Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 21, 1912, p. 2

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aatoe to jawtiu uarstu otter m op tbareasy uerb7lb usmra jo i br iso laouralpt atpelenea oerrldayeihmereb oomrtala wlla 14 uaaber lujlr ba ead t en haobtv 11 st jeeepl v hospital tlaelpb ae w bfauh kw varies twtt- o icdward end ehnhtr ef til man juton jfro ixss tiiutlsday u a koii u 1012 umtoriau kofav tt would hkku ituw to be o to mr hasserd eeelng that lila elate dhou tttat cigarettes sra row being old plentifully lo boys in abort pants in aston are disputed by lolh useve ilrods and ltev hr burrell to furnish evidence proving ibis illicit sale otherwise what will ibe public be forced to conclude tlik tio luutmkxt will uk ivru moot for a cash grant for the fenian luld vetetvoomwjmu8to notlo of a resolution allowing each veteran who sew motive aervlee i0o la given by tb minister of militia there are imm tan thousand veterans of lbs fenian ktui la canada but probably only uhkimimi will qualify for ilia grant aa having aaan qghllng imhh atlonh now point to tba and of the ma eoel slrlke in knglaod in a faw day- tha gotrnmnl i mini nun waaje bill la expected to recelva tha kings signature on saturday and thoa become law m tha bill broughl la by that government 1 alufaetory to tha leaders of tha strike work will be ro at onoa provided tha mini main vrage woala ta effective from the data of tba resumption of work ta or christian men aa4 wosmo who ever attend edj at oeuncrt tks afitatiui which has been stir ring tha mother and falhrrs f ihf grnwlag itoya ol 4 or town -and- the christian ri rfcrrs generally in oppo sition l the proposal introduced in thac tunrll two weeks ago to raduca tlu clgarrlt license fee culminated in tbo willing upon tlin hears and council at their masting on u today araningor lbs largsat drputaiion that haw ever graced the oouncll chamber tha drputall m eodprlfid nhm fifty india and a di son or so of gentlem tha paiitl tt praying lit council to defer further action tba maltrr reducing the license foeand toe nslder the refusal of licenses at any price bore tba sigilaturws of nearly 400 ell vans and had nearly twelve fast of it uau bkkm announced for souie time that tha railway oonatrucuon to be puabej forward in the western provinces daring the present season will call for the expenditure of about crttttmo0a the hoes to be built will cover three thousand miles and are partly contracted for and partly graded for this work 00000 man will ba required and there seems to he aocae rear in the west that tula ab normal demand will result in some thing of a labor famine una author- ty states that at least 3000 nuin will have to be brought from great tliitaii and kurope before hltn as to where or from whom 1 purchased ir obtained olganttes alisfectlon of tba jostle shall deemed a eoolernpt of court no okimou for over 4 000 cars of various classes have recently bean placed by tba grand trunk lutfway to augment its present equipment these include 44 pass poaches 23 baggage cars 300 box cars od i 000 coal cars apart from which mh cars of all kinds have been received and pot into ecrvloe during- the past quarter the orand trunk baa also ordered 1 000 freight cars from tba canadian osr and foundry co hbo refrigerator cars in chicago and 360 automobile care in detroit de livery of tbeea but to commence this april and to be completed at the rate off sb car par day btatmietrrs were made and repeat ad at the council chamber on uoudsy evening that tha people petitioning gainst tba reduction of the cigarette jideaaa fee have never done anything to enforce tba provlalona off tha by law or of the statutes tha statement was brat made by a young man who baa not resided id aetoa mora than two or three years it will evidently benewe to him and some other to ba informed i that in tba only ease where evi l a charge of violation of selling cigarette under this by law was round the violator was prompt ly fined 91000 and costs further that ladle who were members of the dapatatloo at their own eipeaec had placed placard bearing he provision off the statute relative to bales or tobaoooa to minora in every store in town where tobaccos or cigar were offered for sale council had a big audience the iwcm accounts council mat la regular session on uooday evening beeve hyods in the chair and mem bar ail present tba cornell chamber was crowded with the deputation of mother and fathers and other interested dtlsans 1 rsduotlon of the and the ftneveeaplalned thai in response to ths request of a deputation of ladles he had agreed to receive the petit bin and bear the addresses upon tba open lug of lbs council iuv ohss i draper who was lb flrst spokesman of tha deputation said the large numbsr of citizens present bad come with utmost eonft- dence in their mission because of the importance of their efforts in behalf of tha youth of our town and in view of their kindly reception he felt sore the iteere ami c hi noil would give lite petition the consideration it deserves hack or the petition is the strong sentluisnt of ths community in favor if tb efforts being put forth by uj ve have not coute as a religious body hut in behalf of the physical welfare off the youth of the commun ity we urge upon you the value of tba petition numerous examples of thehtjurlous character of the use of clgarsltas ware given in the testi monies rf phyalctana educationists merchants and others which be quoted we come to you not aa fanatics but in the interests off our boy that they may hava a fair chance and we believe you will onnalder the matter carefully and come to a wise conclusion mr k j ilaasardtban aros said urmake a few remarks to justify bis action and put himself right before the people lie was quite willing to admit that cigarette emoktng jurlous to boys but a good many cigarette smokenfooma to acton and they will have them owing to the prohibitive license they are now sold illegally and sold plentifully to boy in short pants people are now going to guetpb and georgetown for them and there are surely enough people going out of town now without forcing them pul for cigarettes no youths would get them from me be said i think the council is quite justified in their action and feel that la applying for a reducuon of the license fee lam acting in the interest of the boy nothing ba been dona tn igp fryn fnrn gat ting cigarette illicitly i claim that no boy under twenty should ba allow ed to amoka cigarette i have seen a dosen boys in short pants smoking pipe cigars and cigarettes iq waiting room at tba skating rink bat they did not get tbem from me samuel laird said i dont tblnkhla i any good these people dont take any action now in having boy arrested for smoking tbeea women wtuld be better at borne clean ingaup tholr house than coming here to the couicll if they read their bible they would and that women should not apeak lu public i am 77 years of age and have smoked all my life and it hasnt hurt me i think tba whole blame for this agitation ahould be put on the young man who brought in the motion to change tha by law i ftffr i bv ko burrtdl lia- 1 mudest n to remain silent here but there are now a few thing i would like to ssy there la no suggestion of eomjly to any one in our delegation coming here wa have come in the ge apm do not believe mr hi slatemeou that cigarettes jr aokl to boys in town we have the cigarette by law constables and offleere who jareon oglh loess that ilia by law is enforced we have a strong sentiment against it and these are reasons why we have few boys smoking cigarettes in acton this by law has been in effect fur about ten years sod never beforahaslliere been a whupsr of a rvpsrfajfeksduclion of license tee 1 am aorry wsw msttar waa brought up st lem meeting of the council in view of this public protest as video eed by this urge deputation and the largely signed petition i will etrocjgly urge upon the council that they defer any further action until tba matter is given very mature consideration have only one vote but i will use it as conscientiously as i know how 1 am however not ready to comply with the second request that no license be granted at the present as of 7500 councillor smith mr llaasard as jrou are aware came here and asksd hat the license tee be reduced to i find the fee in toronto and hamilton is wis and in tiuelph glfi and there are a goad people in these places aa in acton i was comparing acton with other cities and thought it nothing but right that we give a fair deal to a merchant in town i felt sore at tba auction bau kikoiarrmi tuuuat maikii 30 sale of stock and implements the property i lln chat lea johnston lol si second liir tqusng near acton trrntn leu months it j kkhu auctlpnsrr tllubmiuv nalllii 28ksle of farm stock and implements the properly t james wsersn acton hkxj pktcii a net looser 8vttk1ivy mviun auh the farm stack in piemen is furniture stc b longing to the estate of tha isle hugh mann acton jmikma mi l vi i auctlooeer petition aa that no reduot cqpiretu tfbeose fee be tba committee on finance present ad their alxto report and recommend ad payment off aooouuts aa follow 1 conger coal co nut c ial 114 75 g t r freight and dut conger coal co nut c ial g t r freight ud duty aoton fre press printing j ji mackanmle repairs can ool babbar oo hbee john harvey mppll ac bh modauald riiptotur w d andareoo bsp 1 bobt storey oametery geo uavlll repairs a j afaetinuon j r j mcnabbtliep het off b o brown labor t officer 10 220 485 1 10 4 41 4 60 1 so 400 800 1 tlil 70 tba raport was adopted chief aac reported that tha sod feat of new boa bad been tasted at high pfwasurvj and bad proven asuafac lory j the printed copies of the auditor report war presente and dlstribut ed t rbellesve reported mxrre respect ing tb hydro- weclrla fcy uw sod d beotammht ebowed that earsrul a- untfon vfeelein given all matters lo cc with lb propoaltlon it wm leportthat two care of coal bad been aecurrd and dutrlbutsd to rellavqlbe sltqatloo kvldenoap ware very where manirast that qda acuoo ot the cjounell waa appreelated by the civilvlbssfadrurieev s w and in th bast interest of those here and off those outside 1 have found mr uassard very honest and gentle manly in hi dealing but his state- manta here about young boy smoking ebrareitaa ahould be proven before they are taken seriously the licens ing off a new dealer in cigarettes will certainly not reduce their sale in in town 1 believe the matter came op in tbo council and passed to the tag it baa without dueconslderauoo wo represent about 400 good cltlsen and we have come in the interest of theboy the boys ought to bo pro tected from itila thing i have bad personal experience of the evils off the cigarette habit and i appeal to you to do all you can to help tba boy of tbla community hear in mind we are her only for the sake of tba boy beeve ifynde then addressed the tba deputation ho eald it la not often we are favored with such a huge attendance of clllaena we are usually left very luuofa alone i assure you the council is not looking ror trouble wa are generally given our share or that and during the past week have bad our hand full in supplying coal to overcome the famine and in geulag the pavement cleared off snow but we must give atlsntlon to so large and influential a deputation end such a re presentative petition you an making two request 1st no reduction of cigarette license fee and sod that 00 license be panted borne have aid to me during urn week yqu are rolug to aweep wy the protection rum th boy iff you reduoa tha license fee but i mult inform you that tba statute off duroouotvy gvo pro tectlpn id the boys tba luevc bare read eection of tba statute of 1 touching the matter as follow 1 u bnhty off an offence and liable oosuattnary conviction to a penalty of lo for orst offence tt paum phjkhm for not pulling me fairly before the psopls isst december and it pots thld matter up to me again councillor uodonsid it u with deep regret that i rhte to my feet my views largely coincide with the heeve on this question cigarette in- baccos and papers are hard to dlrf nate men com to town that wlu have them and i bey resort to various to msnnraeture them for them tba rednetlon proposed waa approved by cigarette smokers i am averse to cutting off tha privileges of any man let him smoke his pipe bis cigar hie cigarette or eat his ice cream if be likes i am sura under the circumstances tba council will give the matter mora serious conudsration i cannot agree with tba suggestion however that we refuse a license at any price i waa a cigarette amoksr but gave up the habit because it did not agree with me i do not think 1 would be a robust a man iff 1 bad con- unoed i think no boy should smoke under tba age off twenty i notice the of our niarchanta are very scare on t ba petition while wa do not have very much dgareue smoking among boys la aetoa we know cigar ettes are eold here the iteeve in answer to a question id it la the duty of tha officials nployed by tba council to enforce tba provisions or tha bylaw and off the statute constable harvryi have never eeo a boy under age smoking cigar acton sioce i was swwn in two years ago bar mr draper we appreciate mar kindness in the matter mr beeve and councillors and leave you with tba coondeot bone that no far as you can you will comply with tba prayer off tba petition we did not come to make rash statements and this deputation would gladly ba fur nished with the evidence referred to bare by several of tba speaker a to violation of tba law in tbla matter acton certainly has a minimum off cigarette emokere among the boy tba deputation ba done their work tornlgbfe from be very highest mo tives r tba reeve your reninrke have cer tainly bean temperate moderate and i promise you all fair cooatder- the discussion of this matter the uquot cases last ftldav overland motor cars and trucks modeta sio mil m la an 1 nfliclency f 1 v above c tt represents our fvo pasucugcr tlilily horse power tar at 1379 delivered in toronto fully equipped call without i all and wee our iqi3 model shawoverlnd sales co s3 to 39 aduacf 3l wwat toronto ont millinery opening miss mac hw ikorne ifasopeaed bar mluisary store la lbs pre mlara occapied by her laal asssoe on main street where all lbs laisal sad most elylub osateas la spring millinery win be showo spring openini on friday saturday merck 22d amd 23rd a cordul lavllsllon is exended 10 all be ladles of acioa end vidnliy to oil sad inspect our assortment ol lhaulesi thing in bating heed wear kx1 ukihnchd sill i imhtb ebxxxxc0000qootx00000 spring millinery opening friday and saturday ftlvcch 22nd and 23rd on ihr tbovt i ttcfi wt will make our first showing of spririg millinery ior the spring season of ujtj wc will wclcomclhc in spection of t lie ladies on these and succeeding d iyh w ire milting t big push fur big busine s in this deptrt ment 1 he high stmdmg of our product will he maintained ind ihe prices will ho i rcvclition v ire determined that our tridc jhtll have the bejt v due otcrtd inywherc ilrlu juhfrlisratrntn ttljr unplrt tlurb jldoit ml v i u lllfhithll ii a taslor unoav mak j4ih ch0k k hi 11 roi mim mh- r itii wl o will j intf i nam a i low irlsss i kaitduoiii a co c0untjsu iiiilok j100ks dsmrlpllot qnanmif pr kind dou l hd4 oat al town tat lluu jrs tot beust m ufsatlou bdd nhmw in ba umil henderson co mill sl acton ont sxkxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxr prince edward county ontario tttl oardcn county o canada imtmjstmes aia sad 1 yls t- nnllnl tutml uu tlcliin tllhk libbldk rh ty mdjr uitrt fat nllpro- of hlnhi mrs wtlh ni4tal lanvn ilalrynmm sim lisit grown looking lor tcod lorajloo sootl ri or inolmnu la flumr rrtaos kd n im llnvntim vuf lllauralol louctf s4 mlkr irbulleb wiluila r a hacvannm ssssssa tv flaaa ontabjo canada jnhstiiiaanarjauniuidusuimwkm foransqad oonua 14 m lor ibirf rladlntoujmlq oowm who dlrwujr or or glxn or htraltho prraa undis ih or n jrn ijnnuv mp lpr whfiaf cor bu own tmoriworaeluferclmior forolth- m to ktieh prraoa tottublbrt i1iri elgs it cball iw tbo datjr qt onv 000- ubh to oofm ony objfmo efgontto limoartotmaoo inoa form in tbo undor tbo uttt toro ww bo oodo rnoklim ebowlfw or nboot to s ff tf itnaf ftswriajealbb lawgtlti uehmam oaabs4 to com up to- mom row the charges against samuel u las- by of the station hotstand albartt lehman off tba domlnloa hotel for lolatloos off the liquor taffytse act ama up beffora ii p afedraandh w kennedy justices off lb caca at tba council obeuibsr last friday morning a f juelin ll r k a bramp ton appeared for the crown abv james ilaverson k c toronto for tba defendants w a horrleon irovlnclal oflloer was the prosecutor inspector iferrali was also preseot when the cases against a j lab man were called his counsel requested an eolargemcot for a week a be wa not ready to proceed this was agreed to in the oaae against 8 ii lasby for keerjoa for sale tlietnkrulorllquorr flftaea bottle off imperial whbkeytwo off gin and ttaalr offwhbey were pro duced and the plea off guilty waa made lasby waa fiord tba maximum penalty for keeping llqoor for tba purpose of ale barter and trefllo jteveinvrltbout a lloeuee saxoo and coets of 1890 the magutratse gave tba provincial officer an order for tbe oonltscauoa and destruction of tbe liquor and tbe asooud spectacu despatch off contra band liquor by provincial officer in acton wlthlo tea months took place tba other ease against lasby for selling liquor contrary to law waa aa urged for a week and will coma up wltb tba lehman case tomorrow at brown g dvooistxtattthm g 3swaisarvaerawswiaw vmrwjmeesjrsawsa aetoa ont manuiiqdaapdanndddhiaaa choose your wall papers noiaz fr07vtc our spring stock i o niibs the new w itl papers wc are showing this spring is to miss the best ever ecctt in town dont decide on your new decoritions until you come and learn for yourself how far in advincc of the usual wall papers these goods are they cost no more thin the ordiniry kind but they ire so original bo tastefully designed in every detail uo rircfullj colored that the usual run of wall papers seem insignificant beside them i hough wo hive sold good wall papers since opening this department this springs new goods are by all odds the best you must sec them to apprcet ite them let us show you the charming combina tions which can easily he effected with them when you are decorating why not have papers with which the newest and moat upto date oftecls can be produced come in and see these new goods and it you will tell as which room you wish to dccoratcwcwtu suggest novel and attractive decorative troatinonts which can be- easily obtained mens clofhfi d e macdonald bros cor wyadoam and macdoncli streets guelph ont dress goods on tuesday evvulog of last week liceu inspector uattbsw o beckett sejaed one hundred and wtyflve pi lisj of whiskey la berrebfoa tbe road bstween obauworui and 9sren sound barrel wire addressed to robin spn cbetswortii aud were being twarerrad la a slehrb to uwenbouod tba inspector cbum lo know tbe p 4hswrttflvrili begin legal proceed log at ottos meanwhile tbe whiskey oomtlttrtina probably tbe largest sisarina4e atqwaq bound u tindar lock mod key y ipse metropolitan bank haul office toronto ont capital paid up undivided prootsi over joojooo wutsowo gloodo0 systenutie saving a more tbsa is real iced two dollars deposited evary ntonlli will smoant with latsrest la tea years to stoho qpan an account in our kavlnjra deparimenl and make it a point to lay aalds s3 ranch every mocih oo dollar la sufficient lo make a hart acton branch be e burling manager golden opportunity dm pnrllmvonmgbm wall to gat bu bw guelph business college otgnrtt ont 1 sow lis la jaryoirtv it wlu pay say rsmosa tseutousej toe hi i taeosliss osssrtsi qnauaaa yea to profll be wa baaosts foe isras aad bssersus snpes ho bur ttava to asssr ttm a eosna tsan how oes sire to treegase smss upeer wyssbsbi htrss er searasj malcolm maccnrm ack b a prin hofespkkebs exctlrsions -to- western canada via chicago l 8swivw april and itb sad soth and every saoood tueaday ibsresiiar until sept 17th laclualve l winnii anotrkturn 93400 bdmontoi and jlettttn mooo teodior6vrfeya rveportloeale eiaivsls jbsrt jsarssu at be on savba certain dstss via sarnla and tfonbara navisitloo company low ra1us to the pacific coast tickets on sajs dally anill april 131b sfttlerfi one way tickets to usaltaba saakajobswad and 11 bsrta on aal every tasadsy la mftrcb ad full psnlculsrs and tickets from say onnd trattk ageat or write a b ntf xrimrict i toronio odl jiv s holmes agent jrtfidt 1l r todry iu den 9hkld all kites worth tip to t aj todny to uoscn odd mknbmiirlb wortli uii to i hi today a a ut lit ivath hut up lo ib today 4toonu j a chuueu in uhlrus 1 i e nelson merehaus tvdlor mibbihhablahslmblmhhmmhbihablhslhb ar d horr wishes to anrtounce to the people of acton and surrounding district that ho has placed in his store a foil assortment of groceries aluo a complete line of new spring goods which will be 00 sale at lowest living prices farmers produce taken in txcaneo for floods highest prices paid for same see our windows next week george keil a0ton 1ractioal vapbtlhancudlt paintiin 37 yeats biperleoce ooop woavuamsmr pauurr attknyios lbti maths lklu sanitary wouk rswl ahnrdara nilsd la a dmsb asd my iunr and alooaui art la a ssbluvrir aanhllltaa hae ilia anutity o uia ataxs la aadartaka illavstk ordonuiiunii ihuoh uireoau ibapoai ocbaa o slts mr knltar inapastor sill aeal ccwiit i haa ilia anlttmit irstl liar 1 auaulloo notice 10 crkdirors in tits matter of the ketate of alssan- devh dell late of use township of esqueaunar in tbe county of hal seas perme daoaaswt nottcb la liarat t alm parsoaat to wl hts of ontario i laa u sfib cse- lsus uisl allaroalllvnuhoiiabslaaslaiaoa ajralnil tha lata of ibaaaia alaasgwlt bsu wbuilladda or alxtai iba twaslj srst ssv 4 i 1sii s rasnlrsbl ss or fa slats tea rwmhfnlaujdarof umtmh lilt idmvs by ma cpau or sa4lar to a j alansbs of lb vu- of amttm in tba uoaaty of illloa sat for lbs bihmoh tbalr uiritllaa an immn addraaaaa aud daamlpuoo um lull vuhin of tbalr auiiba ariaad tf ajb4au ute stale- saad to duliibnt uu aaa asnl oal to tba alains of a liava nnilos sod uiat tba bo ba labia for lb aau bsraof la tar paraon or pa htab tba sball tbssi aassta or say par um uula of diatribe lioa llstwlat aotdi uli6tbdr of afanb iv1s n0tick to creditors in th matter or the statsvta of wil liam ctaerord late oftbstowa- ehlp orhassacawsys in tha coun ty of hajtoai parnwr dseeaaed notiob la banbr aiva paraasnt to tba kaviaadntaloae otoatuto uaorsa ibabttb mil tins ilni leal ilia aalata of tba said wllllaa urasford aboolwlaat oraboattbateaatvbrtbdav meweaaber tvis are raqulrad oo or won ibe tstta da afblsnb ibi1 to aaod bv en srapaid or dsllvav la if j mamsbb al lb villa m a otoe la iba jondty of raltoe aaet for u ibalr obrlstlae aa iinlima addim sard only to ibealaltaa of blob b sball lb hava neuaa and iba um said uaoul sill so ba llabla tor tba said aasats si t to ui parson ov nanooa of l sball aot hava baaa raoalrs blui at the una of dutiibauoa isv4 m j uaw mill dated at ulan tbla sib day el alarab laii t notice railway oompaa lo iba i mmuhm um rrom sosaa polat st 0 aalpb la um oonatr waluawtoa 1 olst at or sear barlla pnataa llaapala bu bi sblpaof rje uavartr fbun bora wsat and letestsv to snaaad hamloe ose of tbeiuatuta of v words onnnlk si in lbs till us lharaot tba words o fr p antborlaad uamlllna ilea si oraaarcnokavtris la uia jon at r af paal e 4 tolnsreaaatbaoapllslatoolr to anumulu the ussa of bonds or itabratsre stook to in llnjabrtdfuonbaa uutolr- atla plant and tba appattsasaaas tbanto an 1 all otbev slaatrtosl aqulpautnt naaassar for u a porpesaa of tba oompaa dl to aslead iba hum for tba aouiuialuio meat and aotunlatlnn of ibe cowpanv lis asd for br piurpasaa listed at toronto tbls slllt day of itaoc tf 11 wmy 3ih auction lle iabm stook impnu- mbnt8 rullni t0kb tiustsatnf tba latb huph mann to ssll b tmbllo anouoa oa lb pratnlss lot w son i kanastas at untvlhsaant aelsu o saturday march soth monap sloes sbarp to reuewlnk nrodk1 span k1 sf isdnpweyi idituasksa jjlebl jyi h ruai wairva ibarp to reltovi u ysara dus 1st isaboraas upob- i nw yra tulls lauusnaj blaak 1 buek sow a vta v ra- i 1 it jane t 1 busk now 0 yra rresb 1 j our millinery opening 41 monday and tuesday h march 25th and 26th 1 d k orr wrrn blook aoton iffl miks vsssu issras 1 1 isst nljiaisin btludatoaa ladder uscnst i clearing auction saiih iv labm stock and 1m- tjismuntm tha undaralanad baa basn insbraatsd br mrs charlbs johnston leaallbrpubllasuatlaoonlot mooihi ii ksqnaalnt uaar aoton oo tuesday march 3qth nralp food isallbamaast it ottia- vsara ullkla wll pp w be in sail i 1 spouad bairr a vaaia iqilul i blank row v yaars ttna to el lu april 1 rod balfar ruin 9 years due to aalva april tbase are llraialaas aoaf b rl nsulmluvaars 1 bbukbausr lyaaoll llara rtalo 1 yaar 1 yonna oalr 1 vk in apri riuh1 brood soar i tt j npiin vniobluott i plea if uol pmvlpusly sold i daau bun luuuuuntfj dvaiins blndsr in tiwl spsilsssruaiu itioaw to ooj lu saad drill iua loolb sullivator salay iv iplauryplow iplrtw in iaiar llawllton r polpsr uom vu ts 1 1 tslforaa lark losaiutffll rska bsy n barrows talar llawllton soulbar taualnd i- i- j 1- tab aoalas i soo iba barlsy lik flbslm ulbar skaioa siajr apairof food bars oollt 1 wood stove baalar a iusuthv of bay tltruhalluoisof tan ilollars and ever ibalaninunt isuuioutbs craflu ii osl iai fowl and ut i fartv is ran tail llj xeuu olbarinu auction sale famm stock and im- bjjbmmnts tt a undanls l i ratal red inaliuatlu vvarrbn llou si aatoa bssr u t i i nsshiokaa busbal uaaanr a table braes i rakes is bans bsltbusb bsrlsyroi heavy haraen i bridle impair blank gfg and kgtmztummmqmmhvws itouhalloud ruwiitutti a uasaaotieimsaselarattsira l si a tbo u ah r 1 nun ursday march jbth l tbatullawlu ovl a talr tta uatullowl ltlr nisiebadlarobaioi h1 n wl tior thsmpalrl iswhi imnlluobi 1 pair ttaaadu oolu islynnom aood ta work an difvs ho preonlv sold i l bay mare supposed in we in loal i 1 1 a tiorm v ysaroldamldri- 1 v t in rarroraaar uatti ft i llofaisln sow due la asasat 1 blaab andebltamw due in utew i 1 ritoo das in aprl t creda saw 1 roan new do 1 1 jtinal i jtim tow t in october layesroul lisllsr k i wl j i resit saw b tan dm tluiaulsalr bin and nualliy 1 1 oew blears una uarebadi laowbf yaarr ouel too ibew years tltna uot known eipsotod in april ijljwenwitimwrwtmob i ssto4 bstj alaisla ism alslsb nsaoa ldtrji f tootw anlttssinr bone rake 1 sal ksv ft lflr pnlpar t naw ttsnnln mill idr bin robe i tbdbopa nits i sat whtmauee and iniok yoke i qraam aspsrswr usw esaae- llvnoibi abarq todsbuantkqxilitanauly p ublbsrlbsldf ad out i i rnurfbosjl booaa rpo is and wboaslisal i slioltsm will iron bnopo all twaplata terms tuada known day ol sale ttlhhs otaabfhah autns sf tss uolar isditsafrlblnapinadjelnsotaa btwr id par asrttitn nit for sssb ha ttastress ru-lrangtj- aatlloasas af ttiftibjjiri

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