Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 2, 1912, p. 4

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v thursday wav 1012 thi bf hlnyth ob wbtwhi yhlo wlili iim mini lnhrarr tbiti lluln stray i iln ulnutn in hpar that comes frnmll n rllniff of nu lintyf ti n- viu imftr a worry ant newer car oh whit will ru d t with tbe allnul to flmft tbe dare uuiwen littla minute lm hper whoionlrcnltnt ha loac as ha a bpwot no nulth- ho waver wlienaer whre wad better beware uf ilia minute iobnn- tba waa hill tree little minute to bptra and nfm radian tb minute u use tbal a always ao reedy eoute burden to beer ily frank walcoll llutt jfuatt utithpbt w were atnons uta mountains and mom upon a biff cabin oa sunny southern elora the only evlaeuore of prosperity found in a brood or tow beaded uiw children who were scampering about the door yard the oldest waa sturdy lad of twelve or thirteen he told o hla dum in answer to oar query and then we asked him that of a little shaver of bra or six who waa tsasrts him around like a shadow hie namef lie ala t got on name we jest call him moo key that hla nam jest hookey and he a mean what doee be dor bothers p bothers dad and man and all tb young ohm and me hi bother me when i work nod when i play do you bars to workk work r well i abould aay i fcut all the wood that cut for ibis bere place he was a worker sure enough but be followed us over hill and vale through forest and clearing through stubble fields and bramble patches as ha emerged from one of those mas ses of blackberry boshes which are so common id that region i noticed that his uule bare shins from his ki his ankles were jost streaming with blood whewt said i sympathetically that s nothln dont it hurt r ilurtp yoa feel it baits what are you golnc to do about itr y dof i alnt agoin to do nothln butjee let it but now that is tw kind of stuff that make man jest let it hart do not squeal do not kick do not put up your lip bat jbt 1st it hurt it u others for a boy to go ettioamns bare footed around on a farm or through a country village i jelly the boy who has dover doue it evangelist children ory fob fletchers urkwo suutatt aou the set that otters shirk u a poor reason for negle to earn ones wage the young peoples wseuy prints the fouowiug ajmodote about a boy who one day attar a severe storm a urge number of men and boys warn out on tharoadsof aoiwntry town to shovel oat thej drifts kaeh workman was paldnaartarof a dollar an hour and sanyh etziet wseb kasp npon thecal baton uulo fallow seamed to work with all bis might nod his comrades laughed m jtrp ars yoo after u job of highway s or do yoa expect to get mors than the rest of oa for pat ting in so r let pat him out i be is shortening our job t it twoot last till night at i am gettlnet a man s pay for tho first usee in nay ufa and i moan to earn it said jim i don t suppose tho town cares dot that i shall get anymommooay at night t butl shall fret a big sight utur myself yon began right jim said uw surveyor wlto wsutnok vory strict la behalf of the town perhaps but bad business of huownwharehasfpreoutr 4 workman with a oons qobttiomasuji tbustt mother aldsobby after a full week of obsdlanoa have i beeu a good boy lately f yes dear replied his mother a vary vary good boy amt du you really trust mo ha ooatlomd why of oourss motbvr trusts bar littla toy aha answeredf bqt tlw chastened child was not pad fled i mu really really trust me yoa know ha explained yes i really really trust you nodded bis mother why do you ask r just bsoaufofvamd bobby ullng his hands into his pookats and looking har la the faosruyoa tmt ma llko yoa say yon do way da youvfr tfo hiding tho jam r btmflmrt jllj talpytalud 4jm vf hotexaalu ton next to htm if bo would fe tb mustard aad the other v you mis- take bm for a welter f oh no su waa tba immedtala ply 1 only mistook yoa for a gentle- i i f keep uta tsaparetsr clean tha asparator la often the cause of r bnttar in lb winter tba bowl im tk separator collects most of tbe uta thstntsi ita wsylnto tbe milk ga whm tt la left wjtboat washing lev awrsrsl aaya u tecomea very foal mom of us would think of drinking w tha bad dwnrtd oyer aoch a- sr of flhk muner aboam w be umt to fajmekti tsoen eo conuniased tho ejparauif dally brougmmtt be wini tssub m tt may not eonr baj rtr bscattm to tbe winter i hilppha bit t save yon strwnglh when in the kllrhrh kfp a s wl ich n iw prhail undnr 111 w rk taltla out of ute way wl a i hi t in uh and sit down to d all k poaall la a little biding added to tha wtr in which glasa u waah1 a ida m toll to lla hrillianry t1t yn ir lit un la lll n plrnllfnl i ht tne wood hwmi and pill will p ve a great lima saver dfil euroinnr try to cortlnee tlte man that the wood 1 t nr the wood bed la a hatter nlacntw keep waroi in than around tha kltchan atnve thayll certainly enjoy their meals a great deal better if they have ec pnnded enoib energy on a wood pllr it la an excellent spring tonic j a running is dear almost to every woman a heart it you would like early tomatoaa now la the time sow the eed warm a couple of pots of earth before sowing the sred one gardenar told mr to have sue ceaaf il uxdttom you must have matured plants liaise your own and you are pretty sure of a good crop the unset tomatoes i eaw laal year were homegrown plants when starting for a drive on cold day i put a newspaper across my cheat undr my coat it wonderful how it protects one from the piercing wind to cut an leed cake without crumb- hug dip the knife lor a m ment li hot water canadian knn uikntwthi oummmm the dlgolfted person aked the polite waitreeslf she had good cheese we have some lovely obeear was tba smiling answer vou should only use lovely qualify something thai la all- de clared tbe pedantic dlper all right rplled the young woman f am sticking to lovely was troubled with heart disease and hervousiess bkvebal doctors coutd do hsr ho good turks boxes of lnunnurs heart and itbrvb pills completklt ctjrkd her uisi uary lebcau nulmn sak writes i was troubled with bcait disease od nenrousaess for over two yean and was so bad at times i bad to sit np at night being unable to breathe snd every little noise would make me shake and shiver i tried seven 1 doc tors but they were unable lo do me any good a adchbor then advised me to try a bos of uuburos heart and nerve pflla as soon a ibegan to take them i began to fed much better and by the ume i bad used tbe third box i was eoov pkthnv cured t would advise anybody saoering from heart disease and nervoas- ness to try these plus they win save quite a bul la doctors fees uobaru s heart and nerve pihj cure all heart and nerve troubles by their restorative infiuence on vwtrr organ and tissue of tbe body rvice 0 cents per box or 3 boxes for i1js stall dealers nr mailed direct on receipt of pnee by tbe t muburu co toronto out the poor are tbe real optimists lbs rich tba pessimists mr o l do wolff for sprains and llrulsaa there is nothing batter for sprains and contus ions than dr thomas boleetrla oil it will redoos tbe ewelllng that follows a sprain will oool tba infiammod flesh and draw the pain as if by magic it will take tba ache out of a bruise and prevent the bash from discolouring lb seems aa if there waa msgin in it eo speedily doee the injury disappear under treatment what we all want b a motive for ir uvea canon bubrough castor i a thrmyhbrnahranbacn signature of tbe place honors not the man tis tba man who gives honor to tha pleoa in the ca of infant mortality cholera morbus figures frequently and it may be said that complaints of the bowels are great dlstroyere of life if all mothers would avail themselves of so effective a remedy aa dr j d kel logg dysentery cordial many a little one would be eaved this cordial can be given with safety to tbe smallest child as there is no injorleussubstanee in it bah yhihci twicb a passenger on a new yorkdo ve- uud sleeper on awakening in tba ntornlng found under his berth one black shoe and ona brown one he cabled the porter and directed his at tention tn the error the porter scratched his woolly haad in utter be- wlmvrmenu well said the exasperated paseen ger what a the matter t haw if lba don t beat ell l ex claimed the porter dat do eeoqn time die mornln dat dat mistakes hippened doctors could not help him during august last 1 hontxcaj tocouewt anej40tt a x had been suffering terribly with stone in the dlsdder lledeclutdtooperatobut said tba atone was too large endtoobardtocrush i returned bomo end was mxnruueudad by jrifljd j trvgtn fills they relieved the pain i took two boxes and went back to the specialist he said tbe stone was mailer but he could not remove it elthoogh be tried for two hours and a half i retained home and eoufjaned to take gig xhllaf dne in tbe world and i aunnur wimld opumumoqiune hoc mbcnl hot njmooifc k7savr skmkhjmmiw m ww the kind you have always bought bears the signature of in use for over thirty years gastoria the merchants bank op canada puery parson who pacai ami pajri qui money ihooul htv c chsiuing account i avmsnt by chsne is tha most practical con venlenl and safest method of bssdling si i nesaelal ira whether ol a business or persona character the rotuin of cancaflaj cheques am vouchers tor every mm paid eat they show whu dls barsemenls hsve been made sod to whom deposits are rsceivsd by ittla runrsabjearociwqoswlibdrswsl we pay thsssme aiienilon to small depositors as wedotolssoeaaandssotiisaalbbusceouslb latere allowed on all ssvlnfs sccoudu componadad half total assets 811t349 ac70n branch f a macltan manager hard and aoft corns both yield to llollowky s corn cure which is entire ly safe to use and satis in action to help a man when he is down is to benefit society at large hr w nlebobmn he poor dyspeptic suffers untold agony after every meal nearly t dyspeptic stomach acts as an irritant hence the difficulty of effecting a cure burdock blood bitters will relieve su tbe dbtresunc symptoms of dyspepsia and in a abort time effect a cure mrs f c cross bedm onu writes i have been troubled with my st ornsch cor the last seven ytst and tried all lands of tnedlrfnc or it bat none of them ever cured me for as soon as i would quit using any of them the same old trouble would come back last fall x was ad vised to try burdock blood bitters which i did and used four bottles and now red so strong i can do a my house work nljy and can sat almost enylmflj- yhfe out it affecting tne in any way ojf boy h also using it he always cotntuined of pain in hbl stomach sod all over like rheumatism end st tbe srs of tn had to ouy home from school lie basn l quite used wo bottles yet and la reeling good can attend school regularly und eaw heartily ii b u is manuuktured only by the t milburn co timitcd toronto onl theeamal desired horns and his ears were taken from hlrn a pleasant ureguve iannelsss vegatable pills are so compounded so as to operate on both tha stomaah gad bowels so that they aet along the whole alimentary and noretory pee age they are not drastlo in thele work but mildly purgative and tbe pleasure of taking them is only equal led by the gratifying effect they pro- duee compounded only of vegetable eubstanoos tbe curative qualities which were fully tested they afford re lief w thout change oflnjory silence is the fenoe round wisdom jl myrtle evep in tbe desert remains a myrtle lie sshols proud in heartla aa sinful aa the idolsfter to be patient is sometimes belter than to have wealth he who walks each day over bis estate find coin daily when a liar speaks the troth begoda nt in the general dtwbe- llef 2 wammald by butrwtlkmoai a young man laughlrtgly boasted that three pretty girls had eapreseed thalr- wllilngruwaln marry him and tha be pnctloallydeclded to take the one with tbe biggest bank account and the lojight row of houses nevertbee massy pur monav iftd leafi trry ld oolaolemiily waffling hloijj wbefi join ecourjpetay jricomejbaek fro tt cburob sixty yeare sin sre est dahr an turned out our pocket an there wor iberor bui wfnlr neve had a etfuabla slit blow me if betsy janii int allsca sudtd by tamia tb4 stt igwsenjplaosln eaynamcc children oxy for fletchers c i a ooauftm in bodstt now sir v hope we shall have no difficulty in getting you to speak up said tbe barrister in a very loud com mending voice 1 bone not air shouted the wit ness at the top of his lungs how dare you speak to me in that way shouted tho lawyer crimeon in tbe faoe because i cant speak no louder six- said tbe hostler have yon been drinking f yes sir i should infer so from your con duet what uave you been drloklngr coffee hoarsely vociferated tbe knight of tbe stable somathlng stronger than coffee sir youve been drinking i don t look atmellkethatslrr ruriously look at the jury sir 1 did you have some thing in your coffee sir yes sir what was it t sugar rnb man is no fool my laid he is worse 1 stormed the counsel 1 now sir turning to the witness look at me what besides sugsr did you take in your ooffoe this momlngp tho hostler collected his forces drew a deep breath and in a voice that could have been beard half a mile away bellowed nut a spoon i spoon an nothing else l worms sap the strength and under mine the vitality of children stength en them by using mother graves worm gx terminator to drive out the neraalte work will bffjkc rv put if there is anything good in you anything fine and promising work will bring it out talen ts do not as a rule start up like tho grass and wild flowers do in the spring obeying sums magic i mysterious summons they toe more like tbe grain which most be planted watered kept free from w and watched ince until the tlm of harvest cured of cokstipatoi irtdrwv prmloem dr mr george andrews of halifax n s- writes for tnanyycnrs i havetbecn troubled w el t ens ics slnrlohumlsd and lm to tlw inaoy lluwjmeti n brln in hs train tcdklub i tiave taken n merit never coiics slnlol have been a vk in that constipation uedkine after ntcdklue order to find relief but one and all left me in tbe same hopeless condition it seemed that hotimg would expel from joe tbe one silment that caused so much trouble yet at last l rosd shout these that vnu indeed e lucky day for asm fta i was so impressed with the state menu nude uut i dctenruoed to jdve them a fair trkt bsy have rsguuted my stornach and set iemouredefcaswupktksand i claim they have ne csjual as a maru- chm jor over half a century dr moofcfs indian hoot pittshave been curlngconr ttlhatloa end hogged bwctlve kuney with all the aumeati which resulufroat them they cleanse the whole tyslem sjidnmtfjrtte blood sold tveryvbem the liver pills act so naturally and easily such a statement coming irom the cashier ol a bank shows what confidence responsible people nave in these pills mr a l wilson after trying them wrote i tiav un4 ir u1iw mim nd i ur vutm and also rour atail mils tm mrtt wtu awxj rwum th urar ptos i- aa eitusmr aao ao asauv that t aoaroalr know ttaat 1 av uhn a plu rrequmiur twins troul4ml with lieaaha i taka an ant i laln to i and a lairdlala nlui in nwy oaaa a i wiimn apart in sir wiuwhi waa for a euauiar yrnni rrnhkr of tha ftral alloaaj li k nparta dr miles nenre and liver pill re different irom others msny kinds of liver ptlb are irnpouuble sffcr one tnsl on accoui t of theu harslinesa dr miles nerve and liver pills do not act by sheer force but in an easy natural way with out griping or undue irritation they arc not habit forming mib3 mboical co ttfma caw one of the mleukee of the day is the crass for the crowd in all tbe churches iter hem net oilier a thorough pill tb clear the etoenech and bowels of impurluaa and irritants is nsuassi when tbelr action is irregular the pills that will d tba work thoroughly are iarmeus vege table pills which srs uilld as aelion but mighty in results they purge painlessly and effectively aud work permanent curr they can he used without fear hy lite most delicately constituted as there are no painful rf fecta preceding their gentle operation whim nti oar arood ma hen i he street oar stuck ell uhlug the steep grade- m the city the other day it wmm n l twoitiimi iwn waa eonirthl gin the way the rails were as smooth as glass and aa hlnlog without a single obstruction tbe faet of the matter was that it waa too easy tbe motorman produced a pall of eaod from somewhere and the rails were thoroughly sprinkled and then grinding and creak log the oar wnt on that little difficulty wan juat what it ncedvd elany a youth stands still on tbe track of ufa not because the ascent is too bard bbt because it is too easy kerythlpg oomes to blm without an effort ilia fsthor give him all the spending money be wants ills family nam ia good enough o that be la ac cepted socially without being put under tbe necessity of making himself agreeable when he is ready to go into buslnaea there will be a place open for blm because he is his fathers son no wonder that be makes a failure of lire ob for some blessed difficulties to bring bis submerged manhood to the surface 1 ob for a little sand on tbe track t ewam ttutnme4tiamdll lsuf eoaeavalrvi7ls crv without law civilisation perishes the ass complains of tbe old even in july bronchitis was so choked up she could hardly breathe broncfcltu is sn acuta icnsmmstloq of the nuw m iiicuibrsttg bnlpgthc ah tnbes of the longs and should never be ne glected for yt it b very often tteeusease becomes clirojns and then it b only n short step to consuoiptkxa on the first sign of bronchitis dr words wnrwit pitw ryntn iftntivi bff north taken and thus prevent it vi g mr john p m college grant na write my littb gw seven years old caaght a bsd fold whkh ovssooed bitq broachlua bht wee choked ap she ootdd hardly breathe rwdinf about your wonderful medkms iv woedekpry pinf prrup i decided to try a bottle and with such geod ra uln that x got snothgr whkh completely anjied bar kjt cannot my too much in its ptajsaraad wonllnot be without li in the dr wood norway rms byrun b pnrup in a yetlow wmpper three pins trees the trade iiwrk nrloesnmls t inuactutcdoolybytbst uubum 0ourfttoronkonti oeld mlns remsnce tho laath 1 1 hy li my i ur walter hall a afouit uorgsu mllli nairs refills th slory of tlie discuvuy rd tb famous queaiislsisl gol 1 mine it sounds m re ilka n start 111 a or un utan a place ol real life limes a p rtton i a aolactlt n wmnmfm man namod jortlon i ut the pasiur- sae was ry po r an 1 t la exutence whwi ho n alnuinad i y koei iij few tlead of eattle waa mlsarsbls enough ona lay shout thirty years sgo iw br thsrs naiiied morsan prospecv u r pasuwl ls rsnishackle hut hultt iinuaeotliily vst untold wealtli an i arukk tt ilia h llallly which 1 rdan ttsrci u ufain as to all other travelora in the i uali homsthing attracted tha ubiimhi syes of tl iwn hr ttltara sn i licking up illy a luw samplaa of iwm tl y i sde lor ton k mm i ya tl y rna arix k m i altorwar la si i ft r t uy his pot r xalootlon ir mi ii hi i i o imlulutj i lm sll i gnllli if rl i f h at go a i acre vm thai lie unrgsn hmti li idea 1 tie real vslue uf thslr new r ro- hny tl igh tlay wsra e undent it w uld iay tl em to w rk it they 1 r nut it a ii kl si u u resident s sal i i half 11 air li lort f r siooo lit ortlmt t uy mil lug maclilnery and eva ilually tl is llanisi and uirm tl ars t in jn each in a tfw years they a ul ii u niai were all 111 i disllngulshad casl hsavars tin learns i riiglih judpo who re- ft tiy s i i uimir to i rrak si ne in ilrk trl sul nltli 1 for his the rxrellrnt oismplo net by judge uhi wli on n tmcaslnn travsletl specially ihi ihmim i liiveuaala the con lltl us un irr wild nusrrying wss dnnr to hi ip i lm lwl le a law suit 11 selsml thn tn cks and i usti ed them 1 lmlf with lolh i sn is ur juatleo wsrrlmjlon lm also lolled as har i as any r al heaver a few years ago min clgl urn tons of coal near his rrl 1 icu at t up com bustion and all hla servants there worn call il uh u i hi v it urgent ly tu tl hi4 i lllp uiare- uim n uk i l wl itlltr w urnl work ej vigorously with llifl rrt a weak aching back getised her much mlstry mrs w it hodge rkuing peak writcsi a lew lines highly recommend intf doan a kidney 1mb iur this last year i have lrcn troubled vry much with outy sick headaches snd a weak aching uici whkh caused me much misery for i could not work and had no etnhuiou jr anything my kidneys were very badly out uf order and kept ma froji sleeping at nights i tried many km s of puis and medicines but it s njirait in vain i began to give up la eipsu of ever being well and strong again when a kind nclghhnr advised me li try doan s kidney puis which i did uuj am thankful for tbe relief i obtained from them for now i am never troubled with a spre lack or sick heada i will always say doan s kidney puis for mine and can highly reosmmend them to any sufferer price so cents per boa or 3 hoses for it 35 at a dealers qr mailed direction limited when ordering direct specify doana suffered everything for yeevaiuslcerecito hemltfa by lydi lpixtkham ve- etable ownpourscl canad women are continually writ- lag us such letters as the two following winch axa heartfelt ex preawious of grati tude for restorn health clanford station o l i ve ta ken lydia e ptnkham a vegetslda com d never found any medicine pare with it fall ing of womb and did me no ood i suffrrad fully for years until i began taking it for ffigeatlou mrs unary cxssx ghmford station onl cbeetervlite ont i heard your medicin highly praised aada year ago 1 began taking them for falling of womb and ovarian trouble my left side pained me all the ume and just before my periods which were irregular and painful it would be worse to sit down caused me pain and suffer ing and i would be so nervous some time that i could net bear to see any one or hear aay one speak little specks would float before my eyes and waa always oons tips ted i cannot say too much for lydia e- plnkham s vegetable compo and liver pills for there are no madid nee bke them i have taken them and i recommend them to all w fun an you may publish this tastirnesual mrs srav mm j uastim cbeeurviue ontario first i whan w undkrtake t your ii asc wej give tbesn our undivided attention and beat can tbe patient s welfare ta our first con deration second we guarantee ouv drugs to be of full strength aa well aa pore and frwah third qui isaattiauiec are ssipnllsd with just what tbsyeakfor aubsuuit- ingune- ranrjsa if yon axe a sugars r trosn kmney disease liver ootnplalnt blood troubles rhaqtnatlam neoralgis or proaitratiou wo ocejsdesitly mend tbe use of iajnce osiery oom- pouod thle reusble nod una dis appointing m la av true banuhnr and systssn builder ws supply tbe swsso pads osiery oompoond at brown anton ont children ory for rurcsrjrs castori a our letter heads are come in and place your order work is right price is right the 7tct01ni pree press ve warmest kind for cold weather tougher horschido will ncvct be found because tha best is used or storeyo ckryea and gnuntleta and yet tho skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process ir made ptablc insuring extrnocdinary wear resistance waterproof and w fireproof the best working gloves on the flbsbsss market sold at all stores insist on storeys the grand trunk railway pajstsknoicn traimsj tm isllowln la tb lima si vbub ntpw fa f llps i mo p sjs j x5he excelsior bakery i imbst quality biibtad cakes wkpoino cakes christmas oakeb ktc etc uvbtsirs and pibii conpectlonarv caix today t stathamson baker3 and cnoociu main sl acton tfea bttlib stbeni gratlti hi hiihi works casutkr bbain artistic cesetbry wort wm hemstreet agent acton your chopping will be done quickly and well on either platen or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills moor oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co llmltod eve8t0n eoen mills the best quality ol manitoba family and pastry flour for sale at lowest prices our own mala chopping done ind oats rolled dn1 teed vox sale cash for wheat and oats henry hortop patents consci9ntious flumbirig heating is hot k juvyth snllth vts to the contrary we make it tbe moat important factor so if yoa favor us with yoor patronage yon will enthusiastically endorse us gnetmsst 0 i ll anbjgvtrnfnrwrriwa

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