Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 7, 1912, p. 4

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ttbe jsttton jree rcas thursday efakou 7 mu th law to cuddm do on i ell a lure a lialf out llre- ad i aui uty lpuiay na rin nur freuaiyaaunere in for a my fowk am kane an john that waa my sin guda man lis sleepe the mool amanf an uld frail body hlii njl it time that i alii uld gang the win iihmihi nuu the mild hot an shakes iimi an fir trer anl u l eouglia it wajacii up xuld iblnfpi fit ilr t tur if i could only ureal my beat i it would ly m- aalr itot leare are ki k iriih rt i arthaithc me lrk r mair a tani uili tn r f i f hal faun ihuwwrll a f hi an m ft i wl lul n wl muy wry rht lluml iiilll ll- ljil wheulwelid l 1 il tim gray jili llftr r to i lit- 1 r time wrwlbrck an anr im i rt o an jamie wl lucm y in id haa burly ur m1 t taw wucut doon t ihiriloyi iih the brat atil fc i it a lr i had i earn for lh aiild rti the could i grwt ft wl to think of jam i lying deld aumlfa the engine whtf wee ilab what ran i aay i li r ho a waur than deld to in ne word fro liliu lima weary yuan has come acroes i bo sea oould i but ken llt ha waa wnl a bet i alt this nlcbt tab warld wl m lu feuchl an nam wad look a weo thin rluit i alt afore a haif ont flrr an i im a my lane nfrlen ha 1 lo daunar in for a my folk in ran i wuea that 1i wbo rutee ua a praw whera ha d walla ahonn wad touch my auld grey held an ay it a time to cuddle doon alexander anderson h amino thi babv air ji linson looked up from a it lr i bad ixten nulling hod anillrd h uioukhlfiil rvinlnuceniaiilli wall he uli lo mi mr who wm lldgi llug alxmllht it urn wntlliil jimiriuk y kll litnr lb y r lad jujl n ul ii hi a llit mauimh i bat baly mmtla iiaitarlly bavf will ibflr tlfi u itflt wll kit whll i llrlly itulhittit ulmijibn w will hit ulr f rotmt lul will ktraliihlprlly mih willr thai hbt bad me ihuhkbta of ralllnb iho imiivv iura rm llur taldmr jul oaf wlltt iu fli rt hi lit lrt1 aautanciuf tb itmln im kbibail a bnr to 11 it ka l wl j iim wai tni lu 11 y mi i r j tin nrll i ti l a w ii i ll i il i t wbt it j- or i 1 1 i r lv i tin his pi rot diir iluck favr k hunter dlaaa ynptoom of which aro pmtty wrll koowo bat tbay bme adoi bean aora fallnfly lcaorlbad iban by un wbom bnt xprleneti in deei- boounk hi rtiutwd in tlia fining journal alter apandlag faw hours tramp- ing through th wood faal tug tired he hi down on a log to rt- like not honten b had ukn hla tipe mud tobfteco along filling hla pipe be arooked for awhile wltlumt interruption when happening to turn i bbi heed e little to one side ha mw urge buck coining etmlght lowarda blm a luck would have it be bad ml down to emoke near m deer trail the deer cum nearer and nearer until be waa nearly oppcelle the place wbere the hunter eat concealed while the hunter waa watching tbr approach of the dmer he forgot that be bad m gun and the deer waa hla neat he began to irembuj and bake in every limb and joint and it waa difficult for hlni to mtraln m yell of fright 1i watched and lrmbltd until the dai paated hla bldlugplaoe and went tato tba tbhtket beyond then feel lug for bla pipe he discovered that it lay on lb ground near hla feat by tba tleae be bad picked it up the dear waa out of range and then lie ducov red that in hla ezdtinnt he bad butmo the mouthpiece of hie pipe in two he waa greatly relieved to mee the doer move on aa it teemed to htm that be waa ibe game and the dear waa ho- hunter lepr in tthc nkbtt a lady who had moved into a remote district or the west found u impossible to keep her help one afteranouier girls came from ber own country home in the kaet and wore married before aa the deserted honaewlfe said they bad urn to wash the dinner dlsnes finally aba sent for a aaverelooklng na of mdvmneed years who bad no opinion of masculine blandishments on the day of the maids arrival a miner called at the kitchen door fur a glaaa of water lie looked mt her demnk the water expressed his thanks briefly and then went round lo the bona of the bouse where the mistress heraalf waa sweeping off the steps wen eald be lastly taking off his hat iooka aa if youd got a nestegg now i i iy v ln i fr mil lllv a nil ui tut 1 ii 11 i by i j br 11 t bboum bav hii ib fi lly kilvr him one uliic iii ll ml f mikt rn 1 ianl1111 llrrrtiii that if we full llk oa ill tlw lbil y fir kka km lo the ii 111 h w ull ihi rral grnllllix and i writ waa h art if mai u and a k ii nerklurr- ibat would ull urui m lie v mi delwliiik tie i rillf hmli tbrvn aulrra wrttle iih irokhli h h uliry name llestrice and in frtai il trrtnrora iv said i bum all ivtrwiib lunnelt and tnld iti t ivll whkh k uiuud im1 ilrii ran ti h iftler fnnn uilo uury myiii llmt kh i ihm iih king up tblnga tn lie gnucaloglcal kkiiui and here waa ur eliajicw o do honor lo ur only iulliifulahd sneeal ibttsey and im iruated wo would see lb propriety of giving bsl y that re- varetl nnla- and vnhtnlay i heard from mat tie know mud abe said of coarse titer would lie no hesitation in my mind about a name as soon as she heard of thn dear baby she said to herself now biu can pay ber loving tilbute to the memory of her girlhood friend and companion sweet little julia bo you can imagine father bow much discussion lias come from ti letters and how thankful 1 was whi at last the matter was settled well how waa it aetllad td like to know t demanded miss johnson impatiently but bar brother shook hla id she dosau t say he replied at which miss johnon reached out her band i plve njo that letter she cried but her brother stayed her grasping ers hold on i lie said here a oruw cross on the brat pages that id over looked onoe more lie adjusted bu spectacles and read the last word frank says perhsps you wouldn t inderstaud but i said you would that of course weve named the baby inra just aa i d always intended children dry for ftetcnert f c a3tor a woodaw am that for lb apeelarbeneut of bird lovers although other may enjoy it also the qoelonatl enquirer recoids this eon burrda u latuht mrs ilrannl gait observed aa she rnoountered her friend mrs owaherty ye can taebe em annytlng me lister has wan that llree in m dock au whlo its time to ull lb time it comes out au amy cuckoo aa mauny limes as lb time is wo sslt mrs 1 flaherty mi it u tooelj ma aw nrtmm an tba woodberf ul parrt of it all te v ita only a wooden bnrd at that v the poor dyspeptic su1fcr8untm agony after every meal v ncairy everything tfuu entera a wmk dyspepuo stomacbacts aa an hrluuit hence lb dimenlty of effecunf a cure dusdeck bkwd biltsrt wu rrllsvean fc flutr lymtfom yapapsla ond in a short tune- effect a cure un f c grot berlin ont writes i have been troubled with tny stomach cor the but seven years and tried air kinds of medklne tor it but none ol ibera ever cured me for na soon as i would quit utlnv any of tbem the same old trouble wonfd nllack uut fait i was ad- vised to try burdoc blood dltten ntakb i dfcl and used lour bottles sod now fed so strong i can do oil my house work nlicly and can eat nlaiost anythlog wllb- v put it- affecting me in artywav oar boy l ttix it be altrays a l tiw j 0e box mil drmggi sews loves were brat worn in bnglandln the reign of sdward if a eat belonging to a family named miles baa died at south hhlolda bng land at the age twenty eight years wit amd wisdom iar aln no wuas victim obtnu- ilaced conftuenoe said uncle eben dan da man wbo gits ter think in he knows every thing a gentleman bought a dog which turned out to be of nry undesirable habits the man who sold blm to roe sakl tba purchaser called him a pointer i i call hira a dlsappolnter a pretty little girl of three years was in a drug store with her mamma bet protdotesthuorochtetfiir- ncu anjbtslconwns neuter opmim morphine nor ilncral not njuteotlc apafcct iteincdy orooasupft- liontsour stonachjwtts3a vvottaajconvubuons re nrsai vacssasst srgnatnre of lxact copropn castqria tot infttnu and cmldren the kind you have always bought bears the signature of in use for over thirty years castoria its coming whate coming why seedtime then the harvest bat the harvest depends very largely on the quality of the seeds yon sow oar catalogue for 1912 la bigger and better than ever tells you all about over jjsoo unas of field roots grains veget ables and flower seeds small fruits flowering shrubs rianta implements etc if mo at lab out amhllns it to u with yvur mom i ee4 rsat offim a4trwt our catawua fll b mat 9s aas a twwaal with it ho it utay aiiiibsbs darch hunter seed co limited dept 3 4 london ont u cottom ivdlistnv h ettaln dr miles nervine raised me fromatj the gravea4truw this u a strong itutcincut lo mate but it is exactly what mrs i honiai taylor ol blum icxai taul in cjtprcvtini her opinion of t lua icmedy i mil l ilu i 11 j 1 ll my en tugb f irynufnran i tnw iklsai if any 4l4 fltrt i nclla tot the kc ihltunlnrrvl it ul 1 ttmnll w lluvtll li l 1 mkh 1ii0mav lavinit iii nervo 11 rxlinuitlon is i mon olciirruco o nut li i lle tliw witt a i tt or t ii lltf in vulis yttcm it grcstcr now tliau at any nmc since the world liran lf tceplcuncu poornt pctllc ami thnt run down feeling notliliiif is so good as dr mile nervine your nerves are your li and lack of vital energy makescxdlcncc a misery dr miles nervine will tone tip your nervous system asmsnydruaoat ll the first bottlsfsll la btnol i you onayls raturnail milk3 mluicai co toronto can mot quits wha h mauht the man who thought he had the knack of eaylug thbaga rsilcsilaied to warm the cockles of the oldest heart waa revisiting u too lo which he bad spent a summer twenty years be fore i m mies alere said a couuettlsh elderly spinster approaching bin in the post office the day after hla arrlv ready heartwarmer turned moat beaming smile and the with wrung her band ilecall yon he echoed reproach fully aslf one could help it miss meere 1 why you are one or the land marka of the town i lng attracted by something asked what it was the clerk replied that la a scent bag how cheap t replied the little girl i ii take two t used in canada ftw orer half a century ot jeoludto tojr h jj of the world where people suffer avom comtipalion and ita nmilhnftreublesv dr morales indian root phis land higher in pabbq ttrtmhon diknanj othar and their evar- ncreaamg aalw iwore thsiriimritphydcun nmottbe them 26c a box wastroubleo with heart disease ahdkervousiess bevbal doctors codxd do her no good thrbb boxes ov u1xbukns heart alfd rbrvb prxs completely cured her miss mary lcbeau tdlson gstk writes i was troubled with heart disease and nervousness for over two years and was so bad at limes i bad to sit up at night being unable to breathe and every little noise would nuke too shake and shiver i tried severs i doc tors but tbey were unable to do me any goad a neixhtror then advised me to try a boa of mtlburn s heart and kcrvc 1hu as soon as i began to take them i began to fed much better and by the time ihadufed the third box i was oom ptctdy cured i vrottld advice anybody suffering from heart disraie and nrrvous- ness to try these pill they will save quite a hill in doctor s fees mubuxos heart and kerva fills cure all heart antl nerve troubles by their restorative influence on every organ and ipn q bc body price fioccnts per bo or n imxes for 11 s at all dcsirrvnr matted direct on receipt of price by the t mulmru co limited toroauv out bbkvhd his aioht vou must have called me late this morning sylvena it waa 13 o aloes when i reached the office and i had ah important appointment foe 10 0 clock too why i called you at 7 0 john w the clock right r yea i set it laat night when you came home vou remember i called downstairs when you cnnit in am asked you what time it waa andvyoa amid 10111 the clock n my room vald 1 45 so i turned ft hack lo agree with your watch and of course i called you by the correct time wheo the fire alarm so ttte fremen do not start about oiling tltelr anglmssvoor iwungtlna hauftrta be aura everything is in good condition it is of course eaaebtlal that the engine should berfpotreeorderbutbewortc of eaamlntlon and preparation has all been done beforehand when the call comes it is only a mafter of seconds bofora tba start it wad the alert are department te a very good model lor the youth today two young med hear of a vacant and desir able position which dernoods of the natlomil intg chen 1 1 co f census i4uuted depu a torouto 0 artauges lo tnkw lessons but the oilier realising ibat the rensni davel upmentof qur tiattoiml ufa bare wade a knowledge of hpanhriiiah eoormons advantage baa ajread obtained a fair coromand of thatlangunga whichof tits two is the most likely to gat the position do iynu tblnk- lit is plain enougb tlmtlongforatbebsst fallow ii toady tbat particular obanoa will havw vanlsbed i this life of ours la full of eniargendyl calla when h stscla1 man if wanted in nine cass tint of lea he 19 wanted in a hurry the una who can respond an ptaflrispmrlwat rasponds tolmgrmrajaiartmtrtlhidna wtaots ucobsafe dtoropoaaatelv viio the reward uf kirnlnoi a lovable dlnltlon and a wider of opportunity jacobs impuruleeof tbelllootl c untraoled loipurltlea of tlia blood come from defects in the action of the liver they are revealed by pi m pies and unsightly bmrches in the skin they must be treated inwardly and for this purpose there ta mi more effective compound to bo used than ivrmelee s vegetable pills tbey act directly on the liver and by setting up healthy prooassits have a benluclal affect upon the blood so that impurities eliminated if a woman can t break aoiuo nu heart abe gets careless and breaks her own the sermon that drives man to pray for the amen does not promote devn tlon the liest mtvurd tor imvlng wrought well already is to bavo more to du charles klugsley a pleasant medicine for children la mother graves worm kxtcrmlnetor and there is nothing hetttir for driving worms from the system little sins open the doors to large ones j children ory for fletchers o astoria pftaranrbddayljaht a housemaid who hat borne the pain of a troubleeotn tooth for several days n the hope that by exercising a utile more endurance and patience she might avoid the expense of a dental operation was finally obliged to go to the dentist one evening to have the tooth extracted being of a thrifty tendensy she inquired of the operator how much do you charge for taklog out a tooth r fifty cents i with gas a dollar waa tba reply tjian i gate i i oali tomorrow and ttave it taken out by daylight announced tba patient doctors gould not help him but gin pills did nring august last x went to wltqjrtifiilta apfflallat aj i had offering terribly with stone in lartilrr inilmljritqftwlawlmt said the atone was too large to remove remove juidtoahird tawnshr i nrtfltned homo and was rccomttteuued by a friend to try gin nils they relieved tlio pain x took two boxes and went bstk to tlio apedallat lie said the stone was sins cr but he could uot remote it although he tried foe two rtotfns and a half i returned home and continued to take gin fills and to my surprise and joy t passed the stone out pills are the best medu cine n the world and because they did me so much good i will recommend them all the rest of my life litem all the rest of my lite j amlkrt ikotard jollrtte p q incumbent a knowledge of rjpanls6 1 j jke a box 6 tftifl so at all dealers i guoiwyjcjr- ihc7liall iptrlrttsr wealhar roughens and rsddsns rour sktn oautlng ohapt ohnblalrts and general dlsoornfort try na7druco witch hazel cream the creamy ingredients sooth and soften ths outer sktn while iris wltok hstel psnalratss and hosls the deeper tissues dellghuul aller shsvlng or washing 2sq atklue truyflbrluq and cheuioal d6 w ofoahapa um1tkd 11 1 iuii i nlury i 1 ufa i ir i llriulu i ii rol it r liai u in hiii ia t 1 11 u i ii iii ll f maki u a mill ii ir ill u o ypn u h ini 1 rl i iii r t im 11 htll ul liit tl u ki u i in 1 1 i i t lr ur hi yri u ur at i hy i 11 1 ill i tt 1 w i 1 1 iultil 1 ruf ul i xr 11 1 lull i i tl i imy i at 1 f uli ii ill i m hi i it i id- i tl llinil riur 11 1 r i 11 wl ol ml i 11 ul i i i rolitu orl 1 i it 1- ilrl ii ir li yara nu 1 li t r id r x tin ii xl j0 i iiulutry itlnunl i 1 nrrln i 111 i urafl inlly ll n rnlitf i y ii with lkku y ihtllll ilk w it 11 all svli ir i 4 iih 1 he who tbloka i evil can d evil rounds tlon pvdnolpleai first 1 when we undertake i o your prescriptions we give tluun our undivided attention and heat carw lbs pal lent welfare is our uret 001 suleralion second 1 we guarantee our drugs to be of full strength aa well ms pure ami trash third 1 our customer are supplied with justwlimttheyaakfor substllut lng is never allowed pairfb oki kby couiilurtp if you are a sufferer from klluoy disease liver complaint blood trouli rheiimal imn beuralgu o pruflrn ihn wn otnlitlnnlly reooni md thu uae of painos oclnry coin pound tills reliable and never dbv appoint lttsr medicine la a true dlsnas banlahoi mul systun bulldnr we unplr iiih jnntilne pal no a jelary ottnmuod a t hrown aaton ont ttte way tohnavenly tnanalons may lie tin ngb mean t tut omen i a i 1 1 so easy to hnd fault with tbo g i thing p stfiksnl i y others illcku- ill jnmimpllo kyrtip la an unparalleled remedy lor cold coughs influcnxa and dlsesses of tlio throat and jung th fsino of the medicine rests upon years of ucranfiil use in eradicating these affections and in protecting mankind from the fatal ravages of consumptlun and as a neglected cold leads to consumption one cannot be too careful to flglil it in ita early stages lllckle a uyrup is the weapon use it llii ihi iii it f ly f r his tl tl tie i 1 r it 11 u waa ll i iii- t irii ara this till wolt r llllliu f it warps 1 1 111 i hi was 11 t until hi watur trhlinl 1 warln tl 1 leonth c nlury hist c tt live sh rt llfr nil yarns 111 u lh aj i tr iu ii oth ti r warn tin ii vmu ih t vwi 11 kuy cr mlii llarirnv arlwrlfiht ul tliiih ilurii if l iurll 177 irluft and tlia si 1 ii ti ii ttrl i watnf 1 or al 1 hum i hi all 1 wr title driving h i iii i w liiaoliii 11 i iuluntry lii i si i ii tf til vln tl overeducated man are like nvorfed nan only the indlgeatlon is intellect children ory for fletchers c asto r i a no man served life who was afraid to die the man with tlia most brass in his face often bos the least it is in demand ho great is tbo demand for dr thomas kclectrio oil that a large factory la kept continually busy making and bottling it to be in demand shows popular appreciation of this preparation which stands at the head of proprietary compounds aa the leading oil on the market and general ly admitted that it is deserving of the lead a weak aching back caused her much mlsary mr w 11 h icldtng k write afr1illlwy- ig doans kldnry i ill lr this ut yrur i have ur t trout led very much with nasty l lirwuches and a weak aching luck whku caul me much misery for i c mild not work an 1 ha no ambition for any thin mykwneyswers very bafflirnut rrforder and hepsass from slci lng ulghls i ul many klu n ol 1 ill ami medicine but it seemed nlmmt in vain i tgan lo give up ia esimjir i ever lciug well and strong gain whe 1 4 kin i nei vu saa to try doan 4 kl incy pill which i dtd uuil am ihankltil rf the reurl i uauied from them fi r now i am nrver troubled with a xoie lstk of headaches i will aly wy doan a kidney pills f ir mine snd can highly reeomntend them toany kuffrrcr price 60 cent nrr box or 3 boxes for gl 3s at all dealers or mailed direct on receipt ofprlce by the t mdhurn co limits toronto ont when ordering direct specify dosna after doctors failed lydla e pinkhams vegeta ble compound cured her mldgie station i n ran iomlly hlluvs this as it is not natural tut it wits my cast rorten montl i miffrrid from aunnrvsslon 1 liftd dlftrnt tkx-ur- trlail dlffairent m dlcipra 1 ut no v 1 elpm mi my f riarula to 1 1 mil would go into s dtrlltw one day a kuly frleml told ma what your m ii rlna hail done f r mf so i wrotey i for advice arul t- celvtd your rvply with plnasurw i starud taking- 1 yd in k 1 inkliom vegotable ccmpaund and at tlie ocontl bottla sh twsd improvsmanl now 1 am regular and never wo o well in my life thanks lo mm link ham s medicine pkse publlah iriv itt4r for tin benefit of otlwrv- mna j nun w ulcks mklglebtatlon tt h i 1 la 11 hiad juk iyll vx i m ham a vegetable compourml is mle a boon to women who suffer from female hla my liaaith is better now than it has beam in my five year married lifn and i thank you for tit rood your tulvica and rnedic ne have lone me i hail spent hondrvdj of dollars on doctors without rciv ng any 1 riuflt maa vhxxic oorci 110x444 ira an head baskauhowsn the moat successful rvmedv in this rounlry fcr the cure of all form f fmal camplalntii is i ydla h lit klian a vvgatable compound flle ciand trunk raiiwav a faehscrrrjicn train t 1 ji i li 1- ll 1 luti ri hf 4 is m m n 11 wo a tl m uu s np- no h 1 sltpb us w h s j9m t3e excelsiur bakery 1 first quality uneao cakeii widdino lakeu chhietmah cakkh ktc btc oystkhs and fish gall today man in the making can only be meaaured by tba master workman fault leu la preparation i nllk any other stomach regulator parma is a v egeishle pills era tba result of long study of vegetable compoooda calculate to stimulate the stomach functions and maiatalo lbesn at normal condition years of uae has proved their faultless character and eatabllsbed tbslr excellent rvputatloa and this they bava saalatsined for years and will continue to maintain for it pills moat always stand at tb bead of the trstrof etasstevai ps i as soma people wbo never recognise rebuff notice- tba slight bint tbat can be construed as an invitation castoria c bmts nl cuuns hi km ysi ins anas asga you do not make life sacred by look ing aad if you have to keep demanding your rights alt the time you are asking for something not coming tp you corns cause much suffering hut holloways cora cure offers a speedy sure and aatlsfaolory relief cokxkom humor a real joke waa sprung by a student at a university last week this student gffers from stigma of obesity it appears tbat oven profassera do not lova a fat man after a particularly weak recitation the professor said alas mr bttnkt you are beer fed than taught- right profess or sighed the youtb subsiding heavl ly yon taacb me i feed myself bronchitis i was so choked up she could hardly breatnel bronchltuisan icute nflammalloti of the mucus mentffrane lining the air tubes of tba lungs and should never be ne glected for if it is very often tab disease becomes hi and then it u only a ahort step to consumption on the first sign of bronchitis dr wood a nforway pine syrup should bo talcen arid put prevent it becoming rijonle mr john d mncdonah college grant n writes my utile girl seven years old caught n bad cold which developed into bronchitis she was so eboked up sfce could hardly breathe reading about your wonderful medicine dr woods norway pine syrup i derided to tyy a bottle and with such good re sults thai i got another which completely cured ber x cannot say too much m its praise and would not be without it in the bouse dr woods norway pine syrup is put up la a yellow wrapper three pins trees uid trade mark iprlceiqccnu afeqnfsctured only oy xbe t muuurn cd limbed joronto oat when we tfet your wirelearj cjkt for help we will come to the rescue with tfood old printers ink 11 good advirtisinc has saved many business men ittom iinancial shipwreck the kqton free rress t statham son bakers nil grocers main sl acton th3 btfml stta 6tmin mi maiilwmts rzampatal atjuum rvo daalgbevs aad dollders ol ntaleaa use mmsdwii markers sod head aad all kind of irtjtiedbibwirt wm herjqstreet ticesttictcw- warmest kind for cold weather tougher horscincle will nevci be found because the best ia used or btoreys glovco and gauntlets and yet the akin becuuee carefully tanned by the chrome process ir marlo plabtc innm tng m extraordinary wear reaiatancc tcrproof nrd flftk v iwepioof ths best working ylovea on the rbgflbh rnaxlcet sold at all blorra insist on storeys conscrentibus plttmbing heating is nt x jutyth inith us to tbj contrary we make it the most important factor so ivou favor us with our pat you will enthusiastically c odor so uu redsivtlth plumldbr your chopping will be clone quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills floor oatmeal bran shortt the best at lowest prices harris co limit evebton m edeh mills the best quality ol manitoba family arid pastry flour i or sale at lowcit prices our own tmalte chopping done and oats rolled daily feed bor sale cash for wheat and oatit henry hortop mguv pastasairejiils oau w igmil uaa reeaii slratck avamagslyear ia- iniu orlraarovainaal sad we wultatl yoal res crofaa nuprs kiwtswrw- ihroashvsrl a asrstrutm tke rmmlaloa m vwyfffitfwwi ttrwf f 4

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