Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1912, p. 2

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tta mkwt m maral j bfuaj fun mliol i ail i naiad at kno i rali imlui li oh dpmdav ma it klliit ol un lunlkl lldnw all tue lo bjtmj a joaaa al it 4 toronto itwjwmtauillakmh odvadnaartar uk muijurthumt rmttmluuuiht luffkl uf of tltixj oabvu to by u upaaald a j dili li ooocn at walland on humuy itu nl way km d hwu i low of uuti o la 1 la ob year dlmunx at leiiiliia un- oothjr war lul aatlmv rainpha 1 aon of al tnp- baii f-iiifn- l bi send rear bntlm- mthelainliy raaidaoba nat alp fnt bators 1111 us abalu mbu sin h jullatda ad lala j h lanllnar lf fkf wiil ddtt f mlof aaleu be jlcton 3frr ikcss tin ruin ay ma in wu ditonral not kb trusxatook hahk t vl lttntly haa special attrafltl na f r lunuilwrh of acton baud of hilucall n already lb chairman of th llnanl iul th chairman of the 0 m nllten on hup plleehaye gone ihllhor bolli un three month leave of absence if another member should go wmt thl lumraw th board will be without a quorum tim guku il hkbcir haih in view of the recent investigation into he flr hall trouble whan witntmm testified that they had been drinking whll on dujly it would be a good idea to bare all the permanent firemen pro hibited from drinking and instructl n lasued to that effect ao that tbodealere would know that thf7 muatnt r ugjlor to be firemen eald a local man to a mercury acribe thl morning the suggestion la passed on to the clvlo offlauw with vary commendable enterprise the weekly sun haa laauod a neat and very uaeful volume of fifty page it comprlaee a bandy atlaa of the world and a cenaua almanac the census figure of canada are given and the population from 1730 to ihn prenl day and with full detsll the dlvu loot of ontario an shown in a com pact form there la information aa to trade railway mining timber re source and agricultural production it la a book that may profitably be referred to daily tnanatw ba at will be brought down almoat immediately upon tbe ro eseesnbung of parliament and lnll there will be a provision under which it will be the duty of the bank not to reissue eolled or faded note the bank have already a standing request from the department of finance to return for exchange all eolled domln ion noteewhlch come into ihelrpoeeeaa loo the old thin plaster or 23uat note u likely to disappear in a fehort time a it t underatood the ftllnuter of finance doe not favor it tllf school bv law election btrrd1s mav bb oilbd rll 11 pr at nlay evening l n uo llt1fllmil tim t mi 1 1 rpi rl f ll nun litre il i lua cr passed the following c nu iwo r- he lnel o coal mcc ii un oil hit hu rey w rk nslramt hllehle training coal ii halter rolling street jnn iluseell wi rk in atrnal jno harvey a lpplles j h j ionian llr j hill weighing c 1 1111 telril net mk 1vj20 ji ho i 7s i i or 0 1ki i m 1 40 1 jo 40 it w dikildrd lold the annual url of raui n i n monday j7th day of may th clock iu draft f th kh m 1 iluudlnejttr iar wu prnawnted mcdbyax llell mrconded by w ii bmlliylbat leave be granted to in troduoe a hy iw to authorise the ltth of dabnttturtm f ir 000 tor the prnftlon of an addition to the uhlla achool tim llv iw wu roa 1 a flrat lima nd upi n li ll m lid unclllor mo donald ami ilell waa then read a an nd lin p tho tin for nloctl in of the ratepay a up n the ily lw wa fixed for monday lltlh of june and i or the uue of delienlurea tba lat augttbt tlie matbir of aubdulng tbe dual on m street wa dlacutaod the enncenaua of opinion wa in favor of oiling witb road oil a w a done laat year aa aoon a a petition for tbla la presented the work will be mr william henialreet complained tbal flabtrnicu were tampering with tho aplll ixiard at tbe corporation lam andletllngd iwn large quantities r walarnlght after night u facilitate their catching of tbe aiiakvr running lietwuen lite pond and fralry f ke their anllon had result i in flooding bla garden repeatedly ao that he wa unable to work lu the c uncil will take cllon to punuh till unwarranted meddling with d riorallon property and dam age it prlvata cillaen mr kubt mclheraon aaked for a drain from bla realdence on bower aveni v ll e cellar being flooded chairman boll will look into the matter conttdarablo road making and im proven ent are contemplated tbe roadway on main htreel from the old inane afate to falrvtew avenue will be macadamised a also tbe block be tween main htreet and park aenue on mill htreet the section of main trt from cliurch to brock avenue will be repaired a coating of broken tone will be put on the centre of mill htreet and uie worn place repaired council adjourned at ten o clock chairman nickun goes west lavi otalmitfi thk coronkatj imqukst vardtot of uw jiuy tn uw itauad liu- ik ncmiiko auds more to the attract 1 1 win nf tntrn and makee a better imps barton upon vlaltlng etranger than newly painted realdence neat picket fence good sidewalk clean treat and alley withal a good num ber of ehada tree and ornamental turafabejty and flowers in your yard lyto indlemtleavof refinement cnluirfi good taste and thrift georgetown ilerald that right mr bdltor and you have practiced thl preachment vary praouoally la th arectloa of your own beautiful home and the creation or the attractive enrroundl nga tub btlaw to provide for tbe oreotlon of the additional achool ac- xonunodjitloa required wa introduced at be meeting of the council on mon day evening it provides lor raising the fund required by thirty year dafettttarea a scrutiny of the ached nl of tho annual payment to be pro vided for will prove that the passage of uw by law will impose no burden upon tba raoapayere the annual peyxntmt la 8hkaodthl will require on a property aaaeesed in acton at oq0 just thirty fl cents per year wo have faiththat the local pride of tba property owner of acton la main talolog achool privileges and advan tages worthy qf tha importance of tbe town will ensure the carrying of tbla by4aw by a large majority pbbmokal ejoyaity to tho town we llva in is always to be commended and i invariably admired local pride la a great business builder and attract worthy eltisen to tha place knock ing a town and it enterprising leaders la a nan way to gtvn tho plaou a black eye every resident should be a practical booster for tbe town which give him a realdence we should say good thlugs of municipal effort talk up tbe uydrouleotrio sohemet commend the tidy street the attracllvahome the enterprising inaqufacturers and business men we should support our public institution and especially the efforts lo provide a liberal education for every child witb in our corporauomltinlta and as good an education for the poor man family us for the rfbb and at an expenditure y oan afford be a boosurr not a knocker j hoo wo p tne smash up between here and qualph laat friday waa disastrous to tba future of the operator who for got john luchardson had hi left collar bone fractured hut friday while put uogjon a belt in tbe chopping n 11 bis foot slipped and be fell against the polk a ttto now belonging to wlllum torraooeiel over a preelploo at the rock end was hilled messrs jobnjoullf and a k van normalt aramong those who will re- t oaiva 9100 and grant qf land for their vsaxviadturlristhe fenian itald lafa rxt eekldcate have bean pneentad to mr oooke and mr w u ougla by tbe methodist women mlsiooaryoclctr ut tbmiday evening mr b u tope- b a of toronto dslered an utneiiatad laotura on nswfoundland tbasav flivvdouglaa qeoupltd tbe bbgtr tiprlngtheeomoisr mr 8opr wwcodalbada uslhodut tnlnlatar ftndtolbdhlhaavamlialdnary at the conclusion of the inquest on the dnuhle fatality on april 21et on the o t it threequarter of a mile from oeorgetown when tbonaa currab farmer and j i corey a brake man were the victim the following verdict was brought in we find that the engineer of engine no 2221fred corby7 uagligent in not keeping at a safe distance from the train when he became aware of the separation from the same and in not signalling according to the rule and conductor of freight train no 122 kred c delb was negligent in not making iure that the cars were prop erly coupled and we also and the company responsible for tolaratlng practice dangerous to public safety and safety qf employe tbe evidence given ehowed that the engine pushing the other engine end oars up the grade was not coupled by the airbrake consequently when tha train stopped as it did the caboose was telescoped the two victim weie in the caboose w i juek county crown attor ney who examined the witnesses at the inquest could not aay what action would be taken as a result of the ver dict herald i nild crop ofmpvkttiom list of jv4am ootred for atrt in arowlaf whit- oaasi helton agricultural society will tbla year bold a standing field crop competition the competition will be limited to white oala field aenu red muit consist of not less than teo acre competitor must be member of lbs lcly md field entered must not be more than 1ft mite from milton there is a small entry fee of fluoenl n amount of 7300 will be given in prl to be divided as foltowa 00 ib oo sunu fiimio auo 1000 stoa any person wishing to enter this competition should write the secretary as soon ss possible for an app uostlon form which must be filled in and re turned in him in order that it may be returned to the department before my23lti any information required wlrbgtvn upon application tn the tieeretsry j ii p milton public hbtarrufa on ichool bv- kwlw tl hoard of liluotl n met on monday evening in rrguur senlon mnnbera resent i a k nlcklin balrman ir i if ault o c hpelghl jno kenney jr end john it kennedy the commlltee on flnsnoe presented their seventh report and recommended payment of the following accounts t alger hanltary work 10 00 j mm hymona hardware 5 m tir hi the report was adopted the secretary read a letter from the kducatlon oeparunent giving certified approval of the plan for the addition al achool accuaimudallon prvpsretl by architect cameron arrangement were made to hold a public meeting of ratecayer and clti sens prior to the day of voting for the purpose of giving information and dis pelling any misapprehension or er roneoua impression chairman nlcklln explained tn he board that be intended leaving next day on an extended trip to the wl and requested the board to grant him leave of alieenoe lisave of absence wa granted for three month and dr ault was ap pointed chairman pro tew the member wished mr nlcklln and bis wife a very pleasant and suo- oeasful trip the hoard adjourned at i ik paouibtnom does pjtohiaut th internal revenue commissioners report of tbs united bute for the year 101 1 show that in the prohll i hon stats of georgia alabama mu- slppi north carolina tennessee kan ass oklahoma maine vermont new hampshire and tbe dakota there was a decrease ef 783jz13 gallons in the pro ductlon of distilled liquors in tbe same states for the same year the fer- menlsd liquor withdrawn for oonsump- uon show a decrease of 71 701 gallons in contrast with ibe shove decreased consumption during the year specified note that for new york vennsylvanla snd illinois there waa an incrci 11882013 gallons of distilled uqaora and 836001 gallons oi feraaented liquor tbe total amount of distilled liquorsproduoed in maine new hamp shire and vermont during 1011 was 607 gallons while that of new york with only five times tbe population of these three states was b77j01 gallons the total amount of distilled spirits lo tennessee kansas oklahoma and the bakotas for that year was 010031 gallons while that of illinois was 38 037881 and yet tha brewers and dis tillers are fighting tbe prohibition laws because prohibition doe not probtb it when morris was buried blmal village r unseal ef the oreat artist and peet id bt death wuuatn morris who practiced tbe ideal industry that nus- kln preached waa as simple snd as oear common things and common peo ple as be bad always aoagnt to be la hre- be was taken from london to the ancient visage of lecnladjo be- blos tbs lovely description id tba lata benry oemarrst uoydts uaaslnj and oilier kseavvto b burled dear ttalmarotr uaoor hoes wbsra his own country borne had been in accordance with his wuhse the windows of bis town bouse warn not dsrksnsd and no emblem of convon- uodii mourning was shown there was no bears to receive bla coffin aa it waa taken out of toe tram which bore it to lac hi da ooiy down tn bill com a bar v sat wagon round and through its ydow tram work were twisted vtae and branches of willow roooog it and hanxlna down utr tbs red wheels a bed ui muss irosh from tbe woods waa spread un tbe bottom on tbla the erect artist waa laid wreaths of flowers wera baas round ibe sides of the rack vina leaven wot twuied id tb bridl of tbe roan mar tbe carter took hm by tba hsad and tbe real or the party wslsad toamiwi tn tba graveyard tbe chorrb la a httl sutn bttpfllng of ibe iwelftb raninry wbteh merrla bad helped to prearrre it bspamov lo be decorated n tor festival tfta fruttt uf tbe year wvm spread roanol there were pumpkins and luaitowa and fffft red and yellow appls cm tb seat lo the porch and red au tumn leaves hang from tb pttlara tb coffin waa of plain bonobthaa oak jtba nandlsa were of iron ftuv luosd by tb blacksmith thar waa no inscription bnt nam and date it was simply a rlltag fooeral 0a ss be wished it to he libabholwal mr p green la aulferlngfroui 1 1 mmi olsoolng li mr jsme lye who had a paraly tlo stroke last week utughlfy hnnrt ing surveyors fur ibe itsdul lullwsy are working m thl irlelnlty and some alety i uua to which of tb ur- vsyed routs will be chosen mr w dowdy was in toronto on a business trip on thursday fishermen are arduous in tbalr pur suil uf the flnoy heautl but tha re tarda of their floras tbu vprlng liave been meagre before leaving f r ber new borne kt kyebrow hask last week ibe uoie bouse auallury of the w u h pre esnted mra jcob halner with a beautiful piece of ellverwer snd said kindly farewell words in appreciation uf her activities a a member uf the society ofltwson j cormrbs heeding is about com plated in thl vicinity the shower of the past weak have been much appreciated by by the farmer ii ii brawn or uuelph spent the week end at hi home beie monday nlgbl a rrost was severe but did not cause much damage rormnrtel they are bsfaet a gain te these vvhshown th timber rwepl who have read account of great ftirest ores may be surprised to learn that id place of lea sneb ores ar sometimes eal to tb owner tba loss in itunbcr if cut wlihln f w years la small and tb removal of un tarbrush reduce the coat of mmber- ing that a forest are mold in soy way b a benefit end not sn injury seem an novel that bod proof is necessary tbe statement baa been made that mora umber is de by br every year than is converted into rum bar aa a mailer of fact lb report of tbe forest asrvios dacbrs th actual flr loan la national reeerwai tkf tl w lust three years ba amounted lo only ooe- tsctb of 1 per en t rrom wmw nrty lumber companies the liluhest admit tad loss frotu or u x per cent in iwio ty ysars another company vatliuats its ors lees for nfty two yewra at i per cent and enotber during hlsly bas bad an awns kws of onmlxleeolb of 1 psreeut twciityelght ii niuiule re port tbrir loss shits onwnlsnll n hardly worth meotloillnc tbe point or these report so ur prhdng to tboas posrquslnted with ipe romber bnslns is that th ares while tbey kill tbe trees do not ronume1b trunk tb lea severe tire do not necessarily hill th tree worse ores do this by burning th underbrush round tbe treea and pertwp tb top of tb trass bat ibe trunk of tbe tree th log from which tbe boards ar to be cut hi seldom touched the killed timber tasks as good idmber aa tb ether tba only difference being bat it to cot it within a limited whit pme or hemlock in tba upper mlaelastnpt vallev must ba eat tb orst or tb wood winter following tb br or werma will tnjnr th lumbar tb two year period appflea to th tnhrad emphv and to tb hemlock on tb lope or tb cascades western aproe need not be cut for three years and western br for four years jed radar baa oo limit and trees burned fifty years sgo ar now being tamed into sbloglwjodsa howard in chi cago tribune to thobr aolrfo wksrr balllnafad a q ilot wedding took place naaved nastlay eyunlng may titb at lb cent ral cburcljl man tialt by llev dr olakson when mr uobert a mo- knery wa married to miss margaret j ktmtiar both of lalt formerly -ef- plr and none have ever goo astray bullion fit 1 the couple were unauen dm mr ind mr mcknery will reside family hair drsusalno beneflta th hair of men women and children del a bottle of delightful refreshing iaitlhlan baob madam and have evcryliody in lb house oso ik regular ly it s fins fur children as well ss famwn up and a t drawn gueran julpauaianaagcto drlvo away tlsudrurr stop falling hair and itching scalp or mum y liock a large bottle i utbik faklaf an hack la guod mm hair grower it is good to rid ui hair of dandrnff an ttop th halt ttov falling fut ills a boauilfier aa well as a eoalp oleanvr i intend to keep it in th uousehannah hwrkaaa manhalltown i wa f if you need a watch or a elook you wlu and that it will cost you much less gab- ting it here than oui ther i warrant every on i sail in thl way that i will pay tha postage both way oo walobea during th year ot warrant and alway after wards when you send them for repairs if your need cleaning you bad bt tor have it dune before you go a you do not know the watehmakere out tberv ahd beside the prions ar much graatory i have some godd second band watches wblob would dp for th boys until they growupt prices iuo0 936ffandsu00ands0u alloflbem are in good runnfng order 1 gat a great many hack from the west to re- bsxxxxxxxxxcnxkxxxxxooooo0ooo0 tkerrtrehriaronfbr home furnishings onuk stock for spring 191 j m- these linen comprises much that ifl new and i interesting to every enthusiastic housekeeper we have stocked only what we believe to be tho brightest ideas f the season and the hrs values as well v new fidris curtain nets new scrim urtjin nets new sash muslins tapestry carpet squares wool and union carpet squares imported linoleums yd and yd wide i loor oilclotha all widths jap matting squares and m its wilton and axmirtstcr kugs curtain polcslxtension hodsroller blinds iltta bbrrltsfmrttts f jgn oxhurtb nav r o dunnulu b a tlon pirer miiidii luna i jo alo wruouk situation wan 1 kl a houekpr ml nf i baibii i ishiilh umiir ui soxl on balk choice building poii hals to psrtkai 1 tsajbeaw stlewsvuml lotfe rhe vrill sartalra fa h will sit jai naamomoaa a co henderson co mitt st acton oat i loose keepers waxed panr iatlttnu t u bbaa4s ih attlu wu mfm iiiulhlimnwanc4 saillalto neither a song nor a veitnon la appetising as a inaf of i read only the morally astigmatic ly inge the only refuge in the lime or trmil le frank e holmes ehbahmsr and vrjettal dxbcotolt 111 c ruwil umusutaklk i ak lpasim liu astiiuaa llutck having vefvtl spprailomlp wlih liotb jobnwon ft- co acton sd w it btods toronto h bs hul epsrioce which quell 6 hint lo execute sstulactory viorb in sll cases call day of night attended to 1 iionli mo ft old bstftbliuhfld i ivtiry and buh hiibinesh for balk i uh i r v ii l1 diuoa lropilf lnilm athlsetory sasll 4llnrr oood 3ss cxbh pr1d pod fowl raw furs junk uo 111 1 kind ol furnltukii th slow rcton municipality of acton court ov bhvibioh omdav mav i7vh ims itoltii viixax or aoton bylaw no a by law to authorize the issue of debentures for the amount of 5000 for the erection of an addition to the public school house in the village of acton and for the furnishing heating and equipping the same wharaa lb pnui hettool brt of u s4 sctoe bt toaaw a dacw mlalpaj ooeaall of uw canary 0aa rr- a mseiaho rmiedsllaumtualubdsyei hay int many inuuke fault finding for bdeb ity the man who cannot hod a god lo he universe discovers on lo a mirror there can be no syrup so wholesome as pure and equal to the test daniel tfshstsr th beyathru kn tranee u caeter aeaoemy almost a year passed bqnrrr be fore ibe plan o long cberbtbed was fairly started and daniel dressed in a brand new honieoiade eult and astride a sidesaddle rode with his father to kxeter lo be entered at lb racoons academy rounded by john 1bllups th principal than and forty rears thereafter vaa dr beojanun abbot oo or th greatest taacbers oar conb try baa ret prodaeed aa tb doctor wss 111 tbs duty of xatalntag ba new pupil fell to joarpb 8 bockmlaatsr then an usher at tba aeadetay bat dtlod to inflosoc saroagly tha rtiv glims ufa of hew icaguad it wa th mvtom of tb doctor wa ar told to conduct tb examination of apptkanta with pompons cerataony and that luutattog him young bne onlnsur stunnionad webstar tn ida praaaoee pot on bla bat and asid h what toyoor agat toar teen waa the reply take una bl bla say tad and read that dmqrtar tba pasaas gfrtii bun waa 8t utkam dramatk oaaeriptltm of thacon- aplrtag of jndawlui lb prtasta and acrlbss of tba teat supper of tba be trayal by jodea of tb thro dentals of rtrr and tb atese in tba bouse of lbs high priest bat yonng wsbstsr was aqoal to tba fast and read ih whole passage to tha and la a voir and with a terror anca aa llaster buckinlutar baa oarer uataoad to ue- nra vonn man a tta rott ar qnallflod to eoler tbla tostltttlon john bach ater qnentlon wan pot to wm- cb ueuaatar daalal wab- mm r have been broken in tbe mails a i itm so ouafulabout tbe packing and don t forget i will pay the postag both wayervnd guarantee yon will gat the watoh in good order pbhojj qualph reef tlrnamsnts in ohlns the root ridge ol a dilneso house is usually decoratett with an alabor ala plastar ornaroenl in tbp form of s doaiin eiubodirini the oltaracler fu signifying happiness to pro vent the ornament being dsnisged hy crows the owner of the boose slick largo number of ordinary sawing iwoj die liuult oulwanl lulu lite sutlf plaa icf tondon suntrd a weed t ttody aosupsardsloo nlrtltnng tbata tha tsehnlcal and locally accepted aaofa of tba autaiao bile tn vlandtra bnell- foot that tbs- ateond utter is n not w meant rapid paardelooar mean bora lea ooodserspoorwsg t tbe rec ognised way of fleecrlblog a thing wuhoor mite and tlnally pltroov- rutung fmpllaa a thing drlren by petroleom- atoyott bar ii qnlta alu ply and mr wait wbbnwra ahd drab devil ant outclassed hot bow d you ilka to b bh by a real npaarde- kstc rbt totda typu evelirtlsna f coatwn uy on am urn ilclndly be fore i married your father 1 aud bid prooats4bi o would not amotta or ptey card fov soooey vrar tlmes bars ttutngsd if yon defld to props to a wonan i wapt you to axact a abnltar as-uraac- washing ion biar l 1 green grocer fruit merchant e rtcoor la recelvniir dslly fresh vaasbbm snd vittu sod sslli ibem t reaaoosble prices fobei0m fruits a spectaltv goons dslivaaan x btkrsy aciok the clydesdale stallion royal prince wulbaftcuw dominion hotel stables acton bveky tuesdav arrmof owat dooa uid naulqln u 7pm tutu talnuimbwl til pyu 1olkury ioij ui mb0 lo owtmnhflk hsn ohjjbb propitstor come on in amdsbkourhbw ch1nhmel and what li vrlll do lor you la finishing snd dsoprsttng woodwork walls and mrnltaro it u s remsrkibl nsw product ond brand maple syrup just try a tin from your qrocbr your dmoay rahirned if not entirely sathiartory erry nvahelots4y svarsaased by sugars cannar lualtad uoabaal posl bamt how by j c hill wooduall fit mckay and 0k0 sopbtt hihasihahaaamiimbiaibimasmaibiahaauiaaamaiibiar hats hhts latcs down to date styles knickerbocker tbe morley hat borsrtlna neuoni special see my special hat at r e nelson marenant tailor men rurnlaher otjalfjra out vtulbe viuajmi ml assaa tor b anas erma u tad sssbi aa baslav jwtaibsi is tbe aaoowj of the itas by tale hrum a ta4u ae ll wultqajtbeaaaaaa a a aat fenfa i tbe aanadsle b aaud aaia4 a tola rstoad saaaaji parlv4 l uitrty yaai uj paeiod of uasa vum ambaotaw t balaams aasaa ihla aaisaaa dmlst aaa aa uwli mid asasle bala n m avaabai 4 vtbaraaa um sbiiwlh a year torn lbs aselpstaaal oi lb bald jabt la a eaa aaseest ssbu la eeerlr oaal lo tb sjnaael srjtta te aa mbw yaara al tb amj parted b vaaaat tl it am raamfam tb eesa ml s sbeva si te be vaiaad seaaauw amtbepyvaaatbaeaaaabaaga lib i rih 1 u tn er hi last saw ess ess aaav aaaa of tba wfadai tau- sbb sneaety la tba vuleaja e aesva mwmh kertsed lavei aiial beu tbaal u wrv aad wbaraaa the aaseawt et tbe aiatia seaare eam esuvesam vufeta e aa4mb tba asm s4 taxinjbbba4 ae sawtetlbe saiaeleal a utsvamttaaeat la i arraan t 1lbiatfpiattttmanllu m vtoaaa al aatea avl bar tba fs tahlaa sad sjbtaaiai aajbi at est l asses watves ef tbl atsssi shall be sa an tba aay o il adilsmube ssaewsaaebiela saaa laasua ssbi aaawsi tatrti eaaaaaetdtet tea asu eebealsees eeau besaem ueve et ibsssm vubp sad ibe 1 i aad agl aaa7attssba f sbap ba lstana u mr aa all kinds oy paints and varhibhb8 tabm and qabdkn tooub and ossmbbal hard war c o isprsioht yerilu st rcton evident of hsrsdlty tuey have aatually oatap thtni selves out 61 iiouko and hooia atordltar th pbrsnla ot all hmtikirid dlh th soma thing ii you u rememuw th olrounltunoas u the garden nadrlco f vatnan a aommonssl tumtbtv clbstoot at so rnuoh ef laafr mhealihpromplly yisldi fa 1 i the enoe but osrlslh aohpa orlajoruco taaailvea 33a a boa at your drufitats mhwia se aa ui 150000 free homesteads alono tftli umbo w tub canadian noribetn railway manitoba suutchewaa and alberta and the tlevarnsivnl haa thnrhhoh rwaatrjr xyuaao rreiteaaealeada isaatmaacfc albaiu al laat io i lh ara viuhl s nulwa uf bluca f anatmual use ol u ceeipaay wata u bauiwa wlllba vrdl5nbrat tf onanlal use of tbe t under omwirecttoa or ttrst itlava litlba uui at hontaatca4 jflvrl t is weadf nl wbat land of rttwa1lipiacoleaiblaslfeafbnsarskb bsea tbnnra asm tee ilbelhaotdtactledof ibe lrealk14a outs lante aumbrr airy manitoba 21800 wun luuiaouglhlbiluyevryfbiifcoouuemls test vhth la tbe aiwnilout thmuowopralrtowabufcco lau the lullltir la 1 siskatchewnn 48080 alberta 74 000 irca lla ttwat oph cltar uiy aa4 tavlantlarw lapudtetl beatmabu humttabtla4lo raamngar afmat canadian nrtbtt inssnelksl hortteaeekers excursions to westcbn canada vi chicago and st paul ht 14411 wml mujt jua iiuimu wita ud vmv mmm tuday llmmftw bntu april 171w wiaaim 1 kttiun f 34 00 etaoalon od satnm 400 ticma lll t on ml rtl dum vu 8u knd nontwa nvlllob goorany thkouoh 1u1uman touhist sulflt bus villi b opled in rooww fllhbticilon ulo toiemio no cllnnqb otf lk3 villi pwlcnut nl ifctol im gw creed trenli iii b p duiriol fumoitr annl un blulo totonto ool h s holmes agent at 6 t r acton syla tba alael sat laesreat a vfas f ibe said dab aa sheea ta tbe es b aa i p tnbi j4av shall take sffaet u4 oeaaa ifcla esrilpabaueajtbnesas tbaaaof fltm votaa or tb elaasam ef tb aajd tlka caa4osbaubatbaaiaaittlbr4w ne mom uj tba sb say at jaae tn w at tbsbear ef alee la tb saesaiaf sad aawuaid mil a eibleab tat tb afsaraeea or tba i amtwtojlewhibbas tsl by lb lolloeum dasailyassradaarabsrs ibatsiuaayi lrr sliassa ke 1 u tbe tsf ttall wmsvjci mssaisjeai llmbnus odtom rjrenia sehrrtasea we i tl la ghjafcifart abeiy m vjiu k j usmalk toeueaniearc4ealtl um tuave 1 lbs villa ef astern sasll sttesd at tba teas hall astoa atbva aalaek la lb ohoomu sypail ptea e s s lb vert eaeollui stasaa sferasald sad at tb aael smmmid el tb vebwbyuraetheabebajf of tba w sea utara la sad seeeiol or oppolu lb psstlsa ef thai bylaw raseuviy httbetoraahmaef uiauuldatel jnsa l seas p tbe aibr et yotmm lev sad baste tba bjta raetaaoatb day of ih utms aabadawa refaneeme is tbe uy uw halo assebbl of ptiaalpal oad lelerea rqulj yeeriy to vle asjkn dabaatana lo thirty yaara at ave per aaat patysua by uobiiism a bank of hamilton liraoa sooo m0o05s gavital paid up hwn uid undivldfd ptoflu v fhf unot yoar stralag power that 1h x oteasar yoar lumasss in lb later ysarc yoar sirlosj power sloes can easars yoa tfsjulib ume when yoar earaldg bower will bs redoosd a savlon scoouoi al the bank of hamll loo wooklbo a help toward sfnotrtag the babll of savlag tbs saw cooruoa fn 0kouokwwn buanuu w m 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