Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 11, 1912, p. 2

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usd 1 vf k atnotolu am in toronto sxh bylut ii dry vn i tnommbol ii t a td ulsenor askuia uniu ulilf uluihtaal ik mtm uw oa wadadr umibkiu harold vrwurl of tointtf la odviollna ruulilal hr sod un juan msnttlib ol fn lvu ainnitdtllj at lit tinm ol ii 1 rtd puaalm on wala ilinj aw fed by lta oll jolg l itton kpimu 1 lulbe ktliol tlkugtiwi l wll lui ht hvavton dittl i trefatua 00 t 1 the lasbv case dismissed evdnh showed uwt i4qws had been bold in nt howltowidld no cmmmiulmwltli ma 1u clr1uila ini trt haoarov kliml bxj vi morula r hul widow ol i ha ui lliiikdn fthe jvctan yrcc rss tiiuitmiai ai itu 11 1012 ditorlali notes that win hmkh t erry sh til 1 be advertised i 1 w i ml ntmtutuer before the cerni ny 01 til lprl r n ed as a cbnck up n clan leallne 11 ar riagee la ilia somewhat radios 1 alio gestlon tha heglalraruenersl t f on tario makes in his annual tnpt rt it births marriages and death ulcth kkn- now and next sessl in tl i leans bepartnient of the provincial jovernuient will take up the rnnnider- llon of regulallou to rnf tree tha ntl treating law these will lte submitted to uta uoum next seail n whiin the liquor license act in its amended farm corona up mull and km pi re tiiic uovkuhmklft hm decl led to in augural night lettergram or defer red message service over rail oovern nentowned telegraph llnmi in tha dominion the charge for fifty word will be the umii aa the regular day rat for ten word with minimum charge of twenty ave cents and cor responding reduction for additional words all connection telegraph lint have agreed to interchange message wlth the ootirnmnuwnh lines at tbess rte to all points in canada and tbe united state a uadk in canada exhibition train i to tour western canada to ahow tba dweller of tha fertile prairie land gooda ere equal in value quality and variety to thoao thay knew in their former homet whatliar in the united state or in thoold lands thr train will give flntl hand i if rmntl n regarding th varied nature ol omiiaila h manufacturing induatrle uithnpttopla who h aattlad in tha waat during tha pist tan year it la hnpnd by tha iirganlsara that tho moving uljaot i w will ahow in a graphic manner wfaal tha davelnpmrnt of manufactur ing induetry in tha waat will main in th paoplo espaulally the fnrtnar of wtrn blhcktiik aiouiuni khbnt nut dolly tha laadar of tha opposition in the oatarlo houao anant the atudllhm of tba bar tba wtatvment i inado in oooaervatlva j mrnala that a atrung fsallog pcwvalla in llm ijoglnutur to raiuova tba wbola umuud of lqu r llottoainif from tha political arena if oa ur ilanna la known paraonally to favor tha establishment of a obq tral board on tba a mo line aa tba t jfc n 0 oonimualou and tho hydro eleotrlo oocomlaaion to daal with tha wbol oaltraf itqanr hon nana and among tba member of the ii miid tbttra la a reeling that uila will h the tap taken by the government to re deem ite pledge to tba people to re- loove th temperance qoeatlon from pontic tglalatlon may be i mked for along tbla lne next aemlnn 1 1 n adj nroed in wrhioh homtml m lmy f tlin hlall n ilotal nlmrriml with aelllng llqu if lllrgally on it o 17th v iruary laet caiqe up final ly in m court held in tha council ham bur lnt liltly ninrnlng at nine t clock maglatratra ii i moore a 1 ii w lonnsmly t la rgrl wnri ll imi ch tlila rant wu adj urned n tha llh maitili f v a week lo allow ur iltv er 11 i ltd i unael to j m k up ear lain daoulo a u in lad when in wmi tilui jur luvarvonatat ed that tba mtclal uh he died had no bnkrlna im tlila and flnalljr auggealed that ait f he clauae ilpon which convlc- tl wwa askeil by tho prorculi n bad bareu rr ly uaod ul i he matter le re fcrrrd t the altorney jeneral a dr partuienu in tba alttlng uat ifrituy tlte magi ateatea explalnad l ha j the department declined to glnuul eny declal n upon thaquualh n iwferred ihenviavnce waa then reviewed it wa ahown that proof waa given vary positively that llqu r had iweu eold and 111 may pald in laahya hotel on tha dale nan od but i here waa nothing to otinnrnl taby or bla bartender hamunl curk o inclualvely with the in dliulmlng the eaae tha mag la tratca 1m k occaalun to aay that i hey had 11 1 doubt about the liquor being illegally aold and alrongly urged mr laahy u refrain from any further keeping or milling of liquor they at a ted that the government official ar determined to stamp out all illegal sale of liquor in acton ajtd inaamuefa the law u atrottker than any man y atteni t at further violation ul 1 be coally to the violator ho aathlaciirt la oonoeined one of the msglstralee said any further oon vlctlona will carry the maximum pan allies tha county uoenao inspector baa laid a charge tor selling liquor against sidney thurlow who waa cnnvlctd on the 10th january last for keeping liquor for sale when ho waa the alleged leasee of the bar of lehman a iiolet the case le called for friday morning at ten 1 clock thi board ow mdugatioh mr john kaanetr jev hmh th lloard nivt in regular weesloo o t m uidny evmnlng unmbere preennt a k nieklln olialrmaii o 0 hpelght j no kenney jr ir k atlt and john it ken nedy tlieacflnmtnf k uanklln or 30b f r renalra to ixiiier wae ordered to be paid ur j hn kenney jr waa appoint ad the hoard m letegate to th ontario klucau hal association being held la week in t iron to the plans and elevations for the pro posed new rooms et the aebool have not been returned by the education department inspector deaoon wrote that they wore very eauafaetorj and woul 1 add to the appearance of th flh mil building ihuord adj turned at nine o clock alixkd uabriaokh war la oatarlo laat year according to tie report of tha registrarrgeoeral luued uiu weak of ht6 uaman catholic briacrooouj 005 married proteetanu or 8788 roman catholic brides u imvrrteaivoljmlaof ippareotly mora- ww tbanmm married out aid their ehorah thlrtyopa of the mem who took roman qathollo brfde did not lay claim lo any particular faith and two honian catholic bride grooms wr wadded to jewesses marriage totalled 21030 nd th stat lee show that the marrying age is from twenty to twenty aloe fur aw during the year 4471 women m flfjmn and wloati a twenty and twenty four dd cfw betweeq twenty ave and twenty nine 0nta1uo oerlalnly took long strides in making history in the fjeguuture uet week never before in this or any other province of the dominion did it ooeot that the premier of the proflojic moilt ti4r of oppoaltloii aland in their place and veheinetly arraign the liquor traffic and point wtbsuob vvld nea end force the evil or the public ale of intoxicants villowlng tbla aob preeeoted forceful resolutions in oorporeilng hie pollolaa of thrlr ree peetlve pertles tlieoni making treat logaibareaoiulmacrilnarffbricii th other to ban lib tar and talub iloense entirely sir james whit neye resolution jrj house reoognleae the duty cjut upon it to tnlalmls a far a possible the envol of the drink haus by wise restrictions upon tbetrefliolnlntoxluungllqiiorei that the treating habit u npw almost mnlvereally recognised the moat pdwlrful faotor in the evil reantu of uteeald trafflo and hebltt that in the pptnlon oftble house legtslatlnn t pre v0t and put a stop to the said treating habit should be enacted mr n w howell k o said i the rising tide of pubho sentiment id this province he renolled the oonaluelon that the open bar la public nrilmnee a bar to puulld progreea prejadlcw alike tb the hdioovthe fjhureh end te hul nd the united sute government le arranging to produce moving picture films f r exhibition ail over th ooun try ah twins what th nation la doing toward self development the brat two of litem will be for instructing the indians in the art of civilisation ills thought that ihla will b one of the best ways of eliminating the im aginations or ihv red men and awak enlng them to get in line with the progreae t f the nation a a whole in towns and cities the pteture will be used to inforpi fbe people on each subjects as the benefit of proper eanl tallon the best waye of htoltdfflg houses t also in mining region to teach the workers to guard against accidents and work to the beet advan tag dandrurr oosta autekest deuhlrubt ours world hew social arid personal mrs uulum ur iuel h mr krak lie vlh from w ford uim margaref jbennelt froi i clark eon rt mr cuua ilynds of turont was home mr ham l oteiimm from i lock misenalue llyada of toronto wa bout i mr ilaber williams wee home iroli berlin mrs j w ws and mue uoria of mill on miss u is husba w hout froos toronto- mr and ur hrenk mcintosh frooi 1 wonto tom henderson is botua from tochrao miss ljla mclberson of toronto waa home miss annie harvey le boat from 8u catbrlnre ur w ourney was bare from wlngham i margaret hrown visited ttron to frlsndi ur john h uoore and ui little from ttroalo mr cham ii moore n oundaa w home for rster mlas sophie oolemeav visited re i uvea at lleepetar mlss mary mopherson is visiting friend in preettoa mies sadie turton is spending a few day in duaovllle mr harold ntcbun of th a p 8 toronto waa bom mr v j statbmorkxetr vulted at hie fatbere horned mr kdward near of iveatoo wa home for th holiday mr r is evens and family removed lo toronto tble week mr c a o matthew and uu myrtle from toronto mrejnoa mowmt and mlae olive visited toronto frleode mr harry prank am we bocna from tha school of pharmacy mies annie collier le visiting her cousin in west toronto mrs mcnabb of roefcwood visited acton mend yeeterday mr nuimadoeidorbracbridg was here for the holiday hr warren o brown wa bom from the s p s torontot mr wallaoefmukubofwingham wa bom for the holiday mis mamie measles u bom from hereward over the holidays ules radfern of bertie visited at the borne of mr wm wiles mr w1u porfare of toronto epeat the holiday at hie boese bar uim hnr urandoo of berlin was the guest of mrs jeunl smith mr tieorge and mlae mary mhn of toronto visited aeton friends master loalle and muanormauaock of berlin visited aeton friend mr harry car roll of toronto waa th guest of mrs jennie smith mrh bauorand children of hast inge are visiting anton mead mum beetle smith la spend log the oak with bar slater in toronto mr james hall and master wufbrd of toronto visited aeton friend mr and mrs john r kennedy 1 spent master with toronto friends the ml krieb of toronto visited at mr u gibbons young- street master willi hamlltooof stratford wa a guest at mr george havill a misses kuie and myrtle dill were borne rom toronto for the bouday mr and mr cb kbbagn and babe of berlin wore here for good friday mr james hufoger irf terfa uoua spent a day or two with aeton friends sir lester kiev of saginaw mich is spending a week with relallveebore mr arthur flrstbrook of toronto spent the bolidar at sondetiand vula mlse walleor of beqaaalng went to tbessalon on friday for a short visit mr john mccaon of bracebrldge visited h lends here during the holi day spring freshets do damage nearfr uss oojsi much mads aoton friends a brief wt last week mrefjl r wansborougb went to toronto last week to join bar h there mr and mr lyle uriadeu and daughter of gnelph visited anton thb chkdtt valliv ploodrd the warm sunabliie last week utelt rd lb eoow very rapidly and as a onn tjurnc nearly eery river valley in iii provlnoa was fl mdad prom many polnta i here come news of damage from rising walere atguslph chat ham brentford paris owen hound hanover wtartot southampton and numerous her places ml ms and costly dsiuage ww don kor a long continued etrolcb of du- safer however thi valley of the river credit i tlm mo kr us the dam at alton f ty n lies rrom the mi uth eras aw- t aside by lb n rush of ice and heaping waters rem ent dam or iron brldjge was no match for the credit on i tmpsge at two o clock hunday afternoon the horrent which bad lorn ibroogh fourteen dame tackled i lie village of iwt credit at th rivers moutb and wpllt it in two eaat and west it was a nostly outburst from alton down to lb mna b the following halttf properly destroyed glee some idea of i be loss i dam at alton swept down satur day night new blwel county bridge across tba river at glen wll llama erect ed three years ago destroyed la the downward coarse of tbr wsier creamery dun at alton j4tnee belle dam ar calsrect henry bracken a dam at boston mills halnee and kills mill dam at cbel tenhem mill terra colt brick works dam towneend brick works dam end berbers paper mill dam at george town sykee and besuraonle dam at the glen nobles at n rval end mcmurchy a dam at udttonevllle ward a dam at kldorado brett and company e dam at mead owvale the worst in thirty four year is how old ti described the fl tod on the credit river which mined the lake shore road bridge and pigged the boats and boat house on port credit harbour umiholiai mr w gowdy and maaurr bmvlas epeat tha raster holidays with mrs gowdy e parents in naessgaweya mlas margurita and master t unmy i vena of toronto wore the guests of their grandparents last week mlse blrdu carrie of laurel le spending a lew day wllb her friend miss bella wheeler ules ivans of toronto spent kastev with bar parents bero ur t havana brother of ur j d lana and mrs k marshall peased away suddenly last week tha funer al took place last saturday and was by he c i dr-per- wwoxxxoooo tmrrrmri vaster rcqiiireirfeifts lhmiil 1 j m l t l we are ready to supply yoor needs for tins laster season our stock is well isortcd and has lieen kept up in anticipation of the list days rash prices- itadies suits stylish and serviceable perfectly tailored silk lired coats a from lim to ue siixk and nett waists wc arc constantly adding any new ideas in these lines 92m to i j oulvksoitslits iiosibkv- modcratc vklliin0s00lilak8 onr wearables mens and boys dcpirtmcnt is filled with new spring nkw telt iiato new cats new shirtsnew nkokweak j we aro showing a lot of very attractive mens and boys clothing in nowest patterns and colors and it very tempting prices henderson co mill sl acton oat have you balshed your tbnpplng tour with your wife v no i tba shopplns has finished ma on saturday night the water in the pond roee eo rapidly that men were called out after midnight to assist in etrsn g t bsnl ng the dam and otlier weak polota where ibero woe danger or undermining by the rush of water the approac to the bridge were washed away and some damage done in other places but not as serious aa might have been bad not a close watch been kept and weak polaustnngtbenr ed as soon as dan w the eaw mill and censsnt works of the toronto lime co had a narrow nape masnamaddabquanaqdirtrbulbm e mr robert wejlsc of tbeaeeloo who has been away from aeton for fourteen years returned home tuesday mr and mr frank uwackbamsr and master roy of toronto attended mr austin kelly of sr louis mo n luuernl of tba isle benjsmln if you want to get rid of dandruff in the shortest possible time gel a bottle of parisian sagu today and use besides ban uhlngtland ruff and mak log your scalp immaculately clean parisian saqh is guaranteed to top falling heir and itching aoalp and impart hfs and beauty to the hair on of rochester most prominent barbers write gentlemen i i am a barber of nt tn year experience have used many things fur bale bit never found -any- tbbrweek thing npiul to parisian 8agr for re nnving dandruff it is also a xplen did hair dressing and quickly stops itching scalp i have used it for the last three years- t d smith oilnuihnr of commerce rldg hoehee wr n y junes 1011 parisian saob is void by a t brown and druggat evurywhre for 50 cents momnbkkhrar amd kttuui ackoiaju train to wksrlu km canada via t i ksprs rsodgnlxa tust the liquor trmf wl jto f tmm hoteljn- honm mini iiwlirubliitbatlliirfirdeou amwloiii olllnifo ihsiif or eam risamrvn ro gllor4 wat woia 4urtfiiiliim hirlh 1 vaii tli ui urn liu wiilit hb tuiloitivlo till tk jt miokpllon bd- mlrlbmbaatlhut ywcvipi ihofmihr ftr iiiom vbhlnr to uk ofibbmtilltlj ulitll dwgoftlriwhjrlo on- 0lilaro una bt put aoril laid ibra nrl holb and vry moond tua4lr llirinr until fipt l7tb looluiva tlohu will lw bti on ml on orulntl1 vl timriand novtb ern nmigntvtm 0ompir hpui train wilt lwv titronto laflu p ill on imivo iuim for kdtnonlon nt point inllhntloluindelmllaiohltwbn lopping at all point oo grand trunk rclll ttillarar wot of wlnnlprg tllroujli obfohni jiit iullman tnuiut slnptn will looabd folly utppial willi uoddlng- and port in ebaroi barthb may ba amorm in alatpan at a low rata thla t n moaptlonl bp- xuiiht for iiiomi wlhlpg to lak adantga of ttii ninarltahhr low nn wy sattlira rlm or mind tr hra a ifapbmoa and hla laaaa pent mvoral day willi toronto frhmda una d wr of uawsod wtad bn- motltar mra bartail and othar frurnda ur and mra krnaat aollo apaut 4li nnllii tarn y r and mra k b swaekhaaorr of toronto vlaltad ac tba fomarnj ltoisrlira mr kk b kranqr of tba baotal oollag toronto waa boaoa for tbe bolldaja mr jobosinollaifklllarnwrman vmumi bl brotbmrmr ulebaid bmolla mr and mra w a jray ororillla giuala of hr and mra b v oaklwall hr itobart waluo aptalt oood ph- day with bla daughter mra quran at wlngham uta hilda ullata and mrurfarlyorua of doon blind friend bara dorlagif the holiday mra tboiue seott and johqnla itohlnmn pen tha holldya wth friind in ull klnnard mra h k orroli waa ealkd away on t morning to lb hedde of bnr brothar4n law at alderabot wbo re orltleally iii joaaph ilamaon and tbornae ivlu- lettuna left yeeterday for buffalo n y to take poattlone on the euejner tbomaa lyneb mra dr stewart mra a proetor aad daughter mb band teaober of imkgfwre and mra john jackaon of rranrae mra baater vlaltora at tbe borne of tmrmdpat stewart mra pete oibbona speyalde wbo frarawfd-irrtbs- bofraaibe paet fln numtba waa able to walk out to tbe veranda on good prlday w 8 ooleownbrft monday morning for oouneeut oblo where ba baa ensured n doattloo on tba steamer maaaba of pltuburg steamahlp oo mra jamee aleaanrbr of jlutoey and mr mawalm meoouoat of btm- wood aeeompenled tbe remain of the late lira monro toaatonontufdajr atora it agutualunumn iaii jlre a 8lewarttaerhllngneounmi of week wllb her daugbtrr mra g alaaon jtt wlpgham im ii- it cuopblt of uaaiuun punt ooofl vrfday at the boaaapfe vftp landdhwougb mr mktiaal 0brbmy mmdoaey and andrew nf otanr turekria for the bauer bnlldaja mra jattttw hwlaranfaiaronln here laat work attending the funeral of the late benjamin klnnard mra uunphall mra j k gambia and thelma grunbb pent ibe holiday with friend in owen sound mr and mm j u jbue and cnil rtrao ol oaorgmnwn ehdted mra luoniae somertlli ibb week mr rabrtdn browool vletoru vmt- mhryirtofoillo and bla irwod mr obaater wara bare for baettr i mr bjchhr speneer or mount 1etltwalbrerhi toaeday to at- rh i ii d s i wall paper n c m sliow u yhk nbwrst s dsioks p dainty bedroom papers d with cat oat borders n n dining rooms vdib psnsl g burlap leathers sod j oatileaxs for hahs j bllawpulixa varn1shud tiles cor bath j wefill be glsd to show you at brown millinery opening mui mae hatkorne has opened ner mituaery store la i be pre mists occupied by her butt bassos on mala sireef where all the latest sod mow stylish dsetgna la spring millinery will be shown sprint opefiiat qa friday mmd saturday march 2taj at im a cordial lnvluticn u extsadsd o ell lbs ladles of acton and vkdnliy to call sad lospeci onr sssortmsal ol tholusu ibuun la spring hawser explrienced willi neks crgh pkid for fowl r ffu junk also ssu ell idsds of furniture 7 svocsst hcton ilrto ftbrrturtiifnu ftbf wnpltsi otrjurrb jiin rev f u burrrcl jta pastar bundav april rth a u tbetlarkahaanlrnit v u the tmns uf xia wktaxumt 81kayino kltljit tkek8 uijonuajkm iw n i apolir lur wantki kjgh for hatching ghuick building um for balk nro wui nju w u u- w lutajtoisosim a oo help wanted male uessv a lew hew w uwi wtn aalr jt es veshlr as fas a ess se la ww oats4rsiassfre doatuto osocitroo hoiwcljepers waxed ptpar 1ackaah of u iwn a- whig inl v thi1i is g nt laiiiii iw ratlnlrl tlttlbs i lag iii sasgslll iii s lg i fbhasv lia tljalij ilt asniiisliwi111 vmeeisissez rassrsvworncb counter check books sggmlsuia smi aar mmmug ev ua if r txoona card of thanks imsjmtoi aarjast ukssss uks alsfsisgmjtwsiwislslfcglsass rai s tse uw wt the ma -f- g r si it isssllsr fcls tan i astso asro am but card ofjhank8 bank of hamilton wb warn yoo yes w want you u m initorasr ask us to send you our 191s catalogue its brim full of all that is good la glow veg held soot grains plant small fruits lotplements bee supplies pomluy bnyyueo etc alba ti vrkal w lane ale as w t- tw sa rrtvassftsetw abmvama usw ass s t we avntf tse ear yea esnsswei tssv dancfl a huntssrsekd co liju tssssast as the k imwii ttir it hhxsjl ilajtod oeam and bauerco t htton fhntaurta mr arab thoaapnor anton mhuflmtibuj sjblib c bpirblla corset mot sold in stoewa 1wmmhtluiu ss aasvawawij4aiasilirs hmti a itseiliagaeaiaa swa a last asw le w- b taw swlu- the public health ornxsutw am msbomxvtu to ooauuv witti ti raiuo msalthact norms tatbeietnaewantaesau walsag j ia tsair a i suwg iia ad naw ummttsaaallelrt wiia saaeuw absf watch bmvssmlsbsavum swbus imxlut sa kses iks sbsbs um a ma am ea i mg um tisausn laum lass vdu li ke n ttsas say tujlii saa ratsleny slasg wul be aulcij rltbetigid roofing ftsa bngsj sad mere oonjplempmlvntiealpor dollar of east than metal roano shlnriss or any other mdy ror- btf wtibevaoo imitajlom rtteerroktts stlb tba but mads in 3 permtiisiif colors rao brown green imfaitundsuio uok into it bflforoyou deckle oa that new reef eo udsctden- excursion til to westera uiieula rti cucifo april 16th and sjird ami 30th and very second toeeday thereafter until mtethber 17th ioclusive speoal tiain will bare toronto at loyr p m 00 above dale for bdmonton and point in manitoba and sart via chlov go and st ftrmt carrying ttrroukhcoaca- aaand pidlmau tourbt shtepua no ciianub of cars pull putknunfram y otand trunk agent or c it sahcntoluron alberu govwament agent palmer itoue black toreeto oolz 1 r j tiis dorbalino i t11k knickerbocicb j till- iiawkks vok gat- thb moklbv j mklson special ssm bust hat value in thb tradb it e jstelson otlsujpfs dmt auction sale oew jajait-ln-ksqve8intr- lata william oraydon tessubf pesik sssl at is jdomlnlo hotel aoton ea aaturday april sou iu12 jlrw4teralvsx s n2 tisz s5vavrartaii- smthmrthiglrm jmm1w 1 i mhnmnnaugininwn tha mou jhrputar route ta mont rbat bulpaltljibv york piuladblphia dktroit and ciiicaoo h va brand trunlr ibouoiy doable track loate slefjublp tickets on sale u aaltoer r for ticket and aujnfonnation aiiply i 1 b si violates sgwi at o t r acton the merchants bank op canada 11 every person who tscelves and pays ool niooey should have 6 cheiiulrgsccoupt liridsbt by cheqae u lbs most practical oo venlaal end safsri triettwd of baaduag sjj fntrial irsnserllnns whstber ol baalnsss or psioosl clis the retnra of csncsltej 1 cbsquss are voochert for every sara paid oat i llwy shoaj whatdhv bossnisalshavalmwantaikaitdm dsnsaita are ratsived by this bank ailjeutomehbdrarai we pay ibe ska wtsnuon lotoiallrjgspradtoram we defalk loiersat sjknved oa all ssvlaga snxwatm yearly adsd 1 7 ofat assets t wm i nut wu n r pv sasssi wllllaal ubusnuixt aete osa- b r joatiy k ci aaltaaasrf l mn oat we want your jobwork you will want ua to havta it when you gr9 our sample and he a s our prices a call nr this j07cw mn tfuttcl m tha ifnm rojf m printing iwwwmm

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