wht jvictoftt jfrtt fts volume xxxvii ho io rerr ksbacilptlat hu la adnata acton otaiuo thursday mollnlno aliut 1 101s aabacriptaoa rite l b r abbab ffibe attoit jfree cess 1iavi- ov noiickij i uk i tra fine reversible st68l 7vvht in owh iorwav ml nou w knapvl um par am i rtlua and a bmu nr uw as a l or m a inattae wi ssottie ig mb i vwilyaohitmu medicajl ios gray m d c u uogiul 1 e holmhs u d load xtw u p s o iihiwi to hk johphi hosf4ll tltoe north k a j hmkinmon uajra bouomw owmlh osrtobysful btraet 1 btonh kiosk sav tvsxtfeihalalavjoncelvaf hal- ee o vuba ub t r heal buohniim o lo to d it j u tlell ddhiih masai oiimin as- tohxtv umrnam tb ulat bbalhsllo bead it deslnd dues- hakd1h li 5 urmtlht rtnnvalaas deouatrr la all lis bnouw qomu blu bl artlaln uuboh d mbcmxjlamboos e mo i hardy a co aovkktiuinc comtbactoss amd hbwi cqpkhsrodkixa a meet bit london k c hn ntoah rabbuob u0bbbb8 ga black llcmatd auctiomkkh taaanaatouorraaraaoaaa th obmbtbbsx i ahs so lee a bef swllillmlwnrt j fcbbb lwaiiunavothhi vet um qoeaues of wellleatoe hi jftetfaria um ioae 1 mivsm to mimoto p 0 or otlsdo vn tm real la eoaoaauo alio bmite orders left m re rases u w j lodtaa harases mkw ii ra isles irann4iate aiiaeoooi iteallaa k asles le aott asd vlstauy vmto o hear is what we aim at savage co a r m watch vtamciats ouclph ontario choicbst conpfiqtohby harold wilfs of itw aciomcapk 1 now hauld tb lino ol guw kt don bona knty bo smataad buisim factorr if mny enstonar ou ihwa not w tbrw mj bo rotnnwd wd bkimy 1u bo nfiwdw hroidwtles tub alton cf klul slra waters bros ouclph meajdqoarters rox o a c school supplies nature 3todt botanical etomolooical dkawino paintino 4 wy street ruw3so gqlden opportunity iwlmftimmmuliulbmt i iliinlliw m ite ouelph businbskollege omt t f rtvb tuodhand twluu hwmhur to qp fcuibiih hui ftbowhriuttwi few a3 ib l bwuwtafwluilaur mm uw owtm oponrtmuy ud flto oa nilbto yao to mu by u malcolm maccorroadc b a pria george keil a0ton 1kacl ioal 1aleumangisk iajntbit mto amu wokuakklllv lomrr aytwitiom i kitiuatks fjtek paper makers a moao mto w a o a t book nbw8 anl ooloukd iaikita jko itwattllbft i w do n t in uell i tlilak lliam 1 a u in uko vu iu i bl mrllf ll cm il mullr 3kj6 for jii fjpftrc stiti wiri uais llli for tou cocoa mais lron 3x to a mitt u juu tuo illftcraixc ixlwoeti uud outnnrf uu in the bond hardware co i tuuul vhmm 07 quelfu the best in glasses at reasonable prices a z savage quciph ktotttay rue nurtuifcfr hcton liyery bus lin too ttadrnlcnml ivmpki tally ollcilo tbo palramjro of iho pub lic and latent tbem ibai wall kaotmmd aad blyltol ulmm can always ba aacarad at bu w the mission of the a fnfotabu bat moeia all tralno batwaan laooim aad 6 ig p m catafol atianiloa iq lo ovary ordar tba wania of com bmtcui trawallora fully mot dont g msic hungry whun wlihln a law mil of yoar town i ona of i bo mo l complalaly nipped musk h in canada raady and analooa lo awvoyou ihanna orraaa all will uuslcal lnatrumaaia cramo- phoaaa ibotkarapba and an tnuaeaaaalocoofraconla abnal ranrfc ond tnualc baofco of all kloda a toronto pi loo when in celplrcalt on m if nol tot us know your wattik by mail wt will gaaranloo prompt and ululaclory aar vlco chasw kelly lu vfftr wym s avmpt mcdonalo ftkw be law ooaaiiaa at walilaaana hamoa moriaa wwiwatk ana ua way ol ssftfcsrc the old and reliable granite fend marble dealers kaafaataroaa aad fllraa laiyai w of all klaajaf uaaai watk waaaltldaaaa alo afioaa aaaa aavtaa eaaawaaa4o ao aaafcvwa aaum aao aaajhaana aw sa aajynalaaaaaiaala aha daaalama who aa 5g aaalavau aaaapa aav carload mfxcd hay carload mixed hay carload timothy hay carload mixed hay carload straw get some now p noble n f moore mnogr vginter footwear boots u shoes w bin a full hoc ol wlnur wl boou jmi shom lor un wn abit chudno la all tfca mmm abapm alio a aawnilh uaa at uaaa walarpiaal saou rubbers oar alaca ot ibata aooda la varji campwia jadadlw rabbara wool uaal i o booi uait wm supply your wfntajr roolroajr nakf w wtlliams midstrmet acfrjtf tkb rlsafh christ willi tlta kaatar lar tba bloavooaa ibal brietanrd ika ahar in nwihliiiw fada wny hul fir ilit alloiirv and fading ilnrara a hlaaalnk unprlcod alxin all tba rlianrlnfr and a tad log til- irxo of a ilvltik chlut ltf tbr llv brul llovliir aldr1ialvlntf biutualui hi- ufa in 14 u iliovink f avar to pray and lo attlva alaa ibal nnn lit our trwlotf w loll ilka a pplrh in prlmm tomnllliik thai jnm la living fortfoulna llta havlonr baa rlaen v join in llta lalr rejoicing and ecbo aaoli utaddanlntf train whlu a pitiful inlnor la voiclon our uwn owcttt1otldlnkor ajn we mkivo 111 in a altliiid of our ad v envwr bu ainlla wltb uur nluotn ami ulv back tbaanrrlof lalnaa 1 ttwt walla al ihn door of tba torn w forgnl that our own bear t a havo i ild dan our olirul in a icrava tif our own i w rorgnl that out- banda am bidden 1 o mil rruin tba tbraabold th luu ynt our laarful eyra drtuping and woary with watohlnit in aorrow aitd trmr ulitht ana i ha heart hit knit mary that ihn ird in kiito nd la hara halactnl tux jnunu ktalklng faitnham waa a mining town ha narrow crowded atraala full of nolar and dirt and roak- hr willi foul air aaamad lodasd atrmhhr lo ihapttraalr and blua aky f jm1 a oiitalilo world in onn of ilia narrowet and dlrllaat of iu atraala jack harlan and ilia llllln tiiolhorlaaa nannlr had their houiw ha wai a rough iii naturad tiller a tld had apont moat of hla ufa nld i ho refk and roar of a ooal tnlna titoulh into i ho vrry warp of hla ufa thnro awtmrd witvrti aotualhlntf of i ha gilm voaraanami of ida numhindlnfra hi waa ilka a klaam of aiinwhlna in tba dark thliigm about bit aha altono alnnr with very ii ilia lo koap har irlghtoniml u the llttla rtumut in tba oollinra tiittara warn kept aa elaan huay llllla handa could mavt tbem hut it waa a hara borne with very utile rheer about at certain hour naob day a alanllng ray or aunahloa found ita way through iho narrqw panea and fall right acroaa thakllcbou floor mannla alwaya looked for her aiioahloe aa aha oajled u for lb treat of the day looked brighter for lu one day ahortly after the flrot whla- rln of aprlng in lite air nannie waa hurrylliff hutua lu lha laltr rtec- noon hlio a topped abort an a card in a dingy bhop window caught her eye i-t- illy llutba ula auii had in or iiiluda nye aa una of ita moat pra- cloua plcturwe a hank of kaaler hllea nd ferna that ahn had unoe aeon when alia had crept into ona uf lha uptown ntturche afterward in tho little mlaatoa hahltalli hflhool aha had hoard tba atory of eaalar of ilia apotlaaa illy hiightg to ua tha thought of the ewerlaulliig haality of chrtate ufa and daalh and of the lovely reality of him living and relguluh again nannie often tbmijtlt of tha atory and won dared if ohrutw iota would bo loo pure and while lo hva anything to do with her hlaok little ihe and hi hor very way waa put one of thaae wondirlul huater ullofbbo tuual have ii if aha worked day and night for it not long after the oo voted bulb waa aotually in bar poaanaalon and bus glng it jaaluualy the hurried horn ihuprecloua thing ugly and llfeleoa waa tenderly plaead in an old and poor lltle nannie imagination had to atretoh a great way before aha could really believe and hope that out of that hard brown bulb buried old tomato can would one day oprhuj tha apotleea illy of bar draai it waa kpl out of light till una day nannie fairly went wild with delight 8 bo danced sally round and clappad her banda joyoualy it wu aotually stowlng k flay green aboot km abow inn abovav the dark earth then it waa carefully watered and each day aa nannlef aunahloe appeared the can waa planed in lha window where the eun waa tha botuat the watchful oara veetned to enoourage tha k apruut for it ateadil rnw larger and larger and gly ifrean laavaa began to iboot out on all alilna ona dark grey afternoon jack hal unttajnlared hi cottaga earlier than uaual nannie ahank loto a ha know her father was not hlmeelf and ha waa bailor left alone he waa u aoaroh 9 aotmtthlng 1 he rummaged through the orderly utile cupboard- than hit unsteady band fumbled about on top of it nothing nevar in it plaoe everything but what a man loot hi far lota o rubblth atrwd around though and wbafa that far aow k and ha roughly grasped nan- ulae tluwer riot nannie ulieied a amothered eoreaui uonldaddy italutnothlngaiueh oh please daddy nfl mto child prang forward in pravailt the heavy arm fioni falli4t its my fluwtrv daddy woworl idcmitaaa no oinrar about itat thhrrtwalwtnd hone- fl mr little gala haaot work to oto not attend lo flbwera dont nover try lab nnnaenoo here hear nr with an insane laugh jack harlan raised hla arm and thww tha oaiisf its sacred conlenl inrp he atrea be- i ahi i no limit u loee tonight tint hoya intral aaoan o clock aliarp loor nannie 1 the acaldlng trara were forced laoa aa tab want elhuitly about preparing tea for liar father whan ii waa over and lha last heavy rmtfall had dlad away on tha pave itieniwhliiil willi a convulve aba llidird into the htltet lielow tline lty ui ran il- conlenla acetified 110 lln walk nannla i en detly iitled tlte green atalk sill i heavy with allotting eailh lit hi r llllle beat i act nail i r 1 with hopil might rma kh wi uil y it and what care aha would la il 1 it waa earwftilly placed in the 011 bjj and a uuim coaxing whisper of oncouragantent given it ilulsbe ruualgtiaid it mom vigilantly this time the jayoui aeauoii ol hast or liad conw tha cot 1 ten in of nannie a can had fulfilled bar highest hupea the ureal buds hunjr jurt burallng into hlooui and nannlea baart waa beat ing in ail rcstaeynf delight willi a llltlu irembllng fear in rasa aiuno- thlng might happen lo mar lla beauty ii waa bar very own and her llttla hungry heart wound cloaaly about ibis tha flrat thins that a poke lo her of eoancthliu beyond brr nar row utile ufa today kite la walling cludly- little fearfully lo itreak iho jnyoua aerret to her father on hla irn from tba mine oo ahead you fallows and tell ifmilanaa lit lla laea were bring n her dad home not just himself git eome- ihhig uuulatip for tu lay him on and dont vkuer the llttla laae ararmucb tlioro had been an accident at the ml ite i hii explosion uf tbo natural gas- ee of lha colliery had taken place and huge maaaaa of rock had loosened and fallen jack liar lane waatheentooib- tan a k- reecuera hegan i be work of deliverance but it waa loan hours before a way of release waaojmned the foul air of the en closed pace waa overpowering and all sign rtua waa gone from the body whan it as discovered nannfe- heart sank with dread when the b ily nf her father waa car ried into iint house ho was aomo- thlng mora lo liar aow than tha ellont aomellmeo unkind figure that had gime in and oat from the little cottage for ao long a lime lie waa her father and fcbo loved him hon l lake on so utile un van lured ona of the ndlura jack llar- lanaa still gtt urn in hhu hell come round all right when lite doctor from the town gala intra jack harlaaell live to go down the mouth again youll see jack harlane did live imt it was any long moot he ere he entered the cage and descended thn dlaay depths in his dally toll the rough impel 11 oua collier la patient now on hla bed of pain nannie waa hla constant and loving attendant one day aha crept softly away and and returned with a timid heal tall ng step in her hands she clasped i be precious flower- pot that had usurped the vigilance or ao knany days above the green foliage claalared tba white bluieouui about tha gloaay stem nan nie advanced to the bedside daddy ita for you nannla growed t for you lto katertim you know and all folks baa flowers juat now and nan ttla trembled at the thought of her rn courage flieh flowera la not for ihe llkee o 1 i rear lassie 1 jack harlaiins too big a sinner in have avch flowera aa them put along aide of hint nannla crept closer to bar father and nut her hand into hla great rough palm her fear of blra waa gone nothing hut a great love filled her iii he heart no daddy thats what i got lha lovely while things fori they told ua all about it down to the mission easter ullea la to make ua think or christ coming out of tbv dark oarlh alter dyln cause he iftvod ua 1i love you too daddy ha love me hom sooner love you dont you think christ what mad a them flow era ao wbltvii think of you and um r jack harlane lay with eloaad ayes n vio llke me and make me clean i your mother nannie onoe brung home an ugly brown thlntf with no life in it and cared rer it ilka a uule un al moat that a long ago now but slw told ma then to give my heart tc christ and then aba showed me then same pure anowy flow era and sea aha meek hes able to help you hut there nannie i had aiinoat forgotuo abow ma them again they give me a queer feet in will nannla help her old daddy to keep hi heart clean and makehlua better man to hla lassie than hes ha an f nannla bent and kissed bar father roughened cheek v in tba narrow window of ibe colli eraooluge tsoaled ihaaouod of hast ound thems the belle fw kuter daddy t hurt year i stole in to see the gran er vloe and flower and things and i told yon what i aen wow daddy got our own flowera and youve got a new llttla la and nannla lovingly bent over tho sacred lllyupa a romx ottalnorowoid in a seaport town in the nurth uf england says u a 7 lfre la a wealthy iwt illiterate man who owni many vassal and follows their course over those by akl of a large alia and a ten uorae power magnifying glass lva ilia ltd a hilur ha sld to n nalghhour frihu one uf tuy captains and he iu roe ba baa been in a fear ful elonii m read jou from hla let- ur what puialta tue ho bay t thewavea ron uk mountains we were drvaw the-wtwd-to- tbdpgtof otvllta and put into great jeopardy wltatlw4rt to know said the shipowner la where u qreat jeo pardy 1 ile eomewliere lu the medi terranean but i can flnd it on hi wjp uifilivr hiotohv oftme hot ckobm bun one a penny 1una two a penny bun fine a penny two a penny hot cross buna liilveraal mialum baa decreed ill flood friday should throughout lha kfuaheaklng world be the day of thtfttol croea bun knolland la the nno arid it in lha bun eating wottil in the land of burns thit spiny dnllrany used to it lookril upon aa a survival or paputrr and doubtless atlll rtn llnuee in ita anathema on amount of tba 1 agau history of the btm illrlose by ihe rraitjhe of the higher nrltl clam ttte oiiglu of the lion mti ma to dale away batik lo ery aoclant limes tn kifypl tocacrop4 and ibe wonltii itf theuoddeaa aslarte otouian diana aaqonanur heavau with offering of cake a uatom which u also found in china anlent umlii and many other lands curiously uuougli ilia modern custom is lint olwvrviil on 1 1 in tjontlnent of kuntmi ancient tcgypt llm caluia were alamped with borna of llm aaomd heifer hantn they were called intua rhlch in one of lu case s ape i led boon obviously modern bun an lber lotareaung point la that the name of the coddee aalarte la by pltylologlsts connected wllh the word kaater the uogllah custom aeema to have had us origin in tho oonntlee of cambridgeshire and hertfordshire hero at the moating of the old i toman road a called leknoltd street and the arroynga htreet atood tha altar of diana of the croaswayo wor shipped by the i tomans with offerings of sacred cake the history of the idea connects it also with the jewish paaaover eakna and 11 or with the crosaed marked eu oliatlallc wafurv upntloned in the liturgy of hu chryaoetum writer in lha atheneunm for april sth 1857 mentlona an ancient place or sculpture in tbe aluaeo uor- bonlco at home depicting the mir acle of tha five barley loavea which la remarkable in that each of the loaves la marked wllh a cros croaa- marked buna have also been exhumed from the ruins of ihe ancient burled city of urrealeanenm which wa overwhelm ed n the same eruption of veauvloua that destroyed pompeii in a d 70 an old superatltlon la that breed bak ed on oood friday and kept by the fam ily through tbe year would grated in water prove a specific for any ailment peoally diarrhoea hwlft mentlona the rare chelsea in in his journal to sheila in 1712 and in the early part of the hut cen tury many people used to walk mlloe to gat hot cross buna from the chai se dun house or iu klval the ileal old original dun house it la est mated that at least 00000 persona were wont to gather at chelae on onod friday for this purpose a variant on the favorite street cry quoted above rune ooa a penny two a penny hot cross buna if you hav no daughter olv litem to your eons dut if you have none of these merry llttla alvee then you may keep them all ror yourselves single copies tihikfi oets in an article on the care of children in the womanalloniacompanlon dr it h dennett a greet new york specialist on i lie diseases of children tall aa follows what to do when a child baa a convulsion when a child is suddenly selxed with a convulsion proceed as follows 1 first loosen the clothing but take off only the shoes and slocking hecond rplace the child upon k bed or table with hla lege hanging over the edge from tbe knees down third put hie feel and lower leg in a pall of hot water to wbleb has been added one tableepoonful of powdered mus tard- if you have no muatard use hot water alone 1 be very careful it i not trjrrfaotrttrbvjrri foarth pot wttbf capon the head l lacking an ice- cap use plenty of crackad ice done up li towel pifth give an enema 0 warm aoapauds 1 tepee t it if it la not re tained hlxth aa soon aa the child is able to swallow give a large dose of uaatoroll tba lea la nearly all off the mhiila bare rggs have sold burn during the wi ik for ion cants w i ampbelt is building a new bouacln ookaaiirv y tlir rellar la being rxeavatrtl for a new bouae on mr john matthew property on uiji hi reel a urn pmuenf glaauiwas blown out at the town ball and another at haul inga grocery doling tba hlnh wind on tuesday meaar- uobt hyde second line and hifonkliauiar third line had their itarna unroofed and tb gablw nod nf 00a of ioli i umiiii waa blown in katie th hit li iwu yewl old till ut tba homo or in iium llltr joa atxlnr won waa blown fnioi tbb mkcli 011 luatday afternoon and bad a mivim gash mil in her fofnhaad the noooaalty tor better aohttol no uoiitondatlon will be understood whan it la ktuiwn that th fourlh depart htent which is held in the small room at tha town halt haa 100 pupils enroll ed wllh a dally attendance of hot woen 711 and bu a return cbocker uialcli was played here on i riday availing in l wort it the ihnahousu mid a0i011 player ibis la the score aton voniiitya n j lambart 0 r frwlu harvey 4 1 1 ntckall uatthewa i 0 0 hharp lllackar 5 1 0 wheeler clark 2 1 1 relolderin holmes ii i j aloorti hnyder i ll i parsons uwton 4 0 3 oervln from lulllnarad mr john paisley organist of ihe humlay hcbimtl miss llennatl organist of the church and mr ira vanqatter choir leader or tha method at church left last week ror the north weel mr johtl brown crewaons corners la preparing lo build a new house on his property near tho railway then air tho kagl la moving from crewaons comoro to toronto this week alumt ii vi cotjm 11 a petition with the name of ltnva u ii cookf j w lue w j oharl ton if il cotk and joseph kdge was 1 preaented asking tor tha ringing of the lowuhall bl on sundays at la 20 a m j 3 and a p m tha lleeva could not understand why the ministers want lha hundey bell and yet protest against holiday labor ur intaraon thought tills humlay ball business had been a periodical nuisance ever since we got the bell on motion of aleasra pearson and hecord the matter was left ovor until arraligfiinrnte can be made for the ringing on motion of ueaar pearson and hecord the request of the school hoard for j5s00 for building purposes wa granted ur w a uotvana serviette to bo obtained fur preparing the noc oeasary by law on motion of oouncillora john har vey and ale hecord the reuueat of oeo uynda school hoard clialrman for a room for third department he granted until the new building ready ur arthur lalng has reltirned from o school toronto where he took a course of military instruction mr james moore who ha been vary iii line christmas was able to bedrlven the other day down to her mother ur and mr john walker returned to stratford yesterday morning mr luther lyman accompanied them hi familiar fatherly face will im mlaa- ad from our street for he has been here over forty year iioiin witmk11 kagmataa m april and to u sad alra jotto walaoa a hb kbtvib ttaalna tm klarslt wmb la ur a4 ur baatob kaltb adaucbui makitlku hhobttu luaaai tea boese of u uu ur tboaipaoa all hoe knn oq uanli satuj by tte john hall hii tuiorttolll to bias a avw aaraataan uantb wh bylu john lull john falalay lo baralt uaabuiof ualutaar vaaauar aq ol hhn jatflus livatb wt tremble at tho thought or death a dark portal when dear one leave us for a home afar 1 llul lis tho hope 111 goto of life immor tal i hat wmitlng nilgais for their steps inbarl wi my wi in- when ihoaa in jeua blneplu will nevei mrd illr frobln fare- bain o fallhleaa hitailr n rlnarr tenderer kimplng fnrnver ahilhra llxli from grief and pult lrnn itioi hi lovn n llttlt itauui palled otna ibekiin liow a iwtu saviour why k in dniihl uud durknusa brokon hnurlid t tlinro la no deittli im sin a jomihllvat mra ii l lymau tub lvmm saved ilislirk thn lvittbylerlan prinlu a war avneo lota of all unronvenlloual sort dut finnt r ailora will rand mora or la into it hccoiding lit tliolr dltfereut habits of mind but all will find ft lu- tercallng homo americana who worn rroaalng the atlantic tnrl in thn cabin on hun- day nlgbl to slutf hyuitis as ihry sang the last hyiuil jeaua loverof my houl 0110 of them hoard aa ex ceedingly rich and beautiful voice be hind him he lookod around and al though ho did not know tho fa or he thought that he know the voice so whan tha musla hail ceased ho turned and aaked ihn man if ho had been in tho civil war the replied that he had been a confederate soldier ware you at such a place on ouch a ight v asked tho drat man yea replied the second man and curious thing happened that night which oils hymn haa recalled to my mind i waa tooled 011 sentry duty r ihn edge of a wood it waa a dark night and very cold and 1 waa a little frightened becauao the enemy were biipposod to be very near about midnight when everything waa atul and i wns fooling homesick and miser ablu and weary i thought that i would comfort myself by praying ami singing a hymn i ramembnr singing theaa line all my trust on thee is stayed all my help from tho i bring i cover my defenceless head with the ahadow of thy wing after singing that strange peace me down upon tnr and through the long night i fnlt no more fear now said the other listen to my story i was a union soldier and wa lu the wlvnd that night with a party of scouts i saw you standing 1 though i did not sen your face my men had their rllloa focused upon you walling thn word lo fire butwhenyou sang onver my dnfpncolosrhnad wu h the shadow of thy wing aald hoya lower your rifle t we 111 go home tm thumb wbaponw with which buo6cb hay u won howard tyl the famous artlal writing a chapter ofbt autobiography la the woman home companion aayei ua warn would succeed in life must arm himself wltb three vital and most necessary weapons pint he must have ceaseless industry 1 second he must have limitless ambition of pur pose 1 third be must posses un- quenchableiulliualaam coupled with a determination to succeed given these three and something else beside the gift of imagination and it matter not believe whether the life of a man begins in a cobbler shop or a grocery store or whether it be gins in such an llliiuinating joyfulneea in beautirul things aa that which brightened my early childhood with any beginning suoosee will of a surety be hi who makes himself truly deserv ing of it 1 artful house wile now what do you oilp- fedur i have bare a soap for removing aulas frout paints car pets and hut really i dont think yoj need it for there lant a stain oil your paint nor ball carpet and if your which no doubt u la a everything appear horr i have come to the wrong houeu joodtnorn house wife fnleaaautlyl never nilnd you may let me have half a dosen cakes i dare amy it will ootoe in bandy some osty p- t tee ik to avow hale refuuu your kooay k j lfaeeard becked up by the tnamifaotruera of salvia tha great hair grower guarantee it tq grow hair salvia destroys dandruff in ten days v the root of tha hair are so nour ished and fed that a new crop of hair aprlng up to the amaittiwit and de light of the user the hair la raadu soft and fluffy like all american preparation salvia is daintily per fumed lt is hard to find an autre who doe not use salvia oontinu- ally ladle uf society and inhuunoe use ho other salvia is a non sticky prepara tion and i the ladles favorite a large generous bottle fiu cents the fjcobelldrug 0g st catharine canadian distributor how to boil an stao t isnt it strange said a shorts for- elgn looking man the oilier day to some companions whllii lunching to gether at one of the restaurant that not one cook in fifty nor housekeeper either knows how to boll an egg and yet moat people think they know this simple matter they wilt tall you to drop it into i tolling water and let it remain there for three ml notes and to bo sura thn water is boiling here la where thn mistake i mad an egg so prepared is indigestible and hardly fit for a well prrwoii lo eat let alono a sick one thn moment it i plunged into boiling water ihe while hardetu and loughons to boll an egg properly put it in a vessel cover with cold wotnr placo over the fire and tbe second tha water begin to boll your egg la done the white la aa delicate as a jolly and as easily digested and nutritious as it should be try it rjadnamkfohthh boss dodgln waa ihe new manager of a t t man at tho concern who liked to sneak off to aahod at a about il oclock in um after noon and amake a pipe and look over the afternoon paper for half an hour or ao well one day aa tha workman sat reading and smoking in the shed dodgln appeared who arc your dodgln aaked sternly frowning at the idle work man the woikman frowned hack hub who are you j said he im dodgln the new maneger waa thu reply at this lite workman smiled ho am i ha said heartily oonie lu and have a smpkn a ahto idea a member of tbecongreaawaamuch impressed with tbe dignity of bis pool uonahdlt wu always ohnj mind one night ids wife awakened kim and whuperedf john there nro burghru in tho house you must be mistaken my dear levwerdter may he in the senate but in the house oh no the idea la prepsujrous f it easier for a woman tti ruu up a bill at a dry good at ore than it lfur her husband to run dowu the tuoopy tavytou i there never was and uover will be universal panacea lu one remedy for all iii to which hoh la hair what would relievo one 111 li turn would aggravate the other we have bow ever in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grievous ills ily its gradual and judicious use the frailest systems are led into convales cence and strength by tbe influence which quinine exerts on natures own restorative tt relieves those to l whom a chronic state of morbid despondency and udk uf interest in ufa is a disease and by tranqulllalng tho merves disposes to sound and rafaoahlng oloep impart vigor to the action of the blood which being stimulated courses through the veins strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system thereby making nativity a necessary rceulr strengthening the frame and giving llfetohoavttaorgsi natursuly demand increased iubftuno insult improved sppofclle north rop tf lyman of toronto bso gtv tothe public their superior quiulnsy by the opinion of scientists the wine approaches nearest porfeatlori of any arfthiutaavt altufuyelinvtflllt w