Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 2, 1912, p. 1

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lt jvtfon 0mt tt volume xxxvii no jl mkniii aotoh oktabio thtjbsdai moilnxng mav2 j12 ssaacnpuea moi fi blnglk oopiks thekb oknih be rtnn 3fre press xbbb r ihnmumrrwom dollar par atriaue la astaaaa all erijaartpalautajaaaa- i rf ta dm ro ku uy bat mm e tm to wu uu paid la aania aa um tifiiih w auraa ttiwlml aavtrusa et par manpaeall line for bnt al maw par ita or mb una laaartaea omumi daa7 mttimh nrmtfbnamt whiui m ffmlncu afcrrxtotp fjvl 103- gray u d c u ucgill 1 r holmes u i ud xm nail bwmw to bx johpba ooaplui awesiaf si fbntoiu l u vlatoda illrfwll 8taae to t ftantalu i la mar j mjjuuhnom auea baa sui i u oam sara ta blnalf bleak t j kohabb tift ila ttiililia oeonoeaat aolwirivwrtasaa ufa an waal maeey 1 tea ovawg r j a hi dele s iiardiu l d 3 demtibt till 111 dulrj u all ua araaaham ofluam poacua bmapmin ouklfh i b ii fc bshhstt dbmt1bt e amd hardy ca afitkbtlalmo coktmactors amo m km couurwplim 90 fleet 8taet london b-c- hntund notcai i satisfaction in watch repairing at moderate prices is what we aim at savage 6t co a r watat tnvmcio ouelph ontario ohoiobst conp6ction0ry harold wilts of iha ac tom cava is now handling iha una of neilsons guarexntwwcf don bona i hvery box fnaraatead aaiuttao- factory if say easterner them twtsothay may bta and money wlu bo lafoadad maqroifwhes tim actom c mill 84raa vtyaiers bros ouelph headquarters for o a c and school supplies nature study botanical etoholooical drawino painting 41 wyndham street p1kkm3so golden opportunity t s iff guaph business college ouairfi f kt ubssya afbyiir vpear wjaabaai bnwt or malcolm maccomuck b a prig george keil aoton practioalwi paphbhayabb bt- b tje martlrsenour company limited guarantee ti noun habdwahk 1 fnirlli agmit elllrmen w hereby niilltoiiui y on i mailin smtiiur iihi iuro falnl cicl a few ilorli i ml cmiimt ihj iromidtl fiom itn while lad pitro oxilo 7iix uire i imbmmi oil piim c1hm nil tiirimnunc dryer nhj tolnnlirflly frvarrgm adullcratioii fimltltntiin nod auld bubjoct ui iliemli al anlyn vourv vary truly tiik uaktim bunortru co i imilml fadrj the bond hardware co limited auuni the best in masses at reasonable prices a z savage uuci mtohtat tub hurorvrce hcton liyert bus l1ki tha anderblgnod napac holly ollcila lb palroaajre of iba pub lie and informa ibam thai wall ulpaa and alivtima rlsa in always 1m tacurad al bu a comfortable bua maala all trains batwora 10 00 a n and 610 p- rn carafal allaalloa ivan to every order the wanla of com merciil travellara fully mat john smiiimjiirs t o m 1 aire ie vou can easily carry it i on will never mlaa the one dollar a that- will brio a victor into yonr booe bat yoatl fet rainy doluf worifa of ofltavery day why do yon btfltaler why not eo joj a victor while yoa pay iprltt a post card today will brine yon door iba fiseat voice raprodndiim machine with a lood aalacilon of recoraa on tba chas w kelly iu ufr wynmmm st ovblrt seed timothy red clov er alaike and lucerne seed oat a barley peas goose wheat seed mangel sugar beet turnip and all kinds of field and garden seeds mrcliino by tin a aft and lie thk man bbh1nd thal ptoooh tlmy nlng about the gloriee of ilia man behind the nun and the book a are full of atorlee of t he wonder no paa done i tlterea onaf lilltg mrt of tbrllllng in ihvjulk lllmta wavln hlh and it nmkra ynu want uhollr whfifl ibe lkya ci hut when lh nhutilli ftvlillii m dyin nmmhuw we find war allll dapandln on tba h1n tirhlrmt ha uuh im all the pomp and apletmlor of an uriny on irdt aod llirougli ihr awful darkneaa llit ifte ihoik of battle mad i iha hall- wltr jewele gllttrr and hltcmllu 11 mo i in tlia place wliwa tbr rulara deal out honor to the srvet tliare a not alngle mti dolo bublneaa now or hmva medal if it waan t ror the man behind the plough woi a build in inlgbiy fllbe and f bell glory and we rs mittln thing in hgbla l x t abowln all oreellon how ute world a affair abould run l kulure mmn will gaa and wondrr at the thlnre that wa have d and they ii overlook hr mlrr l thai him aa we do no who tha whole eoemrn- foundation thata the man behind hie ploiirh h k kleer in lucord herald yualnlai cm to crow i ho buay atrt i hut a n ualit street car was in eight iha boy lieeitalnd to irave the feeble i laiuoold igao ha ought not la in getting inlc wnod i ttt jrantun ftcamng ing hot onrfee the proprietor a big red faced man wa lading j crowd of hungry noonday tunchere quite too much for even bja pair of energetic hand 1 indeed torn would be euatonv re were morlng on to lau crowded alanda aod yet whan john henry alepped up and uggtd that he might help wirvaooffee ma offer wa received with a good deal of frigidity and after youve eerved for five nilnutee i reekon youll b after want- in a good square tneat ro tried your kind afore the puah oart man exclaimed aa lie luruat a friftlliijrjled uot into a pplll roll end elmoat uwaed it into the hand of a hungry little de wale no air the auwmrd put m lunch in iny poeket thia moralag ueoauea i helped hint carry down mwm baaketa and i aball be at it a bit later ao you wont have to board me juat give m a try at lu aod laughingly john henry eupped qp beaide the big red faced vendor aod began ewlltly to jhisbb hu haho on thel oomtrollbh the moiorman atandlng on the front platform of lit trolley car will on hand on tbu that contrail the electric current lit other rrady msmmmtm john henry ifarila gripped fut hi email bundle of belonging and alone in the great city pre pared loteek hi fortune lie waa a at rapping likely look ing ud of aeveo teen and although ten day before he had aald good bye to hi lt remain log relative be bad no notion of al lowing lonvllne to becloud the road which he intended to follow tneiioseea ttila ulh ner world the land of promise a uncle uwd to call it be reminded hlooaelf and i have a good a ebaaee a other folk to turn up eomethlng pretty good then atlll harking back to bla eld lancashire home he continued uncle aald too that n lad with a truthful heart end mannerly way had no cmii to lie quaking bef ire ibe atrmnge giant of any land au john henry you- just square up your ahuuldera and march now probably llila young kugllali boy had no clear conception when be gave tbla order to himself of tba place that juat ordinary manner were destined to play n hie fortune but eo it wm walking briskly up the busy street from tha eaaee wharvee he n on a certain corner a push cart ladod with cwey island ited ii iv and aiouut fwoumwallhuemployeraioiurn before id all lnhlnelf then clear aa a bejl he seamed to hear ida uncles teady vuloe aay there la always linn enough to stay and hlp a fallow travallwr ao dim i l paetlug by on lb ollitrillr ut when your band can glr a llfi s i ii whii mii i i ip you on your tram air this laaucb luity frner john hani y aald it a though he wer quite a gentleman of lelaurw j and in return boy i will tell you where to find work and friends for i teckon you need both and the old gentleman aod the kngllah ud looked into each other fare while a strange bond of aympathy and eomradeeblp sprang up between them you are kngluh and ukt out i eee coutlnueel john henry new friend well you take a car weat her it come right behind mine and getoutattbhlght they aresilkig llsh people i bet e hut you o straight to kb brighton 8 and tell air drown ilia i mr chamber sent yon he has a nice llltle real atete bualnee and i happen lu know that he nerd help and now iter la a lucky piece for you y just to help you rn met 11 bar that obliging ban da are the kind we need in this country one hour later or to im ejtaot pre- lly at two o clock john henry iftrtlu btood in mr itrowu small real natal office i do need a dark the real eetal 1111 explained but much a i thuik if ur obamben liking for you i bad nil reckoned on a strange young fel uw ilka you the young loan i had litew up his job and left me in the lurch and here i am called out of town till lotnorrow morning with sererel peopli cs pec ted and not eoul to leave in uiy office i am in a ok all right en ogh but i declare if you were not from lineaahlre my own county 1 would not rr do aucb a foolish trick aa to trust you with my work for even half a day what do you suppose you could do anyway at talking up boueeef i eo my eery beet sir it waa a at in pi honest reply and mr hrown wlthnnt more ado though with aonie mlaglvlnga then and there engaged john henry to be his tempor ary clerk here are ibe key of twenty hone and there a map and a bunch of description for yon to matter before anyone come in of coo re you can t make a sale but you keep people from going over to wilcox it duma 1 and hold them over till i return that la you can if you are half sharp that john henry thua left in ibarg waa nervous i neither here nor thar the ohuf point in this irratlve are that two hour after r browns departure after aundry pleased customer bad informed hie very courteous young dark that tlioy ftaauy deciding a very shabby old oian and woman in a ramahakle waggon drove up to the door of the office and nervously asked la eee hfhiac john henry brought chair stirred up the flr and received them like roy ally tby dwtlookvuk million alrea qftny sort of oustoraer but my 1 to treat people well he eald tojulmaelf and then after a hit iha old man asked fuf the key of certain house and the old wotuan ahlverlogly com plained that it waa eo cold to be walk ing about john ueory looked bard at the lucky quarter mr chamber had given him and reminding himself that he had at hi that meal to the good in hi pocket aald cheerily walt qve minutes mr ttuimaa and i will bring something to warm ynu up tboo running acroa to the tiny hoarding houee wher mr llrown had directed him to stay h returned shortly with two stemming cup of coffee and a plate of sandwich i tell you my jad aald the old he and hie wife gratelully ftguraeo familiar that wi do not give blin a second thought or reejiaa that he has any pnrlal algnlo- canecforuv while he stand at hi poet vryon la oonlent andlliougli are i may with matter i which he play no part and the motor man know lher cannot be tlie sense ol ecui ity unto bl hand la on the eon t roller 8ay jim one young fellow aad to another can t you let me have qve dollar to carry me over to our nrzt pay day t i am awfully hard up im sorry lav waa ibe answer bet fro in the same fix i ve just got enough to carry roe through lut nothing to spare but jim the ol her re n ion at rated i know youve got ten dollar of club money in your pocket now you told me ao yourself let me have five dol lar of thal you know perfectly well that ill pay it back neat week ilia friend shook bis bead i can t do that dave even to oblige ynu walt a mlnut aa ihe other mad an impatient movement let me tall you a few weelta ago 1 needed eom extra money nd i used every cent of the club money that 1 happened to have on band when i got home i found a not from the preeldenl asking ma ta meat him at noon lh next day and turn over th money which was want ed for some special purpose it came aoroa m like a hash that i was in iha aetue fix aa lota of men who have been eajled defaulter because they ued money that was entrusted to them and then couldnt pay it hack when lite time came for accounting of course f wa doing it on a good irl amaltwr scale and i got the money from father without any trouble hut the thing was ihe aame wheii you damn right down to it and i made up my mind that i wa travelling on a dangerous road and had better quit it i cant lei you have a five even if i have tea in my pocket that waa the frank confession of a young man who had hi hand on the controller and who had the strength and will power to check himself in a coora that ha aaw was carrying him atralght on to danger two young men had got into a heat ed argument and on threw a cutting speech that touched the others pride a dark flush overspread the latter face hie eye flashed and hi up part ed by an effort be con trolled hlmeelf and waited in silence until he could answer calmly and qnletly when the young man who bad caused that hot hash of anger bad gone back to bis own desk one sf the little group who had witnessed the scene said laughingly i thought for amlnute there wa going to be a die- play of temper ton certainly have yourself under good control harvey i dont dare let go waa the quick reeponee i have a temper when i was a boy i saw a man in a terrible hi of anger strike another a blow that almost killed him i dont believe 1 shall ever forget how the one giving the blow felt about that and i dont want to do anything of the kind my eelf here was another one who kept his hand on the controller realising how easy it would be for him to run into danger and pcrbap terrible disaster w do not all face the same danger or the same tempt t lone but we at need to have our hand on the control ler while we may feel that we are going along safely enough we never know how soon it may be necessary to check onreefvee in the course that we are travelling a girl who was relating a gossipy story about some acquaintance broke off short when a young women en tered the room and refused to continue her narrative itcr when asked for twintv ybakji aoo i tame fran our lama 0 parsuyiaw heard mote at co are having a 1040 addition inada to lh ole leather ian nery mr john li w win carpenter 1 building a hntte at th corner of kgln ami agnea hlrarl ur w fluroey u kddlug to and otherwise improving lit dwelling church htreet the special services in hie baptut church rloanl on krlday evening with a tiaptlsmal kervlee at whlrli four landldalea were bapllavd ur juhu iawon hr wh died here on tuesday ant an early real dan i of lite township he came from nyfehlre hcolland ol year ago tli family eeltlrd on th sixth line but in a year removed lo ulan la on which baa been in the family ever lnce in the early day hen law eon was lh most important point in this northern part of the county and acto waa unknowo titer was tw hol mill and blacksmith shop 1 ibm he bought lh farm on lb fourth tin no w occupied by hi son alexander where he lived until he came in acton four year ago he waa elected elder of knox church eral lima but always declined mr lawson survive and also three mil two daughters oraham of kat krentont ulcb john v acton alexander on th farm j mr john arthur and mr john mann aclon cornet band held a vry iub- oeasful concert on krlday evening with local taunt boln were given by nloklln hematreet henderson moore and messrs benedick and jeans duett were givn by misaes moore and hill and vlclfo by miss wright and mr 1111 oiisrteltea by maple leaf quartette amr mluea moore and hill and messrs hill and williams and a selection by lusae moore hematreet and istlng and mettsr jeans and turten mlaw speight moore and molliall and ii n il k nelson ouelph were eceompen- ula mr h i moore presided no concert ever given by local talent waa tore excellent bock wood mr j w knowlw loss by fir last week waa nearly v2000 mr john wright for nearly thirty yearajtockwooda honorable and only baker is in tending o remove with his imlly to durham the hamilton papers are very out spoken in their condemnation of of the grand trunk in discontinuing train accommodation on the south bound morning train and northbound even log train at btewarttown manaewood milton zimmermen 8l ahna and burlington the step 1 taken in re taliation for th countys lawsuit against the 0 t il annie mcnabb ja vluung friends in toronto alrtbo baston still continues in a rry low condition mia kihel punter or milton ha been visiting friends here mr a campbell and mrs levi lambert attended th annual con vention of the womens foreign mis sionary society at tironto this week mr j n b brown i visiting his brotherin law dr uren ii has passed the recent filial examinations in medicine at toronto university graduating with honor and eeeuring the silver medal in hi el mr and mrs henry daniels of naa- aagaweya are going on a trip to eng land to visit hr danlela mother and friends there bo bn cviiult umeboasa a april mol to hr and stta j if orawahaw aaaaijtitar ulkd rsvaaao april trth ta infant sen ol u d tyaara makes hxlk grow k j hasaard ha an invlgotmtor that will grow hair or money back the time in take p how do you hob hay how do you boe your row young ehapr bay how do you bo your raw v io you hoe it fair io you ho it square do ymt hoe it the et ynu know do you cut the weeds as you ought to do and leave whv wrth while i linn t th barveet you ii garner drpenda 1 11 you 1 a you working on the square p are you killlnu th noxious weeds young chap p are you making it atralght and clean f are ynu going atralglit at a bustling gait are you scattering all thai n wills i hi laugh and slog 1 eh rill and dance a step or two as the row you bo leada up the hill v the bare i up to you driftwood ou alpxiom- amd a fjlbl if a boy has any mechanical facul tylf it comae handy to him to ttae tool let him he thankful such a gift oj nature gumption it i some time called deere lo be cultivated it will serve it possessor many a good turn though it may never servo him quit ao well aa it served a man who telle his story in the cleveland plain dealer he opened a door for himself in a really striking manner when i wa fourteen year old ho says it became necessary for me to go out into the world and earn my own share of th family expense i looked about with small auccaas for a week or two and then i aaw a card hanging in a store window boy wunted pulled down my hair brushed hu front of my jacket and went in do you want a boy 7 i asked of urn clerk back offlee ho said i walked hack to the utile den with a high partition around it and puah ing open a door which i noticed was lightly ajar eap in band i entered it wee a chilly day in november and before i spoke to the proprietor who waa bending over a desk i turned toeloe the door it iqueakod hor ribly as i poshed it shut and then i found that it would not latch it had shrunk sooal the aockat which should have caught the latch waa a trifle too high i waa a boy of some mechanical genius and i noticed what the trouble immedlataly where did you learn to close door f the man at the dcak asked at home sir wall what dp you want f i cam in to eee about the boy wanted i answered oh 1 said the man with a grunt he earned surprised you seem very bandy we will give you a chance and without another word i had secured the situation on roibonoua rlowji many species of wall known and much admired flower furnish the world with a great deal of its polioti the laburnum for instance which the poets have loved to compare to a fountain f gold playing in the sun light la one of the most poisonous flowers imaginable there is poison in every bit of it t lower leaf and seed even graae growing beneath it is rendered poisonous by reason of its proximity in the beautiful innocent- looking b overhead bach dainty and lovey blooms as the nareleso hyacinth jonquil ami enow drop aecrete the most deadly poison while the oxalls the monk hood and the fox glove conceal nox ions liquids powerful enough to de atroy life in a short time the list might be further extend ed by the addition of certain of the crocus the beautiful lady aellppar the quaint old jack in tbepulplt and the prim little buttercup x latter despite it innocent appear- anoe is really one of the worst or thu poisonous bloom even the cow is aware of thl and carefully avoid it tha cousin of the buttercup the peonies the larkspur and thn rest all contain toxic liquids another source of deadly pouon i the oleander tree while hid hark of uw w u uuuialu any quantity of deadly doaes waftui fstk the washington board of hrauhlmu issued an appeal which aeema to have more than a local application swab the fly early 1 it urge and though the sentiment might be more elegantly x pfaiiidit nevertheless tuuluo merit of clearly convey log its meaning by way of explanation it is added lt one female fly making herappearaioa aa late aa april 10th may he tha an cestree of nine generations totalling 7 000000 deeoendant taentortalnall the would embarrass the most hoa table family there never wa and never will ho n universal panacea in one remedy for all ilia to which ftesh is lielr what would relieve one iii in turn would aggravate the other we have how ever inqulnlne wine when obtained in a aound unadulterated etato a remedy for many and grievous tits by lu gradual and judicious use thu frailest systems are led into oouvale cenee and strength by th influanoo which quinine exerte on nature own restorative it nlhivt those to whom a obronlo atate of morbid despondency and lack of interest in life i a dleeaae andby tranqulllxlng th nerve dbpoeea to sound anil refreshing ahapiinbaru vigor to thb action of th blood which being stimulated ooowtahrongh the veins strengthening the healthy animal function of the eyetem thereby making activity a neoeewy result trengthenlng uw frame and giving lira to lh dlgeauv organs which naturally demand inorfwtd muuncc ie4ult improved tpptte worth roplymn of toronto wvo giver to tba public their superior quinine by the opinion of aoleqtltt the wlm approachee nearest perfection uf any ealhmarkt amrnsgh aallt w tover w gssre mail baa ef all te amaaa le eveev tjttatv e raomft amurnon rstimaths prbe mabbiaoax llokmbjtb m l jumom a black vt j livtoup avriomcr be aam abifaxe eelaa ale aai r e lea or paper makers i llllm ii i amorobto wa oar book news and oojlohkd pajpkrs jno nballbbrt e noble n t moorb hnuln p j inimi atfonortuui lrlt ast aae aeoa r o- ir oaleomi a pup after twenty minutes of the most ruablng irade this yoong hngluh tad bad ever known there cam a lull and straightway did the pushcart man prooeed to enquire the reason for hie new assistant uncommonly friendly offer youre new i can see lhat for my self be aald in tone that had grown much kindlier but what i cant eee is why you want to work for nolhln that aint like a bay oh i just felt like giving a passing rf i must get on and and woik aunxux the big shops up town noyou dont youll eltdown here on the handle of this here cart and eat a many lied hot and drink aa much mhme coffee a you can stand bein english youll maybe not know about our red hots but a chap thats fed on uoh luff a i carry can etan up against a lot of knock never mind tellln ma about that dry bit pf innch of your thatll keep end youll need 1 sure goln the jay youc maklo for thata ijttle italy up there but turn round yon corner and youll strike the old and rcuablfl granite and m arle ealers 13rrse wiahiy tahbs uodohald v ucuiiu auononku j- wftrskmiiragsrsi staae uw sen i erfasilas wahavt the laresaa saf bast asosi etqrean ta um wtrwcssxeitesa winter footwear boots ol 3hoks we have a fell ilock of wlelsr wtlgbl boots and- shots loruan women sad children in all lbs newest thantai also rjtndld una of mens waterproof bhoes rubbers oar stock of ibsse goode is very compkie cledldg robbers wool uoed bobbers overshoes and rebber boot a l1 ue supply ycnw wlntvr foolvvwevr needs mw9u w wixiliams tha itor and nube a cbiooe tor a chap like you h and thus it was that with bla lusty young appetite appeas ed an uqtotwh in bn pocket and lfla mart of localities revleed john henry a few tulnhtee later painctuat ed hi way around a certain oornerv by ntfirilub fairly and aqua rely in an odd little old gentleman who leaned hard upnnablaek thorn mtok i i am sorry sir ha exolalmed touching bis cap l whereuport the old gentleman re plied l l no linne broken but now that von are here will you eee tna acnafi theetreektoa main htreet oar i pm pretty lame ae yoil nau ae for your self jmd it take lhejberve out of rh dodging between frisky motor oera it was only th malw of a moment lor john henry and mk irane ae elully par took qt john uenrys hospitality peers ilka to me me you have the root of the matter in you wife and ma inapeetad and we was inrjet ready to bay that nfae old stone bouse with the tree and the acre of land it qlen dale it waa i think but that pert young fallow croa to the other aetata office sort of put us gut bf ibe notion after you have driven ten miles in tiie cold and ar sixty bva year old you dont fancy beln snapped up every qhestton you ask and never beln ask ed to sit down out tlr said jtohn henry glanc ing hurriedly through his list we have that house for- sale too it le rather an expensive bouse though fortytwo hundred dollar the old man chuckled and would you believe it tbla shabby old fermov and his wife oan pay that much for what they fnoy cash too t yu hqld an to that hocte young men for lis and to-morro- i wlutailo and her ten dollar to hold ibe option thar were till otj hfo real estate offlee and while john henry gave to each uu most aptying attention ha waa not far astray in thinking old mr and mrs thomas hit whaht ston house c said mr brown excitedly a on the morrow ha hiarqhe new has hung lira for two year it a a line stroke qf bnalnees and if yon have really done it i will 1 you steady work for awhile on need never doubt w incajhlrblttl and whan nli air thomas arrival iha aanw atuhioon proved that jbhn ifaojyhad realjy made the deal mr brown made good his promise by en- gagng thf youos jcngllabnian at tan flollare week ind quietly registering hjaooovlctloii that a lad with court eous kindly tnarinora had alwjiya and trwnaavwweas h an explanation she answered unheal utlngly 1 why i shouldnt dream or telllog auoh a thing before mis she alwaya aaya puatant thing about everybody and i dont thlok alia caree to hear stories like that it waa a ooniplltnaat of which the subject bad she known of it would have had a right to feel phuui a young man taken lo task for joining loudly in tba laugh called forth by an irreverent anecdote answered eharply dont oar to be a wet blanket thank you but it all de pends when a ire has started which threatens tha destruction of a home a wet blanket is a convenient article to have about ie eomethlng in your personality aou aa a check to un friendly goaslp to lories which rely for their point on an understanding of impurityto jest aimed at what the world count moat aaored you have reasontooongratuulvyoureeir there- are oooaalona when it la better to bo a wt blanket than a pair or bellows blowing the spark to a flame is when you have har to take care of if your hair is getting thin grad ually falling out it cannot he long before tbo spot appears the greatest remedy to mop tba hair from falling la salvia the great american hair grower tlrat discovered in kngland salvia fur nish nourishment to the hair roots and acta so quickly that people are amaxed and remember it destroys the dandruff germ the little peat that sap the hta that should go to the hair from the rool salvia eold by ie j uassard under a positive guarantee to cure dandruff stop palling hair and itch ing scalp in ten days or money baclc a large bottle costs 00c the word salvia latin for sage la on every bottle eabntt there la just one way to bo trusted and that is to deserve it iebple try all aorta of duvlsee to win the oonfld cnoa of their felloe men and yet the eolation of the problem is the easiest imaginable you want ooubdeooe than earn it ba on tha square keep a promise you nave made at any coat you cant aoold your acquamtanoes latotruatlogyou you cant frighten tbaea totrwc ooaxtog la worse than oealaas but deserve trusty end you will gt it barn confidence and lbs world will pay its debt dawn to the last panny k would ooavr hohm during a snowstorm on the high land hallway a train was held up for arrhonr ur two the guardr cheery soot passed along the carriage try ing to keep up tile spirits of the pas senger an old gonunman apgrlly complain ed lhat if the train didnt go on he would die pf cold tak my adrio an no da that replied the guard mln ye we chalrge a shllln a mile for corpse jfocpltallty is an divuu woeship wunrma otf fworttmm tim sometime people who era very par ticular to make the moat ol their own time do not worry much about wast ing the thine of other people it looks bad when the yooth who divides bis day on a schedule and ease that not a minute la lost comes a quarter of an hour late to an appointment it your time le valuable so la that which lt- lor mothers

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