Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 18, 1912, p. 2

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ma mm ik d mimtamwdiwlif atnil idu k beou iiimminttlltliom llllnt bmiatim daaatila o4 uxrt klal on wa4aa4 e7uu mbnui laiiiixu uw txuuaol uw ixlui it owaiocp ua- wadaadar 1mb llanb albaaf kttlnuui ntmlhuh ao o4 willi haaafa maly sf o laumiuataiiiblmdl william i li i iii bi ra lie cton jfrre press tiiuitfday aikil 1h 1012 ditorial motks tlik hit h m in hvttlvm hon w t wlilicmxiiool thnvkmllt of ll- recant guverihiuuil nnt in ilaliuu lmt lion w th- while mini ler or b inane reutnuilwrtml hi native cuunly ilxuon pretly well in the supplemental itluitna ailnngili poetofuco starting wllh hmkh slid milton 13 mx for the m hurling ton la allowed hml for imrlmr improvements mil if vn v wlunfc law amendment iui1 makes man whn ha limn found intoxicated m competent and compel i able wltne in an attempt to find nut where lis obtained th alcoholic liquor that mad blot drunk ltefui give the dqslred i o formation may l punished with imprisonment for ihi months this is similar to rhe ouuu relating to those on hie indian ual it will nndrr load option even nion effect v tutl um way of the i rangrlmg uuoor 4lr u being utad bard by thr government of the ivosluc of ontar io hon air ilannaa amending bill which became law but week remove uw distinction between illegally keeping liquor ttv sale and mailing it illegally- ll im incnmwm tin previously the maximum fine fur keeping won sfio nod ttp for w and second offences now the maximum lor either keeping or soiling la 3q lor firs offence and imprisonment for subsequent offence under tbla new ameodment the penalties of s17u0 im posed for conviction in acton the past year would have been j llaoco- forth any man who sells liquor from flask orbotunxmtbestreeuofactona eome have been doing the past year la liable upon conviction to a fine of sou and in default of payment to imprlaonment when ml apriog ooadjuoni dp come they come to stay the farmer will fain bailer than having an early apring with old bleak weather fotlowlng it will be remembered that a couple of yeareegow bad a spring or that type what wm not scconiplubed early bed to be bem over for a month end many did not finish seeding until near the end of hay that year wee note very productive one for htstern canada and it ie to 1m hoped this eeaaon will not be like itr thing are not shaping that way however end lf wo get through with the cold weather all at one there will be every reason for the farmer to cheer up canadian farm births marriages deaths also ioa halton cdurltv the fortyrflmt n of lhblhaucj of births marriage and deaths in on tario usty has jusv ben issued there yrm regulered 5ffil births- 2866 male bind 2j3w7 roilei an in ore of i0b over ujo prevtuua year tblsulsumeuatoloofemalea there warvstonelrepf lwins61 boys and r girls end five cases of triplets tt hoy and 0 girls there were ijxtj children raierpd mm luegltluiates the marslagea reghitcred for lh year numbered 2i03lan inoreaao uf l for tun veer harrtegea by de nomlomof were alauioduu 13821 1 preabtarlan ik9 angtlcais 04fi0 roman oatbolict 7351 j daptlau 8280 1 lutberatts l oongreatlonelutf ssi i uebraws 221 tutvauon army hi all others l0qp 4h3 were uiarril d between ibangw of lft and 1 7 grooms and 0 brides wrrrf over to when married i i prom the table relating to deuomlor atlons we further learn that 178 ito- ma oalbolla men married as many anglican women i iso htsnian oatho i m groo toote 4 t tasfan imejaa f u7 uatbodlstet 08 bapttalej 100on gvegatlonallata 1 86 iluamnstjmeok women of the kraotreucal aweoclatjoo and two married jawissses the brides of 38 gmva other communion then those waatloosd and ii brides inede no claim 4 ehuroh tneoabereblp at all on the other tand 380 itoawa uatliu- ho brldee married anguckn gtvome 1h married preebytorinst aubeoame wlvee to as many method uts t s umk cigarette uccnse fee reduc ed to 37 50 afr huunl steqwe sv ontnted in rm or pvo4m of nearlr do ru humtdj a man ov influlncm 1 in iik uilmra yf tbn v nincll warv all preaattt at uoiiday evnnlng a meeting and ilia motion u atuandtlwt cigar all ily law at la i bore fruiu mr ilduart rnpmt fir the rnlucllon nf the licence wu granlvd in aplrlt the ft- wlilrli i ma prsvallrd for niurly tn year being cut in half the rvijueal of llr ilmaard evidently had inorv walrlit with arfon four councillors than llm pelliloii of nearly four bund rml cltlsan wokmr by a uviialinn wlilob rmwdetl tt council cbatnbrr tim cuuiutuleenn r nance pr tlxlr algtitli rrpurt and racoon payment of accuunle as followi llutb itydnr labor cetuetevy clu ion klrr auppjum iiivtr iioiiihi lkn kria coat co tlow houm 1 t it krght and advene oa ooal lliwur iluuae h u mouctoauduty onrtuil v hltrhln training ro1 it htoroy lalior ntlery anted ua oo s 41 111 7 12 oti pcci 7o tlin repoit ny ndoplir riin ltpvr laid lb luattwr of the pmpomd igaretln ily lw amend umnt rtwlurlng lltr llmnvn fre frond eavmity dt ui iwnnty five dollars be- fore the i ounrll the members deter mined to lirnh it out and settle it for purnue of dlecuralon the bybiw lo ainand wn put through its brat reading on motion of councillors hmlth and ibill and afterward iu svoood and third by councillor smith and cooper the itaevs miuealwd i borough dhv coaalon btsllng that vvry member of the couunll auxd for himself councillor hiollh brlrlly espreaaed ilia opinion a uncltauged if clgi alto are aotd it u well to know who are nelljng them cmmrlllor 1111 wm not in favor of anything datrluiantal lo the welfare of the young ilia ton iter had had no pcrwonal hllcmtt tu himself previous to lite prmcnt agllatloo and be bad therefore not coniderd it much whataver hid provuiona of the law he wuhed it unforced councillor mcdonald couw not see bow cigarette could bu used wltltout imiing kitlj if they are sold there should be no monopoly lie bad given the mailer much consideration and eiiggneted a minimum fee say half the present fiw tbt thing however slmuld be snfuicvd and hr would be in favor of even a special officer the views uf uuj deputation of aaveral wmika ago woro entitled to conaidera lion tlin himivn whh decidedly against y reduction tle deputation aeem- d to apeclally fear ilia reaolt lo the young and he believed that in no simi lar plane was there less smoking among hoy than in acton while i hers are many stuokors aruung the adults in town he believed that it was on ac count of our peculiar incoming popo lion incommltleenf the whole it was re solved nn motion of councillor mc donald and i tell ibat the bylaw be mended and the fane be placed at 37 go the councillors all voting for tun is the season of the year when the farmer and everybody elm should cheer up the growing time i at hand wheonature begins to assart itself in new form and toglveof ber bounties for the benefit of mankind if winter linger long in the lap of aprlng as it baa done this saason do not become pmsimutlc and faelthat nature in some way missed a coffend baa turned away from you cheer up seed time will come gain and snow and frost will dlsappaer this season wllf prove no exception to the rule it i better to have winter conditions now than a month hence altar a considerable por- lamoxlhftsmndalalnuiftgnuindjf it tbp hecyg hpwetiir declared im bap il guug aliaui 71 threw their lot with luilie ana u married member claiming oonneotioa with ibvaqgalloal asaochf tloou 8 married jaws tithe bushand arxfelaltnad to belongootber aeol than those olaaalflad in bo unlet and 8i of the aweo tool uoinaniuatlar llo brides did not uy- claim tujoy partjaitur faith v ij on tba wboli tbn w 4v mq nd 811 woman nl tht jlbinan 0mlo ftuutah who tatvcjd 4 mher aban membetaof their awb faltbj w s 3pheath rat of ihe peovjno wtl aammtommmmmatlulqmfiw u i irln halton uwaibfc4alrthi against t the lteee then declared the by4aw earried as amended and tbla closed this troubletouie question j tor the pre sent therell be a reckoning day however with the councillors who tot- ally ignored the prayer of the pall tion of citizens hassard applied next day to clerk mackinnon for a license to sell olgarette conversation on aevaral other ln portant matters enmiedtptie uydro- kiectrlo matter i not hastening aa fast from the commission end aa our rulers wish and tba keev will pro bably journey to the capital in a few days to apply the prod the wrecked church htreet bridge wa connldered and chairman bel of htreet and wtuk i lo secure esti mate uf cot pf ul table slrucmtr whether of tee or wood a cawe of dflalltutloo was reported by the lleeve where an appeal for aid had been made add on doe conaldrrev- tion case being exceptional a mall wpkly allowance was granted temporarily it la evident that the members if the couucll while kindly disposed will entertain no fake ap peals ily law re elostng of a portion of queen htreet between quelph and usriastreet was read a bret uui and laldover for information aa to some detail council adjourned about ten oclock ij00 uve am 10st at sea tlwtuaalvtaa o v nioav sjtasjawx lee w ek wawmavpeaur ho i aoaaavsid but tamv hci psiltnqmb dsowmid mctabl lejd timi greatt marine disaster bulory occurred nn monday nuimlng wlui ihetiunlc uf the white hlerun srhen on itstasldsu voyage with si 71 p and crew struck aa iceberg nn the hanks of newfoundland and sank tlin vaaaol struck at about llunhunday night and fimindered four linurs afterward tie moment the disaster occurred j u phillip mi sliipm wireless man began eendlng out ue o q u signal the call gf dutr ihllllp appaare to have stuck in hi post and to hay continued tha call for help until the ship wentd iwn a the last m received from btm was only fragman- the vlrgfuun of the allan una the carpal liu en route to the mediter ranean the parisian also of allans and the olympic ltr ship to the titanic ll hsard the call and wheeled in their track fur the points whence came the cry of distress heard too was the message by the wireless elation at cpe ltsce and soon a thousand mile of bind and eea were ringing out with the appeal tar aid hut quick as was the reaponaaf thoee who rushed to the soen were too late to prevent a disaster surpassed only by some of those which have occurred wban a yawning earthquake swallows a city the carpalhu was urslon the seen but she did not arrive until iojq eight hours after the titanic bad gone down and nothlog waa left hut float ins wreckage and boats loaded to the gunwale with women and eilldr- a full list of the saved and lo i not yet available but the partial list of the eared reads like a woman con- ference mrs and mlsa run all the way down the tin with only an occasional mu wboee presence was required in manning the boats the race was true to its traditions cap tain and wireless man undoubtedly went down at their posts while men and lads held back for women and children first the titanic had one of lhe largest lists in passenger and crew ever car ried on a single ship home 81 73 peo ple were on board all told and included in that list wera many names familiar to the englishspeaking world included in the lut of drowned wore i charles m hays preidnt or the grand trunk w t stead of tie re view of ilavlew john jacob astor known chiefly forhiwejtbiaouo 000 on or two of the uuggenhelaas who bar grown rich in exploring western mining fields others known to have been on board ware thomas beettl and uugo ifeid formerly of fergus but now of winnipeg dr alfred ldo hamilton who waa re- turnips home after pursing post grad uale studies in england major bull aide to president taft i jen b ore- bam one of katooe buyers thomas mcoeffery manager of union bank vancouver full particular of the disaster will not be known until friday when the garpatbla the ore to reach thr- eoeo of diaatv la du to arrive lit hew yorensbels anown loavetbun anr- vlvor on board the latest rework that both the tviisun and vir glnlan had been heard from and ibat neither of thee have any survivor of the titanic on board fuluiiamd a nappy evnt took place at llm bum of mr itobert mokevry ninth llo krip on vdd aprimo h when there saw deuguter knama hruiln laveame ihe wlti- of it ilnrt itarimiur fraimpi ly at four nvltmk l lb slralni nf i4igrlna wedding march puyed by mleae may in near hi bride cewalni th bride entered the pal lour supported by her father and took her plan b sal b an arcb draped w frt tinsel carnal iooa and rgrn 8b was handsomely altlrwd in whll satin trimmed wllh fivrrtao and fringe tier v wm caught up wllh ormng uuouit and site ca tried a slmaf of rose and maiden hair tafrn she also wore a parl brooch lb gift of the groom t i grooms gift to mi near was a brooch set with ame thyst thecnretimtiiy wn ifformd by itev it h kooit of hlukburg a tier eongratutailohm wnre xtnded over one hundred jimwim at down to a eumptonu repl til rmalimlr of th evening wjh hit in gamee and social intercnur- thabildo travel ling dress was navy blue broadelotb with white picture hat mr umiuu ilarlmmir will tide at llie grooms farm lgth ho k in it v i w cur i spent last wrek in toronto attending th cloalng er rises of knox college theee be r- ored as unusually interesting and auecaaful mia hwio ol houttuberg who has been visiting her brother th pest few week returned lo iter home last week mr lty of jwugnlnwn i visiting at th homo uf urn alfred vannallrr for a few day our schools resumed work on mon day morning last mr win hitchcock imui the misfor tune to lose a valuable oow a fsw weke agtk mr- lllo thompson hsrf sold lil pleodld surrey for a good pric mis vera wiggins had a isfg class of music pupils on saturday laat i and her cousin i1u ilwiw hlntlalr accompanied her home to cheltenham for a vuil we regret to repot ihe illness of mr wm mcfuy but hom it will be brief mrs oubert ulnclalr i slowly re gaining iter former health and strength the road are drying up fmht and will soon h ready for wheeling hiss llo nruoorgetown l vllt lag af iter uncles mr david mc- koery mr iavll moran spent a few days last week wllh her ualeru here the mlac young miss margaret key vod ber grandfather mr j a ulnnle lb past week mr itobt akltt is acting as stage drivel for a few day this week a heavy ihundrrstorai passed over ibis locality on sabbath evening laat well well i jnns homk dye anyone i und case against sid tburlow dyola r unbhoom miss winnffred irene 1 spending a few days wlui friend in ilrampton mrsk martailwhoueeriauslylu with pnmimunls ha taken a change for the better and hope are now en tertained fur har recovery mlea undsay waa called to guelph last wrtfk owing to th mines of her alster ml u undsay jxhe many friends or mis berue barber formerly of umehouse will be phauod tu hear that elo i eovrv log from her rvcent critical i hues aok m brown npewftjjr news ro ra amim stmdd peoptd who have taken our word fur it that fakihf an hack is the real hair grower hwullper and dandruff cure have never beun dtmpptiitrd llare the wunl of a person who look our wortl luvfl hi ug ialtiaian tiaok aliuiit a year when i lirgan tausslt k bad only n light fun on nty hea now i have a good thick growth and it iinwlng thicker and longer rigjit ajomg many people- do not believe it c4ii bbdon but 7 know from my own eapvrienee wllh ialt is1ak hamu that it on i recommend it lo tv qflkt ooundeitceuaiom brqwfui103joih killmora st mry vulwiuo tjut ijtmvecstatemeajt waa mad lo he u jj kooh of uw jcoch phamaoy maryvllle ha april xh ioltu larv bott41eou wa x ilrowu and j l v awjlft- ofccjsidif was rfawbatvald the charge preferred by county inspector ferrab against sidney thur- for illegally eelllog liquor in actoo between the 16th and doth march was beard before justices h p moore and a r nlckun at the council chamber last friday morning l morris saxr the mala street mer chant waa th star witness for the prosecution i u deposed that be was driving up hill street one inovnlng when sydney thurlow got into the rig with him at he poet ofdoe he aid a we were driylng doox i remarked that i had the tethn sid then produced a whiskey botll and a llttl glass and treated me to a drink of whiskey 1 drank the whis key there on the rig lie had tha bottle and glass in hi pocket to mr manklnoou counsel for the defendant did not pay for the liquor or buy any other liquor from the defendant i would not buy from mie what would i want lo buy from him for and pay two prices i would riot bay from any tnan to acton because t would have tn pay more for llf elquor i am not positive a to the date that 3ld gave tue the wbtokey but am sure it was not mor than four weeks judgmentln thb ease w l green grocer fruit merchant e k cook is reeslvlag call fresh vegelsbles and fruits sad sell ibem si raasnasble prices foukign pruits a aikcurvtv cooim dsllvufutn miu btssst acioa to thosffl ooimo wtt t u you need a watch or a clock you will qnd hat u will cost you much lee get ting it beffl then out there i warrant ttvacy one x 1 lo this way that 1 will pay the postage both way un waohap during the year of warrst and always after ward wben ypu send utentforrapalrac if your need olnng yon bad bet ter hay it dime brfore ypq go you do not know the watohuwdiar out there and oftodas tba price arautucb greater j bare aome sued aeeond- band watch whhtwnild do for lb ltnuuhbtgroitmpi prinattlqn fwoandtouudoij ah or ibem are in good runnhtg onjar i gv a great many bok from the wt to re pair end nop u- lffr amoe astrey or have bee broken in thfl kiajts a i am so careful about tbn pacuftav d jpnt rorget i will pay lb postage hot byways and guarantee you will t the walcb in good order pu no l ouelnb jl bplrtnairijnr a poor refuge mortaliry- r j ir j j koohng sis sirenriy luvesbntng rated nnuolasa by fir insurance com panies- ttwulnotlgnlie from apbrks or taimtag brands and has saved many a bulldlnr mad under cansdjan patents 93 037 and 3i60 ij 3 permanent colors red brown creori- and in natural slate your dealer should be sbl to sutaly yorn if not write for aaaiplea booklet and prices to i millinery opening mihmm hawthorne ha opened hr mluioery store lo tba pre mists occuried by her last seou on mala btrsat tabtre all tb latast and most styliih avfu in optlog muunery wlu beaow sprins oralas on friday nd saturday marco jtor- a cordial invluiioa la exteadad to all lb ladles of acton f inspect our awmrtsm sprblghsa xxxkxxxxxx eeaysssawbawawajjss i e ijfto bbrriiarmrnl spriog irvcqtilperoeqts kljf vaptist flthttrtb trton tv f o burrbtl b a paator rt1aiauaisjaaaa ra wafeal we are ready to j stock is well assorted and rush to supply jour needs for this easter season our has lccn kept op in anticipation of the last days ladies suits stylish and serviceable perfectly tailored silk lired coats at from fi to si7m silk and nett waists we arc constantly adding any new ideal in these lines moderate s to tj glovkscorskth -hosiery- vkimnuscoixakh onr mens and boys dcpnrtnicnt is filled with new spring wearables nkw kelt hats nkw ca1s nkw shirts new nkckwkau we are showini a lot of try attractive mens and uoyi clothing in newest patterns and colors and at very tempting prices henderson 5t co mm si acton oat fxmxtoooooooockxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxwooocb canadian awawuavll i hia honescekers bxcuasions inn ii a am mil jatt n lutta urit in iltlnll ii i low roundtrip ratx saaaasssass tourist suecpfng cars aaa roa lxts3v3x-z- laadunaannanasiataniaibi i wall paper i g wa cam show u tui nawssr oasioms i g dainty bedroom paikkb g wllh cnl out borders- d n dining kooms vrlib panel s aftcc a d burlap lhathkhs and h oatmbals for halls g bilks for parlos g vattnislied tjlus for hsih ws wui bs glsd lo ahow yon i at brown i aavoarn sranotmrn g sewawawvero g i acton oat dadddaaaaanamawaui gush prid for fowl saw fu1s junk aim mil all hinds of fuhnituuk tk sbkb acton cbaraoter i nr put on t it grow oit sj waoaaa5cva3r ttromto ganaoa bank of hamilton capital paid up- reserve and undivided prwmatt total ascta w ris not la its ptn pselsetvalimofbaoaeyawa the awl- lag of l sad of secariiv mihoctofsdvr maerve faad give yoa i satisfriag than lb mesiag wkkh yon would obtain by fritln it p small snaoaats which ye wul nanny is optmied rrruarly u graswatly bnl sorely accnmnlat to a sea straw aohmlsnraagiasllieeawimofbv- uk0k0kt0wn beanch v k maaay atausug 150000 free homesteads aloro tbi uslal ov tub canadian norraon railway sm mialtotw saskatchewu ud albcrtt f llw oaandamaterthcra iudtt7 s livol lkarrrllmaa nwwafu thr balaak will b acivnt by 1 nuudtoba 21800 sasialclxwu 4mb0 alberta 740q0 tee hart ihmolndiir raputy sria uk fmnl u mkc tbetr acfactioa wkaaaa ocbty a for tiwtwokirt iwaftwlaortloa j jarwptlwnhw wd hriastewl wl ba toyeaw mkia polkallo lo k u fabbajn aau oiami westers caawla unuf that bratkalty every tsraua nau4toul tacra bn piiha tw tao lb rum und wacrc kata ad ttaaai tfcc al try voanteken ud settien excursion -to- weslero canada jria cucafo aprif t6tb and sjrd and 30th and vary aecoaa tuesday thereafter until september ith loclemlve t special train will leave toronto at 1030 p m op above dabs or edmonton and points in manitoba and satfcatchewan via chica go and bl 1aol carrylog through coacav and pulfmaa 1ouri sleepe no ciangk op cars jpum partlwura from any o et or r mccutcbeon alberu vumeat agcot calmer houa block ato onu 1 bsnawhbamslbmwaibat the ezechp the mou iioimur root to mont- bafc bulfpalo hswvojuc muoelwua detrowia chicago u u iliaad tralk tbaooly dturne track hoof e stumthfp tickets on sale via all lines ihm m mhww fa mil tlh uiiui toffwlrewced wilunkrs for uccu ua all latormiuon apply so j- akont ctoh you can sit on it jump on it walk g on it crush itiriyqnr hand you cant in- s r- 1 j s b e a b jure it lts the greatest cap value and corn- foil in tlc tratje ee them at attnueu- wswjmui ss iwmlsaer orii a i wrixxuk teauih wantcil next laesihry vv ha tm uu llr uli sla m wantki kklttkliu t ad attaaw hid noaa u a aaaal waa 7 raaa nuw uyvios hiuayimj kiiult treks a hs uva t tsrttl fthra ii r mooajt kgh fokjiatchinu obokoa wl sausae choick bu1ldinu for bale lott fo fuae vpbai ui dbab1mioim a co central bnildiug lot for 8alb tfle vaaaal m a cborat kuvaf ofaaaau 1 mw ba w j oeaiaai ut r vuito wraearty re la may tmhn wtoba isy by u r mooex help wanted malib rkraawvtatl k aatad to aaa lauty tottuhtamanteonmn stall ueaw b a taw bear u wttl aaauy aani wkl alfa aaa la wvrs qtfl fmalaba frsa domihtom obocvkt wramvoarr uonsekeepers waxed paoer y t u aaaaaa aa wbu warn sal l era aaa anal n1bl ilalton cream and batter co milton ontarto a maata to meaawrw 8pirella cub8et not bol in btoras mrs w asonabb t- l 1 1 tav tat taaaa mmnmi mm tovtbas uaa laaua a4 aa hi lauy im mabeaaliiabiv av a ii wahaaa afthm aa mi aay ak taauateaat the public health crrnatmw abb baoawvned to oohpcy with thi ptjmlio hauuthaot notlolbaanibt aasaaanraajalnd mamaaalaayaav pa a a saaa a tall i 1 smeawar snw b at srnbl uw baislaa mt bb balaiiuaautafuyaaatlbi lal l kevaa bar a la ss at ha vs laat taaa aay 1 a iwpai say ataaa or ty nla wtllb aolauy amsatly ranalit i baa waaatly si aa tti u uaa wttb b aa fca way a at mm laty al wtllb lslsla oko hyxd9 aa t uw uaa ameaaaallehmu lit auction sale lahm inkque8inu limlf llw lat william or yd on tuvy patboa seshas si uw dominion hotail aoton saturday april 20th 101a at am p raa77taafei ksscsrt was swafmaat b sl baa bare u a mil ba la vnava af acta tlw mihlaaaajvcularrt tbaeaar tritl ta afbablai v sly saali awtiaata run j j urayjo ai in wiuaablllawalimbxt atof t qrbat crdit atjoflonsale the merchants bank of canada uy psrsoe who receives and pays out money ihomtd has chequing aoconm lyiat by cheou la lhe most practical coe- vcnleni and salsst wtwa of hsadlmg u naaadal tr clwousa aa vocbradr every sum paldjcwtti hy show wb dh- brssnanu hv been rasa sad to whom dsposus an received by ibis uaak aabct to cheque withdrawal w pv tha safawilliia toantiudspodlo wdolobtfieooeaandncorget imsrost allowed on all savings wxosmts tawipo half yeaity total assets ipv 8ti4t ac1 on branch l buogibs market waggons lumber waggons iijilk mbnts tta waa hsa twa laarsaad by mr j n onbill friday apruaotr at e toe tba uf ll 1 be- te aaa w a aa hi jii ilea alib tw seat wxsssts aab mrasssl muim vatwa hsa ss mb seuabt tar wabaausf t-t- w w rncurtesr hbawsinw inseftea nm will bs a as lbs sstvt sbevs mesh aa tija fe wsu 1 jt hmwt31ljhvkiiktittti 1- w wswjbwpt wssfilbfflfcs

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