Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1912, p. 3

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waluapfb ht uocklijw opwl 1rooi 3- mt roll upwards curtain poles 4 ud 3 hwi wtjji ml ok window shades la cream iitn and wliiiv- liin 1mm and is i call im amd iiltkouit nhwstftck allliaoa licknms issuaco geo iiynds omtakio tohonto ontkiiio 4maol now 1 4ut ilia law assess ana vkilu far ou1iiiim keal kstate aaaavey la laaa at lowest rate r latrreei laryaauaererrareaa far bale cawa aaweulaga user rraporty la all parts rtae wb we have every facility fr timamaetlax ear aaala to year caaaaieie satlsiactlea x a- willoicbbv veentclawa 8be jktan jtrte press thurhday apitil i 1012 brief local items next wednesday trill be may day well tht u really mora like reave hynda attended a ranting of tbe county council nn monday now the lawn and meadowr are imsjiniiliiij i becoming vr- dur donlyougo trout fwhing before nest wednesday or i be game warden wiugetyou mr a o ctarridg look flrat priesoo his roadster wwit lllluburg umfuujn mr nell patterson baa lui proved hia property by fencing in tbo yards 00 mill street wind wrote a utile boy in oot tha other day 1 air when ii geta to a hurry t mr neil mareliau a wall known duxea ot guelph died suddenly at p 00 friday hearing um iwmi pltter patter of use april lain drops bring memories of th pretty may fluwvni lo follow two mulonmca wer lined s1000 bad coat each laat wek for being drunk while on lb prohibited list mmhow jnhn liar way baa improved hu seeldenee on lake avonus by i be fmulffn of neat veranda and bal- eooy tbe latest addition to our popula ion la a colony uf macedonian who cam to town laat week to work in the a uaeatlng of acton ten n la club will be bald in th council chamber tale evening at eight oclock for the riant ion of offloer and other boslnees the beqaeelng cooperelivo ship ping jlaaiirlstliin ha applied for incor poration with a capital of 10000 stewerttowo station will be shipping mr thomas brunt jr toronto waa knocked oil bla bicycle and run over by an automobile on friday while no bonea were broken bla in juria are very painful bight men and boy ware up be fore the magistral in uueph on mon- for bieyellng on th pavement slnil- far offence in actun will land offend er la court too one of thee ttao days the rumor that pupiu attending the lllgh and continuation schoole would be charged full fare on lb rail ways tutu out to bo a canard the order refera only to student attending coll and ltnivrius aasaaaor harvey ha completed the asssesmsnt of the municipality aotoa for ibis and finds an increase of 8fh0 for tbo year the assessment la now wlfttwkthfl popalaiton baa increased during the year by hi the sou llalton regiment may not go to camp at niagara tbla yaaraa thef are not included in the official uat off regiments af present announced an effort la being made however to have the regiment included ooeetabla ilarvey baa it in for the jmwaboya who throw the wrappers of 1 the alreet aa they ooum from tba evening tralna they are aaillydatectad aa their nainee are always printed on theae wrapper highest prioea paid for butler and eggs at d a orra store ad leamyd aaalgiee and bual new broker baa poaaaaaaon of the i aorrstosfc el pear ka aundajr may am the webond sunday la may baa in reoant years bad the distinction of be- log mothera day bervlcee in hoaor of the mother and in reoog- ejuoa of her faithfulness gentleness and devotion to the boms are bald in many of th churches and in most of the sunday school the white car- natlc hset await aeteoled aa the dower to be wpro on the corsage belttr eot lapel on mothara day no bowe of llin garden or field could be a lisppttr choice than tha to bo worn as mothers own flower puie aa the dfvmowt pwy od fragrant end j iwaeilnt a isaung j1allty-bayood- thatoclhy or rose the whjta rjarhatlon soaa for all that mother u to tb fiyvlandtberaoe news of local import ba mai rou of 1mb aaaaaaor luivay kz nitmiptnttxl the wfift of tr and khi i mill for 1012 witllg imtlng couiprabau h i alwiai wirk of art it niat irifiit i xnil wrir tlij- liill n in 43t3 mr jhuuii 1 ui mr the rw ai 471 child rvu nliitol ppi in town the blrtba lot yr uiilwml ut bim lite deaths ix ttirr am 01 ditga in lown acton in oulh footjbalt laana al a ling uf the uuvlpb foot ball aaocialtuu ilotwtay evantug two repreeentalm appearvd from actun salted fur admittance into lbs iraflu tbla waa granted and tike iraflue rtow connau if fnuf isauia toylorkorlans kona of kitgund lga- jlaraeja and acton a nioatlngwlllbe tim 4iii friday night when a aebadul 111 be drawn up cuslpb mercury atruaalty raulaa umn wblle felling a tree in bla buib one day ul week mr hugh ucuutcbeon of krin itad a narrow eacape a bfecb limb from another tree fall and truck hint on um hack of the bead knocking him analaaa andrew murray jr bis brolherlnlaw waa 1 him and helped him up and he 1 recovered coned nuanree ii u back and arms wrre painfully bruued hwab a narrow eacape tata a b wrsatlik rana sold the farm of lb ui alea 1l wright loths coo 1 ktqueelog waa old by auctioneer ilrmstreet at the door ol the iomlnlon hotel on sat urday for ww cray don slreetavllla the owner to john r wihumaon asgawaya for tlgoo th farm contains slxtyalght acres it baa been rented for forty years and is irally badly run down mr wil liamson will uae it as pasture fend at precisely half pant eleven ibis inrnlng every train will come to a top and there will be an absolute ceaaatlon if work in every department of tbs grand trunk and qrand trunk pacific hallways and tbslr a 01 la ted lines for a pacs of five minutes aa a moat impressive ruentorial to the late ouarlee m hays this striking and farreaching memorial will embrace three countries canada great britain and the united states many lines of railway nn tbla continent and also steamboat services 00 the great lakes and pacific ooaal atoslawijatiwuak club too annuaf meeting of actoolewn bowlfng club was held last wednes day evening secretary hynda gave a uccinct and interesting resume of last years games and tournaments and reported finances in goad condition officers for the year were elected aa follow j president w j gould vlee- prea a lehman secretary treasur er e- hynda skips win mcnftbb d m usndron joe holmes a j macllnnnn g hynda j mcintosh wj gould green committee dr holmes james moore w mcnsbb and the secretary a quiet wedding was solemnised on wednesday april 3rd at b oclock p m at the borne of mr and mrs d d moure hartnny when their niece ulmtvarl mcdougall daughter of mr k- a uopmgeil of grand valley ont ras joined in the bonds of holy matrimony to mr d w storey one of hattney s progressive young farmer and a prominent worker in the presbyterian church of this place tbs ceremony waa performed hy the uev c a campbell in the presence of the immediate relative of the con tracting patties mr and mrs storey are now at home to tbslr h lends a their farm five mllea south of the town wo are aura that all join us la wuhlng l hem a happy and prosperous voysge down the stream of life to gether hertney star etna art dust mr adam f smith secretary of toronto adclbb visited acton laat friday and organised acton ad club the officers elected are t pre hint t f a mcuani jupeoras henderson j d e s trea hv p moore directors w a storey and a t brown shuo of the pur poses uf this modem organisation are to dssalop tbs science and art of ad- vsrtialng t to mutually assist buyers of adertuigsi1eraot b reraising writer of copy and kindred interests to exchange creative ideas in advertis ing and salesmanship t to bring about h nf u of advertising t to furnish to m frocs time to time important and use ful inforraauon in bulletins and by aji jp edo- fraudttlent nd tlielr perpetrators and toaodeavor to tiarmonlm conflicting intstests aoloo ad club is sfflllatad with the associated advertising clubs of americ and will be rrproeealedsl the annual convention at dallaa taxt nair month mrirtod m iwaa lake 3nt bom of mrs air flack was on tuesday april 0th the scene of pretty house weddlna whan her suter hhafmary hodiarmld waa married to mr w a lawaou the marriage ceremony- was per formed hy thajte 3 o balaton the bride whn waa unatteoded w vary pratty frock iimitecultcoloured mouessjlpe with parslan and pearl rfauplpk and car ried a shoal 0 while roses uim ethel palmar oftrvharne acted as sowar irulsba woreja white embroidered wall dwaaod oarrird a bouqnet of pink carriiilons beautiful blooma of lha aama qowe were also used to decorate th table after the young couple bad received congratula tions of their friends a dainty break fast waa served jind mr and mr lawson laftdn the akwlmnd train forquappflcuak tbfbhdawort on leaving navy wuaisrfsialt with a blue mwtttilstte white silk and a tuecan tarn o hanter with willow plain qalta a number g athsred at tba station to sea them off anovto with thttn all baprjneaa and prosperity lo thetrfnlorliratogathar only itnntodtal frlabda sod rslatlvea tvrra pr at tba caranon amdhgac whorh ware t rauulba bd and uf and mrs nellmcdiannla of sienhanfleld and mrs j b almtir ind tha htesee palmar rdtrahtrnev uwwkftwsbnhijkl day in aolcih iwriw hiiutf wettd- here iib hjioojiartry wdngratutstttkl iv v social and personal mlksathkraarthuraufl ibu wrvlt ror itrgliifi hk ur tlitutaa wrn kit on mi-d- tfn a trip to tlm wpi mies mary holth torttnlo u a itueat at falrvlanr iuca uia jh mcpliersoauf crwnvlllr mlcb uliel anton ftlenda j ur lluuo brown la home fr victoria irilvriliy toronto a t llniwiifpentaday orlr tbla weak with fruou li toronto ura geo dui ami uuur kug t uoiltrk4n vll1 t ronlo irlonda w k fuuma ad- uugbur tf gitelpla vullnl a tit rtlends tll- eek mlss ultnl ijtinl of toot at- latmlnl llimfomrral f avh vlntrntni tuesday mrs joata oram of tt0i0 was bsratbla wwk atlendhie lite fonaral of ura gikmge vlncrtl ur t it uui- i p4uhpi 1 1 rx amlaatlob in tbo sclrore ciurtw at queen a unlvrrally klogaton tha champlia thttt iuv ur hauck liaa lutpruved aonxivliat ulncn tb npersuon in iluffalo lloapllal mr and ura- ww htrnhy ult on onday utr wananm uan wltrrn their daugblar ur- u s- cory r 4iah nf uanmiwmid offlcar uodonabl nng hi stdat hugb uct father of cualmu pent a raw daya laat wetk si acton frirnd mrv illldenlxand who h in lbs boapltal at tuelpb tor treat ment ftur several weeks returned bow on saturday much improved a tboa wilusiason and j is ft on haturday for buffalo take positions will j k cobxnsn rtaamar tboa lyncb rr itultu hteamahlp co mr and ur lun ltwou irh rr their farm near ultimas on f iljf they have been residents of ahn for a number of years arxl bar made many warm friend the beat wuhea for a propernua future go with them to tbslr new home among the friend- fm a dlalsnce ho attended tb fumrl or the late thomas gsmble on u onday were mr and mrs w g gamble itockwood mr and mra wqinhi and mr wrn cleave geflown mr and mr j n taylor guelph mr nor- mssalee mlsae kmma and jennie maaalaeturonlot mr cba gamblr buffalo tata waaarai osutuabibs for aeveral years ur tbunias u gamble church street has been buf fering from an internal ailment which caused him ruoch trouble and evident ly undermined bis ylen ivtal year he look a rt for evrsl mouths and fasllng much better reeuutd wttk with messrs brardmore a co tlie dlaaase con united lo malr inroads upon his health and streogib and s weak ago last tuesday upon lb ad vice of hi physician he went to guelpbgn eral hospital for an operation will confident hopes for complete restora tion to health this was uoretafiilly performed but 15 or 111 hour hilar ble heart became affected and he died in a few minutes lo the great consterna tion and grief of his family thorn 1 gsmble waa the son of ibo late john gsmble whn lived for many years on lot 1 con t krin near the brick church of which be was s devoted member he wai born ip georgetown and was in bis 7ib yesr in 1877 he married mary daughter of the ul jacob mass lee end the family basalwaya resided in aclnnnnd been highly esteemed resldeit n their four child ret grew loniatnrity and brought sh coaofort and joy to tba home t iwlmmrx wmlalrd mr sidney gunfon and herbert whoae lamented death occurred in a eoaatlng accident yesr ego last winter mr uawble was a olrltu wsn and lived a life consistent with bla pro- was a member ttf lbs methodist cburch and waa honored with official relationship as truttee society luprecantauve wbeh in good health and often when not well he waa one nf the moat regular attendant both at the sunday and mid week service he loved the church of his ratbers his grand father the lata mlcbssl farmer whoa name be bore waa tha first cojporteur of acton blbhj society and by bla efforts tbere waa not a horn of the early eetller nklxty years sgo in thu section without a copy of the crip- urea he waa an honorary member of aston fir brigade and for several year was chief during which period lie brought this able volunteer institu tion to a high stale of efficlrncy he waa one of the early members of court oh branch of tba iof oceopled the principal ohalta and waa chief banger attbatluenrhudeatb ills career 1 auesfuluue great tytupetby is felt for tbe bereaved family this heavy aor- row oomlng so closely npoh the tragic dealbof herbert a year ago renders tha bersavemaot doubly keen tba funeral on monday afternoon waa vary largely attended it was conducted by rav o d drafter as sisted by bev f p burrell b a tba member ofcourt olive branch and the ledy oompanlona of the order attendedlhe funeral in body acton fire brigade also attended in uniform and marched to tha grave tba floral offerings ware numerous aad inelodad anaslal emblematlo de- aoa bytbo poreater andtheflie brigade and a beautiful design from iba beaidmora l una maktua vikoknt at tba good old age or fourscore yearaaftaaa remienoaln acton of laty years martha chapmen widow off the lata john vincent passed sway on saiurday moroiog she had been arloosly 111 for aaral months and ber demies was ebappy release to the old lady bar husband predeceased bar about forty year ago mr vincent was tha moiher of twit ehtldren air thomaa brant who mlnlatered wllhlovlngcaro through all bar fpnutera lllneea and george who died borne aavan yoara ago leav ing a eon earl who la now employed ibhhitfirattpnaiwnnde 8h waa a worthy eltlaan a member of tbeuelb- odlst cburcb and enjoyed iba rmprot ofahafhwirnaw her jtlte runerlrs held w cdnautne5r63rbwlpaacr 0 d vp rousing srle toendthisjitfeek moniiv back ip not sat1spactorv guaronfea o purity on eoery fin by sagan cannern limit afonireaj for bale av thet datst grocbks atvatrywhatrat gomk to tu for your summer footwear we can save you mousy on your shoes and oxfords our stock la how complete we 1 have a good aaeertment of tana which are so popular this season both for children and the grown-ups- just a few of our price atlttt mens patent colt bluchers goodyear welt a shoe thai will give good wear 37 tt mens tan calf oxfords goodyear wdl a very special price 3ww mens patent and velour calf oafords goodyear well all bjaes xte boys tan blncbar shoes at h and 3ww boys black canadian leather sisea lo a goixl strong shoe at iwflt woncfis pump 4v oxford ir womens tan putnp with or without strap womens chocolate slipperr special a good quality our sale tlaa womens patent oxfords all slscs iv women uonknia htrap aliprfer hlrb or lew beet special lw r women tan colonial pump a dressy hoessw womens patent or gun uctl leather pumpatf4ua a big suortmsai nl children shoes aad slipper from ma to 1 ha mens tan grain blucher shoe at i uutis english kip lines blucher shoe at come in and see our bargaip tablea we always have them filled with broken hoes and samples at half prlca 4 every na of tba siat y ami ordinary special values fur this ft nil 6 p nt space does not of a w are going to make only a ilepartoaertt depahmouta conipriaing tk kiouy llotia is a nbtuber of extra it sale wbich is nowln progress and will oratlnn until ka i unlay a j nt space does not of coone permit lining here mare than a very fear of tben specials tk to make only a lepart merits f thai furniture and carpet department and from lite value bey offer let yon judge for yourself tbe atiiactiveomw of loose in the many other departmeata every dcpartrncot 4uu its bargains just tbe thfaf that yoa wut allbouh you do oot rod h listed here may be sold at cmsodwbte ihjtktrwi tmuina solid tjuarter l tkbles 4h inches liy 6 feet moo kale price fill mh kg b lsr cui 0 net style 3 yanta lonjf 4 ileaigni tl oak ex 1 ei round top t r taint of strong double tb uyle 3 ysnlalonif per pair kala pfjoo rl mil keg g new swiss point curtain 3 deaigmt in rich ecru regularly t5 73 per pair sale inica 4ah tapestry loor certains in luuwn td anil green richly fringed sell as tpsciais at itis ptrpalr sale price rkxah couch covers in heavy upcury of wide itrip- eu design p j yards by no inches in brown green andrecr sale price a i ph red pillows inssl incbeit kegutarly jaas perpsir sale prion in lurda ky maple cblffonier reguurly sloo sale price ha mabogsjiy bed in post style reg- 4l7oo ssle price uabegany chiffonier to match ueg 14000 sale price sale plilr awjid quarter cut oak iii chairs rag ssy per sal of ui j7h genuiaa qaartef cut oak laige china cabinet uttlcnd giaa doer very choice reg 973 tx scui isiua laca curtains in fillet net a deaignk imo having plsln centre tbo eaber wilb email iipmiv in cantfn light and lacey yet very strong rij slm per pair sale price v roller kbsdes mado freni best hantl nuulo cloth 37 inches by feet keg jc sale price awe full sise tapestry cover for dining room tables in brown and green red aad green and two toned red richly fringed sale price s i km while bed spreads crochet style full double bed slae regularly si 7 5- sale price 3h birds eye maple dresner with urge mirror regsmoo sale price aaw blntskye uaple pressing table to match reg 3000 tufa price jasw ushogany oreaser reg s4oo sale prlco t3a 3000 yards of carpets at greatly kedaced rgun wilton asrainster rruuels and tspeatry carpets wide rang of oriental sol chlnta etc iritb and without borders some with j yd stair carpet te match la lengths of deugna for all rooms from so to loo yards tapestry and brussels regularly up to 9173 per yd toeeuat shc axmlaater and w uteris regularly up to s7sper yd in sell at i a3 40 english and scotch rugs selling regularly at rrom sasoo to s4000 reduced lofittlaa sisea are from 9 x g ft to 113 a 156 fl callable for- any room in brow green red and blno an extraordinary opportunity to brig b ten up tbe home iie so- hearth rugs brie ne rooms rrom st cansllac vacuum electric cleaner freely datnoastrsted sale price t3vw- heavy floer oilcloth regularly 33c per sqyd sal price ssc noonday luocbeoti la tbe fusement is oriental rug average also 36x46 u regularly sjeo lo 35joo- bala price llavae btssells carpet sweepers nlckle aad japan breshea la 1 finish sal price heavily printed ltaoleums sq yd sale price 35c stair and passage oilcloth sq yd sale price loc 6 feet- 1 box of assorted woods keg 50c rat 15c aulroad fares tefunded thomas c watkins limited king and hughson sts hamilton ont curtain bargains during our spring al of carpets rugs curtains etc we are offering the best values obtain a bio anywhere our buying fadliue are ao farreaching that we are enabled to secure the best value on the market and smemble them here in guelph for your approval our prices cannot be beaten we offer the following lines of curtains at bargain prices this week 5 pairs nottingham lace curtains regular 500 pair on sale at 3ttc b4 pairs nottingham laco cartalas regular 73 pair on sale at 4 be lo pairs nottingham lace curtains regular 900 pair on sale at sc 16 pairs nottingham lace curtains regular srsj pair on sal at 88c la pairs nottingham lace curtains regular jis pair on sal at s8c 6 pair nottingham lac curt sins regular si7 pair on sale at ft h 0 pairs nottingham lace curtains regular tsoo psiron sal at 8is- 1 pairs nottingham lace cartalas regular ssso pair 00 sal at tl 7 pairs nottingham lace curtains regular i300 pair on aala at vlws ts pairs nottingham lace curtains regular s3 m pair on saloateavss so pairs nottingham pace curtains regular s4- pair on aala ts48 is pairs swha nt curtsios regubxr 8350 and 8400 on salat8l7s 14 pairs brusseht net curtains worth up to 4 500 pair sale price 00 third off b pairs tapestry curtains regular s7s pair on sale at 8l8 meaiclottdnc d e macdonald bros cor wyndhau ud rrtacdoael streets guelm ont dress goods millinery opening muta4uhmwtltorf hasopaaadhar millinery sutra la the pre- mists occnplra by bar uat ais on main streai whan all the latest and most siyhsh deetgaaja bphag miuirtery wtu be show sprlas opatauax ott friday cfjwl saturday march slaa ana 15r1 a cordul invitation is esteaded to ail the ladies ol acton and- vicinity to call and aspect ouriinxtrtmeal ol tbeutesi tblngs in spring heueesr experienced milliners r travekinf goods when in need of a truok salt caaoor club bag bv as a call our assortment la thevry beat bilngua your repairing we repjurahoes whjl jnu wall solea awn on by machinery and finished up like d r jrwyndium street home op 9ood shoes i 70ampiroirtr baauutul new wall papers will am beauty 10 your bom and lacreswltavshie ordlstry wau paper makes or- diosrykwuntrooat- mo ratwr bow txwamlfir yoa may faralah j year home iba sours eflsct may 1 easily ba spoiled by wdag piprra that on not thotoagbly ardtama dealroa lb risk of d rami chocee your paper bom prioaa ere vary ripubaaguii don to year eom plat ei 100 pat roll all uada room moejdlaga cbalr raua aa4 rtate raits at iba lowatt posslblo prices stephen corctiner painter paparmanqbrrc plcntlk vaamlrlo a brbbiutv au wit wwt w6e metropolitan bank head oflica toraato oal t3mtel md op auwcmno dmimm rnbhk ffn syatuauc savins arampj tooh lhu i raunj to dolui dxld nr mll will unquill tlh tntnnt ts uo wt to xt- 1 ono w cooni in our sulnp ftfoll j nj tt j uim omdoiuruwclciloi acton branch h e burling manager aaaaasaaaaaaabaaaaaaaaabaaaaaaaabssss i 5pp39wtmi iwnlburr- sijtiiavs automo and im agent for the famous ford motor car sole agent lor cockihutt arid dahi w and rcmy plows and a fall line of repairs for plows and machinery a good line of baggies and harness lap rags anil rubbers prices right also floor oil t farmers who arc ihinkinr of building- a silo this yeat 1 ri- uii a call hik jet ourpritrs v 1 7 t b caltoml v ostein fettfattfraiyimltbf-

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