jrtiw mctt ptfess volume xxxvii noii 17 evy ktefiptlm paid us iswasm she uton 3fm rcss imbtmxd uatee aw a sssata kaapataul lm for tlnl imfaa eas mala una far bsm- mm im ohuwi dupla ail messt fw s ov tees lixsr par iubh la easer pa is in mt laasstle vhtltmairoiu wniwitpalhh ub to t 4 till kxtom omnhta aaltoaud floxituu binctorp rpii los cray u d c u uugilx b holmbs ii i uwdt u p s o mill blreet aavaka j x macdonald at d u m i bap hi i worth i kmximhoh bw ncaj ooanni jb vgtvlfklm gear oowaly of bmi- mttfuaitflwiadljhaawniiw dkb 3 i1ard1b l d s dmimbt gwl ss dmuetrr to sll ita brenuna wim wpasilaim rjimir- ouauu hb x bbbmktt dbmtist and urdyco el jo flat ra loeoon e c england acton ontario tuubsday moendtg mabch 1 112 a nte ie 1 y single cories thueb cents satisfaction in watch repairing at moderate prices is what we aim at savage co a r jr wajtjt insmcioea oucfph ontario waters bros quelpb headquarters for oac amp school supplies oa nature study botamicai etomolooical- drawino painttno 41 wyndbam street huawsso come on wash day suggestions kaitting uotok wabhkrs hlo kallting motor do the woilt cuuubkdowkvkll clotiikk wr1nokrs to 5a guaranteed victok electric ikttnk mrs potts nai irons regular i plated l5 four leadlnjf lima ui1 imlnr havrtr mild there are nsrtv bettor than uvsma if fuilhcf information in wanted iilnuui ring no 07 of tall mow la i ho bou lima to mid to your in uphold cijuip- hie bond hardware co the best in glasses at reasonable prices a d savage ouciph kkmtat rue postowicb wcton liyert busllne th luiderslgned respecllally aollciis lbs patronage of tbe pb- uc and inform ibant thai wet comlortable boa pm- careral attention glv every ordwv tbe warm of coin- btmkcui travellers fall met john 3niuuitt7uts wrosmiixrrwie the bell piano h aalpboalatg nllxraemtvene swemptfv m abbuob uokhsbb b rmqoma a oatm aowoh gju black j ltcsmsjld atkloaifkk fwf qafaa u o hajtoa mmlwaun1aa w 0bmbtbbbt itmspaitaooni 1m qrtllwloiwjiii o uj halm 5 aaamamiaam4amu4a we an da your job printing of every description card billlmvda clreulara anc tion and show bi1u pamjjitot bw blaoki iruh iliu inh isbali u b i j lllamtml uauca tal 4 utmlbll a irvimawtalllaabmr o- or oftmoa ta fa ialoaaaa la aa liatba ill it lilnrri vlaaatmamtla ikdmlinurill rkw hut w js ilmmamltakar m win vwaat laamadl james ucpok alu v lkhhih taltamwilmalwf vmrtm wwmfnwtb t itsysit aootiokna paper maieeits omoxomtowhoiit book nkw8 and ooiarbd papkrs jno llkauheb a sruikdld tow eas aki lidirtktus or actio gooii stavipiiuku quaftr ua iiammomk ijthm akti flmtu tbtjaa lor uentuu to piano ir n dell chasw kelly ottrp mv amobl uit anrrl imt in lb groqnd only ut body i um tbor rir w in briabt aod of mtcblll kltpflom t iimvm- arti th won- of jna uimlf and fniin iltiiu wo laoat not be vm lly dimiln it it- hr liy wtrtdly nelf u nntlhrn litvrly dulil dted vtn im wm tily ln tuoallw old tin i ln- w wlianm and i ha prtdo of itarvnt td not now ha told no mntlwr who ha a ntar laid a darllnk isahy body down kmh loanrlh a illtlamouitd tnatlfi knclokink bo pea ajnwuly flrwn hlwuild try ooodolvnewa to vur forarnny inhfoalhad tr thoa who and it hh to ut hlno mtm ancfl baby dudt had nan my ova knowttb ad havlli dottlh all thing wall ah on thl imith canaamy rwt ad on 11u promltn can dwall urc ksiulth jwl jfonilu tlraiiinjj jean deuaoats brother p kofbbsou ttlnmon uruoa bad npatwd um door nabaud ly i ha on abaotrbed ooeupaa of tkaillnlosroncd and tor a moaarnt ba loodontha i b i bold bla ray ayaw wnndarlak aav- tlia mom u hi lad with iba auft aound of juuof una chanting orr lau in vetlw tbta in lulf waa nothing aurprulnc but i ha ownar of iba upa waa baodlnc a kuabad faoa ovar a nowy board and with a heavy boa wa making vmootb and dainty rafflaa of an- faahlpotd wbimi rowd on on alda of tba board prop- pad up by a heavy eyelopadla waa a ltln pmoidiar and from una to uaaa iba trl gunead in lu direction and continued murmuring pallaatly while aba worked the email clock which for tba mo ment ftlood on i he table licked ewaatly inaiorauy llehanda polnuac to the hour of nine t the buu of iatln verba waa punctuated hy the utile metaltc dick ot the heavy iron itdlltgantly pain a taking jr moot bed and pr t and at length a goal of wind paabad aganat the door on wboaa ihraehold for bonuooa but ho rgretld tba worda uh moanant ibay wara oat por jean datmoat waa ukaki aback kba regarded him doobtfiilly and with a uula tinge of raaatamt at iba hulboatlon oh no air i todced no i iptmman bmtjtod uita -be- never told him about the we dont mean that be aball know and father bopce that matter will eooo beatralghtanedout kdgmr muat fiouh onllrgr and ite baa only two year lertaltrr ihta one kalbesr and i to it fw fain the blue eyae ebona wltli lyalty and lovr tlir profceaor c hi l brant lie relied hla bead and lowered it again thoughtfully voura a gtri a girl of tbooaand ha aald looking hard al the latin grammar io yon like latin r not vary well tir 1ai not m brainy ut brother kdgar but i ilka school very much i atlll have m year la it high aehoul jvan her head at her own appalling werd tba profraaor ami led and a ajleaua futif into hla ayea he wanted to pat the bead thl waa waudlag the iron and you are going to collage too i d maybe ean fatber id love to when tba um carload mixed hay carload mixed hay j carload timothy hay r carload mixed hay carload straw get some now bnobiie hjmoore mamkr the old anil bailable granite and marble dealers ymsmb h amijjton sons winter footwear boots o 3hoe3 wabam a lull ilocl of wlaiar anlfbl boots aiid sboaa lor van woman and qbjidran la101 iba nnrw aba itlndld una ol marwwp0 rubbers oar mock ol tbaaacooda la vary compklo rabban wool uwd rabbari iad4ubbar ikiota ulut supplv yjur wtnuf rooivawur wajajd w wtdiiiams tartllng aound tha girl looked up flushing unoor- talnly aa aha aaw profeaaor brno immadlataly h cam fowavd bar i ought to aak your pardon my dju for aavradropplng ive boon etaadlng there watching yon your father m abaorbed with hu hoalanaa frhmd and o 1 slipped out thinking id bad you the profaaaora ayea twinkles in th moat iriendly way i aront yon working rather uur and at things at oooal moat of ns lb ink our- elvae doing well if m era busy wi one jean dalmont uugbad shyly it waa imposaibla not to like this kindly unassuming pro aor and it wss an easy to forget that ha waa a moat in- flaaatlal andautboratva flgure in tba world out there the college world which waa so familiar to ber brother bdgari k is lata for thla but im not tired air liar words were slmprs and dir ect mlaa ben wanta thla dress in the morning ami i promised id hav it ready for her and i often study uy latin ilka this i rather ilka it ive almost gone over th lasson profmseor simeon bruce opened his yea wider he forgot that be had beau on th point of apologising foe hla inlruslon nod leaving th girl free to proceed with betr latin tta looked about blm aroqoi rich in aabog any liver and cut gus what need then for the daughter of david dal mont to be tolling tbn lata into the night for others f if tha gown bad bean tba girls own now who u luaa rverar asked tb professor gently and with polite inter est ah ought to be pleased with your work my dear it la perfect jean flnabed wltb pleasure she la lfrofoeeorbsnie and so she lata do it she la n cousin of lira gordon next door air i offered to do it for bar one and since than tb wanted niolo do up her things 1 uki and why ah pays me a dollar for ironing a dram like this r ptvfoaaor uruce was mora posaled than ever what should tbw dangle tor of liavld delntoot oar about paltry dollar and sh dldot look ttarwnaryvreallyt u smiled a uttlp at lb thought ua did not want to be uriduly curious but what myetery lay beneath this its worth that said be thought fully then with a sudden twinkle tomorrow i tappose youll apeod it all for bonbons 4 the f weatfsoa wijt lower over the gown nuvjeaa trailed honest bin ye to him she shook bar fair hand and smiled id really like to air bat i wont yoaaeelwbt4oov rant nw to do ibis beba doesnt know of it usually but waa bad luaam lately mvets onesn know or ihay wouldnt trouble fktbar so and if our isonwahould go- 8be pansed and lookedallttla frlght njad after bavlnf ssid so much but jkaasured by the steady tindaratand fbg eye of tb prrteeeor she onlabed ad i like to help htm even though it dqttftore than this we we moat end ehrar bfs alowarcvery month yoo know ahe oooc1i4p4 ii iour- offacl tone th profeaaor sunk hla thin deeper into hi eollasv the tutatm took unto themselves a y inure slgtlloant r and edgar might help the profeaaor but bell just be starling for him self then sir and faealdea be doesnt believe in oollage for a gtrl many u it it just th way they look at it ftaunch nafeoaa la lb young vole trofaor simeon brueea bead went up with a rrk youre a gbl of a touaanit he said again he watched her a aba took the lat in grammar from the board allpfted the ruborately f gown from ueuj hung it over a big chair ia eideutiuy be noticed a somew ehabb hoe and a skirt lb worse for ilia eye waa caught by a burn on on bnl iia turned away and usougbtfury onolampbuasi the ctonst on th ublr there waa a ge rap at the door and use next moanant a tall capable looking woman appea ayea alight t lb sight of jean lean i you dont saeaa to tell sne that youi standing here ironing this late that afltae kvevei shall talk to bar and if you arent oarefnl eblld i 1 wont stay away until jfulyl threatened a goodhumored moths ly vole then lb woman noticed th elreag- r and stopped jean islaaout intro- duoed hes aa aire pond the prof- aor bowed deeply as a friend of jeans sb deserved auhoanage mlvofaaaor broe is one of edgars lnatrmtoi at oo re plained jean proudly the vagna look in mrs ponds yea gavn room to inlereat i hop hes getuug along well air tie flnlab with hooora said she glanoleg with a grim sort of fondness at jean when ah had gone jean said mrs pond has always bean our bo ernnui unth father had the she seems like a mother to m and kdgar he doesnt know shes with us now he was visiting a friend in the south during um- christmas vacation and thla summer hes going to spend with my uncle in the black uula hell only be home for two tha professor cleared bla throat and agan talking sboola and laughter boated lalatly uwoogb tb open win dow tbewbisu of looomouv l brated on the ah and from a building ifey ram tb twansr nf th dseeord- arl atrfag of a- violin eslgbjrdelmonte eye were fired on the floor notoojmdurlngumprofsae- or4 talk did be lilt them but the iss almphv words aided by a gee- llbre n pauae tberr iaeltaceauy traoed benwslv into tba nnnory of the young mao who sat so rigidly in bu chair when tba xofaesww had bnutvml kd- gar raised ba bead 11 u moved faer waa proud yet j s in a low votoe be said lvaaaor i didnt know 1 want to lhank yu for ull- in- to older man took slum about the torn as be answered i thought it heat to tell you it waaibjbt thai you should know ills words came 1th difficulty and la tone oddly husky ledger stretched out sla hand he looked older suddenly during this talk boyish responsibility had fallen from blm and manliness and courage come into th foe which hitherto had ban toothed but light ly by tba realities of ufa thank you pro bruce he aid my sister jean is agmoraumoaandbroke in lb tsha is responded the youth im oleg to make it right 1 ahall rorkuee my spar boura i ill make it up to thaaa air ills vole rang with high reso i need an asalelsnl bote in my offic said the peofesaor and i be lieve youre the very aaaa i want del- out bomebow reatraint and awkward- ma had dbapoared and tha half hour th two spent together waa fraught with more meaning for the younger man than either at the ume sssd the wofsenr watched ed gaxdetanont aa b want down the cor- r with pojpoaajon et head equared shonldms 1 hausva sajd tha professor entity rather beuev jean dalasonte brother win send bee too so hell not suspect you a can get along very welu father i not exacting and i have a great deal of um after school and on haturdaya to do th work tb blue eyes abone again and th n nervously angered the bet bombed laun gram- lar altogether it waa a surprising even ing with luillnmlnlogdlaclosureaaod at the endy indelibly stamped into tb heart ot prof simeon bran was tbaaweet eager lac of tb bin eyed jean delnmnt ajskiaftttowiwnglylbe girl had 1ld bar that lart of bar life hltbarlo sno red to her- father and bareelf but utough here was a frank unauspecung nature she would not have talked thus freely to professor bruoe bad be been other than be had proved untnmf to be um troeted frund of her father aa for piofeasor blmeoa bruor people had always told blm things and it bad never occurred to him to credit himself with that quality of ehanutter which inspires eonfjdenoe the next evening as be walked from tbestauou op to the collage be was in a reflecung mood it vraa da oool and aouods carried wait mow and then be passed groups of etudeoti in animated oonveraatloo aa the osmuaofa knot of spirited young fe- lowa be reoognlsed kdgar delmont wltb bla bcrruh face untried irrvapotf- albla and be beard hla gay vole vol- unisarlng to pay for refreshments for lb party jeane bonbons v murmured pro- f drone ftrlmly and pssiej on pondering in hla offloe he paced the floor hla shaggy brows drawn into a perplexed frown once be eat down to attack nssjlecud ork but pimsnuy h waa up obm mora walking to and ho again and egaln he reytewnd tb event of the neeoedibg renlod at length ha flung open h dns tb ikihte war already glimmering tbrough the apru dusk and a acsmtod breexe haunted the long dicp oorrldor he beard fnolatepa npptoaohln and th next rthtsnent siparad um bgur of a young man with v fair half t witair han are steading npoa the glitter ing summits nf achievement all about was it easy tor them to climb to the topi our great lawyer physicians edu cators author states man ministers and merchants went up by a sued that was bath steep and rough by years of toll and many sn and niter c to the supreme aim nf thla ufa they bare ufud utcmeslees out of obscurity and mediocrity even those who bare reached places of average lafltmoee in ufa have bad to pay the price ctrcoaaeutnoes have favored earn nor than they have favored o there but is was the reso lute i will which nerved everyone of them for uw climb the young fallow who cannot say i will ten pedesuned failure there are many auob tbey greatly covet su and they have aaany ad mirable qusiltles which would aurely aid them in achieving the ambition of tbelr hearts but they are irreso lute they lack moral nerve tbey shrink hack from salfdenlala a long steep rongb pathway they will not travel the pries is too grant tbey will not pay it hence bey will never rlaa pier tan twenty yearn from now you will bad them where ussy ere today looking enviously towards um height where stand um who resolutely exclaimed wiur some of th boy and glrla who raadthlspaper need to euluval intf spirit of i wol they are la school tasks are hard oompeution is keen tea in are ledlffarant poor health hinders home ewurgmeut is slight never mind you have est out to win lb your school lira than wlnatauhaxarda bay i will r 1 others of older ywnra are la collage tba difficulties encountered in the old bom school are bare muluplied six fold friend re fa honey u acaroa your room u nhiwi lass yon are in oompaulioa with classmates whose mlnda are k and stronger b seems doubtful you are often tempted to etirvender do not do it i hold steadily 1 say 1 wlllf suu other young feuowa have start ed in a basin si i career they are having it hard uhpllal is limited f vocatio is none too good creditors are umcrapuloo friend upon whom they looked forpnukal aid have for gotten tbaso thing look buek diaoouraganmnucrowil upon thobeahi of dleeo they are i4mpl edtosnyi i may as welt surreuder now aa later do not do itl stand your ground i laugn at dimcultleel bafydafeatl oo straight ahead 1 ouasbl bay i will w- youag peoples weakly of use tnol wintry days of urn entire season georgetown council is tagging the dogs in tb mutuclpsllty slm for the dog end ten canla for the tag to show the tax u paid mr jshn werreu la gatlluk walarl ala tckfjether liar ute smscllon of a brick bouse on bla farm lu town itsv henry tljwrll rmoly m of the moat acorptalila young nen of tha eonferancv will preach in lis- halbodut clturoli on kundy a number of the bsplut wonunt ubahsa circle of ieorbsliwn vullrd the acton circle un friday avasitna a ut and nroatabla nmtlng ulng bald at the home of lira t k u secord ilua tana uoltat wlso resodod in acton a nuinber of yeara and mho ago left to engagst in uflaaianary work died of eoamiuiplion in hlcaa where ahe bad toe engaeed in city mlasko work dr keating of ouelpb a well- known pbyalciai was found early sunday morning in a auppoerdly un- cooerioua condition in h surgery which waa on are from an exploded lamp after being removed u was found by oonaulung doetors that ir keating bad been deed aom time before th explosnon on saturday evening dr lowry had tewphoned him to be lu readiness to cow dawn for coneultaliou on a critical case bare after sous four or fivs week of seta eervlces lu the uethodlst church rev air edge bald a rvcep- sunday amrwlag preaching fram ksamlne yourselves srbetber ye be in th faith after which fle adult were bapdaed and twenty41ve adults end savaial child ren t into church menibwrahlp a checker game acton vs use house waa played in newtons ware house umebousa tasulting in a score of u to 19 in favor of acton with two tittginihwjttt noted as follows haubewava wheeler t uar- irwln lambert vs nlckellt blacker va potdevlat laweon vs newton holmes vs afoore xjirk vs mr harvey on of actons beat puyera was whltawaahed by hu pponnnt llmshouas cor in the school board six tender were received for the erection of a brick building but as in the maanueae an preaaiori had been created that a stone building would be cheaper of aa good appearance ahd meet require meats ea effectually it waa decided to ask the tender to prese new ten ders fur a atone building two ware from acton one from georgetown and three from brampton hr fred secord is home on a short visit hr and ura john p oeeord ot ortllia war in town thla weak hr c w hill of honroe hlch epent a few days last week in hla old borne laat juneur itobl bingham waa called to mourn thedeathofltle father on friday his mother followed her partner in life to tbelr eternal home both had reached a ripe old age ur- geo uoor la spending a few weekawith hla parents at ijmehouse having juat graduated from ohio col lege of dental bnrgery ha will leave shortly for monroe mich where a brstlaas situation awaits blm ur w selwood balliuafed well known in acton was taken to the boapital at toronto a few weeks ago and died there on friday boan bawscaoa ike mb last te mr and un s t rujraaa i aatea an harm lata u ur aa ms pea valvassr asm hajuukp urn a xuynrrkr do you know theres iota o peo4e sellln round in avsry town urtiwlln like a broody chicken knockln every good thing down 1 dont you be that kind o eatur oauae tbey aint no use oo earth yon just be a booster rooster crow and boost for all jou re worth if your town needs boostlu boosts ifctnt hold back to wslt ami see if home other fellows wlllln hail right in thlscountrya frar noonesgitta mortgage on it its just youraas inucbu hla- if voavtown uahy onbooalera you gel in the booatln blx if thlnga juat dont aeam to tult you and the world aeenui kinder wrong what a the matter with a- boo- 1 in juat to help the thing along cane if thlnga abould slnp agoln wed bvlqa eorry pdght yin just keep tha born ablowln itooat er up wltb all your mlrbt h you know some fellers falllna juat forget em caoe you know that aame fellera got some good points thems the imea you want to suow caat your loaves out on use -wa- ter thayiroonsalsack a saying tsue uebb too theyll mine hack butler whan a t feller booats for yoi censure oiusurx- uiul irliscum uetir hurt uoxtmmly if trus llsey show a utmi tiui aiil hsliila uiul turv xoni him jrliit fnlluro sitd trtxthh- if fou- ii cauuul hurt tilm iilrj ha u wontliic hi i tmrrkiwr ladtttitr i hi haouth wbh a little girl who had noticed on various houses about the city the cards by board of health announcing the preaence of contagious dlaease asked her mother what ihey meant her tikrthotwxplalned and the child aald regretfully we never nave anything like that on our housve you would not want it would you r said the another yeat i wooldr replied h gm decidedly some weeks afterwarde the little girl was tshen sick with chickenpox but waa not coobned to her bad on sunday morning th mother noticed that people passing on their way to church turned to gase at the bods and always want away laughing her curiosity waa aroused and she went to tha front parlor to investigate in each of tha front windows was a large placard made evidently hy the little daughter from the side of a pasteboard box on the cards she had printed 1 havatoot iiicikfrojc uais habiko oood mxws the alarm clock went off with a ring curly woke up with a atari and was out of bed with a hound uy it a foggy morning he exclaimed but be discovered that be had set his clock wrong and bad aull two hours of unse ed sleep he dlduotgotobadatouce he slipped on his shoes and jacyet crept out of hla room and along tha passage then he stopped bef a door and hanged ou it confound it groaned a voice smothered in tb sheets tim to get up r no you have twohoursyetaidcurly two hour then why on earth have you called ma up for then l why to warn you observed curly for i made the earn mistake myself r aa jaaaarf si artba 4tus at ml uafaeaa aan et wat b snw at aeeee la iuea mawt dlkd uawaeorat tweatejuwital ea hants llta tsjeieipwa rjhitmw wad efatattaa stave at raara womatmuj rauuat f to aaaka h bers luaurtaut and iher agitatedly wont yott step lntotswoffimforatlatt i ww k your bom yesterday im an old faaodoryoogftnwaojhnow and 1 havo eotna mimun h6garlelinbot obavatl usitswr bad quite understood or uhndhls keenyed proteeaov and ne fell f little uiroomlortable a it est dttwn jn a 1filrtmribetfsslw rvaurgubxuao hag rxavina froarbrooklyn lire comes the re port of a sharp eoeounter between a man and a woman on rode the other gritty mr m v weuknowo bostooun who talks vmrf wlully and playa very well once naked profaawov blacken- eteln what mada him ao vhongbtful mada be replied i am wonda liu bow you ecus rnaka tb pjeno talk eo dlvlneiyand yourself eo tbollebty s m i- t retorted aft m you rather atftatedly wont yott step lt v t k i- to it wberea i know have only yon to listen to me whloh makee the dif ference p prey youveeld th profeaaor puy egaln i ilk your playing beat the bait nwxtd for having wrought well already la to havg mora id dov many women have hair so dull end faded that it u actually repulsive loose women havsjjgobably never heard of parisian back the invlg- oreiingbalrdraeliuiausmngtised by thousands of refined women throughout panada if your hair u railing or talnor faded or umeee ir you have dandruff or itching eoalpt if your hair la not eo fasclnallog go o a t- brown uu eryoiloraoltycent paitiaiansaob and start at one to make your hair perfect and even glorlooat pa1hsian sage u guaranteed to give satisfaction or money back girl sjui auburn hair on a vary cartoon for eel by a t brown and druggists everywhere poidttioax axutlisslkrio la australia as in the united states school saebvre need a urge dlscreuon hera for example la a story from the sydney telegraph a new soolb wales counxry school- at a boy a question in com pound proportion for boma work one evening t happened to include the clrcumaieaoo of men working loo hour a aay la order to compiet a oartalo work next morning toe uq- suspecuog uaeber in looking over the 111 ii pack ot exeaktisa found mlmv sunta unattampted and the fouowlnw latter attached to the page jurrl tefuae to let jim do bla snni ynu give him hut nlte has it looks to ma to he a slur at egbthour eyttum enny trautnot more than h boura he itq i welcome to do but no more your i approechaa nearest psi onluvmavuev atttlv mf usnoau lllablr taiv kliauriaurkd birjt ali thsustlb there had been football game in a smart waatern village it had been terminated without any fatalities and victors and vanquished had met at the principal hotel to eat dinner together n token of restored peace and con- are the hoye all here landlord r asked the captain of the vlctorlou eleven ex he proprietor came to him to announce that everything waa in readlnaas have you counted the noeeer yea sir replied the perspiring landlord ive oounted them some of them are n good deal out of shape but theyre all here a lpmkpontrifaroua idka a member ot congress was much lapreesed wltb th dignity of his posi tion and it waa always on hla mind oo night hla wife awakened blm and whispered i john there are burglars in iho bouse you must be mistaken my dear be answered there may be in the senate but in th house oh no the oa la preposterous there never was and never will be a universal panacea in one remedy for all ms to which flesh le heir what would relieve one iii in turn would aggravate the others we have bow- ever in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous 111 by lu gradual and judlcloua one the frailest system are led iqio etmvnlee- oence and strength by the influence which quinine exarta on nature own restorative it relieve those to whom cbronlo state of morbid drnpondejiey- and lack of luureaiin life la s dleease and by bnvaqullixlng the nerve disposes to sound and rsfreahlng sleep imparts vigor to the action or the blood which being stimulated courses through tb veins artiiagtheitig the bealtby animal bshvitloo of tbe system thereby making activity a neeesaary reeult strengthening the frame and giving ufo to tha dlgesuve organs which naturally narnand iscreased substance leault improved appetite north rop e lyman of toronto have giver to the public their wperior quinine by tbeopiuion ol soinntbua lite wine nearest narfecllon of any airiftitytt