Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1912, p. 3

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wallpapcb hwm stock o7w opened 1 rwn i- pw rqlln cuttain poles 4 nd 3 hh wbif ud oak window shades in crssaa stsso anil wjblia ba aad insertion call in anp srh ouk new stock geo hynds omtario real estate immt ta laaa at laareat rata af latere scarce aaashcr mtthrmtm far sale cfccay weulats aa umt lrart- la au parts fum cawa we have every laetllty far i ta yaar j a- wiixwdcmati canceiawa slje jlctoir jfree rrss thursday a phi i 1 buef local items now for vara april sprint birds er amla tb maple sugar la likely lb therell be maajr happy boma- xmalnaa toi rba pabllc holiday for ajl miobmrtll loony aa if spring inlsbl ba ttammmluir wl after all guajph rata of taxation thu year wul ba mill oa tka dollar kaatartld srrvloss will ba held lo ell um cbnrabea next sunday it cannot ba said that the tna atom oa hooday vu eorduuy wl- palm sunday wa specially o d is 8 alberts and hl josephs gbareba toronto la eo taring a local oplloo asmpslga aod will vote on tha 11 jaaaary next theblasplafttrivcmveatlon will b bald in ttwj town ball no monday areola 15ih lost too school close thu afternoon fr kuirr aoation monday latb l u reopeoln day olsyutoo pastry onoh baa open ed a shop la lb old kestoa bakery building on mill street aetoa lodge i a o p will bold ihplr brtb annual at bono in the town hall oa tburaday tb llth last tba mild weather but weak flatb ed sleighing altar three and a half aoallu aonunaoualy on tbo runners k k ooolloontanaplalaaopeolnga car in uw seeord block ror handling btttfajpi and domestic fruit and vege- hr jenee dubbl ha taken ion o the pretty brick house no avenue be rronntty pureliaasd from mr v w mxn qpnarmt u tattoo i murray you at iha b vfi to mwd a dotnlrv ion uovemmeat job in acton sloos um lawn was looorporated b se at preparatory to oommun- ion wu ba bald in knox church oa frkuty aftaraoon at three oclock ooaassaalon r rices on sunday blebard blala u p baa aaeured um eoaaaat of tba dominion govern- mat to tbo expenditure of 91000 for dock tor brampton roat ofboa tha vra library ooalluoee to iron la popalarlly during tbo month of mareh tbaubrarun issued 790 volume tba tar it number aver handled in a slogi month tha ssrd annual masting of tba waalara fooumii association will bo bau la tha young mens christian aaaoelauoa ilall woodstock on good friday at 100 p whan oaa nod be la out of syev- pauty with hu town mad can only aay a good word for it coupled with an apoatajyt ha ought to get out many paopia fall into a anrt of unoooacloua bahltofktowuok uotuaamlaaraua habit tha ragalar monlhly uteeuns of tba wobmuvb loatltuto will ba bald in tbaooonoil -obaatberv-lbla- afternoon at thraa oclock the aulijects are taa aaany aide of life and the ideal oa friday eveoloa mareh xtod about aurfyvaopla met at home of mr wat mooaattlaaa stowarttowo to fwajja farawvliayreiiii w blfcand bu alatara who ara aboat to leave lor tbalr bw botaa in brampton in reaawlns bar paxa pamai aub aorldtloa ihbj weak mrs o w cook of ada mlohu wtitca i hava read arttb latarast of uw agllauoa for re daomoa of lloeote fee f alnearaly bop o aaeb rrdaauoa will ba made bather doabla it pat tba soul and body bllgbtlna ooffln nalte out of i be raaoh of uw boya of aoton news of local imfoit tba dlparaiim sale ol lha cooda and c of tha eatata of the lala llugh mann last satnroay waa uravty at- undrd juood prloa pravallod awemraoaaaaaaaarira4iay it la doelrame that all pares i h lotand aandlaa pupils lo tba primary irpartnwat of tba public school at kaatar arranaw lobar tbaan entar on um orat day if ponlble- monday ijth lr it k tattampaim d d m stooey creek officially rultad walkrr lod k and a m on monday event oa tb dr waa aoiertalnad at a banquet in tba lodge llooot at thv ooooluaion of tha bualoaas ttf lh aven la vlatui hmm alur u yearet mr ilubart urmot of calapuy apant salorday in aston hut native town mr uraot holds an jaaportant position with messrs p boms co thesreat meat supply houaa of b west lie baa been ulean years with this company and baa toed good with during bis stay in town mr grant tort many old friends wui utmwm riwloiapaws tba kmplre nam bar of the amateur photographer and photograph lo news of ioodoo kogland edited by f j mortimer f r p s la a very worthy luou it la aplendidly hluetrat- ed with ploturee rs p n of ihe hlgbeat development of photographic art and deals with many phases of photography both for tba novice and rxpariaoced artist kvery owner of a camera would aajoy per of thu boo publication tba aoppsaanaautry estimate were dnlt with at ottawa oa tuesday when aevaral itaaaa war i for llalton oouoty these show that tj ileodaraon m p tagatuogau that h going acton milton and burlington ar lb favored spot tha two forn- er fffat pabuo buudlitgs and the lake- abora vllbure a ra vet m t wall from tho prasaut pier u lha brant boose anton get s10000 mutoa 9so0o while burilngtoa ring la for 4t0tkx wt oongratnuta thee plaora oak- villa star asrtaa uaa as 1m real baaaa complaint have bean aaada that lads under tba statutory aa of afxtaan have lately been allowed to frequent on of tba pool room lo to wo ooe ight uat weak tha rather of a thirteen year old boy la looking for hie lad at eleven oclock at night found him own ing out of tba mala street pool room tho statute says th harper of a lloanasd billiard or pool room admit- ting a minor under lb age of elxleea years thereto or allowing him lo remain therein without tba consent of bis parent or guardian eball beanbjsct a one not aosedlog 10 for tba brat and not exceeding 9so for each subaaqurnt offence donah- of am dsq taaar j after aevatral months of avrloue ul- aa ilbada peatbaratooe wit of dr j b porator of stratford pants d way last wsdnssday tba funeral on saturday waa largely auendad mrs fnretcr was wall known and highly aateaoaed in actoo sba waa for i year a membsr of the leach ing staff of our publlo sebool shortly aflarleavlus aalo4tf aba married dr fottar who wa practicing barr but loft ror caistorvllla dr and mrs porster spent savers years in th bospltala in nw york loodon kdl burgh and tba conllnant in specialist work when they returned to can ada ibay atltled la stratford wber tbay made many friends mrs p-tr- atar waa eloocr christian ma r h t oaea to terwato mr pr sv storey who for eevaral year baa bean auparinlvadeat of man ufacturing at tba canafta glove worka ha jomt entered into partuerahlp with mr w j uaada toroolo ror the handling of motor care and tba manu lacturaof light dauvaiy truck they also operate a large garage aad repair toe partaavehlp dated from april 1st but mr storey ram aloe fa for two weeks whan ba will ramov to tba city the enterprise look uke aa exceptionally good oaa and with mr storeys hurinaai raining bo abould with splendid socosea the beat wishes of au will go with mr aad mrs storey to their aaw boeae on in tay aa mia wovkaj tba weekly meeting of tba kings orusrlw blbu clam waa ham uat wednesday at mr j 8 ooleauu willow sueat tbaaddramwaaglveo by m banowttoid klogaley- the llfsaod wrlllogsof this notad author wara aprjraobulvely dealt with aad mainly from raonueeuoaa from the apaakera reading of many yenia ago tba lofloeaca of writers upon oouditioa in time la which they live aad afterwards waa set forth end several of klogaley books war re viewed in uw address a most appreciated vote of thanks was moved by mr xp scarrow who was able aa a faflowtxmibtryman and a reader of kingslay to eodore lb addr tba prasldeot mr j l moora having tvalgned owing to appointment to an- other poaluon on tbo hoaday school staff mr no nalaoa was elected lo social and personal ur wtn boms jrof urlujt c4 iinibla vlnittid acton fiisnil- litis week mrs tlrac hutltlt f giliitorr u a guest j her mi mr ii hmllh wlllw utrest ilrs gstkrge unn milton lofnl everl days last wrrk wlih ur k kydrr ur nrxl mr ult jim f ilookwixid ifnl saturday with acutn friends mr and ais c v um and ulss e eanor r wlngliaoi wre itrte dur ing lb- wk ur waller carroll i tmiuiii made a wekna with hl riuei mrs jnu hoi lb mr james rustlirook or toronto spent a few days during the wwli with acton frlnnds mr and mrs a t uvowu allriidrd the funeral of the lain mrs dr t korst- er at stratford xi saturday mr and mrs i llsmlrrsou u i ar rived home froui thicapltal yeslsidsy parliamsnt prortgunl on monday hra john uilur lur-n- haamltirn vd hom altar spmitdluft llitti- anil a bau months with hnr usu mrv k kyder judge and mrs gotham ml on tuns dsy for newixirl it i wlutm thxy will spend a fsw week at thu hipular watering plao itefonnar mr wter hayera or guslph who has been to tit ted u the iiouh since aaily in the year was in town on tues day aod is rapidly cmulrcln mr and mrs j w uriws allmded lbs funeral in ottawa last saturday of the late mtrv kred hews whose i mains wnre brought frtui itrvslsiukv it o for interment lurwrmsr the engagement is aiinnuoced of m ls lltie lalh- youngest daughter ut mr and mrs robert v lsalle to ml albert tion of georgetown the marriage to take place eally in april mrs thomas cook who i using ilh hr son at ada mich suffered a slight stroke of pa rely is about christ- luas but although in itrr alghtlath jtrar la quite wlgroum and able to be dbatm or umjamin kinnard a wovtby attsmt awassj away ajlas- at eventide last sunday the spirit of benjamin klnnard church street took its bight after a weeks illness mr klnnard had enjoyed good health au winter but waa seised with a serious all wont of tha bowel on the sunday night before his daath neither skilled mvdlcal attention nor careful nursing availed and alter a ik of great auffsriug hn passed away mr klnnard was llo m oi lh ule john klnnard and imt- ilollr ntena county antrim irsiaiul saven- ly4broe years ago lie cants lo can ada with hi parents in ltttm thay brat arttled at balu mills nswg- weys and fonr years later purchased the wellknown farm on the second un on which dublin school is located and which i now owned by mr don ald waldle llere the rather died twenty three years ago at the advanc ed sge of os years tills eonunoed lo be tba family raaldeooe unul about fte year ago whan hugh and hnjrniila end their neloq hiss kther hill who was their linusekevper came toaolon hugh died in july 1010 in hu kjlh year deneasail was unntarrlsd he was uianibsr or knox clturah aver since he cam to kquelng and the funeral yesterday aftarnood was cooducled by bis pastor itev j c wilson h a lis was a man of sterling character eojoyed highest eatceui and a wide circle of friends ills brother john who resides wltb his nephew john at guelpb and mrs ulll who is still in the old home in ireland are the only surviving mem ber of lha- family the following is therrport o do win school for march sn iv peartstawahwiillalloug- laa ja v bobby winton minnie stalker- sa hi handy melsaae jay stew art coal keith bert stewart ar thur thompson jr ill hrtaglbbarte krmlsprowl jul ii a sarah creamer klluor stewart johnnie prank b jackie waldle lawrence gib- bens alloa stew ait willi kaloy clafl beatrloa molsaac beat rice ccaaraer jobi jraamer marked have not been pre sent for all the ox a ml nations umatmcic m prraukkjuu teacbar jba raaaws f this saper wui towa taak taste ism ma ea haw asleaas at sssa seta t eaamaaaitoatoslsna halt isuwsalv asetllts eat sew aaarvkwtwf rarwttse suti luiraoalsnaosreu laksa istersslt s aad aaasees srv ta alt its usltw ottuih cars ksewsto us save as ataw auth la tt eereuwj amamaswfoaeusasystoauan lar mwltmata eatc 0 a law f kaompwtwo tvaaurifislar saastlasuoa any of my old customer who daslra a oalr of my well known hand eiana boots wupbs promptly attshded jq byropplng me a aard to 10 wynd baniat qaalpfirsn3 we will forward umm lo acton okorqitstoxa wjavaxmi oormauus bar mr dongtss preaenbsd the members of hie eongragallon bar on sunday with aa beelar gih in lb form of a card wltb a portrait of hlm aeir and family neediees to any it la vary much appreciated by all who ra- oaivad t a tuwt rddlag was aolemnlsed on tvadneaday march v7tb at tba bouu or mr aad aire win orlpps wheu tbalr etdvr daughter mwa inane ba oaom tba bride of mr waltar lsm- bertofbrin baa mr dongua of roekwood parfarasad tba oanmooy miss urnuia anderson of aeton oousln of tbo bride noted a brides maid while mr kataraon cripps sun ported uta groom tba happy opuple jaft on tha evening train from took- woodffor a short trfp to toronto and on their return will roslde oh tha groom farm brat una krln mnmcraamao urarnt jsvvrad crewson spent a tew days but weak lamllton with mr m orewsoo jr who hat been in pony baslth httaly jmra t of aotoa epent sunday with mands bare dtiiw vkdted wltbt ebnweautsjtfnlu wasted time ani money kfflc nw raoa sn rtu gautrraomy uv bosbl tucd gin fill foe bukh nd k14ct i cull u tafcfc wm immuu ud etkwii lb udhn llkhl to do tbd woik pnaaty a bo btcwae m bod ft ul lo bcui utaot ad ulortwly u mmfm ntoodfa uwt unlb or no bood alter uktrr on dooa of gin fills ba fannd tluttl to ba icmlj bt be notdad nd mtur using two boncof am pius wm comptcttlr coibd w bontoy fa- commend oin- pills terir odportnnltr to our friend and ra- 2llre ilna ja8s b uilpomx writ nj nentlonlnc inbiapcrnnd yon cunol g ita rapur t boic t jour dclt a 1 lopnhryon u lha cciuur rrtll prtoounboifoj mond money pcomnhy r u liisrills do not j unvuon nlkult otr l tfbqnlcjl q of cudi limited dcpu a loronto st a sign of the times people axe becoming very careful abon what they eat and drink the preference for goods in seeded packages especially in food stuffs ta now tpnba je and becoming more so every day we must frankly admit thai there arearjmd reasons for this preference food staffs tmw be ex posed to varying atmospheric conditions with out loam both strength and flavor tea of atl articles of everyday diet excepting coffee perhaps needs protection most and best merchants have been quick to appre ciate the fact so much is this the case that the selling of loose tea in bulk will soon be a thing of the past red rose tea reaches yon with all its vir ginal flavor strength and purity it is sealed in airtight package s dust and dampproof red rose is a blend of the best indian and ceylon teas the former assures generous strength and richness the latter that coaxing delicate flavor qualities for which red rose tea is famed ask your grocer for the 40c package of red rose and youll get batter tea tea that spends farther for the same money you want good tea well red rose tea is good tea redrose ilitwtfi there can be no syrup so wholesome as pure and roa sals sow r j c hill woodhall mokay and geo s0pbr kt li m thats what it means to yon if you buy your footwear from us wo can save yon 1x aa every dolls yob spend no matter what style or kind yon may desire we have a 15000 stock of heavy shoes ugbt sheas oxfords strap slippers and pumps bstowyouwil nod a taw of er price the shankon boo for men made in patent 1mm calf aad tan calf all ooe prion 43ts the vgashkei shoe lot vvnmm jnadn jsnalsat vskriu calf gun metal and tan all goodyear welt one price m more no less per pair 1 be purw shoe far hen patent leather and box calf goodyear welt special the purina shoe tor women made la patent and doagola leather in ugh lace shoes at in low bboes at lcw mens heavy tan er black shoes oil grain oar price um mens rngluh kip mockers our price mens good heavy splits at j is and ttsw wo have nine big bargain tables filled with broken lines your alas may be among them these are all marked st tt price trams goods when a need of a trunk suit cass or club bag give as a cull jonr aasortmsot is tha vary best 7 loilk in on thursday or saturdaygood vkiday wb will bb closed all day j d mcartlaur the home of good shoes it wytkhun street csdpti oat i w6e right house aj hamiltoms pavoutk shormnq rlack fs j only u texf floors to t new sails new coals new neckwear new ubooas aad new mhlaery slocks siu1 complete at the bifht doase sahs at from jlso up to s4s 00 mlfflaery at froai jjj5 to jwooo tie right uousli has ixrrn rjtlicrink the new salts coats mllllo cry and accessotics lo womens dress for the past two months paying special attention to each department andonly selecting the finest needs that arc sure to please the individual tastcf of every woman the u millinery section presents an auspicious occasion and is radiantly ready with o hundreds of new inexpensively priced spring mats priced at from s2s5 tc gj sioaet ip the suit section offcri every new style ol suit for spring and summer s kjta made from all wool fat dyed materials at sum to 180 h s may choose from over a hundred suits really worth saooo also our p womens soils of all wool heather cloth at 45 so womens fine french 9j serge salts at 3t womens black venetian cloth sails at 17 s s misses and small womens grey tweed suits at all wool cheviot cr serge suits at fote misses and small womens grey and tan new york 9 suits at 7m and up to s4sm ff orer 20000 yards of new spriar carpets have arrived cr included in this vast shiment of new carpets are axniinsters wil- 8 tons and brussels carpets in innumerable new designs and many borders to match the axminsters and wiltons t he quality of these carpets is the best obtainable toroughout the carpet weaving world the prices range at sh 1 34 118 is i7s and 185 the yard new oilcloth and linoleums all roads and coxa lead to the right house saturday thomas c watkins limited i jr rung anci nugoson ois rripikiavn vmu dfcfjaifjibijibtjibijfaaisbtf king and hughsorx sts hamilton onl smart and bxeluslre styles in lmdies suits onr stock of ladies tailored suits for this seayon w the most comprehensive we have ever gathered together in this departrnent styles that are the accepted and most approved of the leading fashion critics and the tailoring is of such high quality that we havo no hesitation in courting comparison our prices arc rcawnable and within the reach of all who ikchevc in practicing the simple rule of economy that of paying a fair price for a thoroughly good suit bwster n6ckwrcr for sfr07in the new spring styles are here in bountiful profusion no small dress accessory so adds to the freshness and attractiveness of a womans appearance as a dainty well chosen piece of neckwear in an assort ment so comprehensive as ours yon will find many novelties that will precisely strike your fancy come and see for yourself turns clotmar d e macdonald bros cor wjadhaa asd macdoadl streets oobm 0nt dress goods canadian awasuau hnxetnsiens- mtu sim jnmtlnl m1 a m sate snin 5 i i ill oiil m ul i low roundtrip rates tourist sleemnacars serly smtsmis anas ha waa aaiawssacpjtat iamimhyiab iw a r6duc6d pric6s during the month of march we will clear out oar stock cutters b0bb8 hobab blankets amd coats at reduced prices wood taken in exchange this is the mason ol the year to make rooock we have also a full jtotjlc of double and single harness with prices right agent ur tbo koyaf purple stuck food olc agent for cockahutt implemenltfand dain machinery tke caaadiu nortaera xbe metropolitan bank head office tomato oat srauaaaue saiiac aecotnplbbm n thin ut nnnnnl two dulnra dnporiud moty monlb wll i bfa nilnin in mn ynu lo ofm mn kfionnt i onr flifcnf otpulttwnt nd mh tl n polal lo uy nh ttmkh im nwmrtb on dolur u mlnrlnil lo mnfc n acton branch h b barling manager afamosaannatohkwaiahd bank of hamilton nnn ndalbnnn nr b f c acton tcflu yd 3v wnttsk sbttlbbs bxcdbsi0ns tn ounvjbn nonbom ltans nin nm- njrb sutukb ry pofau of unnwteno ud optnlnf mp m rich wrrt- lonni nbnw h m npnomnkn fnt da nnllm aajoor ru loannun dpn lutr sbttlkhs- bltcorsloms uuim wy brw mnr tmndsr ho april joth co n bob ln1 yonr llcnrinnd poimlnltunluimlr nnunri ticbm r it l pairbairn r ann cnmnwaait etiaatshmbna tcrwdm

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