Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 25, 1912, p. 4

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tifijbftnay apiiii an inu opathbairtb of aj the alrta tho wind can blow i dearly love the weal for tberwthe bonnls lassie llvtie tbo laeele 1 loe imt i there wild wood grow ml river row and mony a bill betweon hat day and nlabj my fancys light is ever wl my jean i hc her in the daw flowers i aaa bar awaat and lair i bear her lt tba luuafu birds f boar har charm tba air tkeree not a bonnle flower tha aprinita ii fountain abaw or green therea not a bonnla bird that king ilut minds ma it my joan iooo value pr aw ihpubjthv an interesting and accural o cat- cuullitn baa been mode of what an industry era ploying luw hands means to a community it increases tha population by consumers the asaoeamllnvl increased by jox 000 it paya nut annually in aalarles yoo flutj 7t it represents through la buildings and tha houses of its employees 2000 the annual expenditure in food would be 103000 meat 0000 in pola- toaa 2000 in sugar 18860 in milk s55700 in butter and s27000 in egg hummed up tbla mean a thai an in dustry employing 1000 handa la worth 221 600 to tba farmwre of tba d la trie t tha expenditures in clothing would ba 168760 with tha annual pay man t of talma added to tbo total espendlturea on buildings food clothing you have id all s2418350 turned inlothotnwn in una year through tba coming of one groat induatry in conclusion ona way again note the prodlgloua roaults which are affected by tba presence in canada of boiub 430000 artiaana iq round figure theee man would mean at least g 10501024130 to tba dominion an induatry employing 1000 bands may ba regarded m a largo ona but tbo mum percentage of raaulta would follow in larger or smaller plant a ao that one can easily begin to reckon for himself what any particular induatry would moan to a town or city children ory folttinchers o astor a artmroaium what la the aecret of success t ask ed tha bphlnx push aaid the button take pains aaid tbo window never ba lad aaid the pencil bo uptodate aaid tha calendar always keep cool aaid the tee do business on ucltaid the clock never low your head aaid the barrel do a driving business aaid the hammer aspire to great things aaid the nutmeg wake light of everything said the are make much of a email thing ld the microscope never do anything offhand aaid tbo glove spend much time in reflection aaid the mirror do the work you are aulted for aaid the suej get a good pull with the ring aaid the doorbell be abarp with your dealings aaid tbo knife find a good thing and atick to it aaid the glue trut to your atara for aucoeaa aaid the night strive to make a good impression said the seal turn things to your advantage udd the lathe hake the moat of your good points jabx the compass i be always on the lookout for a aoap aaid the be over ready to do a good turo for anyone aaid the crank never take euttttrat beround when wanted aald the bell keep a good heart though you he drawn and quartered for it eald the oak theee fills case lite many who softer torn rheumatism a trial of partnelees vegetable plllals recommended tbey have pronounced aatloo upon the lpjer and kidneys and by regulating the action of theee organs act aa analterdktlvjpjn prevent ing the admixture of uric acid and blood that causes painful disorder they must be taken according todlrea- lion and mied steadily and they will apeedlly give eyldenos of thetr benenol al effects v thi piuhtbd lstttkntlbad printed letterheads and on vol op r travailing advertisers- when a la w u awa a bi k e if it baa a printed latter baad and n- volope it looks ilka business and ta business of the ixwt kind the fanner needs such printed let terheads there ahould lie something for sale on every farm and tha letter head can be made to advertise it very cheaply it will also be bund that the printed letterhead will nave quite influence on the person himself the more be sees it tba more pride will be uken in keeping up the quality pf tba article for sale it is not accident that business msn in all lines use the printed letterhead they have round that it is a good bus a proposition tboae farmers who liavo tried it have found it both prac tical and a source of pride the onst 111 no i be so toch more than the plain paper it tuf seem a little large busthen one wants to remember bsl be la retting a good many sheets and volope at one time thily wm paisllvrolk home paisley men once went on sir excursion to the tall of tha iunk to visit a mnowsr lying there having rowed out to the vessel they ballad a aatlor who was looking over the bulwarks and told him that they had coma to see the ship im sorry be aald you cant see liar today for this la washing day hot we must get on board they replied aa we have come all the way from v i slay well aald the sailor give ma your cards and i will take thanj to the captain and see what he say w havent got any cards tbey it joined well give uitt your names and i will tell him who shell i say you arer just you go and tell hlni that we are a wlmon of the owners children ory for fletchers c a 3 tor i a trial u inexpensive to those who cuffer from dyspepsia indigestion rheumatism or any aliment arising from derangement of the digestive system a trial of parmew vegetable pills la lecommeoded should the auf lorer be unacquainted with them the trial will be inexpensive and tho result will be another customer for this excellent medicine 8o effective is their action that many cures oan certainly be traced to thelv use where other pills have proved ineffective charity always goes farther than it is sent sidestepping a moral issue is evi dence not of intellectual agility but of moral obliquity i work hard for my living amd hehj bin pflls 194 o0sdom st stawktow nv will you kindly inform are bold in new york city t 1 learned about them last inmntr my dangbter went to khigston ont and spent the summer there she got acme of your gin fill and sent them to use and i tried them and found them to bo the best medicine that x ever used for kidney and iuadder trouble oh 1 they did me so much good and x am so much better i hope you can fix it so i can get gin h us in new york ciiakujs cqluka bold everywhere in canada at son a box 6 for jajo sample free u you write national drug and chemical co of canada ijmlted dcpt a toronto itytmnrtm gntl 1iitheor aome the l 1v ibingtosuropu xwverhua ver take nationat stscabox 106 castorsa th kfad yea have always boqgbt otad which haa hpn to naa for ortjr 30 t lta4 bewne tho signature of r and iwa1seqatialennder hu per- onnl aaperrlalon sjlnco it infancy allow no ono toilocclvo yovjn shbt all ooanterfalta imitation and jiwfnagikl m nro 1m sxperimenta that triflo wltlt tuxa cmlifftr tlio litnlth of infante and children experience ngnlukt xxpoximont what is castoria castoria la a harxnlesa uhtltate ibr csuttor oil ifara- gorio jdrnpo and sootnlna syrnpe it la lleaaant ife contains neither oplom btorphlne nor oth r narcoilo ubotance jta ag i lta fjnaraatoa it dortroyn wornw and allaya foreriahn essi it eoroa xmasrlmba an1 wind colie it rellerea teething troubles cures gountlpation and platnlency it aatimrhitca tho fooil rogidatesithe btonuwch andlowela vtngf healthy aitd uatoral a the ohlldrcnv fanaoesao mothers friend qstnuine castoria 1 bean tho signature of always the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years bad blood causes boils and pimples oct pure blood and keep it pare by rtmovius every trace of matter from the aystem burdock blood bitters baa been on uie market about thirtyfive years and la one of the very best medicines procurable f or the cure of bolls and phapka ptmplb3 cussd mua j m wallace blacks ilarbor nb wrltaa abotal five years ag tny face was entirely covered with pimples i tried everything people told me about but found no relief at last x thought of bbb and decided to try a bottle after flnhtung two bottles i wns entirely cured and would advise any lady who wants a beautiful complex- iootouapb3b boils cobkd mrs klbworth uayne sprlngneid pmi writes mv fsce and neck were covered with bous and i tried all kinds of remedies but they did me food x went to many doctors but could not cure me- x then tried bur tllood bitten and i mutt say it u a won derful remedy for the cure of bolhx burdock blood bitters is manufactured only by the t milburo co limited toronto oat oavm him his portosit i wont away without pvlng yea- terday said a clerk in a duwutown bualness bouee to the manager of a restaurant where guaata wait 00 thai every trace of impure morbid j selves and tall the cashier when let perfectly trustworthy is thoohaun aoter of dickies anuooosumptlve syrup it can be need with the ut most confidence that it will do what la claim for it it la sure id its effects as tbo use of ik will clearly dsinoostrau and eatt he relied upon to drive a cold but of the aystem more effectively than any other medlclos try it and be convinced that it is what ituolauxt- ed to be no one la too young to aland against that which he knows to be wrong pascal 1ieiftanbarfx montreal the standard la tlio national weekly nuwspaptr tif i1u tmlulon of cunuda it la tintlonul in ull ha ulms it 4lmitt tliti lilimt uiliminslvc eniriiv- liibs frucuritui tho pholuirraiihm from all over tho world its artloloa aro curufully koloctud and its editorial policy is thoroughly tndepsndont a subscription lo the standard coats fsloo per yaarto any address in caitadit or ureat britain tftylf jfor 1912 montreal standard publishing co limited publishers lug bow much tbey bad to pay- tba clerk then banded the manager 25 cents and aaid i didnt mean to mo you for tho amount only wanted to show you that it costtd ba done thank you aald tlie manager but you proved nothing and be look the young man to the deek where ba showed tilm tbla memorandum 1 look out for young fellow light hair glass ea low necktie looks fresh the young mans awlle faded when he was told thats you abaroain he- i wonder why bo married herr she as a bargain i sup pose on account of her age lie her age f she yes it is twenty- eight marked down from tblrtyasven castoria tor lafiuta and culinb ttomymhmrufitibhcu courtesy always gives more than it costs there may be more religion in curs ing as though you liked it than prey ing as though it hurt you for reffolating the bowels invigorating tho kidney and stirring up the laay dr morses indian root pills have proved for over half a century in every quarter of the world absolutely safe and most effective 25c a box snecywhece s the greatness of auy occasion de pends on the man more than on the moment peesloslsm is the power of entertain log all the aches without eating soy of tho apples suffered terrible pains of indigestion cobbdhei un win h- udesmm mount tr l ihi year i suffered with all the trrrible pains any difference whether x ate of not tho dams were always there accompanied by a aevcre bloating sad belching of wind i did tkrteven v friwtat nlxbt and sotitttlmes bsfdtf rwblt o- my misery i tried msny imedk said to cure iodbjvsuon but tbey dldtnsnoi omparucleorioodmdixfuueapshad x would always be afflicted in thja way at uuf urns mrbrotbvcmelmnfi on a lejdvuywiflis and got ins ajvbds ttxke what pill why i dr miles antlpalo pi of course good for all kinds of pain used to relieve neuralgia uadsjchc nervoutncu khcu- ftiatifm sciatica kidney pains lumbago locomotor ataxia backache etomaeheche period ical point of women aj or pain in any part of the boly 1 have nsm or- miles bflklnes for 01 tt is rrm and find tbcra csocucnt 1 krp dr ullca aati pain pills la tba house all tbo lime and vodld no thlak user without tbem no 63 llicb lit rcascook n it at all oruoo- ss do ft kilk mtdloal cotmmiuci the awkstntbt rlowbb that it bloomaln many gaadena the world uuooonm in every season all bmugti tb y uut hi i 0 no man is so lacking in eloquence tbat he cooitot apaak the fine language of kindness warts are unsightly bwmlshee and corns are painful growths hollo- waya qorti dure will remove them the great dlfferaooe between men la more likely to be perspiration than inspiration in the gardei gueaa its n of beavan you may bujt let ue tell you a story r luiqwaun wobada little girl aod dearly iovedber tills little girl caught tlio fragrance of the beauti ful flower aa she lay upon her motbere breast hhe learned to love it and planted it jo her own garden whan she grew lo be a woman she went to live in another country among people who hardly knew even the name of the beautiful bo war and wboao lives w ore very sorrowful there she planted be aeed of the flower she loved one day she went to a bouse where a baby bud died they do not apeak our lsiiifuagv there and she could not talk with ibe aad mother hut she bad the flower with her and that can talk in all language aa she aat be side the weeping mother remember ing how her own baby had died she pressed the poor womans hand and tbey cried togvtber without a word the next day she gathered a few flow- era from the fields and helped the mother prepare the utile body for lite grave do you wonder that mother leaned upon her and kiaaed herr i do not koow lbs names of lbs flower she gathered for the liuje 00 f- fln bat i know well the flower that meant moot to the mothers heart was the llnwvr i am telling you erf which grew first in heaven which al of us can have if wo plant the ea dave you guesse lta namer it la love kev frank t ilayley in the con grega li onal ut nt bar j raves worm ris tormina t- or will drive worms from the aystem without injury to the child because its action while effective la mild sores apply zambqjc to alt tarouuaana stxm and you wfilbs surprised how oolexdv tt stops tha smarting ana orjafs esse it covers ths wound with a layer of prov tccruve balm fcflls all poison srmsshsady km the weeawl axel fwsnsi snam ssssitsg sn tfch asjaag iiilnl aaiasuai ikse larisi y fcesa l ssjloaa lash thsasi aen la s srsstssnenfy sltiiiw sens ttaiijhba yrmbuk a useful invention dr howard barnes who la a pro- esaor in mogill diiiversityi intends tsklttg a two weeks cruise nasi sum mer which may wt him fame and fortune dr barnes is something of sn in ventor for sumo time ha lies been working on en instrument to sltoo off ireberga this instrument lie cuiiu doteou ioeberfb- miles away by its use a ship may be warned of their proximity ami ateer out of danger because they recognise tlte service such an instrument would be to navl ratlon on the bl lawrence the bom nion government will next summer plsoe st prof barnes disposal one of the big vessels of the department of marine and fisheries tho pro- feasor will sail down through the stadt of balls lies and charge the iceberg territory to test his invention building a highway parmer about montreal laprairie naplervllle and lacomb are going to draw stone in the idle hours this r tlmt will te their psrt in one ahfr ng projects the fatnooa ie greatest roar since tlte days of caetiar tl edward vii lioulevarl from uout- real to new york this macadam uiluwayls to b sixteen feet in wmui thrunjhout its ciuro iucdenul brmes ccl culverts ull will be of concrete free advice t sick thoussoialsjrlbve been helped ajqt co women suffering from any form of fe male ills are invited to m promptly wim uwwofnan a drivsteborre- ipcsmsnoo deportment of the lydia el ptokhoinmediclneco lynn haas your utter will be ouoj nrj sod srnrwsrsd fay a woman aad held in strict coruvxsnoa a woman can freely talk of her private illness to a woman urns has been established a cordidenual corre spondence whleb har extended over many years and which has broken never have tbey published a testimonial or osed a letter without the written consent of the writer and never has tho company allowed theee ew tla letters to get 00 1 of their poaaeasion aa the hundreds of t of tbem la their files will eul out of tho vast- volume of experlepoe whleh they have to draw from it la more than possible that they possess the very knowudgo aasdad in your ease noth ing la asked ha return except year good will aod their sdvlcs taw vawped tboo- sands 8nrely any woman rich or poor should be glad to take advantage of una gsimrous offer of -wt- ad- drs lydia pink- ham sledaelno cfiv eomvlsntiat lyso beery w onsrht ts has lydba xfi plakhasas 90xce tana boole it is not a hosoc for geeral djathbsrtasas ns u la to exxmnsivs it is ran and sxoly obtornatoo by sao wrttt for it today the grand trunk railway pasmbbmoicm tsjaiha t lollowln la tl tins st tilth rm n 17 isvtaw in- i subsb sb a iosbu k a ilia vo t 11 pm ho sjspni x3e excelsior bakery1 eople who make troublo always talk about their trials luligioo for tha praise of tneo isaa no power for men tba man who can be bought always links ho cannot bo caught by hi buyer no man u good enough for heaven whoso happiness does not snake men happy had palpitation of the heart wwlnest fend chokigg spglb when the heart bezins to beat irregu larly pitut and throb beats fast for a time then so slow as to seem almost to stop it causes great anxiety and alarm when the heart lic this many people are kept in a atate of morbid rear of death and become weak worn and miserable to all such sufferer milburos heart and nerve fill will give prompt end permanent relief urs john j downey new gassgow ka writesjust a few une to let you know what your milburna ileart aad nerve pills have done for me x was troubled with weakness and palpi tation of the heart would have severe choking apeus and could scarcely bs down at all i tried many remedies hut got none to answer my ease like your pills i can recommend them highly to all having heart or nerve troubles price 60 cents per box or 3 boxes for tp25 pec sale at ell de or will be fnaticd direct on receipt of price by the t uilbum ok li toronto tint when we uxtdertaka to ml yoor pi aaui ipuons wo give tbecn 001 undivided attention and heat cars tba patients welfare is oar first coo siderauoey seoaodi lffo gn onr drags to bsof fuu stresigth as weu as pure and freah thirds our customers are snppued wluijtistwhaa they sak fort subsuwt- ing la nerves- abowed rsxanra cklaar oomtoowo if yon an a a from kidney dlsoaae ilvenr eoosplaint blood troubles rjsenwmtlssn rawirslgbi or nerv prostjraolon wo otldently reoi mend the noo of psinars oslsry oonv pound this reliable and oever dia- appoiniins mediomo la a trot dl bsnksher and system bnbdaar wo snnply tho genuins psinos oaiery orxmpon at brown act oat troo fruits ere not willing to be bldv deo by tho loaves sores meal quickly have you a persistant sore that 1 sn to heal then try dr tbomaa eieiectrio ou in tbo dressing it will stop sloughing carry sway tbo proud flesh draw out tbo pus and prepare to clean away for tbo now alrin it is the recognised healer among ous aad myriads of people can certify that it healed whore other ous faile utterly children ory for fletchers castoria nilbt quality bread cakes widdinq cakib christmas cakes etc etc ovstbrs and pish call today t statham son bakers nd ohoceb3 main st acton th btrui sttm 6mtti ui hirhi works caapsu bjtaun prasaiutaw- dealinars and baildars ol butnes uaea loauma alonaments markers and head tall kinds of artuoectsittfjwbrt wm hemstreet agent acton we are here to do your printing we have a lartfe assortment jot type ready to serve you we print what vou want the way you want it and when you want it thekcton free rjress had very bad cough and tickling sensa tion idjrhroat dr woods norway p4n syriip cured it miss c donlclson bowsmon xtlver fsri writes j last fall i had a very bad cough soil s uckung ae to akep at night so 1 went to a druggist and blip lwsutrdjapiethiit for tny cosdj sttd he advised me to try dr woods norway pine syrup which i did and after taking one bottle i was completely cured let me recommend dr wo6osrorwaj pine syrup to anyone who suffers frees a cough or throat irritation dr woods norway pine ksynuufle wiuqmt a doubt one of the greatest cough and cold remedies on the market today sad so great has been lu success thre ere oumerous preparations put up t9 bnitste it xjo poihr imposed upon by ukiag one of theeo substltntes but tosjtt os beta etytm pr wood vbta you ask or lft price b5 cenu a bottsii sde axarki ansnnhrimdonly your choppifi will be done quickly and well on either plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts tho best at lowest prices harris co limited evertoh eden mills the best quality ol manitoba family and pastry flour for sale at lowest prices oar own make chopping done and oats rolled daily to the contrary we make it the most important actor so if you favor aa with your patronage you will enthusiastically endorse us fred smith fuibr qwrtmbsf gtreuw plata sjj eiabstebweasjekhtyatcsaavatam aavea4 ar maiuwrattoe nig s raarata rreearrl ikreugh uarlea a ww vtoa taeatv ssscu mlwawleatua rasas jawawaas at rxtarlon t xarion passvrvcoperts wisl sellem- mrmt7fm

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