Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 4, 1912, p. 4

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9bt uloit yrtt yfrtss tiiuiihiiay afhil 1 101 kastkr dawn awaks mill iiki row ufilumii to nilitof mn ai th air ik full of frn rnrn drawn from hloaoti of t in l horn daw wvt amkr o hti 1 n wkn and kc1 tit day and ell it in lg to him ini rmwrilnr trnmph rmi1 pletr a7k and u mi rtu a i thy hnk tf inimottality 1 awikr o earth hit rm of l twn flames wftly vrr ollvl juan iu it i i anadun mkxliif cured or practical jokinq t ivacilcal joking h- had nny fol wr g ml ii uaanrr in wlilnli hff ilmvtin waactmd of it ahouldhe l pcruticy th ii it wit r pianist in vimi wai t gnwl dinlrnr of uta ciiiupawri wtik m nl had lmr heart an gelling look of hu hair fib induced lr huhltand lo rt mutual hand ttak for it lut ilia friend being practical joker itilead of carrying out her wuhek priiailtd ietboven who lkl w fmd wf prctli j ike to bond hers i ink out olt ablllygoals beardlho hlr of which in texture and color slightly reetiihld uuu of th eouloer tim lady was very proud or bar supposed treeaure until another maud who knew the fujta informed bar of the trick when ah was ao dulreeeed dial lior liimutiil rou an indignant hitter ui ijtmlho an the5ompomirtdlsoouriy lo a lady balng thus brought ho inn to hint h wu so ashamed that ita fmmejiat ly wrobalaumf apology inclosing a genuine look of hair and ha raolvd otfar lo ba a party to ueh joke again di1ihvid a hkdaii lteallytau the eoy girl x think im entitled to a carnegie londal i saved a ufa the other evening th ideal exclaimed bar friend whose p jack ilenaomv he said ba could not lire without ma bmuw9 pacemaker ai seldom peace- il easy making tuonny and bard mattering it lie who fear ba will ba lonesome in heaven may find himself in the wrong crowd ii weak aching back catud hit much misiry un w riiodxe pi fi wntra a ikw unas wfhly reowniijejid- bxi doana cldmv p1u- for thb last year x bare been troabltd vary mud with nasty sick beadacbes and a weak acbing back wbicb catawd me mocb abery or i could not work and bad no ambition ibranylhliic my kidneys were very badly out of order and kept ma from sleeping at nights i tiled many kiu olplusatnedlineslutltseenol rlmost in vain i began to give up in espalr of ever hems well and strong again when a kind neighbor advised ma to try dean kidney fhha which i did and am thankm for the relief i obtained from them for now x am never troubled with a sore back or akk ii i will always say doans kidney piua tor mine and can highly ixconnnend tbem to any suffererj price 60 cents per box or s boxes for si 35 at all dealers or mailed direct on twccpt of price by the t unburn co limited toronto out when ordering direct specify doanls wo belittle ourselves before thoee whom we love and we do the con trary before those who love us a safe pill for bufferera them are pub that violently purge and oil the stomach and intestines wttu psjo parnmlees veetable pills are wild and effective tev- axe purely vege table no mineral purgative enters into the aompoauloa and the af la booth- ine nod banbcfal try them afhd be ooavloced thousands can attest tbalr geat curaure qualities because thou ands owe their health god strength to timely use of tbls most excellent mod- lc4o4s vbat la worth seeing is wortb ob serving and what is worth observing is worth remembering children ory for letchers c a st or and the advlos of a crlllo doe almut aa mnoh good as the giving pf medl cine to a dead wan all mothers can put away anxiety resjardlngllialrsufrriiigflhlmrfiiiwhen thoyiiave mother grave wonn tta- tarmlnator to give relief its eflveu are aura and lasting mo takirs why are you rushlog ground ao today r im uylog lu gt aouihlbliiff for my wife had any offers p wastroubleo with heart disease adiehvousiess pmtykauliocl ho ooodf thhxe bo q miuittttwa hatt ainj hintv phxa cojatlbtaxt cuszlbkb miss mary xbean bdisoo 0k writes i was troubled with heart years and was e bad at times i had to sit up at night bang unable to breathey and every utile nbuw would msjccrmtr shake and shiver i bried arveril doc tors hot they were unable to dome any good aitcfanbcatltenadvhediiwtotry box of mflburns heart and nerve pitbv as soon as x hegsif to take tbem i began to fori much better and by the time x had need the third box i was com eg- i would advise anvbodv inand vfleringjrom beflrvousnua ana i- heart and nerve pub cure vlfclhelc- uk khaifltth ju0c1ic iird kaiue um in ruto with hrrmt lite bti ry of a ni wlto ulnfl ilin honor ot bis ritnlanci on tlttgttur khmiiuim ilia lnrdblilp vlitmi of lli volllli jitdioury jinlgw nlitrniog front lit northern ritrilt to rrll l ttit ntgtl to bltvrp at ihinkrm th fifitl morn log walking toward the forryj in met a man whom tic tukect lo rnnrilmi lllm llio miion nrroall iniwnml wtlll tho ulniot rorvllnllt tltnl i will ito with mil my hfttrl my ijirtl ij r nol your ivttiilifi kminilnr hi- 1 ty nauib john thornton i liavtt itd iho itononr to im- iwfmv yjior worship for fcbrallng klmirp oh john i ninulnr yiti well rxnulmttl th jtd ami ltow i- yourwifc hhll tlti honor to ih infom mu tim for receiving oiclu kiinwliig tlipm to im- aiolro at yir lvinhil lo rrkr we wnir vt ry lucky hid ml to gut tff for w1 r nvkdhiirt i htlll ml thu huinltrilok tlr tit itlpiiihl iu imi wo y lavtt iiih lionoi of ummtlng again l uuimi ijio away titer la no liniment m rfflcaeloua in ovriconilng pain aa lir thoinau kclclra6l ttte id tt rtiha it in mlw iho pain ay am tliu account thnrn la no araltoii that atanda high in pnltlic eatwfiu 1 hnre la no aurerpaln- killer prttcurablf as lhouaitda can attest who havta uimmi it kiiccemfnlly in troallng many allotiita uoik which ha itrcom awnllrd nay be roduced in talxo by pulling it n iho floor and rolling it backward nd forward with lb foot ohildren ory for fletchers c asto r i a rwkifcswiferfioivclmw- lenaodrcstjcoatabaadllkr rtoauvxmofplilne norlfincebl wotnjuiootic apenccufcnnit rorcoasssa- wonuconviasaxojaratuh- ncsa andlossorsinr castoria jorlnflmta and chlmron the kind you have always bought bears the v of in use for over thirty years astoria investments in toronto real estate are making fortunes for the investors toronto is the second largest city in the dominion and i destined to he the largest and that within a short period of time toronto keeping pace j notwithatanmng the phenomenal growth of canadas great west and the enhance of values which is the natural outcome of the kapid development of important centres in the west toronto la keeping pace with the belof them no speculative uncertainty n there is not the element of apeculative uncertainty for the inveator in oronto properties that there ia in many of the western suodivuions for the reason that the citys great growth comes from an actual and rapidly increasing demand for properties for home sites and c purposes toronto is browing to be a great city its population is increasing at approximately the rate- of 40000 a year jj the juggernaut of commerce ia forcing many an old residential section into m numufacturing centre and the city has been forced to find an outlet room for expansion room for the homing of its natural growth of population and die influx from outside centres torontos building permits for the year 191 1 amounted to oyer 24033907 a great proportion of the amount was spent in the newer sections to meet the demand for new homes and still the- housing queation is a serious one and there is a cry for more houses permits for january and february this year amount to over 2108060 alexandra gardens alexandra gardens ijjright alongside f briar hill park one of the most chajrming properties yet added to the citys suburban districts and vbbs with it for desirability of locality and natural beauty record of actual tnuuacnoiia within tha men of vision fonaw the future for tbia feat section to the north of the csty of past few month mveala proof that many toronto as tha natural outlet and relief foe mveatora have in a ahort period made a trlz t rfltfft profit rf one hundred per cent ad 4 thearaumuofeockdcexiwu c to cuhg every inveatoc who hudeatrefl xu t a w rr i in saltrinii kticsit t- tn uis hnn a g j t to rnajfaco oft huurchaaci ha been able to parle and other properttc tho im- tdily do ao at a handsooo profit ho propetfttca tttkoniatu tho mhmomcr9- i rl ror i lota kt iaa obtai hma amply proven toe wrtadom ol die ejection in the north a many lota have been porchaaed as honteaiues for pentianerd boinea o the purdiaaers today there ere in a tsautvjens not a few of the moat handaprne jfeaidence erected in and fuoond the city and many more aretfn coarse of caeclion smd contemprntbon j a numb of lots in this dtstrenle pntaerty nave been choeen by imve as safe end sore intesttnentsj end the i aleaiwbm ganlens ta one of the moat bwutttjil and dcxvirahle ojltho new reai- destial sertjons to the north wonderfully endowed by tutnre as the ideal hoineatte aeeioa it ts snprosiniadely a miles from the comer of king end yonge stiocta tne metropolitan rsdii line tmltesyoa to the sratee on yottfjo stoeet and aline will undoubto j be continued up avenue road ihrouah briar hill perk to alex artdrm gsoens a further line is in coo- tempunoa which it ieempocted will run through the bathurst street section ol r gardens alexandra 4 alexnndrn gavrjeng are right upblate in unpmvemcnts gaa water electric light frnuvotitfuc welke are avculablev hae one of the best laid trawling- greens in canada has its own club house ia convenient to two golf links ana to schools churches stores and banks the istrictkins in thergardena and adjoining properties are such as to assure themes highcjass residential sections everything points to a great demanq for lots and rapid development in growt1land improvement and the permanency of these beautiful home sections it assured the investment side of the alexandra gardens proposition as in the briar hill park property is undoubtedly a safe and sane one and its own history ai guarantee for handsome promts to the investor lots are now on the market shtssios w c 0 pi ank j trusts and guarantee company mmitriy locataqeri anacer for 434s king street momham f 4tb the owners west toronto i suffered intense pains in my- left side do you realize it is better to be safe than sorry that ft h the best policy to lock the stable door before the horse is stolen dr mile heart remedy cured mrs c c golury of a stub born case of heart disease such as houiands are now suffering with read what the tay baton 1 ufa uklas iv aliln heart kedr i aad beta saswiac fro iwsrt uoabla lor over 6 reara i had etowa ao weak that m was laipowibfa tar aa to da talrly atiaataa work la a wlols day i ei itaa paiaa i ntf left d ad taadmlblittukmuey blade i ooau out avaep o uva kit sue sad was bo mhort ol breath that i twaavbt liinurittbtjtotuniu brcalkanla the leau exeatesacat wowld uw n ike matt alrtrcsitag pahtatioa- i had acarcslf tr a ilallboule of the heart kesmdy ba- j aamatted chsan in aa codltsoa wait bad a food mnpkh hriwtd ao rapidly that wbei plttiy ukvcc okeynartlcjd vt if ou have any of the symptoms mrs golcey mstitions ft is your duty to protect yourself dr miles heart remedy is what you need if the first bot tle fails to benefit your money is rclustfct ask jour druggtsr miltni mctilcau co twfmto cv aa mmin a wf at inderdaitt olhara ntlttra wllt to depend m u the tnoat obatlnat conta and mrti fall to lealat ifitlloway corn cure try it omi or thisi lrrrta ohu kdwln with bloua torn and faee and hands generously eovared with oil ran bcwathlaaaly toward hlspreuy malliar who incrtap dalutlnaaa freah luimnrr attire sat on th hotel potcll rntbroldailng o litothert harried ihevr digging a well near lite stable and lla tit ore fun may i go barefooted f you look dlagrac- r nnuitgli already said it i- mntb m the carefully draw iter white durl klrt away from his rather tnouly htms i urn aahamed of you tltrrt- i mj iiu btijlng anything olc for vou tt wear that handsxtute linn blouse is rulnuj how did you tear r i wasollntuiiga little way on wlittlulll i am smry mother wath n v rrptv lint itiayiit 1 plrafca go lm4iftmi4l r im a oivaas iiouee ur ilrown- mr jtnee has the worst habit r ur brown what la it dear f air ilrown x bhe turns around and looks back every time we pass on the treetr mr ilrown how do you know she rrvltotiona iui looking for aooaalhlng really nloe for a youog man said a young and pretty shopper why dont you look in the mirror p asked the gallant shopman and she was so huatarad that be managed to sell bar four dltter- aot things that she did not want bo- fore she knew what she was doing coxistipaion is the root of many forms of and of an endlesa amount of htntia misery jr- morses indian root pills thoroogrily tested by over fifty years of use have been proved m aaf o and certain xuto for ooiistipsiabla and nil ltindred troubles try theni 4 25c a box it hi never safe to trust the man who thinks of the truth is a matter of the greatest advance that children oould make would be to make it plain that there could be no holiness with out honesty bronchitis was so choked up she could hardly breathe bronchitis u an acute inflsounatson of the mucus membrane lining lb air tabes of the lungs arid should never be nc glctcd for if it is very often the disease faecotrea chronic and then it is only a mhort step to consumption on the first sign of bronchi is dr woods norway itne syrup should be taken and thus prevent it occo chronic mr john d macdonsld colkg grant n a writes my little girl seven years old catuht a bad cold which developed into bronchitis she was so choked up she could hardly breathe reading about your wonderful ntrdiclne dr woods norway pine qyrun i decided to try a bottle sod with such good re sults that i got another which completely xnrrdhet 1 c w tog i praise end would not bewltbout it in tha honse i i dr woods norway pine syrup la put up in a yellow wrapper three tune trees the trade mark price 35 cents manufactured only by the t mltbum culaflred tottitlm out tub bounds or hoepitaavity kan lit old unto litrspltallty of lit h ntllt wait tint luttrn cordial tbalt llm wnli unin act t iiski to a ft loittl lnuiro jteiou irl u ittki m4iy wtitara baoii ilwnlaml that mil irult ganllamanxhoapuahly u inllinllad hut tliu l a tiglit rxaggarallnn a- la hiwn ly a lory pnbluhrd in tn a rhnl i hioii of ituh mtitnorifa jrrry uct aril wit olten the giitnl of frieid who on ml of hi ploaaanl waya vxtettdetl lo him lliml aortof ohl itolt bllallty whuh an ablad a vuilor in my owo fautily who mtim fur a fortnight to alay f yrara hi urctrtliiaicaafl the vmt alielched to ntwly iltmllf ibal llmr after i limit yrarv however iii itlna nail t lllllr tlml of itu gunut and ltl lit ii know of hi old malitloo a m o4 lailuvatlott and lliat it tad tinnod t coutrartl for having it raltit hi frout garrnt lo trnllar ily tlftirgr wtlll jwrry il- for liinala that i don t ol j rt lo thtt mnfll of paint and it will u will to have h nit i mm in keap an ryn on tha paint era now thai the wall fruit u lmn lokl home moiilhm pasted ihun ills hdl infortixhl him that h wit going lit married athllng i thought id toll you lu food tltnr ao that yoti couhl make irlatiroly preparations to go as thu udy and you my not hit it ot so wall aa you ami i do with tuarful eytiaj 1 rry gronivd hltf coudlua hand staying o ilan ilixr you tuvu my if at ly thank- tor your com mora 1 1 on but dear drar miy surely if you nan put up with her i ran home preaching ananis to im on 111 notion that it needs only the fire and whirlwind to ralao tlch crops w0idr3ful discovery an onitnent srlentlst the othor day kave bis opinion thst tho most won derful discovery of rocont yosrs was tho itnrovnry or zariiiuk just ihlnkf an boon as a elnslo thin layer of zam huk la applied to a wound or a sore such injury is insured against blood poison not one specie of microbe has been found that zajndnk doea not kill then agsln aa boob ai zam duk is applied o a sore or a eat or to hkln dlseaso it stops tho smarting that is why children are such friends of stent huk tbey earn nothing for tho bclonro of tho thing all they know is that zamjluk stops their pain uotfaers should never forget this attain am soon ks zatnbuk is ap piled to a wound or to a diseased part tho colls beneath tho sklnu sur face are co stimulated that new healthy tissue la quickly formed this forming or trash healthy tissue root orlope is zamlluka secret or healing tho tlssuo thuii farmed is worked ap lo tho surface and literally casts on the dlaobied tissue above it this is why sam link cures are permanent only the other day ur marsh bf 101 delertmlnr are montreal called upon the zam rok company and told them that for over twentyfive years he had been a martyr to ecmema his hands warn attoao time so covered with sores thst he had to sleep in gloves four years ago zatnbuk was introducud to htm and in a row months it cared htm today over throe years after hla cure of a disease he had ror twenty ave year he la still cored and has had no trace or any return of tho eczema all drumrtstb sell zambak at eoa box or wo will send free trial box if you send this advertisement and a le stamp lo pay return postago ad dress zamlluk co toronto buttieribd with his oook after addressing a woman cook ing club a lecturer was heselged by the members who questioned him about his own household and about bis kitchen in pnrtlculer are you satisfied with your ckk r someone asked him ye indeed was the reply is she economical p very ogn she bake plea and bread t the best id the land r is she neat about her work r as tidy as a pin and aa attractive in appearance as one would cam to see how about her disposition r i think it is about perfect huh p exclaimed one of tbu mat rons who had been having troublo with her cook f wonder you dont marry the girl with a satisfied smile thu luoturar replied thais exactly what i did my wife doel her own cooking ik dood sttamoino lluslness man what references can you give young man f tviiohsp hams a letter rmiu a tailor asking me to come and look at his spring suitings saved from an operation how mrs reed of peoria dl escaped the sur geons knife mi i ot rla 111 i wish to int svery out knowwhatlydlalriiikhamsvtik tnltl compound has diw tormn rortwoytiars i inirrtwl the doc toi i illuuluimtir anil tlin only tvmmly was tlio surgoon h kuifii my mollur ixmplil me lyilla k inklu its vngnta- cmpovndt rio today in na wollrul hvaluiywonan iror onllis i siifftrtnl from inflsnimauon aiul ynur huiiutlvu wajth reliovxl ino i am im to ml an i int wlitt your mwliciifh hnv i ilmm forma you enn usti my imlim rilal in sny wny you wiah aiwf i will l i l to answer lotttirs urs cimi rrina lluii lou mound hl 1oorla iii mrs lynch also avoided m- killon jnuhip a aflyr tho birth of my fourth child i hail unyr orgniilc inflam mation iwouhl hnvamirbtrril lprli that it did notrvm nn tloch i could unil it tills krpt up for thro long months until two doctors wuiixl thul sn opt ration was nnedrnl then ono of my f rlerols rttommt inlt d ydla e 1inkliam n vrri tshle com pound and after taking it f jt two months i was a wall woman mrs johetm a lvnni jeasup iti women who sulfur from female his should try i ydln k lmnlthams vebt- ble compounj ono of tliu noat buccsiss- ful rernadlfs thu world has svr known before submitting to a surgical opoia- lion when a man tells you he loves his enemies inquire if the dsvll i bis ensmy vounoauon pvinslplee first i when undertake to 111 your prtawriptlons we give them our undivided attention and best care the patients welfare is our first con sideration beoond i we guarantee our drugs to be of full strength aa wall as pure and rresh third f our customers are supplied with just what thayaakfort suhstltiil ing is never allowed pamrb oaxjtnr oourouku if yon are a sufferer from kidney illaeaae liver eon plaint blood troubles r lieu mat isco neuiwlgla or nervous prostration we oonodently reoorn- mmul the use of pal nee celery com pound this reliable and never dis appointing medicine is a true di lavniaher and system builder w supply the genuine palnes celery compound at brown acton ont marry above thy rank sod thou wilt get a master in its initial atages a cold la a local ailment easily dealt with ilut many neglect it and the result is often the development of distressing seizure of the bronchial tubes and lung that render life miserable for the unhappy victim am first aid there ts nothing in the handy tnedlefne fine so certain aa lllokeantlcdnuinptlvt fjprup the far- tamed renleny for eoda and coughs chime man nan do three things at once tbey can sleep snore and waken other men castoria lor infants sad culaiea tfeildyuhinalimbugkl bean the fugnaturo of why aubl wouldnt coma now hemms says thu whlteohapel bridegroom youre go in to sy obey when you come to it in the service aint you p wot mef cries the tuide sy obey to you i why hlluin 1nnery you aint art nis se t uleepioeaubss ijleen is the great restorer and to be deprived of it a vital loss whatever may ho the cause of it indigestion hervoas derangement or mental worry try a course of lar- tuelees vegetable ill uy regulating the action of the stomach where the trouble ilea they will restore normal conditions and healthful sleep will follow lbsy exart a sedative force upon the nerves and where them sun real they bring rest he poor dyspeptic suffers untou agony vafter every meal neaily everything that enters a weak dyspeptic stomach acts as an irritant hence the difficulty of effect i m a cure llurdock ulood bitters will relieve all the distressing- symptoms of dyspepsia ami in a short time effect s cure mrs p c gross berlin ont writes i have been troubled with my stomach or the last seven years slid tried si i kinds of medicine for it but none uf them ever cured dm for as soon as i would quit ualux any of them the same old trouble would come back last foil i was nd- m ii lo try dtinlock wood dlttm whkh i did and uted four bottle und now feel so tr iig 1 cun do all my house work nicely and can cat almost auyhlng with out it ulfcctlnx mo in any wsy our bojitu also usuik it he always cotivtmned of pain in his tonuch und all uver like tbcumathsn and at the age of ken had lo ntay home from school he lialti t tiulte used two bottle vet anil ii lectins good can attend school regulsrly an i mu heartily 11 11 ii b htauuloc hired only by the t mllbtira co limited torouto out the firand trlnk eailwav j5he excelsior bakery 1 first quality dhbat ckn8 wbudinu cakeh clintbtmah cke ittc ktc ovbtbhbnii fb ii oali today t statham son bakers and grocers main st acton the bsruo sttain grablh ai mains works cabpih ohauh lwiftiars snd duildavs of hiaioss moos uiooini moauroenlf uaiksra aod head sloaas snd all klndij artistic ctnetery wofk wm hemstreet agent acton your chopping will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts 1 he best at lowest prices harris co everton eden mills the best quality ol manitoba kathily and paslry flour kor sale at lowest prices our own make chopping done and oats rolled daily feed for sale cash for wheat and oats- henry hortop oes well blade grood jtitting that we know bow to make cloven tlmt will puss w it u houorstue uiostcritl- r a uxatuitiatluti ya rcgurdf quality of klos pliability and stieiigtli ueatuem of stitcl ing and ohjmiud perfection yoiv can prove yourseu by atllu for st jit you ittat tjicy jii littvchr your utost wmguine cxpoctatfon la our finn ikiict itulot on titoreyrh nt all stores w h- srjoroy json litnitcd acton optsrio msmsl patents ffrwv 0otieitaa iwricaa i utammjtod wmttj tattsw a raaxtpbauswaal7blxl ar patents iphomptly 5eduredi fcs sjx vyrlta for oof j latereaitab essgaifa sb- ssd mew ysware swtsattfts l rs sfkatdi or aam oimntm vantlon orlmpronmctil an4 vafwulwuvoit raourvpltilntibilrvrieitvrr hltsrumy conduct fully equipped oftvna itf moabval ratcnla vroon ihmush aauloai a a non rasnv apcial natlea wltlmtqlrmdi ow lao vwanaurs dlaliuutrtl iwbasot the doattaltm i spsrislty trattfnt hilslucm ol auaaf tarnisndltnglnn marion fit i4aric mlh caparta and sellr

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