Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 29, 1912, p. 4

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qbe jlrton jfrtt rrss y tiiurhijay hmlltuauy j 1111 who i mtib7 i know lh deareea 1u girl about aa bag as you her eyee are mack tr liriiwii or k or nutybe luy am due ilut anyway tier hand ra otnan her teeth whlt aa inu liar little dree l alway neat sbe goe clioul you know thla lluie blrli her well aud mm liar otlan too ftl ltt ih shunld tell hi kl mm wa1 ivha a wind la a mind from quarter it may mow ho thought tlm hotel kseper in th sol tlah highlands of whom a tnuriat iknl la thla a good plarr do you think fur a person with wwk lung r nana better sir mno lieiter tha encouraging reply i have bean advised to anllln in place wbr there lu a south wind iom it blow much bora ob aye air h a imr ltd the eouth wind uiat blawa here h ilut lt blowing from lhn nortl fib aye air it a a uni eonth wind a the same air road back again u- the vacrlrioid ror tub caubi oonsulency may be jawa but that u no reason why ll should not lm reserved for apecla occasion 1 thereby hang a talc not 1 mention several pair of wing a young woman of some prominence in social circle waa aeen on morning ram or log four stuffed humming birth from ber hat what are you doing lliat forr because she answered with 1 llule sigh the annual meeting of the society for the preservation or hlrd u to b bald today weu whubu that to do with it y why im iii secretary kmbw how to sympathize thick headed dora atood aniasetl be forej the busy woman who mm writing away for dear lire do you do lut nil day long i asked ilbboh my ssid dora yon inuit be bnaarbr aald tba woman who felt anything but smart just then why fjora i haven t an ounce of brain oh wuv mid dor consolingly dont mind me i alot ery aniart myself new york tlmee it llmmtu i ll k u tht ii mm f rolitl irh tflll rl- 11 aihik rtom i in phiyhiu hi 1 lh roiihirrcia li h v ii lfu of llal the tight w 111 iii light pucr which utkuuiu lill r tat tif lea a hue hi nl mrlaln it the cimttntiiil fxutance or tlm tirf trul he r fully and gayly v hava ilrtl our favorite bland of iiulinii r lylm la and peril pa wiiinlmu 1 how lhu blender egfd in huo u ell the s u fua i he fine flavor uf ilia inttei hut few cent iiiortt irjiiuiil forourfevorlleblendl hat no vi r en m1 our ilml yet ibe blgna lit tint 1 4t aay we must pay morn for ira and it la beat to be phllo- 1 iphlrat ft r they rannot imj galnaald i hint aroimire iiumi a fw reaeoni why leh aliimlil go up in prior even tipiwih we lake no igiiluncn of tli imixriml ruitdltlotia which are raising tht roal uf living ttie world market la racily widening durlhg the laat drrade ibe people or huaela have imcoute n nation of lea drlnki and the hhipln of lemiany and prance are lieglimlttft to realise that the juice of lhn lea plant makee t eoothlng and liivlgoratliik iteverage hul while the market la widening rapidly the wot id e tra area la ilnoreenlng perceptibly for ihla reamkn i tea land are ee pee tally adped fur ilia growing of rubber and rubber tinnier are finding it hard to ineet lhn evergrowing demand for the raw product the reault la obvlou tea plantation are wing converted into ruhwrplanlallon with the hi i tin nee lint a tlee in the price of lea u inevllablr other ergo lit reason might cordeil but the whove eonlalna enough to make ua meet lite expected rise in the cot of tea at leaul complacently tlls law was oh this sidb tlu new yink pedeatilan took hi time in rroaalng uroadwa he knew hi right and meant to aaaert i he tit jutl iheiuy liefom a learned judge bad declared from the bench that pedestrian wen viot reoulred by to avoid vehicle in the atreete the iiedealrlaii had mad title de- cuuin and knew the at at u tee were on lita de lie adanceil sniarlly tb next moment he wae ecreped by a motorcycle j wiled by a taxloab hit by a runabout bumped by a touring car and run over hy an auto truck he wrote to the learned judge from the hospital dxtalllng the facta and the learned judge wrote back you noted altlctly in accordant with the uw cleveland plain deal an imv task bob bad been taught never to tell tales and be meant to live up lo his teaching but eomeumee it wae hard work dob eald hie mother una day i left m duh of p m on my table this morning and there lant nne titer now have yoa and carl eatnn tseenrr i havent eaten nne eald bob stoutly but then be remembered be mum not be a tale bearer well perhaps if youd better juat vmell carl and i gueea then youll know all about it r thi ukttk ipors paraorahkld be never tolerated goalp hi pauoe ha 10000 room- ha ooonteojmoed labor union he wae an expert cheee player he called hlaaself ihe utile old ha was a reverential admirer of he was a diligent reader or now paper dante and virgil ware hi favohu pott hi favorite relaxation wae writing poetry pltuburg dispatch much igtsmmd some pereone never can make an inveatment la any article of apparel wttoont flodlng an excuae for call log everybody attention in it ootavalotiatry tfal prorjeedlng mmd with a merited rebuke what do you think or that pair of eh fur three dollare and a half f aakad a man of thfe eor exfaibltlng hi ut porohaae to a iriend i think ite a good deal of leather for the money replied hie friend walking round hht friend in a wldu circle and looking at the aboee in pro found astonishment children ory for fletchers castori a the unspoken word never due harm uany tblng of aeir pity are sal nil i nee it i a gentle mind that make thu gentlaomn isuaes o he a l wmnwl than tn give bw ravunlut kludutuul n mura dbjpoatlon mnd n wldur vulim of opportunity jacohev suffered terrible pains of indigestion trubdjuts laxauvkr pills cukbp hsr ura wn h aucbwea mount tryoo p3l writes for more than year i eufferod with all um terrible pains of indigestion and ny life wu one of the greatest misery it cud not seem to make any diqcrcnce whetber i ate or not the pkuu were alway there accompanied by a severe bio tin and bekbtng of wind idjd not even get relief at night end- tt hardh got bit of sleep in nmcry i tried many remedies aald b indlccsuon but they did mc not ttirlfl kwl1 bftd i fiilly eipented- i vfould ahvmya be afflicted in thu way at thb one my brtkher cams borne on a visit and und ma to try muburne lanuver pflh and got me a few vials by use time i bad taken one vial i began to laamvre nod could eat with souio nfab i was greatly cheered and con- thmed takttg the pup until all tracesof ibe bauble had dlmppecred and i could e eat afl kfndtotfnod without be seffptest faiconvemence i am so fully 1 of tbdr virtue ns family a no hesitation in rccota n4ew i tu cents per vis or 8- visb lor j ml dealeri aw milled direct on f otpriby xj t milburriod had bad sore four yems zamliuk has iihalkd iti ura wilson 110 wlckaon avw toronto says about four years ago a soro spot appeared on the right side of my faco thla spot increased in suo until it became about half sn inch n dltmoter and ery painful i went to a doctor but the ointment bo gavo mo did not have any good effect the sore continued to dla- chargo freely and was most painful i had it csuterlxed tried poultice and alt kinds ot salve bnt k was no good and i continued to aunvrr from it for foer year a sample ot kamquk was one day given to me and i used it although the qusuttty was o small it seemed to do ma hub good so x purchased a further snpply koch box did me more and mors good and to my delight before i bad been using zmsuk throe weeks i saw that jt was going to heal the ooro in less than a mouth it was healed i i know n udy in tbo east of the city whom husband suffered for years with an open sore 00 his leg on my rnnommondatton ksmiluk wan irlod in that case the other day whon i saw ber she told me that it had hnaled ihe sore completely my dauahter who lives lu loth- brtdgo alts has also need zenvbuk with thosame uatlsfectory result i think it li beyond all doubt the fin out hoallng balm knava booh is tho opinion of ell persona who have really tried zamdnk it is p euro euro for ecsems pile abscesses ulcers scalp sores ring worm rata burns scalds brauea and all akin injuries and disea 60c box nil drurruts and stores or post froo from zam link co toronto for price in rasa of akin disease use e gm jlufc boap isc tablet there u only one way to find ease in your work and that i to put heart into it many patent medicine have earns and gone but dickie antl ooniump- llve syrup continue lo occupy a fore most place among remedies for coughs and oolilv and as a preventative of decay or ihe lung it i n standard medicine that widens its sphere ofuse- fulnesa year by year if you are in need ofeometblng lo rid ynureelf of a cnugli or cold you cannot do better tlmn try lllaklen hyrup bbady ror him conductor sturnhfaj twice over castors a the root r a amall boy looking itack at hi mother the conductor bid souiu people keeni to have very awkward children ye aid the mother 1 i was juab thinking your mother iad one purified s blood dr morses indian root heaied m ore when the sewers of the body howcta kidnevs and akin ducts get clogged up the blood quickly beootnea impure ana frequently fort break out over the body the way to heal them as mr richard wiuon who live hear london out found b lo purify the blood he writes for some lime i bad been in a low depressed condition my appetite left me e i soon began tp suffe jrot todl- lesuon quire a number of small ores and blotches formed all over my skin x tried medldae for the wood saevsjed- i- many kladi of ointment bat without ntlsfactory results what was wanted was a thorough cleansing of the blood and x looked shout in vshrf or some medi cine that would accomplish this at ut dr uoraindjanxtoot tvh- were brought to rhynprioe nsd they me ens of the most wonderful msllrlnsi x have ever koown hy hood was pari fled la v venrihrrttmei seres tawdedspr my isduvsuonvsnhn4i they shrsys hve place in ray home and jn looked upon es tha femur iremeoy dr hones itufisn jtool pufe cleanse ttl system thwwffiiw 1 dealers at jwc vox tho klad tc- hswo ahrmys ilotit vsutwisaiia bm tw nee fbr enrer s0 yonrev sues besma tho idgrnacoro of su4 iani beemrnend4lr hu pr smonsj napacrlslon since its infancy allow no no tooernu o yoa in this ah covnsfewiolta ijnitsullons mn4ljiutpitoodbvro bnt jbsw esrl auto theut trioo whut sumx emiluirrr tho xsonlul of infawafas ausd caulesjss pciwoo stmsinst kspor what is castoria oestoela is lwrwsloas btllnto fbr 4jasioroh psm- sjorte xropn snd boot bins fiyrupe it is pimisuil it contains neither oplsmm mewphtno nor otltor knrootlo mbntnnoe it suyo is its knsumntoe it destroy ffomi amt stunyn stcnrenishneea it et csy iiarrhosa suihl wind colie it reuenres toethlnn troahlos cures couutlpmtloa sumi puunleocy it sundenlhstoe tho food rrthmtoh tho btosttevch sued bowole ivlnn honltby and untural sloop tho chndrenn tsiuks en mothorn iriend oenuink castoria 1 bean tho signature of always the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years we want you yes we went you as a customer ak um to send yen our i91s catalogue its brim roll of all that b good in flower vegetables field ttoota tjrsina plants small fruit implement bee sopffhes poultry supplies etc inaa m- taa wktw ae to4ar utum twue tkk darch a nuntkr seed co umltetl dopt 14 lowdowy canada 11 atb fcaat liilil ik waat r a i 1 li i a baa amae tby tt iloves were arst worn in kogland in the r4gn of kdward ix a oat belonginar to a family named nile bos died at booth shields kog land at the age twenty eight years had palpitation of the heart ettassssm mom ctnneaf synstt when the heart begms to beat irrcsn- wrly polnitate and throb beats fast lor a time then so alow es to seem almost fa stop it causes great anxiety sad alars when the heart doe uus many people era kept in e state of morbid fear of death and be weak wore and mh to all sttchttnerers uttourns heart and nerve run will ghre pro end mrs john j downey new clelguw n3 writes just e few lutes lo let you know what your uuburns heart i nes your j 1 have i was troubled with weakness and palpw tatlon of the heart would have ecvere hahrg spells and could scarcely bsj down et sjl x tried many rrwtedtcs but got none to aniwrr my case eke your pills x can recommend them highly to all having heart or nerve troubles price bo cents per box or s boxes for t 25 for sale at au dealer c will be moiled direct on receipt of rce by the t muourn co limited t oat ted toronto the only religion e man has is that which be gives away corns cannot exist when llollowaye corn ours j applied to them be it goes to the root sod kill the growth hsi kmbw hunan m atoms the typical irish carman is e person of anweh eegeeltyrf one night a re turned missionary took a oar in a dub ious frame of mind ho bad been in vited to dine with some meads et the bouse of en acquaintance whose name be bad forgotten he only knew that his host lived on usroourt street what am i to do r be baked of his driver never mind nor 111 had him for you bnt you cant bis name lave it to ntolrely they drove to uarooort street and the man beginning at the top knock ad at every door end made one ln qulry half way down the street be gaily rejoined bis employer and said it s all right eor its here how do you know i asked sor pose the iteveeeod ur blank live barer and the mekt said no but he dining bare it alow business carrying a crooked yardstick on the straight road it i win to prevent ulaorder uany causes lead to deordcre of the loowcb and few are free from them at the first man natation 1 1 tat the sto and hear are not performlne their functions a course of larmeles vegetable i 111 should be tried and it will be found that the digestive organs wiu peedlly resume healthy action laxative and sedative are wo blended that no other preparation could be a effective as they children ory for fletchers c too nicnous a village cle has this eholoe bit among hi annala one day he wa enmmoned in baste by mrs johnston who was taken suddenly 111 he went in some wonder b she wee not of his perish end was known to be devoted lo her own minister the iter mr hopkins while be was walling iu the parlor before seeing the sick woman be beguiled the lltne by talking with ber daogbter i em very much pleased to know that your mother thought of me in her uloes be said i mr hopkins ewsyr tbeudy looked uorelgnedly shocked no she said ob no i hut were afraid it something contagion and we didnt like to run any riake i work hard for my living md ke0 6b pflls dr miles nervine completely cured our little boy of fits a j family can suffer no ifreater slbsfnon than to have child sub- ect to fits of cplcpy many a lather or mother would give their sll to restore uch a child 10 health 1 am scartilr shut to yum of oer hula boy vko ea completely rami il ma he fia aseerail haw inf tbew l to rears ot g and had thraa al rears 1 tried three au of ikumudo specialist bat all a bat r miles restorative nervine 3 esr milaa nerve sjal liver kus at eoaapaai eev 11 b now t ale semrrf sad m it kaa bees rastacr be badlkelait af r i go voa lua kuer as to are iiui ikiseyvaf i akall s praise wl liberty in b and asyc eudly if itary e y v mkue indlall led dr miles nerrino w jutt what it n represented to be a medicine compounded especially for nervous locates tuch as fiti opsuru st vitus dance convul uons and cptlcpty 1 hcte dueaies frequently lead to mvanity or cautc weak minds dr miles nervine has proven fnost effective in rejiev tnshcte dreaded maladies sold by u dfoawnte if the flrat bottl tall to banallt yourakmtay i returned milks mhdical co- vh cm susbluanuy himdbed the village tailor only received occ- sional order troea ihe vlpjur for sucb article as hat collar or handker chief ou kee renurked the vio- one day having called with nl uaual order when i want e suit i up to london they make them there calling again a few day later the vicar remarked that be bad not seen the tailor at church lately no replied the tailor wlten i want to beer a good termon i go to trfindoit they preach litem there tit hll plri whea w undertake lo 111 your prescriptions we give thorn our undivided attention and best care hi p s i not welfare la nnr ural co alderallmi second i wr guarantee our drugs to be of full strength as well aa pure and rreab third t our customer are supplied wlih justwhatlhoyaakfori kubatltut nj li never allowed rxinata usxaat ouurouvu if you are a sufferer from kidney disease liver complaint blood iroublee sheumatbaii neuralgia or taervous rarovtrallon we ocnbdenlly reeom mend the use of paine celery com pound thla reliable and namr dis appointing medlmne is a troe disease hnnlaher smd systssn builder we eupply the genuine palnea oelery oompound at draira anton out steel pens were bret mads la hirtn- lngbam in 1803 useful lu camp kxplorers survey ore prospectors and bun tare will und dr thome fedecirio ou very useful in camp when the feet nod legs wet and cold rub hem with the oil and the result will be the prevention of pains in the mu and should scat or con or sprain be satstaioed nothing could be better as or lotion it 1 calculated that there are 1000 000 man women and children playlng dlabnlo in london and its suburbs e children ory for fletchers c to r i a a good life is the readiest way to encore e good name whlcbcot no child should suffer an boor from worm when prompt relief can be got in a simple but strong reenedy mother grsv worm exterminatory yon dont know u sor lava it to i a dimoult ihmutiom btetesnuin l tor orelor sclentut and nhuosopber the late duke ot argyll wag a bright ornament of hie noble sphere la which he was born uk many another men of rank be found his exalted position a lonely one and hie isolation baa been neatly described hy an innkeeper on the dukes estate his grac remarked the uoutcbw man u in a verm deafeeenlt pnsss lieu whatever hu prku o inlelleet will no let him sssoelate wl towrj of hi sin hnb and bis pride of birth 111 no 1st bint associate wl men of irhtnntssleec ths cxmst johnson my wife bad queer ac cident befall her the other day ae she wee walking aloof the street a mans bat blew off and strnek her la the eye it ocekmejsn dollars for lb doctors blu t dolmmoh llikisjipahlasj my wtfsrwmwelktaflonr there othev week and as the passsd a mllu- iiara shop a bonnet in the wfndcw struck hsreyv od it tost kov fifteen dousrs and spent the summer there she got some of your gin pills and sent them to me and i tried them and round these to be the best mcdldnw that i ever used ferludncysndbliddertrouble oh 1 theycudmesomueh good and x am so much better i hops yon can fix it so i can get gin mils in new york c1iarlc3 coixins sold everywhere in census at 50c a bos 6 tor s sample free u yocf write national dmg and chemical co of canada 1 lmlle1 ijrpt a toronto if yon need e gentle itxatlv or aomo thingtostlrnptbelr take national laay uver lhus ajc a boa 106 nadruco riy rotes com cream a toilet detttk with lbs sxquhlts i fraiyanoe of fresh roses uokssl chapped hands smooth and soft and i keep them so preserves the meat i nsltmuscmnkmlon bgalast espoauraj ift lbs severest weelhar tr lf you it certainly appreciate r ln3sceptttan atyourdrurrlit a w tai jq no rjtetucac eb usrttte 1st voumo srrorbksbtpcr bis yrartld hoy who had been left li hi fntbar a village merchant ti krrp rj mi toe ktoie while the falbvr vmii i lhn poal tifflce u uiall a lellrr wa at a tiding will touch dignity box liehlnd the counter wben an olhrr urrhln of almul hl own agn en d i j keep alorr he aatd loftily that win t nothing hard u do re torted the vliior rauanllnu the impll i au per lor it y ita wore llian you ever done i don t have lo do ll but i could hub i what do you know lmt the klor bualneea anyhow y you talk ae if a frller iwd lo know rhole lot- he ha got lo know tola wore than you do hay do you know what 1 h no i do it meo six cent i 1 jou know what o j meanar no i do it mean eighteen rents io you know what ilut lie re the senior proprleli r of the eeubllshment lelumed just in time to p event hi ammlioua young man of bualneee from giving away ihe en lire cost mart an a lsr hetuht do you think any girl ever pro poeee in leap year aa they say jennie y he asked not uules she u obllgrd 1o ane- wered tha maiden ii m i hadnt thoughl of thai be eald afler a pause outueorge abe said laying her hand affectionately upon hi arm and looking into hla eye you i am sure will never force too to that bu mlllation no er that i to y- the ice was broken and three mln ulea later george wo jennie a accept ed tit hit always serviceable moat pill loss their propertle with age not so with parmelees vegetsble imu the pill mas la so com pounded that their strength and effectiveness i preserved and lh pill can he carried anywhere without fear of losing their potency ttil le a quality that few pills possess smae pill lose their power but not so h 1arntelees they will maintain their fresh nee and potency for a long lime kvery nin i worth just as much the thing are worth about which he i conoerned uarcu aurellu castoria ik latuta ul ouuna mumyhunmvmantkt bears the blgnstareof operations avoided by uydia e plnkhams v3getable compound- nelleriver one without lydis e linkhsina vagaubut impourul i would not be alive for five month i had painful end ir regular portoila ami innaramstlon of theuuirus i suf fe rtl ii cp lsxlyr and thought often of death i con sulted two doctor who eould do nothing for me 1 1 went to s ikospltal snd the best doc tors said i must i submit to an oper ation because i had a tumor i went backbocnemudiacoursgad ono of my cousin advised me to take your compousd as it had cured ber i did so and soon commenced to feel hotter ami my appetite cam back with the first bottle now i fowl no pain and am cured your remedy i derving of pralaa mrs latua chatk1- vaueyheld ileluriver quebec a vol deal the grand trunk tallway poughkeepsie n yil machine in a large factory and got sll run down i hadto give up work for i rould not atand the pain in my bark wlr ine in a large factory and got sll my for womb trouble but lydla fc- iink- hams vegetable compound did mora for me uion the doctors did i hsva gained five pounds i hope that every on who ia suffering from female troobu nervousness snd backache will take the compound 1 owe my thanks to mrs pink ham she i the working girl friend for health and all women who suffer ohould write to ber and take her advice uisnttlmk 11jwn3jysllmurhkp n y thirty ymus of unparallchl mute 1 confirms lhn power of i ydla k link ham vegmtsble comound to cure f omale disaau bad blood causes boils and pimples get pure blood and kcep4t pure by removing every trace of impure morbid matter from the system dindock blood flitters has been on the market about thirty five years snd i of the very beat medicines procurable for the cure of boils end puni p1mpucs cubed uus j u wallace blocks harbor n b writes about five years ro my face wsst entirely covered with pimples i tried trcrythhia people told me about but found no relief at last x thought of ii d d and decided to try a bottle after jnishlng two bottle x was entirely cured and would advise ais udy who wants a beautiful complex ion to use ii bd soils ctjakd mis ituiworth msync springfield phi writes my face snd neck wrr covered with boils sod x tried all kinds of remedies but they did me no food x went to many doctors bat they could not cure me i then tried burdock itlood bill era and i must say it is a won derful remedy for ibe cure of bou burdock blood bitters is manufactured only by the t mdburn co limited toronto ont this nans store is crowded because we do his printing we can crowd your storx in the sane way ths young ssoubavwirs a quartette of market ansa bed gath ered in the vanenil hall market and were diacusalns the probable famine in butter when a pretty young womani whom they adjudged to be a new boueewlfe interrupted ibe oon- vereauon by the stat that she had oodm to buy some butter i wish to get three pounds she said i butler maam f the individu al in charge of the butter and e stall asked polely enswsred the shopper prompt- j ly we wish to eat it on toast t we seldom have roll boston journal catalogues handbills folders and commercial forms jpur specialty call at hij ofjicm or jobhvark tho free press had very bad cough nid ticklingsensa tion in throat dr woods norway pine syrup cured it miss c psnirlsnn dovumsn illlvcr uatu writes last fou i bad a very bad cough and a tickling sensation in my throat jt was so bed i could not sleep et night so 1 went to a dnigght and told him x wanted sonethlng for my coldi snd be sdvhwd roe li try dr wanda norway pine syrup which i didjand after baking una bottle i was completely cured oa t dr woods norway pine syrup to anyone who auffers from a cough or threat irritation xx woods ncrwsy rue syrup is without a doubt one of the greatest cough cold remedies on- the market acy sjntfso greet has been its success than re najswrous preparations put up to latitat it do not be imposed upou by takmg one of these subslitutest i ui losbt on being given dr woods when toot sk for h rrjct 3 cents a bqttlej put up in srycnowninpat thtee pftie trees the trade mark manufactured only byjho t uflbum cd umlted loronto pliable yet tough yoa might begin your acquaintance with storeys goods by invcsuug in a pair of these horsckide mitts theyre excellent examples of how tough and pliable nulls may be made by our chrome process with the added mtiafactiou of limning they will not staff hcu scorched or bicnldcd dont forget to buy storey anil theyll remember you by mveariiig longest at all stores conscientious plumbing j heating is ngjftrhjwvthsiitlth us pabuchokr tdaim pp excelsior bakeryl vihst quality dread cakes wbddino cakes christmas cakes etc etc ovbtfcrs nij pi8k call today t statham son bakers and grocers main st acton the btrtii stun grntt ui hvmiwirts casper bra uk ruajialalss designers sod diiuder ci buunee uass ibeama uoeainmib marker aed head end oil kind of luttsuocimlqwifk wm hemstjreet t agent acton your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the e rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris 6l co limited ever t on eden miixs the best quality of manitoba family and pastry flour for sale at lowest prices our own make chopping done and oats rolled daily feed for sale cash for wheat and oats jtsavbi to the contrary we make it the most important factor so if you favor us with your patronage you will enthusiastically- endorse ub fred smith plumber quebec st go filjph photoo337 patents ipbumpttv seburedi reteal fteemt ihroaal rtoefajsksiruisiewkljsawess vtn dlrltnaejtawesawa ilia msles5l naish marion marion mtm w

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