Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 9, 1912, p. 2

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bl li kate tnn llaj lat itamh ll atl la domtm qh1i as wnlif mill arwil st maad staay la lila iso yar ourtmau al usalpb m montf u be xton yrtfis thursday may u 1012 bditobuu motes itcihtuth froa the wsstarn provloeaa stats thai scanuon i much further atl vaikea at lb pea nt utm than it wu inr aajo at liil data tbs indica tions ars that from tan to twsolyqvs per cant mon land u aodsr cultivation thsn was uw cass but vsar ths s- tints tor la slraady at work bearing ute vrbsat op at this moomnl ha says ths total ylsld for tlta pralria pro- vlooss will ba two handrad nail i loo liu oakvuulk fettangsd it ayatsm aoolctpal lainmint and aupplaotvd by a c the work waa coco pis lsd las waak and now ths total aaa want of tba lakeside town u over hxooo tbcra ars bowarar exemp tions which taring this down to about 91000000 an incrsataa of about half a ttuiioa otr laat yaar tba star say tba laeraaaad aaaeaament will m 1000 addluonal la iba county rata many ppli nm spofcan of lx ttik sudukn death or jud llaybra tba chairman of lbs domln- ion railway oommlaajon canada loaaa 001 of bar brlgbtost and moat uaaful eltiasas ha waa honored at boms and abroad in aoelal and professional circles on tba beach in tba oood of his strsnooos duties as presidios oflosrof tba comrolasion and in pri vats ufa it is im to ovaresu- mate tba valos of each a man to hi country or to measure tba extent of the toes sustained in his untimely pas sins away fsvcuuuuuvaod barafala hunting- aoored jointly lo the ilousa of con gress at washington on tuesday when lbs coinage of a three caot piece an one bill osnt place waa authorued by nnalavwis votav the report acuom paninc lbs bill from tba committee on coinage weigh u and ueaaurs aid tbslr ooloags is urged to en courage eco buying both direct ly by affording the man p of making rhangn and indirectly by the psychologies offset produced by the sxlstnwon of asaausw oolns turn fmgg ftofaxty reported uhosr rsoehc juqoor laws vmandmsn for baiag drank in local optlqn terrl- tory oocnes fromsvdsahan townablp twenty dollars and costs or 30 days in jail was the penalty imposed by magu- tsate lawson of idngstoo 00 tues day at tba on prose notion in this dis trict smdar the now local option by law section 13 clause 144 which makes it an i offence for any person to bs found intoxicated in a local option municipality j w tnsatnala of sydenham era the in- dieted party tmt dcraamiiorr at ottawa has its bnustln of last year crop ik shows that the total returns to uw oanadlan farmers a a whole waa vary considerably ahead of wiq nce people isaaghw wheat la canada moat isbportsnt crop as a matter of fact last ysavs retama from bay h led imajooo while wheat ouniwt with nmjstnom tb bulletin shows incraasaa in crop values in quebec flaskstefaawnn ltanltoha albrrta and bhusb columbia while oeeraased rs- turn are abown from ontario nova scotia new brunswick and prince kdward island u tossomto awuuuwo oouumb on saturday tnonunw while 110 people were at work in the building lbs south wall of wm neuetuvs new gva oonfaeilonwry building on qladstonei asev toronto couapssd burying a eoora of amployes two peruana mrs eva anderson 1900 duf- fsrln st and lucgu somas an italian laborer-wars- kljrd wfalls flftssn others wars injured tba wad u0 ft long 75 ft high and of m thloknsm ranging from s inebss lthabouomtol41riebes at uw top toppiadovr taking with it lbs brat saetlon of each floor togstbsr with the nmchlnsry and all jrasbsd into the basamsnt tha causa of lbs acolasnt la launjoaid tw be that tba lining brleke wara is uonner than tba lacs bricks the ha batng made up of nwrur which gavs way 1 tliecolmwiiiglsuiaraporturuv 8 no 10 bsqucaing for may namai id ordss of inarui 1 cum ivlury dunn mary uv l laura sprowls llarvsr draoga laabau dredge willie mllb ouum illmaria hoeosmy got- 1 don bates wluk uoxe ocjpnl ii florsoos itobartsoa nora wlnbwdjos momaoawy ulrarje class i juhnqy upuetuiy faulouaua vejiaoainy cfjkaajjmaim ifjlansny olar- moa ucarutar jimmy hills iawatrrb lsuhar t sad drowning in fairy lake ditto usable ami fan t the waste wetr and was prowned was aloh at tbi tlalbl in llteqnsrtersof a cnlury llifire itava lenrenirkably few drowning accldonle in fuv iakc and it niinr years alnce the laat onr itut on friday afternoon llttu llerble ar- nsw lh yiititirvat son of air ieorga agnew met hie death there with no one u wltncu llm tragic event the bright llule fellow had t playing about the lawn and garden during the ahrrnoon all the ll under lila mothers eye about tlireo or a little iwfora he told hie mother be waa yolnk over ui urandmaa ura itoliart agnawvou isrk ave jnet s fw yards away alcrenend- tntl a little lime at hie grs4duinthera he ln for home 1ml instead of going there he went through w i ander son garden and on in the mill dam airs anderson haw bltn golngthrough and thought he was just walking down to the water ee the children often do and would go on home by 11111 hlreet about half an hour later ilia poor little folluw wee seen floating in tu pond near lb waato gale by mr itobu wallace jr who gave the alarm lteeve llynda lr holme- and chief iswson ruhed in the acene and found the body in atxut two feet of water at the gsts they worked over the little body for soma time in the hope of r euacltatlon bul without avail it la auppoaed that the little lad had tried to walk across lbs bssm at tba front of the flume and had fnllsn in the water and in hla fright had become oonfoaed and overcome lie had t aufforing from he whooping cough for anma time and he may have been taken with a namxyim of coughing and fell in during the attack the sad event was a terrible abock to thi rarenta and family who time suddenly overwhelmed hy the hies or ihelr iii tie herbls who had been running about happy as usual an bour before they have the heartfelt eympathy of all in their great sorrow the funeral on saturday afternoon was attended by n larg co of cltlssne and friend comforting words were apoken by itev j c wu son b a and thersnieln ware con veyed to falrvlaw cemetery friend from a distance attended as follow air and mr plakard and miss nescoby hamilton mrs ii bes- coby mr w heecoby and mrs oi ens georgetown mrs crowe and miss bbort toronto 1 ur and mrs k bescoby slllton and mr robert flynds oleuwilllsma usny beautiful floral tributes eluding the following were sent mr and mrs btl ryder spray car nation mrs murray and flo aprsy rose mls vlda folate r epray earns tlone from orandmaa home wreath calu lilies mr and mrs and rihel near spray caroaliona i jule and jean moffat apray of carnation mr and mrs howard bescoby apray car- nation ur and mrs j m bell pray mile of the valley mr w a storey pry carnations mis bes coby epray roses cutters w ii storey sons apray earns tionaj fm- uy wreath rota 1 mr and mrs bes coby spray carnation acton lodge i o o k apray rosea om oasbautvatvombl i its t grad stes of our high school is probably quite a feurprifte to the community as the year have passed and groups have left the school room qualified for advanced conditions educationally tha total ha awumed quite a fine pro portion there are probably many there noted whose lives would not now be in the channel in which they run had not the advantage of a home edu cation been afforded them had jbe ipller of the list taken a little more pace and given the full names instead or merely tba initial of tba first the list especially for preservation for re ference would have been more inter esting a in many eases there le diffi culty in recognising the particular individual one of the best results or the publication month by month of tha public school standing is the in sertion of the fall name as where lists are preserved oraeln the oaseof those in the tdvsar heine there la a path etic interest in recall log old associates perhaps nearly forgotten however the continuation school graduation llat is creditable it would be a pity if those who not having any personal interest in tha malntslnaoon of tha ulgb school privileges in actons should fall to sup port breaks part in opposing the pro posed enlargement of tha school building of course it will mean a alight but very alight increase in taxation and there are many other things to be uied for but nrstelssa educational advantage in an urban cotumunuy i an asset which must la many ways redound to tha benefit of the onrnmunliy lossy nothing of the apectal banetlu to many young psophr who oould not otherwise receive them and who tbsiaulvss are thereby quali fied tb lieneflt the world at large il4juasv watoh your hairladikm of if dandruff grrms are devouring tba nourishment thai belongs tu the br it will soon begin to fal kurtbar- mor ll will low lis lire and tuatre and will bsooiue dull faded and oven look slovenly if yon bav any signs of dandruff yon ought to go right to your druggies today and gat bottle of parisian saob thu delightful and rrrcs6ing hair tonto ft buarranlsad by a t brown to kill dandruff grrms clean utajhaad of llllby dandruff atop fall- ibghair sod lulling scalp or monay hack and it dot just what it guar- hntad tb do and thats why iu aalsa are ao amormons tht eotulitry over par 1sian aaorutbaravoariuqiraflnad jroplfo- oija ifouja frdvaa iuokri lorlfy i- v the honofi i0ll for april rouesstnat lss otv lbs rsport t ar dm notifciai r nooa the following llat will be read with much interest by pupils and parent ilimi siiiuoi datpairruknt tiik uidhlk school rjkxior claw cua iil nelson k cole claae ll b brown k willlain- j moffat fclsas iii if ilurd ii cook m allbews highest in pltyaieau utlfsl t in lir hlatory it nelson in ancient illacbry it nsuon in i j la r tore k nelson in latin f mai in al- gebrs o moffat juniiiriiahm class ii u mcbouahl i nelio h dole i mapbeson claaalllm brown a uclfcmsld n kenney lllgbsat in art m matthew in ueogrsphy it cole tiik low an 8hki ukkioh fjtstl class ii- j uoore k cilhben i anderson u henderson cuealh k white j ollrion ll clark lllglteat in art m henderson in composition i anderson in canad ian history k jlbbonai la geogra phy j moore junkih law claaa ii n anderson class iii ix llsrsvy ii warren- m macpherson u scott ii agnew lllgbsat in art n anderson in composition n anderson in caoa- dlan ii latnry n- anderson in geogra phy i sootl no on roll 88 t w ii braiwairr principal miss b itowsoa humph rise ijsulnn hu iv alicia obrien 773 gordon molsod 77 melfort jollier 711 wilms johnstone 088 1 cursv brown 077 mildred htsuntou oh total 060 jm lvjsan wilson sii vsra har vey rfj3 1 percy ault 878 charlie me iod 800 margaret wilson swi harold mowat noo total floo no on roll 2 m z bakkarr tsachsr rn hio mowat 8u1 m leh man a2si m cuvsl silt p olsrk aoi 1 ii reed hffli g agnaw 380 jr ill k cooper 2kb t b rsrr sot 1 ii honur 210 j kennedy 210 o workman lno h melim 170 tnul 300 v fomteh teacher bn ii mary byrne 22s afbsn oeffo 924g harriet prevost 3081 lh- alsmofrst 302 pearl nutley ivtf rthal stark man 10ft jr ii nellie oaffo 2 fcvelyn lswlor sos rmma barnes 171 to- ul 300 no on roll 04 miaa k m holmkh tescbar hi kvlcwria prsvoat 174 j wuhe smith 101 1 ssbrm nelson is8 har old workman 17 charlie maun 151 jessie mowat 147 violet goulatts 180 reals llutlon 186 1 glsdys klsonlflo klma cutting 1b0 roland chinsry 170 marion jamee 170 total 200 no on roll o7 mutw r 0 clnic teseher sn paiuitnjsck robertson 130 violet davis 12 jessie mann 120 myrtle oarnochan 114 george rod- hrl bddle lehman iii david henderson 111 total iso jr psuukr annie lawson jlnmle napartsib pat and his llttls hrowa marn were fsmlliar alghts to ttis people of the town of carry tlie junrn sjjrti blind and lame hut hy dint nf much coaxing pat kept lr to the liarneas ons day while leading her to the water ba bsd tn pass a corner where a rowd of wouldbe ports bad congre gated thinking to have some amuse ment at pats expense one called nut hallos tlierr pall im looking for the real good how tnucb is i bat them nisrs of yours able lo drawr ilegorrs asld pat 1 cant ssy exactly tml slta asnnis to bs abielo draw tl t uitlloo o very fool in rr town jladosuidoear gaudlnrwa a man ran l out being pally i yon cant pai people if you war iimhi the roltt of indelhnarlnl with any llnm halhkg dlliousnc-ss- isrertalnly one the most iltwbrri- allsailnrnl wlh flej 1 brlr u- nalril loneitf hillrr tiime in tlw iiimiiii ibiumts dilna ihemi untblne 10 uultq lila a lunlen the rsiiae la s diaiirilitdtl livui 1m rum dr m indun root pills they go mraluht to the roof nf i ho iroiiljc mi the livrf rikht clpanm the alom- ach anil buwri- irarilw toigcitc sril lakcewsy tlwplrf tao from be nioulh at the urt aign of hilloua- ncestake dr morsci indian root pllla rltbonoi roofinq year aro aro ullll sound and weather tight if you want a roof lo lul investigate kubarold 3 permanent colors- red drown green and natural slate ak your daajerloahttwyou ample or well rlmly eonayou mntpfaa boow- u and f ull uhwroallprt pn retou 4 ths svshuh rsstcslcass4 ikahss nlamg vouw oaprtatw a vmoitaumir y rerrys seeds hu h is huiniu opwi georgs holloway no on roll 87 mian m it hounm tsaoher citizens swat the fues and olsan upaiibthsiaafllbaqbl swat the files and do it at once be fore eggs are laid and your bouse is filled with d carrying files there was a time when the hy was not vary seriously regarded and when ordinary measures for it bm unction and sup pression were onnaldaredall sufficient but people have grown wiser they have learned a thing or two in lata years about mosquitoes and files and such like flying vermin they have learned that many of the fevers which were dacrlmatlng warmer localities drcuy to mosquitoes havana cuba 1- case in point and that whan tha mosquitoes were driven out th fever disappeared theriymay not ba quite so objec tloaable as tha mosquito in lis indi vidual aspect and aooompllshmant but in to ability to- carry dlaaase germs it i even worse moequltoraas a rule will only infsst damp place hot hiss go wherever there 1 filth and dls- tbe greater tha filth the mora file physloism ire agreed that as communicators and dletribatora of dla aase there is nothing ousl to the fly tbarefore they make every flffurt to keep them out of the sick room but they get in many alck rooms never theless and unless they are killed on tbe spot they carry the disease germ ejuleldewltht been and often into othsrbouses la some town in the united staua orgsrilsed campaigns have bean carri ed on sgsluat flies and with graat uc- ces frank stookhridga in a lomln- oua article in the world work r lste what ha been dona in solas ol these towns by the boy scouts the schqotnhlldren sod hy the offering of tountleaaod priss for thrlr dastruo tlon no qna can read mr stock- bridges article without being impress ed with the importance of immediate action the time to begin the extinction of- iba fly u in uie early snringv as soon aa thojf make their appssnoos- and htlora they have settled down to the duty of reproduction one fly killed in tba spring i worth a tb -kill- adtp jnly or aturnst another vary inpoctaa point la to keep back yard and rear premises oleen end wet all garbage should bo removeif as soon astha frost laava it vraah earth and lime ahould be placed on every filthy pot and every effort made to redoes tha number of fly breeding opots infibv harvey wut commence bu rounds of sanitary iaapectkhi ina ftvdays let him fp4 all ffarbae and flr rftaqyad ajd agqbpqgpqjpi i we right house i tnuiitami rivnarrr nunwiun place ri hamiltons ravorltk shopping rlace unanaauounaauniiuuadaauunnnandanaaandoaanai s3 ss radiantly ready for the 1 s utvtm e r i n nw annnndnnrjonnnnnnnnnntiminnnnunnununnnnnnnnnnnnntjniiannnnpnonai mnsuibinasisinsinnnnnmmsihaaaaaiaibinnaannnnnnnsisinnahnnmnnnainnainainauin for weeks andweeks the right house has been preparing for the beginning of the summer shopping season willi time now lias come when every department is completely prepared air the summer stocks have been arranged for caay profitable shopping your inspection of the newest things for men women and children and homes ia most earnestly sought make tomorrow a holiday arrange a hamilton shopping party visit the various departments of tiik kigiit house and sec for yourself what extensive arrangements have been made to meet your summer demands have your noonday luncheon in the cool tea koom in the basement for next week an announcement of real importance will be made in this space by tiik kkjiit iiihisi in the next issue of the krce press watch for it railroad fares refunded on a liberal basis superior ersnandise thomas c watkins limited king and hughson sts hamilton ont no moths in your trunk if you use meekers vaporizer fsde metropolitan bank hj office toroalo oat w unaivmrt noav savings jdepartment accountk of one dollar and upwards opened and interest allowed at highest current rates acton branch h m burling manager money back ip not satotactoky 1 mmfu t montraol for sals at thb bt csooss svbsvwhbhb nmhlm torvrwrt ailtttl towo hkts i hkts4 b lates downtodate styles s knickerbocker he motfcy hat boneltoa neboni special see my special hat at 9vt re nelson 1 ainiwwinwamraknallwrimntfuorirdinniirjtnb mmhwt jnoiov wlnta- 150000 free homesteads aloita tmsi uu or turn canadian n0ithekn railway htaltobji sisktchewm tad alberta tb ttowtuommt tuu thro fs forestry isvnna vrwm iibti auitulelinat iv qasaou arlkvta la stasmaaa aluru l uart uhntllhrvkma fadasof a mum al oainsm unmpaaj wblla lav bauaa u bs rms ay anacaa aw was eoaa albttta iba rralih almuty motcwortav aw its acta lasaa aajaahsrlaa c ult bra up lnth toul ul sowtsa oisgilaaf sm tt kaatclram nl ttptcaamal is iw traa ranaa wu entry klauttobalba oklnt brtlkd of tha lartbolda maaltoba 21800 saiulckema 48am abkrta 74000 musmimd total taarv u oprat priirw uaji caa try wscb assas asaaa cfcaartas aaj lau tba tulllss bad akn ua a4 clkamte mn aksktj sbsststtamaasasf aslant utmlak th ataawbsrctr imy as4 lawatl salihila uawl isaaalaaailii tsa i t ibanlnj ais imytdlf tarlas taaca ap aad lairsstsa arttwrv vu u wtu adylal to aaasttbrir akaai ivhanat aatfrv m vtite for a f rva bsoaw liaa mar assslos aad a iisahsltss nf tfca lass b4acaaw0 automobil agent for the famous ford molar car sole agent for coclutult and dala mlcwacry and henry flaws and a fall line of repairs for plows and machinery a good lino of baggies and- harness lap rugs and rubbers prices right also floor oil farmers who are thinking of building a silo this year give us a call and get onr prices rgalaw ajoton 4uiu bbrrtisratcnts ttbf waptist ocburtb jitton miv- rooureti- oj a-sosh- bundav av i2ti a u- lda i u i utih oallnt iba tiliaaatall- atjl wkixouk on salk iifuu iu1k1i wlii- mi ih b tlb lueil uniu ttuitum is j hhntiiaw iairaaaov hilcai ciioiok iiurjidino lots i lartim atba mill la ihhhi will mil bblktlas late i low ctsv a tarau pajsaast gtf bkasdmobjc- a co hodsekeepcrh waxed inor 1jlkaok f 3s abawia ba wait ssr tsala avaiaa praaf saliakl ttm ualaaf sastsa uaa to a auahlaa paak- rta- ran raxmh orrtoe aaicmoat f0u hale lollowtms he an shand i alaalaliasil forka bham i iimfsiiii aas mliafkmllartliiut appty card ofjhanks aalasa oaatn to acaaaaa laatr 1 isaaaa t is trisa aad ilafi a ua ansa aaaa lay baaaaall taar ihalr dial aaaapatsy as willlas kih as uw m f tba asaalaaiaas haaruaaslaa ba- saa wkkb caia spaa aa laat wias artaaa u- uaoa tlaabla ana sra a la wmirt oaar baaurta aaa antf raaasaal ass uh j yaapatbt aaiianai aaa baasataasab r aaal la sail aparaaulas ha ntrhaaua aaaarw ass ranit halloa cream and it utter co 4llton ontsrlo mr aran thomnson aoton vba sa urn car taaaavy tba aaa aaaaaa tbaslt oaar aaaay wihhii or ibaar paat p aaa taat far aaail aaal arol always assaavar la rally aatklyaaprpalraaa jobtl trnvlmu mar ss iiksb oat the clydesdale stallion royal pritoce wulbtiba dominion hole stables acton every tuesday arriving about boos and iwma inlay ttatll 7p- tsaua to insnraa loal f n tysbls 1st fabraarr loi- all sccldssta to tsars at math giiuk8 proprietor green grocer ani fruit merchant come on ih and see ouknkw chin7urel ud hu u wm do faryo in gabhlfa l woo4weric waua aad rnmltnra 11 u raaukbblamw prodwet all kjnds ov paints amd yahhishes fakm and oabdbm tools amd qbmkbai kabdwaaa c g sf1s1ght kill st hctoh homest5ekers excursiorxs western canada via uvtuhtmdmwliijwntwawwiauai wl wmit momxl twmchir uhtmjw mill apru wimblpea ai an amioo uanilu ul mttm 14xo0 vtchwl wtu jk ba oa lakj ba cartala data sarau aad nonbam naidaalloa ccmnpaoy tiirouch iulluah tourist slubprrs will ba oparalad la ctttumm bja hvttb pbnr axcanloaa batuj tofonlo al iofd pi aa no c1iahgh op cars fall panlcalara nd llckata fawa aay rnuut titiok aiaal ovwril a s dum- dlafrlcl iaasbafbt ajnmi uboo suutott torimlo otl h t holrnos agent at o t r acton m i si9ahmailhsaw

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