Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 29, 1912, p. 2

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lllato at ulil k mkunli r i mmb iflmr and alia w r wlfuri a i rjlli lluiuaalttnklkli i t mil uli j iluuln tiliiiihlar liiu mall u nikvim uohmulu hlhki v ah m i i lra a watbaa hi wall ian fal null hi i by ma i i vvlla n it a j w x hi mhi nt uir timi h hmiiiu a la i maa mlllaallaiubly i w i hinl uan at ik- raaidan ol ll i lid u o l ui it t hit tllb llairlal widow i ll lala wallar juu loauiaily of milton yaara iv ukuoklau viihiii lawlulilm tfln y l u ihi uir iftoiuu vui ii i t wer w jw lair lln lltar bill km ll a b it w l4a butuonur aailt om naalaj i attmth hi if llhbdlljimriirv rr uui ir uv wm a i4al4 laalk daus l be arton 3frrr 3rri ti1cikhia i i illtlaltv ii 101 kditoiiial notes iv rjt m hv ki iv r 1 u i ton trow it ttiuiw y 1 ii trsham vnu rr nltirl id i llm 11 1 of c mi on by j liy f h owing iii mhlil 1 m mil 11 r juiiwy ami ci ll liu unr unnin nt mr rnla i ill u useful tuber in ll i1iii r prrp imtm rmliik piikarm r lli ehlpidng of intoxicating hipinr lutti local option territory will haronitidried by ilia c mgiwu ul th i idled htata ttn uarcb it ti soda btllngrrod upo i bo preaented lu the hon in ala luttl much drpt lid up ll iii i hit of tills measure similar u should tea tnkt in owdn ll i- understand hating provlucn otsw z101j0 iimtotkm thrown upon along ih hi lrp1 trunk rcilln lullway w at of hdmonton thi year ol till mitiiur lhoooarr in iheorandt iilrh nctlnn north of hdtuonton the flrat portl in of the tnmaui lct itiver couuliy a branch running south wml from lllggsr nuw uitdr construction will open up number of holcv homo teadaud tbla imiicii will rtr imi ly ha filled up vrry ijulckly of hi tiiktoitoim hrvii uya dy thn work of temperance mrn urg junrl of ontario haa lien kronglit tinder prohibition through iota option th progroaa of prohibition under 1 teal option will he wmawlul ul iw luin forth it will bo tura them bua lw oo retrogr4alon b far the dry p remain dry ttiey rnlalu pro hi bit ion not hecauaeof the protection afforded by the threo flfthit inajurliy 1w but beoauao tbera la an almwiliito najorlly agaiitkt mpoax halton prcss association r whitk mutton un pnicaident the anoual meeting of llulton vrnm aaaoouuon wu held laat vrlday at hotel uoaaop toronto the lrealdent arthur h ktiraler of the htar oakvlllr occuplet the ebajr and the uaual huslneaa waatiaiia- aetel the officer for ilia mailing yr were elected ava follow president it white luforuier ullton lat vice lrllent a harria gasrrtte llurllngton 2nd viceivealdentj ai alixue herald oeonretown secretary w j lleuty lucon oakv 111c aaat hm o o wllchell new oajtvilie rxeeutue a h korater hlarouu villa ii i moore kukk iiiuhm acton i v pan ton ohampion mil tan it i warn ii raid george town o arlof i11 vhkk phicmu acton prealdent forater entertahtetl lli toembere anil a few friend at dinner at hotel moaaop the tneimi wan high claae the piece do realateiioo imlng pring lamb trom the ireldenti own fartu at oakvllle mr l-unttii- ha earned m wldti ifputallun for the uperlohly of ida early ptlg iiiinlm and toronto epicure ay him fnnnj trlcea for ida pec i at production in addition in the mniiibfm lr ivoreter toronto mr a j porater mr u o ilaminond of the jlnhe and mr t p thornton were at the dinner the after dinner powclioa were happy and paid nonipllnieiitary reference in preldcut kiu-alij- luid the able tuattiter in which i ha i tin dueled the meeting of i he ann u tlon the paat twyewra khatohbulii ur jauiua uonagby n illutr mre jamea a urtiauan and mi t hut lib died at her homo at mono u0dm hukhrur frohrtwtryhttw- hfte- prnphnted i e isust wm native of the towushlp of 0le- doq and waa in her aavunty fifth year hbe wai married to mr docinghv ou february 18th 1115 tine nun nod three daughter aurvlvo with their father john j and mw kliaiior at hdme- and- mwr- 4ktrnehaw and mr sipju mrs ionagby wh it life- long member of the church of hnglnnd tb funeral on tuemlay of imai woek waa oonduolod by icv a p kenmdy of tulumore aaauted byllev air mutbeaen of o led on kul the renuun were interred at ht jmiik ooutetery caletlun kant oub1jm following u the report of llnhlln behool for the month or february 8h xv heerl stewart willie lnug la jr iv bohhle wliiton minnie btalker fltt illjay hlnwarl iutu utew art oode keltb ltoatle joe handy melaaaa arthur tiionnoii atlle do- jit i here falhlmmicwoljaprowl jk ii bernh creainr john frank klloor stewert wjjdii alltm htuwaiu lawreooe willlukalny pblifw ueatrlqo aioimmc jubu cattmvr j3etvloe orcaniet- bj fnnk preamer jlim d m fnpokkaxp tvaohir the baptist anniversary kliw i vnrinuu tiy itev vrof i i toad of momuur un i varsity ihiii ilv i h if ll 11 luli null lt hi lv hi i m 1 y v lifjligly b 1 tlir t miice waa urge and an eieallonl pro- gramine wm provided thr following ci ntrll dili g uiiirh aph cl led tarl tin mhhodlat tdu qui hie ihi llrpl 11 maletuarlelle uurwu hmlth kmma hurt nallla xyihhtnxs uarktl tlionpton itllleand llaaal mtn ftj- ii in meaara i al lln lera an 1 inar d wrl u k mi xh ha1 iis i htlkf ii ac i on ml tbuiu p riai nil of iilli real ihr owing lolhn iii al all the trvl hlilillnl nvrnt on it of ll v ur tar vm i llm k1hi ma ii 1 f mrmiibter tolv nlty 1 nuilo took bin plarn 1 he rongrrgatlon wa nat lirally illkappoliilfd at tht- alenco of ic 1 riiit r hut all ajijimolatrd vrry luiirh th niun ii 1 kulllliile he wont m lb in trad p htattiluoi making in lilxlluuii i ml i ih d vie i the clli rful h oh 1uu art to i ihr human rharactnr il umin paa k7l ttfl aiidiflimiii uull im h lli tint limn wm ixirn hi lur thn lord hhdl i lint wihii h wilt tb up the p pr ihut lliu mail wan ixim theie llm ian mlirin iiu ultra born lia niullu nhh iiiiiuliiciuimu yii hi invlriiin nt of h innti in hi tmrly lirt lr m ait of 111 n llgl iiiu 1 ituki oik uialu ua ho hut tlm kiirro indii w ur early lire ni pnwuili n 4ilu upon ua miruilinant ly wo wi rt ih rn there the church im tint making plarn of huiiian cbamo tor tin parintul niixlnty tor the biiyn and girl of the family la well kn itvu ttiu imy i in become a man yo i wnut thought for him the largeab thought the lieal th might the moat birlpf il lliouglt where will you get llu in in hi- chutoh nf jeu clruu tim rualfty of 1 id u given thn mgheat view and thi light there the muit adripiato llimighl or oiki la found thero llm aplritu realm love manl rotation of jeau oiirlal ood the holy nnout we wanttheknotviedgn by the child or hhuaelf not the utlll nriau or rplcureau iplalltloaonlj we want him to know that he i a omm tnrpart of jmi hlniarlf made iii the image or hul jraiiu auffured lit our puu that wo might gt t back to ood tlio mtoiuid thing you want for your lxy uodiicatlon in nonaoleitre the im t moral ufa in the world la in the church of jeau ohrut it undard i more than human it 1 divine h ha a developing power to rlae to higher thing hoclally it i thn 1mii place ootid oclety ought to be the hlghtiht tuocl ufa and be able to com mimical o liveir if yon put together theuiual new nf aucinty gathering you read aliout what thy wear how ihry playrd card what tlio dnco ra nd rofroahmenta wore hut in the rhurcli of ohrlat we team of high or ire tlovatlng thlilga thing whinh uphuhd and uplift character here are the people who can rejoice togal hi r who ran enter in to other in their grief embracing eyuipathy end endearing lovt ll i the place of religion hotmtle and lofty inaplra tlon the oliureu i mi puee4o- mako ii man out of your hoy and woman out of your girl surely wo have reuuiiin i niiugh for having a church ovi into ho church and work l turn will your heart and aoul at thn evmliig aorvlco prof kelr- ati d prtachd from col i i if ye u ii with ohrut seek lhoe thhgh which kfo lib ivi jean re li in in kit p twur if he rained if it provid hi kiwer itml hla d ujj and from thi how the com tori thai ha upokr 1 mm jesua we know r ood than from all other vouroe nature science reason or civilisation 111 measagn wa not pleleal hi death hut va through llui holy hplrlt working out thegoimela andeplulle upon thuae we ciin real ih ii ii im i tit ring irnat and in i hi faith n nod din in the nlnnunuint recur- tlon and inlnrct aalou we have an ohjuot icawi n ritlhet than a dlaytmrae uod lint aweeler tmtr i thla that jutud i it luted to man and in hla duatli and roaurreutlun man future la the electric road coming to acton this year rnoh toronto to ouilph ii y next fall the canadian northern hallway will have an electric llm completed between toronto and ouelph thi fact wa road known ly wr willi m mdunnl u mmie and jhuf knglneer wlck of the canadian northern hallway to a deputation which vlahed the local orflce of the company on katwrday tlie deputation conalated of mayor thorp and other from ouelpli iiglnaer wlokateed aubmllted plan of the proposed route which extend from toronto to cookavill thence north westerly to a point two and one- half mile eouth wt at dnuupuw irom there to georgetown acton and via kden mill to uuelpb kroto uuelph it i proposed later to n to gait and llerlln sir will la i krnxieaald that th road would not tas built with a view to ultimately bran forming it into a atearn line it will be of good gradient throughout and the lime between toronto and guelpb it i expected will be two hour bhould buainesa aeent an hourly eervtoe will be put on musle kill mn youno- patnung and aculplure are civ to long life vrt mqle ktue men yoang hcltahrt with ell bl wealth or aong died at thlrtyaae uoenrt who danced and lailsbed hi melodlea into being riled nt thirty ave the earn ce n nlllnl itltvt ine compoaer of carmen dlnl ilk- pnrrell at thlrty- bairuit alendelbkohn aurtlrrd to thlrty etghl clionln wik loved life o well hurt done wlih it nt thirty nine while welttr k irihl nt tw ur at forty and hchumniio at forty- i hut verdi lhd and nonhilml b a nonagenarian london utnndnnl th weed -waltee- in t i her an foolish phjlologiat wllb con i it vnouali to find a new word for wnllrrt ttnlllng hi only very mall imrtliin of hi darlea roneuona end qualltl in ran the walling part i moat or th tlm done by the go we think hi waller t alwro all a u unman cotnimrtns the engtuh naltrc with those elta re rt eristic ap- proiulnle and ihervforo beautiful words the rrworti aoromellrr the arman krllner tit hwvduh kyparat and ilallnn raoicrtere the rngllxh urn gun m fnt mile behind interna tional hotel work hi planet young crntlrmnn wm pouting fta exnmlnntlon in iihyalca ha waa aafc u planets were fcawron to the anclcnut weil sir be reaponded t u nu1rnnarnd jnpltcr oad after a pnusu i think the eartb bat i an not quite certnlo imdoo tftblts ii wsa heavy- virjilm ir that hlafott yoqra m ins rtmld talk do yon know what ii umilil an ttiml dllrea par d n im hi u it rlalng town topics aataajat slf4 exlntencu ur him irath l not all i it i not the end there are three pari to mni career out of christ in lhrial und with ohrut ju at hi ruaiirrmtltm became the head of a new rnmt the john the uupllat of a ptniptr tlir or t trull of them that hii pt a tlio frmor gather llrt ft ult- p tet tlm growing grain nml pniphrcy of the harveat so jesus imu btciuuu our anturanco or thoae thing hint niuat ho now i uall ihui u ye lie risen with ghrlal lul ua to attain unto thing heavenly itl uu belli thought wherouhriatl and then the blaased of i ruih will tie our pokaemlnn fur we will ee thing a he see them iter j uuwilson ix- a of knos ohiircli asaled itev mr uurrell the pastor at the evenhyj acrvlco many mrnilkraufknnx and uualluliodlat ohurchf attended during the day nmnlfestlng tha- spirit of obriallao unity whlohjirvvallsln town the ohwlr twmlereil ver a oln nl vera ry muslo for tlio occasion tho thank oftwlug of the lay wars generous the miinlvraarytca and entertain ntent uudtti the auspices q the choir hn monday eve log wm afof clir m- lo the pros ceding itftaund a mads to msasure spiheiilra cobflet not sold in atoms mrs w monabb baa hhand u fa thi nueea car end lalu lb udu e aeioe aed llaiiy i eall bar raatd ha avmia aatee wdrtsday afureeos sad ava of any to i or tl ral eri i atud te lb meaaur sad la s4 te ord nlasara valla daubl tbl eona boarut able no ordinary oars ta lbajvktal th teetavy at i all taaas aplral and rivea t obsrt m groaaabl aad ovulna to counter chkuk j books npuh l aaa u rprwwuvd to nil u order jl for oooalar ob bees of ar alee or d s bathaat farehaea tar aajr quaauty or uad i uan w a order to bttomt senlers trains ta hanitoba albebta saskatchewan tl yr f low tol0nist hates sfmutr mtoitnrtl tobmt laztpjl t4 tnku ctlenlst cars as all trains wo tor totttia thranm trains teraaia ta wfablitl and west 3 well well i jtnis home dyc amyonc overland noocl aat motor cars and trucks iji3 mxlelti arc tin iruil f r value und fl cunuy almieiit luprciuinth oill liv mamiier thirty h imi ovr rurut3720 dellveicd in loionto fully cpilppc cull ultliout lull and l ur ilisuodela shawoverlancl sales co ol to s aahtle 3t weat toronto ont wit tunlvurix montreal the qtandahd j 11 s ll nil klj n imiui l f lit i nil i tl i r mu lu ii lu null utl i i i 11 ll it nil tin mrl1 tl u ll it i it ll hrthlua art i rullj nil ll uullorui i ii i u iii n u ind h ndent mubarrltilltiu t i 1 ii llluii cttal j2jm par yr i any uil iri canada or lrat llrllaln try it for 1912 mmiim1 stxidrj publlrlxfl llmlud puuim low kates to pacific coast from acton march 1st to april 15th brpokaa wash an toc 4105 4100 the popular route 10 western danada b via chicago the grand trunk pacific rsllway iliort j una faaleal llm lineal service between winnipeg sasiiaiooo and ttdmonlon ror fell part leu lam and ikliels call on h s holmes agent pxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5000x6 bright days bring spring buyers lviiky houuof lvluy day now w ir opcnrni up mcl pjssrii into i tork no linr of ukillll nlw slking goods 1111 nl w1s1 oods i nt otods ria i wm fii mosi souiii ai 11 u ntvv oloks niw 1ahltlcs nlw dl signs and ilso wlncl is very imporlinl mil vi ky 111 si valuls in llll i kadi your dry goods rcturrcmtiit for spring will iuv our llt rltrntion a lid service henderson co mm si acton ont which is his thi ki s no mistaking the expression nf a matt whose farm u wu improved lie looks as protroiis an hr ffcls it fii i the kin of a pui c th it cdiintj most nor il actual dollars and cents valm ll rathrr that well kept thrifty appearance the appearance that nubec you ilinik of fat stock and well filled barns and comfortable contented living neat permanent improvements go further tti giving a farm this appearance titan an oilier fraturc concrete is the ideal material for aiicn improvement it la ttnitt burmonlalna with it miirroundlna in th country kvarlaatlns it tannol 1 o inlurvd i y nre froat vlml or llahlnlnar as instead of iiaualnsf it lo dcay eclttally makna tt atnmirnr i un rate not cr nd repair oral rot i left coat new lmpnvomnl ran t e added ynar rtar yuar with expense thitr would it ruulr i to kp woodati ktructure in mpalr conrretataalka feedln- floor dairy ba ma lci houm rwt oelur wall nurblns fetce poet alios which of tlieaw doe your furm need moatt wiuuvar you want to bulla it n to build it r ronrrnle jo you want to know more athtut thi aubjoct of permanent farm improvenoentar than write for your copy at m what the farmer can do with concrete it a book 10 tda tailing haw othar rrmra hv ud the hndy mtrlal a soed advanuo publlahad to sail at eoc a oepy it la now being offered tra to all tanwtara wtio write for it addr scnd mat vour book cdghtj a doctor ha two classes of poo pi a to contend with those who wer by him and those who swear at htm ocean steamship passages booked attoec aotom all una rornud ibfortaatlon obaaifulty shn wrlta jt xnimbharr ownu ataat ho w wvodbam tuv aoalpb why not det a victor victrola have a happy time a few of ihe new march records on sale today call and hear tbcm clack labl record qc r nllosal aira sf all nation victor lllaed chortih lra flrllaln mul urtuanttu auuia ia4 piam u kiui an7 llwaala xlah hvuioasr vnm rha alajraaltlalav italy uaralwldl lltunt uarmaur waub u ilia hbin ur huild ltattuor a had rtlalaa 84ar i that llaaallai mledy at join o i test tld4u al jolnon tu ipieakalsayalellaky kllo llkker thasuay a soag jokn 11am c wcluj lev never plea inea uarbotilr harrymntliopy io idrsaasy days heed miller lsslalsaa mlaalru 35313 jaraaasa mlmstreta flo t victor ulnhlrol comjwny isde metropolitan bank head office toronto ont capital plld up hasarvi tuim1 undlvldea front ov systematic saving wlff amount with inlotoal in ian yeais lo 70ria opaii an account lit our tlavlrig lpilmat sttd make ll a point lo lay aakle 3 much ovary monlh oo jolur la ullicuat lo make wart acton branch a b burling manager aw m msaiabtatiamaastaiabbbaaaaaaahaahribiaaaiiain tod5y 1 at brown muh hcton thiiirls allblaa worth up to st j 3 today b cent 5 lodoaenotm mln bbhikls worth up to i oo m to day v 4b co nth m ulves in iwth linen up to is a big mun fl chauco in iihltt 5 to day w h enelson reducd prices during the month of march wa will clear out our stock of cutters bobes horse blankets amd coats at reduced pricey wood taken in exchange this is the season of tno year to make money we novo also a full stock of double and single harness with prices right agent for tho royal purple stock food solo agent for cockshutt implement njjd dam machinery b f caldwell acton sucbasadn to o n rilkok iiilu aobrrlisrmrnts ocbr dnptit fburrk rlon lihv v tl uuiilii i l ll pallor huvdav mah 3rl llm alu ill mi ll i i i rilokk itljiilhm ioit i oil ual ii i auouoiikc a co mrilce notk i ull i ii t n ijltlw will l- lutam by ft t 4 hubatb iiuillliialim4lua far an a at to lu iu laoi mm trolut at o ir lall lu tl count of wallinatna tt bd halt la tl suuhlr vf hfloo and umc i aotnt at o baa hamilton inuwidualyiil wlll eaaai i ii uuall o taaat iba lon i lanllultli vtatuloa lintla tuallnal r to laatrloal aaaar loal aaiurpniant nmiarj lo lb furpn ul uta jo m iata r ii tn ritaturtlia tlma fov i ha pdanabo tiaul aoj hhi j uiioa of ida coup rail llalaj al t ror lu lbu flllt day j uwhuiim hov i a iikmixrho tiadma lui k llululla totuuto k licit ua fur tl a twunld hubaibait uailwaw nojtck kclteditots in the hatter of uie ketste or aaja i- ttald maptmfmo lata nf uw town ship of i in tiv county of maltaa vmrt j ootulo 1ist sbapll paranna having olaliua aaainat u aataaa all aald aavlokam mat bavaqa ba diad on of abfiot lb aral day of oalouav 11 1 an r- qnlrad to saod itf troa wvpald vv douvav to a j alaahlbboii ts ilia llaa of vetoa in ua jouaty of halloo aollslum lor knaa uerttanon too aitmlnutralna of ilia muu of uwaald tw- ra or baforo uia ul da of hatrab 11 tbalf cbiuuaa and tureimai a jd a aaa namtdptloai uiafbll mntanlan of ibatr alalau uia ataiaaout at ibalr naaooau oad uaa oat an nf tba aaaarliu ii aar bald by ulm ad luilba tak ttimom ut altar aocb laal maauooad data tlta aald adalnktratrl will paoaaad to dlattiouu uta a aula nl lba ilinmil anaoas tba partlaa aaiiltad uatii balas r aaadonty to uia auloa gl hlitcb aba aoall ill aald adaalalatratha m l of wkoaa bat baan aanalwd hf pitt uiaaaaf to auiata notlh a ba al lba tiaaai of dutrllmllo 1 j uaiukiinoff a 4 soltslto for klua hallhnox adauauuaui llalad uta aftb day of vabnary 1mb notice to cred1t0b8 majteca rnaoe deesil notice ubarabm panaul to lb uala adkttalaa4tjbiiaiisw caav lat tbat ailparaaat ihijmiuuh a st i aaa im aatata of ua aald t doaoaaad vrbo diad oai nv abani lb annua a of bovaaabr 111 a twaaaaad to a by soar praaaud or to v j maajlaroa at tvouea of rlilaa u ar bald by and ibilbar aba nou utat afasr aab laat aaa data lba aald a ui pan aoad a dlauibat ttw aaaiaa of tno dmaaaa1 aauon um paatla aatiilas taara aavto a trardoal lo utaalatiaa of stuss lba aball lba ban ivotlaav and lb too mid aaiiaioa will not ba llabla la um aald aaatta o any pat la uy pnoo or panaoiaf vbohiuloi miwa aball ana baia boae raaatvad by tbaoa a ibo utua ol diatrtbation wi v j uac4om h4lia4lav torta uatadumbflhdaybraoraarr ltl clearing auction sale fabm tock imim13- ments ktc tba ondan ittmad baa boan laalmetad by 11 r wandbrouoh to sail by ptiblia lo iioltukrtil tar of ttoh iradby last roatbo fvir i alrad ulr a tbl la n eood anaral tarv 10 laara old ly i bavtoaa itial fjatti b ijaiuy fraali doaalarcbstb i rod hm du 14 eow don hrpi wth 1 rd ub laaaar yaain yaars om i ttatrnld 3 youa iw vl ikd lbor vorkabira a y btltar r utc aland atoaa v luc wail i ocancavioaalyaold 41 saabav top bo baaily itwnaimi i ratar latnlluki u 3 bor blloh naw i vwu laiul hiar i niuiuof iwin hamlllobaaaddillf at twaaa laounlail no scaa donblatiaaa i sat taau mixiilur airy maid hal uoobabnlt acbrtar naw 1 i pi alnlab oachvo 1 lara faod qumm abain i lar laliooal lap tat ml unl bout h buabala of aaad paa an iborouabbrad uboda aland ua to i 0 pultala tbaao a la bivd fron apwodld lilnl vuunitdmk i tlrabd idaa rb olai 1 llaboard naaily i round aataiiaioi tabla oaailv ua bvdrooai aalt saw v i wry tea ah i tua bin hla u baaaty iu atartto shun n 3 uaaaly sew outlly atouailpaa palla nitlli aaua halllaa atfl taumhurhlk lllauwaof lodotlaraa i uaewr oaab i otw tba i atnoant tao nuw tl a aradll oo fuiulabln approvad joist bole par oaut bar aaauta utf far oaab vd- arala eaah lo aaaata- aa tamt la an i llhvafasamvk v j kkuit dlaib vttollll rail ul ohbdit auction sale or mon- clabs ai ta cows a voujsig cattiib tl a ll nil rat oad baa toarad inatruout- a from mr timothy h rsldl tesall by ktuly iioauellouat ll ii won v iruoua inslbain l ll trot i laouatnwa and 1 tnllaa frooi tl r- villuu o sorval on tuesday maroh i 3th i ul 1 la aullfo 1 aa i ol vbolo dalty uonalttlutf ol ivvn l jan aoi lu ii 1 ina tnlunmj lajaraav a tti mjrv oo 1 rar- wllb oall t 11 jaiaay i i mia calf at nldol jaiaav j ii yaaif nnlf atda jarany cow tl juaa roll at at la l junvyouw a jaara rait at tl la jataay o j yaarv wlt at alda janay w saaral janay 3 icara uaraajr now s yaaia ua lima ol holalaln oow tanra dua laiautaalal jaaaay hallar jvar doa a tl lb jaaaay i ailar taaa old dn april awll araayl allar it bionlita old do uay ul j a v botlar irani do uay tod i jataay com u dua uay sid janay sow s aar dua may 3rd i jnmi bat far yaarv da may fib jaraay t a far b aia dua may loui jaoay balfar vaaro doa may i lib i ttaautarrod jaraay balfar it rptirtnrnvi an jtiavlint jaaaj imlla u aa dno j una iftdj uolalalo noar s yaaav da jsnatoih janay bur jt toeolbk fans nth jaraay oo 9 yaara doa j una jaraay ow a yaara du aqaest tnd 1 jar o jraiadua anaualsmul jaraay blfr ilk dua bat atui urada jareay o ittno uvtrihs jaroaj bat tar salva h iiootld i srdllolatblnbailarslr tssootba i laimdallouialnhairaroalf b won lba i jaraay i alia calf tluoqtba i jtgtalord jaraay bull bvaarai i lualalarad jaraatboll uaaotiha th alxna ooaja ua as mmpuonally bood allh bord i itlhmalol 11aihv tlllc laloryaauii 1 ha la i brofpalla tlailmla will la ao slirln uudauylw all luat al llaoravt nan ala1 tkumh vlo al i milder raalil nvr it at amount montl erwlll will b glvwa on fur- ulaluua approval inlm nota 0 par oonl pc wunm rtfaaiwot off tor baali a wiuox imkjr pamih ua um abouschm ss8siaiiv orv 1 jwwfi

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