r spectacles and cyc glasses kews of local import wi fit anj1 kupaik stationery fnvlp nol ind ietirr uli t li n w n mm by itiw lu vlllng cusr wlikhc i t 21 ur r1 f i i ll ij a lai i marriaoh geo licknaaui ibjuko hynjjs ontario aan vur eunlnjt pinnr by atmndlnf th popular lliott keal estate aaey lo lean at uwn tale af latere large aaaabcr af farse far ulc cheap dvveluag aad cher rraporty la all partner ta lawn we hare every facility far trajuuictlbjc aar baslnes to yevr coaialete aatlaf actlaa j a willouthbs eorgetwd i ft w jie ltton jrte jrcss thuttsday kkllkualtt jti tula brief local items the last day of rebruary march come in liniiurmw butler and egg scarce again turnip hv gut up l rather fancy prina spring toiisl 1w mining thai y are playing niarblr the big ilorm lest wk lontad he price 1 f butler and rgg4 eejnin a few day- sunday wt tit warmest day since theadvrnl tlloia the mercury ton to 40 degree poooo tiulsepe en italian was cut to piece by 0 i it train on batur- day at scbaw station mr donald itoberlsoal reports toe ing i b qrstorow this spring on his firm in nasasgaweya on friday th behaviour of february during tha closing week of ihe month wu certainly dot very lamblike tba roada wblcb wertt badly block 4 for vrl day after tha mid week stortn ware pretty well opened again by saturday tha hockey match on saturday night between ohm will la ma and act on resulted in a draw with a mow of 1 1 tba toe waa very soft and slushy owing to the ilorm the county sunday school convention announced to aaaeinulet jilluin last thursday waa postponed till thursday 2juh of ma rah mr john n hike a prominent layman oftorontu occupledtbepulpli at stloaiu methodist church on sunday awmlng end at ruck wood lo the vaalng order have bean issued by the bead office of the grand trunk kail way that ell switchmen must liave standard watches which will be regu utod by the offloial time keeper of the oonipany with tbolr custom ry ecclesiastical eoorteay the congregation of the bap tist oburob will attend the methodist anniversary aervlee next sunday morning and the congregation of knox ctoarob wilt attend in tbe evening obarlla wong oo the chinese undryman who had hu right hip fractured getting off the midnight train while in motion at ac ion on the 1st july last returned to town last friday ue waa in the hospital elgbt ntontb and is auii very lame mr j byraon hat taken over the johnstone hardware business and la now welcoming thn customers of the tore mr symone father the late ohariee bymon waa in buslne here for many year and aold out to maura christie henderson about forty yeare ago tbe una weather of the drat few day of last weak auludnated in a ter rible bllsaard that kept ue tied up all tbe real of lb week the weekly paper jw not arrive in bora till ssl mrdey o we were not able to tell in w the outside world waa faring the helton sunday school asaocie hon council called a convention at hilton for thursday last but we fear the attendance would h slim dele gates were appointed from knm ofanreb a it wu thought a good idaa to revlv the county uitltsi tbldlv ald of know trehyur- n church h re have flecldod to give their annuel t a meeting i hla evening 20th ittat a apeclal featare of the prograbimo will be the elocutionary nuatbere by mi mabel farraoee or toronto who waa a pupil of mr j h canucon tlto prince of canadian en tertajner mhw bairraneaoonieavbty highly recommended by mr cameron and ha a upeelal hat of nnmbar ult abla for church gathering tbe actod baptist choir who were unable to com lat year will do the uiualcal portion of the evening and thrlr reptit latlaaaltingen ougl lo aaauraa full houae other number will be equally well rtrtdered thevot on church union in the preebyterun cjiurche or ihm charge ha been taken and if the runt of can adalslnjhie we am mo doubt ready fqr giirpn at the white church oeladoh os vote in alwere recorded 01 baldg lo avor of union at qallin fatfti vote were can every oncbjt lnfot tfla eldar mttuber ud adherent vokdprtely tb above bhng tha mmfc oataflhh qanwot dm qdiq iaj i eraaeirinra rjulr immi 1aa ei iraas aata duscu aailaaai usds ibtiutae ii ibyajstaas ul iur mmffptl ta nasi ioal baowa m b prillrr aauaii air- hrelatedlal w vbat atdasa 0 rwiilm 14 hilaj cunfa hn4 wo0 veps toih o inlmvijeaalpamon up id r k it iu ioo i c hiin r r ol it lul wvck brunploa han ty uqiur hukii it ylr hrauiploii wlu wi cbargod wllli a aecond ultuocn for oii1ori1jik i ulnhly clrl m on huujjy ttht luit ilxanle s llued slouaml tmu for mlllnganolhnr nian a bohlr of mrjiidr mrtbfldls mlvtw neat buwlay iuv i tuetl i i of ttlulty uetbodut church tiwonui wlllproach it at hunday morning and evening at lhaality aavnnlb annirrary hiecal usustc will ho rvndrted by tb cbv the cingrrgauuns of lba ilaptut cburcb will a hand in tlte utoarnlngaod of knox church in u awning an invliauoai to uu f ttt ti attend tba rvaruuvl- nioitlbly umliig if the women inatiluln lo ba bald in llwr mincll bauibrr rl day illerooon at tbraw o cluck the iuv f j tlurrll it a will gjve addrnaa on the meaning and lurpea of ulture there will ba rvportw of curtint event a and nutate all bullra are cordially in i lad to attend austin kebman a atudnot who goew to tluelpb collegiate fi ti lo a narrow ncspa frotu serious injury at lb o t il huut d laal thursday mlng lie waa a little late and l altempung to board lb train when in motion slipped after be had caught tba hand rail of ibe car a brakeman f trtunately caught blm and pulled hli aboard tha train tli vota oai oataeeat uatlen the onal auiumlog up of tha vota u church union in knox ireabytrrbui burch acton waa complelad on monday the result wu aa follovra votaacaat lnh for 1 nlon 15 agalnat 123 made up a followa kldora for j agalnat 7 meuibara for 10 agalnat mo adberenta for a agalnat 10 the ballots for the vote in tbe metbodut church will ha distributed title week social and personal ur atlti r kny boo i t miiilii i tr a vrrvk end vtall fir- n c urlf of jmltl w guwml at u rrm ft laal nwk ur hi u lttl hbw spol wrrk n i will f imls il- ii w u it ami misa moiij vlllr1 f u j twpb last w k iii cua luinrr or llarliir is bmnding lb wnk wlih relative bare ura i i j of ht htepban n ii u the kimi i riletd u ill iii air oha- uasn of wlngbatu ml miss aaaa of a milton j p on sundays david ilartley j went into the kitchen of hie booas on weal mary street in a raw ml nut mr hartley heard a uoba which lad her to follow blm she found that he bad bean si rick an by parajjala ilia condition la sorloua tha mora bo on account or bis age 70 ill right aid u belplaaa and be la unable to apeak the atrokn la hie flratu champion tba doaalalw lusibsbmbwco tub tarauty third annual report of tlla aplandld company appear in another column tbe fact that the earning powr of tba company ac cumulated 7 00 per cent interval but year inuat ba 9rf gratify log lo the policy holder tbe bualneee of last year waa tbe large in tbe history of the company and tbe net surplus waa increased by 9 per cent and now rxrrgelaa 3037120 hurud by tata caaoer rtawzli lul thursday albert rmbaw iael streot waa cr tbe track at lb cj t h sullon wfaen a anow nl mgb waa coming in tba whirling cloud of enow oonfnaed him and be thought ilia train waa coming in on tbe main line and stepped lo tbe aiding this waa the track tbe plough and engine were on end ihe young fellow waa struck and burled into a now bank at hihe coal ebeda fortunately he auntalned no aerlou injuria and we able lo gat up and walk away tba cvaftoue dooa- roaoaa a note to ibe pun phkuh from mr peter wilson gait give the follow ing further information respecting the author of the cuddle boon poemai alexander audereon writer of the last to cuddle doon wrote under tbe pea name of surfaceman for a number of yeare in the pwiplea friend published in dundee scot land owing lo the interest created in thne 8ne poem knd their authorship thn three poema cuddle doon tbe last to cuddle doon nd waiikan up will appear in next week leaue of the fmut pkknh the atprois of the paat week have midred ibe road almoet impaaaable the mall carrier have performed their important and responsible dull with great dlfnealty poatmaatar medon aid of speyalde was from nine in ibe forenoon until two in tbe afternoon getting lo acton with the mall on thursday and he wa unable to get tokoatebbnllat all he think the farmers generally should take an in lereat in opening the road after uch btortnaas have recently been ex pari en cod k o o t- aaepbe j vlaat qeeaweeeern about twenty ova membera of acton ndge i o q f attended a school of instruction at georgetown an monday evening and epenl a very pleasant time with tbe brethren of the three link there tbe gathering was honored with the presence of grand maater poppleeton among those who attended from acton were geo agaaw d d g u h mepbeteen p q i wllllame p g g hay ward p d s g guatoo n o james dobble v g and the lodge qnar- ultemeasra wullama drown may- ward and mcclure tha full degree team of tjta lodge wa preeent and jumonslratovonn tif tbi degree tbe georgetown brethren entertained the visitor very btmjtably during tbe qvenlqg i a oathertaur e4 tbe cbousi clon the initiative of mr n f moore ivadar of the method let church choir a gathering of the local and neighboring ebolre will be bald in the methodist church next monday even ing the cbor otknojkiiklitsnd s albany churches acton and ibe matbodlat cboln otgaorgetownkock- wood kbeneser b4n mill slloani and creafaon oornare have been in vited aooeptanee have bean received front ibe majority of these a pro gramme of muia will be given by individual and united choir to it interspersed by brief addresses by pavtora and others and ibe general public are cordially invited a silver collect lm t will lie taken for tbe choir fund at the conclusion of tbe pro gramme the choir of tba ohurch and the ltdw aid will entertain tbe visiting choirs to supper tit event pvdhi id boon of tfdnuln intwreat vult actt tiiriulf mis wliuia uccilr- tf llruaul pent huiulay ut tlin li nirilur i rry llruen itower a venue ur aod ura itlnl i j diotou spent aaviral days duilig lint wick will mend in t roou lr o a mcnlchol of t roul vlalled bis aunt ura jr tamitall victoria ilia it vm k mr jaiud liwou baa utrtul from win tieg attd will raldeor ll praarnt wllb hla aranu at guelph miaa annie harvey i a last weak lo tak a position on tba teaching at an of ibarllyofht calbadnoapubiicbchik u mr ii t rlk uuc m by ff torttrfu senl a day or tw laat week with friends at moorbcmfl mr anl ur- j w h mervllle bav been apt ll g a f w day hero during tba week in ibtlr honeymoon tour mr aitd ura harry campbell lvn mmw of toronto pent a day wllb tlierormai minotbaral ictorla 111- uat week itnv tboa c ii i i suptlntr dent of mission calght alia a t l wodnoaday tf lt v k wllb it cbaa d iramir mlseee itti a mo and wi l french uftiniilo urt lit houmlf mr jam m wire 11 iwiir avenue on a waokend ill lie john itusmill lar i 1- rlday to rffiim ida practice at new oik moare u illum and it urt left f r their home in the west on saltirdi mlaa ituseall i binding a few day in toronto alice in wendarland a nuartrr of a rvnlury u vlka in wonderlan i tin tmriu ry ejaic which lisa drlnlilcd mill in of pin wa dramaliutl and tl ri i shortly to lake platn at thn iinii liverpool a colrl rati in i this v ill for allco la simply v rhl pd i the north- tha hbdiry f ali in vnl r land is ono f pllr luuixal ii originally ccinaiitlid f a ctllictin if verbal stories with which tbu atilh r tholatnltiv churl s lfctdtfimin iju carroll was wi nt to delglil hi child friends he was uulitqu nlly mtta i 1 publihb tlioiu in i k brm ait 1 hi work at onro i at t lul i wi 1 pr i kpuurlty ami u u w r- u i l fim ono i t urn li t work4 in hi rjjkb langusgo it seems slmosl ituix nib that til wnb rti hook of such pun imiii ation should at the sanin limn dia tingtiuh himself in tbe hltfbcr malhi matlcn and produce iiuch works as tim rormulao t 11 a no trlgont mi try a new tlioory tf larall le etc yet so it wn and 4hu appan nt anomsly u rrapoiisibln fir an sums inn liiofilnut at court when llco in wnnhrland wa axclting nntbusinslin criiirini throughout 1 ho icnjhh and bnnllli f the land qucon vlrloria who hrld heard of u wis tarn 11 a kirn nsk ed that hj nth r lunik written y the same author ntlshmi anl in hrr you may imagine the royal tfiirprifw when an abstruse mathematical i i ume was placed in hor haixliil most faithful dog the inyaleat f dog i i robablv the little scotch territ r t alilrlt edinburgh some oant ait rrtctetl e statue rr nr nillit uar tin friar hobby as he rsuix lo lw tailed slept nightly t u hi insatxr uravu hi greyfrlam he spent an hi ur r two a day in therenrator a bouiut hut niabl always fouiwl him braln on the rrava in w ever col 1 t r ab rniy the weather lacked doom faibtl t keep him in there was elwayn the window ud i was not till cfttlit eara had nwl that rllnlunli uamt f him ami then it wu over thn nroaaic iiiestloti of finding ihe man who ousht to pay the dog hwiim that tiny atatuo on ilia street corner ouutide ilia ersve- yrd is wortli loovlns at even to uie man whn does not know thn story redrose flna seal captured great excitement haa preialled at the mumbles where a fine seal has been captured it waa stunned with a stone and wllli much diltlculty was fot on to the pier where it waa ex amined by thn piermater who fonnd that it wa a rare specimen it was a silver white n wllli mark him ta the aaal mw ti ror vcrud from uie blow tluit was dealt it and was placed in a big bath nsw divining rod there la bciliig maniiia turwl in i iv rpool knc a hater flndina device leslundd t supplant tho baiel twif honatrv back dandhurr curb a t br o fartatan atwlung hatr tlilnk or it dear reader if par- i8ian sagr isnt the moat invigora ting and pleasant hair dresalngyoa rer used money back if it doesnt banish dandruff atoy bale from faluag and do away with- calp itch money back cu cent at a t brown and druggist every where parisian sagk as hair grow er and scalp cleaner la all right mr dora it denials williamson w va- parisian sagk cured roe or terrible llqblng of tbe scalp mr c p pope oxford ala a mffidbbmino fbaturav tlie old man had given hlr son a vary fair educatlou and had taken blm into hie shnp the young fellow wa ovsrnlcsabouta great many thing but the father umdenocommenf one day en order came in from a customer iwttbrrb goodmws axohilmed tbs on that gibson would learn to spell waal the matter wllb ur inqolred tbe father cheerfully why be pell doff with a k no does baf i never noticed it of conns you never did said the son pettishly you never notice any l blng like that perhs p not usyson replied tbe old man gently but there 1 one tiling i do notice which you will learn by and bye and hint i that gibson pay cash public notice i 70 ml n ol acfon and viciniy on j hurulay march jth fff mr j si i itajie representing copftley noyes randall nuute to measure clothing departments will be in our store with a complete range of scotch and lttgltsli w anted and tweed tyring suitings and over emit tugs cappley sfoyes tv liandall have one of the highest salaried designers in the dominion of canada 1 heir itaff of makers ami designers have just returned from the new york tailors gatherings and their buyer luis been back from ilngland a short lime and mr 1 hake wilt give you the experience of thn great organisation backed by a million of money and the best skill that money can buy i ach man of actoi ot vicinity an select suit ings from his immense range and liaoe that same feeling that goe nth a suit or overcoat made by the highest class of american or i nghsli tailors i his season some demand the lngttsh models and some the american male to measure suits trom 17 jo up we are very fortunate indeed to have mr shake with us and an hour with htm will be a splendid education to any mail interested in good clothes keep this date march yth igis in inuld he sure to visit our store on thai date we will endeavor lo make your visit not only pleasant but profitable to y oil o j wallace mm si ml a clan the mens outliter wfe right house hamilton 8 rvvostlte shopping place now is the time to do your spring shopping we aore prepared for your every need the dominion life assurance company twentythird annual report remarkable growth in all dejpsjrtmeauproflu to policy holders partlotuarly hotaworthy prominent features businatss- pouciaa issued aad revived tt 71 tola bulpe in force fix ajo37 beta an lacreeta lor lb year til fi 511 the tarccsl la lb companys history income amd kxtknditdrk casb incom from premiums net 1374 4 3 iron latresi ft 31 cor 6 total vssfl 3u94 an increase ova t mo of lots 8x oct ol ituaiacooo tioo 745 b7 was paid lo policy bolder aad a bjance of lflfi son 6 left lobe carried forward sitae paying alleipaoses of msasgsnisnt mortaxjty the actual mortality eaperiaacad waa only m of ibateapccied a lo lb coebobi tables karmino powkb the lohcy fws wars ac cumulated at 7 96 latere ibe hlf beat rat earned by say company abaktb and rtcskrvts tbs amu mssoitosoiia86 goirerameel reqnirnnents a increased by 1s5s us to i5lon886 the i ccealderably blxber ibma end at 93537 eiurplyi8 earalagalfor lb yasr were firs 700 aad alter psyuur lb dlvktaod m a aad paying eel vi07sb67 lo pahcynoldar accawni in caah ad h the snoa of t8 1041 g we left wblcb lacreaatd ibe eat aarplas by 10 esaua lb total serplea eer all lublllihai 36657 o this sarptes wosdd ba ever tosooo raater if lb cocapesy look advaalsg of ibe allowance aatborisad by ibe insurance act respect lag eewbnilms tba pay meats ssade on matured pouciaa witbu ibe year were sarecslocudiy sifyleg a neil little memoraadnm book ilvlag foil ptrtkalsrs of the company s record in tgii will be mailed on rerpm t head orrioe waterloo ont officers tboa iltllurd president aad uiuln director rtefldents 1 1 1 kooa bue treasurer m i letup 111 a i a a a b actuary vred llaluead bepsruhendsat of aeeades 8 ivlky oni- of iht more than jo l pirtuicnts it 1i16 kidin l iiousf is brim full of springtime 1 newest tilings it docj not follow ncccssinly tint these irfuxlt ire expensive simjly lw cause they ire nrw the kit in ijou 1 1 noted for its moderate puces prices to fit every pur e arrange 1 tliy shopping tour and enjoy one of our sitisfying noonday lunchcoiib in the habcmt tit what have you done about your new spring clothes r i he best time to buy i now when the weather is eool tncl shopping docs not become tiresome we carry j complete assort ment of millinery suit coats orcsscs wmstb gloves shoo j silks wash goods veilings prints lmbroiderie linen i nm- mings linings hosiery and underwear house cleaning timl is almost ii ere dont you need a new carpet rug curtains draperies or furniture we have a complete line of each oar i urmturo department uill gladly furnish estimates to re upholster or repair your furniture s i thomas c watkins established 69 years king and hughson sts limited superior merchandise hamilton ont spring disrljply oi noxflz whit6wehr e7iftbroiderirbs knd flouncings f on display this week never before have people ol this vicinity seen such in immense assortment of desirable and finely worked whitewear as we have fdr this season -a- in st gall nottingham and galais wonders of dainty lace and embroid ery work are achieved people who are artistic irom birth whose every activity centres about the production of beautiful and still more beautiful laces and embroideries sacji people make the dainty laces and embroideries imported directly by us and which are now on display in our windows and the departments embroideries ranging in price from 3c a yard to 275 per yard we could go into minute details of how careful we were in making selections of qualities and patterns but what interests you is the goods and tbe prices visit this store while this display is on we arc offering some special values mens crolhlnr d e macdonald bros cor wyndtam and micdoneu streets guelph ont dress goods bank of hamilton capital pato up zjaojoaa reserve asdundmoed profits- mtaooo tctttae6nr 00000 the tylv to laria tau a aavl sccct rivesyou uevea more ala sbl ibsa the aaaal imsvsm jiat aocamnuts epoa tbs deposit tba jgbu el aavtagaaasriag cdafcn la old ls as easily acoalred a lbs habit ol spsaatfasg usauag sandce is ibe sarhags ospait- meet of lb bsak of hsmuto favs abwasa 1 ooerad is ibe easa wbo ueppabs a law ooltari a moalh as to ibce who deposit okoltujctown buanou w h- mf kay buy florida land why because 1 it la vary wsaaa s ii u sot eat s s yoar aalmtaas a aos aaaaaartar mwik n taaiasaarjsnwvrtala7raatbjll a yoaeeasa work all sbbishr to wlatae year unatoah cu 1 totrtntatnraitlemt wtsanalliistulao a h ssmraata a wa ssauy ob jiaral stiaau cares taaeneeai wauttflhaiawnrmliuiau wrraiw 1 eel wiun av hailwav rratfoar well tsr lalt raruaalan aaa luaatrstaa luanuar tbbsis aust morton colsslxatioa co wrsng l 16 adojudc sr st tferonto canada ck8h prid 10 fowl r hj junk sen su all klads of fukn1turu 7ui swkkl pcctxp 3 j en opportunity if dm staatafias bu b gvapii business college 0usaus out aar- fiiffriij r malawi kc0nck av ms the merchants bank op canada every person who receives and pays out money should hsve t chequing account payment by cbonue is ihe rnosl praci leal con vcnlent and safest method of hrjln all finsncul trsnssctlons whether ol a imaliieas or personal char ar lor tbe relum of caacello i cberjoe are vouchers for every sum paid out they ihow wlist ills borsemetits have been mada and ta whom deposits sra received by this hank aubject ta cheque withdraws we pay the ism attention lee btegejhelreei interest alloued on all savioi sccoudii coupoundod ball total assets i 8lttt896 l acton branch f a maclean manager neglect ruins 100 watches wnees tje weasw cm dns keep your watch clean an i it u ss natural for it lo ro as for your lisad in heal riuhqlb bms siperlence and abllliv ta repair and properly adjust waiuics as great as any psrwn id canada vixh- q d phingle tbe sfeetocr titrefpn s