Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 2, 1912, p. 2

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o llhnmtafm ft awm lau gnatta u wuaaw wrj wit hlouii kmoil hattla mi hunjir attlli all bar ah ifutu widow ui u ul tintuna hot llailmr ourmlovb mi a uubitaml ducuf j iba tyvdftt bao of huim w iwif i ass- 1ll a llublliaij la b thb jw 8lje juton jtrrc s tiiuilfidav may 1012 ditorial motk a liitv cohaut doos not toeen an inproaperoue halt the eprnc uf pro dry towfli ell over on tario contradicts that eaeortio tbe ilobe tiikmuiiuon propufpndjlb sweden la about to receive ita death blow both cumbm in ar1ismeht having agreed to bill rxpeung all rolselonariea now inhwedub lnrrllory and prevent tbe landing of ny others in the fur tire the bill effecte 100 agent front utah who have been con ducting a ruoaelytlngcattipahvu for tin peat three years tiik couvcu ha undertaken omewbtt anbluoui tclieoib in deck lop to spend 10u00 in permanent treat improvement they have aaa acted wisely in deciding to make en quiry as to the coat nt a aewerege eyatetn the problem of elreet li pruvernent would be largely solved if mwm wrre conauuctcd in loqwuf the principal strrele- jlnano uenrgetown uereld 1 uunixu tba recent eeiqn of m legislature two blbfpr snedlng tha aajimraenl act ware ipjtrodued- they both had for tbelir cbicfjpbjttt the lessening of the x pp tmprovometa and tba increasing oftyaf by agreement both wfft wftbdenwn on the understanding that m special committee would bq ppolped to take up the wbov queatyofj in tb province- snt if rjoealble pre pare bill to bo auwlttbd to tba legls- latur at tb rtajt aiajoa lion w j uanna will be the rjbs4rnuo the commluae 1 1 moved by murray ucjjooald second edby w h bat uh tbat i bo kseve clark be hereby authorised in sign on behalf of the corporation tba con tract for tba aupply of hydroelectric pawrr between the uydrokleculo oawmimlon and i ho corporation of acton carried mr 1l i jregory reueated tbat the pavemant on tba aaat aldo nf fclglo street opposite hit property be raited to tba grd una of bh a tree l uolb the attest and tbv lot adjoining bad been built mpialoea tba walk waa uld end it is now omen too low chairmen uall waa instructed to look into uw mattar androport the paat mootb has aaap bn arriral ajuabalaatlnafkinotbftnttwo bun- dldriub agxkuqriata wboiopmt pete iha ant party qfcarefuuy picked farhm torlbmo r rrfladj niaa tmhlbaajbara pcbnw 9f4 iffnpaotadtnne9avfltfft t 9 waatern canada al tbtmfwl tbay tevabaan qaadto l4tanajya adfaaud furnlna od uf4f pftux jnuod inl ulcalyto act u a powerful object lee- 00 to th wtta gmeritjiy ttw fttar- ppitaapm-fa4nuybjbidtpbe3- 000 andtbe total cnpual rfpftad by uib party la upwaxda of 10o00x tojurbaadciia lniaw ofma fnrhnoa jajna xo qniab um bav to defer my xgoei optipo con teatintbiuolty tbofouowlbgreaolu uoo wupaled uiitwwt at largely attended maot fwba a potcy of abolition of the banww be ujp u prame laaua in onrmau provlnomvlwr tkm and wb tbvapooaaa ptanob policy meajh or tbawboje ifcovlona what looat opttow myapajgoa bye pfn trying to achieve under ipu qo41r tlompfor ladmduajuipjuiljef this ooaveauoairgeeontbeonjtarfo breach of b dominion uuanojtb bnporianoe of aeleouog m tjbe erda poeajb data ilo err conuthcy cendldatea whoae watobword- witl be banlah the bar rtftading with regard ta ail ball be aqehjaa tooonu7od reapeofcof thooaoimadltu uin i- i f rit nwimwiatmnm9t the woodstoou oeiuu llubi bve bean cloeed and ibbateff bf enbptoyeoa lbtownotdfwwk a great oleotrirallwyajawmi to oora larga portion of the weaterti vritylnee ta reported ttf bo uklog hapn ui ui 1 four handre4jpoufcb6fa4ra frote-vlt- tegm nprtheart of oarittrti wanii luivo leffloe body for tfleon b 0 where they win ukonpfnlt urtd an altafjed hbtee thief named inotv nan cryab a toronto police tailon madehtaaabape by digging up rnwllootwunlileflugere lune phebnertf aotriaot hjumaotawwra the bpwcrtb iiaagtie bbeneeer chorob baa emuged or a concert to be gtvan nemttoeedayl evening 7cb may tha following blgbuaa talent hubeanenfjbedimleacrfmeeaainige 3pranoeouiotielpfaiulaaaoavirp dbty eleoatlonhu bmatfntd mn w o uowellbaaeotqqeiphind miaa vleteo stavawmo vlollolet uualphdp be a n ooopev bai the popu- lar paatotof bb eeoopted anlnvuatloo 4o the uatbo- dlatohnrcbltrrbaawii th rmri iui ohurouill laomoihtgtadflatatoroegrbe nf bl 0ofi utaieagfflnffw ijeinuaryatuiajcaogqfldwqoaqp on may wbi itaaoymmiv by forme poavia twra jtot lu ft been giveti tba honor 0 deirlng p anunaorauonii i 1 1 mr mouotuiui putor l lba clurpi aomnieviiiimtlw jnliqwarilftm wotkur andtwlurlm yliwi9fl lohr homm of tbo pwplo ii wvw u ocisalublbljclmbn net jiib- d mm wnlr5polk1nfcornobr tbjrttadtbtorotatl taddile0bal miim frlbd in thu mololjr oaobutvmubi tfal ib ttriwthitu rrlhd h stmuoramodbruroidtblwl obaii oibiitttrvtlnjliiklw 1 m liqllv iirliiulr 111 botl 1 a mb bur wbmh lunw beardmore bvlaw passed th hydte- klaotete c buiud shall uoukerr or account jitbiiill hhl on moixuy vlo in regular mteatnn motnlmre pratnt hoevn llyttd- hi1 cuuncilura mcdonald ihhmubmd cooper i uouviiiiud on klnanoe prbnt- d uieir uiitli report and aulborlxrd yntttnt of um following efroiiiiln h hyij- ick to toronlo 12 v do atatlonery and poataipa 1 hi j o illll weighing co1 ui w i aitdnraon cartage 4 it acuit free 1ma printing 1 n work id atreeta scfloql impaovennt bylaw tp rniaje emudoo byjdaoentu bvtaw tery an it oai- 7 ai ml os tlte report waa adopted j a lottar from moaara heard more a co explained that in conaldaratlon of ooeingend conveying part of queen street itrtween quelpb end marb htreeia thry undertake to give eufllo- ient und on the eoucfierty aide of eaid treat to ueve queen ktreet the wn width aalt uat preeenl and in open tba aaroa eo that it will be aultabla for trevel for the gnoerel public the aacnnd end third readinraoxtba uyuw to deviate queen utreet a per request of meear iteardmora co e given and the llyuw anally hydroelectric by sept 1st a taypmlaylm contract madfi ieit tburedey iteeve uynda weiii ro toronto to interview hon mi beek tbeiryrobumtrtoanglneera rebiilve totbe ooinmeneement of the woikof eeearlng end inetettlrtg tbe line to acton tand erecunp the plant hfo 1 i the iteeve reported at the meeting of the cbanell on monday evening that hie interview bad been highly emtufae unry alnd the contract- prepared on the utteeteiutnateawaa very ikvorable hdh mri beck irnd the eorienluog englneere gave aaaurence that the work wilt proceed 4t once they had boped the georgetown and milton would be ready to enter into contraola etmnlteneotuly with acton bat thjeib townahave not taken ibeatepa aeeery tba work of constructing uw line to aetna will proceed wltbbat fnttber delay f t interrogated avto the probable date ben the line and ihatuliuon will be ooaipleted the iteeve reported that tha englneere expected to be able to torn on hydroblecirio enrreot by tbaflrat limy of september l and i have eonje further good newa for you gen tiemeoluddtbw iteeve i baeb hefa tb coqtracta we nrake with tbvurdro- electric cornmumlon and am glad to report tltat the rate per b p fixed ie not the 42 eetl mated by itonhr beck when we aubhiitted byuw but gm lb h hoped that even thla figure will boredueed thblneel work of erecllngtranafor- nr eullona end installation of plant wiring and erecting atrtilkropi will bo done by loewl uimw faaapoearbla 1 ii wfclimapap i 1 i tbe local branch oftbe women in- ituto held a vrryapcceaafol nteetlng at the bobie of 1 tbe secretary mrs george cent p belt od thureday after noon theday wanftr roellent ppfp were ma4y jtfrejhawpbipu on quick waye of doing things and by mrs pet ergoapa jrpn buumrianuaadtba ei mflarden hnatna elections were givn wf uim- ea orlsale currle and aggie rlhortlll mrand mra h howislofon sat urday forthelf- home in mnuntahftg where they wllljr fr a shori time rsuniln f511nem ril xtjeir roany fiinnaa regret llielt departure aa they proved tlianiaelvea gond alllxfia wt i iv 1 ii gardening and eedlng operauona have begun thousn k keeps too cold for ranob oilttlde work mk itoornaonvofkrln irclit tlif ifers mrsbc xkittupenillnfll afew days at her daiighterv mrs rtealar iirlolpwnbllp f las uargaretkentnev returned 01 8alurily lauf after a pleaaani vlalt nf a few wmkewltb relatives in oalt tri 11v 1 w ourrl od vv carrlpl mvinddtueumtlligdr ilifcfriuhv wti withnliiin j i inow w mtlll mwr ml iwuojotrij 1 i flta hrle wnallier oji sabbath nitdr it urgyittend4nooiktthecmthmrv1cj re i mlsa jean trowof toronto form- erly a resident iiere phtiat weak caldbgon her nianyfrlaqda and fornt- ooeonanlons 1 t mrv jes henderson ol toronto linlv erslty pent last week at bu homo here t i aloquqliim watioftal rahm j the improvement being made 1 in connection with highland inn altuat ad id the algonquin national iark of ontario ltomllea wast of ouewa and ai0 milm north nf toirohtsj on tfa grand trunk jtallway system are rogrelig tha addltloh of fifty taorsjtooiqitothml bflul wl be nam pletfd ao4 ready for tbb reoepon pj guatsaboti3mnala the aopoimpi datlon otthu popular lap jajwbstl tb wns u flplabad be for w jmu tiltuatsd 1jw feet abovo ttasa ftvs tbf all js para and invigorating and thsraare fswfvuasa in jjaptd whh 0ltrtiwhtatro9na toms auiuak- grastorar as tbuse ihalamfdand ifboqnii i- w r wot atthaotiva pfuufw sjhoun to oouhoil aa arranged t last mrribio the lltiard of kducatlon lliu tienibrre walled updo the council id a body on monday evening to request that atspv be taken to provide by hilenture g5u0f for the necessary enlargement of lb aobool building chairman nlcklln waa lbs apeaker for the hoard he ressnlsd the re- irueat of tkn ibthrd referred to the fact tnet while the board has no option in the matter tbe needs nf tbe caae end tbe dementia of the kduesiion department rendering the providing of addiunnal acaomraodalion mpsrt- tlvr he felt aa a loyal clllxen that tbe work ahould be proceeded with so that acton may maintain her blgb landing in providing flrstelasa op- port un lea for raining an education by the chlldrermf tbe com ot unity lie hoped tlte council would take atope to have the bylaw passed as apeedlly aa posalble eo tht lenders may be secured and loonlraotar let by tbe time the aoboola close for ibr aumtner vacation it wastbelnuotiou to push the work forward during the holiday p i 1 in nloelng un nicklln showed very ooneloalvoly tltat tbe cost of maintain log of the uigh mcbool depertment which laanchan inoalcuiaue privilege to i he acholare after passing their en trance esamtnatlon is aceumplultediat a net eosl u the town of about gauo per annum wbereea if this departs msnt ware discontinued and a flftb elase malnulned in the public school the cost would be greater fban at nreaant with ijie high rkhool iv msnu 1 lleeve llyndsaaid ufa matter was before the council and asked tha niembera for tbalr opinion councillor dell- 1 suppose wftwu preparo a bylaw and subrou it to the psnpla tbe itaevewa niey sluter paa it la the council and arrengsior issue of dabentareaeerroueateddr submit it to the people councllior uell1 think subfultung it to tbe people wouldbe the most at- ufactory coaooiuor cooper i am not er well versed in the matter but k lhlok the bylaw should be submitted tp the people- 1 i uouoclllo hmllbtl am of tha same opinion 1- t tbe ueeve i wlsbi tbo aebool uw was so altsrerttbat tbe hoard of wn- eetloo would be compelled toj submit lhsjr own byuws and jreouulhons and collect tbe aobool rates i do not think it fair to eek the council topa tba bylaw and we ora ciusena tps- auma all raapooslblluy tba mal ebauldba put before lbs people wbo axe qiiallaedto vote on such outlju end who have topay ti bao never opposed any advances for kdpoetlona natter i tbink wa ahovld oaainap onrachoohiat ablelfaataodard ibo- tiave tbls to ba neoaasarymaucr and i tbink tba pwoplowluaodaojde moved brai4eu aeooodsd bywr cooper thl the clerk be inftfuf led toi pjrftjpara m- thirty 1 iyab ilnatslment dbentorato submtwad tothp eteotomiof ivbe oaqnloipsjfty or tbe sum of geq0o0l cnetb emotion of tba proposed adduon to thajhiblffl school buudlngscaniad ti r tbe tteeve expbuned thsho order to adrmoee the matter asirspfdly s pof- slhleba would prolhlyi cajla vpoolaj meetlpgto put through the bytlaw to ba prepared within a week chejrmanm nicklln thanked tha trrsra snd council for- their favoreble consideeatlon- m ii wild oatsj artll taimm wi1ud 1 1 j oati ii -i- i accordldgt ebullftun rsnenuy hr ausdby the mant of agrlaultura at cttapra thsre u typo of eaoreor iree hjmiesavljd oats thai is frvipierillycoorused svltb the truo wld ctta whlnhu recogujs- ed as being one of the wcraot weeds tills publication prepared by mr nor- uientu wlthteeeiffo ana ex- plalna by meana of charts and dsscrlp- uve matter their dlatlngulihlna char- edterlstlcs accordiogto this author ity it la a comparatively ilmple miit- tur to dlstlngnuh the twri sorts in the gtiiwlng ntsgr nulnti falifltirlrtt shows the sainenianner of gfwth as the cultivated natrwfclle the true wild okt exhlblte a different habit tnibe seed form the dlffloultycttelllng ihem apart is greater more especially irteo tar as srimvttr tlitasuiknev varieties of talse wild oatwareconeerntd with tbo larger sorts the dlftieulty of dntta- guublngtham is nioreeuyaianrxpeir- lerioed eye will detect the false wild dal by its argar slao and its nsunloloee resemblsncetotluaultrvabktvrtstyhi whldiltufouhdaensiiillj speaking too llyiduter seed eoatli mora open in front with cultivated rbrmiaha valsa wild oats so that iholnner boat u broadly visible whereas in wird oats the edges of the bitter oout mlniost meet readers interested inj autlwgtrtshlng wild oau trool wiae vwlldoatswrvulddnwsllls write to whte tfhrt l tpt of agrlooltore mtawavfesl oopv of buliatln no sit ax0n ixomino oam ovesft 1 1 auerratnteed by a t brown toatoc ji10he4uad benleh itehlagcalpeepe you soratdblni and foeltng njuerabls rill the time wash your hair ubtghwilh pan easpand water andubtoo a good yuanuty of parisian bagm ant tha dlatraeslna itoblhass will bagonelr tbe morning lni 1 t parisian 8agk is a pure refresh- idgirndjavlgorwuojg i14iv dressing besldaa puttingan end losoalp itoh dandruff and iwllog hall- it nourlshe lebqrrobii andptrts aisplandfd re dlarioa into 1 faded and unattractive hair- 1 ji-lif- i j rrw itaboutdba used by svary aober of thfatanyto kaett tha soalpfrjia fropaodbge i uaed ij tt ifcokfie lc beautiful new tstau paper 8 1 your hom snd ordinary wall paper makss or illnary lixtllno fitamw ho rajttier bow faarafulfy job may utniih your boms lbs en ure enact may easily b jxiud by uslnr pipers 0j1 are not tlioroogbly suitable dont run tbe risk of dimppolal- menl choose yoar paper rom ouc new lloe iricea sre very reasonable iapaflisntlng does lo youf cotn- plale aalliuactlon 1 00 par roll all 1 linda chair kauv an ills in we 1 poatlbe pikes stephen cordiner aintebpapawvanoeh etc ilct lmauino a brnciautv mill 3tral aolon oi no moths in your trunk if you use meekers vaporizer oqayeut your tiuolf o a okdar ohb8t mollis and klmlut pests are positively bj tlrminatjenby iivlag mbbkkjfs patiint vapokizuk the only moth lister- mlnstor that will protect your piano irorn moths try one and w convinced a7 mill arwurr -h- v rpq xrhris on iic home furnishings iltbi ablirrlirmtnts iij vtfuil aiiurtb jldnn rhv r o bulmipll ii jf pator ur bldclc for spring ijic in these lines comprises much that is new and interesting to every enthusiastic housekeeper we have htocked only what wc believe to be the brightest ideas if the season and the brs valgos as well new madras curtain nets j now scrim curtain nets new sash muslins tapestry carpet squares wool and union carpet squares imported linoleums yd and yd wide kloof oijclolhs air widths jhp matting squares and mats jij i wilton ond axrpintcr tttigti curtain poles kxtknsion rodskolluk blinds henderson 6clc6 mill st v i j acton ont y- ri- 1 i have you inspected the new sprmg and summt wash goods n i havent wc tekq the liberty of asking yiiy this delay and of urging jt yqu to come at your earlicht convenience while the display is at its height wc state without tear of reasonable contradiction that our present showing is by all odds the greatest ever shown in guclph styles arc likelier varieties are broader qualities arc better and prices arc more moderate ham v ever found in any wash goods display held in this section ithese fabrics arc all our pvvrx clircqt importation from the leading european andj american mills aad by eliminating the middlemans profit wc are enabled to ofler yonstioe qavingsbrinr- addition to offering you finest qualities and broadest assortment direct from ireland 1 a fine range of table lineos napkins and guct t6we with hem- stitched and scalloped ends i imutm rt- 1 1 mens cloihlrif d e jyicdonaed br0s cor wyndham and macdootb streels glelphofit i j l dresf goedt splriualty is a poof refuge fro ro mortaty tbe yrtilta uf acrldce becouie the rots of love there can b7ito0tty whoussomll p so- jisz pureand justjchviia pltoih your oroclib h i hfswn ac4uumruiauwl l4onlrl mmtbautaoarsvvi 3 c hul woodhalt stoha- and obo sopbr j- a niij vk i yiinaliotiqu totl bank of hamilton i sphactii0ecn reserve ad undvidsd proflta- moo0od total asaejbi 44000000 v vtjsranck u earopva banker for al ii a 1 couniry to acquire that postilon bar people must be remarkably thrfiy thapimaollprsjioa sja a aailn 1 they begin 10 save in their yonib no asatler bow sttull ibslr income a portloa is rogtiurly est span forsrnfa need in old they enjoy tbe fruits of tbslr thrill iy are ahappyoitlon heqprbingrbasviags socoanl la be i way to acqulmlimt hamliofakvfna without which no abllliy loam can in- lire yoa agslnsl possible muiorlane je6iwktown branch awrom v e met nfrcj- toronto ont cepltej suol u j l beeapr atutui tlndlvlded pronte peer l i joouo0o glocadoo 100000 sytiivatie saving accomplishes more ibsn is realised twndularueuused every moulh wilwnhmialhh4atarssi bibyeaka me8 opanaaaontiqwruybipwpahttofb p i l slds b much every moolli qua dolnlr 1 sufbcleat to make s start rf rnfra viv vactphawpflx- iiv tm i1 1 11 him 1 m 8 vi sizes prices ram 19 to ms each seoobr special rfglaii goat at 75 all rie nelson mum hmmmwiiioamkinmmoiujiumamionil steads l50omfree j lalonothguhmorthi canadian northern railway manitoba saskatchewan and alberta albrru anai3iawmtnem mll ijopvraiitia of la- cwwig utte wh m balutubwn era cutry maultohai ntemntliy far lu rvhile i uatu eatms net laa 1 in tka nvira which d or thethrwbolftaoirt mtchpwid jtflt ooeatroctlou c oraucbca fcirluqtllebneasndmli liinb net itevwoedcrfnl waeatlanda oi hlch bav ba ibtmrn opaa or a urfja 0hnbr n juberuk 74000 wllb li inllolw 21800 suskatcliewan 080 wwrfrocwiulwuthlproliuklmln wdlllon bwct with 1 ibliwd total tli l oii pml tit wiih towiry wbkb d m gimiv ih nllhkl whlom clln 4n dnilnlbly puptrt wl w ratlotf thtl uy ml lnlvupwkwtbbnmduvill ttulwu llonnndnratllly bcliulicnupiuw4balwmuunwill a w11 uvmaiommumtrmlmunmuhutckyl uwltu will ih rnbohl1 ululh imuwji duclpum nf ih uud tlnittf1 ny111 b liwllwl t anyu wltln mtplkallo u h l flbaliu aau uannl jt- si 1 uk llulldit- ruftng asnl cnnmluu nortbarn f tortmanicmc n j rrrrmrrrr ii automobilear and imptemeiits uvrjjuiii t itl i agent or thbfampus riril solo arcpt lor cockjhult and diia macblneiy and ffeijry plows and a full lino of roparo for plows and machinery a good line ol bugics and hnrnoss lap rags and rubbers prices right also floor oil farmers who arothiftking of building a silo thig year give us a call ahdget our prices b f v r wv calchwsell abton wantkd knlttkutt loopti ul ll- ulaltaat irmld ma twuuil vnl apt fhkr iihn orrioa kuuh fcoji uatohino willtuodd brows lsatierti baml 1lr- ii abefciaar opaoaiibn juoj iuadhaa slpewlwwl-ecrsilstajl- oaoaoa wrusd cii0ick building uyve fob ayum uoosekeeperb waxed paper ackaok er a abasia flea wblu weacl c lining fa oamutdvla iia caki ok tbank8 s7a4 a agil lilao6j aad naigbbobrv 01 tmuhiotttliinlul l baar la ola loaa of nf daar on wa tetihltu mptwullv iim x nf iba inuibhi ol tl inttofiwtdaat ftrdw of votmah awl nf ilia rita 1kus ralimu oatublaa lall aaai ilo a uhtttmh ulfli- ilalion crtjim and itnttrco milton onterlo will aoatlcba ibla m1b i spvaa wa thank run- many batman nud tium iv ajwaia bdanio to fall nntialr oarpatroo as tba amoa i thalr pail iliaaja- tknoeks wanted tkhikmhlllbnracclviiir thn ubdnnlpi- 4 p to 0 oolonk oo jtiuay snl uny for ue follealaa i i rbtlbehaa iba uallodut ctiurali nhad etui knaynlaan sad itilagl aad eolag any ary aairpaalaa work en sbed t rwaueauwtroatabeaedaeftbaatwa two the public health cmttks arc rkqobevned to comply with tuk public health act nona la beby raldu aasae at taaalnd farthwlta la alaui uialr ealtataaralaa varoa pi aty watar oatbadldlaeb aad other premie and ihaiatiotn alt din uaaara aa4 otbar at white atay haveutae ma a ww tha fttui whlab say tha hi aeearari tea taautdayaf baalu am prohibiting tba haapuib of bos hetesaa aba laut of may aad lb 1st ol homoi- at laee to fnat iroa bar daauiac boaaii aaid so tea froaa aay wrmt or una with soot sap olnaa trota any mamtlns watar aad rafelarly alaaeaj will ba alrlouy green grocer fruit merchant e k cook is iwaavuiv daily iraah vegetable and ft oils and sells i boot st reasonable pike foreign pkuits a slkciaitv gooint dmivuttki mill htsstrr actoh overland ovcrtamd hobct st motor cars and t hjia models am nntiuiiuuod fur value andetuclency above tit ruprcocubi our live pashcngor thirty horse power cor at i373w9 delivered fu toronto fully eulpped cult without tall and tuo our itia ifodeht shavrovorlexnci sales co no jmeseekers ejccursipris to western canada via hteaatfeyo s p ay lfit and satb june 11th enoj uth aad every ssoond tuesday theroaflef unill april i7h winnipeg and return u 5400 edmonton and kctara 4200 tickets will elsa be on sate on cerialn dnee vlssamla and northern navigation company tiihoikih pullman to u it 1st bllchfuks will be opera led in conneo- ion with above skcurslous leavliif iwynlu sl 10 jo m i kjo changh ok cakti pull psrtlcalsrs and lldiela irom any grand trunk asehl or write a e putr district passengsr aaeiil union btation teroeto obi j h 8 holmes atfont at g tr acton luw4 ns

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