo april fub i or if wat canada la your deetlnatiou tba one way aettlera ralaa should appeal to you hettlera train terwastern canada will leave toronto 16x3 pm eac juaeday during march eartn mind ibattbscao- eiea faebe hallway offer tba flneat poaes equipment and faaleat train ervloe the route la one of tba moat eeaala in tba world it la tba only line operation through etandard touriit altipar also dining care to winnipeg and vancouver with moat modem eoampmkiotant observation library car tbroowb tba mountain and acroaa canada oo traaeooollnenlal train by traveulbg a i it you avoid the ttuu of changing drool dining oar a uneurpaaaed all equip agentl owned and operated by the c p it affbrdlog tbehlgbeat efficiency if mdm a triple under onnaueratlon appqt id any 0 p r agent for ful patttouura toronto olty offloe 10 kit street kaat a fair ouruljtmqa tba following la tba copy of a letter ji in t a m the q town floohey club on the date nam iv nevvsif l0cai imp0r1v nl pauloh m daiy lata l limy biirprun ikp k nral public t know llil h itria day hla yrar will ba iwirril m public lit l day with ait enllra caaaatlon of inl in hiii mtvlf in all omi dim rlirx it roii nnim kiintlay ulntao- nmunl halton prm mmm lltlton lrcp aiioclalion will huld llaaiuiual mlntvl jnrallng al ihmhi t mi rrow al lll uwx p llotal torotit 1 1 council i n wllli l ooiigreaa u anadlan pilntarv tlte inambnra art invited lo dine with the prealilanl urj u moorr of tlia gmrgolowi llnrald 1 i ibtpnm mr baabaea maaager g hoekey club georgetown ont dka8li rfaelag tried in vain for the laet ave weakrto get tba oaorgetown wander er wphy tn be rataragmroo which yoqbwe ttataod a you are evidently afraid to gv u a data brr we here by challenge you to a game on your qfnrfe winner tp take ha enure gate receipt m th abare of the rink mr t lat ot mil ton to refer andrno player on either team lo play ntfem m puyrd al iraat three o bear frout ybo tfoftri tryhj aoorpt thla challange r l 57x7owalncrty v p dltotrt manager anton hockey club ruoannotbi ourid fcew mtutea7hw2s halton awatay bohool coutull tl annual tnaotlng t i llallun hun oar hchool aaaoclauon modi will be held louy in the utholht hchool room milton ales noble nerval la lha praaldent and u k wrlnch marion baotreaaurar llav h ifaipanny u 1 and mtaa lkrtba r ol toronto will deliver adtlraii na both aftrroooo and avrulng dajmlar annlvw ry te the annlvaraary tea and en let la i mant in the ilaptiat church under the direction of the choir will be a very enjoyable event- tea will be eerved from 0 10 to h 15 after which the fcl lowing galaxy r entertainer wilt provide a to lent id programme themelbodut iwllaa j tarielte the llaptlat malequaheli liiuia ilertin holt h kmma burt nellie wllhama margaret thoiupmin mr dr holjiea ulaea litue and haxel alao ml maaarv ii m llenderaon and iaonard warden adeepauh in the morning papera on monday aald faapltn the cry i 1ed by tb opponanta of local option in thle town that the by law la killing trad bnoanae the countrywide will not do hualneeln dry town every haturday avea a larger numlier of farmara entering llrantpton and mar- chanla were never mora pmaperonv the avrraga nuniter of farmara dil ing inui town on salurdayv one real dent atatee u from le to ala hundred an increaaewtover one hundred dur ing ihe paat eighteen naontha klaaraj omevuew weekly heetlaur ttie kings orderllea illble olaae la having vary enjoyable vreeknlght meeting ijtat wedneeday evening iter 0 d draper gave a very inter eating and instructive talk of a trip to denver with exourelon up pikee peak and other notable point in colorado lias evening mr and mr sunderland taylor inteitalned th member and mr ilrace of montreal gavean enturialolng addreee on k pvrlencee in algotaa mining district next wedneeday evening mr j cheater matthew will explain math od of mining in colorado 7aod yaar of wellington fire inai ov the veveoty eecond annual meeting of the wellington fire insurance company guelpb waa held on wed neaday of last week tba annual re port showed that thla venerable com deny had enjoyed the beat year in it history ly careful and judicious management the wellington baa earned a moat enviable reputation throughout canada and i ho united state for aafe and honorable dee i fog and policy holder generally reallae a aecurlty in their insaranoo in the wellington which la very aal i factory the details of the annual report will be reed with fntereat lwlfwatly appaeelnted the fbbu paasb subscription d oar truant ba had very gratifying ex parlance tbe pa few week sub scriber are manifesting iheir eon fldenee in a very practical way num lien of ubscrlbers have renewed their aubaclpuone tor two o more yeaea i and aoma have aent new aubacrlptlona for frlenda along with their own tills haa been true not only of local ibscrlbere but of thoae living at a distance both in canada and the united stale tlte climax of tbla very gratifying stale or affaire waa reached on saturday evening when the following latter with encloeure atatedrwm rreaived t ogden utah february llkb 101 mr miirrow dear friend i onooae bank draft for 1000 pleeae place to my credit on subscription account hoping for your continued auooess end many kind friend your elnoarely anuuh kknnkv keonedye cafe such evldcnoee of confidence and practical klndnoa are highly appre- olatea by thl journal mr kennedy u one of aclon a anna who haa made good of whom we are proud he la a brother of mr john it kennedy mer chant mill street utejkhoubm on wedneeday of laet week a very pretty wedding took place in ihe cath olic church georgetown when mia llltalll fliubbler of james unolll of linujbonae waa un in marriage b mrtbdwa farrow of tlamlllnn the o waa performed by rev father tray nor of acton the bride lookedonarmlng la white velvet dreee wllb white pearl trimmhig and large plotare bat of white beaver she carried a beautiful bouquet of roeee and illy of tbe valley and waa attended by mia alice farrow sister or tbe groom mr kjward ptfndtfrguaat act- ad a beat man tit era were a number of friend and relative in witneaa tbe marriage after the ceremony tbe guests returned to the home of the bride lr aud mr oneill where a dalnly wedding break faat awaited tbaiu after all had dnneatnpla juallce to lte good thing provided father tf qojr jtropoted tbe heaub of tba bride and groom which waa heartily raapoudadjtobyall the preeenu were numerou and beautiful tba gift of he bride two brother waa a band aoma silver tea aarvloawnd tray in bappyxoouui left on tla ave oclock train for plnj veal arnl vho of oontett anofgood wjtbae tba bride lea veiling ault waa of klnga blue aergr tumiuejlwjihlfblteuulitu shjlwore the gift of the groom a beau 1 11 ul aet of persian lamb fur social and pers0nai mi j c hill waa to toronto lor u day or ao mrs huok of uatlln wa hate a tuy t r m mr- wiui n of toronto is visiting ft the uaiim- aj u4 ulllawavlsltixltoroil fleod litumli mr win cnroey f wiiikhiiit was in town over sunly mru it algu if dtinflvllh n nt m uy with acl n frleudo mrs ii i m r and mrs jry vlslled frlenda in luetpli yaatertlay mr john wlltlamson of iluillirln visited iii- brother david last will uav j i ytuaii o uon 11 a i toronto was a gurat at moorwcrtift mr and mr w jamlir caorg town visited frlenda here on tunsday mrs arthur smith of wllaml lias been a guaat at falrvlw place tlu week mr and mrs fred wtluo 1 toronto wem with fi iiae tin week mr k j mnox- i toronto iiiailif a brief vllt at moorrrmft during tbe week mr and mr j ii uackeiial p aevaraldya last week with friends at goderlcb mr and mrv murray h im rvllle ba sor iheir home at noith luttur rl on krldar mlsa it j lar of church uirt haa been visiting her cousin ii hamll ion nlocn rlturdrf mra h anbury and maslir d mgu or toronto werw the guest of u r and mr a t drown tbla week mis lena hai iid u bo haa leei at luttla t rek mleh for aevrrl uionlha relurntkl liuwu lst wrek mr and mts james lhiilbni to i eon hilly of aclon tpanl tin- day with georgetown friend lift i uav dr ultemi oftorouli wab the gueat of hla brother mr a w hctavlsb while in town this week mr v a midlnruld of tbe duuloon alliance mm a gueat al mimincroflditllng bis atay in town mlsa a n nl wallace relumed from the htapltal at 0 ilph on saluiday and i mavhig ra id progreai toward recovery mr uoyd monall of the u t k depot who waa off duly through lllnea for a month or so la back at work again meaare h d warren georgetown k j moore toronto nnd j t kaston guelpb were here on monday lo vote for hydro electric power hev geo w darker haa received a unanlmou invitation to remain the pastor of college avenue church woodstock for a fourth year hv v d draper mnur junes moore j p he now kiki h p m i r attended the county tempera oca oou ventlon at georgetown on m nday mr willum somervllle of nrtl lutrierord saak and mlsa curt of napanee the sister or mra murray homervllle were married yestetday mr and mr tea carnahanand mrf smith or nasaagaweya went to mono mills on monday to attend the tonera of mr jemee douaghy mother of the lad lea ulaaea kmlly and janle swansbury of flnabury park tomlon arrived on february 11th to join their brother id sister who aattled here twelve onth ago mr w j mcgregor or ilrandon la spending a fw week with friends here it la twenty two year since he went lo manitoba hut he hae returned to visit the eoenea of hla youth several time mr mcgregor haa protpeird lie weau thbj death or john ttuaabill uvsd neevrtr anfty vssra in krln ud ovse twenty in acton the lllneae of the late john kubwi of iaka a venue termlnatail on krl day morning last when he quietly paaeed away mr ituaaell bad been in poor health for aeveral uantiuv but wax able to drive out ontll abolit ten days liefore hi death when a general breakdo set in mr ruaaall waa a native or oraeneadrlauierkahrre scotland he came to canada with hla parent the hue mr and mr jemee rueaell sr and ibey aettled oo lot two tulh hoe brln having grown to manhood a aetata he wooed and wed margaret mcphereon daughter of the late john mcpbereon of the flflb hue eque ing in march 1807 their new home eatabliahed on lot one fifth line krin the term now owned by mr john uarnea right children cam to bleea the home but the first four died in infancy in tbe spring of 1bd0 mr itueeeu retired from active farm duur and aettled in aclon a great sorrow came to the family in may of hie fol lowing year when mra ituaaell wee called to bar ateroal home tbe sur viving member of the family are dr john of new york i robert of medicine hat alu i william or knderby b c and mlaa margaret at i waeaaaaa charaetaaand upright in all bil oleal inge hfwwaa man of atrongbtfalona wbion he very freely qxprejtwaf tr waa one of whom it could ba tratbftlliy amid hla word wax a ghfdinbhi bond h he wa a auctneifn1 man qaartplally gndwga gmttxaabjuiown aa bankee john mr g abnw ad exsepuonal ability in tbe conduct of boslnea mat era mr rnaaell wa for many year an elder of tbe presbyterian church balllnafad h attended moat regu larly tba service of knox church acton duvrhfe hi residence here but never accepted any official pnalrlnnr be waa a auroog advqeatp or temper- aoce principle and wa a member of the oitlaanaoommlttra which secured local option for acton he wa a iuqiodb xjbaral but demanded ibat tba reprea i h pa ataku ing hi suffrage should be a man of integrity and clean record tba funeral oo monday afteraeou waa very largely attended uv j c wlleon b a conducted the aervce auctrom alb rawibtatr tujhixay hascu bifarm stock antflmpliirnmtjrtnov property of ii r wanabrough lot 4 onto 7 kratttota near orewann corner fttn evovco tovvjjuaeorgetnarn man7 it damperbrin t lixa 12r mflwiuiainv rrltt 1 r j kirirtcatiamovtff iredrom 6e right house hauibton 8 favorite shopping place canadian k 89 will give 500 to the sick of acton and vicinity lamous scientist who originated tbe now wonderful home tealmenf offer 1 00 package tree to sick and auinr ininur iliti tviy ntxter of ilis 1 ana i hu vil t nee irealmaal may itave as 1h itunhy lo last ihlscalatilsleil tnodun ha now fiauai tclaalint has cormi the u mil mlih an oiler to vi strtolu c irea a lull shed l oo picks t x llundted i a sims t ptovp iba vrou uilul claims which luve been made lor ii in making this ner ihe stlanltl ulil i know lbs i tltare are many jiaopla who have been suherlna or years with some chronl dlsaaaa and tniny ol litem have sjiani uiaa kuml of mooey saak ing a cure i know ibsl lhaaa itaopla bosiiaio about inveailnv rn may in meill loa txriihi ihay h- laspalral i ever eajiilnx all thrjanads h i rtld me itisl story sad maay thousioils o lha ssete pnoi la have told mm alierwinl that my irosimiai hsd curvl luexu after doctors ml everylblnx elan but sllad i wjnt lo shiw ihase ilaapalriax paopla ibat all lha new up far talk abnu tny iras i men i u a solo inly iron i want la prove lo a umlio i number no mailer whil lia disease n miller bow loox thy my ha va sort- rati do mailer how blue and diacoqraxed ibal my trealuianl tulty aod nctuaily does ac compllall tba wondarlul rasulis lliat have licrq reported 1 ot4s wh suflar from itliramsllsm kideey trouba mooucb rronbla uvr or ilowel imsordars catarrh droochllis asilima chronlr coughs weak iiaxs i umlmxo i lies urinary dtsomara le mle waakaeesea of any kind the weak woraoal broken dosm end daapoodepl will ba dalaxbted at tbe mthet of a taw doaes tlila vroaderfal treaimeat create e fine sppatll and helps tba dbjiative onjna lo carry oe ihsir fa act loos aa they should slreoxibeea ihe kidneys too and dri rbaumxilm poisons root tba blood aa ii by tbat is why people who try ti two great week- end sales opening thursday and continuing through saturday standing turned polnlu of lutlr eoihusleailc any reader of lha fail i aal who v111 try this extraordinary medietas thai has created so much eaciieraenl by lis care can obtain absolutely rae a fell ti iraal mani if simply filline in ihe coupon below orwriitne e latiar desciibln iheir casv in their own word if l bay prefer and mailing ll iflv 10 james w kldd toaooto cans i no money aeed ba sent aai no charrs of any klad will ba made as this oiler is limited ou shook write al once lo order lo b sure to receive yoor coupon ca 101 for free dollar treatment w kldd toronto caaada am emv40fw kbaamailstu 1 absa 0tuih b trnpid u llflfsiwtlnfl m ulcmiiub troadla x balaes ttussssii mi biv toi htsdlrrtroabla wsk i nip fib i no is cooilis usuta v wats oiuka ivwahla ireraaur rwrioaa lblolal paalsde olsyad rertoda llauiaa uawelala ot any outar srmetama aa separal sbaat oorrsspoaasasa la all uiigan why not get a victor victrola and have a happy hevr year a few of the new february records on sale today call and hear them a haaaal v ortl naambar by pryor 3ls3 haaealaadorelalvvav humpenllnck doublcfaecd keeorda luealag tku way antboa harriaon io taae anthony harrison 1014 cesaete life efc c tara i henry burr jm0qmakgw t i leag eaae that kas a i tereiag peerlesa quartet j nsarar my ood le tne i7oao raymond hlaoa io rueaaabivi prederlck wheeler tkal riyugatag poorabaud 1 askakl ha pryor a hand lo astowns- hcton bank of hamilton capital paid up 0 irooo reeervfl and undivided rvoflta ud0q0ir total aaeeta 4100000 calal the oiflce of tlie luak ol llamll too xm1 secure a pasabk i tbla hi a simple iranaaellon yet it may be the first alap toward a compmeace you canool comrnebec lo save loo early in iiuiand the place lo keep your aavlngx u la a chxrtarad bank talateatpakl on dapoaliofli da anjapt gkokukrowin branch w n hekax shirts and collars ao do of mens ktjugfm miltta to l hold out at about half plila 1 liese uta tile kama ibijo ikmlled slit ts tliat are m id refului ly at g on well tailored d tile ah nldora r- set in the aleevcaand eilru u or jhe mat n alaare hcoltlsh madras cambric an 1 corded cloth in new attippod airecls in light dark or medium color bala price sh other shirts usually mild ati sound w toroatallw mae 14 to ij home having tlatk aof t doable cdluuu coijlar a cow as 3 t ou colbtrx of the popular telling styloa kliow tig the now close- tilting nlfacta in sixra from da toormth d colbiia in itrl tloublo style in ax k and clmit txly nutkeak sold regularly at 151 un i aoc these are soiled but the laundry nn make them a good as aew week end xalr price or hsc or each be the spring things are here the advance bhlpmenth of the no wet ijia ideal in i dng c mt und uitu f r wo nuti i uvo arrived we have on hand now in the way of coat n tumiully selected nuiitm tit f 1 a welht tweeds and berges which illustrate the apring ktylen w mien imvu olrnaily hiio t xl la watnn r clih 11 t the glotko 1 how oatu have the very ut tractive ioo udu or alanlits nitottu die 1 itkij ul lullgth lilt sb and 54 inclieti burly tdtopimm have commented very fav ral ly n the now mhui titling an i 1ojm ui k baxk enacts clever hood colbru aad striking back paiieu and trlmmlnjp used in the luick o ilicri 1 11 thu advance allowing are very fashionable shade at tun kv toy oixl atico llliio all ujuu i rlccd llhoeto33a as for the uew spring bulls nothing can ui uilil to esogi ofalo tlmlr iwuutj wo hav mwll in lit in ell wool french herges in navy end black very in appearing couu in suml llttiiiif stylo a inches in length and splendidly linen i the collars are very neat and have tovuin of knlf with mill breast handkerchief pocket the aklrth have plain one piece f ronu with inverted kriimx tin tlie k le u ton backs and finished with fool pleats allowing freedom in walking vartoiin grmh m tjicial rkch lace curtains we urn uirerltif t x tliu h mtill 11 1 1 un im inn tli t point al t ltiililtm u 1 11 itlon that m 1 mm ml lo 1 110 ij tlmltr ihe retluuh nuoiillin uku tlcw t uituinu will in wmiio lmh lie a tent ihe ale will totltlnlla ir t j day belter valuu nv r in villi erod r lliiri line t i tner lliuiidiui l ii wing uie ihe j 1 10 ttiit v s m ilr 3ttl 7w ki so ttor 1 ilr 7gu tl o krg la 00 per uir utttt krg i- on mr puit io 4u 13 meg 16 50 tkr pair i3vo iteg 17 xi iff ptlr 13 5t urg 31 irr puir reg 4npef iair iuho iii wo hig 3j o per pair x33u bear in mind our february furniture solo creat reductions thomas c watkins limited established 69 years king and hughson sts superior merchandise hamilton ont spring displhy 01 n60ia klihjresnibkr embroideries knd plouncings on display this week never before have people of this vicinity seen sucb an immense aiiortmcnt of desirable and finely worked whitewcar as we have for this bcason in st gall nottingham and galais wondors of dainty lace and embroid ery work are achieved people who are artistic irom birth whose every activity centres about the production of beautiful and still more beautiful liiccs and embroideries such people make the dainty licts and embroideries imported directly by us and winch are now on display in our windowi and the dapirtmcnts embroideries ranging in price from 3c a yard to 275 per yard wo could go into minute details of how careful wc were in making selections of qualities and patterns but wlvt interests you is the goods and the prices visit this store while this display is on we arc oficring some special values mens clothing d e macdonald bros cor wyndhara and macdondj streets guelph ont dress goods choiobst conpactiongrv harold wlfps of lb acton cars is now hxnollng the line of meilsons cocumjataad bon bona kvery bos guaranteed ss b factory if say custocoer finds harold wiles tint acton cak hill slraal iacggiw7iwusmmfi cksh phid for fowl raw furs junk bo m llnd ol furniture jut srkb rctoh ocean stetauup pttstfti booked fbom aotom iii lemmum mmwiv iivm will j urrb burnt jim mm wiiin w qipb golilen oppo it dm pmumm 5s m ba cuetpfl business collece otfflftf ont avwiialaamu ty imluim miutbtemamrwuf a ai prln- the merchants bank op canada qvery person who recoivea and twys out money should have t chequing account 1ayment by cheque is ihe most practical con venlenl and safest method or handling alt financial irautacllona whether ol a business or personal character tlie return of cancel lei cbetiuss xre vouchors for every suu paid out lltay tlow what dl hnrsetnenta have boati made and lo whom deposits am received by this dank subject to cheque withdrawal wo pay lie uine at lent ion to small dep a welovoarrnmerts lncouriretlt interest allowed on all havings accounts comnoumled half y loial assets 981989649 ac on branch ah a maclean manager cutters sleigtang sleighing having come i have a full supply ol cutters sleighs blankets robes fur costal harness bolls and all other jieeds in this line prices right and goods satisfactory in every respect b f caldwell acton vcafflsah 0 b it awck

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