Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1912, p. 3

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wallpaper nm hoc now opened front 5 ruepraxria cuitain poles 4 and 3 feet white and oak shades ml hit yindowshal f in cream n and lossnlon call in amd see ouit new stock uoemm uiobd geo hynds aotqm qmtabio news of local import tb aieetree bnd tkrooattt town a large f engineer- aria max ve havw bfen at work i aal and vicinity daring ibe omuqd with tbw new elaetijte rod timi un r being permanently ld out it larxpected thai outvstrocll or tb road will hagln very shortly social and personal i height smash up on fmdav matmnto onthrio at how la on ere hasi uau i imih wrimlormuslasm keaii estate mnfty laa at lewcat rate mi letetwat lame saer el finm fer sale dm avweuaentji fusd etlvsr rrotrtrto allarterts tvrwv we tare every laeimiy rar tnumwcumc mr laawleeaa tn yaw- re annletss miitofacu j a willsdfibby liomwwc 5be virion jfm jjres thursday may 10 101 brief local ituhs tba rralt tree are blooming pm work nod gardening ar well ad va need winter uot n few mow flake ba on monday aentlivmnlndr reeve u 7 nils attended a umting of tha ooanly council nt milton on tornday monday night front wu ratber eeverty but not romclnut tocauae much 4jenadln u and 10 gold colon from lb ottnwn mini bavr laen put in clrealellon notwithstanding ton uleoee of uw spring toe tne am out in leaf early aeoeosl the lnn nwmn nm buay again and nanny loeal um have put mj uwlr spring beauty of verdure tba wnloom trillion nod other jetay ftower have baan blooming pro- fmnry id tba wooda lb put week it i reported that pedlar fore bad bu ins hrokan in a run away at silver crank bill yesterday morning somw of iba field of fnll wheat wltb winterkilled patehe r looking vastly batter than thay did n rnrt dagbtago au appeal against i of lttu wui ba bawd at court of bavt- lott to ba bald on monday 27ib way atsoaloe ooalph u nnvklng a bid tw me- heater university toronto which i talking of moving owing lo uek of land in toronto tba baptlat tonne people a union will entertain tba mambcra of george town union in lha baptist chord nava on friday evening tba annual convention of kaqoae- inw sunday school aaaasuuoa will bo bald at tha praabytatun cbures nt union on tuumday s3d may it baa baan aaltlad definitely that tna xkb hajtoo luoea nra not soiorlp lbtn ftnf trln yrw tha pqlaera and anno ceoeralljr ara dlaappolntad mr jamaa moore bower avenoa who wna painfully ahako up n ooupla of waofca no tbroonb n fall from a ataplajdary abla to bo about again and la dally improving hra alax uncord who baa ramo a4 q soodcrund vllln to raalda with mr w a storay baa pretty raaldanon villa nora bower avenue to mr ii s holmea agant o t il tbara waa too much liquor brought from goelpb on saturday afternoon for tba oomfort of tbla town severn thlraty lodivldoala inada apaetaelaa of thamaalvea ona or two who fractur ed uw peace ahould have had a nlgbt in tba call john wa1kr bam in kalaon waa atrook by lightning but sanday ovnnlng and aocun ehaff in tha yard oaoghtflra but tba urn waa put out tba damage to tba bam waa alight a few boar were torn off chain- a4to8aoderb ewnmbl i tba new king kdward mamorlal foantajn araetad at tha foot of brant atraat by popuur aobaeripuon of tba eitmeoa of burlington na a trlbou to the bvmanltarun ncta or kdwnrd vii waa foraaall omrweltby sir john qlbnanuauuo- antoovanor of tlm piqvnoe it b a klffa fouown and ooat abont 000 atiaal qaaaueatavt atjttoo baagha the original board of arbliratota jummattar of lha propoacd pobllc aebool lor wilton height with judge doawuaddad mat on saturday and mad a freah atart mr applayard and other milton hatghta men atatad their we of iba eaan and haaara car ton yoyon and other farmera gave tlia oppoelto alda there waa no oom paum a will ba a mat to a flnlah champion s aoddan death took plaee on i njufey afternoon near quelle of chhaa bullon a weirknown fannrr wbtla working in afield enmrdletaaoe from tba houae removing aomn large atomfa to tba eoroar nf tba fanoa be f 4f t paaat atooplng trver pfavattiped poaitlon and baovonlng faavwlaniia butba paaaad away ha- imwlagplalwing hu attack helaavaan wwtwadaughlta pneri and klhal y two noaa stanley and karl vaaue4 t hvawtvwi mm schroder of rlmlra neuto campbell and her alainr uln klorenea omopbrll of new york pent yeaterday in l be old horoe town it la nearly twenty yearn alnea thay left acton and tbey found many changae and many former frieoda gone tha day waa very mucb enjoy vd howavrr with frlenda rf their girl bood daya the methodut sunday sob quat laat wednnaday evening gavelba acbolara vepaclally a happy time after a aompluoua tea during which ibeoicheatm played tbey proceeded to lh auditorium where n prograntme of phonograph and gramophone aeleo- uoaa ware given by meaara a t brown u u brown ahd tha superlri tanddnt on three macblnee 1 bv o ml analrareut pjaetnl tba annlvenary aoctal of itdga woodgraen sos branch of tba sona of kngland bald in tbe tow friday evening waa j 1u1 tba auandance waa good the pro gramme waa of a mualoal and literary character of oooaldarable excellence tba proceeding while aomawbat in formal warn thoroughly anjoyeble llf free h man ta were aerved tba 00m- mlllee in charge of tha affair were fradbuh ah gundvii b scutching d w colaa atheeef dny oajiaiuy okatrval tbe beautiful aenllmant angendared by tbe obeervanoe of mothera iay waa vary manlfeet on sunday white rowerewernutllhwd in lha floral daeor- atton of lhaohurebaa wh i ta flower a worn ae bonqoeta and button i rev by eon end dangbtete oong and old he took a pleasure in honoring thrlr lotbarv mamorua filling re fe raneee ere made in all tba ohnrehee lo tba tbetuev of mother and borne tba in fluence of tba observance of mother ikay ut sunday wa certainly vary effacuva and tender tbe e eebadule of thirty gamea two each week fay the church baa ball league will open on satur day afternoon at o tba brat match ia between tbe anglican and lraby tarlan loam tba eeeeon will open wltb otmauorahle eclat the uat of me will eontmenoa with ueeve uynd in tba pitcbera box d llander- aonm lutbabatandilp moore catching it la expected tbe town will turnout an maaee to wltnaa tbla la engnral game the baptlat end metb- odlat taama are eebedvlad to play neat wed evening tbe flrat league game of the goelpb- actoo acr waa played bare on sat orday evening tba tnatettwaa pge ifaaayqaeipbva acton being tha brat name it- toon the phryere abort to gat warmed np bo aftar- warda aooae good football waa played by hath taama aa the reenlt at half time no goat bag baa eorad which apaaka wall for the defence of both team on reeumlng tha ivge- rleraayboya played wltb much vlgov were rewarded by about tan rolnnleebaforetlntnwbenj looch with a wall directed abot aeored ltf winning and only goal of tbe match a certain acton man ilka flnelph iq fact ba can hardly keep away from it laat week be dropped in from n and tbe jent brew proving too etmng for hi conetltutlon be dropped into doorway on tipper wyndham atreet and went lo atoep sargaant klckley bappaned along that way and ran blm in he waa brought before magtetrel sauodera who gave banco to gat out of tbe city bat the lurp of the big city wm too inch for blm and ha cum back yeaurday with tha rreult that be waa gain landed la tba cetu ii waa given one more chance to make good thbi morning it be la ever round in goelpb again be will go down to ber lin for 90 daya mercury avnavn faway tana fanwa gajlldtami with gratifying promptitude tha government la already taking action in the matter of tba proponed new poet office and ouatowa uoue to be erecird hare mr chaa ii hunter porobaalng agent of the publln worka department ottawa waa bare yeete day and la company wltb mr o heo- d inapaoud available alta both favored noma prominent eornag mwstaseet in the oeotre of -tba- t i mr unbar william w- bono frul berlin mr fr- v flplitmtii sunday with frlenda here mr harry frankom of ttramtu i mia been boee tba pant waek mr and mr harry kuvaelundmiaa kueaell went to predion ual week mr u hwckbmer of mayoeld bvvlaillng actao friaofuvhla week mr t jama moore cty cletk goelpb v tailed bla mother ovvr hun day mr and mr j m warren t t h- onto mado act on friend abort vlali during the waek mr and mr tl m mandereon wer in nelaon on saturday at the b uh mr william a shield mr fred uacord hav 1 buffalo fof a week or an looking after tba affair of bllat brother ivrcy mr and mr hpeiuogel 1 1 mont real have removed to acton and taken up their raldnos on willow street mr k j bbeppard or hu paul minn arrived in town lt areak lo apend theunnriier wtlbleraiuinr mr geo campbell mr and mr a k nlckll ui u tueaday nornlog on a trip to saaka- toon and calgary tbey wltlloult a other point in the west mr ii u burling utogr metro- politon in 1 enjoying n couple of weak a hnlulay and ba lake trip to winnipeg mr v a sumtion nj toronto la rellf log bare mr and mr it tbnrt bennett re rv moving to luvn and will occupy tbe realdenoe of mr a k n rklu ifor ave during tbe hi f i liuaelt ami mr nicklln in 1m- n nh waal card vre oat announcing the i tended marrug of mr kdward i mahonlamiaivnilhavergala gb tar or murrey crawford k j i tree burn the family realdenoe camp- bellvlll on saturday ut june al tba general cooler n of tbe helhodlat church in er umithlnna- apolta minn two vbtltora were inlrn duced on friday ruomlng h t w falrbank ex vmrprealdent of tle united stale and ii ir t ahhh moore toronto an nm acton b y aanimeaa wllu waw lauunaid mia nettle u bell daughter of tbe lata tboa bell of stewart town for merly with tba cnelladame co new ynrk and lubn jb co newark n jt ba taken a poaitlon with the japan hocurry co two atnre- tui atreet and 83rd alraet new york a- wbolaaale bnyar mua 1311 ury 1- well up in four flgurea leva uhnlt inr aateai bbj ouuoeatta tbe reaulta of the recant flrst year examination at lb school t p cu toronto unlveralty how that both harold ntcklln and warren brown paaaad with honor howard black wbo la now residing in toronto alao paaaad arthur kanney waa alao a in the axaoalna tlooe at toronto dentml daiege tbu qnartetle of bright young man all took their matriculation oonraa at acton high last tbtttaday paraded before r j campbell j charged by oonetahle chapman on tbe complaint of ghaa jackeoo wltb playleg ball on a public highway within tbe town of milton contrary to by law no ill the constable and qomplalnant awnrn to tba ball playing and town olerk uematreat proved the by law tha magutrate found the boy guilty and let them pqlon rat ponded eenlrnce on payment of tha ooat champio oarfw talbd i m oujr tt tneaa tomnvaeast t eon hu laaaaetof ollaaa raai every ttaaaea aa ea aa rgjhrfiifianf w af daararamitata ofianwi vetaarpvaua mrfa preaent pot offloa i altuated being re garded wltb vapeclalj favor in eon venation with tbe fputx prgaw mr iindaraon remarked i am most aaxloo juat now to eeeore tbn beat alt available tbe character of the new publln building will receive due conald eratlon later on jt u the intention utat the building ahall be worthy of the town it architectural llnea be on a par wltli linlbur government building and it will probably have a tpwer with a clock installed in it tha uanswa njrei a vtalt on tueadny tsqldglimbpnurlh league of the mathudlat oliurob upon invitation of lb young people so ciety afb preabyterian ohnrefa paid lltt ttt wpwffrlb league provldad the programme which waa a aery belpfut and intcreau ing one ami included the following manberai piano dof by mleaea plorenoa and amy speight a nolo by mta hmhw vtt a madlog by mra at t drwijand ptano aoloa by mlaaee joale 8tepheneon and amy speight mr john is monro read the acrlptare lemon bearing pn tba ionic which waa wltnawng for cbrut tbla waa ipreaantad by waa lottie k spaigbt whr gave a moat intereeung paper which waa vary maeb gnptaoialad by all after tbeprogramma waa oon- elnded an xoaueot ittoeh waa aarv ad by the ladle of the eoeloty and an hour or ao apent in eoolal inter oouraa attbaeloae of ihm prnoiad- inga luva j o wllapn and o d drapait f poke wnrdr of ppreoiaion oa hvfulf orthteooltle thv repmut- ih friday afternoon eouieloa oe em ted mi tbe grand trunk hallway about three mil mat of goelpb t trainor cut near where a pama train jumped tbe track and wm down the embankment aavaral yearn ago the yard engine left golph at k 0 clock with n car of baled bay for the provincial prieoo farm and 1 vailing at a faat rata of epeed rounding tbe curve noralng oni tvalnore col tbe engineer enw way iralghl coming in in opponllv direct ion both engineer reverend their lever and tbey anil their fireman jumped f run thalr engine tjba only ona hurt waa kngioeer wllllamaon of toronto of ihm way rrieghu ha waa cut abont lb bead and body and bla back aevaraly wrenched he waa taken to the gen eral hospital the yard engine waa badly tnaabed tbe car containing tbe bay waa oomplatajy da tba enuee of tba accident i alleged to be tbe failure of tba operator a 1 lock wood to give tbe oondnotor of tba way freight bl order lo atop there tbe paaaengera of tba train lo and from toronto bad lo be transferred u each aide of tbe wreck ham kltjlbd at miftom if wlndbamaubootintbeuuun wick yard wa atruck by n wt bound o p u freight train while walking along tha track near u lit mi on monday night an arm aud leg ere cut ff the nnforlnnata man ra put on an eaat bound freight in ih taken to a hospital in t mmi but be died before the train reached htreet- vllle iii body waa taken 1 it lhr nd mut back to id ii ton on another train windham waa twutylx year of age the lnatfmater nfair bpwpwwpw aottpmnrorflrnl to mr l henderaon thj ayjoo pimw iwpoaukd hamilton may lth the highest fine ever imposed in hamilton for violation of tbe liquor lieenee act wa imposed thl morning by magutrate jelfo when be flaed wtllum benton i fur eelllng liquor without n lioenv thl i the maximum penalty provided in tbe liquor law amend went of last arsslou of tbe leglalalura- t thar meeting of urn county council on tues tha by law to raise by debenture glflu000 lo continue the conatructlon of tha good road ayatem waa advanced a augc ordrra given fur two new atnaj roller and two atone or oim of tbe ornabar t to ba drllv in acton next week and the work of 000 tinning tbe good road xt thl locality will be commenced aa aoon aa it arrive reeve hynd la looking wall after lha lotereata of acton and vicinity in tbl matter nl at oakvuta a 40000 arena and club bottee lo be devoted to indoor sport muslcil and nlbarentertalamenteb to be erected at oak villa a newly organised agri cultural society it i reported will also establish n fair ground thja organ utlon baa jut bought 13 acre nf land along the radial line weat of oakvlllr where tbey propose building an im mense gnuadauhd a and track in addition to the fall fair thay will bold bora enowe daring tba eotnmar tba club bouse will oovcr lot 100x160 feat it will inclndaunalaa9fenc ng aitboxng room priva dreea- ing room will alao ba provided for hockey taama carter and bow daauet of rot d bj hnnatt h be p scott houck paator of tbe hilton methodut church died welland sunday morning at tba real anoe of hi brotherln4w mr 0 u rallly preaching here nine week ago ha explained lo the rmjp igallmi that lu bad baan suddenly aalxad with with a eevere headache this grew in inlenally and in a few daya neraly ale ant in aocompanladtby a nmi spcclaliata froen tbcntup and boston ware called in and dleqov growth on tbe brain an operation waa performed but waa n although for tba past three week the patient appeared lo be boming bla own fttrlv sftgfet wornlng ba began lo ink rapidly and died at tan oclock mr houck waa a gradual of victoria university on being ordained ba entered lb bay of 4ulnle canar- eno he waa chairm of the llcton diatrlol u bald ebargea al tvroed elqton nioomfwd nod welllngtod milton waa bla brac charge in the hamilton conference lie leaven a widow but no ehudrety the funeral waa head at weuand 00 tuesday a ervlce waa bald at tba rweldeuo at 3 o clock and a pablln service in tbe mmhodlelghttrah at i30 a epacul train from mtlfon carried bnodrro of friend to pay tha laat tribute of ra- apeot laclndiag a coouagsnt or hoy seoul nf whom tbe deoaeed i tba warn friend many other frlenda attended from distant point the funeral aarvleae were yndar the aus- nlere of be mlnlatertal aasofiulhm totanoent look pmvte at fdolhill forged signatures uttla thine tkat gxaaa tfc fraud haaahvrltlna csma forgery baa a gr ttrartkm to a certain element of the rlnunal world berne are eo akulfnl la uw una off work aa to gat past tbe meat eagle eyed bank teller but always vara lha nucroacop w brongbt into play it la pocatbl to detect tbe frand or if not to microscope ineo more ndra tsatlng apollanroa r need hare i a ar dim bred by a man wbo baa mad a study of handwr ho person rr yrt wrote nbi name wire alike la some awall or bbj de tail ona iguarur lwajr differ fiuw another tberror when i be name etna name appear tvkv alike aa tt doea in ibe rouroe nt bnalnea eveata when lb forcer kern after a hrtje aay coin- 1 her nana lie a matter nf raring it htand i retul that the vsart fac aiutlie ol itw uim baa he gained by the orr4 u in iuu true- when a man undertake to write mtiolher ann aatm in tn free band xtyl or jim ib ivnman there la at- nr notlraahl to tba practiced eye a ratunin motentenl er a radtral de- imrtnrw rrom tb way la which the name enookl b written bnch a email hlng aa the partlrdlar paa of the lot bom the i for laa sw rereal forgeit the rreaatng of tbe or tba ahndluk of up ar down broken a man will overtook tb fact that the name be br writing when written by u owner alwaye learee ba straight line al n rvrtela letter and retnrna on xuollmr rertatn letter hoau buslanr ateu place after iheir algnalurva int ibrtti period some a rowrna aotuv w rongh atar otuara a mbort or a long thwh making the genn lueneaa of ibe algnature depend mora upon lata artebt rtiaractertatle than tbe nam lhtrvnw tark tribune ileau nruittuwt masted coo stuffed wltb irafbea tvben bo wa i it lug alamwt on the bounty of ur alarshall be atte a illuihr irty at that genuenuuve bout ink lua wltb itlru arrordlag ta rila nxiat liumrnlnrtt rwrtutn ona of hi fnrurit doga tb hven waa bh rd 1 j wing of roast vapon but 4hiaiiia lo rancy thai tba wing waa i hirii he dellrahrljr aetaed ibe end of ii nlttt a napkin covered flnger and ihumb and rranrd it nodertftn tbav to 4d uoa wttk urn remark bare vtouf try if you rau gat your teeth throuch thl for i ii to ui caor mae likely tliey aay ane 141 in lore with hint white h was oiling her teeth u that a a 11 l-lwki- she went ta i liu 1 bare w mv of her teeth fttkaa i in ii wa wnu lie luformed bar noon ol litem mpored filling ah twl jnawv a lib blm judce mllng b nrase let tb tovnt s to a of ufa ml pnihnre for the ma1l nnaa and tben wbea yoa bar arrnapllaoed your dally task go bleep in pracn god la awak lrtor flago rnr th aad u tlie detb i lii laat remaining sister mr willi rn a shuuu nf nalaoo town ship about a year ago mrs shield underwent a aoiuwbl critical opar- hh ha not el ace enjoyed good health a iilgradually failed until death kb w4 lite daughter t f lb late johfi lleodersoo iter birthplaoa being on the ilendereoo houiealead adjoin ing her hubndvtrni whr aba died she waa married lllrtyaevvn yeargo her husband mr wlllun shuld and i ur children ui- cbrisuaw of blnd itiver bertha nell i and j ante at borne survive of her father family there ren sin tbuntaa of quebec lavld of ac inn and andrew and jithn ofmlltm shield waa a fine type if cbrlsllan w tniauhood her homo was hoapilablaandalwayaatirroiinded with iba best element or borne life site waa a neighbor oat earned behaved by berlusbend and iter children rise up and call har i leasnl she waa a meat ber 1 f the mil odlt liurch milton for n any year the funeral wa bkl to tl mill o cutlry on monday after mm tn a surnnse for hr 1 rtrjnte4l to lite automobile in trl umnb baering bit rutebsr of sweet nd two glaaaea say lb cleve land lender it wa mora than lb party wna tittle lo eonaama when be returned tbe glaawware and asked for bl bill tbe good woman wbo eeeomd toe tb phk d oh bout a nickel will be enough i reckon bat ibe arbanlte fljnred that qua tier waa mncb mora commansurat wltb lha c vice and prodoced tbe coin in evl- denra or bl sen 1 1 meet tb woman iruik it not wllbout aome hesitancy land aakeap aba excutmeil old it taut that goodr- pultlno it mudly thnt roan man to be proud of hi t mldlty said the immtooua der- wouldnt put it that way re plied tba conservative friend id eerely bugceet that when it coma to a thirst tor wtaoom hea a problbl- uouul baltimore americad why plnt it ontf at tl art moseom tha alga tlbna off wuj conajflcoonaly ulapuyed be fore tb aiatne of venus de mua a smallvlihd looked from tbe sign ter tbeatatne anybody mold eee that aba aald dryly ladle homejoaroal give and tab howell dora be take thing phlle- dfiblmllyt rnw4l vea but ndon1 part wltb loam phlloaophkally -we- awnh hom companion trne merit la like a rirr i he deep r it la to law nolaa u make -ilav- well well i jniis nous va takyonk i umd swaulamohi w6e hight house 4 mamilton s rvonx horrimo ruici i a profit sharing sale 9 the greatest merctaaadisiar ewnt in the history ol tie ugbt house g i starts here saturday sh do your buying on ibe household ckib plan ask about it can fires refunded oa i very uberal basis hlui 11 a lij opjmirtunny for ecrmomical persons both men and women an orort unity that tliey should not allow to slip by in every department there are sales general price redactions on inpenor merchandise in many cases reductions amounting to fi per cent and seldom less than s3 per cent here is a partial list of he lines in which great bargains can be found womens and mlsaoa bull and coata womans and miimi dresses women s and misses waists women s and misses skirts and pettreoats women sgnd misses kimonos and house drosses women s feather boas corsets undermuslln and other whltswear embroidery lace ribbon veiling and trimming womere and misses neckwear furniture and drapery make saturday our hamilton shopping day have your midday luncheon in the basement make use o oar club plan in baying only a small purchase payment is required rlmimber saturday is 1 he opening day carpal runts and linoleum womens ho and utsderweer stlk dress goods and wash goods linen in svorv variety 4v domestics men s and boys shlrta srd collars men shsikststsfchlssaebreos e aar sopfcav urkferwear bsth- sbos fraajnss mullnsry rtoludfaicerrestly reduoed prloeaton ptunsegufesjtfsre 1en s and womanaumbreliae women s and mlssenv fjhoos everythlna for infant waar notions toust iroods stationery leather atoofie chlsawar cut thomas c watkins limited w king and husfhaon sts hamilton ont j wtsbdabttfttdibtsbtsbifibisbtsbdihijili 7v rc d o n m l d s for quttllty nd urlue wbmens housi dresses made with high and low neck long and short sleeves irom good quality ginghams percales prints and cotton foulards smart and becoming styles priced at 1 25 sim 35 up to c womens black silk coats correct styles or elderly ladies- made from good quality silks and satins some are plain white others are braid trimmed prices are im 1875 si5s and 1875 womens neckwear novelties wo havo the best range ol this seasons most popular novelties in dainty neckwear large collars and ischores in lace net and embroidery priced from sc to 3hs1 white hand bags a popular novelty for wear with ugh t summer dresses made irom white duck and trimmed with lace and braid prices are si s 175 and a special for i his week we place on sale this week a special purchase of ladies pure silk parasols in black navy green and brown worth in the regular way 5 00 each special sale price 9 mens cloltdar d e macdonald bros cor wyndham and macdosdi streets guhjtl ont dress goods a friend or min m lnrmifd a mi iciw balima im tlolag njibliik with ur 11 f lllllb it mmihm rwr u iwr wn rwlnrai l raimrll um wiu to uw fl- m hk dr morse indleaabloot phi im ladtr hiour b curiae lutmmlmm lunuikiml j mladilmaialon tkor cbla thme organ to umrouguy uw irom us blood th ajo ffs tic nojuct o mo nanfv ecu i10 iho jiijjil and muidolma cbiiaa tocos vawui dbcan ttw kali a ctntirrr of conu aaa aaa ravj3oncluudy tkat dt snri ian rlooc fllu aucntlaak wtak aldacjaand pure rhaumsilna duro tiuidcmajuc nn sheathing paper hlghgntda ptlmff odorloxt tastaleu free rrom tar waterproof oxcepuoaalty slrong wi not tear a durable niic effectwo intorllning or vails floors and calling examine duro carefully at your dealer a or vtiie tor sample and booklet to ibe as overland lvtnsj2 a aonjamsr vaar mbjhoaaaar motor cars and trucks 191a modal an unannaunsod for valuo and oflkloucy above cat i ear five pasacvnjrnr thirty bone power oar at f u- damvtmd in tbtpflto fully eqiptjed llwiuottt tail anil toe our inla megel j i l u shawoverland sales co no othinvouf trunk if you use meekers vaporizer oontart your trunk or packing box into a oxdar ottlbt uothaaad alaular put tn posrnvkly ax terminated br wioi ubkkhr s patbrl vfori7br tb only uotb eater odaalor ibal vjiu protect joar piano bom taolawr ty one and be oonrlnoarl brown 1 w 4tyv 156e metropolitan bank head ofliee toronto oat lup amtnina savings department accounts of one dollar and upwards opened and interest allowed at highest current rates acton branch h b burling manager automobiles and implements agent fot the famous ford motor car sole agent for codukatt and dais ularaaint and heary plows and a full line of repairs for plows and machinery a good line of buggies and harness lap rugs and jrobbers prices right c 1 also floor oil haunexa wbo are thinking of builduig a silo this year give oa ajjtll and fjet our prices u b f caldwu acton

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