Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 28, 1912, p. 2

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uh brides dike umajmlm on asuaa a m fc ids o f w ur eomiuut la w m lult unb 141 som suimtau tuu e- ey alatab ulfc at im ihhm in x- mmim m uwwlit hnep 900 and wojo cost sat nty at rti uecou im um uj im mhuouiam xbe artrm jtree ms thursday malloil uh 1013 auditoajak motes mm d iikxdkuwok m 1 baa cer tainly been busy in ualton nlerela slnos lb gabual elections ptlb- ua unommomal this trak prove this very oo host oflloe and custom house fur acton public baudiog tor mil too harbor improve- nan for burlington are surely pretty ttsfectory lut for odd session twk you mr henderson finc new government build ing for acton ihmrtt ho tiom at tm1 domimon the adjourned cases against a j jtbebupplciunturv euluuocm jur ihr j4 corning nal year tabled in lit riini- moniutntunid iigbl tijr the min later cf tfnanc provldnfor mo addi tional expenditure of nineteen millions 1 hundred andlan thousand and thirty tihic dilare divided ia07 fmi oonaol dated fund account and w- tkf751il n capital account the total la eonie tan million abort of ibe orig inal draft nbni it ted fit council tba prunlngknlfolinlng liberally used o saturday tho residents of till town will re- jul iliat ihaaupplemontaryeellniatee include an item f u0oo0l iwa lornmul building in acton thu la generally understood lo luran a iwliirflcn aad diatoms iloute wblcb lx to grace trominanl curnrr mi una of our hulnoaa streets mr htinderaoii baa wa understand vary wall matured binse of what such a public building should bo and i ha puxk phvhm la hud it will im an imposing alruoturn and a credit lo our growing town reauniably will tie ijmulir in many respects ui gavtrnwinl build- inge erected inolbentowna in canada of acton ahte and irapobtance it may w modelled after tba floe structures reeled in kurgua and klora last year i will be generally admitted that tba building bar should at least rqual tboaa of the town named the ila f 10000 u regarded aa tba preltiultutry vota to be auppuinanted aa tb bulldlne prngeaaia tba estimate lo include a vote of w000 for a building at hilton bur- hngton gala 20000 for a ratilroral all lor the li arbor there up for bearing before jueucee ii moore and- ii xv krnnej- a a laai friday at a- oa at i be council fianibrr the information of irw- fi hortl aon provuicll offlcw e barged that unuwrol aalr of liqnor bad been made by tba drodnt onlhexkfaand atb frbruary jama ifarereon k c eounael for air lrhmen flaadnd guilty oo lotb cnemee the mgl trataa lutpoaad hove of ts00 and coale in each cur tba total amount lag- lo vuqg0 mr fbuou ha al laat eotne to realix that tba law u atrofurar than any auao and cannot be violated with inipugnky lie baa determined toab- aolutaly refua to eell intoxlcmtlne ilunor in future and will not regard aa bl irtanda any wbo arajk to aacnre liquor from blut in ibb datermlnn- uon to rllhiully oooform to the r qulmuanta of tbv atalwte he will bare tbr auppott of all rightthinking people in the djuorned caae agmlnat 8 m imaby arguomtnte were beard by mr ilavmon for tan de and mr juaun for tba proaerwllrm dechoou waa further rw for ti prrodt of reference to the au cenerej departanenu auction mavm laawtejnui tuubhiuv hamw aft8a uf far lock and implement the property of jimeiwirm acton bkju pktlii aoctjonaer satvubav maucji aikb tba hrm atock bwnlemrota furnltura etc ba- looslne to the tat of lb lata hugb jannacton judi amiicmaii anctlonrvr ublatuouplai mr and mi t a ivena uf torwi- luara iaitiaifsianda in iunabouar uu uudaay raturnrd boaua thia weak aflrr paodlng the winter in unelpb and hi u ubarinea the arrirml of a ew of coal for mr lane newton ba relieved the fuel fami in ibu pucr wa undarvtand ibal aunm ijme- bouaa property haa c banged battda tbh aprtog a chuich baseball league frktm tlut plvk onukciuohs ela in the by elec in owes scaind on saturday were antilocal op the election wa one of tint hottest on record and all the can didate reoatved urge vote the flght over the hanuhrocnt of the bare ie evidently tot ended yet in thbt town which haaaet an advance pace for the mnnidpellliae of ontario actosh fl at andlng is evident ly cpn giltdged at home and ahuaid the covncll i belnc dejugrd with offer for the ilydrokleetrie plans for adofnon to school uoa by ar feaaa mi aaxl went en err tba canadian investor either for letter haw been raeelved from a flm brofc in london kngland and from a capitalist in mexico city mtfxicp ki um debenture u in ittm maw quite boanlfeet that acton wm aaoneof the b hmmhuj in hrr history tba coming aummef thaervctlcn of the new government bntkung the new hydroklaotrle trjfornier alation and installation i the addition to the public school rmlmhage the oooatructlon of tba new radial road through town urge addi tion to the tannery buildings couv pl of the beard mon ftidillg and awttcm and the noeoesnry number of i nod dwel lings to ac tio the i c population wtuaaeaa that acton will be one nl i uswoualest town la ontario tm qnjtat stwkk of coal nth of great britain i not yet broken thongh hundreds of tba mlnere tpiac back to work it 1 estimated uw etrike ha already onat thaooootry a00000000 kveo if 0- national ooaj atrlk was setuad at a very early nsoomnt and th million mlurra re- larnad at once to work tba condition of the remaining two million turn in other udasthaa wbo have bran render ed uh by the lack of supplies of coal noeuy to carry op their trade ooou not be immediately relieved their taoa of tho of dependrnta arnaadtariot great privauona and in booth waka where tbe rnnds of the tlaen tutloo are completely evbauat- d lalfcfmiog condiuona have been ombiiook unaiiiy aociarrv oal thoraday avwnlnw laat qreenock ijbnacy sodaty bald their annual gaalla avwolnw tho attend ajtoa waa very good allboogh not ao urffj aa on india evonlna two week wj tfrnaaueman rose to the occasion and m phprina and varied pro- paanw nnnawtlrig of music fay the orc and other instrumental tieotloaw eolos duett quart etua raadlrsj and raeitauona an inter- ftflaatdebsicon ihowibject lueol- ad that western canada offer- bst- ur opportunltle to a young man than dona beetera oamtda waa bald the jbraabtlvawaa anpportod by alaaara a v allan and f waat and the nawatlv by mm are j k fearen and tv p near decision waa glren in fmvorof the ifflnmllre on march jltip evortoa literary hoclaty paid qreeno a frtuernal vslt and a is utah cuatotn m ttcellent pro- li- to thoos ooiho waw ifron need a watch or- a tdook you will and that it wiuoostyoa rnucb imnt un u nera thao out there i warrant iarr ona i eell in ibu way that 1 will pay the poatafvmiui wy tm walchob during tha yaar of warrant and alwaya aflar- wardawtava yon arnd them for repairs if yor aeade cloaotog yon had bet- tavhaiva it dona farforo you go aayolt do pof know tba waudtaaakare out umryaad bawldaa tba prata aramueb giwaiar i hava aoabofxood eeeond- bawl waubaswhlobvoaad do for tbw laryawlu tkaygrowjipt priceaijaoo wwdjrtooand00 alloltnam uolnjgood rateinfwnrtari f got a jlltl nlg f ateat to re hm vr astray caaaval inthamulta u i wavaainataubowc tba packing and pay the posug toll aya ajitf goaranlae yon will get ua mlbln cak frtnroxjg r john h mil tle board met on monday evening a per adjournment member present a k nfckiln chairman vr k d ault jno ken- ney jr and o c hprlght mr john il kennedy the newly- elecfced tbe commit ten on klnanos preaant ad tlielr feurtb report and recommend payment of tbe account of tbe acton free pros for jo 00 for print- log the usual reanlutloo authorising the chairman and treasurer to make loan until tbe taxes are collactod waa passed mr john cameron press n led plana and apaolncalione for the propose ad dllion to tbe school buildings elevations show a raocb improved ap- pearanoa three necessary rooms add ed and a very reasonable estimate of moved by john kanitey jr second- ad by john ltkennedyijiiat the ele- vatlonsand plana of tbe addition to tbe school buildings now submitted by mr cameron he sent to the kdoeatlon department for their approval car ried the matter of truancy of certalo children of school age was discussed and tba truant officer requested to enforce the law tbe board then adjourned stewardship and missions xawplrtnat and helpful irihrissia by mx h k caaatear toeonao aatd m h matph bwalph h1 mlsaion or every man an interdenominational missionary gathering waa held in the methodist hool room last thursday evening which was fraught with genuine inter est to tbuse attending through the unique and intelligent manner of pre- itlng the important subject of christian missions tbe speakers were mr u k- oaa- bey general secretary of tba lay- 1e missionary movement for can ada and mr ii kalph steal secre tary for um ouelph district mrcaa key haa been indsntlned vritb the lay mens mlaalonary aeuvltlra since tba aggressive work wblcb followed tba great laymens congress held in to ronto three year ago lie ha been a most effective executive officer and baa contributed to tba general organisa tion of the men in active missionary enterprise throughout canada llnj address forced home very emphatical ly the duty of every christian man and woman to have a share in tbe ex tension of obruts kingdom not only in tbe foreign held but at home mr steele is weltknown aa one of tba tuost active and effective worker within tba bounds of hamilton confer ence in the liytnenv missionary movement to his very sane and in tereatlng mat hud or putting tba duty of christian stewardship much of lbs uoceee of missions among tba man 1 due he pointed out very strongly that the christian worker or today are called lo be steward of tba mani fold grace of god at a urn when un- paralelled op brt unities call lor thi fullest canaveral ion of personality and possession to the work of mlasloo both at home and abroad to lbtend ba showed tbe value of lltblng in tbe aoqoaipllthment of ooda porpose itev cttaa d proper occupied lb chair and spoke on behalf of t pre aant words of appreciation of thesplan- dtuodi tbe meeting for lb orwialloai of a churcb base ball league held in the lautlerctub room on monday even ing was largely attended and a good degree of enthnauam waa m a meeting to arrange further details will be bald on jfonday let april tjpou motion of rev j o wilaon il a aeorjoded by bar c draper it waa unanimously that a church league ha forme officer wara than elected as follow lion rwoer j c wilson b-a- frsner il il wlainaon h a vlopraanii monabb sectr w ii pestia dalagaua p church j a clark method ut chureh nau mcnabbi baptist church bar p u barren b ai anglican church j woods official scorer- b j alenabb umpires- w j gould b m mc donald p a mclean l wllliama p g burrell and neil mcnabb irosn whom tba managing committee woj eelect for each gamr the rxacntlve with two dil agate from each church will form the man aging committee ot tba league member and adh are eligible u play with their respective churches an entrance fee of 300 will be requir ed from each team for league fund moved by rev mr wilkinson seconded by mr l william i managing commit tee be s to make all rule regarding player and their conduct on tbe beld p a mclean occupied tba ebalr at tbl misting vary aeoeptably the bamsbment of tbe bak spring mihhtety rtbqh koofinc ti tiroarty lira rttung rated bslchuj by fire insaranoe com panies ilvrtllnotlrnlle from aparka or buralaf braadbt and has saved many a building mads in 3 permanent colors red drown green and in natural sals j b mackenzie acton latnttauctlolfj mm d brtiiictt clear ad danalui tba liberal leader announced on tuesday afternoon that tba tempe policy of the liberal party of ontario i to banish the barv millinery opening mis mac hawiluant llasopaasdber mini nary store lalhapra- 4 occupied by bsr last sessoe en alasa et whan au tbs auaat and most strttsh daslcmbsprbmjmliuaary wut be shown spim opcsalask o friday nw saturday marck sxaal aaa jorj a cordial laviution b utaaded to all the lbdkw of acton and vichuty lo call and inspect oar aasectaseot ol tbsuissi tuag in spriag meedwaar bxpbrikmckd ulluneks friday and saturday march 22nd and 23rd on ilic aovc date we wilt make our first showing of spring millinery for the spring season of kji2 we will welcome the in- fcction of li ladies on these and succeeding days wc arc making a big push for big iusiue in this depart- mcnt the high standing of our product will he maintained and the prices will be a revelation vvc arc determined that our trade shall have the best values offered anywhere tt henderson co mm st acton ont fitstjabtttsftrntnts kik wapliit cbnnb jrion likv r u mjrriu b a putor uunoav maif3lat ju lan1101t uakok ciloick uvn 9xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxnxnooooooooooooai tbe aotlee of mollaa which u tamable today read i that in tba opinion of i hi hooee tbe public intereaisuumand 3 ltbe immediate abollllon of lb bari a such other rsatrictiona upon tba residua uf tba liquor traffic aa ttxperi eaoa may show lo be namsaaiy to limit its oparauooa and be etfeetive to ra dyluevui l s the strict nforcinsrit of the uw by official in sympathy with law en- jlmjii a orkwojonh cohnirb the indies aid meets at the homo of mrs win murray on thursday afternoon at 3 oclock ur chas taylur left last woditra- imt the vit wfieru lie intunda lo make his homo air taylor will join her husband in about a month ure win carroll is spondlug tlla wlnur with her mother mr motialea -af- wh 1 s guu health alprrsant mr j wilson of khti and mr w ft gray of itverton spent monday at mr w lambs ur will g rah am of kuox collegia svtronto at hto home bevih- j t fiildg political ufloewca from tba adnlnb trallon of the uw j 1 regulation and hxpectlon of all hoosea of publio enlartajnmant o 1 insure r accommodation for the travailing public tba globe eaye thu k lo be a campaign not a akirmlslr and not baula whan the liberal party la the ontario legislature on rwhinoed their jmuey on the taewperaace question tbey ooualad tba aoat tbay knew it meant sariona bpwmeaa tbay know loo that it involved not a brief conutot but a long and bard atraggja to a man tbay uned up behind their leader mr n w itowmll and to a man tbay will fight with um againat tba uquor traffic it allied ooaa olal and social inlaraua and uw pouti- oal force with which it hi leagued tblrohjectlvravo c aat la tlie wiping oof of t very barroom and hotel liquor lioanw in the province of ontario and tba further curtailment of tba re of tba traffic an that the evil of intemperance may be cut to tba irreducible mlalmum possible under tba honest enforcement of re- trietlvi km and tba activity of easter molicfbky rates suurie tare car round trip mlalmum charge twentyfivo osnts between all rtat la canada good going april tk ta oth 7tb and th retnrn limit april loth 101 a homeseekflrs exoorslons to westhttm canada via cmicaco april and 16th sad 501b sad every sscoad tsaaday ibercalter aatu sept 17th bkclmlva wihnueg amd hbturh 34uoo bduontoh akd return s4jloo tvlmuroodbrco days procortionale rales 10 other points u msaitoba sasv katcbewsn and alberts tickets will also be oa sale on certain tbuse vu ssrala sad nonbem mavhjiilon company low rates to the pudflki coast tjckn oa sale dally uatq april 15th settlers one way tickets to msaitoba saskatchewan and al bans 00 sals every tuesday la aprtl whan going to buffalo new york philadelphia montreal ttavel grand trunk railway system lb isuilimm for balk n wlfl oblhllk to hvm l- till mil cm muih tuu itmaltomohk a co iiousk am audkn to rbnt wk 4aiiuu sad lt sen of buvu km ensmrdatuwaaraarof mlaa rjr- wavaaa ro uams wpjty oa lb pra- llmbmnkiuaux card fthankk iukkthjt touwaat uim ibukator tb ats of ajaipauir nlam mp mm taa asa ot my r iabr um h kjj sua as vl u tarn un srasooml man luaa m- fncutmt win eaas rfwrmml n ihi iiimh mad stlarwanl lir uw haata ataa lo xaloa aaa vlctu uaiobbt vjcaxlat counter check books t aaaa faaw la ais to all all 1 1 1 j m tar obbbi chaos booka of aa btsa a t 1 itpunaj kmiwih raiaiauaol for mm rln batlmiatviaiaaru4 ban ws a mai to masaue spikkmia oojtsbt not bold in stores w m 1uw to w le rla tlialahaaaastnuaakaa- waattralati caaiaora at aasna la ua osaalvaf cuuea a aumsmra uwir carhtlaa aaa 1 aaa aaaarlrtlea la fall renlaala overland motor cars and t ioi a modebt are nnaurp for value a above cut represents our five pawawtger thirty horse power car at i3twj delivered in toronto fully equipped call without tail and msw our lata ifodds 7vtr d k 0rr wishes to announce to the people of acton and surrounding district that ho has placed in his store a full assortment of groceries also a complete line of new spring goods which will be on sale at lowest living prices farmers produce taken in exchange for goods highest prices paid for same see oar windows next week keel to uw slalam ol welsh ttwr aaailll lsstl w saaetaion vu i lor aay asrt it i rihm if i v i h bm sa by law at uwumofdjauibatia- b j mamabtt daawl at asia lata bib t of maesa hus noti0k slip of ki i uf of halton 9 toclteditoils sattsr es tba utafce of wu- aoaai ot uw aamwllluai uraafero waoaia raboatumtoaartvanaaav at hseawhar 1 malawl aa or bsfer fba nan of waras l i ta or aauaw to m kj mum et law aoosriuaa ii ur aadfarow laaa souoa last aflar saab imi isauaaad data um aavealor till aroaaad omuibata um anara el ummm vrn as sauoad itaacolatbawaa ra- taulsm of wtuch bo saall ibaa aaaa saly to uwab have aouea and o aaall apt bavo baaa n amofdlauitm our shawovorlond sales co tickela benh r allows iron aav graad trunk agsat orwrbe a e dejf lasuict fasavagar ageat toroato oat s holmes agent atc t h acton- knatohiufx mrs jonathan atkinson baa rant ed bar arm p ougb juand of nsv llnch and t moving ont thla ia tba knatchbou ubtrary socbty balttthclr opeo pimllng last wedna dayaveoiag there waa e good a boa progrwnsa waa rahlerf oonsisuog ofalomajloain aatmtb organ aslrctloda readings and datireruaa tbtra waa ftdehatat u ifuu a rroat imvalr h the merchants i of canada bank every parson who receives and days oat woaey n ch a i lb itw vcalaat and aalsst aushed of handnag au fhuwdal tnaaactloos whaibar ot a bariasss or parsoasl character tbs return ol caaosuoj cbsqoas are voachara for ovary asm paid oat ibty kbow what dla nhrs have beso taade aad lo whom dspomu are repaired by this uaak aabject to ebtqaa whbdrawal wspaywsaawaiisauoa tosnmdlcsmailomawwadbmwaia laiarasl allowed 6a all svtegs 1 yearly 7ofit assets i 81f8mm ac70n br4chs tie millinery opening monday and tuesday march 25th and 26th d 7 orr warran bloc acton 1bmbm aaannumhhbia hmamhahanhhaainatalmathblblalbt 1 t0dry atjctionsale or farm stock imple ments fuitni- tuius latk huom mann saturday march sou t oa aaook abajro tbo atuaabut 1 sew maalutbalt i rs4 eowtvar tesut- j ljjawjaabt awtltwut i hue wanoa baa aw 1 hadotibuh wimtkk saad drill aaanbomdi i to doaon slilkts all ulunt worth up to ilis today 1 oloieutmhi wkniikluktij wmth up tof106 to clay t itiiealu itoth liuci up to lb totlay 4 ceau j a itlg nianv chance n ahlrta b r e nelsblst lauraaant tailor r6duc6d pric6s ssasss smia ban bay rash t s4 bwavy anatlj h tin ahaalbariew a hair mblmx isjcrsarscarsitk ui itij fkssjst zrtsssf iioussllolo mmlituillltm s3s ssfsbtixjl s3ssu toiiwh r stlll all ign l rf lo mil ki lt w taratobln cnshpkidkin fowl b j lto mjl all kinds ol purnituru toskxb rctsn during tho mouth ol march ws will clear ont our stock of cutters bobes hohsb blamkbts amd coats at reduced prices wood taken in exchange this is the season ol year to make money we have also a full ntnck ofjilniihlr and joh1 harnena with prioea riglit ageni or the royal jarplo stock food sol6 agent for cockahott iroplements and dain machinery t7t biw ciadihrell acton wtom h f c ii n atoberaaom toon bucck r ir i- vv rfwmm r 7

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